THIMBLE THEATRE The Dirge From The Sea. By E. C. SEGAR WHA'S ^ THAT SOUND? Oh, MV GORSH! IHEARO n! YAW, PIPE N 1 HEARD IT! j DOWN! \ MSffeA^ » l»W I... IrM. In, \t>. SECRET AGENT X-9 The G-Man Take* Hi* Order*. By CHARLES FLANDERS fl WOMEN" D009 CON FERENCE The CON FERENCE 5UCE, HE'9 KEEPING ON HIM BLOND I E It’s A Racket! By CHIC YOUNG WELL LETCWA PLAV V.tTU US. BABY dumpling tc VOU GET US EACH TWO QAISIN / \ COOKIES T jg-iS4-» 1M«. Imt tetum hr*****, Uc, W<M ri»ta tj\X\C . ViQUMO—t HENRY By CARL ANDKRSON JUST KIDS What, No Chimney? By AD CARTER ,i>' Tilt two MDU AN' GEORGES WASHINGTON PLAY -"-f HOOKY TOGETHEB \gpANTRA?^ MOM-WILL \ YUM COME 1 OUT AN' SEE THE DOS HOUSE l / BUILT PER MY FROS?. TILLIE THE TOILER Cellmates! By WESTOVER m ,,»? m1' .»»■: rl'M TERRlW SOKRV FOR VCU MAC WELL, I S'L0N6 HeRBERT, OLD DOG THE REUMVON | GREAT f VUHtLE »T LAST-J ,ED(nr^'; I'VE (SOT A VUARBAMT \ FOB THE ARREST OF CLABEMCE MAC— DOUSAL.L FOB THEFT OF MBS. VANJDERCLUCK'S TSS9S&* * OH, BOY' "THAT'S SVjEt-L, OFFICER. H0U1 CAM \ EVER tham\< (jfl Ill \nooF U/URF, fcONTlNUCb ON ^ATUKi^AY ^ >>**»■ Futvo Syd HHY. BRIMS -TWSV D06 Al_OM<3 — VaAE'RE <30NKiA L_00< HIM UP \Al\TH YUH 7—zssirx— ROTHSCHILDS AS KINGS’ FRIENDS ! FOR MANY YEARS | NEW YORK, Dec. 23 — </P)—'The powerful Rothschild family has proved the best friend of many kings of Europe in the past cen tury—but never in the way one of their sons is befriending former King Edward ot England today. Edward’s decision to make his refuge until at least after Christmas at the Rothschild castle at Enzes feld, Austria, recalls that many a ruler before him has turned to members of that amazing family for help In a crisis. Heretofore that help always has been in form of bank notes. Secure Dynasty While royal dynasties have come and gone in Europe, the Roths childs, by intermarriage and close collaboration of their banking houses in four nations have built a dynasty much more secure. Depending on the pen of a Roths child, armies of Europe for a cen tury have starved and lost, or had their bully beef and won. Britain from the time of the Duke of Wellington; the rulers of Prussia, Bavaria and other German states down to the time of the Kaiser; the sbuilders of the Austria empire and the kings of the nations formed out of it; the Bourbons and the repub licans of France—all in their time they have crossed a Rothschild threshold in search of their destiny even as Edward has. Mayer Amsel, brought up to be a rabbi, founded the Rothschild banking business in Frankfort-am Main about 1800. Danish Loan i Amsel made his first foreign loan j to the Danish government. He also became agent for William of Hesse Cassel, who turned his treasure over to the banker on fleeing from his capital before a French army. Am sel buried it, digging up parts at different times secretly and was so successful in the transaction that he was able to pay William back with five per cent interest. Four Rothschild sons established banking houses branches in Lon don, Paris, Vienna and Naple while the oldest, Anslem Mayer Roths child. remained at Frankfort and in 1820 became the Bavarian court banker. Nathan Famous Nathan, who went to England, be came the most famous of all the Rothschilds. He gambled all on the Allies to crush Napoleon. He used carrier pigeons and sailing ships to bring him news of events in distant countries ahead of other financiers. News of Bluchers defeat, two days before Waterloo, caused a crash in security prices but Nathan got the first news of Waterloo, bought up cheap securities and from that day the House of Rothschild was made. Drafts signed by Well ington, which the English govern ment was unable to pay, already had made Nathan a power with the Allies. Solomon went to Vienna, became intimate with Prince ; Mettemich and helped him become arbiter of Europe for many years; Jacob wont to France and established the house, now known as Rothschild Freres, helping Louis Phlllippe, the "clti *en king"; and Karl founded the Naples branch of the house, dis continued in 1860. Edward’s present host is Baron Eugene Daniel Rothschild. ‘His father moe Dor/us AIKa^ r>.iu_i,:i head of the Vienna house until 1911. Baron Louis Rothschild, his old est son. was president of the great est Austrian bank. Credit Anstalt, which crashed in 1931, shaking every country in Europe. * Economists rated the crash as one of the factors in the world-wide depression, caused by the failure' of