and PERSONAL NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM, Editor (Any News For This Department Should Be Reported By 11 O Clock. Phone 4-J.) (IAS* TO GIVE FAREWELL MRTV FOR MRS. HOEY Xhe Golden Links class of Cen ijai Methodist Sunday school, of thicfi Mrs. C. R. Hoey is teacher, rill give » farewell party for her tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the jmme of Miss Verta Hendrick on Cleveland Springs road. Those who will be unable to at tend are asked to notlf either Miss Vivian Dellinger or Mrs. Julian Thompson. ,„<S MI LL compliments HER HOUSE GUEST Mt* Mary Margaret Mull gave an Informal dinner Saturday evening complimenting her week-end house p(St, Miss Beulah Pruett, of Mor pnton. Table decorations were in keeping with the Christmas holiday rtson. After dinner the ten young people present enjoyed an' evening of pules and companionship. Places were arranged at table for Misses Pruett, Mull, Rebecca Hopper, Hazeline Webb and Edna Earl Grlgg and' John Yelton, Wil liam Velton. Jr., Woodrow Wall, fvsn Washburn and Joe Beckham. CORNWELL-FOY ANNOUNCEMENT The marriage of W. R. Cornwell to Miss Elizabeth Foy was solemn ised on Christmas afternoon at 6 oclock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Foy in Charlotte. Mr. Cornwell, son of Mrs. S. G. Cornwell of Charlotte, holds a posi tion with the Southern Bell Tele phone Co. and has been located in Shelby for sometime. However, he expects to leave Shelby within mother week or so and his bride till not join him here. EBELTOFTS HOME FROM CHRISTMAS VISIT Mrs. T. W. Ebeltoft and Miss Elizabeth' Ebeltoft returned home yesterday after spending Christinas with Mrs. Wade H. Harris and Miss Cora Harris in Charlotte, where they were guests of honor at a tea given by Miss Harris Saturday. Mrs. Harris and Miss Harris have recently moved back into their for mer home on Church street and the t« given by Miss Harris was in the nature of a rouse warming with Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Ebeltoft and Miss Ebeltoft as guests at honor. MR. AND MRS. WRAY HAVE FAMILY DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Wray enter tained on Christmas day at a fam ily dinner party, having with them lor the day all their children and grandchildren. A turkey dinner was aerved buffet style from a pretty decorated table. The table center piece was of Christmas greens, sll tered cones and red berries, bank 'd about the bases of two red tap irs After dinner family gifts were ex changed from a lighted Christmas bee in the living room. The group present Included Mr. «nd Mrs. Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ffray and children, Mr. and Mrs. Vick Wray and children, Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Rabon and children, Mr. •nd Mrs. Harvey Wray, George Wray, Charles Wray and Stough Wray, n. I FAMILY dinner at jCARPENTER HOME | Mr. and Mrs. R. e. Carpenter , were hosts Sunday at a family j dinner, entertaining at their home i on South LaFayette street. A poin ! gettia. used as a centerpiece, struck j the Christraasy note in decorations. A turkey dinner was served to ! Mr- and Mrs. M. A. Carpenter. Mr.! and Mrs. Joe A. Carpenter and T. B. Carpenter, all of Gastonia, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Miles F. Carpenter of Charlotte, Miss Isabel Williams, Miss Thelma .Rollins, Miss Mary Frances Carpenter and Mr. and ! Mrs. Carpenter. — MR. AND MRS. WHITAKER HOSTS AT SMALL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Whitaker en tertained at a small dinner last evening. The Christmas note was struck with holly and red candles, tastefully arranged on the table and in the living room. A turkey dinner was served. Places were laid at the table for Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker, Misses Mary Sue and Carolyn Whitaker, Joe Whitaker, Miss Maude Brown, student at Teachers college at Fred ericksburg. Va., John William Brown, student at State college, Ra leigh. and Miss Ruth Smith of Den ver. The three later are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ves per C. Brown. MISS NIDIA YARBOROUGH WEDS J. R. SMITH J. A. Yarborough of Shelby an nounces the marriage of his daugh ter, Nidia, to J. R. Smith of Bur lington. The wedding took place in Washington, D. C„ in the living room of the Rev. and Mrs. H. F. | Fuller home, with the Rev. Mr. Fuller performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs: John Wherry of Char lotte, sister and brother-in-law of the bride, were preseht. