THIMBLE THEATRE That’s One Boner Webster Pulled! By E. C. SEGAR 'AWT/ OLWE, » BE A EXTER SWAB-t MISTAKE IN tXTlO^’Rv LOOK.THERE'S THE WORO'WAW ANi' rc SE1 n ME ANAS VA CEPTiUGLS VJOOLOKT 6W.“ \ 6WEE' potato UMAT \ svjee POTATO AR THA'S ALL l SW66 I LL BET I YAM THE ONLY PERSON V*j\CH EVER POOMD A MISTAKE IN TKE 0\LTION'PY - « v SECRET AGENT X-9 It’s In The Bag For The G-Man. By CHARLES FLANDERS WglL SEE THAT LARGE INSURANCE POLICIES flee ISSUED FOG TH6 SHIP AND WHATEVER CARGO >T TAKES ON ft-" a WOOD OF WARNING / THE MOMENT YOU J LEORN THE SHIPPING-DOTE f --— notify me ' p--^fyou bet; sic' Q CELEB RATION ON BOARD , THE NANCY' ANNE WHAT ABOUT GETTING SOME ? i P CINCH.' WE'PE PILING ON fl LOT OF IRON JUNK AND INSURING IT FOR*50,0©C * BLOND IE The Family Skeleton. By CHIC YOUNG Mm® fj I BO*ASTt;ad, L TM !S BUTCUilO vES,^|!!i' tL'WiircAD t weu-.wwepc's MV P19W ? ITS KIEADLV SUPPEt? TIME AMD VOU HAVEN'T y Itmdinxt. U.. Wottl ti#» m***k HENRY ■ m By CARL ANDERSON JUST KIDS _ —fc——■ i ii in m — i vesRUiMunRj Fer Cry in* Out Loud! By AD CARTER MOW-ALL I NEED IS A COUPLA LIONS ANT TIGERS mt Mxmi T1LLIE THE TOILER The Tie That Binds. By WESTOVER THAT \a/AS IDEA OF MIME IN LET T\N6 TlLUE'S MOTHER. KEEF* My Doe —NOVkJ | TO MOVE ONER. TO tCEEP HIM THERE'S feEAV_V_V mo USE IN MOVIM6 CWS2- TO OUR HOUSE MC -MOTHER. WAS OUT WALWMS WITH THE DOG WHEN IT DISAPPEARED V f THIS IS terrible VL.L. Be Right Sundown Stories Cheery Chatter By MARY CRAHAM BONNER SANTA-CLAUS had arrived in! Puddle Muddle. His great, huge ! sleigh was outside the i/jor of Willy! i Nilly's house, and the reindeer were! j jingling their bells. | "Hello, hello, hello!’’ shouted j Claus. “HeHllo, hello, hello!" shouted! Willy Nilly, and his animal friends called and cackled and quacked and i barked and bleate: ‘‘Hello, hello, hello!” ‘‘We have a surprise for you, j Canta Calu^," said Willy Nilly. ‘‘A surprise for me?” "Yes," continued Willy Nilly. ‘‘Do you remember that once we had a j shed where you could finish a lot; of your toys and leave a great many • others so you didn’t have to make i the trip up north every time? Thi.,j was a good halfway spot?” ‘‘Of course I remember,” answer-, ed Santa Claus. “And your animal friends, and you, too, have also taken sleigh trips with me.” “We’ll never forget those trips,” replied Willy Nilly. “But this year we have a whole house for you. We have it cleaned and in order. It is empty so you’ll have lots of room, but the fires and the stove are ready so you’ll be warm.” ‘‘That's great!” cried Santa Claus. I have so much to do, ana this will be a great help.” "We’ll show you the house right away,” said Willy Nilly. "All my animal friends helped me clean.” "Bless their hearts!" exclaimed Santa, and there was a smile on the face ofn every Puddle Muddler. To have received Santa's grati tude was indeed something — for so seldom, they knew, did anyone have the chance to do things for the jolly man. THOUSANDS HAVE AVOIDED COLITIS BY WATCHING THESE SYMPTOMS Colitis is inflammation of the colon or Urge intestine. and irgcncrally caused by excess acidity, poor digestion, fermentation, or the presence in the colon of irritating bacteria or parasites. All of these causes can be treated with a doctor s prescription, known as Ante-Fermen. which has been tested for more than forty years, and has been found absolutely safe and reliable. The first warnings or colitis are usually gas, bloating, belching, biliousness and diarrhea. Get a bottle of Antc-Fermcn from the drug store quickly, and clear up these warning symptoms before serious trouble develops. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George Durham Dedmon, deceased of Cleveland county. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me properly proven on or before the 5th day of December. 