Society and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor i,\i>y News, tor This Department Should Be Reported By 11 O Clock. Phone 4-J.) BRYRV VTLL BE 0>rn THIS WEEK rhP shclby library will be closed Thursday and Saturday after on,, December 24 and 26. this ^ tw0 of its usual three weekly vs open. R„, WEBB TO GIVE \ | (Hi MRS. HOEV Invitations have been issued to Ciiritmas tea to be given by s p y. Webb Thursday after 3n between 4 and 5:30. at her j,le on South Washington street compliment to Mrs. C. R. Hoey , i„ will Ik moving from Shelby to . jot' mor s mansion in Raleigh January 10. )T\RV ANNS GIVE If;TV FOR HUSBANDS 5iipiby Rotary Anns gave their j nual party for their husbands,! imbers of the local Rotary club,! t evening at the Charles hotel, j r; u. L. Patterson, wife of the ! t.nient, was in charge of a simple, Cfrnm of entertainment which! eluded group singing of a num-j r of songs. Mrs. C. R. Hoey, present as a est of honor, made a brief talk; ere were two contests in which be? were won by Dr. Sam Schenck i Charles Austell; and a number dance numbers, which delighted dr audience, .were given by the OTill sisters of Asheville, who Bduct a school in Shelby, with f assistance cf Marvin Phipps, » of Asheville and ‘Miss Nancy ne Uneberger. K feature of the evening was the itribution of gifts to the men [sent. Dinner was served in the dining jm oi the Hotel Charles where attractively decorated banquet Me had been arranged. Covers ire laid for fifty guests. 1SS MARY LOU CLINE EDS MARVIN PUTNAM The marriage of Miss Mary Lou Ine to Marvin H. Putnam, which jk place Sunday afternoon\ at 4 dock, united members of two of p county’s most prominent fam ■s. They were married at the irabeth Baptist parsonage with e pastor. Rev. B. P. Parks, per-) ming the ceremony. A number of \ Wives and friends went with I em to the Parks home to wtt 6f the ceremony. The bride's costume was a woolen i; of royal blue with grey fur m and her accessories were also .grey. Hr.v Putnam, daughter of Mr. d Mrs. Z. V. Cline, is an attractive mde The bridegroom, son of Mrs. mie Miller Putnam and the late arlie Putnam, is a farmer of the ico community. they left immediately after the 'emony for a short wedding trip ■ough the eastern part of ' the •te. FTV PERSONS ATTEND •OKMENDING PROJECT Ibout fifty persons visited the Li ary and Bookmending project: M at South Shelby school last ur.-day afternoon from 3:30 to, o'clock, to witness the different | ps in bookmending demonstrated t demonstration represented a1 PA project being carried on In l the city through which the public library and libraries of the county and city schools have their books mended at very small C06t. The project has nine workers who re condition abJUt thirty books a day. Each book is washed, mended, buff ed. rehinged, sewed, and rebound,1 giving it the appearance and dur- : ability of a new book. Miss Selma Webb, principal of! South Shelby school and Mrs, Louis W. Gardner, county supervisor of women’s work, greeted the guests on their arrival. The girls working on the project aided Mrs. Jessie OShielcls, project supervisor, in serving sandwiches and hot tea to the visitors. Mrs. Lois Young, district super visor from Hickory, and Miss Sally Ramseur. area supervisor, from Morganton were out of town visit ors. MISS SPURLING BRIDE OF MONROE C. DIXON In a simple but dignified cere mony Miss Lorene Spurling and Monroe C. Dixon were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents Saturday afternoon, Decem ber 19, at 2 o'clock. The vows were spoken before an altar of pines, ivy, potted plants and ferns. The ring ceremony was used. Tall candles were lighted prior to the ceremony by W. B. Spurling, jr., oldest broth er of the bride. The bride and bridegroom enter ed the ceremony room together and the vows were taken before Rev. Lawrence Roberts, pastor of the bride. Only close relatives of the bride and bridegroom were present. Mrs. Dixon's wedding costume was a becoming suit of grey woolen with which she wore a white rib bon hat and bag and slippers of black patent leather. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Spurling, is a pretty blonde, and a very popular young woman. Mr. Dixon is a scar of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dixon of Belwood, with whom the young couple will make their home upon their return from a short wedding trip. