SARA NEWTON, Editor Phone 1100 MRS. C. F. SHERRILL IS FETED ON HER BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Yesterday afternoon at Vauxhall on the Cleveland Springs road Mrs. J. D. Lineberger entertained at a delightful party honoring her mother, Mrs. C. F. Sherrill, who was celebrating her seventy-eighth birthday anniversary. Guests were members of the Woman’s Bible class of Central Methodist church, of which Mrs. Sherrill was teach er for many years, and a few of Mrs. Sherrill's friends who are members of other denominations. The living room, sun room, den, and reception hall were lovely with a profusion of spring flowers. As soon as guests had assem bled, they sang ‘'Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Sherrill, and she respond ed with gracious words of appre ciation. Yesterday was also the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Durant Crowder, and Mrs. Crowder, a member of the class, was offered a toast by Mrs. J. W. Harbison. Mrs. Line berger presented Mrs. Crowder with a lovely potted Easter lily as an anniversary gift. Mrs. George Hoyle then led the group in several delightful games and contests, and Mrs. Dale Stentz class teacher, was prize winner. REFRESHMENTS Mrs. Lineberger then invited the group to the dining room where Mrs. Hoyle served lime ice at the dining table and cake, ham bis cuits, and sandwiches were served buffet style from silver platters. The center decoration of the table which was covered with a lace cloth, was an exquisite silver cpergne holding a center arrange ment of rich red tulips with fern. The branching candelabra held slender lighted tapers of a blend ing shade. The hostess was assist ed in serving in the dining room by Mrs. Paul Hardin, jr., Mrs. Jean Schenck, Mrs. Clyde Short, Mrs. Lewis Forney, Mrs. Julius Suttle, and Mrs. Will Lineberger. A social hour concluded the af ternoon. About seventy guests were present for the occasion. LOVELY HOME CEREMONY UNITED MISS BROWN AND LT. LANDRUM i'iwo iviaiyiUKs ciuvvii ui iumuu, Fla., and Lt, C. Ervin Landrum,' USNR, of Landrum. S. C., former-, ly of Shelby, were united in mar- j riage on Easter Sunday afternoon at six o'clock at the home of the j bride in Miami. Rev. Daniel Iverson, pastor of the Shennandoah Presbyterian church, ( heard the vows of the impressive ring ceremony at the improvised altar formed of an archway deco- i rated with white roses and ferns I and arrangements of Easter lilies! against a background of potted palms. The bride was given in marriage ! by her father, William H. Brown,! of Portsmouth. Va. She had chosen a street length dress of hyacinth I blue novelty crepe and white ac- i cessones. At her shoulder was a i corsage of white orchids. Maid of honor was Miss Ka-j therinc Dershlmer, also of Miami. I Her dress w as a becoming gray and | white flowered sheer model with | a dainty pin flower hat. She wore a shoulder corsage of pale pink roses and carnations. Lt.-Comdr. F. W. Burchain at tended the bridegroom as best I man. | Mrs. Frazier Has Party At The Country Club Yesterday afternoon at Cleveland | Springs Country club Mrs. Dan Frazier was hostess at a lovely party when guests were present to make up six tables of bridge. Mrs. Frazier chose a smart spr#ig > frock of soft blue wool jersey trim- j mod wit.i crystal buttons of the same shade. Bouquets of white and purple iris and sprays of spirea adorned the lounge. As soon, as guests had assem bled, the hostess served a delight ful salad course with individually lced cakes with pastel frostings. After several progressions had been enjoyed, scores were added and prizes awarded. Mrs. Bernard O. Stephenson was high scorer for the afternoon while Mrs. C. M. Dennis received the consolation prize. Mrs. Jack Vincent of Elizabeth City was the only out-of-town guest. THURS. - FRI. __ ATTENTION ! ! ! __ The second group of boys in service will be shown on our screen Thursday and P’riday .... These photos of Cleveland county boys will be shown each Thursday & Friday until all 250 pic tures have been shown. liiniieumieiy aiier me ceremony U.-Comdr. and Mrs. Burcham en tertained at their home in Coral 3ables at a reception for the bri lal party, guests, and a few close [riends of Lt. and Mrs. Landrum. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown of Portsmouth, Va., Mrs. Landrum is a native of Pittsburg, Pa. She was graduated from St. Petersburg Junior col lege, Fla., and attended the George Williams college of physical educa tion in Chicago, 111., and the Uni versity of Miami. She has been In structor of physical education at the Ada Merritt Junior High school in Miami for the past two years. Lt. Landrum, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Landrum of Landrum, S. C., attended the schools at that place and was graduated from Furman university, Greenville, S. D., in 1940. Until 1942 he was con nected with the M. and J. Finance corporation of Shelby at which time he entered the navy. He was a very popular young man and has a wide circle of friends in the city. Lt. Landrum is at present assign ed to Dinner Key Base. The couple are making their home at 1661 S. W. 22nd street, Miami, Fla. Mrs. Best Honored At Luncheon By Mrs. Bond Mrs. Herman Best, who, before her recent marriage, was Miss Margaret Mclnnis, of Red Springs, N. C„ was honored at a delightful luncheon at one o’clock yesterday when Mrs. Harvey Bond entertain ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. LeGrand, on South Washington street. Guests, when they had assem cled. were invited to the dining ■oom where they found their olaces at the single table by love y handpainted place cards in pas tel colors, each of which depicted :he bridal theme. The table was covered with a lovely cloth of pale )ink linen and held as a center jiece a handsome Dresden can iclabra encircled by matching fin {erbowls. Each flngerbowl held a iainty arrangement of such tiny lowers as forget-me-nots, pansies, tnd lilies-of-the valley, and the spaces for candles in the candela bra held other tiny floral arrange nents in pastel colors. Marking Mrs. Best's place was a vedding gift wrapped in white and ied with white satin ribbons. Top ping the package was a nosegay >f spring flowers which she wore is a corsage. Each guest also pre iented Mrs. Best with her place :ard to be put in the bride’s book. After the delicious uncheon had been served, guests mjoyed an informal hour together. Mrs. R. T. LeGrand, mother of the lostess, assisted Mrs. Bond in en tertaining. Covers were laid for the follow ng: Mrs. Best, Mrs. James Lock vood, Mrs. R. T. LeGrand, jr., Mrs. rl. Eugene LeGrand, Mrs. Alfred Sskridge, Mrs. Leon Bradshaw, Mrs. toward Schade, Mrs. R. E. Law rence, jr., Mrs. Tom Hawkins, and he hostess. HEAR D M. F. HAM Nationally Known Evangelist and Radio Preacher , April 5th » at DAVIDSON MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Martin & Blanton Sts. Subject: THE WORLD THIS WAR WILL LEAVE US" L ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Miss Mary Margaret Silver’s engagement to Rev. Linwood Peterson of Leland, North Carolina, is announced today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth Silver. The wedding will take place in the early summer. (JALLNDAK THURSDAY 3:45 p.m. — Garden club of Woman’s club meets at club house. 7:00 p.m. — Royal Ambassa dors of First Baptist church meet at church. 7:30 p.m. — Shelby chapter 110 OES, meets at Masonic tem ple for installation of officers. 7:45 p.m.—East Shelby Ju nior Woman's club meets at Cleveland Cloth mill club house. 8:00 p.m.—Regular business meet of Woodmen circle held at Woman's club. Miss Blanche Eakin, state manager of Wood men circle, guest speaker. FRIDAY 4:00 p.m—Cleveland Springs Country club meets with Mrs. Guy Roberts and mJss Mary Lyllyan Blanton, hostesses. 7:30—Young Adult fellowship supper held at Central Meth odist church. SATURDAY 1:00 p.m.