1937 or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of any re covery thereof. All persons owing the said estate will please make immediate set tlement to the undersignd. This 5th day of December, 1936. WRAY DEDMON. Route 1. Shelby. Administrator of Estate of George Durham Dedmon. <5t dec 7p EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the es tate of J. T. Black, deceased of Cleve land county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me properly proven on or before the 17th day of November, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery there of. All persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This I7tb day of Nov. 1936 O. P. LACKEY, Executor of Estate of J. T. Black. 6t nov 17p ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Albert Weathers Riviere, deceased, late of Cleveland coun ty, N. C. this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to pre sent them to me properly proven on or I before the 1st day of December, 1937 or I this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereof. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make Imme diate settlement to the undersigned. This December 1st, 1936. E P. RIVIERE. Administrator ol 1 Albert Weathers Riviere. 6t dec fc TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under the : that deed of executed by J B. Black, to I deed of trust of Cleveland book 195, at trust having the indebtedne offer for sale court house do to the highest Tuesday the following Lying on tJ street, in the llna. being lo shown by plat county. N. C. page C, and d fice in book - lronting 100 f extending a dc The aforesa to any and al This, Novem 4t nov 24c North Carolin In the Superu Patsy P. Gold Philbeck, PI vs. j Sam W. Gold. To Sam W. < The defenda notice that a has been co court of Cleve by the plaint tainmg alimor self and the n and for allox and that a \ been issued a defendant, an further take to appear in superior court house in Shell January, 1937. summons and returnable am complaint in ; will apply to manded in h* clerk of super 1 will further ti will apply to t. judge of the s in the 16th N C. on the i 12 o’clock M. counsel can b elite I lie and to l lie delen property. This tiie 1st A M Court. Carolina. >ower or sale contained in rust, dated July 14th. 1934, >hn Black and wife. Fannie Z. Newton, trustee, which is of record in the registry county. North Carolina, in page 87; and said deed ol been given as security for ss which is past due, I will at public auction, at the or in Shelby, N. C.. for cash bidder, at 12 o'clock M., on December 22nd, 1986 described real estate: »e north side of Morrison city of Shelby. North Caro ls Numbers 10 and 11. as in* the registry of Cleveland in book of deeds VV at escribed in deed of said of -H. page 72: said property eet on Morrison street and pth of 150 feet, d property Is sold subject l prior encumbrances, ber 21st. 1936. D. Z. NEWTON. Trustee. NOTICE i, Cleveland County, r Court. by her next' inend,*Mabel i intiff. Defendant. >old: it. Sam W. Gold, will take i action entitled as above nmenced in the superior and county, North Carolina ff for the purpose of ob y for the support of her inor child of the defendant ■ances for future support, rarrant of attachment has jainst the property of the 1 the said defendant will notice that he is required the office of the clerk in of said county at the court y, N. C on the 9tli day of when and where the said warrant of attachment is I answer or demur to the aid action, or the plaintiff he court for the relief de r complaint filed with the or court; and the defendant ke notice that the plaintiff le Honorable P. A. McElroy, ipenor court holding courts ludicial district at Shelby, th day of January. 1937, at or as soon thereafter as p heard for alimony pend for counsel fees to be paid taut or secured from his dav of December. 1936 HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Cleveland County. North 41 dec le Hollywoo Sight, And Sound By ROBIN COONS ° HOLLYWOOD.