THIMBLE THEATRE The Mystery Melody. By E. C. SEGAR VE HEfcRS Y VEfcH, pOPPft, IT NOW, / STRANGE ew,5on?L i^\usic K( WICH GOES , f 'r%£r~ ME •v6#lSfB0KES :-v VEftH, VT MOST BE COHlU’ ^ NEftRER- IT’5M ^ 6ET*m' 7m \ louoery m W$&:ys#<£ mm Kitltf U4U>H $Y SECRET AGENT X-9 The G-Man Offers A Bargain. By CHARLES FLANDERS I 7HOT flBE'OU OtNG UP AT m Hie Houg^Ji BLONDIE Beggars Are Choosers! .s ——Minium i By CHIC YOUNG CAM I WAVE > SOME COOKIES J ;. daddy? Zy VOU CAKjT WAVE AWV MODE TODAV f.jassBT HENRY By CARL ANDERSON BARasi* SHOP IX • I Mi JUST KIDS Learning By Leaps And Bounds. By AD CARTER rM SONINA. TAKE TME TWINS') OUT-AN' TEACH 'EM V ’■lP WALK! PER THE LUV\A MIKE ■*y-7 stand up V VjRELAWNEY! TILUE THE TOILER W!W A Smoke On The House! By WESTOVER you | SAJO * it, nine Sundown Stories For The Kiddies! Christmas Eve By MARY GRAHAM BO.YN/R Listen very carefully, ' will you please? Do you hear sounds, almost like music, almost like sleigh-bells, al most like the wind, almost like some one skipping over the crisp snow, almost like the runners of a sleigh lightly skimming the snowy i earth? Santa Claus , is passing over the world tonight! Do you hear little chuckles of glee, bounding hoofs, something that sounds like tlfe laughter of! reindeer even though you’ve never! actually heard reindeer laugh? Santa Claus Is passing over the 1 world tonight! Do you feel there is something glowing all around you. making you so happy, so that little shivers of joy go running up and down your spine and you feel as though you couldn’t wait for the morning? Santa Claus is passing over the world tonight! You are tring |o he*ig up your stockings now, and don’t you love that absolutely certain feeling that in a few more hours, you’ll find them filled to overflowing? Now you aye in bed and it al-, most seems as thouah vou could-1 n't go to sleep. But soon a delicious sleepiness comes over you and eyen' as you sleep it seems that you can hear creaking sounds through the house you don’t hear on other nights of the year. ■Santa Claus has reached the place where you live! The early morning light is com-1 tag through the windows. You are going to get up now. 1 And you know — you absolutely know—that SANTA HAS COME! Just Ten Years Ago __ wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (Taken From The Cleveland Star Of Friday, December 24, 1926). A county-wide campaign among the farmers to diversify farming in Cleveland county, will be launched Tuesday, January 4, according to announcements made by Alvin Har din, farm demonstrator, and J. C. Newton, secretary of the chamber of commerce. Every farmer in Cleveland county 1s invited to at tend. Attorney D. Z. Newton, former state senator, is the new president of the Cleveland County University • club, named at a banquet of Caro lina alumni and students held at Cleveland Springs Wednesday even ing. Reports are that Zeb V. Turling ton of Mooresville is being groomed i for the next governor’s race. Tur lington fathered the prohibition bill that bears his name in this state. Raleigh.—North Carolina during the past year produced more tobac co and peanuts than any other state in the union, ranked second in the production of soy beans and sor- j ghum and third in the production of sweet potatoes. Holland Eskridge, better known to his Shelby friends as "Bush” will on the first of the year resign his posi tion with the American Express com pany to go with Liggett-Myers To bacco company as salesman with headquarters here. coraiai interest here is the wedding of Howard P. Hamrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hamrick, to Miss Louise Hammer of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Tus caloosa. Oooose Judges A* Political Reward WINSTON-SALEM, Dec. 24.—{8) 1 —Judge Roy L. Deal, president of the Forsyth county bar association, said today that every bar associa tion in the state would be asked to opopse appointments to the bench “by reason of party or political service.” , The Forsyth bar Saturday adopt ed a resolution embodying that sen timent. The resolution said that controll ing consideration should be given to th% judicial qualiilactions of ap pointees in appointments to the Supreme court or Superior courts. Snttle’s Drug Store offers FREE Sample of new High Blood Pressure treament Every High Blood Pressure Suf ferer in Shelby' 1: urged to go to Buttle s Drug Store and receive a free sample of ALLIMIN Essence of Garlic Parsley tablets for High Blood Pressure as well as a valu able booklet. These tablets are made by a prominent Chicago con cern and according to most reliable reports ar being used with good re sults by thousands