W1 He, 5 1 AH S omen SARA NEWTON. Editor Phone 1100 MISS BETTY SUE H ARRELSON IS THE BRIDE OF HAZ EL L. HELTON in a lovely ceremony perxormea Saturday afternoon, June 30, at five-thirty o’clock in the St. Paul Methodist church of Waco Miss ask ► Betty Sue Harrelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury C. Harrelson, became the bride of Hazel L. Hel ton, son of A. L. Helton and the late Mrs. Helton of Sanford. Rev. J. Sneed Ogbum heard the vows of the impressive double ring ceremony before an altar of green pines entertwined with ivy on either side of which were baskets of white gladioli and candelabra. Prior to the wedding Mrs. E. T. Bailey of this city, pianist, and Miss Elizabeth Morgan of Char lotte, vocal soloist, presented a pro ram of nuptial selections. “To the ening Star” by Wagner furnish ed a background for the vows, and the traditional selections were used for processional and reces sional. The bride entered wi^. her fath er who gave her in marriage. She wore a becoming white Panama suit with matching accessories and a strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom. At her shoulder was a corsage of purple orchids. ATTENDANTS Miss Delores Harrelson was her sister's maid of honor. Her street length dress was of pink lace. She wore black accessories and carried a nosegay of dainty summer flow ers tied with pink streamers. Bridesmaids were Miss Doris Harrelson of Lilesville and Miss Charlene Harrelson of KingsMoun tain, cousins of the bride. They wore pastel dresses with white ac Mrs. Weathers Honors House Guest At Coffee I Mrs. Lee B. Weathers was host ess this morning at a lovely in formal coffee hour at her home on West Marion street in honor of her sister-in-law and house guest, Mrs. H. Dixon Smith, of Colum bus, Ga. Mr*. J. D. Lineberger and Mrs. X. T. Webb greeted guests as they arrived, and Mrs. Weather* and Mr*. Smith received in the living room of the home. Callers were directed to the din ing room where delicious refresh ment* of iced punch, sandwiches, little cookies, and salted nuts were served. The table, covered with a handsome Venetian cutwork cloth, held a lovely centerpiece of pink rose* and baby's breath. Those as sisting in entertaining and serving were Mrs. Clyde Nolan, Mrs. Whltelaw Kendall, Mrs. J. P. Smith and Mrs. Henry Lee Weathers. About sixty guests called between •leven and twelve o'clock. 1 cesories ana naa carnation cor sages. Mrs. Harrelson, mother of the bride, wore a frock of black and pink floral print with black acces sories and a corsage of white car nations. A. L. Helton of Sanford, father of the bridegroom, was best man. William Craft and Grady Fisher of Waco and Mills Barber of San ford served as ushers and lighted the candles. Mrs. Helton, younger daughter of her parents, received her educa tion at Waco High school, and for the past two years has been em ployed as ticket agent for the Seaboard Airline Railway in San ford. Mr. Helton, a graduate of San ford High school, is employed with the Edwards company as tool de signer. Following the ceremony the cou ple left for a wedding trip through the North Carolina mountains. For traveling the bride chose a frock of black crepe with matching acces sories and wore her bridal corsage at her shoulder. After July 9 the couple will be at home in Sanford. OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS Out-of-town guests were: Miss Frances Hall, Mills Barber, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Helton of San ford, N. C.; Miss Doris Harrelson of Lilesville, N. C.; Mrs. Boyd Harrelson of Kings Mountain, N. C.: Mrs. B. F. Morgan, Mrs. Har rill Bridges, Mrs. Flay Smith, Miss Rebecca Smith, Misses Celestine and Rita Putnam, and Mrs. Glenn Holland, all of Shelby. SMD Club Will Not Hold Dance Tonight The Service Men’s Dancing club will not hold its usual dance to night as was announced. Further plans will be announced later. Mrs. Woodson Spoke To East Shelby Cub Mrs. Harry Woodson was guest speaker Thursday night when members of the East Shelby Ju nior Woman’s club met at the Cleveland Cloth mill clubhouse. | Hostesses were Miss Betty Cashlon and Miss Ruth Hensley. After Miss Margaret Trammell had conducted a short devotional, a routine business session was held. Mrs. Woodson was introduced, and sire discussed, “Handwork in the Home.” She displayed several pieces of handwork as well a« de sirable pieces to be chosen for a well-planned home. In conclusion, the hostesses serv ed delicious refreshments. Beginning At EFIRD’S Monday, July 9 | OPA ODD LOT RELEASE » » JULY 9, 1945 TO JULY 28, 1945 — INCLUSIVE RATION-FREE Ladies' Dress Shoes In White, Brown and Black. Come Down Early and Get Yours. EFUUTS 214 S. LaFayette St. — Shelby, N. C. CALENDAR MONDAY 4:00 p.m.