OCIETY and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor ,A; Meus For This Department Should Be Reported Bj 11 O’clock. Phone 4-J.) fNP'K m(iav Christmas party tor t gar:u-t V. W. A., in young | je. depomnenL room at 7:30. j jbfIS H.sked to bring a toy 1 .jnlP fruit to fill a Santa 1 ,,'b.ket for a needy family, j Lijv -Lottie Moon circle ot ■ *Bipfj.-t to meet at the home Mai Spangler. 410 West ‘B street. Misses Charline i irsdav • Mrs. Guy Roberts r M. Laughridge en m Mother.- club at the home jjrf, Roberts at 3:30. Mem , are asked to bring gifts to j Christmas basket for a !v family. ifsrtsy - Tuesday Afternoon dub with Mrs. Hal nick at Lawndale, 3:30. beam bride R HOKD and Mrs. David M. Beam of announce the marriage of daughter. Geneve, to Richard Herd The ceremony was per i today at the home of Dr, Wall. OF UNIFORMS j CIVIC LEAGUE nbers of the Junior Civic lea iave given the Salvation Army ick sufficient in size to pur ' twenty-two uniforms for the Scout troop sponsored by the ton Army. In addition the r Civic league has expressed >s!re to sponsor activities of loop of Girl Scouts in the fu HAM SCHOOL HAS A. .MEETING Earn school parent teacher j istion held Its monthly meet- [ ist Wednesday afternoon with; risdnas program. The Christ-1 story used as a devotional was Died by Mrs. Wade Bostic, and ■Charles Hoey talked on “The 's Leisure Hours." A seasonal 'The Stranger of Gallilee,” sang by Mrs. Ben Suttle and , B. M. Jarrett. L SOCIAL HONORS J.L GAFFNEY libers of the No. 2 Baptist union of the First Baptist j i held a social Friday even- J tonoring Mrs. J. L. Gaffney, an 5 t Worker in the group, who.! her family’, is moving to Pen- I 1 Florida, at an early date. I ! singing of a number of j Unas carols by members of! roup was the opening enter-1 eat feature. After the singing mainder of the evening was fa playing games, directed by i Washburn. t Gaffney received a shower Edkerchiefs from the mem pre^ent. Light refreshments served at the close of the everi VEVA WHITWORTH 5 DWIGHT JENKS c0- Dec. 14.)—A man-iage of interest to their many friends * °{ Miss Neva Whitworth of j to Mr. Dwight Jenks of i fiiUe. The ceremony was per-! d in York, South Carolina on j evening, November 29, ati Mock. They were accompan-i Vork by Miss Ruth Byrd and I Mr, Dean Jenks, brother of the groom, who witnessed the cere mony. Mrs. Jenks. is the attractive daughter of Mr and Mrs. Crowder Whitworth of Waco. She is a grad uate of the Waco Higli School. Mr. Jenks is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jenks of Cherryville. The young couple are making their home at present with the groom's parents on Mulberry street. G. G. GRIGG WEDS KINGS MOUNTAIN GIRL Of interest to their many friends in this county is the announcement of the wedding on Saturday of G. G. Grigg of the Sharon community and Miss Mary Lou Ormand ol Kings Mountain. The marriage vowks were spoken before Rev. J. N. Wise at the Shel by circuit parsonage Saturday, De cember 12 at 8:30. The bride was dressed in blue crepe, with a black coat and accessories to match. Mrs. Grigg is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ormand of Kings Mountain. She has a position with the Neisler Mills of that place. Mr. Grigg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Grigg of Sharon and works with the King Motor company in Kings Mountain. The couple have taken an apart ment in the R. C. Gold home at 605 Gold street. FOLLOW SOCIAL MISS MOREHEAD WEDS FLOYD A. QUEEN SHARON, Dec. 14.—The marriage of Miss Johnnie W. Morehead to Floyd A. Queen took place Friday afternoon, December 11, at 5 o’clock at the Shelby Circuit parsonage, with the Rev. J. N. Wise, pastor of the bride, performing the ring ceremony. The bride, a nrettv tarnnet.te wore a suit of green with hat, shoes and gloves of the same shade. Mrs. Queen, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morehead, Is an attrac tive and capable young woman. She has taught In the schools of Cleve land county for four years and Is now principal of the Shanghai school. Mr. Queen, eldest son of Mrs. Ol lie Queen McMurray. holds a posi tion with the Ora Mill Company. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Queen left by automobile for a trip south. Upon their return they will have rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wallace, near Shelby. MISS PHYLLIS YATES GIVES C’^TSTMAS PARTY Miss Phyllis Yates was hostess at a Christmas party Friday evening, when twenty members of the city’s younger set were present. Miss Yates received her guests In a party frock of dark green and silver taffeta with flower and girdle of Dubonnet. The young people present enjoyed a variety of games and contests In which prizes went to Miss Betsy Hall Roberts and Gene LeGrand, winners in the treasure hunt, Miss Celeste Hamrick, winner In the game of beano, and Max Gardner, Jr., con test winner. A grab box with a gift for each guest contributed further to the evening’s fun. TTre Yates home was decorated with Christmas reds and greens and the same colors were used on the refreshment plates when Indi vidual plum puddings, sandwiches sisure-Time Kobe is Easy to Knit Household Art* by Alice Brook* Smart Raglan Sleeve Style » Becoming PATTERN 5742 mm Ml *11 *-touting needles—three-fold Saxony—a simple but handsome ^d. this lovely robe Is yours. You’ll revel in Its warmth, specially ^ "liver mornings. You’ll delight In Its easiness-to-knlt, too, for “ P!,sy all over stitch, collars, cuffs and sash are In stockinette . C^°°se a luscious shade of yarn for this raglan sleeve style, to U 5f'*‘ you v-ill find directions for making this robe In sizes 16-18 4n end! Choose a washable crepe, satin or synthetic for this Marlon ilartln slip, and order the pattern oday. Even If you’ve never sewed t stitch before you’ll, find this a Joy to cut and finish, for ttR easy di rections are further .simplified by he accompanying Complete Dla jrammed Sew Chart, Pattern 9114 may be ordered only n sizes 14. 18. 18. 20, 82. 34. 38, 88. 10 and 42. Size 16 requires 3 1-2 pards 39 Inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins jr stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARI/.N MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your SIZE, VAME, Adress, and STYLE NUM BER. SPRING ahead! Order our NEW MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK, with It* many helpful hint* For a gfcy, new-sea*on wardrobe, you’ll find after-dusk “Olamour” frocks, flarteri; p all-occasion styles ror every age and type—from Tot to Stouter Figure. Easy-to-sew fashions for Junior and Teen-Age. too. Don't miss the "Pin Money" pages, Bridal Fashions, Fabric or Accessory tips BOOK FIFTEEN DENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN DENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TO 8ETHER Bend you order to The Shelby Oally Star, Pattern Department, 132 W. 18th 8t., New York N. Y, Mrs. Tom Lattimore was called to 3partanburg, s. C, Saturday by a message to the effect her mother, Mrs. O. C. Joseph, had suffered a stroke. Mr. Lattimore spent yes terday there with Mrs. Lattimore ind reports that Mrs. Joseph Is In a, serious condition. Mrs. Clvde Nolan spent the week snd In Gaffney with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pettit. Rev. Wilbur H. Wall, wHo has been confined to his home on North Washington street for some weeks suffering from an injured leg is able to be up about his home this week and Is showing some Improve ment, Mrs. J. D. Roberts Is visiting her parents in Raleigh this week. Miss Margaret Ray Brydges, Miss Blanche Underwood, and Mrs. Pat Welch of Gastonia spent the week *nd here with Miss Brydges’ moth er, Mrs. Mary A. Brydges, at the home of Mrs Erma Grayson on North La Payette street. Miss Anita Winkler, member of the faculty at IaFayette school, spent the week-end In Boone where she went especially to attend the Funeral of- her uncle, who was bur ied at Boone yesterday. Her moth er, Mrs. J. L. Winkler, who has been seriously ill following a stroke several weeks ago. remains about the same. Textile Worker* Strike In Lowell LOWELL, Mass., Dec. 14.—W— Demanding a 20 per cent wage in crease instead of the 10 per cent offered, loomflxers of the Boottj Manufacturing company declared a strike today. Meanwhile loomflxers in the: Merrimac mills delayed taking; strike action until they determined | whether an increase promised by that plant would meet their de mands for 20 per cent. They went to work this morning, but a spokes man said they would leave the plant at noon unless their demands were met. About 275 fixers are employed in the two plants. D. M. Young of the Museum of Geology, University of Kentucky, covered In Kentucky. A CHRISTMAS BARGAIN « GOBLETS . 