THIMBLE THEATRE With Hi* Ear To The Ground. By E. C. SEGAR PcaMrti .SyhfliQU, >wt,Y VE DO HEAR IT, > DON'T ve, SON? R S-SH— HEAR IT? NOW. POPPA hem* iTimwee rrsjus* IN ME HEA0-MM8E l BE GET TIN' PlXILATEO- ^ pixilated?? OH. i SEE-VA MEANS PIXILATED LIKE GARn WAS IN THAT MOVIN’ PITCHER-ARP. ARE! NO VA AIN'T LOSIN' VER MIND- SURE, I HEARS IT, TOO SURE P0PEV6, 0\0 WOO REALLN HEfcR SOMETHING ? r VJELL, IF VE OONT^I? HEAR »T NOW WE ^ SOON WILL BECAUSE IT’S COMiN' NEARER NEARER. NEARER >-NT-.,.*'' >'o_^ ■m* NOT A THINO-V * \ JUS’ Sf\\0 \ OlO so HE WOULDN'T THINK ^GO»N’ \ UL OAFFV SECRET AGENT X-9 The G-Man’* Got Her Number. By CHARLES FLANDERS ALL RIGHT, W6E-6UY-Y0L) MENTIONED ) l© O’CLOCK TONIGHT* e O/ER THE’PHONE - J11 BROKE O why ? r-— IN BETTY S ROOM Con the i WATER FRONT) SPRINGS CAR O n/ e /£PH ? THAT HAPPENS SURE,BETTY ! fO BE THE BOSS'S (7=-) ALIAS 5AILING HOUR - LOUISE MUNSON COME CLEAN INMATE NO /*/S6l WHATS THE IDEA ? WHADDVA MEAN BV THAT ( CRACkTP ' DID MDL1 EVER SEE R VL FEDERAL-AGENT BEFORE WELL, TAKE flGOOD LOOK AT . , THIS ONEll BUT WHERE... HOW....DID YOU KNOW 'THE FBI. RELEASED VOU ^ FROM THE REFORMATORY WE KNEW YOU'D HEAD BUT, YOU'LL PLAY ME OR HEAD BACK • BLONDIE At The Foot Of The Class. By CHIC YOUNG I HAVE NO IDEA OSAP OADDV. WHAT UAPPENS WHEN ONE DONKEV BUMPS INTO . ANOTUEQ r' a ONE? __/ HENRY By CARL ANDERSON JUST KIDS Poor Little Rich Boy. By AD CARTER HEBE COMES THAT\ LITTLE RICH BOY WHO HAS MOVED ( t INTO THE CASTLE i ON THE HILL - ■■ - © 1*W, King Futures Syndicate. lac., World right* I'M WINSTON BPYAN -WE'CE VERV PICM AND WE’VE SOT EVERYTHING IN OUK PAMILV! TILLIE THE TOILER The Forgotten Man. By WESTOVER ■. p-rcse xiuje's peeved /vT Mb FOP KlOT Xor. today continued their actn,' ies with the assurance of Mavo Burnet R. Maybank that authority' mould not attempt to prevent exten ’ion of picket lines so long as Lions remained peaceful. Meanwhile Captain F, c Sec Posted $750 bond for the release ! the Steamship Narbo, libeled w seamen for back wages they allcee mere due them. To Investigate WINSTON-SALEM, Dee, 18^41 —The North Carolina committee or negro affairs, meeting here, urged thorough investigation of the con troversies which precipitated th« recent student strike at A. and T College, Greensboro. SMALL FARM: 32 ACRES IN~No 8 township, just off hard surfaci road, two small houses, runnint water, productive land. Pay $75, cash, balance of $1,500 in federa land bank. Owner leaving state says sell this week. See us. Wii be glad to show you. J. b. Noia: -.ARGE ASSORTMENT ALL FAH styles in ladies dress materials or sale Wednesday. Cleveland ciotr MiU-_tf 2( you CAN’T BEAT ALEXANDER 5 for gifts in the jewelry line. Geo Alexander, southside of Courl Square._ a ll HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap cot ton. Auto Inn. 6mwf 3IVE A PHOTOGRAPH~FOR Christmas. We make pictures day or night; color any picture with transparent oils; work done by experts. Ellis Studio, Bank Build ing. 4t-15e WANTED — C OW peas. D. A. Beam & Co. 2tl7c t'OR BETTER MILL WORK Z. J. Thompson Lumber Com pany, phone 107. tf 2lc SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF~$2M)0 off on all pianos for schools and churches up to January 1st. Pen dleton’s Music Store. 15-17-lSc WANTED - SCRUB cotton. D. A. Beam & Co. 2t-17c rLITTLE SLIP OF~YOUR FOOT may cause a broken arm or leg or even the loss of your life—be wise, insure against any kind of acci dent. Protect all. J. S. Willard, Finance Bldg., Shelby, N. C tf fri 4e WANTED - H fcT* ory nuts and black walnut kernels. D. A. Beam & Co. 2t-17c rou areTcord ially invited to Wray’s great Christ mas sale. Fine suits and overcoats. Men, if you need clothes, don’t miss this chance. 5t-16c 5EE~ ALEXANDER’S BEAUTIFUl line of dinner rings. Prices fro™ tin nn Alexander's Jewelry store. Southside of Court Square. 2t ” ?OR SALE: TEN MULES. WEIGHT 1000 to 1100 pounds. Price *'<*> '* $125. Also farm implements, r"' two-horse farms for rent, tenan must furnish stock. See Ernes Elliott, Lawndale. 3t__p l PULL LINE OF ELECTRIC AP pliances, waffle irons, perci* toasters, mixmastcrs. irons. Al ■ the very latest design and niaty by Westinghouse at p™dlet0" Music Store. F ITS PINE GIFTS IN JEWELS* see Alexander. Southside of _ 2t Square. JJTZ-YELTON Coal Co. appreciates your business. Phone ftftDAYS on On fHURSDAYS k. rooms uufurwU.iieti u* * borhood C*i\ci Nu up West Sumter St or" SALE: SEVERAL JHJJ, and horses. Would 11:1,in«*. car or good truck. E F v ^