- in th|j la-decz and gentlemen ,t Katherine (Battling* deMille batletd but unscarred, vetcra clashes with Wallace Beer, " Miljan, and George Raft "And here, folks. is ^ (Kid) Stanwyck, first ,0 ‘ challenge Miss deMille in her brief career of screen nst« during which she already has' nercd amazing laurels! All set ladies, go to it, and no holds red!" That is how the call-sheet have read, but instead it * stated that Miss Stanwyck Miss deMille would be needed the “Banjo on My Knee 9 a.m. w They Look Mad They were there, and u «. real scrap, with excellent kic hair-pulling, scratching slan punching, and clenching of i All this after a timid beginnin course, for the girls didn't i hold any grudges. To watch at work, however, once they started—was like witnessing at clash between mortal enemies, had to be warned to be care and at lunch, after each had ed the studio first aid station check-up on damages, they t it over amiably enough. The high point in screen fisti remains (in legend, at least) scrap between I*arnum and S chi in the early version of Spoilers.” Even with sound ef Gary Cooper and the late Wi (Stage) Boyd were not ere with surpassing it in the ta version—but that may be b« movie legends are hard to dowi for the championship in the fe ine screen fight division, it ma that the StanwyckdeMiile b will serve. And there have been some p good movie fights involving allegedly weaker sex. One of best was that of Edna May ( and Blanche Yurka in "A Ta Two Cities.” Doubles were ueei the shots wherein Miss Oliver thrown backwards over a table even so the lady pugilist car™ with a wrenched back. Voices ‘Dubbed In’ Later Mae West and Rafaela Ot tangled in a crucial scene of 1 first picture, "She Done Wrong.” but as I recall it the was ended—with a dagger—s ly after it began. The decision Mae’s. Remember that tussle of 1 Love’s with Mary Doran in the ‘‘Broadway Melody?” And 1 Dressler’s knockdown-dragout V an?” They were pretty good Bill?” And the Jean Harlow-I thy Burgess match in "Hold Man?” They were pretty goo, But women cannot equal mi screen fighters, no matter ferociously they tackle the as ment, in one respect at least: can supply their own coml grunts and growls, but ’* have to have their screams ‘"di in” later. In combat their voir too high. A walking stick which Ca George Anthony jogged Into ground near Toccoa, Ga.. d the Confederate war, is a i tree today. Don't COUGH askfor MENTHO-MULSI IF IT FAILS TO STOP YOU COUGH DUE TO COLOS ASK YOUR MONEY BACK only /* Sold By CLEVELAND DRUG CO NOTICE OK SALE OF U» Whereas, on the thtftt t January. 1934. L. B CharaPIMj" Champion executed end dell W O. McGIbony, trustee lor u ^ Commissioner, a cfr'a,'n .,0( IS which Is recorded In the o'tte « ister of deeds for Cleveland eouh<7, Carolina. In boot 1«2 »' t, I Whereas, default has bet" payment of the indebtedn ’ (M cured as therein or°v'd» ■ ^ tee has been requested bv in holder thereof to exercise the s» sale therein contained „ ni Now, therefore, under and >|( the authority conferred b ^ , of trust the undersigned1 r • tM the 6th day of January. „ house door of Cleveland cod". Carolina, at twelve sale to the highest bidder following real estate d 5, All that certain tract of lng thirty-one and rWr in number eight ' h'Pcaroimi Cleveland, state of North L* ^ cated on a county r°a'1 caroliB« east of Lawndale. North C» ^ now in the possession oi l. w bounded on the north (|) Mrs. R. H. Bridges, on the lands or Ben P<”,e‘1' of Llo'dl on the east bv the land- ® c. and on the west by the 1 n „ Powell Said tract of land ^ , described according sVr*tf prepared bv D R » the ISth day of December. to-wit: r, r» Hs1 Beginning at a s'one tJ| , t corner, and runs then C( ^ f 30 minutes west 3'1 a ' *.ntiW thence north 8* „„r, joutH 1.300 feet to a stake . rees SO minutes »as» l ■ mmutei thence south 1 degre t)1 194 feet to a stake, thence ^ grees 30 minutes we-i - beginning. , Uu h> A copy of said fl*1 ‘ ^uiiuk Hie agent of the 1 aliJ »*‘ Columbia. South Cerouiia il This the Sih dav oi im tH W o Mc-OIBON'