CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Ml Classified Advertising Is Cash Except On Established Accounts. 4c A Word This Size Type (10 Puint) 2c A Word This Size Type a Point) Minimum Charge For Classified Ad.—30c CARD OF THANKS—50c The Daily Star will not be re sponsible for more than one in correct insertion of any ad. Er rors shoud be reported at once. All keyed ads are strictly con fidential and can be reached by sealed letters only. Ads. must be in by 10 A. M. PHONE 100 1. FOR SALE OUR 2 THREAD BEMBERG hose are now in. Get them while they last. The Remnant Store, next door to Keeter’s on W. Warren street. 3t 6c FOR SALE: 1938 PACKARD 4 door, new factory motor, less than 20,000 miles. Horne Auto Service, Kings Mountain, N. C. 2t 7p FOR SALE: ONE MULE, ONE mare, wagon, harness, wheat drill, mowing machine, rake, also 32 1-2 acres of land located 12 miles northeast of Lincolnton. Will sell all for $1,800. Also in cluded in this 1933 Chevrolet pickup truck. Will sell as whole or part. See W. M. Sellers, R-3, Kings Mountain, N. C. 2t mon. 2-9p PLENTY SLABS AND CORD wood, any lengths. H. L. Jones. Phone 910 or 883-W. tf Mon. & Thurs. 21c FOR SALE: 1931 A MODEL FORD Coach. Wilbur Turner, Lawn dale, N. C. 3t 9c FOR SALE: TRUMPET. SEE IT at C. F. Pritchard’s, Lawndale. 2t 9p FOR SALE: ONE NICE MARE. Byge Nalley, front of Union Church. 2t 9, 11 p FOR SALE: CHICKENS, THREE to ten weeks, few pullets. Also brooder and finisher, 601 West Graham St. 6t 9p FOR SALE: 1931 CHEVROLET, ceiling price. Clean car. 311 East Elm Street, Shelby. ltp 8 REAL ESTATE 114 ACRES BELOW GAFFNEY Located- in a fine neighborhood 6 mi. South from Gaffney on old Spartanburg highway. Known as the Wick Smith place now owned by Chas. E. Bowman. 7 room house, 3 room house, barn, crib, outbuildings, well in yard, 2 streams, 2 springs. 50,000 it. of saw timber. 30 acres in pasture. A good farm at a low price $3500.00. Terms. Look it over and call. T. D. NOLAN CO. Greenville, S. C. 2t lie FOR SALE: FOUR ROOM house on Horse Shoe Bend road. Now vacant. Dr. D. M. Morri son. 3t 7c LOOK—ANOTHER S. C. FARM 370 acres known as the Moses White homeplace on County Rd. 2 mi. west from Hickory Grove, S. C., on Guion Moore Creek. On this farm there is a substantial old fashion 2 story colonial home, metal roof and in excellent condi tion. b£ms and outbuilding.-. Creek bottoms, pood top land, a portion in timber. Foundation for one of the best cattle farms in the State. $3500.00 if sold this week. Look it over and communicate with T. D. NOLAN CO. Greenville, S. C. St 9c SPECIAL NOTICES BEST PERMANENTS. ALL KINDS —at reasonable prices. Experi enced operators. Phone 823. State Beauty Shop, Royster Building. Mon.-Wed. tf July 9c THE CRYSTAL LAUNDRY is now under new manage ment. For quick service and quality work, bring your damp and thrifty wash to our office. Located in back of Efird’s on Arey Street. 2t-7e LAST CALL TO HAVE YOUR FUR coat restyled, cleaned and glas ed, and stored. J C McNeely Co. tf eod 29c Auto Repairs W. T. (Red) Wright Corner LaFayette and Sumter SHELBY MOTOR INN PACIFIC DATELINE; Marine Evacuation Hospital On Okinawa Was Underground By BONNIE WILEY OKINAWA.