THIMBLE THEATRE It’s The Bunk! ITS THE SOFTEST BED l ON EftRT_lT COST ME ft THOOSIN6 DOLLftRS m*4 ftN’ ITS 1 ■U)5’E0OJ Vai \ . NOTHIN’S TOO GOOD. FOR ME POPPft VjOELL- TILLIE THE TOILER No Objections, But By WESTOVER Hello, mac— VOU'StE «0»MG X)Mo/e we COULD ^Kfts YOU (ZOOM AMO BCABF OH ,MUMW—Mac ~~aT\ VAIQULDKVT mojvln CO THAT fpTHATU FEEL ATT HOME Herb £ * \ KMOVAJ, IT'-S My COOKIWS 'TOO UKE Aft. CANDY OF JAPANESE l \F CHILDREN \ L IS REALLY -rttl IW^EET PoTaTo Bp MAM" — fft He'MAKfi y and sells r "» DRILLED* biggest single Molding ^Wk ARt.-mj. powD-fio-B IN The WORLD iS ALMOST ” v °F YOUN<; NiPDOHMl USELESS — CAPTAIN ROBERT" RANDALL/ A Renats sailor im iboi bequeathed #7000 ano a zi-acoi r*«M TO FOUND SAILORS* SNUG HARBOR on STATEN tSLAMD N1 A ue«i\ FOR OLD SALTS WHO HAD SERVED ON sailing SHIPS - Tffl FjsWhiNl cu, OTHER SAILORS WERE admitted BuTHHE ESTATE CREW To <45,000a OR MORE , AND ONLV A MiTe. «f. iT itm«Mii FOR ■ w|-f-. • ’ OLD SAILORS — THE MONET CANNNG--ELSR4y|jjaigiy^^<» »• A. frkmcm Foil “-rtll GLAMOROUS HOLLYWOOD Through the courtesy of In- “ ternational Mustard Gas Cor poration, ■which is sponsoring this presentation, we give you Eddie Tafflemier (at right), the Hermit of Hollywood, who will broadcast latest gossip and news from the Celluloid world— “Hello folk*! Thor* i* bo truth ia tha report that Charle* Butterworth it contemplating di vorce to ho map marry Greta Garbo from whom ho will b* divorced a year latar to marry Ginger Roger* ia order that ho may got an introduction to a certain RKO itar. In fact, Charlie would b* firtt to dony tuch a rumor, which tbowt that tome actor* in Hollywood do not jutt think of money. A littl* incident happened at one of the major itudiot year bafore latt which illuttrate* how everyon* it anxious to help each other in the film world. Tha detail* aro not available at tbit time, but I think tbit epitode, whatever it turn* out to be, it jutt another proof that underneath the glitter and the glamor, the producer*, director* and ttara all have heart* of gold. Now for a short Little Willie, what a care, Locked Dad in the frigid-aire. Mother said, “Please let him out; “He’s apt to spoil the sauer kraut.” —Doc. * * * Simile— Preoccupied u a professional wrestler practicing grimaces be fore a mirror. * * * OH, LOCHINVAR! All I want to i'o is to get bark to Holly wood where they appreci ate me. Out there I’m famous as a gentle man, a lover and a fighter. They call me Lochinvar Levin shy. — King Lev insky, heavy weight boxer. • e e AMERICAN TRAGEDY (Ho.iu>, Tenn„ Item.) The Valley Horseshoe Pitching contest almost ended in a riot yesterday. Last year’s winner, Harvey Oates, needed one point to win from Amos Billingsley. Mrs Billingsley sneezed Just as Harvey was making his final pitch. The top of the horseshoe caught In h> pants pocket and Amos claim cj „ look at Ike new bat unrel picture. “Bluthlei* Bride u (Wham! Wham! WIil Wham! Wham! Whim!) Si Wham Picture. I almoit gar* •even whame. I cannot « fcientiweijr do 10, howacar, did not »#e the beginning *l left before the ending. “This bring, to a .uddea elo our firat broadcaet. And » we get another *pon*or-~> member! Internation*! Muitai Can it the mustard ga* for and you, and you!” Henry Scott, concert P““' Elays wearing mitten*— e can play better and feat thia way, and he baa a world record of 44 LJ *• per aeeond. , .. Maybe the time Is •‘“J when concert pianiat* wui play with mitten*. And audience wear ear muff*. How would it be for to wear muffler*? Juat for a gag. THRUE CONFESS Sinner, Sinntr, Thit it Sinntr. How long thoulo 1 bo in tho agony* l with not to fount Solf-eonfidtnot. But I’m Sinntr, StiU Sinntr. _T. S. Nek***1 BIG IDEA NO. 5346 (CiME**™** Ad.’ AUTHOR will co-operate*14 writer. Box F-1QA It ought to make *■ nbination. FAMOUS LAST W0»® Let’s go down to the ? ea and heckle the p! I ».’• an 1H. h bM*'