The Star Want Adv. Rates On* Cent a word <thls type) each Insertion 25c Minimum Charge 2c a word this size. 3c a word this size. Cash must accompany all ord ers unless you have an open ac count with us. All keyed advs. are confident ial. No Information about same will be given. The only way to reach these Is by letter. An extra charge of 10c will be ■Bade for all “keyed” adva We reserve the right to revise or reject -any copy. Shelby Daily Star PHONE NO. 11 FOR SALE - ONE - (1) Simond Cross - cut saw. Going at a bargain. See Nelson Mauney at C 1 e v e - land Hardware Co. ltc TEN PAIRS MEN’S HOSE, GOOD quality, assorted colors, $1.00 post paid. State size. Hosiery Sales Co. Hickory, N. C. «t 2flc FORWENT: FURNISHED APART ment, equipped with all modem conveniences. Immediate posses ion. Apply Pendleton’s Music Store, or phone 273. 3t 31c WE PAY CASH FOR peas. Morgan and Co.tfN2c FOR SALE -1 KEG No. 3 Juanita Mule shoes at $6.00 a keg. See Max Washburn. ltc FOR SALE-FIVE BOSTON BULL screw tall puppies, pedigreed stock, six weeks old. See or write Hall w. Tillman, Fallston, N. C. 7t 30c LIME? CEMENT? PLAS ter. Get our prices. Z. J. Thomp son Lumber Co., phone 107. tf 24cJ FOR RENT—TO COUPLE WITH-] out children, two steam-heated rooms, freshly gone over, in Weathers apartment. Call Mrs. Weathers at 54. 3t 30c FOR SALE- 2 FILr ing Cabinets at a bargain. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc WANTED: MEN OB WOMEN TO sell accident and health insurance in Shelby and Forest City. Agents make from fifteen to forty dollars per week. Write “Insurance” Box 200, Shelby. N. C. 3t 38p FOR RENT: FIRST FLOOR, FUR nished apartment, three rooms1 and breakfast room and bath, Private entrances, in desirable section, rent reasonable. Mrs. Renn Drum, phone 4-J. tf 31p highest cash prices being paid for poultry. See us before you sell. Eagle Poultry Co., Phone 634-W. 4t29c FOR/ SALE - ONE - (1) 30 gallon Range boiler at $5.95. See Max Washburn. _Phone 73. ltc Notice _ do not bring any more snap cotton to gin until further notified. Toy B. Webb. 5t-24c SALE: A FILLING STATION on No. 74 highway, west, living quarters, sewage, lights, dance floor Apply 314 Ltneberger street. 3t 30p ^OlTSALE - 100 9 x J2 Felt Base Rugs - New patterns. A 11 first quality. We do not sell seconds. See them today. Price w»ly $3.89. Cleve land Hardware Co, Washburn’s. lie The Full Moon Is Responsible For Weed's Sex By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE (Associated Press Science Editor) LEXINGTON, Va.. Dec. 31.—(AV The full of the moon is responsible for the sex life of "dictoyota,” a sea weed, brown, flat and ribbon-Uke. which grows Just below tide in the coastal waters of North Carolina. Only when the moon is full do the fruits, male and female, of this plant ripen, Professor W. D. Hoyt of Washington and Lee University discovered this moon sexuality and said today he has verified it in 16 years of experiment. Plante beginning their growths at different times, as these do, he said, should reach maturity on different days, but they all wait until the full moon approaches before they begin to form their Truife. Then they start almost simul taneously, and proceed at a'nearly uniform rate, so that all mature at j about the same time. Morebver the | great porportion of them discharge I their sexual cells within a single I hour of a single day. This process begins just before the first light of the sun. Professor Hoyt found a similar thing in the same seaweed at Naples, Italy, ex cept there the discharge of the cells continued over many days, instead of an hour. j In these studies Professor Hoyt i sees a more general effect on the I moon on fertility. 