—Woman’s auxiliary of Presbyterian church meets at church. Circles of W. C. S. C., Cen tral Methodist church, meet as follows: 3:30 pm.—No. 5 with Mrs. H. E. Richourg. Mrs. R. E. Car penter, co-hostess. 4:00 pan.—No. 1 with Mrs. Evans Shull, Mrs. Pearl Leon hardt, co-hostess. No. 2 with Mrs. Charles Wells. No. 3 with Mrs. J. D. Line berger. Mrs. R. S. Laidlaw, co hostess. No. 4 with Mrs. Talmadge Gardner. No. 6 with Mrs. Sam Wea thers. Mrs. Nelson Rogers, co hostess. No, 7 with Mrs. C. M. Moser. 6:30 p.m.—Wesleyan Service Guild and Bertie Hennessa cir cle meet at church to go to Ollie Moore’s for fish fry. 7:30 p.m.—Bess Hoey circle has picnic meeting at home of Misses Mary and Jane Stentz. 8:30 p.m.—Mary McLarty cir cle meets with Mrs. Manley James at McGowan home, Kings road. Associate ’jostest es, Mrs. J. P. Garrison, Mrs. W. w. Wyke. W. M. S. circles of First Bap-* tist church meet as follows: 3:30 p.m.—Bethany with Mrs. Henry Edwards. Louise English with Mrs. James Roberts. Ann Judson with Mrs. C. O. Miller. 4:00 p.m.—Mary Archer with Mrs. P. F. Grigg. Attie Bostick with Mrs. Paul Webb, jr. Alda Grayson with Mrs. C. E. Davis. McMillan with Mrs. John Rrthertc 7:00 pjn.—Lottie Moon with Fish Fry at Oilie Moore’s place. 7:45 pjn.—Luther Rice with Mrs. Malcolm Spangler. 8:00 p.m.—Inabelle Coleman with Mrs. L. P. Williams. 8:00 pjn.—Intermediate G. A. meets with Miss Be be Newman, 515 S. LaFayette street. TUESDAY 8:00 pjn.—Important meet of all nurse aides held at student nurses home. Wright-Stockton Marriage Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stockton an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Catherine, to James Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wright, also of this city, on Sat urday afternoon, June 30, in Gaff ney, S. C. Both bride and bridegroom are graduates of Lattimore High school and are now employed at the Cleveland Cloth mill. They will make their home on South Dee Kalb street. A1 Nurse Aides To Hold Important Meet Tuesday All nurse aides of the city will hold an important meeting Tues day night at eight o’clock at the student nurses’ home, Mrs. J. W. Harbison announced today. The nurse aide handbooks have arriv ed, and plans are to distribute and explain these booklets at the meet ing. Members of all four classes of nurse aides who have been trained at Shelby hospital are urged to be present for this combined busi ness and social session. Miss Bryte Glascow, superintendent of nurses at Shelby hospital, and Mrs. W. R. Casstevens, secretary of the local Red Cross, will be special guests. Bridge Enjoyed At Cleveland Springs Club — Members of Cleveland Springs Country club enjoyed their weekly bridge yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Charles A. Burrus and Mrs. Johnny Brewer were hostesses to the group. Cooling refreshments of fruit punch and shortcake were served after which several progressions were played. High scorer was Mrs. Flay Hoey, and low scorer was Mrs. Lowery Suttle. Six tables were in play. Club guests were Mrs. Sam Davis of Durham, guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed McCurry, and Mrs. New ton Famell of Greensboro, guest of Mrs. James T. Irvin. Mary Edith Lynch Wed To Sgt. Varali Miss Mary Edith Lynch of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lynch of Lincolnton, became the bride of Sgt. A. L. Varali, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Varali, of Louisville, Ky., in a quiet cere mony performed at the Methodist parsonage in Crouse, N, C., on Wednesday, July 4. Mrs. Varali attended Lenoir Rhyne college, Hickory, where she took a business course and has been employed as bookkeeper for the local A&P Store. She made her home for several years with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kiser. Sgt. Varali, gunner in the Arirj' Air forces, is now stationed at Lake Charles, La., and was former ly located at Columbia, S. C. The bride and bridegroom are visiting Sgt. Varali’s parents in Louisville after which they will 50 to Lake Charles to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanton and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stuart and family are leaving Sunday for Myrtle Beach, S. C., to spend two weeks. