WEATHER North Carolina: Gen»ally fair tonight. Tuesday partly cloudy, pos sibly followed by light rains. Official Shelby temperature: High 53, Low 31, Rainfall .103. Tshe Slxelhy Bale thr MARKETS Cotton, a pot ._...... 13c to UK( Cotton sMd, »»|on, too .... $35.00 Cotton srcd, cor, ton lot .... 9M.O0 FORMERLY THE CLEVELAND STAR, ESTABLISHED 1896 1 4U VOL. ALli— mumbuk ASSOCIATED PRESS THE SHELBY DAILY STAR SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, DEC. 21. 1036 AUDITED CIRCULATION SINGLE COPIES 6c DEATH LIST MOUNTS IN SAN SALVADOR EARTHQUAKE Pan American Peace 1$ Neared FINAL SESSION OF PEACE MEET OPENING TODAY 37 Measures To Add Strength Before Body PROGRESS MADE BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 21.—(jP)— Inter-American Peace Conference delegates met In their Anal plen ary session today to approve 37 measures to strengthen bonds among the American Republics and liber lize trade policies. They stood silent for one minute in memory of the victims of the earthquake at San Vicente, El Sal vador. Many Proposals As the historic meeting moved to the close, scheduled for Wednesday, delegates from the 21 participating nations expressed satisfaction over the consultative system set up so that the American Republics could | meet and talk over any threat of war on any continent. There were in all 28 proposals and agreements to be brought be fore today’s session, the last sched uled plenary meeting. Trade reso lutions and motions for American solidarity in the event of war. threats were to De tne nignspois It declared American nations al ready have established their own' peace systems and that Pan-Amer- j Icanlsm Is based on principles of ■'equality, reciprocal respect, auto-j nomy, independence and free de- j: relopment.” Two previous plenary sessions ap- 1 proved 32 projects which set up the 1 consultative system as a safeguard to peace and the principle of non intervention in the military dis putes of others. CLEVELAND DEBT ON NET BASIS IS LOWEST IN N. C. Charlotte Investment i House Says Ratio Is Remarkable CHARLOTTE, Dec. 21. — Meek-1 lenburg county’s strong financial ] rating is disclosed in a statistical chart released by R. S. Dickson & Co., Charlotte investment brokers, which gives the ratio of the net debt to the assessed valuation in 1 each of the 100 counties of North < Carolina. « Mecklenburg county, with a net ] debt of 2.3 per cent of the county’s assessed valuation, stands tenth in 1 the list of the counties, with only < Cleveland, Durham, Forsyth, Gas- i ton, and New Hanover, of the larg- i er counties having a lower debt i ratio. Cleveland county heads the i list, with a net debt ratio of 1.1 per cent, considered a really remark- ) able record. Carteret is at the hot- i t°m; its debt is 39.4 per cent of its i assessed valuation. ] The Standings c The first 10 counties on the list, ] and the ratio of their debt to their | assessed valuations, are: Cleveland, jl: Currick, 1.3; Scotland, 1.3; 'arren, 1.3; Durham, 1.8; Forsyth, ’6 Camden, 1.9; Gaston, 1.9; New ,meuKienourg, ia.a. Fifty-one counties according to 11 ** chart, owe debts less than 5e'en per cent of their assessed - valuations. Sixty-five counties have ('bt ratios to valuations under 10 ■*' cent. The 11 counties with the *orst financial standings have ra as running from 17.3 per cent to A l^r cent. Of that group, Bun r»mbe is the largest county; its ra "° is 26.3 per cent. Prom the depression period lows i lh« Present ratings, the bonds of i 'f h'°rth Carolina counties have s , 5 ~f remarkable gains. Buncombe’s 7 . “tis as an example, worth $18 J ,ln 1932-1933, have doubled to e £ on December 1 this year, c •McMsnburfli bonds during that j dropped to $80, although the t minty had never defaulted knd w 0ll?h no other county bonds c n higher, are now bringing a v 11 premium, and so are the r ..‘*Us of many other North Caro- t ■Ina mnnries. , * Pope Worse QUIET ORDERED FOR POPE PIUS Is Con* siaered in Serious Condition VATICAN CITY, Dec. 21.