loans made to central European nations. It saddled Austria with a debt of $162,000,000. Baron Louis and an other older brother of Edward's host, Alfonse, turned over their es tates to cover losses. Their father's estate had been valued at $145,000,000. A settlement for payment of $18, 000,000 on the Austrian debt finally was reached in 1936. But an Eng lish member of the family, Baron Lionel, represented the foreign cred itors in the negotiations. NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Shelby, N. C. for the election of directors for the en suing year and for any ether business coming before the meeting at their bank ing house in Shelby, N. C. on Tuesday, January 11. 1937 at 11 o'clock A* M. FORREST ESKRIDGE, Cashier. 3t tues 12c NOTICE. OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Trust Company of Shelby, N. C. for the election of directors for the en suing year and for any other business coming before the meeting at their bank ing house in Shelby. N C. on Tuesday. Jsnuery IP. 1937 at 11 n clock A M FORREST ESKRIDGE. Cashier 3t tues 22b ADMINISTRATOR’^ NOTICE North Carolina. Cleveland County Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Henry Gantt, deceased, ltte of Cleveland .county. North Carolina. This Is to notify all persons. having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to the* undersigned at Lawn dale, North Carolina, route 2. on or be fore tlie 15th day of December. 1937, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persona indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment of said obligations. Tills the 15c day of December. 19.7*. I FF A GANTT.' nl the Estate of Henrv Gantt 5t dec 15c '*4 la SALK Of CAR Pursuant and tty the power a recta In mechanics lein rXe, Morrison of route 3 Lawnd ? J dated October 34th. 1936 m' ,, N C, of 1334 61 delault having been the payment of same. <h. a' » will sell at public auction ,/'nrt'rsiri'a the court house door in Sh, t «l Thursday. January nth uni c °d or later, one Ford couple' ,0 * ™ 18-1493351. This December 14 1936 3t dec 15c ROGERS motors tTi'l,or numfct administratrix noticT—* Having qualified as adm - . ra, the estate of Sarah E. Mcs» , late of Cleveland county Nor/h this is to notify all persons having"?11"*' against the estate of the dereJI? f‘lm» hibit them to the undersigned “ hnm# in Rholhv on__ _ * 1 » 4.W.L incm to me undersigr.Prt A home In Shelby on or bolorr he l h“ of November. 1937. or thu n,. v. lM pleaded In bar of their Tecov v' .T,"1 * sons indebted to the said estate males Immediate payment Bl **• This the 3rd day’or Deremh., .... MRS. DAISY ORTmN Admil*3' *. ttix of Sarah E. utS,™**"** Kennedy & Horn and Bvnum r ers, Attorneys. ' lm *; w'»tb. dec 3§ ADMINISTRATRIX N0T1CE~ Having qualified as,,, the estate of Oscar M Holland o'. “ of Cleveland county. North Carolina IT* Is to notify all persons having n.?* against the said estate to rrr,,',' tn m ^ nrnnoeli _ “III them to me properly proven on or hi.' 1 24th day of November, 1931 or this .th* Rfill ha nlaaelarf »_ i_ UllS DOttC# Will be pleaded in bar of ,Ml* thereof. All persons owing the 8sM,'.^, tate will please make immediate ment to the undersigned. wtt,K Th*B 11th day of December IRig NELL HOLLAND. R-j. ’she" HoMsrirf‘li* ■*' *“•*• « 0«.f 5* Holland, deed. et „M * NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having this day qualified tratrix of Cicero Eskridge s estate ?!?, is hereby given to all persons claims against said estate t0 Ttt.[ same properly proven to the undersea on or before November 36. 1937 « 2,1 notice will be pleaded In bar of any « covery thereon. All persons indebted m the said estate will please mite Tm* dl5iT. p*’,ra*nt t0 th' undersigned. the 35th day of November lou KATHERINE ESKRIDGE Adm r , » ~ lL»trl *.