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Luther McGinty are having as holiday visitors three of their children, Paul, who Is a student at U. N. C., Chapel Hill, Is already at home, and Arthur, who holds a position in Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Nelle Perry, *who works in Atlanta, Ga., will come Thurs day night to be with them through Christmas. Miss Rachel Wells, student at George Washington university in Washington, D. C., came home Sat urday to spend this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wells. Her sister. Miss Helen Wells, will go to Washington with her when she returns next Monday and will be her guest for a week. Miss Sara Williams has gone to Atlanta, Ga., to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Hatched Crochet for Bedroom or Bath Household Arts Alice Brook V*r** > «r Set* Quickly PATTERN 5752 T°ur bathroom will be the mo6t dressed up room tn the house when t'e crocheted these smart accessories—-a two-tope rug and matching *.rder. Select colorful candlewlcking, rug yarn or rag6 for the ^ne fic.u er-splashed rug—string for the towel border and, perchance. Simply follow the chart—It’s easy—It's fun! Your bedroom alsc •* this dainty “throw” rug! In pattern 6752 you will find complete Auctions and charts for making the rug, towel and filet scarf; an 11 feition of them and of the stitches used: material requirements; colon hestions this pattern send 10 cents In stamps or coin (coin preferred) V* Shelby Daily Star). Household Arts Dept.. 259 W 14th Street, New Y, Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND UTERn NUMBER. E. Y. Webb, Jr., and hi* son, Eu gene, of AUanta, Ga., plan to come to Shelby Friday for a Christmas visit with Judge and Mrs E. Y. Webb. Mlsi Sara Thompson, who works at Duke university will come to Shelby Thursday night for a ten days visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson. Jean Fltsgerald of Asheville spent the week-end here as guest at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wells. Bill McKnlght, Instructor at the University at Chapel Hill, Is here spending Christmas with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. McKnlght. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Farabow of Charlotte came to Shelby yester day to spend the Christmas holi days with Dr and Mrs. H. D. Wil son. Clark Alexander, who has been a patient In the veterans' hospital at Oteen for sometime and has shown Improvement, Is expected to come home- today to spend Christ mas with his mother. Mrs. C. B. Alexander, at their home on 8outh Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. Broad us Newman of Charlotte spent Sunday here with the former’s mother. Mrs. H. L. Newman, at the Frederick apart Miss Dorothy McBrayer went to Lexington yesterday to spend the day and night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall, Jr. Today she and Mrs. Wall and the latter's little daughter, Dene Holland, will come to Shelby and Mrs. Wall and the baby will spend the remainder of the week with Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Holland. Mr. Wall will join them here for Christmas day. Miss Pansy Katherine Fetaer. student at Brenau college and daughter of Mrs. Pansy Petier. is a member of the Student Govern ment association’s honor board and is also an honor roll student. Miss Ruth Hopper and Mrs. Paul ine Hill of Charlotte will come to Shelby Thursday night to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Hopper. William Webb, student at New York University, is expected to come to Shelby tomorrow to spend Christ mas with Judge and Mrs. E. Y. Webb at their home on South Washington street. Mrs. Mildred Buttle, who has been seriously ill in the Shelby hos pital during the past week, has shown much improvement and was able to return to her home on N. LaFayette street yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wooten of Fallston announce the birth of a son cm December 15 at the Shelby hospital. Dr. H. D. Wilson is a patient in the local hospital where he is un dergoing treatment. He entered the institution last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blanton, Mrs. Minnie Blanton, Miss Josephine Blanton and David Blanton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ceph Blanton last week. Mr. Blanton, who was ill with flu last week, was able to be up Sunday for the first time in several days. Mrs. C. A. Burras, who is suffer ing from a light attack of pneu