The Star Want Adv. Rates One Cent n von) (this typo) each Insertion tto Minimum Charts 2e a word this size. 3c a word this size. Cosh must accompany all oni on unless you hart an open ac count with ua iUl keyed adva are confident ial No Information about same will be given. The only way to reach these Is by letter. An extra charge of 10c will be made for all “keyed" adva We. reserve the right to revise or reject any oowr. Shelby Daily Star PHONE NO. 11 OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW. Wo repair, refinish and upholster any kind. Shelby Upholsters, 205 West Ford street, phone 694. tt aug 26c1 CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRAN lte Works, Charlotte. N. C. oWn , you mors in monuments. See us. I Write or call r. S. Beam, Gas tonia. R-l, N. C. Phone 3321. tf 15c MONUMENTS We have certain designs In mon ument*, ** special prices. B. B. Dellinger, Shop near Hospital. If 19c IF YOU HAVE A LEAKING ROOF or chimney which need* cleaning out see me. I can stop tho leaks and fix the chimneys. Can also paint and cover your roof. Pint class work guaranteed. J. W. Den tstsphon# No. 11. tfp ASSORTMENT ALL PALL styles la ladles dress materials on sale Wednesday. Cleveland Cloth Mill. U ac WE PAY CASH FOR peas. Morgan and Co. tfN2c FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, flue lining. Z. J. Thompson Lum ber Co, phone 107. tf 17c FIREWORKS-A full ; line Salutes $2.50 case. Hamrick Can dy Company, West of Shelby 6t-27c WE ARE CLOSING • out our entire line of Cook Stoves, Rang es and Circulators. See us for new low ^ prices. - Clark Hard ware Co. 7-9-1 lc WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for all i kinds of furs. D. A. Beam Co. 6t-lc THE NORTH CAROLINA COT ton Grovers Association classifies cotton, pays the first month's warehouse fee, end states the price they cen get for the cotton all for one dollar per bole. You aell your cotton to whom you please. The aseoolatlon loans up to ten cents per pound at four per cant. For further information write the Association or Ivey Willis, Lattimore. Phone No. 9. 3t thur 19c WEATHER STRIP YOU! Home. We are In touch with re liable applicators. Z. J. Thomp con Lumber Co, phone 107 tf 17 T3 CHEVROLET SEDAN. NEW tires and runs good, *378. Norris Lackey Motors. 3t 3c FOR BALE; AT BARGAIN, TWC slightly used sewing machines See E, O. Lee at Reinhardt Groc cry. W6 W. Oraham St. 2t 3< FOR S L : AT SACRIFICE prices—Graham-Paige si: sedan, ’29 Model A Fovi touring, ’38 Dodge Pick-u: truck and six radios, in eluding two Philco batter: seta and four good electri aets. See J. 0. Propst i Son. 5t-3 WANTED: TWO TOST CLAS shoe repairers. Clontz Shoe Bho Hickory, N. C. Phene 937-J 5t i BALE: SLIGHTLY l Oriental ruga. 8x11 HI will sell for *25. axi2 Also scattered rugs like new dress ' Rugs’* care Star. i m uq k or Stomping | Girl, 14, To Death Thl« S1 •year-old Itinerant repair man who gave hie name ae t- R. Ward wae arreated near .letup, OaN and hurried away to a aeeret Jail while authorltlee Inyeetlaated eherg. ea that he etomped to death hie 14 year-old atep-dauflhter, Maude Sal ter, while her mother, bound In ohalna, looked on helpleaaly. The mother aald Ward aecuaed her and the girl of mlaoonduet. (Aeaoelated Press Photo) The first president of the Royal Canadian Society of Artists was Lucius R. O'Brien, Canadian paint er born In 1833. American cotton seeds planted In Ssechuan province, West China, produce twice as much fibre as na tive strains. CLEVELAND LODGE TO ELECT OFFICERS FRIDAY NIGHT Cleveland Lodge No. 303, A. F. * A. M. will meet Friday night, Dec. 4th., at which time the officers will be elected for 1937. This Is an important meeting and every member Is requested to be present. Colored Movies Here Next Monday Colored moving pictures of the camp life of several hundred boys last summer will be shown at the Central Methodist church here Monday night. December 7. Showing will be made by R. M. Schiele, chief scout executive of the Piedmont council. An effort is be ing made to have as many parenta, scouters and friends as possible present. The regular December court of honor will also be held at the same time, the program beginning at 7:30 In the evening. The entire member ship of the Shelby and Cleveland county troops is expected. I~HAVE AT MY HOME, TWO stray pigs. Owner can have pigs by paying for fed aned this ad. B. L. Turner, City Mall. ltp FOR RENtTrWO ROOM UNFUR nished apartment, one block from square. Newly painted and papered. Telephone 384-J. 3t 3c FOrTreNT r "six' ROOM HOUSE. nice location three blocks from court square, immediate posses sion. S. 6. Royster. 