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of J. A. Yarborough and the late Mrs. Yarborough of this place. Mr. Smith is a son of A. C. Sm,ith and the late Mrs. Smith of Burlington, where he and his bride will make their home ! SILVER ANNIVERSARY FOR MR. AND MRS. WISE The stiver anniversary of Rev. } and Mrs. J. N. Wise was observed on Sunday evening, December 27 at the Methodist circuit parsonage. Those present included two sons and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wise of Marion and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wise of Belwood; a daughter, Mary Catherine Wise of Asheville Teachers college of Asheville; a son, Cecil Wise at home. Also, Mr. and j Mrs. W. C. Shaver and niece, Vir ginia of Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. Er nest C. Shaver and daughter, Ther ! esa, of Greensboro. Many lovely gifts were presented Rev. and Mrs. Wise, among them I a chest of silver, given by the ■ churches on the pastor's circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Wise also received ; numerous gifts from their churches | and organizations during the Chrlst ; mas season. 1 ELIZABETH CHRISTMAS tLUB ANNUAL PARTY | The Elizabeth Christmas club held its annual party last evening, i the affair having originated last 1 year as a get together for a num Towels And Shelving Go Dutch IHoueehoh Arte by Alice Brooks They're in ^ Cross BHStitch and V That's ^ Always Easy ■ -w-. mmmrn* PATTERN fwe Kappv Dutch kiddies, from the far-off land of Windmills, introduce the st in kitchen-set#—tea towels with shelving or curtain borders to match 11 ® to the inch crosses! You who love a colorful kitchen will applaud ^s-s'nch so easy, designs so simple, that they work up swiftly in leisure nienr,v Do the four towels—the fancy-edged shelving—in bright floss harmonize with your kitchen color-scheme. The gay result is well ih every minute spent! In pattern 5775 you will find a transfer pat *n°f four motifs averaging 5 \-4 x 8 inches and two border strips 3 1-2 J® 3-6 inches: color suggestions, illustrations of all stitches used; ma *^1 requirements. obtain this, pattern send 10 cents lu stamps or coin (coin preferred) ^Shelby Daily star). Household Arte Dept. 259 W. 14th Street, New P4tc-4 'I" Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS AND NUMBER. , wr of friend* who usually spend Christmas In Bhelby, even though many of them live In other sections The party was held last evening at the home o< Mrs Nannie Whlao nant In the Elisabeth section with twenty guest* present. Each one present took a pound of some Christ mas goody and at the close of an evening of games the pounds were served as refreshments. During the refreshment hour a business meet ing was held and officers electtd to keep the club together during the coming year and make plans for next year's party to be held on Monday evening after Christmas. Miss Kate Roberta was elected pres ident, Mrs. Lawrence Roberts, sec retary and Mrs. David Wilson of Littleton, chairman of entertain ment. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson of Littleton who are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Wilson, and Mrs. Louis McEntire of Detroit, Michi gan, who Is spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Nannie Whisonant. DINNER GIVEN FOR MR. AND MRS- HOEY A holiday social event of interest here was the dinner given at Forest City Christmas evening by Mr. and Mrs. TUdbn Padgett, planned tr. honor of Governor elect Clyde R. Hoey, and Mrs. Hoey. The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Padgett Is admirably arranged for entertain ing and the large rooms of the low er floor were opened together to accommodate tables for the thirty five guests present. Dinner was serv ed, buffet fashion, from s beautiful ly appointed table In the dining room and after their plates were served the guests found their plates at the small tables. After dinner the party gather tn the living room for an Informal pro gram ot music and anecdotes, the latter being contributed, Impromptu, by the guests. Mrs. Hoey’s story of a visit to “grandmother’s house” recalled happy days to many of those present who had shared child Hood good-times with her. Those invited from Shelby wers: Mr. and Mrs. Hoey, Miss Isabel Hoey, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoey. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoey, ex»Qov smor and Mrs. O. Max Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. James Webb Gardner and Ralph Gardner. PRETTY LUNCHEON HONORS MRS. HOEY A pretty affair of the holiday so cial season was the luncheon given today by Mrs. Frank Hoey and Mrs. s. E. Hoey, at the former’s home, Seven Gables, as a compliment to Mrs. C. R. Hoey, who has been paid many social courtesies during De cember prior to her leaving In early January for Raleigh. Christmas decorations In blue and silver, including lighted trees, stressed the holiday theme. An add ed decorative note used In the liv ing room, drawing room and recep tion hall was white narcissus taste fully arranged In bowls and vases. In the dining room pink roses and pink candles were used; an ar rangement of slim pink tapers, their bases resting in a mound of pink roses, served as a table centerpiece. Gold monogramed place cards marked the places and on the back of each had been written a toast to the guest of honor. The toasts, read by guests between courses, were a pleasant feature of the party. Two other special guests present were Mrs. Kenneth Blake and Mrs. Darrlngton Semple of New York City, house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoey. Covers were laid for; the honoree, Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Semple, Mrs. Lawrence Jones of Charlotte, Mrs. Carl Thompson, Mrs. O. Max Gard ner, Mrs. F. R. Morgan. Mrs. E. Y. Webb, Mrs. Paul Webb, Mrs. George Blanton, Mrs. Jap Suttle, and her visitor, Mrs. Newton Famell, of Greensboro, Mr*. George Hoyle. Mrs. John Shannonhouse. Mrs. N. E. Burgess of Short Hills. N. J., Miss Isabel Hoey. Mrs. Charles Hoey, Mrs. Oliver Anthony, Mrs. J. D. Lineberger. Mrs. S E. Hoey and Mrs. Frank Hoey. Mr. Newton Will Be Buried Near Casar Funeral for Robert A. Newton, 80 year-old blind man who lived near Easar, will be held this afternoon. Mr. Newton died yesterday. Is Called Suicide FRESNO, Calif., Dec. UPb rhe decapitation death of Emory E. Barry, 47, a World war veteran, ivas listed as suicide today by Sher ff George Overholt who earlier de clared his suspicions of a "scalp murder.” Funeral Today For Mrs. John Murry Funeral services are being held this afternoon for Mrs. John Mur ry, who lived near Polkville. Mrs.. Murry died yesterday afternoon In the Shelby hospital. FORMER NEWBERRY MAYOR » DEAD NEWBERRY, 8. C., Dec. 7».~A/P) —The funeral of Julius J. Langford, so. former mayor and far 88 years i merchant here, will be held to morrow afternoon. He died at his fiome here yesterday after a brief illness, Marian Martin Buttoned Coat-Frock For Tot* From “Two-To-Tcn* y’4/n 91 Personals Mr*. E. S. Harris or Elkin i» here visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Andrews, and Mr. Andrews. Mrs. Annie Smith Long, her daughter, Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright left this morning for a ten days trip through Florida. Harry Speck, Jr., of Asheville, spent the week-end here with Prank Hoyle, Jr. Miss Sara Palmer of Raleigh is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. B. H. Palmer, on South LaFsyette street. Van Weathers, who has been HI for several weeks, is still confined to his bed and his condition shows little improvement. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richbourg had as holiday visitors several of their children with their families. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ash ton Richbourg of Washington, D. C„ Mr. and Mrs. Miller Richbourg and family of Orangeburg, S. C„ Mr. and Mrs. Wade Weatherford and family of Florence, 8. C„ and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Spry and children of Spartanburg, S. C. Little Miss Peggy Ann Hause, who has been spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hause, at Earl, has been very ill but la now ahowing some im provement. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Owen have Just returned home after spending Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. I. Saseen, and family In Sav annah, Georgia. Edward Saseen, who spent the month of December here with his uncle, Mr. Owen, and Mrs. Owen, returned to his home In Savannah with them when they went down for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitaker and children, Misses Mary Sue and Carolyn, and Joe, spent Sunday in Union, 8. C., with Mr. Whitaker’s brother, W. P. Whitaker, and Mrs. Whitaker. Mrs. W. A. Hord and little son, W. A., Jr., left *last night to return to their home in Morganton after spending Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Kirkpatrick. Mrs. TV G. Hamrick of Charlotte Is spending Christmas here with Miss Annie Hamrick. Dr. H. 8. Plaster spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Plaster in Winston-Salem and his brother, Harold Plaster, dental stu dent at the University of Maryland, returned home with him for a few days visit. Miss Katherine Dover, ■who is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. John Pox, in Ridgewood, N. J., came home for Christmas and Is spending this week here with other members of her family. Mrs. J. A. Lattlmore Is in Savan nah. Ga.. on a Christmas visit to her two sisters, Mrs. P. B. Morton and Mrs. P. A. Leonard. She expects to go to norida the latter part of this week to spend several days be fore returning home. Mr- and Mrs Lee Lavender of Asheboro spent the week-end here with Mrs. Lavender’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wilson. i PATTERN BIT! Ah*'* the "smartest" girl la bar clue, thanks to Marten Martin! For this cut-looking “two-to-ten” baa a ftshlan-wlse mother who know* that there'* nothing like a buttoned* frock to keep young Mary-Jan* epic and span! Such a practical a* well ae pretty style, la Patem B1T1 —for tt's donned In a Jiffy on “rush" morning*, and open* out flat for easy Ironing! Contracting collar of fer* a thrilling note of contrast, with double stitching a* effective trim for collar and brief, clashed sleeve* You'll want to make your "young est” several version* of this easily made bloomer frock. In both the long and short-sleeved styles! Choose a gayly printed or plain ohalli* gingham, percal*. calico, ch am bray or dimity. Complete Dia grammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9171 may be ordered Only In sices 3. 4, 6. 8 and 10. Siae 8 requires 3 7-8 yards M Inch fabric and 1-1 yard contrast.) SPRING ahead! Order our NEW MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN ROOK, with Its many helpful hints for a gay. new-sewon wardrobe. You'll find after-dusk ‘‘Glamour" frocks, flattorli p all-occasion styles for every age and type—from Tot to stouter Figure. Easy-to-eew fashions for Junior and Teen-Age, too. Don't miss the Tin Money" pages. Bridal Fashions. Fabric or Accessory tlpe BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOB BOTH WHEN ORDERED TO GETHER. Send you order to The Bhalby Dally Star. Pattern Department, 333 W. 18th St.. New York N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. R. a Matthews have returned to their home In Colum bia. 8. C., after spending Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hoyle. Misses Adeline end Alice Welker spent, Christmas holidays in Shelby visiting their mother, Mrs. Jose* pbtue Walker and their sister, Cel este Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Latuinore and son, Billy, who have been visiting relatives in the county, expect to leave today lor Lumberton. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stanley. Bangor, Me., who have been visiting Mr. Sta nley's relatives at Fallston will re turn to their hcftne in Maine the last ol this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Thrower o( Statesville spent Christmas day here with the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Whitaker, and Mr. Whitaker. Hillary Hudson returned to New York City Monday alter spending Christmas here with his mother,1 Mrs. H. T. Hudson. John Hudson spent Christmas in Brevard with Mrs. Hudson and their three chil dren. Mrs. Ernest Kreher ol Asheville spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. George Frazier at the Charles Hotel. Kitty Beam, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Beam, is spend* mg this week with Betty Jack Herd in Kings Mountain and Mrs. Her bert Rhyne in the county. Claude Smith and his children of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Corzine and son and Miss Blanche Smith of Charlotte were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Smith here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborne spent Christmas in Reldsville with the latter's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kealar Hamrick, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hendrick and sons, spent' Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moser spent Christmas in Asheville with Mrs. Moser's mother, Mrs. C. C. Gunnin. Misses Bessie and