Choice Values For Pre-Holiday Foods Decorative Baked Ham In Spotlight For The Holidayi Hospitality flourishes during tht Iclidays, from Christmas eve or L-ugh the week, until New Yen „IL, * halt to merry-making. It h L’wise hostess who Is preparec nth a well-stocked refrigerator ant „.,trv for a round of entertaining A bakPd ham, decorated with rh0|Pdoves and red cherries, makes in attractive main dish for the holi jav dinner, and usually furnishes enough left-overs for Impromptu entertaining during the week when ever occasion demands. The ham which Is not used for the holiday dinner should be loosely wrapped with wax paper to prevent drying and stored In the refrigerator or other cool place. It may be used as needed for sandwiches, salads, or quickly reheated and served as the one hot dish for a supper or even ing meal. Ham Best Baked At Low Temperature In preparing a whole ham. par boiling Is not necessary, but If it Is to be at Its best, It must be baked KEETER’S SPECIALS Christmas Special _ in 1 1 COCOANUT POUND 19c -SUGAR io POUNDS 50c - JELLO All Flavors PACKAGE Sc Vanilla Wafer* POUND BOX ISc - RAISINS - 15 Ounces 3 BOXES 25c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE POUND 25c All Popular Brands CIGARETTES ' CARTON $1.15 -COCOA PACKAGE 5c 10c CHOCOLATE drops-'po""'* ££ ^■uiTCAKElNOKbWtHTS-^ gSSctSStes.=S 1 mmiiiurn —- . ~ Oranges • SP®*1 ,* rz| AU Sizes - Dozen . 30c All Sizes - n°ie" "T , special Apples Apples - AU ‘‘“‘I Dozen. iPPles_ All Sizes - Dozen. aPPU.-All Sizes-Dozen. ENGUSSHWALNUTS*ep°'‘"d bsssb^ss. 12c 19c 25c 40c 15c 23c ..20c .. 15c _ roODS SPtclALS _ CANNED GOO n __ 3 GREEN BEAN® __ 5 jor. ENfiV.lSH PEAE 5 for^ 'UVHEI.P EOB^ — i, AC — 3 I°r " — {GUSH 3 ^^r^fspe5als j .^ * * Large Head iqc & 1 rTTlir.E’"*-1* ®n —. 1 wrs»? **& SS^SKr1 r:: "S ggS^-fiSf^iS GREEN BEANS _ pound ■•■•• 10c FRESH TO;MA1” f i> »ii\d ... 20c grapefruit-j^uTS-P^i brusselessp^ -^5StSPeCtalr 28c 1 we8m hams -Pound 2Sc Swift * P'f”*,??? pound .-•• . ... 23c ' PICNICHAMS-P T _pound .... ^ beef b°^!!—^5ysters at a low temperature. This Is an eaay way to cook It, a fact which Is always appreciated by the busy housewife when there Is a special dinner ahead. The ham Is placed on a rack In an open roasting pan and allowed to bake In a moderate oven (300-350 degrees P.) until done. This requires approximately twenty-five minutes per pound for whole hams, and approximately 30 minutes per pound for half hams. Decorating Ham For Christmas For a holiday occasion, a baked ham may be decorated In any num her of ways, as simple or as elabor ate as your conscience dictates and time permits. Ipes 8. Willson, home economist, suggests the use of red and green candtpd cherries for dec orating the ham In keeping with the season. Fofty or forty-five min utes before the ham Is done, remove It from the oven, take off the rind, If this was not done at the market., and rub the outside of the ham with brown sugar, which has been mixed with mustard, and moisten ed with ham dripping. Or, if pre ferred, moisten the ham with strained honey and return to the oven to glass and finish cooking. The ham may be decorated at the time of adding sugar or honey, or this decorating may be done just before serving. Usually, however, the busy housewife wants all Items done as far ahead of time as pos sible, and this Is one which can be done before the last minute rush of meal preparation. A pretty dec orative effect la gained by scoring the ham In diagonal lines, and out lining these lines with stivers of red and green cherries. The platter may be surrounded with leaves of holly to give a further decorative effect for this season of the year. Cookies Fine For Holidays By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Select boxes or Jars which can be easily packed when using them (or carrying cookies (or the holiday gifts. Pack the foods firmly and as soon as possible after they are bak ed. Plenty of waxed paper Is re quired, too. Molasses Cookies oJl Holiday Moods RAJAH SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar 17c IXAMF.NV BUTTER Wiu h 43c •cnnyfiki.i* rawer m bu i tkk. I,*. 41a a moci COFFEE Pound 18c c*anbk*ry SAUCE c« 15c Dromtdarr m Ocaan aprar ur uaoi *o-o* Pullman LOAF 9e INOltOI Marsh mallows 2 "* ^ 29. Juicy Florida ORANGES Do*. 12iC to 25c Vt Box in Bags, $1.29 Large TANGERINES Do*. 10c to 15c CANDIES ■nil Candy, lb, Old Fachton Chrlatmaa mint 10c 19c Creams, lb. ... Una Drops, lb.10c Chocolat* Conrad Cherries, lb. box 25e Flirt Candy, 2 lb. box . 25e roeoanut . , Bons Bona, lb. .. ,l#e NUTS Pecana, lb. 19c I Walnuts, lb. Brazils, Tb.21c I Almonds, lb. Mixed, lb. 21c 29e SBe Hnjftb IHOTtM Extracts, S oe. Hot. ...10c »n* fi|< H a*. r»w linking Powdtr. 10c MJMl (ocoanut, 1b._23c Rajah Currant*. pkg. ...13c (Mllabtiry. •wan»d r»ke Flour, pkg. .....20c Paola, •-$ fh, ......... Pc 1 nndon l.ayw’ lalains, 2 fbo.25c '>na*n a«ih Mint* Meat, pkg..10c « halted Almond*. [\ lb.20c manes Walnuts, V4 lb.Me nomrdary Pitta* Dales, pkf.. .lie laker‘i Chocolate, % lb. eake ITe Of|» ocoa, 2 lb can.tie tromadare Ginger Bread Mix, pkg. .....28c •romedary rrnlt Taka Mix, pkg. .Me tort on Moaaa Data ’uddinff, can.lie tel Monte Seedlrae or SeaSlaat Raisin*. 3 pkga. for __ 25c larasrhlno ’berries. 8 or. bot. ... lie la* Brans Cake Colors, 4 rials ....lie Produce Specials GREEN BEANS - 2 lbs.. 15c Large LETTUCE - 2 Heads.. 15c SPINACH - 3 lb*. .. 25c CARROTS — Bunch ..... .... 8c Nice GRAPEFRUIT - 3 for.10c CRANBERRIES - lb .23e Large COCOANUTS - 3 for .25e Meat Specials WIENERS — Pound . 17c VEAL CHOPS - Pound ...... . ... 15c VEAL STEAK - Pound.25c SPARE RIBS - Pound ... 17£c CHUCK ROAST - Pound.. 15c Reserve Your Xmai Turkeys and Pork Hams Now.