Society and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor News For This Department Should Be Reported By 11 O’clock. Phone 4-J.) •jcH CALENDAR L)Sy—Circles of Presbvter fOman’s auxiliary to meet jO as follows: Number 1 with 5 p, Parker on E. Suttle L Number 2 with Mrs. J. O. ^ on South Washington ,(• Number 3 with Mrs. Har 0jtf on East Marion street; |ber 4 with Mrs. P. F. Pe , on Branton street. Ujdaj-Golden Links class Central Methodist Sunday ol «t the church at 7:30 jfrs, Melvin Gibson. Mrs. lam Green and Miss Reeves lev he stesses. fcnday—Philathea class of I Baptist Sunday school with gush Stroup at 7:30. Each iter asked to bring a gift for jtmas exchange. JERS CLUB WILL f TUESDAY AFTERNOON neeting of the Readers book iiU be held Tuesday afternoon, ting at 3:45, with Mrs. J. W. Ison as hostess. m TOMOFROW NIGHT NR. AND MRS. HOIilY Bid Mrs. B. T. Falls will en in tomorrow evening at dinner « Hotel Charles compliment Jovernor-elect and Mrs. Clyde ifr, who will leave Shelby In January’ to make their home tour years in the governor's to in Raleigh. iTETTE P. T. A. GOOD MEETING [December meeting of the La te parent teacher association held at the school auditorium jsday afternoon with Mrs. J. tacrick, chairman, in charge, ires of the program were the s? of Curistmas carols by the [group and a Christmas play nted by the first grade, under Brerion of their teacher. Miss t Blanton. The Rev. C. V. in, guest speaker, talked on Christmas Story.” the close of the business and am sessions there was a social hour with refreshments, i Clyde Nolan’s fifth grade the prize for best attendance items HOEY HONOREE MSTONIA LUNCHEON h» Gazette. i Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby. IMSt of honor at an exquisitely 'luncheon given today by Mrs. Torrence at her home on l York street. 1 table, laid with a luncheon (buttercup yellow, was charm [inanped with a central or st blue and crystal, and il tear-drop candelabra were hth blue candles. The table was ®t$d in blue and white crys k effect being especially love with Mrs. Hoey were Wes J. H. Separk, S. A. Rob t Oscar Mason, sr„ T. A. Wil Oma Lattlmare and Kate L. ha •holds meeting ®eberger home • second division of the Wom 7® heW its regular meeting ®y at the home of Mrs. Alice ®?er with Mrs. Lineberger and Mrs. Charles Shull as hostesses. Mrs. J. T. Beason. second vice chair man. conducted the meeting. The program Included an Informal talk by Mrs. Z. J. Thompson on high lights of her recent trip to Cuba, and two papers: one on "Words worth" by Mrs. Robert Cooke and another reviewing, "Charles Dick ens” by Stephen Leacock, which was given by Mrs. Charles Washburn. Nineteen members were present and the club had one visitor, Mrs. D. E. Honeycutt. The hostesses served nice re freshments, appropriate to the Christmas holiday season, during the social half hour. MRS. WOOD HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Draper Wood was hostess yesterday afternoon to members of the South Washington bridge club and a few other friends entertain ing at the Cleveland hotel. Twenty guests were present to make up five tables for bridge, among them be ing six outside the club member ship, Mrs. Jesse White, Miss Mont rose Mull, Mrs. Charles R. Eskridge, Mrs. J. D. Lineberger, Mrs. Aaron Quinn and Mrs. F. O. Smith. At the end of the games scores were added and Mrs. Charles Wil liams held high among members and Mrs. Smith among visitors. An attractive prize went to each of them. When guests arrived at 4 o’clock plates of pressed chicken, sand wiches, nuts and coffee were passed before the playing began. MISS WHITWORTH BECOMES BRIDE OF MR. WHITESIDES WACO.