8everal types of | sea animals, he says, are known to , exhibit similar moon traits. They include one species of fish, a mol lusk, two starfish types and eight kinds of marine worms. “I may suggest,” he said, “that periodic production of sexual cells may be much more general than is realized, and that the relation of this to phases of the moon may show us factors . which are now scarcely suspected." This means by which the moon can work is unknown. But he point ed out that the moon’s rays are mostly poplariifed, .that is made of light vibrating in the same plane. This kind of light is known frotn scientific experiments to accelerate greatly the growth of various kinds of bacterie, themselves not greatly larger than many sexual cells. Sunlight has more polarized rays than moonlight, bu also has a ltrger proportion of unpolarized rays. Whatever- the cause’ of the dlc tyota sex life, Prof. Hoyt says, it apparently is something going back eons of time. For when, the weeds are transplanted to laboratories the same moon timing, persists. Even j when the plants are so badly in I ured that little life-is left, the moon effect remains evident. Some scientists have aserted the effects to the tide which the moon raises. Closely related sea weeds in some parts of the world appear to mature with spring tides of the full and the new moon. But the North Carolina dlctyota pay no attention to the tides in their sex life. IS THERE A MAN WORKING IN Shelby who drives his car to Cherryville each afternoon about three o’clock? If so, see Mr. Jen kins, Circulation Dept. Shelby Daily fitar. 2t 31p HIGH GRADE.'dRESS l!A terials made by Cleveland Cloth Mills on sale every I day at Cleveland Stores. 2t-31c CAR WANTED: WILL PAY CASH from owner , for late moder car, prefer two seated. Give full par ticulars. Write P. O. Box No. SO, Willside Rural Station, Shelby, N. C. 2t 30p TRAINED NXTRSE DESIRES P06I tion in .undertaking parlor. Ref erences. Salary reasonable. Write “Trained Nurse,” Box 200, Shel by. N. C. 3t 30p BIRD’S ROOFINGS EN dure. Call Z. J. Thompson Lum ber Co., phone 107, N. Washington street. tf 34c OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW. We repair, refinish and upholster any kind. Shelby Upholsters, 30$ West Ford street, phone 004. tf aug 30c GOOD PIANO. LITTLE CASH takes it. Address Box 1373, Spar tanburg, s. C. St 30c FOR RENT: TWO UN FURNISH - ed rooms for light housekeeping. Dr. J. S. Dorton, phone 41. tf 33c ARRIVED TODAY at i2 o’clock, 25 of the most beautiful evening dresses that have ever been shown i n Shelby. Priced from $7.98 to $19.75. McNeely’s, ,Inc, lt-31c HEATING PLANT IN AT SANDY PLAINS General B. T. U. Of ficers Are Elected. (Special to The Star.) REHOBETH - SANDY PLAINS Dec. 31.—The steam heating plant has been completed at Sandy Plains and a warm church was ap preciated Sunday after several cold Sundays. Uttle Misses Joyce and Elisabeth Doty. Master Oene Doty and a number of others, who have been ill with severe colds, are much im proved. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Gold of Shel by, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Walker and daughter of Spartanburg, Mr. and Mrs. s. E. Greene and daughter of Ellenboro, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pos ton and children of 8wainsville. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Greene and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Whitaker and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Greene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Greene. Mr, and Mrs. Delphau Walker had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Logan and children of Marlon, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Walker and children of Shelby, J. D. Walker of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. George Cabiness and chil dren of near Zion. Ray Jenkins spent the latter part of the week with relatives of Avon dale. / Mr. and Mr*. Humphrey" Black and family of OafTney, 8 0'., Mr. and Mrs. W. Black and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and children spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Jones. College students who spent the Christmas holidays with their par ents were: Vance Greene of Mars Hill. Miss Rachel Jenkins, Joe Walker and Paul Green of Boiling Springs, Misses Louise Grayson and Donnls Crowder of Limestone, Joe Hart Padgett of Elon, Ben Jenkins, Jr., of State College. General officers were elected for the Sandy Plains B. T. U. Sunday for the next six months. Officers are: General director, Mrs. Zeno Davis, quiz leader, Norris Greene, chorister for general oganisation, Paul Allen; cholster for senior un ion, Miss Marietta Price; secretary treasurer, Miss Margaret Phllbeck, leader for junior union, Miss Ber nice Whiteside; helper, Mrs.