3t 3c FOR RENT~SEVEN ROOM,'BRICK. veneer house, newly painted.. On east Graham extension. See Dc Witt Crawford at. Austell Barber shop or phone Mrs. Robert A» i drews at 424-M. 8t 30c WE PAY CASH FOR LESPEDEZ.V I Morgan Ac Co. 20t 6c I HAVE MOVED MY BARBER SHOP j ! to Graham St., next door to ice ; plant. Six first c!ass barbers. Open early and late to taka care of customers. Give us a trial. E. E. Sisk Barber Shop. 5t 27p PATTERSON" SPRINGS "c.IN CO., Patterson Springs, will gin Tues days, Wednesdays and Fridays until further notified. 8t Sp WANTED^ FIVE’ LADIES OVER thirty for house to house work In Shelby and vicinity. Best prop osition you have seen. Can also use two men. Call at 513 W. War ren street after 4 p. m. at 3p ONE NEW HOUSE FOR RENT.) North DeKalb street. See Vick Wray. jt 3c WANTED: GOOD STEADY colored girl to do houae work. Prefer one from the country. Apply at Star office. tfp FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE ON Chestnut st Mrs H. A. Logan, 404 N Morgan telephone 459-M. 4t 1C USED CARS AT THE RIGHT twice-. Norris I.nckey Motors. Sumter St., phone too 4t. ;t> gggBBW i in mu n i ..■—J.- -J. ICE JAM TRAPS SHIPS IN GREAT LAKES CHANNEL i —-.t;. ' . -.uv-1—: Held fiat by alx Inehaa of lea on tho St. Mary’a rlv»r“bottlo nook" connecting Lake Superior and Lake Hu ron. theao cargo ehlpe wore foreeel to await Coaat Guard loo broakera to free them. The aub-*ero tempera ture formed an loo blockade that threatened to trap 70 voaaala In Lake Superior. Thle aerial picture wat made by Don Walker of tho Detroit Nowo near Sault St Marie, Mich. (Ataoclated Preaa Photo) No Abdication U Planned By King (Continued from p*g« one.) house of oommons setting, stood, white end stubborn, to say: “X hsve no statement to make’* on a consti tutional crisis. Clement R. Attlee, the opposition leader who reputedly has sided with Baldwin against the king In the prime minister's demand that Ed ward relinquish Mrs. Simpson, ask ed as the tense members of parlia ment and the amased cltlsenry of the empire waited: “I would like to ask the prime minister on private motion a ques tion—whether any constitutional difficulties have arisen and whether he has any statement to make." Baldwin replied: Statement Inexpedient "I have no statement to make to day. While there does not at pres ent exist any constitutional diffi culty, the situation la of such a na ture as to make It Inexpedient that l should be questioned about it at this stage." It was a stunning anti-climax to a day which saw these breath-tak ing developments: I. The king, at his Fort Belvedere country residence with the Duke and Duchess of York, Mrs. Simp son, and his closest counselors, rep resented In the highest sources as determined to hold both hla friend ship for the American woman and his throne—a situation which might ultimately lead to his abdication. Threatens Resignation S. Baldwin reputedly threatening, with the support of his opposition, mass cabinet resignations unless the king renounces any Idea of marrying Mrs. Simpson. 3. The excited, astonished people of the British Isles and their dom inions, engulfed by a sudden flood of vivid publicity about their sov ereign and his twice-divorced friend, groping for a decision and a stand with king or cabinet. ' Chnreh la Fight 4. The Anglican ohurch, openly opposing any alliance whatsoever between the king and Mrs. Simp son. . In his guarded Fort Belvedere re treat with both Mrs. Simpson and his brother, the bachelor head of! the House of Windsor let It be known he will never surrender to Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. He will fight to the finish on the constitutional Issue which has been raised against him by hla ministers' Insistence that he renounce hla twice-divorced American friend. U he loses It might even mean abdication—but those who know the king well said this afternoon that even that extreme would not break up his friendship for the woman! whose name has become anathema I to the British government and the Church of England. Mrs. Simpson’s friends were de clared to have advised her to leave1 England. The king, however, refus ed to allow her departure until his own future is decided, reliable sour ces said. Calls Advisors The king called his personal ad visors—among whom he numbers his brother, the Duke of York, who would succeed him should the Brit ish throne be vacated in the gov ernmental crisis—into, conference