—(ff) - Specialists ordered absolute quie for Pope Pius XI today if the Hoi: Father is to live. He is 79 yeari >ld. Well informed Vatican circle! said the pontiff’s physician, a spe ;talist, called in for an urgent con sultation had laid down rigo:fxu ■ules to aid his weakened condition nought on by the ills of. old ag< rnd complicated by a high fevei ind possibly influenza. Attendants said there is no hop< ils holiness could go through hii isual Christmas ceremonies. H< nust spend the holiday abed, or, a Jest, in a wheel chair. The orders for a stricter regimeni were put into effect after the Pop< suffered a fainting spell as he laj n bed yesterday. The attack was caused, doctor said, by his irregular heart action ;he result of circulatory stagnation The Holy Father’s personal phy sician, Dr. Amanti Milan!, hasten sd to the Papal apartments earl: oday to examine his patient’s fevei shart, checking anxiously to see ii he epidemic of influenza in Romt lad added the Pope to its vie ims. resDyrery oives McDiarmid New Car Rev. H. N. McDiarmid, pastor o! he Shelby Presbyterian church, re eived a new Chevrolet car Satur !ay, as a Christmas gift from the tings Mountain Presbytery. For a number of years the Rev. dr. McDiarmid has served as hairman of the Presbytery’s board if home missions, doing a deal ol vork in connection with the board or which he has received no pay, ind has expected none. Saturday he was asked to come o Gastonia, presumably on some nlssion connected with his home nisslon board activities, but when le reached the appointed place the ar was presented to him by an ap ireclative committee representing he entire Presbytery. HAILE SELLS SILVER LONDON, Dee. 21. — (/P) — Thousands of pieces of silver plate were offered for sale to* day by Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. Wally Won’t See Edward Until Her Divorce Is Final CANNES, France, Dec. 21.—(/P)— i ) i i Wallis Warfield Simpson cleared away the mystery surrounding her Immediate future today with a plain indication she would not see the man who gave up the throne of England for her until her divorce Is absolute. The statement that Mrs. Simp son was remaining at her haven in Cannes for “several months," and “there Is absolutely no possibility” she will see Edward of Windsor until spring was made by Herman Rogers, her Riviera host, as Mrs. Simpson held a formal press con ference for the first time in her life. In the end it turned out to be more of a social reception than an interview. Adroitly Mrs. Simpson discussed the beauty of the Riviera, the weather and the dangers of driving over mountain roads. . With a gracious, happy air she joined in the general conversation in the beautiful gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers’ Villa Lou Viel yester day afternoon, but she left it to her host and spokesman to answer the two questions all the world was asking: When would she see the Duke of Windsor? When would they be wed? ' The answer to the first was not “for several months” and to the second only silence. Windows To Open Until 8 O’Clock Russell Laughrldge, assistant postmaster announced today that beginning this evening the windows , of the local office will remain open ’ until eight o’clock to take care of I the extra volume of Christmas mail. They will do so until Christmas Eve. ' "The annual rush is on,” said Mr. ! Laughrldge. “The stamps and par J cel post windows will* remain open , until eight, and special delivery service will be continued on Christ mas Day. The office will be closed Christmas Day." On Saturday the office will be open as ifeual. BURNED WIFE? HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Dec. 21. —(JP)—E. E. Grover, middle aged chiropractor, paced a Jail cell today and denied officers’ charges he burned his wife to death yesterday after a quar rel. Christmas Party Tickets Tuesday All applicants for tickets to the Salvation Army and Shel by firemen Christmas eve party must make their applications at Salvation Army headquarters at 1002 South LaFayette street, be tween 2 and 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, it was announced. Only children with tickets are to be admitted to the party which is to be held Christmas eve at the American Legion building. Parents who wish to obtain tickets for their children and. children themselves wish to at tend the party must be cer tain to apply because no tickets are to be issued without inves tigation. Ttft party is for children who, otherwise, might receive no Christmas presents. x Only 708Auto Tags Are Sold • For 1937In Cleveland County While sales of auto licenses are unning about 50 per cent ahead of lormal in most parts of the state, ales in Cleveland county are about 0 per cent behind. According to the Carolina Motor lub only 708 tags have been sold to ate. Last year in the corresponding eriod