Society and PERSONAL NEWS *MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor i An> News For This Department Should Be Reported B> 11 O Clock. Phone 4-J.) ea Honoring Mrs. C. R. Hoey Is Pretty Event Of Christmas Season A i> autiful social event of the iru>tmas season wst> me tea given is afternoon by Mrs. E. Y. Webb her heme on South Washington ■en in compliment to Mrs. C. R. ■ry. Mrs. Hoey wore a beautiful temoon dress of Dubonnet, the irt being made of crepe and the din and sleeves of chiffon shot th gold. Mrs. Webb had selected r the occasion a dress of corona :ti blue crepe the blouse of which is finished with bead work. Mrs. J. D. Llneberger and Mrs. U. Woods met the callers at the jut door and directed them to e receiving line in the south liv 5 room. Other special guests re iving with Mrs. Webb and Mrs. >ey were Mrs. N. E. Burgess of tort Hills, N. J.. Mrs. O. Max irdner of Washington, D. C., Mrs. terrill Lineberger of Atlanta, Ga, d Miss Isabel Hoey. Mrs. John F. lienck invited them into the music ;>m where Mrs. Harvey White d Mrs. John Llneberger, the lat ■ of Asheville, entertained, and rs H. S. Plaster, at the piano, fur died a program of seasonal music. Mrs. F. R. Morgan and Mrs. Carl lomp'on stood at the door be een music room and dining room, lere Mrs. Oliver Anthony and rs. Joe Nash received. Mrs. Geo. IRISTMAS TREE-AT 1‘RSES HOME TONIGHT The annual Christmas tree and embers of the hospital staff will held tonight at the nurses home the reception room. A few of the ctors in the city with their fam es have also been Invited. There 11 be an exchange' of gifts among 1 these connected with the hos tal and other gifts coming In am outside will also be placed on e tree for distribution so that eryone present will receive some ing from the hands of St. Nick. E B. Lattlmore will act the irt of Santa Claus. A large, prettily lighted tree has en set up for the occasion and rtf or more guests are expected be present. RS. TOM ESKRIDGE IVES BRIDGE-SUPPER Mrs. Tom Eskridge was hostess lesday afternoon at a small idge party, which she followed by rving supper to her eight guests. ie group of friends played bridge r an hour and when they corn red scores at the close of the mes Mrs. Fred Blanton held high, r which she received an attrac t prize. At five o’clock they were invited to the dining room where they und their places by Christmasy rds attached to small candles in gar-plum candle-holders. A cen rpiece of Christmas evergreens, ver burs and berries, built around red taper, was also framed by it red taper! in stiver holders, tlted nuts and Christmas candles compotes added a further deco five note. Mrs. Connelly Eskridge helped I Blanton and Mrs. M. Webb Riley [sat at the ends of the tea table to . pour coffee from graceful silver ! urns. Moulded ice cream, with a I green Christmas tree Imprisoned In j each mould, white star cookies and j fruit cake were passed by Misses | Lily Taylor, Nancy Jane Llneberger, I Sarah Esther Dover and Eleanor j Hoey. The tea table was covered with i an exquisite cloth of Veronica lace 1 and centered with an arrangement of red and white blossoms banked about the bases of many, lighted white tapers. The living rooms and music room were decorated with the traditional red and green of Christmas, holly ! with its bright berries being banked on mantles and top of piano and ' arranged In bowls about the rooms. In the entrance hall a lighted Christmas tree added its bit to the atmosphere of festivity and sea sonal cheer which characterized the affair. After the guests had been served they were invited into the library by Mrs. Frank Hoey and Mrs. D. W. Royster, where Mrs. Charles Hoey and Mrs. James Webb Gardner en tertained and secured the names of callers for the register. the hostess to serve a three course supper. On tiunday prior to the party Mr. and Mrs. Eskridge had celebrated their twentieth wedding anniver sary and in recognition of this their hostess a China waffle set and a hostess plate. The guest list included: Mrs. Ward Arey, Mrs. Can Webb, Mrs. B. W. Dickson, Mrs. frank Sikes, ; Mrs. Fred Blanton, Mrs. Will Arey, Mrs. Ed Post and Mrs. D. R. Yates. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS PRETTY AFFAIR One of the prettiest parties which the very young social set has en joyed recently was that given yes terday afternoon by Molly Ann Newton when she celebrated her fifth birthday. She wore a pretty little frock of dark red crepe with sash and hair ribbon of old blue velvet ribbon. Forty five five-year olds of the city were present and thoroughly enjoyed the informal games, impromptu songs, tap danc es and Christmas speeches contrib uted by various guests. A prettily lighted Christmas tree in the comer of the living room was a feature they all liked. The gifts were piled around the base of the tree to be opened by the small hostess after tne real party was over. The refreshment table, decorated