WTHESTARS omen SARA NEWTON. Editor Phone 1100 RECENTLY MARRIED mu G. M. S/c ALLEN AND MRS. ALLEN ALLEN-MODE WED DING VOWS ARE TAKEN AT UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Miss Lydia Mode, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McClure Mode, of this city, became the bride of Bounner's Mate 3'c Billy Franklin • Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Allen, also of Shelby in a quiet | ceremony performed Tuesday aft ernoon at three o'clock at Union Baptist church. Only members of the families and a few close lrlends attended. Rev. A. M. Kiser heard the dou ble ring ceremony at the altar adorned with three floor candela bra holding tapers and two bas kets of white gladioli and greenery*. Prior to the ceremony the candles were lighted by S 3 c Haywood Shuford. nephew of the bride. 1 Miss Rachel Spangler, pianist, played "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise," "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life," "Always” and "iiebes straume” prior to the ceremony and accompanied Miss Mildred Crowder, soprano soloist, who sang *1 Love You Truly" and "Because." The traditional wedding marches were used, and "Indian Love Call” w-as plaved during the vows. ENTERED TOGETHER The bride and bridegroom en tered the church together. She was wearing a lovely dress of pale blue crepe with white accessories and an orchid corsage. The bride's mother chose navy blue crepe with blue and white accessories, while the bridegroom's mother wore a sheer print with black accessories. Both had should er corsages of white carnations. Ushers were Gordon Mode, brother of the bride, and Camp bell Roberts. f Immediately following the cere mony the bride’s parents enter tained at a small reception at their home. Pink and white gladioli were Used in the home and the lace oovered dining table held a cen terpiece of white blossoms on eith er side of which were lighted white tapers. A lovely three-tiered wedding cake were served by Mrs. Punch, decorated sandwiches, and wedding cake were served by Mrs. Raymond Greene, sister of the bride, and Mrs. A. Play Carpen ter. The bride is a graduate of Lat timore high school and the Evans school of commerce, Gastonia. She Ls now bookkeeper for the Caro lina Dairy. The bridegroom, who Is stationed in the Atlantic. Is speeding a 30 day leave in the States. He is a graduate of Number Three high school and has been in service thre and a half years. Mrs. Allen will continue to make her home with her parents while her husband is in service. CALENDAR MONDAY 3:30 p. m.—General meet of W. M. S., First Baptist church, held at church. Royal Ambas sadors in charge of program. 3:30 p. m.—Sunbeams of First Baptist church meet at church. 6:45 p. m—Swan Anderson circle of First Baptist church have picnic. Members meet at church. Woman’s auxiliary circles of Presbyterian church meet as follows: 4:00 p. m.—No. 2 with Mrs. Richard Riviere. No. 3 with Mrs. Joe Piner. 5:00 p. m.—No. 1 with Mrs. Frank Love for picnic. 6:30 p. m.—No. 4 with Mrs. Harvey White for picnic. 8:00 p. m.—Business women’s circle meets at church. SUPPER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lutz of Bel wood had as their dinner guests Tuesday Rev. J. D. Sheppard, Mrs. Sheppard and daughter, Sonja, of Shelby, and Rev. C. E. Lutz, Mrs. Lutz and children of Salisbury. 9 HORTON Edward Everett Horton “THE AMAZING MR. FORREST” -ALSO Roy Rogers “Man From Oklahoma” TODAY Last Times EXTRA: COLOR CARTOON And Chapter No. 2 "Captain America” Tues. i Five Tables In Play At Country Club Tea Five tables were in play yes terday afternoon when Mrs. Tom Cornwell, Jr., and Mrs. Alfred Esk ridge were hostess to members of the women’s division of Cleveland Springs Country ciub at their Fri day bridge tea. Prior to play cooling refreshment plates of fruit punch, sandwiches, cake and cheese straws were pass ed. Mrs. R. H. Rogers was winner of high score prize, and Mrs. Char les Padgett won second high. Only club visitor was Mrs. R. P. Dicks of Rockingham, guest of her daughter, Mrs. George Blan ton, Jr. Lovely bowls of gladioli and mari golds decorated the club lounge. r ersonals Mrs. James Lockwood and son, Charles, have returned to their home in the Lafayette apartments after spending the past six weeks in Atlanta, Ga., visiting fields. Mrs. Joe Moore and little daugh ter, Nancy Jo, of Kings road will spend the week-end in Rock Hill, S. C., with Mrs. R. J. Brown. Miss Jane Cooke is visiting Miss Anice Miller, student at A. S. T. C. summer school, Boone. Mrs. S. P. Parker and little daughter, Cynthia, of Macon, Ga., formerly of this city, will arrive tomorrow to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McBrayer and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Putnam ac companied Mrs. Mackie B. Ham rick of Boiling Springs to Char leston, S. C., to see her husband who is a patient at Stark general hospital. They returned home yes terday. He is being transferred to Lawson general hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Mary S. Clark is spending the week-end in Charlotte with Miss Evelyn Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Laidlaw have gone to Florence, S. C., for a visit with relatives. R. L. Creech will leave tomorrow for Brunswick, Ga., to spend a week with his daughter, Mrs. Ben Hartman, and Mr. Hartman. Major and Mrs. Frank Love, Jr., left today for San