I Tom Thumb Wedding To Be Presented At Lawndale The Lawndale Woman’s Socletj of Christian Service will presenj a "Tom Thumb Wedding” at Pied mont high school Friday night, Maj 11th, at 8:15 p.m. Fifty children of the Lawndale Sunday School will take part ir the wedding. Little Miss Phyllis Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred Richards is the bride. Donalc Brackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Brackett is the groom anc Foy Brackett, son of Mr. and Mrs Burt Brackett is the minister. Piedmont glee club under the di rection of Mrs. Hudson Hartgrove will also sing several numbers or the program. A small admission will be charg ed. The public is cordially invited to attend. I I hov« und . '"nl *°y»i "k« I* y,or* °n^ *'*•" and radio world* Hew_ I Cream Deodorant Safely helps Stop Perspiration 1. Docs not irritate akin. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. 2. Presents under-arm odor. Helps stop perspiration safely. 3. A pure, white, antiseptic, stain less ssnishing cream. 4a No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3a Awarded Approval Seal of American I nstitute of Launder ing — harmless to fabric. Use Arrid regularly. 39* PiwTu Also S9t size ARRID THIIAMUT SHUNS DIODORANT If Today Is Your Birthday By STELLA THURSDAY, MAY 10—Bom to day, your versatility and charm will go a long way toward paving your pathway to success. You are in terested in a number of subjects and seem to know how to do things better than average. Your judgment is good and you have a discriminating mind. Consequent ly, you are one of those few per sons who may scatter their inter ests widely and still become profi cient in more than one career. You are fond of travel; have areal sense for news and would make a fine foreign correspondent. You enjoy life’s luxuries and yet you know how to have a good time without them! In other words, you are able to take life as it comes and enjoy all phases, taking the bitter with the same good nature mat you taKe tne sweet, wnne you are rather emotional and at times even moody and despondent, you have learned to shake off these depressions and look on the bright er side of life This can help you carve out the success which should be yours. You are enough of an individualist so that you are hap piest when working on your own rather than for other people. Hence it would be wise if you selected a career in which you can be your own boss most of the time. Al though you are more interested in ideas than in muscle work, you can settle down to back-breaking ia | bour if a Job needs to be done. : You always finish any Job you be gin, despite any obstacles. By means of "portable ports," coded as Mulberries, more than 2, 500,000 men were put ashore dur ing the first 109 days of the Euro pean Invasion. Over 17,000,000 ship tons of material reached shore the same time. Be “Tops” With Her! GIVE A GENUINE DIAMOND BRIOAL SET Truly * rare value at thli price. Thla "Perfectly Matched Wedding Bet” combine! beauty and quality to make these rings worthy expressions of your love. Both the engagement and match > Ing wedding ring are del icately engraved by mas ter craftsmen with GENUINE BLAZING DIA MONDS hand-set In 10-K UOUJ. ror the first time, we oiler this set < rings ere not (old separately) for only IH M, tax Included. SEND NO MONEY ■Simply mall your name, address and rlni ire. or eocloae string whose ends meet ahen placed around your finger. Pay post man. plus postage charges, when ring! arrive—or send cash or money order and we send rings postpaid. Your diamonds come In a striking gift case. FREE! Quan tity limited I Don't delay—order nowl PAUSE JEWELRY COMPANY 77 Peachtree »t.. N. E, Atlanta, Geergta MEMORIAL AT MOUNT SINAI No Dinner On Grounds Sunday; Pfe. .Weaver In From Overseas MT. SINAI.—There will be no dinner spread at Mt. Sinai church this year at Memorial which will be held Sunday morning, May 20 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hamrick ana family spent Sunday with Mrs. Mamie McKinney of Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ellis and family of near Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weaver and children of Boiling Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clary Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Price and daughter, Velma, of Boiling Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wea ver Sunday. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ledbetter of Fontana Dam near Asheville. Mrs. Jack Putnam, Mrs. L. R. Putnam and Miss Della Weaver visited Mrs. Crete Putnam at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bod Borders of near Earl. HUMG FKUM UV£KS£AS Pfc. Elijah Weaver, who has just returned from almost two years of oversea service, visited his brothers Ralph and R. G. for two or three days last week. Miss Margaret Putnam of Char lotte spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Putnam. Miss Mary Ann Putnam enter tained a group of her friends with a birthday party Saturday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Putnam. Miss Betty Terry of Charlotte visited Miss Margaret Putnam on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamrick of Cllffside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Weaver. Mrs. Dorcas Dameron of Gas tonia spent the week end with her brother, Ralph Weaver and Mrs. Weaver. Belwood Exercises To Begin May 27 The commencement exercises of Belwood High school will be pre sented on the following dates: bac calaureate sermon, May 27 to be delivered by Dr. W. A. Ayers. The class night program, “The En chanted Garden” on May 29, and final exercises on May 30. The valedictorian of the class Is Juanita Ramsey and salutatorian, Betty Lee Peeler. A lap table saves effort in pre paring vegetables for cooking and canning. GETS BRONZE CLUSTER — Pfc. Lloyd E. Kiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kiser, of Ella Mill, who was awarded the Purple Heart medal for wounds received in action in France on July 31, 1944, has been awarded the Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for being wounded in aetion in Germany on April 14. Pfc. Kiser has been serving in the Army since February, 1943. Edward Haupt Is New Mayor Of Newton NEWTON—Edward Haupt, drug gist and former mayor of Newton for several terms, was elected may or over his opponent, the present mayor. Heath C. Gabriel, in the annual municipal election Mon day by a vote of 822 to 386. Aldermen running on the Haupt ticket were also elected by sub stantial majorities. New aldermen eiecteci are uonn .tiuss, uonn car penter and G. V. Moser. Defeated for aldermen were H. W. Mehaffey and Rom Dellinger, who were seeking re-election, and Ralph Jones. Two school board members were unopposed, M. L. Adair for re election, and B. G. Wagoner, who replaces Dr. M. R. Barringer. Dr. Barringer was not a candidate. Postpone State Fire School At Charlotte CHARLOTTE—Because of war time conditions the annual ses sion of the North Carolina Fire College and Drill school which was scheduled for the last three days in May at Palmer Fire school in Charlotte is being postponed in definitely. Notice of the postponement was received yesterday by Charlotte Fire Chief W. Hendrix Palmer from State Fire Marshal Sherwood Brockwell, director of the slhool. Permission to proceed with plans j for the school was denied by the ! Office of Defense Transportation, Chief Palmer was Informed. rPTTT7lT~) 11 Sunday Is Mother’s Day ► It takes oil kinds of people to win o war. It takes soldiers and sailors, politicians and business men, farmers and laborers, wives and sweethearts ... and MOTHERS. Mothers because they are part of the force behind the fighting force .,. because they wait for the peace that will send their sons home to them . . . and because while they wait, they work. In many ways their work Is as important as that of their armed and uniformed sons. Theirs is the important job of morale ... of keeping intact the American home. For to day, os in other wars, the home remains the port of happi ness and safety to which men turn first when the war is won. Because they are unsung heroines of this war, let's make Mother's Dax, May 13, one they will long remember. Be cause of the look of hope in her eye, because of her smiling courage, your mother this year is truly the "Lady of the Hour." Let her know how proud you are of the job she is doing. Remember to tell her... that you, like all Americans everywhere, deeply appreciate all she means to you. Choose A Gift For Mother From This List: Ready-To-Wear Hosiery Dresses Shoes Underwear Handkerchiefs Also Nice Assortment Bedspreads Bed Sheets Pillow Cases John W. Bell Stores SHELBY ROUTE 4 • LATTIMORE HOLLIS WMS MEETS AT COSTNERHOME PLEASANT GROVE.