fast Baseball Of Some Sort I Likely Here Coming Spring n now appears that Shelby may 1 \ ^^baU team next spring Ttt U likely the club will be L {aster than class D, which ’ wen discussed, would afford. .af learned today that the ac . formation of the Carolina lea b ill not be held until January. former meeting In Charlotte * .I lav down rules which would followed in the formation of the a number of baseball fans and -loters contacted here indicate Shelby will not be satisfied 1 ball aa slow as class D, al though It 1* felt that perhaps no one sponsor will be asked to help support the club. The Cleveland Cloth mill has been sponsor of the Shelby club for several years. Just who would be an the team next year Is a problem to be work ed out later. Thus far only Cricket Weathers, Lloyd Little and Ooyt Murray, veterans of the former club, are with the Cloth Mill. Baseball fans here may get up enough enthusiasm to place an en try In the Carolina league, pay the salary, which has a top limit set at $800 per week, and seek to regain the crown won two years ago. rinnesota On Top In Race As Sport Writers Ballot KEW voRK, Dec. 1.—Minnesota's iice on top of the national foot Thcap lor 1936 Is emphasized , [he year s final Associated Press Dll of sports writers. T'ie seven ranking list gives the Uppers a margin of 23 points over ouiMana State. They were picked i, the top place by 25 of 35 ex trts who cast ballots. Nine of the her ten listed L. S. U. first, while ie other named Santa Clara's un eaten and untied outfit. Over the seven-week span, the fophers were picked for first place Kir times. The voting in the ranking poll, ii the customary basis, gave Min esota 332 points this week, Louls ina State 309 and Pitt 227. Ma nna. which is reported to have he "inficlf track” for the Rase Bowl lomination, dropped from third to surth with 218 while Washington a< fifth with 216. Other leaders were Santa Clara, 55; Northwestern, 130; Notre Dame, In; Nebraska, 69; Pennsylvania, 1; Duke, 33; Yale. 22; Dartmouth, 1; Duequesne, 12; Pordham, 11; Texas Christian, 10;. Tennessee, 8; irtsnsas and Navy, 6 each; and Urquette, 4. iasebaOen GATHERING FOR YEARLY SESSION Buying And Trading Of Players Major Business MONTREAL, Dec. ] While be baseball clans gather today for be annual meeting of the National isolation of Professional Baseball late, opening tomorrow, the Inter alional League has some serious Biness of its own to consider. Most of the Interest in the three >7 gathering, which brings out Wh big league and minor league Mguls. centers around the buying ad trading of players, and any ac ta which may affect major-minor Hattons. The International, however, has J check up on troublesome situa tas In two of its cities and con tar the possibility of awarding Kw franchises. Reoprts have it that the Toronto hplc Leaf’s franchise may be tak “ over by a syndicate headed by bn Howley, former Toronto and dncinnati manager. Financial en titlements also are reported at Fracuse and there’s a rumor that fee club may return to Jersey City. With representatives of every “jor league club on hand, the iotel lobby whispering sessions be ‘n In earnest today with trade oodj whistling around every cor taiversity Coach At B. S. Tonight The football team of Boiling wngs College will be entertained ] college dining hall at a ban att on Tuesday evening, December ■« eight o'clock. P McLeod, coach of Furman 'Diversity, has been invited to the principal address, and " M Rice coach at Boiling Pftogs College will act as master 1 ceremonies. Other guests who have been in ^ Include: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Murry and Mr. and Mrs. G. V. wkms of Shelby and Rev. and IJ' L Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. D- Hord of Bolling Springs. 'L.MNG trees along STREETS or G>FTNEY OAFFNEY, Dec. 1.—Over* branches of trees border 1, Gaffr>ey's streets are going to rim ec! and trlmmed, it was an yesterday by A. L. Hallman, aa^tte °f th* City councU’s street pci', Ha,lmen said he had Issued -«ions to Maurice Fitzgerald, '‘superintendent, to begin the * m the next few day*. Ay ID L«f XF°RD Dec_ 1— (jip) _ Harvey ' "as slightly wounded in the Him? accident tty John Barker, a ln* r°m panion. * . fr EASTERN SHOW GETS INTEREST DURING SEASON Panthers, Navy And Fordham Draw Attention NEW YORK, Dec. 1.—m— The eastern Intercollegiate football show, starring Jock Sutherland’s Pitt Panthers, Navy’s novelty troupe and Jimmy Crowley’s late lamented Fordham R&ms, this year took the intersections! spotlight away from the mid-west and southwest. Although shaded. 