monia at the local hospital, con tinues to show Improvement. college, came home last week to spend the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Summey. Prior to his homecoming he had spent several days in the college sanatorium tor treatment of in juries received when he fell from a motorcycle a week ago. Mrs. H. 8. Norton from Shreve port, La., is here to spend Christ mas with her daughter, Mrs. Dwight Houser, and Mr. Houser. Hugh Lee Warlick of Lawndale entered the local hospital Friday night for treatment. Among the Shelby students at U. N. C., Chapel Hill, who are home ror the holidays are Will Arey, Jr., John Dorsey, Hal Cornwell and T. B. Gold, Jr. R. G. Freeman underwent an operation yesterday in the Shelby hospital. Rev. D. F. Putnam, who has been 111 for sometime at his home here, entered the hospital Sunday for treatment. Presents Painting CHARLOTTE, Dec. 32.—(*>)—Mrs.j John W. Alexander, widow %f the; artist, has presented one of his! paintings, a small canvas of a young girl by a window, to the Mint Mu-J seum of Art hew. _ The land owned in Hudspeth county, Tex., alone by the Univer sity of Texas Is larger than the en tire acreage of some other state counties. The Honolulu chamber of com-1 mcrce was organised In 1850. Front-Button Wrap-Around Frock Easy Marian Martin Pattern PATTER.. 9118 A busy morning of chores aheai . . Breakfast to get . . . Kiddles h see off to school! What to wf*u that's comfy, full of "action room yet smart and pretty at the sain time? Here's the answer—a trul: flnt'erlng frock, designed by Marl nn Martin for clever efficient home makers. It’s a wrap-around, o course, fashioned- on the popla shirtwaist lines, buttoned Into plac In a jiffy—and best of all, easy ti make! In fact you'll find Patten 9118 so very simple to cut and stltcl that you'll be making several ver sloivs of It In colorful gingham o percale, even though you’re not ai experienced sceamstrcss!" See It trim yokes, "Gibson Girl” sleeve and handy pocket. Choose bright novelty buttons. Complete Diagram med Marian Martin Sew Chart In eluded. Pattern 9118 may be ordered onl; sin sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 36. 38, 4C 42 and 44. Size 16 requires 3 8-1 yards 36 inch fabric. SPRING ahead! Order our NEV MARIAN MARTIN FATTERJ BOOK, with its many helpful hint for a gay, new-season wardrobe You'll find after-dusk “Glamour frocks, flattcrl. p all-occasion style for every age and type—from To to Stouter Figure. Easy-to-sen fashions for Junior and Teen-Ajc too. Don’t miss the “Pin Money pages. Bridal Fashions, Fabric o Accessory tips BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS, PATTERN F1FTEEH CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTt FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TO GETHER. Send you order to The Shel'i; Dally Star, Pattern Department 232 W. 18th St., New York N. Y, TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE OF SAINT I PITTSBURGH. Dw. M.-flFV— A i Pttaburgh Jurist, remembering the r days of his youth, ami the heart I break of "there ain’t no Santa Claus," clamped down on doubters today—he ruled them in contempt . of court. r Clothing hi* action in Judicial f dignity, observing all the formali ! ties. Judge M. A. Musmanno order | ed decreed and declared: , To The Baatlle ’Anyone within our Jurisdiction ' who questions the authenticity and 1 genuineness of Santa Claus will be ! declared in contempt of court and committed to the bus tile." The judge told of "suggestions ■ that the whit* bearded gentlemen, with their fur-trimmed red coats, f who stand before department stores i with beaming smiles and building i j sacks on their backs are deceiving J the public In that they purport to f' represent a personage that does not r, exist. > "There have even been intlma . tlona that perhaps warrants of ar ’ rest should issue against these ) Santa Clauses, charging them with t false pretense. i "We hereby declare that anyone . initiating such a prosecution on ‘ tha supposition that there Is no ’ Santa Claus, will not only have the [ case dismissed, but he will be re 1 qulred to pay the costs of the suit.” I Santa Recognise d Musmanno, president Judge of the criminal courts of Allegheny oon ' tinned “If the law recognises John Doe It will certainly recognise Santa Mrs. Einstein Dies In England Sunday PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 22—OP) —Prof. Albert Einstein secluded