SHELBY DAILY STAR Published By Star Publishing Company, Inc. % I But Marion St Shelby. N. C tee & Weather*. Pres.-Treee ' 8. & Hoey. Secy. Published Afternoon* Except Saturdays and Sundays Business Telephone No. 11. Nrws Telephone No. 4-J Entered as second class matter January l. ISM, at the postoffice in Shelby. N. C, under an Act of Oongreea. March «, 1897. NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Bryant Griffith and Branson. • East 41st St New York City «■! »»"«'»« ' "" . ' " imoiR car ttt associated press TtM AnoctaUd mm I* «wlut)T*ly entitled to the use for publication of all new* dlepatehea In thla paper oat aloe Um local aowe publlahed herein All rlfhta ol re.publication of (pedal dlepatehea publlahed herein on aleo raearrad. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE Ry Mail W CareUnas One Tear-14 80 St* Months ..2.38 Three Mentha .... 1.28 By Mail OutsMe The CareUnas On* Tear.$8.80 Si* Mentha_2.78 Hum Months_1.80 Delivery By Carrier At Ye* Doer In Cities, Suburban And Rural Districts One Year_$8 00 81* Months-2.80 Three Months_1.35 Pour Weeks_ .48 Weekly Rate_ .13 TUESDAY, DEC. 1, 1986 CANNY YANKEES Suggestion is made that Vermont and Maine, being in the summer resort business, voted for Landon not because they wanted him as President but because they wanted summer visitors. All summer resorts, winter, too, for that matter, have to have some kind of rarity to attract visitors. Therefore, it is believed by some that the canny Yankees voted against the rest of the country so summer visitors can see the rare Republican in his native habitat. ANOTHER FIRST Another North Carolina first, about which We can’t brag, is that this state rank ed first for the first six months of 1936 in automobile fatalities. Just what can be done to lower the death and injury rate in the state is a ques tion which has many angles. But it can sure ly be decreased in some manner. Study of how to do it is probably more up to highway patrol authorities and police of towns and counties than anybody else but there is a cer tain definite responsibility on every car driv er in the state. Careful driving and more careful driv ing is probably the answer to the greater number of accidents. REDISTRIBUTION While no conclusions are drawn in com ahttMlJjWW. showing where the na fflfifiolfiTOne nbwgoes the Philadelphia Rec ord is of the opinion there is considerable significance in the fact that the greater per centage is now going for wages and a small er percentage for interest and dividends. In 1929, these figures show, labor re ceived 65.5 per cent of the total national in come while 14.3 per cent was paid out in divi dends and interest. In 1935 labor’s share had risen to 67.3 per cent while dividends and interest had dropped to 13.6 per cent. The Record asks “Are we seeing a be ginning of that sensible and fair distribution of national income on which business pros perity depends?” STILL A CURIOSITY Another feather in the cap of modern science is the separation of Simplicio Godino from his dead brother after the two had been joined at the base of the spine for twenty eight years. If Simplicio recovers from the operation, which he bids fair to do, as his wound, where the two bodies were severed, is reported to be in “fine condition,” it will'be the first case on record where Sia mese twinB have been successful separated. Prior to this time, in several instances, when one of these rare pairs of twins died, the other, even though he or she were in good health, faced the fact that it meant death for both, that one could live without the other, as the attempt to separate such twins had never before been successful. It is an accomplishment which belongs hi an age when quintuplets, the first ever to $ve more than an hour, not only live but thrive. Simplicio, who with Lucio, was in Shel by two months ago to appear at the county fair, has made his living as a carnival freak. He should now be even more of a curiosity. There had been Siamese twins before the Rodinos, but never before Simplicio has there been a living half of Siamese twins. THE SPECIAL SESSION -Win North Carolina have a special ses sion of the General Assembly before the reg ularly scheduled session early in January? A group, fearful that the Federal gov ernment might collect two and a half mil lions on payrolls for the Social Security fund and hot pay off to North Carolina employees has raised some fear in their minds. Hence, it has been urged that Governor Ehringhaus call a special session before Jan. 1st when the time limit Bet by the Social Security act expires, to ratify the Federal act and provide a way to raise matching funds. The Gover nor refused to call and he is right in his po sition. Congress convenes In January and will most certainly grant an extension of time to the states which are in the same plight as North Carolina. A majority of the states in the nation have not enacted the proper legis lation to participate in the Social Security benefits and the congressional delegations from these commonwealth* have the power to see to it that there is no discrimination. Furthermore, it is not the disposition of the Federal government to be unfair and dis discriminatory about matter* which are of such national import We see no earthly need for a special ses sion in North Carolina and commend Gover nor Ehringhaus for hi* stand. All of this talk about North Carolina losing the millions which it will pay on Social Security levies is pure bosh and Gov. Ehringhaus Is to be praised for refusing to be stampeded into an extra-session just as he refused when the to bacco growers thought they would be ruined without a tobacco compact. What Other Papers Say TO OOK SHAMS It oct Me NOTICg XO CmtDITott J?s jraj, l«w at Qxilaaa cOU"."lnn"1 by given to all Mrtl,',' h,ic* u 5 tho said Mutj properly proven boron th.""