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sikes who will spend a week 1 with them. I Personals William C. Nau, acting chie: and William C. Cope, assistant, c the federal probation office a Greenville, S. C., were here Fri day as guests of Charles A. Bur rus, senior probation officer for th western district U. S. Court. Mrs. H. B. Kirkpatrick of Char lotte is spending two weeks wit her daughter, Mrs. David Whit< and children, at their home o: south Washington street. Mrs. J. L, McDowell and daugh ter, Miss Harriette Anthony, lei this morning for Galax, Va., t spend about a week with Mrs. Me Dowell’s parents, Mr. and Mr; Sandy Bowers. Miss Helen Stephenson Is spend ing this week end at Myrtle Bead S. C., with Miss Mary Ann Got and Ben Gold, jr., USNR. S. A. Washburn entered Shelb hospital yesterday to undergo treat ment. His condition is improve^ this morning. Mrs. O. V. Hamrick entere Charlotte Memorial hospital yes terday to undergo a period o treatment. Miss Pauline Dedmon and Mr! Dan Jones returned yesterday fror Charlottesville] Va., where the have been visiting their sistei Mrs. B. T. Gladden, and Mr. Glad den. Miss Bettie Ellis and Miss Lil lian Cline will leave tomorrow fo Myrtle Beach, S. C., to spend tw weeks at the Welcome Inn. Mrs. W. L. Baker and daughtei Miss Mela Baker, of Gastonia, ar spending several days with Mr Baker's sister, Mrs. Tom McCoj and Mr. McCoy at their home 01 West Warren street. Mrs. Jack Miller arrived Thurs day from her home in Griffir Ga., to be with her sister, Mrs. Tor Babington, who is undergoing treat ment at Shelby hospital. Mis Tennie Miller is spending som time here with Mrs. Babingto: who is showing some improvemeni Mr. and Mrs. Yates McSwair Mallory McSwain, and Mrs. Ger trude Woodward will leave Sunda for Myrtle Beach, S. C., to spen several days. Miss Sara Mundy Hamrick c Raleigh is spending the week en with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. / V. Hamrick. She is coming espe cially to see her brother, Pfc. Va son Hamrick, who has recently re turned from overseas and is no' home on convalescent leave. Miss Phyllis Yates will arrive tc day from Raleigh to spend th week end with her parents, M and Mrs. Dale R. Yates, at thei home on West Marion street. Miss Bernice Humphries is ex pected to return home this wee end after spending a week at Myr tie Beach, S. C. Howard Griffin, patient at Gen eral hospital, Greenville, S. C Merchants Asking Cooperation With [ Drink Shortage A number of Kings Mountain and Cleveland county retail mer 2 chants who retail soft drinks are cooperating with the retail section . of the American Bottlers, in ask 1 ing that soft drinks be consumed '< on the premises. 1 This is only temporary, explain ed one merchant, and will be re lieved at soon as an adequate sup ‘ ply of sugar allows soft drinks for 1 home consumption again. 5 At the present time there is an acute shortage of sugar which in " turn makes a critically short sup ply of soft drinks. There just aren’t enough drinks to go around. Customers are being asked to I drink their soft drinks on the premises thus making more drinks available in the coolers of their f favorite stores and eating places. Several stores in the Kings j Mountain area put this plan into operation some months ago when the sugar first became scarce, j thus it is nothing new to this . locality. Meadows Trial At i Close Fifth Week f _ J GREENVILLE, N. C„ July 7—(/P) —The fifth week of the trial of Dr. Leon R. Meadows, charged with embezzlement and false pre r tense, was concluded yesterday af j ternoon as the Pitt county Su perior court toe* the usual week end recess. The former president of East j Carolina Teachers college is charg i, ed with misappropriation of more •t than $14,000 in special college and i student funds The defendant was still under cross-examination when the court - recessed for the week. Indications , were the cross examination would i be concluded Monday after which - the defense will begin offering its s approximately 100 witnesses. 3 Dr. Meadows testified yesterday l that some items were corrected in . one of his memorandum books, in which he kept an account of re > ceipts and disbursements of col ■ lege and student funds, after the 1 state began its investigation which 1 resulted in his indictment by the Pitt county grand jury. f recently underwent an operation i there. He is still very ill. - Pfc. and Mrs. Vason Hamrick - are expected to return to Shelby - today after spending last night in v Statesville. Pfc. Hamrick and Mrs. Hamrick will spend his 30-day convalescent furlough with his - parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Ham e rick, and with other friends. He \ is now stationed at the General r hospital, Rome, Ga. Miss Hazel Blanton, Miss Dovie - Logan, Miss Millicent Hicks, and < Miss Jessie Allen will spend the - week end at the Blanton cottage at Lake Lure. Mr. and Mrs. Her schel Blanton and Mrs. H. A. Logan - have been at Lake Lure all of this , week. Kings Mtn. Police Made 57 Arrests During Month June KINGS MOUNTAIN — Fifty seven persons were arrested in Kings Mountain during the month of June, stated Chief of Police A. E. Atterholt today. Earlier in the month Chief At terholt asked that citizens be more careful in driving and obeying the laws. A total amount of $390 was col