—A marriage of cordial interest to their friends in the two Carolinas took place in Gaffney, S. C., on Wednesday, November 25. when Mias Lucille Whitworth be came the bride of William M. White sides. with Judge Roy C. Cobb offi ciating. The bride, who is a pretty Monde was attired in a pretty black crepe ; frock with harmonizing accessories. Mrs. Whitesides, who is the eld i est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James , A. Whitworth of Waco, is an at tractive and capable young woman, popular with a wide circle of friends. She received her education at Waco, Shelby and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Whitesides of Waco, is connected with the Hardaway Contracting company in Roberson ville. The oouple will make their home temporarily with the bride’s par ents. GROUP HAS COVERED DISH LUNCHEON A congenial group of friends met yesterday at the home of Mrs. B. W. Dickson on West Marion street for a covered dish luncheon each member of the party contributing something toward the meal. They met at 10:30 and enjoyed several rubbers of bridge before 1 o'clock when they were invited to the din ing room where the luncheon was served. Mrs. Dickson had decorated her table with a central bowl of mixed fruits and Christmasy cups, filled with nuts, which marked each place at table. The meal was served in three courses. Those present were Mrs. S. O. Short, Mrs. Robert Agnew, Mrs. M. M. Stuart, Mrs. Ed Po6t, Mrs. Ros feartg and Flowers in Filel Lace P4TTERN &3M ^ •'** your heart" to this lovely heart and flower motif, so etun (‘r ! air 'et or scarf ends. -With crochet hook, some string and this ‘"i-tratPd pattern, you’ve a new and easy way to re-decorate every ai!' or dress up table or buffet with lacy accessories. Lace stitch 1 Ihe *elie.s l0r m,lfcnig the set shown; Illustrations of It and of the stitches *)ta'fral re^u*remen^s ‘Shrn'*11s l)a^ern send 10 cents hi stamps or coin (coin preferred) V «. r)ai,y Slat.). Household Arts Dept.. 259 W Uth Street, New vpk- . R" r|irc to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND ^ ^!mber. roses from the heart of fine mesh, making filet crochet of In pattern 5393 you will find complete instructions and coe Lutz, Mr* D. R Yates. Mrs Tom Eskridge. Mrs. Prank Sikes and Mrs. Dickson. After luncheon Ronald, small son of Mrs. Dickson, passed around a basket containing a gift which the latter had prepared for each of the friends present. Personals Moody Mauney entered the local hospital this morning for treatment of a broken shoulder suffered In an automobile accident Tuesday while he was In the Charleston, S. C. vic inity on a hunting trip. The Injury was given first aid treatment in a Charleston hospital before he start ed the trip home. Mrs. Malcolm ‘Ogden, Malcolm Ogden, Jr., and Gene Gaston, all of Hartford, Connectlcutt, came to Shelby ysterday to spend the Christmas season with Capt. and Mrs. Ben Jones at their home here. Mrs. Ogden is Mrs. Jones’ mother and Mr. Ogden her brother. The latter Is a singer of some promin ence and broadcasts over one of the Hartford radio stations, the largest in the state of Connectlcutt. O. Z. Morgan left today for Nash ville. Tennessee, to attend a meet ing of the Southern Seedman’s Association. He was Joined here by W. P. Wood, Jr., of the firm of T. W. Wood Si Son, Richmond, Va., and by W. K. Wiley of Asheville who made the trip to Nashville with him. Mrs. C. R. Hoey and Miss Isabel Hoey spent last night in Forest City with Mrs. J. P. Alexander. Mrs. John S. Wilkins and Mrs. Thelma Hopper Smith spent Wed nesday in Charlotte shopping. Miss Sara Louise Falls, who is taking a secretarial course In Ashe ville, and Byard Falls, law student at Wake Forest college, are ex pected to spend the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Falls. Mm. James Grice, who has con tinued working In Besser.'.er City since her marriage to October, has moved to Shelby this week and she and Mr. Grice are now making their home with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. L. Grice, on South LaFayette St. Miss Ruth Hopper of Charlotte will spend the week-end here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Major Hopper. Mrs. Jack Hartigan la able to meet her music pupils again today after being ill for two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Thompson returned to Shelby yesterday after a week spent to Cuba where Dr. Thompson attended a convention of Seaboard railway physicians. Mrs. J. D. Lineberger has Just returned home after visiting her son. Sherrill Lineberger, and Mrs. Lineberger to Charlotte. Mias Virginia Cabaniss is 111 this week and confined to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, Jr., of Canton will spend the week-end here with Mr. Hoey's parents at their home on .West Marion street. ORDER GIVEN TO HALT CHEROKEE DRAINAGE WORK GAFFNEY, 8. C„ Dec. 11.