Antonio, Texas, where Major Love has been as signed following a 30-day leave. He has been serving with the eighth air force in England. Miss Martha Ann Mauney ac companied Rev. H. N. McDairmid, and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Greenville, N. C„ to Montreat yes terday to spend a week. The Rev. Mr. McDairmid is a former pastor of Shelby Presbyterian church. Mrs. George D. Washburn and daughters, Bettie and Carolyn, are spending a vacation at Crescent Beach, S. C. Miss Beverly Clark will leave this afternoon fort Hartwell, Ga., to spend several days with friends and relatives. Mrs. R. P. Dicks of Rockingham is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Blanton, jr., at her home on North Lafayette street. Yates Williams, Floyd Williams, and Plato Champion will leave for New York Monday to spend about a week buying for the Double Shoals store. M. L. Spake, jr., has returned home after spending a week in New York City. T/Sgt. and Mrs. Edsel Howell are spending the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Miriam R. Howell before leaving tomorrow for Lock bourne Army air base, Columbus, Ohio, where they are stationed. They will all be the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hamrick of Fallston tomorrow. Informal Party For Lt. (jg) Hamrick Mrs. Felix Hamrick and Miss Marietta Hamrick of Boiling Springs entertained at thte for mer’s home Thursday morning at an informal drop-in party in hon or of Lt. (Jg) Edith Holland Ham rick of Boiling Springs and Jack sonville, Fla., bride-elect of this month. Lt. (Jg) Hamrick’s mar riage to Lt. John David Bridgers of Greenville, N. C„ and Jackson ville, Fla., will take place August 27 at Cecil Field in Jacksonville. The Hamrick home was decorat ed with lovely summer flowers. During the morning iced drinks, salted nuts and decorated sand wiches were served. (Lt. (Jg) Ham rick was presented with a gift of linen. Guests were invited to call be tween ten and eleven o’clock. LAWNDALE ITEMS Miss Merry 1 Ford Whisnant, student at W. C. U. N. C., Greens boro, who is spending the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durham Whisnant, will have as her house guest this week end her college roommate, Miss Nina Trogdon, of Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Whisnant of Lincolnton are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Shehan and little daughter, Kay. Miss Ema Whisnant is spending ten days in Cincinnati, Ohio, visit ing her brother. HOME ON LEAVE Chief Ph. M. Burwell T. Bridges, patient at the Naval hospital, Bethesda, Md., is spending a leave with his sister, Mrs. Charles Stockton of Lattimore. ( —BIRTHS— To Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Richards, jr., Lawndale,- a daughter, bom August 1 at Shelby hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Clayton White, Lattimore, a son born Aug. 2 at Shelby hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Patter son, Kings Mountain, a daughter, born August 3 at Shelby hospital. HAVE TONSILLECTOMIES Warren and Jeannette Shiver, children of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Shiver of Kings Mountain, under went tonsillectomies this morning at Shelby hospital. They are re covering nicely. MRS. HYATT HAS NO RECOLLECTION OF KILLING BABY GREENSBORO, Aug. 4. — (A*)— The trial of Mrs. Cynthia Grace Hyatt, charged with murder in con nection with the death of her 14 month-old son, Tommy, who was thrown into an abandoned well last April,' moved into its fourth day today. The 24-year-old Trinidad native wife of a recently discharged Greensboro soldier, took the stand last night and testified that she had no recollection of throwing the boy into the well. She said she remembers only awaking from a nap to find the baby’s crib empty and then notifying the police that he had been kidnapped. Earlier in the day, several defense witnesses, her brothers, Ronald and Noel Oecastro of Port fo Spain, Tri nidad, and her husband, Arthur J. Hyatt of Greensboro, among them, testified that hey believed Mrs. Hyatt was not mentally capable of deter mining right from wrong last April when the boy was killed. They told of ■ her fainting spells a_ 1 other occasions when she was subject to laughing -nd crying spells. Joseph Y. Queen On His Woy Home Sgt. Joseph Y. Queen, who has been in Europe 18 months, is now at a staging area there awaiting transportation to the States to spend a furlough with his mother, Mrs. R. C. Hicks, here. He has been with Co. K, 120th infantry, 30th division, in Normandy and Germany and has amassed 86 points by the army point system. Lots In A Name MUNICH. — (/P)— Denazifica tion of German names of places has brought some strange new signs to streets and squares of old Bavaria. Citizens of Georgenmund in stead of walking down Adolf Hitlerstrasse now promenade on Oklahomanstrasse. In Schwa bach the Horst YVesselstrasse is now Texasstrasse. Carl Clifford Hughes Gets Bronze Star Word has been received here that T-5 Carl Clifford Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hughes of Jackson street, had been a warded the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Ger many from July, 1944, until May, 1945. “As S-2 clerk, he has dem onstrated technical skill, efficien cy, resourcefulness and devotion to duty, contributing materially to the smooth operation of his section,” the citation read. Lonus Valentine Back After