lected in fines for the month while a total amount of $560 was collected to cover costs of the court. The cases were tried in Record er’s court with Judge C. C. O’Far rell officiating. Of those arrested 27 were for public drunkenness, while five were for speeding, four for assault, four driving with improper brak es, three for driving without driv er’s license, three for V. P. L, three for driving drunk, two for false pretense, one each for conspiracy, for reckless driving for affray, for disorderly conduct, for carrying concealed weapon, and for an as sault on a female. Dairy Production Payments Stepped Up This Quarter Dairy farmers in North Carolina will'have the benefit of increased payment rates for milk and but terfat production payments dur ing the current quarter, beginning July 1. These government pay ments to milk and butterfat pro ducers are adjusted quarterly to reflect changes in production costs. The new rates for North Caro lina for milk and butterfat pro duction in July, August and Sep tember will be 75 cents per hun dred pounds of milk, and 13 cents per pound for butterfat, Scott said. Rates for the quarter just ended were 55 cents per hundred pounds for milk and 10 cents per pound for butterfat. “Higher payments for produc tion during the current three months period will help offset the extra feed bills when pastures brown off during the summer and more mixed feed and hay have to be fed to maintain production levels,” the AAA chairman said WARREN L. McCRAW BURIED AT GAFFNEY GAFFNEY, S. C., July 7—The funeral of Warren L. McCraw, 50, who died Sunday at Bay Pines, Fla., after an illness of some time, was conducted Thursday by the Rev C. A. Kirby and the Rev. Paul Dobbins. Burial was in Oakland .cmetery. Mr. McCraw, a former resident of Gaffney, lived at Mia mi, Fla., several years. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bessie Pryor McCraw; three sons, two brothers, and his mother, Mrs. Sallie Mc Craw of Gaffney. OPENS TONIGHT LATE SHOW DAYS! Without love ?. KISSLESS COURTSHIP?! LOVELESS MARRIAGE? What's going on here? The screen's warmest, wooingest love-team in a story called "Without Love"!!! Don’t . let the title fool you! Be ready for plenty of sparks and sparking! SPENCER TRACY* CAPT. PADGETT !' TALKS ON WAR General News Of Kings Mountain People KTNGS MOUNTAIN — Twenty persons joined the First Baptist church of Kings Mountain during s: t: IV e ' ii b the recent 10-clay revival which was conducted there recently by Rev. G. G. Lantier of Winston Salem, stated Rev. L. C. Pinnlx, pastor. Si . E t: B. N. Barnes, superintendent of a Kings Mountain schools was re cently named vice president of the | Cleveland County Infantile Paraly sis society, while Mrs. J. K. Willis, also of Kings Mountain, was nam ed assistant secretary of the so ciety. Captain Phillip G. Padgett, Kings Mountain doctor and veter an of many months overseas ser vice in the army, home on leave from duty in the European-Med iterranean theatre of operations spoke to the members of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club, Thursday evening, at their serviceman’s pro gram at the regular meeting. The Junior Woman’s club of Kings Mountain has been listed on the honor roll of the North Caro-! lina Federation of Junior Wo- i men’s clubs, according to a noti- j fication received here this week. One hundred points representing I club activities must be obtained for an honor roll listing. This; award is for the year 44-45 which j ended in May. The members of the Kings Moun tain Lions club heard J. G. Mor-! rison, county agent for Lincoln county speak to them in an ad dress given at their regular meet ing Thursday evening at Moun tain View house. The regular bi-weekly meeting of the Johnny Blackwell post 2268 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Kings Mountain, was held last night in the post quarters in the Webb building. /ivic Club Members iuy $113,025 Bonds Sale of $113,025 in war bonds wa* lown today in the final report at le Chamber of Commerce and lerchants Association which wag 1 a drive among local civic club« i connection with the Seventh rar Loan. The Rotary club led in both mount and number of sales, win ing the award which will be pre ;nted at its next meeting. Medieval entertainers, having no ewspaper in which to advertise lemselves, used a “cri” or herald ccompanied by a parade. REPUBLIC PICTURE —mo EDMUND LOWE Constance Cummings — IN — “Seven Sinners” MON.-TUES. cnnoi «NO TODAY LAST TIMES “Enemy of the Law” — ALSO — “I ACCUSE MY PARENTS” STATE — Monday - Tuesday and She made guns grow cold.., and hearts burn hot...as she set the ifel ALSO NEWS — LAST TIMES TODAY — “FLL TELL THE WORLD” STARRING LEE, BRENDA TRACY and JOYCE ALSO NEWS — CARTOON MARCH OF TIME “RETURNING VETERANS”