and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRl'M, Editor (Any News For Tins Department Should Be Reported By 11 O Clock. Phone 4-J.) jjnv taker weds TORKENCE grigg Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Baker an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Louise, to Torrence Grigg on December 6 at Gaffney, 8. C. FOKL'T city luncheon C0MH.IMENT8 MRS. HOEY Mrs c. R. Hoey. was the inspi ration ior a pretty luncheon yes terday. given by Mrs. J. F. Alex uider. at her home in Forest City, grs. Hoey had selected for the af fair a frock of Dubonnet crepe with iacf yoke, and Mrs. Alexander wore Diack crepe, finished with touches of cream lace. A three course luncheon was itrved buffet style from an equi Stfly appointed table. The table centerpiece was of pink snapdra |ons. Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Hoey and Miss Isabel Hoey made up Informal if reiving line to greet the twenty live guests. Others attending the luncheon from Shelby, in addition to Mrs. Hoey and Mls6 Hoey, were Mrs. Charles Hoey, Mrs. Carl Thompson, Sirs George Blanton, Mrs. J. D. Uneberger, Mrs. Yates Webb, Mrs. Paul Webb. Mrs. O. Max Gardner, aid Mrs. M. Webb Riley. IWLAR SPRINGS rOlIPLE WEDDED POPLAR SPRINGS.—Friday aft ernoon at 4 o’clock at the home of! ihe bride's father, a simple wedding ceremony united Miss Mallie Helen Wallace and Brossie Flay Hamrick. Both are of the Poplar Springs com- J runny. The Rev. Rush Padgett. pastor of both bride and bridegroom, officiated, using the ring ceremony. The bride and bridegroom enter k 'be living room together where the vows were spoken before an al tar of evergreens before which white otndelabra. holding cathedral tap es. werp arranged. Miss Pearl Wal lace. sister of the bride, lighted the randies. The bride wore a becoming and modish costume of green wool and eggshell satin, with which she used brown accessories, Mrs. Hamrick, a charming and gifted young woman, is the youngest daughter of J. B. Wallace and tne late Mrs. Wallace. She was grad uated from Boiling Springs high. Kbool in the class of '34. Mr. Hamrick, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Hamrick, was also graduated from Bolling Springs high tdiool. He is an employee of the Toy B Webb Ginning company. After a short wedding trip Mr Hamrick and his bride will make Ibeir home with his parents. *rsic AND ARTS MEMBERS | 8HAR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Members of the Music and Arts division of the Woman’s club heard «b enjoyable program of Christmas btuslc and a paper on “Madonnas,”1 ilso In the spirit of the season, at is meeting at the club room yes-; wday afternoon. The program was opened with a! foup of songs sung by Gene Gas on whose accompaniment was %ed by Malcolm Ogden, Jr. both l! Hartford, Connecticut, are vis % the latter’* sister, Mrs. Ben Windsor In Vienna The Duke 01 Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII of Great Britain la shown in this radiophoto upon his arrival at Vienna following his abdication for the affections of M s. Wallis Jlnpson, He left Vienna immediately for the estati of Baron Eugene de Rothschild at Enzeafleld. (Assocnted Press Photo) Jones here. Their numbers were: "Largo" from the New World Symphonv, “Just A Wearyin’ For You” and “Carolina Moon." The last number was sung as an encore. Miss Anne Harbison, in a paper on "Madonnas" traced the history of madonna painting from prehistoric attempt sto paint motherhood down to Murillo's “Immaculate Concep tion." The concluding number on the program was “Come to My Heart, Lord Jesus," sung as a solo by Mrs. J. R. Robinson. After the program proper the group sang Cljristmas Carols. At the refreshment hour plates of sandwiches, cake and tea were served. Hostesses for the December meet ing were: Miss Mary Elizabeth Black, Mrs. C. R. Webb, Mrs. Bill Osborne, Mrs. Dan Frazier, and Mrs. Robert Cooke. Mrs. Shovine Beam was program leader. India's contribution in cash to wards the World war amounted to about $733,000,000, according to a statement by Secretary of Defense Totterham at Simla. India's death roll was 62,000. Get Busy On A Lovely Panel ITM_1_\A EAST-WEST-HOME IS BEST wT sfil Sen mTH JOOtOWOf, ^ 966<>r Jr * ’ * tW JF * *» ■« *« A, » * , ‘ ■ 1m t i .