Overseas Duty Pfc. Lonus E. Valentine, sr., has returned to the States after nine months of service in Europe and is spending 30 days -with his wife and two sons on Bowman street. He holds the good conduct medal, the combat infantryman’s badge, and three campaign stars. Lt. John Schenck, 3d At Camp Blanding, Fla. Lt. John Schenck, 3d, who re cently reported to Miami, Fla., for reassignment following a 30-day leave and convalescent period at Welch General hospital, Daytona Beach, Fla., has been assigned to Camp Blanding, Fla. He and Mrs. Schenck are making their home in St. Augustine. Major Matthews With Hospital Overseas Major R. S. Matthews, husband of the former Miss Jessie Hoyle | of this city, is now serving over-1 seas with the 304th General hos pital on Tinian island. He was formerly stationed in Columbia, S. C., and Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Mat thews and two daughters are mak ing their home in Columbia while he is on overseas duty. Kings Mountain Man Home From Europe S-Sgt. William Wells of Kings Mountain is spending a furlough there with his wife and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wells, after almost a year in combat in the European theatre where he was twice wounded. Sgt. Wells wears the good conduct medal, the combat infantryman’s badge, the Purple Heart with one star and three major stars on his ribbon. Only 22 years of age, he has 96 points and expects to be discharg ed when he reports to Camp But ner after his furlough. Mrs. Hugh Wells Calls Husband's Parents Here Mrs. Hugh Wells has telephoned her husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wells, that she has arrived back in the States aboard, the Queen Mary and is now visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeFabeo, in Newark, N. J., for several weeks. She is awaiting definite word from Sgt. Wells as to whether he will return to the States or not before coming to Shelby for a visit. Forest City Man Gets Bronze Star Word from Fifth army head quarters in Italy has revealed that Sgt. George T. Hawkins, jr., of Forest City has been awarded the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service in combat in Italy. He served as an anti-tank gunner with the 87th Mountain infantry regiment, 10th Mountain division. He is a son of Mrs. Ola Hawkins of Forest City. James L. Peeler Has Furlough Pfc. James L. Peeler recently spent a 15-day furlough with his wife and par&^.s, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Raines. He will report back to Lemoore, Calif., where his wife, the former Miss Lucille White, has been visiting him. She plans to remain here with her parents for awhile. J. V. Hamrick Awarded Bronze Star In Italy S-Sgt. J. V. Hamrick, who lives on route 3, Shelby, has been a warded the Bronze Star medalfor heroic achievement in action with the Fifth army in Italy, head quarters there has announced. Sgt. Hamrick served with the not ed 363rd infantry of the 91st “Powder River’’ division; Sgt. Collett White Awarded Bronze Star Word has been received here that 1st Sgt. Collett White, hus band of Mrs. Doris White of Lat timore, has been awarded the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service in combat in central Ger many where he is with a field ar tillery battalion. Since going over seas, Sgt. White has amassed 81 points under the army point sys “Where The Best Pictures Are Shown' OPENS TONIGHT LATE SHOW HtfttPHREy AS YOU'D NEVER SUSPECT HIM conferring tem. Marvin Barrett Now At Augusta Hospital Word has been received from Oliver General hospital in Augus- j ta, Ga., that Marvin A. Barrett • of route one, Shelby, now a pa-, tient there, has been promoted to j the rank of private first class. Pfc. j Barrett is receiving medical treat- j ment at the hospital. Hal Borders At Air Field In Nebraska Pfc. Hal Borders, son of D. Full er Borders of Shelby, has been assigned to the Alliance army air' field at Alliance, Nebraska, to as sist in the job of redeploying troop carrier units from the European theatre to the Pacific. Jeff Connor Home After 28 Months In Italy Sgt. Jeff Connor has returned to Shelby on a thirty-day furlough and is sp nding the time with his mother, Mrs. May Wells Conner, on North Washington street. He has spent four years in service, 28 months in the ground air force in Italy. He arrived from overseas last week on the Argentina. EVANGELISTIC MEET TOCCOA, Ga. —(A5)— The 25th annual convention of the National Laymen’s Evangelistic Association, embracing eight states, will be held at Lake Louise conference grounds Aug. 23-26. Shirts and dresses arc BOW betaf made from a Florida weed, knows as ramie, originally imported iron China. COLD. .. CALCULATIN LUSTING REVEI u°Mo Ifta, f*-ro>u „ ***** *•<*1 Reduced Prices on all FREDRIC one-minute PERMANENTS AUGUST 6 to 20 Inclusive PHONE 404 /OR APPOINTMENT Ella Beauty Shop S. WASHINGTON ST. — NEXT TO HOME STORE STATE MONDAY - TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY to GEORGE BRENT •oDQNi*ro$B •) to WALTER >:#•;< - p /o #Wf? Mfv yoan Fontaine is terrific in kef [first gay, romantic comedy., HAL WALLIS’ “The Affair of Susan with DENNIS O’KEEFE Don DeFore . .Rita Johnson • Walter Abel Directed by William A. Seiler A Paramount Picture ALSO NEWS — LAST TIMES TODAY — “CANT DO WITHOUT LOVE” — STARRING — VERA LYNN - also - SPORT — NEWS — CARTOON

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