nearly 300 more plates had een sold. A message this morning from the ommtssiorrer of revenue, A. J. Max rel lsaid, "It is well understood that o extension of time is given for be use of old license plates on treets and highways on or* after January 1. The co-operation.of the motorists will be greatly apprec iated.” Fire Department To Have Banquet At 8 Annua! banquet of the Shelby Fire department will be held to night at 8 o’clock at the American Legion building. An Interesting program has been arranged for members of the department, their wives and friends. J. L. McDowell, r-hief, will preside. A COTTON CHECKS FOR $14,000 TO ADD TOHOLIDAH Farmers Are Asked To Wait Until They Get Card DIVERSION FUND Cotton adjustment checks total ling $14,352.10 to 193 Cleveland coun ty farmers arrived at the office o the county agent this week-end anc will appear In the Christmas stock' Ings of as many cotton growers, li was learned today. Notices Sent County Agent Wilkins said notice* have been sent out to all the grow ers who will receive checks in thii consignment and asks that “each grower wait until he has receivoc his card.” The checks are the payment bj the government for the work done in soil conservation, or actually five cents per pound for the cotton which would have grown on the land which was diverted to soil conserving crops. Approximately $20,000 was re ceived earlier in the season, but Mr. Wilkins said today the main body of checks are not likely to ar rive before about the first of the year. If they do, it will be a Christ mas surprise to him. His office will dose Thursday at noon and remain closed for Christ mas until Monday. December 38 Persons notified about checks should come before Thursday noon. BULLETINS C. R. CODY DEAD LONDON, Dec. 21.—) —A policy of opening to public Inspection nil names and amounts under the federal farm benefit payments was announc ed today by agricultural adjust ment administration leaders. HUSBAND HELD KENANSVILLE, Dec. 21.—(A*) —A. James Wilson, 22-year-old farmer, was held In the Duplin county jail here today while of ficer* Investigate the death of his wife from a pistol wound at their home near Magnolia early Saturday night. Deputy Sheriff Joe Wallace said Wilson declared his 20 year-old wife, Adele, committed suicide with a small automatic after the two had quarreled. High School Lad Dies of Pneumonia L. D. Nanny, 17 year old popular high school boy died early today at the Shelby hospital following a week's illness of pneumonia. He became 111 with a cold and fever last Sunday and was taken to the hospital later in the week. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Nan ny of South Shelby Funerftl rites will be held Tues day at 3 o’clock at the Second Bap tist church with Rev. C. V. Mar tin, pastor, in charge. Interment will be at Zoar. He is survived by his parents, a brother, Alfred Nanny and a sis ter Miss Ruby .Toycc Nanny Santa Early For Sick Boys True to hie traditional benevolence, Santa Claua advanced the date of Chrlatmes nearly two weeks for the epeclal benefit of two email boya leat they die of Incurable dieeaeea before hla regular visit. Slowly dying of bone cancer In a hospital at Omaha Neb., Johnny Hernandes (left), S, happily played with hie toya while Nurae Rose Burnsteln told him the Chrletmaa atory. And at Mercy hoapltal In Kanaaa City, Charles Mendenhall (right), S, merrily pedaled hla new Christmas tricycle. Of courea doctor e haven’t the heart to tell him he la a victim of dread Pemphlgua, a fatal dlaeaae that gradually covars the body with burn-llke blisters. (Associated Prasa Photos) Duelist’s Wife Has A Daughter BUDAPEST, Hungary. Dec. 21. —(A5)—Frau Fran* Surge, wife of the diminutive “Me Against Nine” duelist, gave birth to a daughter today at St. John’s hospital. Surge, whose successive affairs of honor was the talk of Bud apest for weeks, was momentar ily crestfallen. “I had hoped for another duelist,” he said. His 20-year old blond wife, however, was jubilant. “One duelist in the family is more than enough,” she said. HUNT SPREADS FOR 2 PLANES Nine Missing In One, Two In The Second Lost Airliner SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 31.