—OP)—A Pacific war ' experiment—a marine evacuation (hospital originally manned entire ! ly by navy personnel—is ready to ! close, its job of evacuating the j wounded completed. Nine wards were in cellars dug 10 feet down. These were reserved jior patients who could not be mov : ed no matter how close enemv 1 bombs fell during the campaign ! to wrest Okinawa from the Japan i ese. Twenty-one wards were in sand bagged revetments and the remain der were in tents with foxholes for the walking wounded. Tragedy hit this hospital In May when a bombing and strafing by Japanese planes cost 13 lives and wounded 31. HERO KILLED “A real hero was killed.” said Capt. Walter F. Karbacli, of San Antonia, Tex., commanding officer of the hospital. ‘ He was one of our loyal hos pital corpsmen off duty and could LIONS TO MEET ' AT CHEROKEE Shelby Lions, will go to Camp Cherokee in Kings Mountain Bat tleground National Park tomorrow night for their meeting. Each Lion will bring his wife or sweet heart. The group will see the Lions Fresh Air camp in action at Camp Cherokee. Members of the club and their guests will meet on the east side of the court square at 6 o'clock to go by motor caravan to their meet ing. Sims Is Injured In Forced Landing GASTONIA—Allen H. Sims, ex ecutive vice president of the Citi zens National bank here, was painfully injured Sunday after noon when he made a forced land ing in a plane he was piloting coming down near the Gastonia Kings Mountain highway, a short distance from the Linwood airport here. i Mr. Sims, who is a licensed pi [ lot, came down in a cornfield. The i plane apparently developed me chanical trouble. He suffered a gash on the forehead and a back injury. He was placed in the City hospital here. 6 EMPLOYMENT WANTED: LADY TO SUPER vise kitchen, experience not es sential, but desirable. Apply Ho tel Charles. tf 2c TRUCK DRIVER WANTED at Bowman Coal Co. tf-7c WANTED: COLLEGE EDU cated girl with experience in stenography and apti tude for proofreading for | immediate opening. Per-; mai.ent for right person. Shelby Daily Star. tf-7p Amazing! 25 embossed Xmas cards with name imprinted $1. DeLuxe 21 for $1 assortment, your profit j up to 50c. Complete line. Send i for samples and selling plan to- i day. MERIT, 1 Clinton St., Dept. 524A Newark 2, N. J. July 9, 16, 23, 30 C 9. AUTO REPAIRS SH€R€R MOTORS 116 no.moRCM T6L.I55 5. NOTICES THE CRYSTAL LAUNDRY: is now under new manage ment. For quick service and quality work, bring your damp and thrifty wash to j our office. Located in back j of Efird’s on Arey Street, j 2t-7c IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE to cover see Carl Spangler, of The Harriil RooLng Co. We furnish men and ma terial, using Barrett Ever lox shingle. Workmanship and material guaranteed, j Room 11, Lineberger Bldg.1 Phone 1078. tf man 9c FINEST WATCH REPAIRING PEARLS RESTRUNG Reasonable Prices — Quick Service T. W HAMRICK CO. Jewelers tf M-W-F 10c 4. FOR RENT FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM FUR I nished home to couple wishing to share same with soldier's j wife. Call 564-W. It 9c We Buy A Burned & Wrecked Cars SHELKY USED AUTO PARTS have jumped into a foxhole. But instead he rushed into the wards to help with the wounded. “When the going was roughest he shoved a patient against a wall and threw himself in front of the man. Both were hit. The wounded man was slightly injured but the corpsman was killed.” Operating rooms buried in the ground look like something from a fantastic story, but in those rooms countless lives were saved. “Ninety per cent of our cases were surgical,” said Capt. Daniel W. Wheeler of Duluth, Minn., the executive officer. “The casualties were more muti lated than any I ever had seen before,” Karbach declared. On the peak day 540 patients were evacuated by the hospital, mostly by air. “It really was a hard job, but a speedy one,” Karbach said. “The most unusual part was the bring ing to us by Cub planes from the front lines men