11 games to S, by major midwestem teams, the east won 25 and lost 17 for an av erage of .595 while the midwestem ers won 17 and lost 14 for .548. The southwest, leader last year with 11 won and 5 lost, won nine and lost the same number this year and occupied third place with the Rocky Mountain boys who won two and lost two. The south was next with 12 and 18 (.400) and the far west last with 3 and 8 (.273.) Pitt, just another ball team in its own home town, had the moet im pressive intersectional record, beat ing Ohio State 6-0, Notre Dame 26-0 and Nebraska 19-6. Minnesota had a good start with a 14-7 win *over Washington and a 47-19 vic tory over Texas but had to devote most of its time to attending to its neighbors. Fordham. beating Southern Methodist, St. Mary’s and Purdue and tying Georgia, took a wider swing than anybody else. Navy, looking to the south, beat William and Mary, Davidson and Virginia before kicking Notre Dame's Irish, 3-0. Though Michigan’s only victory of the season was a 13-0 conquest of Columbia, the Wolverines’ 10 year undefeated intersectional rec ord wTas smashed by Penn, 27-7. BEAMS MILL CHILD HAS PNEUMONIA Church Group* Hold Several Meetings; Personals BEAMS MILL. Dec. 1.—The W. M. S. of Pleasant Grove will meet with Mrs. A. M. Hoyle Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. The B. T. U. of Pleasant Grove Baptist church enjoyed a social at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Law renoe Wright. A most enjoyable time was had by all. Joe, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Minis Williams, has pneu monia. Mrs. P. S. Wright and Miss Mag Wright are on the sick list. Mrs. Plato Costner and Mrs. Clarence Costner are improving. Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall Williams spent -Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams of near Lattlmore. Mr. Williams, who has been ill. Is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Dewrell Glasco and children of Morganton spent the holidays with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Crawley and children of Morganton and Mr. and Mrs. Lonsoe Grigg of New Prospect spent Thursda with Mrs. W. H. Glasco and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vertis Williams and son spent Thursda with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith of Cherrville. Garvlce Costner of the C. 8. Marines, who has been visiting his mother. Mrs. Mar Costner of Shel b. for two weeks, was a dinner guest Sunda of Mr. and Mrs. James Costner. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McSwain and daughters and Mrs. W. C. Bridges and son visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. McSwain of near Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Coot Luta, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Williams and son and Mrs. Kim Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hall Williams of Valdese. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendrick of Sharon have returned home after sDending several days with Zina Williams and daughters. ARMY’S NEW CAPTAIN FROM DIXIE Jamas Horae* label! (above), a tackle, whoae home It at UAlon City, Term, hat been elected captain of Watt Point-* 1937 football team. He tntered the Military Academy from the regular army. (Attoclated Pratt Photo) SPORTS ROUNDUP^ bu EDDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK, Dec. 1.—<#>—Max Beer hu begun training on the Coast for his London bout with Walter Neusel ... He still talks a great fight .... Cleveland Is an gling for Roily Hemsley, the Browns' playboy catcher, again . . . Harry Stuhldreher made a weekly report by letter to Wisconsin alumni on the doings of the Badgers . . . . Casey Stengel Is busy at .Montreal trying to line up a Job in the Inter national league. Making Lee Handley a free agent may lie the tip-off on what Judge Landis will do in the Bob Feller ease . . . Smart baseball men can't see hew the commissioner can do anything but tom Bob loose .... Teams to watch next season: East, Cor nell . . . Mid-West: Wisconsin . . . South: Duke and Tennen see . . . not to forgot Pitt and Minnesota, always toagh . . . Gene Inwing, youngest presi dent of a baseball league In the country, is doing the town on his way to Montreal . . . At 22 ho heads both the North Caro lina state and the Carolina leagues. Three of the four Texas Christ ian backs who are likely to start against Santa Clara December 12— Scott McCall, Hal McClure and Donkey Roberts—went to the Frogs from the Fort Worth Masonic home .... The fourth will bo—you guess ed It—Sammy Baugh fend his high hard one) In person. Not to Jimmie Nolen, Birmingham: It was Neb raska Blermsn scouted . . . Geneva college had only 18 men available for duty against Washington and Jefferson, but licked the Presidents, 6-3. Ohio State’s basketball play ers will leg it from Coast to Coast In nine days tills season .... They play . Qt L. A. at Los Angeles Dec. 31 and New Yerk V. here January 9th .... Talking about Sammy Baugb, the Texas Christian sharp shooter, Jack Chevigny of Texas said: “You know Just what he’s going to do and can prepare for it, but he does it anyway" .... George Matsik, Duqueone halfback, who ran 73 yards for the touchdown that beat Pitt, never played a game of football until he enrolled with the Dukes.Mickey Cochrane, feeling great again, says he expects to do two-thirds of the catching for the Tigers next season. Temperance Money CHARLOTTE, Dec. 1.—(*•)—Mrs. W. B. Lindsay, state president, an nounced today North Carolina W. O. T. U. members would raise $5,000 toward the national temperance campaign fund during 1937. ROSE BOWL PICK ABOUT SATURDAY PHELAN BELIEVES Consider Three But No First Choice Yet SEATTLE, Dec. 1.