SPECIAL MOVIES SEEN IN FALLSTON < Special to The Star.1 FALLSTON. Dec. 18—Mr. and M,s Griffin Murray, Mr. and Mrs. ,rgc Murray and Mr. and Mrs. M ij. Murray all of Waco, visited Mi cand Mrs. M. L. Smith and family last Sunday. The moving picture "the King of Kings" portraving the life of Christ was put on in Falls ton high school auditorium last Wednesday even ing. This picture was put on for the benefit of the young peoples union of the Belwood circuit. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Griffin of For est City visi:ed Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cline Sunday. The Baptist Woman’s Missionary society met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. F. Hamrick. The theme of the program was "The Kingdom of God is Peace.” The Lottie Moon Christmas offering was taken. In the business session the fol j lowing officers were elected: Mr: : W. F. Hamrick, president: Mrs. 1 j A. Lee, vice president; Mrs. O. S : Royster, secretary-treasurer; Mr; j E. G. Spurting; R. A. leader, Mrs M. L. 6mith, leader of Sunbeam ! Mrs. D. E. Hoyle; Mission stud \ leader, Mrs. G. O. Ross; persons j service chairman. Mrs Lester Willis Mrs. Claud Stamey and Mrs. Edwar Cline were appointed members o the program committee. The hostess served delicious re • freshmen ts at the close ol the meet - ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Royster visit . ed Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Beam Sun . day. Miss Theada Branton and Rev , Mr. Lawrence Royster were dinnei i guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roy 1 ster Sunday.. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robin Woot 1 en, a husky ten-pound son. f Mis es Kathryn Miller and Heler Reid, teachers in the Bessemer City schools spent Sunday with Miss < Miller's mother. Mrs. W. L. Miller. I Mrs. Broadus Dellinger Is a pa tient the Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cline visited I Mrs. Cline’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ramsey of Polkville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise of Lln colnton visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cline Sunday. The seventh largest state in the union is Colorado. :OTTON PICKINGS, ORDER OF THE DAY REHOBETH - SANDY PLAINS, 3ec. 18. — The W. M. U. of the Sandy Plains church met with Mrs. «. H. Walker Tuesday afternoon. A /try Interesting program was rrn lered. Those taking part were: Mrs. «. H. Gold. Mrs. T. O. Wiggins, lira. W. B. Petty, Mrs. J. P. Walker, Mrs. O C. Bowen, Mrs M H Walk er. Mr. and Mrs. M. R, Whlsnant and sons. Prank and Charles of Charlotte and Cleat Whlsnant of Race Path visited Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Whlsnant Sunday. Those who gave cotton pickings during the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Zlmmle Floyd, Mr, and Mrs. Boyce Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Black, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Hum phries, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Black. Mrs. Laura Fowler, R. F. Childers 1 -1 ■■ 1 1 f Mrs. T. P. Oold ft Iso gave a cotton picking and chicken *tew Weflnee day night. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Jenkins and children of Race Path spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Jen kins. Miss Beatrice Oold returned home nfter spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. (luy aillcsple of Cllfl slde. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Holland of DafTney spent Sunday with Mrs. O. M. Holland. ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Entire Stock Of High Grade Furniture, Rugs, Living Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Dinette Suites, Secretaries, Lamps, Art Goods, China, Linoleums, Tapestries, Etc. Everything To Be Sold At PUBLIC AUCTION To The Highest Bidder Without Limit Or Reserve. No Offer Will Be Refused. Sale Starts Saturday, Dec. 19—2 P. M. Sharp and will continue TWICE DAILY Until This First Stock Is Disposed Of FREE FREE FREE FREE BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIRS TO THE FIRST 50 LADIES ENTERING THE STORE SAT. DEC. 19th At 2 P. M. SHARP FREE FREE 25 BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY AT EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SALE — 2 AND 8 P. M. DAILY. F R E E FREE FREE DRAWING FOR THREE VALUABLE PRIZES AT EACH AFTERNOON AND EVENING SALE TWO SALES DAILY - 2 AND 8 P. M. - DON'T FORGET THE NAME SPANGLER'S FURNITURE STORE 114 EAST WARREN STREET SHELBY, N. C. BASEMENT HOTEL CHARLES DON’T MISS THIS SALE — A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. THIS SALE WILL ONLY LAST FOR A FEW DAYS.