entirely in red and silver, was un usually pretty. The cake, iced in white and silver and bearing red candles in white holders, rested on a mifror in the center of the ta ble, banked around with red and silver berries. About the mirror red tapes in silver holders were placed. Ice cream was served with cookies cut in Christmas tree and star This is Fascinating Needlework Household ArU by Alice Brooks Easy to Give Your Linens Beauty PATTERN 5756 Tntre& Happiness ahead—these Blue-birds say so! They're here to '"harm to your refreshment linens, beauty to guest towels or dress JtKirft *nd j touch of originality to pillow top or kitchen curtains. .The -•’o-the-inch crosses, with a bit of outline and lazy daisy stitch for a touch, make these bird motifs attractive, 'Specially nice when •to in two shades of one color or varied colors. In pattern 5766 you will (f 8 transfer pattern of two motifs 5 x 10 3-8 inches; two motifs 8 x ' < inches; two motifs 4 3-4x5 1-4 Inches anti two and two reverse mo ; 4 * 5 inches; illustrations of the stitches needed; material require *0l^: color suggestions. .To obtain this pattern, send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred! York :Shplby Dady Star). Household Arts Dept.. 258 W. 14th Street. New «. JL''' V Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND r«TFnN NUMBER. t shapes and candy canes and cho colate Santas. In costumes of red and stiver ttnfotl. were given as favors. Molly Ann’s mother. Mrs. D. Z. Newton, with the help of Mrs. Bob Austen passed refreshment plates. Personals Miss Beulah Pruett of Morgan ton. who Is a student at Mars Hill college, will come to Shelby tomor row to visit her cousin, Mias Mary Margaret Mull. Miss Agnes Borders, student at W C. T. C., Cuiowhee, is spending the holidays at her home In Earl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Borders. J. O. Williams and Miss Mildred Williams leave today for Smlthfleld to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Williams. Mrs. J. O. Williams went to Smlthfleld two weeks ago to be with her son through an Illness and operation. The operation was performed a week ago at Duke University hos pital. he is now back at his home In Smlthfleld and is recovering sat isfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman Kendall of Greensboro are expected to come to Shelby today to spend Christmas "jui ivu. nuu xmo. uvc 0. tt cnnuri a at their home on West Marlon street. Miss Marion Sturdy of Lockhart, 8. C.. leaves today after spending several days with Mrs, C. A. Mor gan here. Mr. and Mrs. Zaok Groome and family have moved this week from the Weathers house in North Washington street to their new home on Poston street. Henry BrysoA, student at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Is spending Christmas here with his sister, Mrs. Brad Moser, and Mr. Moser. Miss Thelma Moss left this morn ing for Chicago and Naperville, Illi nois, to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wall of Mar ian. S. C„ will spend the Christmas holidays here with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs Wilbur H. Wall on North Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hornsby and Miss Beth Hornsby of Tampa, Flor ida will come to Bhelby this after noon to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rogers. Miss Peg LeOrand, of New York City, is coming home today to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. LeGrand. Mrs. John F. Schenck leaves Sat urday for Houston and San An tonio. Texas, to visit relatives and friends. In Houston she will be with her sister, Mrs. Russell Brown, but will also visit other relatives there. She plans to be away a month. Mrs. K. C. Nichols of Asheville will come to Shelby this afternoon to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. R, H. Cooke and Mr. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cannon of Rochester, N. Y., spent last week end in Shelby with the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wall, stop ping over here on their way to Florida for a short visit. Miss Della Wall, who recently want to Roches ter, wnere she holds a position with one of the large stores, will not be home fdt Christmas this year. Mrs. V. B. Ingram and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Price of LaGrange, Ga., came to Shelby yesterday to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Short are leav ing today to spend Christmas with relatives in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Beam will spend Christmas with the latter’s father, J. B. Pitts, at Glen Alpine. Mr. and Mrs. Troy McKinney and son, Troy, jr., will spefid Christ mas with Mrs. McKinney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stikeleather. Mrs. R. H. Cooke and her three daughters, Misses Marian, Barbara and Jane, returned home Tuesday after spending a few days with Mrs. Cooke's father. Or. A. A. Nichols, at