on the next move in tne gnve situa tion. Obstinate cabinet- members also rushed their campaign to force King Edward to renounce his friendship for the former Baltimore belle. Want Duke Of York An authoritative source asserted the government hoped for a swift' change over with the Duke of York I acclaimed monarch in event the present ruler decides to surrender in his fight for personal liberty In his private affairs Neville Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, and his wife, went into No. 11 Downing street with Hollywood Pilgrimage Halted These three children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley ol Rocky Mount, ran away from home and headed for Holly wood to show acting folks how to act. But unsympathetic railway police stope dthem when their train reached Rich mond, Va., and sent them back. Josephine, 10, confided thai Willardean, 8, was to take Jean Harlow’s place in the movie! and Robert, 4, who is something of a fighter, was to plaj cowboy roles.—(Associated Press Photo). Douglu Hacking, chairman of the Conservative party. Lord Halifax, lord privy seal, arrived at No. 10. The crowd outside grew a* the minute* wore on, new arrival* con verting with their neighbor* on the gravity of the situation. The financial district clamored for a quick statement on the gov ernment's position in it* constitu tional fight with the king over Mrs. Simpson. Fear For Ra:ult Financial leader* expressed fear over possible effects of the stock exchange and the money market, Business was almost suspended from today's opening, awaiting the outcome of the unprecedented sit uation. British government securities dropped a quarter of a point. Other markets were stagnant. Traders re fused to deal. The British public, which today was learning of Mrs. Simpson's as sociation with the king through newspapers which finally named the American woman after weeks of veiled comment, still had little knowledge of how close she stood in the royal councils. Public Ignorant Few knew Mrs. Simpson was with the king and the Duke and Duchess of York at the country residence. She stood at the king’s side, how ever, in the critical hours which may decide the future of the British throne together with the question of whether King Edward ever will wear the crown. A spokesman at No. 10 Downing street declared "the matter is now a constitutional issue.” An authoritative source stated the cabinet, having told the ruler exactly how the situation stood, was waiting for him to make the next move. A definite reply to the minister ial objections against the king’s possible marriage was expected from the sovereign before nightfall. In later trading, stsck exchange dealing^ showed some recovery from early declines with Industrials steady but hotel shares weak. Reports that the London stock exchange might c'nw until (lie crisis ts settled circulated in provlncla cities. “I cannot conceive the exchangi should close,” said an official It close touch with the situation. "I must not be assumed that becausi the exchange closed when the coun try went off the gold standard 1 will close now." Makes Underwear For Man Mountain BOAZ. ARla. Dec. 3—(flh—Wal ter Cagle settled his 535 pounds lnt< a modified state of hibernation a1 his farm home near here today aft er his annual prophetic Invasion o: Boaz. The glgautlc farmer enjoyed yes terday’s hour of triumph to thti small Alabama town but today hi settled down among his newly ac quired winter stores, content t< stay home until after the wlntei he says will be long and cold. His wife busied herself today witi the yards of flannel which wll make the underwear that ts to helj protect his quarter of a ton frotr the weather he predicted. New win ter supplies also Included slse 7< overalls and size 13 shoes. Optical Firm Appeal* CHARLOTTE, Dec. "Coun sel for the National Optical stores recently restrained by a court orde: from operating In North Carollni on the ground of no:>conformlt: to state requirements, announcer they would appeal to the aupremi court. To Receive Bids RALEIGH. Dec. 3.—Sid* fW the Albemarle sound bridge will tx advertised December 15 and con tracts will probably be awarded De cember 28 Name Me Campbell RALEIGH, Dec. 3.