—{*P)-Coach Jimmy Phelan, probably more In terested than anybody else in the selection or an opponent for his University of Washington football team in the Rose Bowl game, pre dicted today the announcement would not be made before next Sat urday or Monday.” "X don’t think the opposition will be announced before I arrive in Los Angeles Saturday to attend the Southern Calif ornia-Notre Dame game, and the Pacific Coast con ference meeting," the coach said. "It is probable the nomination will be placed before the confer ence as a whole before being made final." The conference session opens Monday. The coach admitted that Louis iana State, Alabama and Pittsburgh were the outstanding teams being considered, but he did not believe Washington officials had decided on a "first choice.” PLUMBING CONTRACTOR INJURED IN A WRECK LINCOLNTON. Dec. 1.—A1 W: Webber, former heating and plumb ing contractor of Lin cointon and now connected with the internal revenue office in Greensboro, is in Gordon Crowell Memorial hospital recovering from an auto accident which occurred near Mooresville last Wednesday night as he was coming to Llncolnton for Thanks giving. Named Receiver GOLDSBORO, Dec. 1. — (/R — Frank F. Fagan of Goldsboro has been appointed receiver of the First National Bank of New Bern and the First National Bank of Wash ington, N. C., and will assume his duties December 5, it was announc ed today. Dies In Accident GREENSBORO. Dec. 1.—m—Carl Calvin Cooper, 52-year-old Sanford Lumberman, died in a hospital here a few days after he was injured in an automobile accident. 10 Percent Raise HIGH POINT, Dec. 1.—(>P)—The Tate Furniture company here an nounced a 10 per cent wage in crease for its 150 employees. Osteopathic Appointments Here dr! THOS. M. FUNK, Osteopathic Physician, Mooresville, N. C., Will open an office in Hotel Charles, Shelby, N. C., on Wednesday, Dec ember 2nd at 10 A. M., and at the. same time each week thereafter, to care for all patients who desire straight osteopathic treatments. at Pc The selection of gifts at Penney’s is greater this year than ever before! And the prices we’re asking are so much less than you’d expect to pay for such quality! If you’ve never shopped at Penney’s for Christmas gifts you’ll be astounded ... if you’re a regular cus tomer you’ll pat yourself on the back for being wise again this year! Get here soon for best selection! SWEATER SET Of Bniahed Mohair! 1.98 CUve her a twin sweater • • t — watch liar smile 1 Action back coat with striped Fine Gift* for Chrl»tma» Attractive simulated leather* In the newest styles! Sensa tional at this Vow bargain Mice! KID GLOVES Kseellent A T| Oft for Gifts ft *7® Nothing like them to smarten ensemble! Fine, supple kid and novelty style*. OSIER Y Service Weight 79c pr. Discriminating shoppers chooee these Oaymodes because they’ll wear! Lovely— ringless and perfect! 8 1 ■ e ■ SVfc to l«tt. Christmas At Penney’s “HOT SHOT” MEN’S ALL SILK SOCKS Special - 5 Pair* for $ J .00 Think of buying at this tlnw c< color pure silk hose for this price, Bought especial ly forHoUday selling. Be wise and buy your Christy mas Gifts NOW I CYNTHIA For Gift"! 98c 53M The smart woman's cliotce. Bias out, V or bodice top s t y 1 a a trimmed with laoa and embroidery m embroidery . smartly tellcfred. TOIL $1.98 Three Prices! set comb, brush anS mirror with heavy** celluloid bacto and chrome metjjjrlmmlnf. AW tractive desg|»» 5 Handkerchief and Tie Set Holiday Boxed! Hand made tie with Imported Bilk handkerchief to harmon ise. _ MEN'S fates An Wool Flannel Smartly Tailored! *5-90 Not an ordinary gift, but one that will please the moat dis criminating. Shawl collar. Three pockets. Woolen GL< BILLFOLDS Genuine Steerhlde! 98c Slide fastener billfolds! Iden tification card pockets, t select styles! Others with key sase, 98c. LINED GLOVES 98c Domestic Capeskin! Cadet dress gloves with warm cotton lining. With adjustable strap wrist. A dandy glftl Men’s SLIPPERS $1.98 Operas Everetts if* ■ For Christmas.nice soft brown kid slippers. Leather soles; rubber heels. Drill lin ed. Sewing Cabinet 98c Priscilla Style Smooth rubbed maple or wal nut finish, Inside and outside. Double lid opening. Bpool tray. Men’s AH Wool JACKETS $2*98 Something he’s always want ed! Heavy melton with slide fastener front. Sport collar, muff pockets. Shadowtones. Slippers and Dog 98c They Match set Let Santa Claus bring the children these adorable sheep skin slippers with doggies to match. She’ll Love This Large FITTED CASE $4*98 Shark grain covered case with 7 beautiful fittings Including comb, brush and large mirror fitted in lid. Rayon lining. Two pockets In side of case. A practical gift for any woman! 79c Gifts for Oitdoor C.iris Gay as the holiday leasont Bright colored bow-striped hands! 8 a a ( mists I v: Christmas At “HOT WOMEN’S and MISSES' GOOD QUAUTY BRASSIERES SPECIAL ... 10c each Talking about a Rod buy, here It Is. Makes Ideal Gifts. Come, buy a yeart supply. Quantity limited. KERCHIEFS Why not give her sever*! handkerchiefs! They're pret ties than ever. Linen — em broider lace trimmed.