6 ICE TEAS_ 6 SHERBET CUPS $4.50 18 piece* at this price or as many as you want at 25 cents each. This is fine hand-cut Stem ware and a bargain at the price. T. W. Hamrick Co. MACFARLANE GOES INTO FINALS IN NASSAU TOURNEY Last Year Cut Finger Kept Him Out Of The Money NASSAU. BAHAMAS, Dec. 14—<**> — Willie MBcFarlanc carried his 54 hole lead Into the final round of the $4,000 Nassau Open golf meet today --and hoped there would be no broken bottles on the course, j The veteran campaigner from j Hollywood, Fla., held a one-atroke lead with a 300 but he recalled he was out In front at the three-quar ters mark in the saihe tournament last year. With Just a few holes left, he picked up a broken bottle and In throwing It off the fairway cut his Index finger. He promptly lost sev eral strokes to par and finished in third place while Leo Mallory of Norton. Conn., won with a 371. A Sunday card of 65 coupled with two previous par Wa to make Mac Farlane front-runner In the final competitive round of 1936 for the professionals who follow the win ter circuit. One stroke behind at the final lap In quest of the $800 top prise was Paul Runyan of New York. Horton Smith of Chicago stayed In the thick of the race with 303. Behind these three the field was closely bunched. Denny Shuts, of Coral Gables, Fla., F. G. A. champ ion. and Herman Kelser of Spring field, Mo., were at 308. Harry Cooper of Chicago equalled par on every rc nd for a 304, where he was even with Ky Laffoon of Orlando, Fla. Five were tied at 306. including Henry Picard of Hershey, Pa, who slipped yesterday after pacing the field for a day with a 63, and Ralph Quldahl of St. Louis, a pre-tourna ment favorite. Hayden Newton of Grand Junc tion. Colo, Jack Mallon of Man chester, N. H, and Willie Klein of Miami Beach also languished six strokes behind the leader. SEVERAL ARE HURT IN WAKE ACCIDENTS RALEIGH, Dec. 14.— UP) —Clar ence Coley. 60, of Raleigh, suffered a possible brain concussion when struc by an automobile here late Sunday night and police placed John HartsAeld of Raleigh under $760 bond on a charge of reckless driving pending outcome of Co ley's Injuries, In an accident at Zebulon Ru pert Medlln of Bunn and Mias Katherine Coleman of Paschal! suffered minor Injuries as their automobile was sldeswlped by an other. Shop In Comfort! SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT SHOE SHINE_5c FREEMAN’S SHOE SHOP WEBB Today and Tuesday A HEADLINE STORY THAT’S NEW-AND BETTER THAN ANY YOU’VE EVER SEEN I *6IRU^ FRONT PAGE with EDMUND LOWE LODI A U ALSO CARTOONS — NEWS ADMISSION 10 & 15c Coming Wednesday “CONFLICT” With JOHN WAYNE Waiter W. Rose, of Orlando, Fla.. president of the National Asaocla llon of Real Fatale Boarda. aays^ to day realdentlal properUea of the United State#, are 07 per cent occu pied. w nearly as can be estimat ed. AFTERNOON & EVENING DRESSES d Beautifully Cleaned • Beautifully Finished Moderate Prices THE WHITEWAY "Quality” Cleaners — Dyers All Phones 105 CAROLINA Khrlhjr'* PnpaUr PUyhM*^ ^ | Today and Tuesday “CRAIG’S WIFE” ROSALIND RUSSELL and JOHN BOLES A Pulitzer Priae Picture ^ WEDNESDAY - “Without Orders” SALLY E1LERS AND ROBT. ARMSTRONG A Peter B. Kyne Story. A Thrilling Tale of the Airways. — 10c EVERYBODY — - THURSDAY - “TWO FISTED GENTLEMEN” JAMES DUNN AND JUNE CLAYWORTH A Leather Flinging Fighter By An Ex-Champion Who DM All Hia Training In Night Clubs* Thank You T Christmas Special! All Permanents Reduced For The Holidays NIXIE BEAUTY SHOPPE Sooth Washington Street PHONE 404 Christmas Silver Sale A large line of Rogers, Community, Holmes & Edwards Silverware, as many pieces as you want, in beauti ful Tarnish Proof Chests, at very special price for Christmas. All the newest patterns, priced from $9.95 up. Forty-two piece sets as low aa $24.50. Now is the time to buy silver. T. W. HAMRICK CO. — JEWELERS —» ROGERS THEATRE — SHELBY’S FINEST PLAYHOUSE — TODAY & TUESDAY - Two Big Days! ADMISSION 10 AND 25c — SHOW OPENS 11 A. H. VISIT THE ROGERS — AND SEE THE BEST