—The Plea sant Grove W. M. S. met Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sherman Costner with Mrs. Jeff Elliott as joint hostess. Fifteen members and two visitors attend ed: “Consecrating the Centennial to Christ” was the topic for dis cussion and was led by Mrs. Cost ner with several members assist ing. Mrs. Stonewall Williams and Mrs. Onley Wright sang a duet “Whispering Hope.” The hostesses served refresh ments. Mrs. John Cornwell returned home Saturday from the Shelby hospital, where she had been for three weeks and is doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall Wil liams and Mrs. Kim Williams spent several days last week with relatives in the Sandy Plains and New House communities. Mrs. Ray Wright and daughter recently spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooke of Hickory. Mrs. Bruner Bess and Malinda spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke and Barbara Ann of Hickory spent the week end# with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Lail and fam ily. ui^i r uivjLULiun Pfc. Talmadge Queen of Port Jackson, Columbia, S. C., is spend ing a furlough with his wife, the former Miss Alma Turner. Sherrill Queen of the U. S. Navy, Is spending a furlough here with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Bow ens and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Costner and children of Gastonia and Petty Of ficer 3/c Brainard and Mrs. Cost ner and son spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Costner. Petty Officer 3/c and Mrs. Cost ner and Harold Dean left this week for Pensacola, Fla. Misses Mildred and Lula Belle Harmon of Shelby and Cadet All een Harmon of Grace Hospital, Morganton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Furman Wright and Ada Pearl on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Costner and children spent the week end with Mrs. Ed Bridges and children of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Bingham and Peggy and Mrs. Charlie Mc Swain spent Sunday with Mrs. W. K. Chapman of Charlotte and Alvin Chapman, who is in a Char lotte hospital. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright were Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Spangler and children of Double Shoals and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamrick have painted their house. 4-H CLUB PROGRAM Several members of the 4-H club presented a program at Sunday school Sunday. Miss Dorothy El liott led the program and those participating were Scott Hamrick, Betty Hoyle, Lillian Spangler, Do nald Wright, Herman Mellon, Louise Strickland, Ella Gordon and Catherine Williams, Ruth Hoyle, Juanita and Marshall Ann Hen drick and Max Turner. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Courtney and Brenda and Mrs. V. A. Costner of Suttle St., Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Plato Costner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humphries spent Sunday with his daughter and family of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Strlngfellow and daughters moved Monday to one of Thurman Ledford's houses near Carl McSwain’s filling sta tion. News Mention Of Rock Springs ROCK SPRINGS. — S/Sgt. and Mrs. Hoyt Jones have announced the birth of a daughter, Mary Eli zabeth, in the Gaffney hospital last week. Both Sgt. and Mrs. Jones were formerly of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carroll and daughter of Cherokee Falls, S. C„ visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wylie and family spent Sunday in Shelby vis iting Cpl. and Mrs. Madison Wylie, and Mi’s. Ella Wylie. Miss Nancy Jones was the Wed nesday dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. GJb Jones In Shel by. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Keigh Moss in Gaffney Saturday. Miss Elaine Calahan of Charles ton, S. C., spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wylie. Ten N. C. Counties In Poultry ‘Set-Aside’ WASHINGTON, May 10—(A5)— Ten North Carolina counties -will be included in the poultry “set aside” order, beginning May 14, the War Food administration announ ced yesterday. Under this order the government buys all poultry from authorized processors in the areas. The counties are Guilford, Randolph, Moore, Lee, Chatham, Alamance, Orange, Durham, Gran ville and Wake. Many Hard of Hearing Can Hear Tomorrow with Ourine drops' used