—An order directing the transfer of drought relief workers to the rolls of the resettlement division has re sulted to halting drainage work on Thlckety creek, according to M. B. Sams, Cherokee county WPA ad ministrator. The drainage project had been employing about 100 men. and approximately three miles of the creek channel had been cleared. An original allotment of $33,000 was made some time ago for the purpose of draining 17 miles of the creek. HER MOST jc/a&Us/t&t CHRISTMAS GIFT Not a jih for a day but • delight for yoon to come. W* hove o fine wrlectron—0 jtyW to luit HER towe, a price to fit your pane T.W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS Slenderizing Marian Martin Model Delights In Crisp Ruffling PATTERN 9106 c Wouldn’t It be grand to be able to boast "I made this frock myself”? But no one will ever believe you, for Pattern 9106 looks so smart, so neatly tailored that it seems 1m-1 possible that this model could be so simple to cut! Even though you've never made your frocks be fore, you'll find that the Complete Diagrammed Sew Chart which ac companies this pattern makes it so easy to follow, you'll have your frock finished In a Jiffy! Its crisp sur plice line .tailored skirt and bodice panel will make you as sllm-look ing as you've always longed to be . . . And if you've a weakness for “feminine frills’’ land what wom an hasn’t?) you'll adore the dainty ruffle which adds so bright a note. Let your fabric be a sturdy, wash able cotton, for smart “at home" wear. Pattern 9106 may be ordered only in sizes 34. 36. 38. 40, 42. 44. 46 and 48. Size 36 requires 4 yards 36 Inch fabric and 3-4 yard ruffling. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE Write at once for the new issue of Marian Martin pattern book! Don't wait another minute to get this new book filled with smart, modern and advanced atyles in frocks, suits and blouses for the workaday morning, the brighter afternoon or the glamorous even ing. Scores of suggestions on ac cessories, fabrics and gifts, too. Book is only fifteen cents. Pattern, too. is but fifteen cents. Twenty five cents for both when ordered together. 8end your order to Shelby Daily Star, Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th St., New York. N. Y. MORGAN VISITS RESEARCH FARM O. Z. Morgan, of Morgan and Oo.. local feed and seed dealers, has re turned from a six day trip to Mich igan, where his time was spent In studying feeds and feeding meth ods for poultry, cows and hogs at Larro research farm. This is the largest research farm of Its kind, either public or private, in the coun try devoted solely to poultry and animal nutritional research. At this farm about 2,600 laying her* and 40,000 chicks are used an nually in studies covering growing and developing feeds and laying feeds. In addition to chickens, work of similar nature is carried on with hundreds of turkeys annually. In the past 15 years approximately half a million chickens and hun dreds ftf formulae have been used In developing feeds and feeding practices that will return the great est profits to the farmer. This research farm also has fac ilities for the handling 65 dairy cows, 36 calves and 100 hogs at one time In the study of rations and methods best suited to their indivi dual needs. Painstaking accuracy, the most modem methods and years of effort have all tended to aid this farm in developing some of the most successful practices used cm our farms of today. Mr. Morgan also visited the Larro mill at Toledo, Ohio, which he re ports to be most complete and modem in every respect and he feels that as a result of his trip he will be able to pa^s along some help ful and profitable Information to Rogers Today and Saturday w A FIGHTING FIEND AND A FOOL FOR BLONDES! : EDWAM KOMIS i ■ , SELECTED SHORTS Coming Mon.