— Art* by Alice Brooks It's Done in the Easiest of Stitches PATTERN 5763 F,t- Wsst. Home is Best”—is * grand motto to embroider lor your j E r-e Fweet Hdme. This fetching sampler is done in the easiest of «ih«—6 to the inch cross stitch—and with any sort of gay floss you refer " °ql. silk or cotton. You need add only a lining, put it on a rod, •TOure ready to hang it! In pattern 5763 you will find a transfer pat 0! a picture 15 x 20 inches: color key and chart; material require* illustrations of all stitches used. BTh0*31*1111 tllls Pattern send 10 terns in stamps or coin (coin preferred) ■ f Shelby Daily Star). Household Arts Dept.. 259 W. 14th Street, New li-Arr" Y Br sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND lnRN NUMBER. Personals Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McClure were called to Spartanburg, S. C.. today on account of the death of their brother-in-law, Dennis Burnett, whose death occurred In Detroit, Michigan, Tuesday, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Kistler of Ran dleman announce the birth of a daughter, on November 16, In High Point hospital. Dr. Kistler formerly lived In Cleveland county. Through unintentional error the names of several students who car ried leading parts were omitted from the account, which appeared In yes terday's Issue of The Star, of the high school glee club's Christmas chapel program. The names omit ted were those of Miss Emma Jo Beam, soloist, Thomas Eskridge, as a shepherd and Miss Nadine Ellis, who served as accompanist. An additional correction Is that there are 45 students In the glee club In stead of 30. Bom Sunday at the local hospi tal to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Anthony, twin daughters, Janette and Genell. Each little girl weighed six pounds Miss Sara Smith has moved from Forest City to 8helby and la living at the Roberta Inn. Miss Jo Shaw and Mia* Gertrude Taylor, both members of the high school faculty, plan to leave Sun day for Miami, Florida, to spend a week or ten days with Miss Shaw’s brother. Mrs. Ralph Royster and two chtl dren, Stephen and Mary Louise, will leave Sunday for Greenwood, S. C., for a Christmas visit with the former's parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Buttle are spending today in Raleigh where the former is attending a meeting of the State Baptist board, of which he Is a member. Mrs. E. B. Lattimore will go to Belmont tomorrow to attend the Christmas program at Brer Rabbit kindergarten attended by her granddaughter. Sue Brevard Mor ris. Mrs. Lattimore will stay until Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris and Sue Brevard will return home with her. Nearly 8,000.000 meters of film were inspected by the Swedish gov ernment motion picture censors dur 1 ing the last budget year. Only 68 23T meters "were forbidden to be shown publicly. MIND OVER MATTER LOS ANGELES.—Clarence E. Burner, 59, a watchman, was treat ed at the police emergency hospital lor a slight flesh wound. He explained a prowler had en tered his room and shot him be tween the eyes. Not even stunned. Burner gave chase but was out distanced.. Returning to his room, he found the bullet in a drawer where it had fallen after rtchochet ing off his skull. Pope Now Obeys Physician’s Order VATICAN CITY, Dec. 17.—<*V Pope Plus XI was said by Vatican attendants today to be showing more inclination to obey his doc tor’s orders and conserve bis strength. The 79-year-old pontiff who ha* oeen Kept in Deo tor 12 days Dy a circulatory ailment was still rebel lious, however, at his enforced in activity. Dr. Mints Milanl and other papei physicians 'were said to have ex plained to the holy father it was only after over exertion that he suffered setbacks and to have plead ed with him to restrict his confer ences on Vatican business today to a minimum as he did yesterday. Will Move Smoak From N. Hanover WILMINGTON, Dec. 17.—