- Coy Philbeck; general secretary. Miss Marietta. Price. Misses Ruby and Georgie Shy tie and Blanche Bridges of Valdese spent the latter part of the week With relatives. An auetion sale was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green Tuesday, December 39th. Mr. and Mrs. Greene plan to move to Vir ginia the latter part of this week. Mitt Osteen Wood Weds Mr. McM&h&nd PROSPECT, Dec. 31.—Of interest to the com unity was the marriage Thursday of Miss Osteen Wood and Kenneth McMahand of CUffslde. Mrs. McMahand is only daughter of Mrs. Rozanna Wood. She is the line talented young lady. She fin ished high school at Cliffslde and has been working some in the fin ishing plant at Cliffslde. The groom is a brilliant young attorney. He has his office in CUffslde. They left for the mountains after the cere mony was performed in CUffslde by Miss Gertrude Cas hof State Line and Pat Harill of Cliffslde were the Methodist pastor, married Thursday. The primary department of the Sunday school at State Line gave a short Christmas program Sunday after Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Max Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Greene and baby spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Moorehead of Hickory Grove, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Greene and baby of near Forest City spent Fri day night with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Odus Greene.! Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore and son, Hicks of Hickory spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. El j more. Mr. and Mrs. C. T McGinnis and i daughters of State Line were the ] Friday dinner guests of Mr. and ; Mrs. Quay MosteUer. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Mosteller and children to stay until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. McGinnis were the dinner guests Friday of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo phus Hamrick of near Kings Mount | tain. Other guests were Mr. and ! Mrs. Hasel Allen and baby/ Miss | Mae Hamrick of Charlotte, Mrs. Glee A. Bridges and chUdren, J. C , j Glee Edwin, Nelson and Imogene, David Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamrick and baby. CoUege students of State Line community that are at home for the Ctiristgias hglid\vs are Misses Grade and Mary Esther McGinnis, LucUle Gold of Asheville Normal, Miss Ethel Moore of Limestone, Miss Rachel Hicks and Fred Moore of Charlotte, Howard Vassey of Clemson and BUI Hicks of Wof ford. Miss Nina Mosteller of Greens boro is spending the holidays at home. Rev. Joe Bishop of Valley Falla is to fill the pulpit Sunday at 11 o clock at Prospect Salvation Army Christmas Party One of the three Christman parties held by the Salvation Army was a* the American Legion building Thursday afternoon before Christmas, others were In South Shelby and at Lawndale. This picture shows children in front of the Legion building. By Staff Photo Today’s SMALL TALK - ZZH By MRS. RENN DRUM NOW THAT THE WARMTH OF THE ARGUMENT AS TO whose Christmas decorations were prettiest has cooled down and prizes have long been awarded for the best by competent judges, I venture to raise a timid voice to cast my vote for that full grown Christmas tree in the yard at the Webb and Gardner home on South Washington street, which was so completely and symetrically adorned with lights that it was like no other Christmas tree I’ve ever seen. its lights escaped completely that hop-skip-and-Jump effect which af flicts most electrically lighted Christmas trees. • • • • Still timidly, now that we’re all ready to turn off our colored lights and leave them off for another year, I venture to ask another question which has been bussing 'round in my head all through the holidays in an effort to get itself asked before. What is the slgnlflcence of the light ed crosses, in relation to the Christ mas season? The symbol of the crucifixion of the Christ, displayed on the anniversary of his birth, has me wondering a bit NOW THAT CHRISTMAS WEEK is entirely gone it will be no time at all until there will be a percep tible lengthening of the days and an occasional spring day will thrust itself forward between rains and snows. For that matter, so rapidly does time fly, Christmas will be upon us again before were half ready for it. ANOTHER NOTE FROM "BACHE lor Girl” whom I find myself liking a lot. For one reason, if you must know, because she professes to like this column and says she enjoys my references to my youngsters, and, to a mother who likes to talk' about her children (a redundancy, I ad mit) that’s like feeding cream to a kitten. However, my real reason for lik ing her, ’though I’m only guessing at who she Is, is because of her courage—a courage which led her to take under her wing, as a quite young girl, eight motherless nieces and nephews, and later to take upon her shoulders the burden of man aging a large farm and making it yield a living for a sizeable family which included the eight children for whose rearing and training she had accepted the responsibility. A woman who has taken over two such hig Jobs and done both well is my idea of a real heroine. LAST SUNDAY THE ORGANIST at one of Shelby’s churches failed to show up and there was no mes sage as to why she wasn’t there. The pastor was slightly disconcerted over the prospect of handling the service without the usual organ music, the choir and congregation were puzzled, but the parson was equal to the occasion, called on another musician In the church’s membership, who could handle the piano, and the sermon and accom panying music went forward as ' usual. Just as the service was being brought to a close the organist strolled up to the door, prepared to do her Sunday morning task as ably as she usually does it. Her clock at home had been fifty minutes slow and, according to it, she was Just on time. NARCISSUSES . . . NACIS6USES .... That cant be correct, but it J*. When someone asked me the other day "What’s the plural of narcissus,” I said to mysetf, -Well, a little showing off occasionally can’t hurt me,” and confidently re plied, ‘Td say narcissi, what do you say?” To my surprise she had another say, and it was narcissuses. Even then I didn’t take it seriously until I forced old Noah Webater to con firm it. Now J know that to say, 'The AUTO REPAIRS On All Make Cars - Rogers Motors - room was decorated with narcissus" is like saying "The room was dec orated with rose" or "with Jonquil.” However, lacking the courage to bust right, out in public and say narcissuses I shall continue to re fer to "bowls of < narcissus” and, when I do so, will see In my mind's eye. not a single lonely blossom, but a bowl overflowing with the frag rant whiteness of many blossoms. Z o a r Community News Of The Week ZOAR, Dec. 31.—Mr. and Mrs. Lymon Humphries have named their new baby Clyde Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Gall McDaniel of Kings Mountain, - spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cordie Hollifleld. ! Mr. and Mrs. Buford Ware and children Of Kings Mountain, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Belle. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McSwatn and family spent 8unday at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones of Beav»r Dam cortfmunltf. Miss Neely Keeter of Grover spent Monday at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Kee ter. Hilton Putnam spent the week end In Spartanburg with his broth er Max Putnam. Misses Ines Ware and Ruby Lee Warren, Woodrow Ware and Earl Esquew the later of Kings Moun tain, spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grier Mc Donald at Kings Mountain. Roberta C. M. E. Church Services at Roberta Tabernacle Sunday, January 3, 1937: Sunday school at 9:45; morning worship 11 a. m.; Epworth league 6 p, m.; even ing worship 7:30. Holy communion morning and evening services. The public la invited to all services. We have a wonderful pastor In W. P. Jones.