Society and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM. Editor ,Anv News For This Department Should Be Reported Sr 11 OUlock. Phone 4-J.) , fxASS MEETING , LAST EVENING ,mber» of the Fidelia class of First Baptist Sunday school entertained last evening by Edna Earl Grigg and Miss Styers at the home of the ten members and their ^er Mrs. Clyde Mauney. were m the usual business session hour of games and contests was loyed In the contests priaes tron by Mrs. Flay Ledford and Bay Bruce. it the refreshment hour which :ed the games the hostesses i salad course. it. ®SES JOURNAL UB HAS MEETING Sie monthly meeting of the Jour club. study group made up of it nurses at the Shelby hos was held last Friday even “»t the nurses home. Miss Ellen tt, chairman, presided, program of real benefit to tjie included the following pa and features: "Important iti to Consider In Nursing a told Case” by Miss Aileen Webb; joume of Important Articles in November Journal.” by Miss ■et Martin; "Thanksgiving by Miss Edna Wright: “The itory of Thanksgiving” by Miss I Willis: and "Food Facta for ints" by Misses Alen Brown and Brown. lowing the program there was toncert, centering around ana r, in which the entire student i participated. The first prise . won by Miss Margaret Martin the intermediate class and the id prise was won by Miss Susan j of the preliminary class, the group decided, dtiring a bust* lession. to make gifts for a to be held on December 17. eeds of the sale will be donated the hospital Christmas fund. ’ersonals and Mrs. James Love left if for Lakeland, Florida, where will spend the winter. Krs. C B. Alexander is spending •dime with her sisters in Green S. C She left Shelby last Hnesday and has been visiting daughter, Mrs. C. B. Freeman Columbia, 8. C. te. Bruna White of this pie been notified of the death half-brother Sumner Mcl of Charlote. whose death < Sunday night in a Charlo tal He. was a veteran me: of the Charlotte police force te Will Ellen McCurry, young daughter of R. W. McCurry, wh hat completed a course ii ty culture at the Maretti of beauty in Gastonia, ha >ted work with the Shelb; & shop on South Washingtoi Terah Peree had as \ fuests her little daughter. j garet Jeanne Feree, and her moth er, Mrs. R. L. Pilkenton ef Qrover, and as spend-the-day guests Sun day her sister. Mrs. J. C. Towel], and Mr. Towell and their son, Bob by, of Yorjt, 8. C. Mrs. Ferree, who has recently moved to Shelby from Grover, Is living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francis on East Marion street. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Stephenson expect to leave tomorrow for a two weeks trip through Florida. Mr. Stephenson goes on business and Mrs. Stephenson will make the trip with him. J. L. McDowell and Ford Hendrick went to Monroe Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of J. D. War ren, official of the Railway Ex press company, who was frequently In Shelby on business and was well known here. J. D. Fits spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Fite in ReldsvUle. Mrs. 8. J. Lowe of Charlotte la spending this week here with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. C. Smith, at the latter’s home on South Wash ington street. Miss Vera Beachboard of Forest City came to Shelby Saturday to work, as a student, at the local Western Union office. She to stay ing at the home of Mrs. A. P. Weathers on South LaFayette St. Mrs. H. L. Newman was able to leave the local hospital this morn ing after undergoing treatment there for several days. J. L. McDowell and Bloom Ken dall plan to leave tomorrow for Pisgah National forest on a deer hunt. Ralph Mauney and his fath er, R. T. Mauney, are spending the first three days this week in Ptogah hunting. J. D. Fit* and Paul Manget have moved recently from the Cleveland hotel to the Roberta Inn on East Marlon street. Mr. and Mrs. Van Austen of Oas tonia, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wright and Heim Hoover, all of Linoolnton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buff here last evening. Mr. Wright is a broth er of Mrs. Buff. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Whisnant an nounce the birth of a daughter. Sarah Elizabeth, at their home at PolkviUe November SO. Cliffside Man Is Found With Liquor GAFFNEY, sTcTDec. 1.