himself after the funeral of the 58 year-old wife who so long had shielded him from the plagues of fame. The filing of the death certifi cate disclosed Monday Frau Elsa Einstein had died Sunday, The funeral was held at the lit tle cottage where the famed scien tist and his wife made their homrf. "Privacy in their grief” was ask ed for the noted German scientist, and was enforced so strictly by their associates that even the time of the funeral was unknown out side the most intimate circle. During their married life, Frau Einstein was a partner in the crea tion of the abstruse mathmeatlcal calculations which won the German world-wide renown. She was both the shield which protected the gen ius from the bumps of the world and the hair-spring which kept it under control. The death certificate listed myo carditis, or inflammation of the heart, as the cause. Informed sources said Frau Einstein had suffered from it for a year, and that she had been seriously IB six weeks. Her I condition became critical a fortnight ago. Bus Bonuses WINSTON .SALEM. Dec. 22.—OP) —The Atlantic Greyhound lines here has given its 100 employes Christmas bonuses equivalent to five per cent of their annual salar ies. PATRiC KNOWLES • HE NR STEPHENSON • NIGEL BRUCE Coming Wed.-Thur*. ‘ITS LOVE AGAIN* With Jessie Mathews—Robt. Young ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA *HAVILLAND The CHARGE of the EIGHT BRIGADE" Rogers Today—Last Showing SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TREE UGHTS INSIDE SETS_ONLY 49* (COMPLETE) OUTSIDE SETS ... ONLY *I*s Cleveland Drug Co. Austin-Comwell Drug Co* HEADQUARTERS FOR XMAS GIFTS -CAN DIES CEDAR CHESTS $4.00 and $5.00 Norris and Russell McPhail 50c to $7.50 SHAVING SETS Yardley’s, Coty’s, Houbigant, Colonial Club, Mennen LEATHER GOODS Bill Folds, Key Cases, Traveling Cases HEATING PAD 3 Heat.$1.98 Hair Dryers Vibrators - PERFUMES - Evening In Paris, Coty's, Yardley’s, Houbigant, Bond Street - COMPACTS - All Kinds 25c to $5.00 Mickey House Watches Sheaf fer Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets PIPES CIGARS -SPECIAL Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco 1 lb. cans .69c Claus. This court can stats with! judicial correctness that It has seen ] Santa Claus, but It has never had any ocular observation ol John Doe He ruled Judicially and firmly In a formal opinion: '‘Santa Claus Is not a figment of the Imagination. He Is an actuality.i Santa Claus Is the symbol of amia ble kindness; he Is the token of smiling charity; he Is the badge of all that Is cheerfully benevolent In the makeup of man." And the doubter. Judge Mus manno said, shall be adjudged In contempt, and; "Will be committed to the basttle there to be kept In durance vile until his soul expands and the spirit of Christmas enters therein, when he shall then be released, provided ! he shall shout with whole lungs and full heart: i "Merry ChrlstmasI" "Merry ChrlstmasI" WEBB Today-Last Showing Fugitive In The Sky ADMISSION 10c AND 15c u »* Wednesday — 10c Day rflffllMSOrSBJUJE! ...And to aft the •Krill*, tutpenre, and excitement ol Erie Stanley Gardner'^ great est myttery ctoryl RKMPU COIIII/• HUM HMD ■ 1 ~ J v/x Always SHORT SUBJECTS — EVERYBODY 10c BecauM ha wrote a entire ^ “ADVENTURES IN MANHATTAN” .fuel McCrea and Jean Arthur La>t Showing Today - WEDNESDAY - “THE ACCUSING FINGER” Marsha Hunt—Robert Cum* mlngs and Paul Kelly In a mysterious legal tangle— with circumstantial evidence convicting a district attorney and a senator pleading for hia life. Are our courts Just? Are lawyers infallible? What do you think? See this picture. SELECTED SHORTS. - THURSDAY - “The Man Who Lived Twice” Ralph Bellamy — Marlon Marsh and Isabel Jewel In the strangest drama ainee Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. — WE THANK YOU — You Play The Biggeet Possible Average Of Prospects When You ADVERTISE IN THE STAR you, tod, will wan* »o ioin the happy throng ofCROSL€Y owners when you see and hear the sensational new Crosley RADIOS- There’s o new Crosley for every purse and purpose. CKO$l€Y FTV€« Five tubes . . . American, police, amateur and aviation reception • . . 5-inch speaker . . . fnofno-Ceromie Dial . . . Tone control . . . Twin output tube . . . Beautiful cabi net. Come in—ash for c Host. DEALERS CROSLEY RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES AND REFRIGERATORS. WHATEVER HAPPENS. -- YOU HE rut at WITH A .-..-..ii CROSLEY RABIO