Effle McEntire had as Sunday night guests: Miss es Mary Elizabeth and Delia Esk ridge and their week end guest, Miss Mamie Hawkins of Spindale and Mrs. M. B. Smith and Miss Mada Wilson of Conover. Mr. and Mrs. John Caveny and children, Joan and James of Kings Mountain spent Sunday with Mrs. C. s. Caveny here. Mrs. R. P. Randall returned to her home here Sunday afternoon after spending the week end at the bedside of her grandmother, Mrs. B. R. Hammett, of Gaffney, who la gravely ill. Mrs. Hammett has vis ited Mrs. Randall httie on several occasions and has made a number of friends in the city. Carl Mauney, ministerial student at B. B. I. in New Orleans, returned to the Institute Sunday after spend* ing Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mauney, in the Eli zabeth section. Mrs. Frank DeYoung spent Christmas in Asheville with her pa rents. Clark Gable is spending much; of his spare time at the little shack ■ he built near a duck hunting club. SHRUB PLANTING DUE WJANUARY Instructions Glvsn By Niiwongsr, Export COTJJDOS STATTOJf. Behtgh. Dm. *>—Fermsrv who hm fruit trM and shrub seedlings may plant them tn January In araaa where the around la not frown. Larfar ahruba may alas ba trans planted durlnt this month. aaM H. It Ntowenger. extension horticul turist at State College. Although better reeulte we ob tained when young trees and shrubs are set out earlier In tba winter or In the lata fell, ha added, they win still hare time to become establish ed in the soil before spring growth starts If they art planted In Jan uary. Nlswongar also said that "* days when the weather le favorable, fruit trees, shrubs, and grape vines may ba pruned and sprayed. He recommended a lints sulphur solution or a combined mixture of oil emulsions and Bordeaux mixture for controlling San Jose seals and leaf curl on peach trees. Apple and other fruit trees may be sprayed with Uipe sulphur or oil emulsions. The coming month to a good time to top drees vegetable garden plots end lawns with stable manure, ba continued. With every ton of ma nure mix 100 pounds of 16 per cent superphosphate. Where eigne at field mloa are found in the apple orchard, 16 to advisable to put out poisoned wheat bait, placing a bait container at the foot of each tree. A good container can be made of an old tin can, with the lid bent outward so as in make an opening large enough for field mioe to enter but preventing birds and rate from j getting Inside. A teaspoon of belt! should be placed In each can Zion Students Are Home For Holidays (Sped*] to The Star.) ZION. Dec. 39. — Mr. and Mrs. James Cabanlss have recently mov ed to Atlanta where Mr. Oabanlss has a position. W. L. Simons, Jr. and Matthew Simmons have accepted positions In Spartanburg. j Allen Wilson, senior medical stu dent at Atlanta Is vtstttnc his par ents. Miss Mary C. Corn well is home from Greensboro College for Wo men; Misses Louise Blanton and Annie Pearl Wilson from E. C. T C. Greenville; John D. Hoyle from State College; Miss Mane Hoyle from Wlnthrop. I Mr. and Mrs. Drew McCarter of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gold j of Reidsville spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ir vin. Miss Josie Wilson and Mr. Walter Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cabanlss of Yorkvllle Thursday. George Webb of Spencer spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oold. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Champlen of OafTnftr. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Odd of Chesnee. spent Friday with Mrs F. P. Oold. Miss Margaret Martin, student nurse at the Shelby Hospital spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs M. W. Martin. Nelson Eddy has been compelled to buy a new stock of hair, a alee larger than formerly, because his hair Is so brushy for his role In "Maytlme.’