—A Cliff side man Saturday morning paid a fine of $33 after pleading guilty in city court to charges of drunkenness and having illegal whiskey In his possession. The defendant gave his name as Cal Scruggs. A half pint of “white whiskey” was found In the rear seat of an automobile occupied by Scruggs and two other men. City police arreste dthe three men Friday night. The driver of the car was not held on any charge of lawbreaking. louaeh ' Art> b) Aliw Brook* Colorful Woob in Simple Stitrhe* Give Pane! Richom -an BiC -- — ^ panel! Made bright and glowing with bite of wool, and just simple "“**• twouid indeed be a handsome Christmas gift. In pattern 5747 , PATTERN 3747 “ferment—adoration—all are expressed feelingly in this “Christmas *Ul find a transfer pattern of a wall hanging 14 3-4 x 30 1-2 inches; color ehnrt; material requirements; illutratlons of all stitches used; » lons for finishing wall hanging. this pattern send 10 cents in stamps or coin 'coin preferred) Sh#lh\; ir_a __a 0*0 1*7 11th AtlWpt.. NPW 7'n T*nis pattern send 10 cents in stamps or coin MURPHY. Dec. l.-t/P)—Western North Carolina’s only pyramid, a $10,000 marble pile, has bean areot* ed over the grave of Archibald Hunter Spence Russell, first white man to settle la this section 100 years age. and his wife and grand* daughter. Transcontinental motor travel is setting an all-time record in loss, according to the California State CAROLINA “BIG BROADCAST OF 1937“ Last Showing Today Don't Fail To See This Show of Shows. - WEDNESDAY - A DIME EVERYBODY TRAPPED BY THE “BENDS" . . . TWENTY'SHARK a MtHtll I? iM IIVI*I ii.lUAiri Shorts — Hot Paprika — Pictorial—Dumbbell Letters. — WE THANK YOU — aUMliU. '•■HW1MW—I—i Hollywood Sights And Sounds By ROBIN COONS HOLLYWOOD~ Snugly fitted with bullet-proof vest, last will and testament made, and a ‘Tt Salut amus” on hie bps, your repcrtar timidly invaded the bit white house that la the lair of that beau- J tlful and haughty ogress of Hoi-' lywood legend: Miss Constance Bennett. The Marquise de la Palalae de la Coudraye's relation* with “the press'1 in the peat have been no tably lacking in cordiality. So It waa that the sign guarding the front door, arrowing “Trade en trance" around the driveway, seem ed rather pointed. But we who are about to die (this was my mutter ing) must die nobly, front or nothing ... . It's a nice lair. You get an im pression of formal period things and luxuriously thick beige ruga aa the maid escorts yo uto the more practical, darkish and red-laather lab playroom. And preaantly .... La Marquise! ' She's Cordial Today But what's this? Today, at least, La Marqulaa la just Connie Ben nett. She la In white tennis shorts and sweater, and a$s looks rather like a golden lollipop, thin figure topped by shining golden mane. Sweet aa oandy. too—but not ful aomely sweat. It seams Connie la having a lit tle private tennis tournament to day. Just Gary and Sandra Cooper, Fulke Warwick, a few others. . . . Connie thinks ell the tennis she's playing Is making her look aa If she were gaining weight, even If she lent. ‘1 eat enough for seven men,” she says, “aud I never gala an ounce. My l *s will always be like WEBB - Last Timet Today - “MAD HOLIDAY” With EDMUND LOWE and ELISSA LANDI Wed. - One Day Only ALSO OFF! Coming Thurs.-Friday The JONES FAMILY In “Back To Nature” xticks." This In rank defamation, but lei It pass . . . Connie talking about "Oone With the Wind*' now. In ai perlatives. She did a broadcast ot a scene from It. She got quite i few letters about U. but intimate* aha does not consider herself seri ously In the running for the rol* 01 Scarlet In the Aim. although ah* Is testing. She Isn’t sure aha coulc be quite the type. Her hair, for on* thing . . . To Keep On Acting And now, down to buaineaa: One* upon a time Connie Bennett sal* she would retire ”ln five years.' didn’t she? Well, it isn't so. Wom an’s prerogative end betides - there’* elway* tniilne**. I High tax** eat into aamlafs.aad 1 apart from that Constant* Ban* nett haa to do things, fb* triad Idleness tor At* yean whan sh* was flrst married—the first time— and she had enough «f It. Sven now tne Is forming her own i production company. She will ap* pear In her pictures as long as the i public will stand It" and than sh* will work at producing with other stars. > Butterflies are usually regarded ' as silent creatures but aotn* spe cie* create an anally audible pound > by rubbing their wlnga together. Genuine Leather Gladstone BAGS $6.95 Ladies Fitted BAGS $7.95 to $40 * Huont os t fill ahv doctors prescription ROGERS THEATRE — SHELBY’S FINEST PLAYHOUSE — TODAY - Your Leaf Chance To See “CAIN AND MABEL" WITH CLARK GABLE — MARION DAVIBS Wednesday-Thursday Another Big Hitt IT’S NEW! ITS AMAZING! Tw, years to make the grandest of sll ths Tenon pictures! *SCA WFItt 5 o'su ALSO SELECTED SHORTS V rURNISH *Y “Everything You Need From Lowest Price BEST FURNIT — SHELBY’S OLDEST AND BEST — *