—(iF)—Dr Johi McCainpbell. superintendent of thi state hospital at Morganton. hoi been appointed a member of thi state eugenics1 bfuird PRESBYTERIANS PLANNING MEET Kings Mountain Men To Gather In Lincoln The annual meeting or the Pres byterian men of Kings Mountain Presbytery will be held In the Lin coin ton Presbyterian church Sun day. December 6, 3:30-4:30 p. m. The inspirational speaker this year will be one of the Southern Presby terian church's best men, Rev. Henry H. Sweets, D. D., executive secretary of Christian education and ministerial relief in the south ern church, Louisville, Ky. This annual meeting is author ised by the men themselves and is sponsored under their direction by a sub-committee of Presbytery’s committee on religious education of which Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of the Kings Mountain Presbyterian church, is the chairman. For that reason, and for the sake of the work they do, Mr. Patrick and his committee have asked for the full cooperation of all Presby terian men in making this meeting next Sunday afternoon one of real spiritual benefit for the men. Every ohurch of the five counties of .the Presbytery is urged to have a large delegation of men present. More than two hundred men are expected at Lincoln ton Sunday aft ernoon. About twenty-flve men from the Shelby Presbyterian church usually attend the annual meetings. The men of the local church are work SAYS FINANCING CHARGES HIGHER THAN ADVERTISED WASHINGTON. Dec. J. — VP) - The Federal Trade Commission charged 31 automobile manulac turera and financing companies to* : day with obtaining a higher rate of I interest on deferred car payments : than they have advertised they charge. The commission issued eight complaints charging violation of the unfair competition section of the trade commission act. The commission said the com plaints alleged the companies ad vertised they sold their cars on an annual 6 per cent time payment plan. Actually, the commission charged, the interest payments to tal about 13 per cent. Many Firms Involved The commlsion said the follow ing automobile companies had been named in the oomplsints: "The Nash Motors' company, Ke nosha. Wis.; General Motors Cor poration. Detroit, and its subsidiar ies. which produce Chevrolet. Olds, Pontiac, Bui ok and Cadillac cars; Chrysler Corporation Detroit, and its subsidiaries, Chrysler dales Cor poration, and those manufacturing lng for a large delegation to hear Dr. Sweets in the Linoolntoo meet ing. A way will be provided for aU who desire to attend. D* »*o. Dodfi and Plymouth Graham-Paige Motors Cornontt Detroit; Hudson Motor S? * P«ny. Detroit; Ford Motw £ Wiy. Dearborn, Mich.; Car Company. Lansing, mw ssr "*"■c,r ! Financing companies named , commission said; c' “Qeneral Motors Acceptance c, poration, New York city J with the General Motors' m Comerolal Credit Company V» more, joined With Chrysler'CoJ ration and Its aubeidlarles; Unlv sal Credit Corporation, i>tr. with Ford Motor Company , Comercial Investment Trust c, poration, New York city » Graham-Paige Motors Corporsu and Hudson Motor Car Comp^ Strawberry Tournament WAX* FOREST, Dec. 3,-* debaters, James Hayes of Beckii W. Va., Robert Costner of chest boro. Eugene Worrell of Brisj Tenn.. and Robert M. Hein) jr Winston-Salem, left for Rock H S. C. today to participate in t Strawberry Leaf tournament Winthrop College tonight, tomi row and Saturday. The ptarmigan moults its feathi three times a year. AUTO REPAIRS On All Make Cart - Rogcta Motors SENATOR ROYAL S. COPELAND OF NEW YORK STATE, IN A RECENT SPEECH, SAID: “The hope of a modest home for every family i n America lies more In the building and loan associations than in all the other institution* combined. We pray that their activities may increase with the years.” Our Association is ready and willing to aid you as i prospective home owner. I Ample money to loan on choice real estate. No delay*, no heavy fees to pay. Cleveland B. and L. Association J. L, SUTTLE, Secretary •Treasurer E. a JLATTIMORE, President We Regret We were unable to serve our customers more efficiently on Wednesday. Your overwhelming response—in spits of the bad weather—was more than we had planned for. Wray’s Ladies’ Shoppe’s Closing-Out Sale Offers the best opportunity of the holiday season for women and misses of Shelby and Cleveland County to get High Quality Wearing Apparel At The Lowest Prices Ever Recorded! GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE FAST SELLERS— LADIES’ SILK DRESSES $1.97 LADIES’ HATS Values to $3 97c ALL WOOL DRESSES Vj Price ALL FELT HATS Values from (5 to $7.50 $2.97 Dobbs Included. WRAY’S SALE Ladies’ Dress Slippers (MAIN FLOOR) Beautiful Suedes $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98 Color.: Green, Luggage Tan, Brown and Black. ALL WINTER SHOES REDUCED