Sylva. Hoyle Lee, instructor of mathe matics at Brown University, Prov idence, R. I., is spending the Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lee at Fallston. Yulan Washburn, senior at Jeff erson Medical college, in Philadel phia, la spending the holidays with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. D. G Washburn of the Double Springs community. HAWAIIAN TRIO TO PLAT TONIGHT IN SOUTH SHELBY There will be a Christmas pa geant. given by the Literary class of South Shelby in the Second Bap tist church Thursday evening at 1 o’clock. The music will be fumish j ed by the Grayson Hawaiian trio. 1 I Don Thi« Slimming “At Home**'Frock —A Real Marian Martin Flatterer PATTERN 9119 Chances are you're looking for Just such a flattering frock as Pat tern 9119 to don when you whisk through your morning chores, or spend a leisurely afternoon at home. There’ll be admiring comment* from your family when you don Pattern 9119, made up In gingham, percale, or chambray! You'll be amassed at your new. slim lines— all "brought out" by the trim yoke panel, adjustable tle-sash, perky revers and puffed or flared sleeves! And If you've never made any of your own frocks before—now’s the time to start! For this Marian Mar tin flatterer boasts pattern pieces so simple to cut and fit together, that the most hesitant “beginner’' will find It. fun! Simple directions are found in the accompany Com plete Diagrammed Sew Chart! Pattern 9119 mav be ordered only in sizes 34. 36. 38. 40. 43. 44. 46 r.nd 48. Size 36 requires 4 yards 36 Inch fabric. SPRING ahead! Order our NEW MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN ROOK, with its many helpful hints for a gfey. new-season wardrobe. You’ll find after-dusk "Olamour” frocks, flatter!, f all-occasion styles for every age and type—from Tot to Stoutei Figure. Easy-to-sew fashions for Junior and Teen-Ace. too. Don’t miss the "Pin Money’’ peges. Bridal Fashions, Fabric or Accessory tips BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TO GETHER. Send you order to The Shelby Dally Star. Pattern Department, 332 W. 18th St, New York N. Y. Christmas Dinner Comes From Heaven GOLDSBORO, Dec. 24.—^/p>—A Christmas dinner came to Rufus (Skin) Branch like manna from heaven. Rufus, negro attendant at a tire company parking lot, attracted by a rustling In the air, looked up in time to have a big canvas back duck settle Into his arms. A patron offered to buy the bird. But Rus demurred: “Boss, my maker done sent me dls duck for Christmas an' I atn’ gonna make him mad by sellin' it. No, suh." Central Methodist Invites Students | The church school at Central Methodist church will meet at 9:45 a. m. The Hoel Bible class at 10 a. m. At 11 o'clock the pastor will preach on “Facing the New Year.” At 7:30 p. m. a student recognition service will be held. Talks will be made by Prof. C. E. Rankin, Miss Margaret Ford, Horace McSwain and the pas tor. All college and high school stu dents are Invited. Farm Hand Is Held On Murder Charge RALEIGH, Dec. 24.— m —D. M. King, 48 year old farm hand, was held on a charge of mfrder today al|er one of his 13 children, Leon ard, 25, died of gunshot wounds. A preliminary hearing was set for December 30. Deputy C. H. Coppedge said the son was wounded when he attempt ed to Intervene in a quarrel be tween his fatherand mother at the King home. Police Hunt For Negro Attacker WINSTON-SALEM. Dec. 24.—(JF) —Police hunted today an unidentl fled negro charged by a 17-year-old i white girl with attacking her. The girl and a male companion reported that they were accosted by the negro as they left a cafe and started to the girl’s home. The negro, they said, forced them to go to a vacant lot at the point of a pistol, and held the man at bay while he assaulted the girl. Police said the description of the negro tallied with that of a negro who was reported to have attacked a young girl here a few weeks ago. Mrs. McLurd Dies In Catawba County HICKORY, Dec. 34.—Mrs. Alice McLurd, 46, died at her home in Valdese Wednesday rooming after a lengthy illness. She was the wife of J. P. McLurd of Burlington, but had made her home in Valdese for the last eight years. Funeral serv ices will be held at Mull’s Chapel Baptist church in Burke county this afternoon at 3 o’clock. In addition to her husband, Mrs. McLurd is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Guy Barringer of Hickory, and Mrs. Harry Jensen of Valdese; two sons, Edward and J. P. McLurd, both of Valdese; four sisters, Mrs Kelly Mosteller of High Point, Mrs. Jack Mull, Mrs. Minnie Martin of Val dese and Mrs. John Lawrence of Icard; three brothers, Lawrence, John, and O. O. Rhoney, all of Cleveland county. Wire Flowers GiUlatt -PHONE 7 Merry Christmas We Wish You Happiness— Good Health— and Prosperity— throughout the Holiday Season and the Coming -> Year J. O. Propst & Son Gn€€cmfl> Members Security Board In Capitol HALEIQH. Dee 34.—