—A. K. Roberts, secretary. TWIN SONS BORN CHRISTMAS DAY AT CAMPS CREEK CAMP CREEK, Dec. SI — Twin son* were bora on Christmas day to Mr. and Mr*. Deck Allison In this com hi unity. Miss Reba Hamrick entertained her friends with a party Friday night. A very large crowd was pre sent and all reported having had a nioe time. Misses Wilma .tones of Wades bora, N. O. and Mary Louise Hus key of Kannapolis, spent the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives In the community, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bridges and sons Ted and Johnny Dean, spent the week end In Newberry, 8. O. with relatives. Mrs. Clyde Bridges Is on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. "BUI'* Bailey. Mrs. A. T. Bridges and sons, Bu ford, Duron and Charles Leonard spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mabry of Cowpens. Miss Nereasa Humphries spent the week end with Miss Buena Da vis of Lavonla. Miss Reba Hamrick spent the week end with Miss Lowell Bills of La vonla. Mr. and Mrs. Bate Blanton and children of Macedonia, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Humphries and Miss Louise Humphries of Cherokee, spent the week end with Mrs. 8. Bridges. A. T. Bridges and Clarence Hold er visited Bob Bridges of Cowpens Saturday. « Master Jimmy Allison, who Is In school at Morganton, Miss Louisa MoCraw of Mars Hill and Marshall McCraw of Clemson spent the Christmas holidays with their par ents. Misses Myrle and Viola Bridges spent Friday night with Misses Wilma and Georgia McCraw of La vonla. FARM GRANTS ASKRD BT 1,100 FARMERS OF YORK ROCK HILL. B. C„ Dee. 31.— York county farmers to tbe number! of about 3,100 have qualified and filed applications for grants under the 1036 farm program, Paul J. Potts, assistant In cotton adjust ment. said today. Only M failed to qualify for grants, either by over planting cotton, or falling to plant any soil conserving crops. BATTERY EVER BUILT. Willard Thread-Rubber batteries are unbeatable in DE PENDABILITY — TRUE ECONOMY — AND LONG LIFE. In average service 85% of them last longer than 2 years. 1 * At today’s lower prices they cost less in the long run i than any “bargain" battery on the market. Come in and see the one that fits YOUR car. Ideal Service Station PHONE 194 24-HOUR SERVICE SHELBY, N. C. t STEEL MILLS HAVE SPLENDID BACKLOG NEW YORK. Dec. S0.-(AV-Steel mill* entered the New Yeer with backlog* sufficient In some in stances to keep production rates at undimlnlshed levels through the first quarter. "Iran Age" said today in the weekly review of the indus try. Heavy buying of the past several SB week* hu subsided. however, th« Trade Journal said, with wltMraw V 1 Tulsa. Okie., polio* in eonsjjfcr ed adequate for aimoat any 90f$r gency. On th* foro* ara fanner lawyers, radio opera tom mechanic*, professional football start, pharma cists and airplane pilots. HAPPY NEW YEAR And WlahM For A Mors Proqurmu 1937 Wo thank jroa for (he pttftui* you hare gfroa u« in the peat, enabling ear tiutHu (ion to grow to Ha proaont strength of 9900,000.00 aaaeta. M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION 215 EAST WARREN 8T. SHELBY, N. C. Th* Real Strength Of Any Compary la The Men Behind It. — orru;E>n - Fred W. Blanton. Pras.-Treas. Carl 8. Thompson. Vlce-Pres A. H. Webb. Vlce-Pre* F. H. Bikes. Secretary. O. F. Ford, Cashier. m — DIRECTOR* — O. P. Rocm. r. P. Baootv Pred W. Blanton, Dr. Ban Oold. D. K. Orln. Lector O. Hamrick, J. J. Owana, Oart R. Thompson, A. H. Webb, O. R. Webb, P. H. Sikes. EL COHEN'S The Bargain Hunters Paradise We have just completed our inventory and must make room for new merchaiw dise arriving daily. CLEARING THE DECKS WITH A NEW YEAR * Of Odd Lots, Broken Sizes and Slightly Soiled Merchandise ALL QUALITY GOODS AT LfeSSH THAN TODAY’S WHOLESALE COST. Children's RAIN COATS With Hoods 97C Men’s Heavy Suede PLAID LINED RAIN COATS $5 values .... special . this week ... $2.87 Men's Cotton WORK PANTS Values $1.50 Clearance special... 48c Men's All Wool CAPS Values to $1.00. Out they go at... 25c Men’s Fast Color DRESS SHIRTS Slightly soiled by Christ, man shoppers. Values to $1.49. Out they go at 66c ' A Clean-Up LADIES* RAIN COATS Values to $5.95 Juet in time for the rainy weather ... ... $1.91 Flask! Special!! Ladies’ and Children’s GALOSHES All sises and heel styles 97c MEN’S FELT HATS Values to 92.00. Clearance Special... 87C LADIES’ DRESS SHOES and OXFORDS Values to $4.50 ... 81.87 / While They Last! Boys’ Heavy Triple Stitched OVERALLS 48c STOP ALL BUYING UNTIL YOU SEE WHAT COHEN’S HAS TO OFFER TO THE THRIFTY SHOPPERS OF CLEVELAND COUNTY—Be here rain or shine. We will clean out all odds and ends and broken sizes in every partment, regardless of cost. Watch The Star every day! Sensational benpdss, will be offered for the next ten days—until our decks are cleared for action. COHENS SHELBY -

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