-Tues. The QUINTUPLETS In “REUNION” poultrymen and dairymen in Cleve land county. HOLLT SMITH WILL RETURN TO DIRECT AMATEUR SHOW Holly Smith, popular announcer of the "doling America On The Air” program over W.B.T. will make his return appearance in Bhelby Saturday night at the High School Auditorium at 8 o’clock where he will be master ot ceremonies of the amateur show under the aus pices of the Parent-Teacers Asso ciation of the High School and J. O. Propst Grocery Co., Norge deal er and Economy Motor Store, Inc., Zenith dealer. An Interesting program has been arranged, featuring local amateurs and a number from Charlotte and other neighboring cities. The local merchants have donat ed a number of nice prizes which will be given to the people who buy tickets to the show. SMALL MINTZ CHILD DIES AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Funeral services will be held Sat urday at 11 o’clock at Polkville for the small child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mints which was bom last night at the Shelby hospital. Mrs. Mlntz before marriage was Miss Lillian Whisnant. \o someone you really care for... Give one of theso (tunning now ELGINS (/hhiAfauii SEE OUB COMPLETE STOCKS TODAY You’ll find the perfect gift right here in our store. It’s an Elgin, of course, from oar complete stock, of the brilliant new models. There sre husky, sturdy models for men and exquisitely dainty models for women. AU of them flawless, de pendable, accurate. Stop in today and choose the one that trill carry your best wishes on Christmas day. Papular 17 iaml map Elfin E47.M T.W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS Roosevelt Will Reach Country Early Tuesday WITH PRESIDENT ROOSE VELT, AT SEA, Dec. 11. — W>> — President Rooesvclt arranged to In terrupt his month's vacation cruise for the last time today for a four hour visit to Port-Of-Soaln. Trini dad. After the President’s cruiser In dianapolis and Its convoy cruiser. Chester, refuel, the Flotilla was to depart at S p.m. for the last 1,067 mile leg to Charleston. S. O. Mr. Roosevelt planned to reach Charleston early next Tuesday and Washington that night. Tire Indianapolis and Chester, slowed down to 10 knots after a voy age through good weather In tropi cal seas, were scheduled tc reach the British-owned West Indian Is land during the early morning. Mr. Roosevelt Interred to receive Governor General Sir Murchison Fletcher and later Capt. Devaisseau Latham of the French cruiser Jeanne D'Arc before going ashore at 10 a m. (B a.m.ea.t.) Plan Festival KINGS MOUNTAIN. Dec. 11. — There will be a music festival at the Central High School Auditori um Friday evening Dec. 11, at 7:90. The High School band, the high school boys’ and girls’ glee dubs, and the grammar school glee club will participate in the program. The public Is cordially Invited. There will be a small admission charge. AUTO REPAIRS On All Make Can - Rogers Motors - VALUABLE PRIZES FREE At The Amateur Show, Directed by Holly Smith, At the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8 O’CLOCK P. M. Saturday, Dec. 12th ADMISSION 10c and 25c A Show Featuring Local Amateurs, Sponsored b y The P. T. A. of the Shelby High School and Economy Motor Store, Inc., ZENITH DEALER «r 'nt” w'l-iaiiRmamiAiamnniiai^imuiaB WEBB -NOW PLAYING “HELL’S ANGELS” With JEAN HARLOW ALSO A FAST NEW SERIAL STARTS SATURDAY “CUSTER’S LAST STAND” » A R O LIN SHELBY'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE A -TODAY - “COWBOY STAR” With Charles Starrett A Peter B. Kyne Story. Tarzan. Episode 3 and “Mismanaged", A Good Comedy. - SATURDAY - “THE TRAITOR** With TIM McCOY Vigilantes—Episode 10. COMEDY AND POP EYE. MONDAY AND TUESDAY WHAT Bilfia Bub • Jan* DtrvaO Dorothi Wilson • Alsu Kragor Thomas MitchsO • Robert AOn Humid WaDnni ■re* a* pi*T h| Gborga lUOy DhMMi hr Dorothy Amur A COLUMBIA PICTURE — WE THANK YOU KEETERS SPECIALS IRISH POTATOES 10 lbs. 19c MIXED CANDY lb. 10c STICK CANDY lb. 25c GREEN BEANS - No. 2 can - 3 for.. 25c CORN — Mayflower - No. 2-3 for .. 25c ENGLISH PEAS - No. 2 - 3 for 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - No. 2 can .. 10c PEACHES - Yellow Cling - No. 2* .. 15c SODA CRACKERS lb. 10c SALMON Tall Can 10c BIG BAR SOAP - 3 for.10c SUGAR 10 lbs. 50c — PRODUCE SPECIALS — GRAPEFRUIT - 3 for..10c KRINKLY KALE - Pound.10c CELERY - Large Stalk.10c JJETTUCE - Large Size.10c SQUASH — Pound. 15c ENGLISH PEAS - Pound..15c BELL PEPPER - Pound. 12£c ORANGES - Dozen.15c ORANGES - Dozen.25c — MARKET SPECIALS — BEEF ROAST-Chuck-Pound.15c BEEF FOR STEW - Pound.10c SAUSAGE - Mixed - Pound.10c BACON - Home Sliced - Pound ..33c HENS - Heavy - Pound.20c PORK CHOPS - Pound..25c — FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS — Price* Effective At Cleveland Cloth Mill Store.