who had been hit only 20 minutes before.” Tire Dealers Cautioned About Certificates Tire dealers in the Charlotte dis trict were cautioned this week about acceptance of new tire cer tificates presumably issued by War Price and Rationing Boards in other states, in a statement by A. M. Hollingsworth, OPA Rationing Officer in Charlotte. Many tire dealers have been vic timized by crooks who have tend ered stolen or counterfeit tire cer tificates, drawn on distant boards, he said. All tire certificates are now be ing sent to the OPA verification center in Atlanta after being turn ed in by dealers, Mr. Hollingsworth explained. All counterfeits are charged against the dealer's in ventory account, he added, which means his stock of new tires will be reduced by that number. In case of any doubt regarding certificates, Mr. Hollingsworth sug gested that tire dealers call their own local War Price and Ra tioning Board for advice on how tr» nrrv'PPri Jap Spies Seeking Mac Arthur Hanged MANILA, July 9—(A")—The Jap anese sent spies into Manila after the capital’s liberation with in structions to determine the loca tion of Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarters, and a dozen of them were caught and hanged in June, military authorities disclos ed today. One officer said the spies insist ed they were given no instruc tions for any action against the American commander but only to find where he was living. One Filipino also was hanged. All were caught in civilian clothes. Some had hand grenades and writ ten instructions. They were arrest ed by the counter intelligence corps as they entered Manila and were condemned by military court on pleas of guilty. Zoar Cemetery To Be Cleaned Thursday Cleaning of the cemetery at Zoar church will be undertaken Thurs day morning preparatory to open ing of the revival on the fourth Sunday. All with friends or loved ones buried there are asked to help or send a dollar to C. L. Hollifield, chairman. Rev. Hugh Harrill will conduct the revival opening July 26th. New Motor Fuel DES MOINES.—(A>)—William Humphrey, 50, charged with reckless driving, gave this rea son for the event: Practical jokers had poured molasses into his gasoline tank and he was forced to race and retard alternately the motor. ‘‘That was the only way I could keep It running,” he said. Municipal Judge Harry B. Grund Imposed the usual $25 fine. For Festive Dinner CHICAGO, —. ScAy T-S YEAH ...I HAD rr BUILT FOR BOOTLEGGING -IN THE OLD DAYS! „ WELL,"DREADER" THIS hidden cellar under THE BARN IS JUST THE place to store "HOT" RUBBER ! F= SO 00 THOSE WASHINGTON COLLEGE COPS'. I AVOID THEM BY BEING A LEE-TLE SMARTER THAN THEV ARE ! ^ OKAY, DREAMER". YOU KNOW ALL THE ANGLES' FRANKIE, WHEN YOU GET THOSE TIRE /MARKS SCRUBBED OFF, TURN THE HOSE ON THE WHEELS... WE DON'T WANT ANY RAILROAD YARD MUD LEFT ON 'EM! HENRY By CARL ANDERSON 1 ICaol c r ■=T=1 I to 1C ~x Ewm** tat • WerU i»|fn U L B LO N D I E 7-9 By CHIC YOUNQ TOOTS AND CASPER No Goll For This Gal! fly JIMMY MURPHY I 'MfliOT PLUNKED &CO^r WELL,IT'S TWELVE NOOM AND I'M THROUGH HERE FOR THE DAY, MR.PLUNKER. NOW FOR A QUICK LUNCH AND THEN , TO START WORKING AFTERNOONS FROM^ ONE TO FIVE AT PIPPINDALE'l „ & CO. 7-9 Y0UNI6* LADY, 1 PRESUME YOU KNOW WHO I AM' TT-T P. 10 NATUKAU-W I KNOW YOU'RE NOT THE OFFICE BOY. mr.pippindale, BECAUSE OFFICE BOYS ARE HARD TO ir6ET! Cof. I‘/MV. fP,s "r^L-SJ If- 1 qc I * vyrN BALKING AT TAKING ORDERS, IT WILL BE CASPERS FAULT FOR LETTING ME HAVE MY OWN WAY SO MUCH AND BESIDES. I WAS BORN ON INDEPENDENCE DAY! Bv WALLY BISHOP* MllrtOS AND SKEETER Z 9.»«»«« &<*■_