°f Cicero Eskridge's Estsu B. T. Falls, Atty. lor administrairi. « ceRTincAT* or DISSOLUTION— State of North Carolina Department of State. TO*«UngWh0m TheM P*Mnt M*> Con,, Whereas it appears to mv satisfaction by duly authenticated record of th?»m. ceedmgs for the voluntary disaolutm™ }*ereo/ ^ ,the unantm°us consent T,5 he stockholders, deposited ,n my of!lce that the Stamey company. a corpora,™ of this state, whose principal off™ i situated in the town of Fallston coSntr of Cleveland, state of North Carolina E O. Sperling being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom procVy may be served,, has complied with u,< requirements of Chapter 23. Consolidate Statutes, entitled "Corporations.' prepm mary to the Issuing of this Cerudcate of Dissolution: Now therefore. I. C. a. Powell were, art of the state of the state of North Caro ima, do hereby certify that the -aid co?. ??r.,tl0“ dlf' the »th day of December, Ind®' .'A! .IS my offic'' a d"ly executed and attested consent in writinir to [-• dissolution of said corporation executed by all the stockholders thereof, vhic.l said consent and the record ot the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in mv said office as provided by law In testimony whereof I have her«ie set my hand and affixed m- official ,*,i at Raleigh, this 9th day or'December a D., 1938. (Signed) C. o. POWEU,, Secretary of State 1, dre )t« TRUSTEE'S SALC OF R1..U, USTST: Under and by virtue of the author » and power of sale contained in th : , . tatn deed of trust enecutrd b C: Wells and wife, Tonce Wells 'to the un dersigned trustee, said deed of trust br ; dated March 10. 1932 and recorded in t,i Orites of the register of deeds for Cie - Und county, N. C.. in boo; No r,| o page 227. securing an indebtedness ther" in described, and default ha, mg ly-i made in the payment of raid indeWri ness and being requested to sell sa d property, I will on Monday, January IS, at 12 o'cioct; noon, or within legal hour.-, rt the court house door'in Sheiiv v - sell to the highest bidder for cash at pti lic auction the lollowtng described pro'* erty: Situated in the northeast square of the town of Shelby, N. C, and being lot No i of the subdivision of the land., of T. E. McBrayer estate described as folios Beginning at a stake in the north edge oj Marietta street, southwest corner of lot No. ir and runs thence north 11" frt to a stake, northwest corner of lot No ; thence west 8S feet to s stake in the north vest corner of lot No. 6: thence with Ur? of lot No. 8 south 117 feet to a stake <m the north edge of Marietta street the southeast corner of lot No 6 then™ * i Marietta street 85 feet to lb” beinniee. and being that same lot which was con veyed to Chas H. Wells snd wife Tone* Wells by J. A, Horn snd wife by deed dated June 28. 1930. and recorded u the office of the register of deeds for Clei' page 325 This December IT, 193* 4t dec l»c JNO. P MU1.L. Trust*' TRLSTEE’S SALE By virtue ol the powei* ol sale contained In a deed of trust executed by L. P Mcg ginson and wife, Margaret Louise Me: ginson. on June 12, 1928. to me as ttuatea for the Shelby Building and Loan asso ciation. said deed of trust recorded a book, 153, page 38. of the register's oiric* of Cleveland- county, N. C.. and default having been made in the payment ot tlx indebtedness thereby secured 1 as trus tee, will sell for cash to the highest bid der at public auction at the court house door in the town of Shelby ft C., on Saturday. January 2, 19.31 at 12 o'clock M., the following described real estate: Lying In the southwest portion ot the town of Shelbv. N C and being a P*r* of the E. M. Beam Carrie Bridges land. and bounded es follows Beginning at ,s iron stake in the west line ot Carrie Brio gss' tract 40 feet north 24 cast from the northwest corner of Zeb Beam s residence lot recently sold him by E M Pram t* being on r. rth dge of a 40 '00t ',r"; thence with north edge ol said 40 «e street south «*■-, east 2S8 9 feet to in iro» stake in west edge of a new 40 foot street, thence with said new 40 ft. street^nona 12 east 100 feet to an iron suite in edge of said 40 foot street, a new, cornet thence a new line north 681 a *est feet to an Iron stake on west line « M. Beam s-Carrte Bridges tract of lam thence with said line south 24 ft. to point of beginning containing nx feet area and being all of that lot e veyed by deed recorded in book R"R? 38 in the office of the register of deeds ° Cleveland county, N. C.. to which reference la made for further identic* tlon and description, Excepting, how • that portion of the foregoing lot oe by L. P. Megginson and wile to «■ ■ LeQrand on May 25. 1927. by deed r corded In book 3-0 of deeds, page the register's office of Cleveland c to which deed and the record thereoi erence la made for the metes and do of said excepted portion Mlg The foregoing property subject to any unpaid taxes nr 'tree p Ing assessments existing against sam This November 30. 1936 «t dee 3c CLYDE R HOEY Trustee Used Cars BARGAINS - ALL MAKES NORRIS LACKF-Y MOTORS

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