—UP) —The wintry west locked the fate of nine missing persons In Us cold and snow too ay as officials, posting a $1,000 rt^ard, announced a search “on our own” for one of two planes i seven days after it disappeared. i Admitting “every clue exhaust- i ed,” Western Air Express officials : offered the reward, effective until noon January 4, for discovery of i the Los Angeles-Salt Lake tran- i sport lost with five men and two women since Tuesday. The ship, last reported over Mil ford, In southwestern Utah, is ward and East Central Nevada. Hunt Second Ship Five hundred miles northwest. Ranger M. T. Olmstead turned the hunt to a new sector In north Ida ho for Pilot Joe Livermore, co-pllot A. A. Hald and their Northwest Airlines Transport, missing since Friday. Livermore made his last radio report over Elk River, Idaho. The search had centered between there and Spokane. Olmstead said, how ever, the transport flew low over the forest service station at Calder, 40 miles north of Elk River, Friday, then turned west toward Spokane. One thousand CCC enrollees, ' army officers and enlisted men were assigned to comb mountain ous sections of Utah over which 8. J. Samson may have piloted the Western Air Express plane. They were part of 8,200 men placed at disposal of airline officials by Bri gadier General Walter C. Sweeney, commander of Fort* Douglas, near i Salt Lake City. ] A dozen planes continued an ae rial search. EMBARGO UPHELD WASHINGTON, Dec. SI.—(JP) —The 134 anas embargo act which authorized President Roosevelt to forbid the sale of munitions in this country for use in the recent Chaco War be tween Bolivia and Uaraguay was ! held constitutional today by the Supreme court. 1 1 Study Board Proposes County Liquor Control SURPRISE RAIDS NET 26 GALLONS Cleveland and Arcade Hotels Searched; Still Cut Down Surprise raids by county and city officers lti at least three spots this week-end Interrupted forcibly the Christmas liquor trade. Two cases were aired in recorder’s court today and one was taken into the federal court. A raid early Saturday night on the Cleveland hotel by eight coun ty and city officers and a state pa- c trolman netted 26 gallons of liquor, t most of which was tax paid, with some of the "white com” variety. « Another small raid led by Sher- c ff Raymond Cline called for a j search warrant on the Arcade hotel f rhere a quantity of booze was found v ind Solon Deal was tried this mom- t ng and fined $10 and the costs. t Get Still , Township officers led by F. X. n jolden, federal Investigator yester- « lay cut down a 100-gallon moon- p ihlne still in operation near Kings Mountain and took three men, Wal er Agnew, Sam Lindsey and Fred c 3ist. They were given a hearing by i Commissioner John P. Mull and c claced under bonds of $500 which j (Continued on page twelve.) 1 blearing Waived ; In Poison Case * v WILMINGTON, Dec. 21.—OF) \ —Edgar Lee Smoak waived a "! preliminary hearing in record- , er’s court here today and was . ordered held without bail on a charge of murdering his 15 year-old daughter, Annie Thel- , ma, by poison. A murder charge against his * housekeeper, Mrs. Genevieve r Harker, was dropped but she c vas placed under $1,000 bond as a material witness. bounties To Get 80% Revenue; Local Option RALEIGH, Dec. 21.—t**)—The H |uor study vommlsslon recommend >d that North Carolina have a state iupervised alcoholic control systeir composed of county-operated storei or sale of original package goods vith sale of whiskey by the drink >rohlblted. A model bill bearing approval ol our of the seven members of thi ommisslon was Included In the re tort, permitting each county deslr tig to do so to hold an election on he liquor question and providing hat the state should get 20 per cent f the net profits of the stores with he counties getting 80 per cent. Three members of the commla lon, L. R. Varser of Lumberton, iharlcs A. Hines of Greensboro and ohn Robinson of Charlotte, pro osed that the bill require a state Ide referendum on the liquor ques lon and that in case of defeat of He proposal for county stores the resent Pasquotank and New Han ver laws, under which stores op rate In 18 counties would be re ealed automatically. County Opinion Victor S. Bryant, of Durham, hairman. along with Thomas W. laoul of Asheville, Donnell Gilliam f Tarboro and R. P. Beasley of fonroe approved the county option iw. The proposed state liquor board rould consist of a chairman, to be aid $6,000 a year for full-time fork, and two associate members to et $25 per day for days actually rorked. The members would be ap ointed by the governor for three ear terms after the first board lembers , who would serve