* CAROLINA ^ •htlby'i PopnUr narkmA* Last Showing Today BING CROSBY in “PENNIES FROM HEAVEN" - WEDNESDAY - — 10c EVERYBODY — “LEGION OF TERROR” With Bruce Cabot, Marguer • Ite Churchill, Ward Bond. A picture every American citizen should see. It reveals our nation’s greatest menace. The most timely picture of the year —- the Government unhoods this terror. A feast for American-minded people, full of food for thought. Good Special Subjects. — WE THANE YOU — » TERRACE 60,000 ! ACRES N. C. LAND Average Co«t It $2.00 Par Acre Sayt Engineer OOUJBCIt STATION, fUl'tfh. Dm. 8#--Approximately 80,000 acres at North Caroline form land have bND protMted against erosion by tho construction at Ihtiom tn the 40 oounttss operating county-owned terracing units. North Carolina ferm tend have been protected against erosion by the cenatroetton of temoee !n the 40 oountlee operetta* county-owned terrains unite. Some 88.000 acre* had been ter* raoed up to November 1. according to the lateat tabulation, and It ie eetlmated that five or aix thousand acres have been terraced etnoe that date, aald David a Weaver, agri cultural engineer at State Collage. The average coat to the farmers has bean $8 an sore. Weaver pointed out, and with a very few exceptions, moot of the oounttee have run pretty oioee to the •,ver ■N The farmers era ehargad Just enough to pay the anpeneae of op* orating the terratag unite, plus enough to repay the oountlee the coat of the equipment and to fte* anoe nseeessry repairs. Saoh far mer pays his pro rata part of the depredation ohargea, which an fig ured according to the normal oper ating Ufa of the equipment. Weaver believes the seal een be reduced etlll further fay arranging for the oountlee to purchase their fuel, grease, end ad cooperatively, and it may be that cooperative ar rangements can be made far pur chasing replacement tractate and other equipment. Cow Givts 13,993 Pounds Milk In Yoar OOLLBOB STATION. Batetgh, Dm. 88.—-A Holstein dairy oow in the State college bard bee been named leader in bar elaas for the entire state. The oow, North Carolina State Echo Artie, tad, No. 1.638337, pro duced 13,9883 pounds of milk end 430.1 pounds of butter fat over a period of ten months. The State Holsteln-Frestan aaeo olaticn bee awarded Kobo Artist a certificate as class leader for North Carolina ee a senior two-year-old to classification B of ten months division. Prof. A H. Nuffner, bead of the animal husbandry and dairy de partment at State college, pointed out that this high milk producing record Is the result of good breed ing, feeding and management. Paired to Matrimony MKMPHI8, Tenn.—Two sets of twins, now husbands and wives, art honeymooning here. Hubert end Herbert Sharpe, SO, married Lois and Louise Coats, 25, respectively, at Marin, Ark. All four are from Corinth, Mias. WEBB Today-Last Showing “Luckiest Girl In World” Jane Wyatt—Louis Hayward Admission 10c and 18c Wednesday-10c Day “SEVEN SINNERS” With EDMUND LOWE and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS Also “ACE DRUMMOND” and COMEDJES. ADMISSION 10c TO ALL Thursday - Friday ‘Mysterious Crossing* James Dunn — Jean Rogers Also Selected Shorts Coming Saturday Hard Ridin*—Fast Shooting TOM TYLER In “Santa Fe Bound** Also “Custer’s Last Stand** * 5% INTEREST FOR MONEY ON TIME CERTIFICATE « MONTHS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL. 4% SO DATS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL « Month* Notice May Be Given At Dote Of Tmrtnirt M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION ASSETS OVER $500,009.00 215 EAST WARREN ST. 8HELBY, N. C. The Real Strength Of Any Company Is The Men Behind It. — OFFICERS — — DIRECTORS — Fred W. Blanton, Pm.-Trea*. Oarl S. Thompson. Vlce-Pre* A. H. Webb, Wee-Pre* F H. Bikes, Secretary G. F. Ford, Cashier. C F, Rogers, F. F. Bacon, - - Fred W. Blanton, Dr. Ben - arjd, D. B. Grigs, Lester G, Hamrick. J. J. Owens, Gas! 8. Thompson, A- H, Webb. ©. Ft. Webb, F. H. Bikes. Scot Is Hanging On Mountain Side OLKNCOE, Scotland, Dec. 3Q.—(Jh — Hop* vu virtually abandoned to day for the life of Willie Christie, dangling head downward from a rope near the peak of a 3.000 foot Scottish mountain. Dawn disclosed tha 36 year old mountain climber (till suspended by hla feet far down the side of » otlfT after an all night race by rescuers to reach him. Searcher* discovered he had no* shifted his position during th* night and they feared he waa dead. They reached the lofty-wind swept point from which Christie fell yesterday but the task of reaching him promised to be slow and hazardous Foultryman say hens eaa not maintain a high egg production dur ing winter months unless they are properly managed. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY SINGING CANARY AND CAQB $5 Gilliatt's Rogers Todijr-Last Showing “3 M«n On A Horn” loan BlondaU—Frank McHugh Also Gang Comedy & News Wednesday * Thure. as-S (u** D*«* “»'< 1»**1 i.HH «o®,1 THO**A* ®,cj •^•Sgs S*Sr"” Coming Friday - Sat. “CAMILLE” ; Robt. Taylor—Greta Garbo

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