*™' on orbofor. the 31st dev « o?2JS7ta or tht* notice will be nled«?,01*,'l« MJ right to recover thereon in Indebted to the eeUtT w!n" mt£L la if da v in «nt. tn »k. ... , rilate payment to the undfr.T*^ ThU 30th day of October iIm4 ITTA 8CBUQGS . Executrices 0f r acrugge estate. Shelby ”, B; T. Falls, Atty. •t DQfy Under and by virtue o: an order 7 eupertor court of CleveUnd room, in specie! proceeding entnied y administrator vs. J*w art,„ L.,»« uuderalgneo comrmi&io;)fr will or/ ’ * **4*rdey, December i» ism At 13 o'clock M. or within ,«,.*?• the court house door in 8helb? n^* f««r sale to the highest bidder i WuSTSSit"S o^T kb s « _ Being lots Nos.M and si ,, ,, ■wsai; th1*«“‘*rn w«w« ot»"z ot Shelby. Beginning on west „ Chestaut street and south edge 0t streot at their Intersection *th,°n'*» wort edge of Chestnut etreet west 100 feet to a stake; thence S UO feet to edge cl an “5^ with cast edge of alley north sm ■" •<* UtoBOO couth 00.30 oast ISO feet i. boglnniito, deed for which i. rVcorSs J*®0* l*1-- «*!• 1 of the register^ eti for Cleveland county, n. c * W Too the 14th day of November, in »t now 10c L HOYLE’ Coram,s«ion«r TRUSTEE’! UU OF BEAL MTAJg Under the power of sale contimw thnt deed of trust, dated July nth executed by John Black and wife»„ B. Black, to B. Z. Newton, trustee *w, deed of trust Is of record In the retuir Cleveland county, North CmoS?” JS»E JW. M P*0« OT; and said deed trust hawing been given as lecurttr the indebtedness which is past duel, otter for sale at public auction, it court house deer In Shelby. N. C far 4 to tbo highest bidder, st u o'clock u Tuesday, December 3tnd, Ills the following described res! estate I^tag on the north aide of Korda rtreet, to the city of Shelby, North Cue Itoa, being lots Numbers 10 and u, ■hown by plat to the registry of clevel county, N. C„ to book of deeds TV page C. and described in deed of said flee to book «-H, page 73; said prop fronting 100 feet on Morrison street extending a depth of 1H feet. The aforesaid property is sold sub)ee to any and all prior encumbrances. This, November 31st, lt3d. It now 34c D. S. NEWTON, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the sou... contained to a certain deed of trust sin by A. a Bowers and wlfs, to a. W. Wei on October I 1034, which dead of Is of record to the office of the regtste of deeds of Clevslsnd county in book st page 103, thi undersigned trustee v_ an the 17th day of Dtesmber, 19H it o'clock p. ro., at the oeurt houst door t the city ot Shelby, offer st public ul to hto highest bidder, for cash, lbs id lowing described resl estate: Being In the northeastern portion i ffts city of Shelby, North Caroline sp being lots No. 33, 33 and 3d of block B t too Hosy property as shown by plat t (ante of record in plat book No. 1, ■ page 00 to the office of the register c teeda of Cleveland county, and tbs sal property being described by mates id bounds as follows: Bag Inning on a Make on tbs seat sd| bf Linebergsr street, tot southwest < bf Jot No. 31, »nd tot northwest cor if lot No. 33. and runs thence with touth side of lot No. 31 north 17.30 170.3 to a new corner In the line of lot No. 31 and 33; thanes a new line Hit 1.10 oast 30 feat to a stales la Uni lots 33 and 33 north 07.30 east 36 fast b stake, the original corner of lots No IS and 33; thence couth 3.11 list K to to • stake, tbs northeast corner of lot No X; thence with cast edge of Untberte ■treat north 3.« west 71 feet tc a itskt too place of beginning. The same torn the property conveyed to I. W. Webb r William Uasbsrgsr and wife, sod by dt bf rsoogd In book *-C at page 631 in t bfflse of tbg register of deeds el Cits land Bounty. North Carolina. This sals Is mads subject to all tn Hans. Including taxes. This nm 14th day of Novsabcr. 1IN t. D. CROWDER. Trustee, Kennedy * Nora. Attya. ft nor 5% INTEREST FOR MONEY ON TIME CERTIFICATE < MONTHS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL 4% 30 DATS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL 0 Months Notice Mtj Bo Given At Date Of Investment M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION ASSETS OVER $500,000.00 215 EAST WARREN ST. SHELBY, N. C. Looking Forward - - * That boy of yours probably doesn’t see much beyond play-days, although his im agination may carry him away in dreams of stunt flights, and football tackles. It's up to you—his parents—to look for ward to his future. Establish a bank account for him today It will grow with him, and remove the un certainty from futurity. First National Bank ADVANTAGES of a CHECKING ACCOUNT at oar BANK When yon have a CHECKIN# ACCOUNT at anyo* our banks you receive a Monthly Statement, shoe ing your deposits made during the month, ana t checks paid out. This enables you to see at a gianee how much you have been spending; and you can easily reguia the amount you wish to spend in the future. With this Statement are sent cancelled checks showing that they were endorsed and P*’d- * become your lego! receipt. UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. Lawndale, renet City.