three, wo and one-year terms, respectlve r. The state board would have the eto power over practicallvy all ac lon of the county boards, being mpowered to supervise the local nit stores, fix prices, remove board lembers, supervise purchasing by aunty stores, fix opening and clos (Continued on page twelve.) Over $20,000 To Be Paid Oat This Week By Shelby Firms Dividend and interest checks to ailing $30,200 will go out this week rom the three building and loan issociations and the M. and J. Fi lance company, the quarterly pay nente expected to be a boost to Christmas trading. Captain J. F. Roberts said the Shelby Building and Loan wUl pay iut $7,200 on full paid stock. Officials at the M. and J. Finance :ompany said its dividend checks rill total $2,000 and interest checks ,4 500. Joe L. Suttle of the Cleveland hiildfng and Loan .said his coin $ pany’s payments will be $3,500. According to John P. Mull secre tary of the Shelby and Cleveland association payments there for about 100 checks will be approximately $3,000. CAPT. BROADWAY ILL IN RUTHERFORD HOSPITAL Captain W. A, Broadway, road supervisor for Cleveland county, i was taken suddenly ill this morning I and entered the Rutherford Hos ! pital. The nature of his illness was ! not learned. RESCUERS FIND MORE DEAD AS RUINS SEARCHED Molten Lava From Volcano Flows Over Wrecked City FEAR EPIDEMIC By The Associated Prcn SAN SALVADOR, Salvador, Dec. 21. -Officials expressed fears today or a mounting death toll In the de vastating earthquake which raced almost all 8an Vicente and killed at least 200 persona over the week-end. Persons arriving In San Salvador from the stricken provincial capital told stories of wholesale ruin, of shattered buildings and hornet, and of rescuers digging out some 200 bodies In the first few hours after the quake. Rush Relief How high the deaths would reach no one would estimate, but govern ment officials dlspatchsd all relief available to the area. Accurate reports were made In creasingly difficult to obtain be cause of the disrupted communica tions between the quake area and San Salvador. Telephone and telegraph lines were ripped down by the quakee and Information could be had only from thoee who fled Inland from the scene. The quake, which first struck the sleeping city of San Vicente Sat urday night, crashed buildings and shook the earth in villages nearby, eye witnesses said. Refugees, with thrtr families and household belongings fled along rural roads trying to reach safety train the ever-menacing volcano Santa Rita, southeast of San Vin cente which some refugees said was erupting. Adding to the fears of molten lava pouring from the volcano over the wrecked city was the specter of epidemics. Much of San Vincente’s supply of drinking water was pois oned by sulphur apparently exud ing from the smoking volcano after (Continued on page twelve.) FIVE KILLED IN AUTO WRECKS IN NORTH CAROLINA Six Deaths Occur In S. C. Over Week End; Ilia List CHARLOTTE, Dec. M.—UP)—Flva persons were killed in week-end traffic accidents over North Caro lina. a check-up showed today. Miss Ines Phillips was killed at High Point when a car hit a tele phone pole. Preston Cone, S3, was found dead on the Ralelgh-Wilson highway, a hit-run victim. Luther Hyde, 19, died in a Tar boro wreck la which five others were Injured. Henry Laws, negro, was struck and killed by a car at Durham. Will Roberts, Gastonia negro, was killed In a wagon-auto collision. FOUR PEDESTRIANS ARE KILLED ON HIGHWAYS COLUMBIA, S. C., Dec. SI.—(JPh Automoblles killed four pedestrians in South Carolina over the week end and highway wrecks accounted for two other deaths. William Davidson, 55, was killed in north Charleston by a hit-run driver. Henry T. Crisp, 45, was a hit run victim at Union. Arthur R. Campbell, 48, was struck and killed at Spartanburg. A car hit Arthur Edwards, 25, near Woodruff and killed him. Ernest M. Kelly, 23, of Seneca, died at Anderson of Injuries, and Ralph Bennett, 65-year-old negro, was killed in an accident at Sumter. Rotary Ladies To Entertain Tonight Annual ladles party tor Shsib* Rotarians will be held at the Hotet Charles at 7:30 o’clock tonight. These parties are always looked forward to with a certain amount ; of fear and trembling on the part ; of Rotarians since the greater part of the program is each year taken | up with alleged facts from the early life of members of the elub with wifely interpretations. 4