—Contract club has bridge luncheon with Mrs. Lee B. Weathers at her home on West Marion street. Miss Hord, Mr. Patton Wed In Baltimore, Md. On Sunday morning, April 1, ir the Overlea Methodist church ol Baltimore, Md., Miss Maude Ava Hord of Waco became the bride of Frazier P. Patton of Washing ton, D. C., formerly of this city. The pastor, Dr. Barrette Rise officiated as the vows of the dou ble ring ceremony were taken be fore a background of palms wich Easter lilies centering the arrange ment. Prior to the ceremony Mrs, Aubrey Clay of Kmgs Mountain, organist and sister of the bride, presented a program of nuptial music. The traditional wedding marches were used. WEDDING COSTUME The bride wore an aqua wed ding costume with lovely white blouse trimmed in Georgia lace and a black picture hat. A corsage of white purple-throated orchids was at her shoulder. Mrs. Carl Davidson of Kings Mountain attended her sister as matron of honor. Mrs. Davidson chose a smart suit of black gabar dine with black and white acces sories and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. Following the ceremony Mrs, Clay and Mrs. Davidson entertain ed a few close friends of the cou ple at a wedding breakfast Mrs. Patton is the youngest A Personals Senator Clyde R. Hoey returnee to Washington, D. C., yesterda; after spending the Easter holiday; with his daughter, Mrs. Dan Paul at their home on West Marior street. Mrs. B_ G. Mauney returnee home yesterday from Louisville Ky., where she has been spendin: the past ten days with her daugh ter, Mrs. R. c. Tankersly, ant Mr. Tankersly. Wednesday guests of Mrs. H. E Noell were Mrs. T. G. Shelton ant daughter, Mrs. Jack Roach, ant Mrs. J. D. Tomlin and daughter Miss Mary Norman Tomlin, all o Statesville. Miss Lillian LeGrand and Mis Ann Royster, students at Peac Junior college, Raleigh, returned t school yesterday after spending th spring holidays with their respec tive parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 LeGrand and Mr. and Mrs. D. W Royster, on South Washingto: street. Mrs. Jack Grubb and daughter Jane, of Ervin, Term., are spend ing this week with Mrs. Grubb’, father, J. P. Ledford, and Mrs j Ledford at their home on DeKall street extension. Mrs. A. A. Powell and littli daughter, Mary Ann, returned homi yesterday from Belmont after vis iting Mrs. Powell's parents, Mr. ant Mrs. H. M. Pratt, for several days Miss Harriette McDowell lef yesterday for New Port, N. C., af ter spending the holidays with he; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc Dowell, on South DeKalb street. Ensign and Mrs Yates Wall ant son. Michael, will arrive this weel end from Charleston, S. C„ to visi Ensign Wall’s parents, Dr. ant Mrs. Zeno Wall. daughter of Mrs. W. G. Hord ant the late Mr. Hord of Waco. Sh< was formerly a teacher in tht Cleveland County schools, but foi the past few years she has beer employed with Eastern aircraft ir Baltimore. NATIVE OF ASHEVILLE Mr. Patton is a native of Ashe ville, N. C., and formerly operatec a barber shop in Shelby where ht will be pleasantly remembered. Hi is now engaged in business ir Washington, D. C., where the cou ple will make their home follow ing a wedding trip to New Yori City. • FRI. - SAT. • BIG DOUBLE FEATURE —NOW PLAYING — “Marriage Is A Private Affair” —Also— ‘THE GIRL WHO DARED’ TEX RITTER DAVE O’BRIEN — In — “Gangsters Of The Frontier” FRANCES LANGFORD GUY KIBBEE — In — “DIXIE JAMBOREE” Personals Mrs. B. T. Falls, jr., and Mrs. Sherrill Lineberger will leave this afternoon for New York City to spend a week or ten days. T. B. DePriest, MOMM 1-c, re turned yesterday to New Orleans, La., for reassignment after spend ing a 30-day leave with his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C. DePriest. He has recently returned from overseas duty. His wife, teacher of biology at Coker college, Hartsville, S. C., left yes terday for Hartsville after spend ing the past week here with her husband. Mrs. Dean F. Duncan and daughter, Harriette, have returned to Shelby to make their home while Lt. Duncan is assigned to active sea duty. They have been making their home in Norfolk, Va., with Lt. Duncan who was based there. Their sons, Franklin and Hugh, are in school at Glade Val ley High school. Mrs. Clyde Whisnant returned to Burnsville today after spend ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C. DePriest, at their home on East Marion street. Miss Mary Ann Gold has re turned to Salem academy, Win ston-Salem, after spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ben Gold. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Toms and son, Herbert, jr., Robert Lytton, Mrs. J. R. Misenheimer, and Mrs. G. P. Smith returned last night from Raleigh where they attended the senior piano recital of Miss Anna Lou Toms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Toms, who is a student at Meredith college. Fol-. lowing the recital a lovely recep tion was given for Miss Toms at the college hut by her teacher,! Miss Phyllis Warrick, and her mar halls. i ____________ HOME FROM HOSPITAL POLK VILLE—Mrs. Erastus Greene is recovering nicely at her home after undergoing an operation at the Shelby hospital last week. V Miss Silver To Wed Rev. Linwood Peterson Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth Silver of McBrayer street announce the en gagement and approaching mar riage of their daughter, Mary Mar garet, to Rev. Linwood Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Peter son of Leland, N. C. Miss Silver and the Rev. Mr. Peterson are both students at Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. The wedding will be solemnized sometime during the early summer. Heyward Shuford Feted On Birthday POLKV1LLE—Heyward Shiuford was complimented Saturday even ing when his mother and grand nother. Mrs. L. A. Shuford and Mrs. John M. Mode, entertained at a delightful buffet dinner at the home of Mrs. Mode. The occasion was Heyward’s eighteenth birth day anniversary. When guests arrived they were served from tables arranged in the living room. The birthday cake, a two tiered pink and white one served as the centerpiece for the dining room table. The living room and dining room were attractively decorated with arrangements of cut flowers In pink and white. The hostesses were assisted by Misses Beatrice and Barbara Ann Mode in serving. Guests included Elizabeth Brid ges, Annie Sue Hoyle, Rachel Da vis, Sue Gardner, Buren Horne, Paul Turner, Herbert Shuford and the honor guest. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bunn, a son born April 4 at Mercy hos pital, Charlotte. Mrs. Bunn is the former Miss Phyllis McWhirter of Shelby. To conserve paper, dry your pa per towels on rack and use for soiled dishes or cooking utensils. Opens Saturday Night 10:00 P. M. — Also Playing ~ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY . Y)\ DREAM... ///Gloria Grahame! I M-G-M’s new honey Awith the honey^ f ^^colored hairUjp A gay, saucy, eyebrow-> lifting comedy about a guy with a gleam in his eye! _ TODAY FRIDAY Th is is FREDDIE (The PHILIP DORN MARY ASTOR FELIX BRESSART AND INTRODUCINO GLORIA MARSHALL GRAHAME * THOMPSON Try Our Fine Candies On Sale In The Lobby • —EXTRA!— MORE PICTURES OF CLEVELAND COUNTY BOYS ON OUR SCREEN! i Jury Day In Recorder s Court Is Cancelled With only two defendants slat ed for trial, one charged with driving while intoxicated and the other indicted for public drunk enness, decision was reached this morning by Judge A. A. Powell to cancel the day of jury court which was scheduled for next Tuesday. Jurors who have been drawn for service that day are asked not to report. Mrs. Adleen G. Abernethy Dies In Gaston County GASTONIA, April 4—Mrs. Ad lee Gaston Abernethy, 83, widow of George W. Abernethy, and daughter of the late J. Pickney and Mrs. Mary Wright Gaston, died late Tuesday in her home off Wilkinson boulevard. A native and life-long resident of Gaston county, she was a member of Be thesda Methodist church. Surviv ing are one daughter, one brother, and one grandchild. The funeral services were held Thursday at 4 p.m. at the home, by Rev. E. O. Peeler, assisted by Rev. W. S. Pat terson. Piedmont School Giyas Junior Play Friday LAWNDALE—The junior class of Piedmont High school will present a play, “The Ghost Parade’’ on Friday evening, April 6, at eight fifteen o’clock in the school au ditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Putnam have directed and coached the perform ance and an excellent presentation is expected. A small admission will be charged, and the public is cor dially invited to be present. WEBB — PLAYING TODAY — "FIRED WIFE" ROBERT PAIGE — And — "THE SHERIFF OF SAGE VALLEY" BUSTER CRABBE FRIDAY - SATURDAY "THE LONE STAR PIONEER" BILL ELLIOTT — And — "KLONDIKE KATE" ANN SAVAGE I I I I STATE FRIDAY and SATURDAY "TUvtiw Htfuhutl f* »»*<»•*« DAGWOOD WINS PRIZE CONTEST! I I with A*rm#t LAKE PI WHY SINGLETON Otiyiital Sctmh May by Comb It* Pro4KH«d by MMT MUY • Dlractod by AMY MMM tAMY SIMMS My Also NEWS — MUSICAL — LAST TIMES TODAY — ‘Riding High’ Starring DOROTHY DICK LAMOUR POWELL Abo UNUSUAL OCCUPATIONS i

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