with a simple syringe. II you are deafened, bothered by ringing bussing head noises due to hardened or coagulated wax (cerumen) try the Ourine Home Method test that so many say has enabled them to hear well again. You must hear better after making this simple test or you get your money back at once. We recommend Ourine. CLEVELAND DRUG CO. CICERO FALLS IS LIBERATED Open House And Picnic Lunch At Bethware School May 11 EL BETHEL - BETHWARE — '■Jews has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Falls that their ;on, Cicero Falls has been lib erated from a German prison 'amp near Berlin and that he Is veil. Pvt. Boyce Eaker who was re cently Inducted Into the U. S. Ma rines, is at the present stationed at Paris Island, S. C. OPEN HOUSE On Friday, May 11, Bethware school will hold open house. All citizens of the community are in vited to visit the school from one to 2:30 p.m. Then at 7:30 pjn. a picnic lunch will be served in the school lunch room .The build ing will be open for inspection from the picnic hour until 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. mem bers of El Bethel church met for a prayer service conduced by Z. F. Cranford in honor of V-E day. ATTEND MEMORIAL Among those attending memorial services at Pleasant Hill Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Harmon and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Herndon and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anthony of this community. WOUNDED MAN RETURNS Pfc. Howell Cash, who has been serving in Germany and suffered a wounded hand is now at home on a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cash of this community. Mrs. Hill Lowery spent the week end at Pleasant Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bridges have named their new daughter Janice Ann. The Women’s Society of Chris-: tion Science will meet Wednesday night of this week at the home of Mrs. Z. F. Cranford. RETURNS TO TEXAS Pfc. Wilbur M. Eaker returned to his post at Texarkana, Texas, Wednesday after spending sev eral days here with his wife and children. The Mary Martha group of El Bethel church met Saturday af ternoon at El Bethel church. Mrs. Grady King had charge of the program. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bell were Mr. and Mrs. Garland Borders of Shelby, Mrs. Clyde Pressley and son, and Has kell Bell of Charlotte. HOLDS FIRST MEETING The newly organized society of the Weslyn Guild will hold its first meeting Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. at the £3 Bethel club house. Mrs. Z. F. Cranford spent Mon day in Charlotte where she vis ited her sister who has been very 111 In a hospital there. Pvt. Frank Blalock of Fort Jack son. S. C., spent Sunday here with his wife and parents. The east Prussian city of Konlgs berg is spread out along the banks of the Pregel river. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline 'non acid I powder, holds lalse teeth more firmly. To eat and talk in more com mi. Just sprinkle a little FASYEETH on r plates. No gummy, gooey pasty last' or feeling. Checks 'plate odor" fdentur* oreath). Get FA8TEETH at any drug store. adv When 'steeters start ring ing, and flies begin blu eing ... Quick! Stop this nerve-wracking symphony —with Flit! This aflirient insecticide sprays 'em and slays ’em! It kills even the dread disease-laden malaria mosquito—as well as many com-, mon household flies and moths. Buy your summer’s supply oil stainless, pleasant-smell ing Flit, today! FLIT Cbpv. IMS, KILLS FLIES, MOTHS AND MOSQUITOES BE SURE IT'S FlIT! ASK FOR THE CONTAINER WITH THF YlllOW LABEL AND THE BUCK BAND $5.95 Smart earrings, soma sst with sparkling stones. $33.75 Make her gift a watch . . . tiny, ex qulalte, practical. $7.95 Gold Carmen locket. With photo com partment. Oold Carmen brace let. • charming gilt ^$49.50 Brilliant diamond, in tailored, 14K gold ring. $39.50 3 - diamond dinner ring. Unique 14K gold letting. Make Her Day Memorable. Give the precious, enduringly beautiful gift of fine jewelry. Make your selection from stocks carefully chosen for the loveliness and distinction of every item. She will re member the occasion, and cherish the rich symbol of your thoughtfulness through all the years to come. TERMS Pay just $1.25 a week. All prices include Federal Tax. MAY 13 £& HU GIFT “THE HOUSE OP PERFECT DIAMONDS” SHELBY, N. a JEWELERS t Eut Warren St