MAX DIXON DIXON IS ON DRAFT BOARD Max Dixon, now connected wit! the Smith-Douglass Fertilizer com pany, formerly associated with th< M. and J. Finance corporation will be sworn in as a member oi the- 8helby Draft board at it! meeting at the city hall tomorrow Mr. Dixon’s appointment whicl was recommended several week; ago by a committee composed o the clerk of court, the superinten dent of public instruction and th< ' hairman of the county election: oard was confirmed this momins from Washington. He succeeds H. L. Toms who re signed his place on the boarc -everal months ago. Dargan Grig! is chairman of the board and M L>. Turner is the other member. Mr. Dixon is a veteran of Worlc War II and has been active li American Legion affairs since ht discharge from the service. Negroes Hurt When Car Hits Wagon James Avery and Roland Graj negroes, were slightly injured las night when the wagon on whici hey were riding between Gas tonia and Kings Mountain wa struck by an automobile drivei by T. K. Fletcher, of Shelby, i hog which was being transportei on the wagon was crippled am had to be butchered immedlatelj Sgt. W. L. Hatcher, of the Stat Highway patrol, said that his in estigation revealed the wagoi was driven along the highwa without any lights. Both th wagon and the car were damage: considerably. Gothic art is distinctly Frenc: and in its narrowest and pures form is restricted to the lie d w France. Qackly Relieves Distress of Sway,Shifty Head Colas A little Va-tro-nol uj each nostril promptlj relieves snlffly, stuff] distress of head colds makes breathing easier Ato Mgs grmst many colds from developing if used in time. Try ltl You’ll like ltl Follow directions In package. VICKS VA-TRO I LUTHERANS TO ! HOLD WELCOME Special Service And Din ner Wednesday Even ing At Church Ascension Lutheran church will hold a reception Wednesday even ing at 7:00 o’clock honoring all members who have united with the church during the past year and a “welcoming home” service for all the young men and women who served their country during the world war II. During the year, nineteen have united with the church. These will be special hon or guests and will be given recog nition. The address of welcome will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. D. Sheppard, and the congregation will express in several ways their appreciation on having them be come fellow members of the church. The congregation furnished 31 young men and two young ladies to the armed forces. Nineteen of i these are now discharged or are in the process of being discharged, j This service will also welcome home these young men and wo men. They have served in all branches of the service and on many battle fields. Each one will be given the privilege of stating some of his experiences while in the service. A supper prepared by the ladies s of the church will be served at 7:00 o'clock and the program will follow. Every member of the con gregation and Sunday School along with all the men and wo I [men. who have served their coun : ; try from the cong:\gation, are to . ; be in attendance. I Two Injured In Wreck On Sunday GASTONIA—Two Kings Moun tain girls were injured in a wreck at the corner of Franklin and Trenton streets at 2:15 Sunday | morning when the Chevrolet coach . in which they were riding struck '; a telephone post, police reported. » William Lester Waterson, Jr., of - Kings Mountain, driver of the * wrecked automobile, claimed the i lights of an approaching car i blinded him with the result that 1 he lost control of the vehicle as 1 he was going east on Franklin, • officers said. ! Marie Wright received a sprain ■ ed ankle and Lillian Strickland 1 is suffering from a fractured 1 pelvis bone. Bonnie Sue Cobb ■ and Frances Capps, also of Kings 1 Mountain and occupants of the car, were uninjured, officers said. 1 LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD t MEETS e SALISBURY—(/F)—The 23rd an nual convention of the Brother - hood of the United Lutheran church in North Carolina formerly opened at St. John's church today. President Zeb B. Trexler of Con cord opened the convention this morning. The annual fellowship banquet tonight will conclude the session. i I Beau,ify Bust without massage? Amitlnf new Nanette Cream conUlna recognized edentlfio estrogens (rentale aex hor mones) which may be needed If your Bust la under-normal, flat, due to lack of aupply of •ufflelent eatrogenlc aub atancee. Nanette Cream wan* lahea, requires no tlroeome MASSAGE. No matter whet you have tried now try Nan ette Cream on guarantee of complete natlafactlon or money back. SO-day jar In Plata wrap for M.OO. plus tax. Cleveland Drug Ca THANKSGIVING SPECIALS NEW ARMY DIPPERS_15c each 0 50 Gallon IRON BARRELS, With and Without Heads_$2.00 DOLL STROLLERS, SPRING and HOBBY HORSES for the Kiddies. One Large 3-Cornered CUPBOARD One BED ROOM SUITE. One Reconditioned SINGER SEWING MACHINE Large Variety of VASES, URNS, GLASSWARE and DINNER SETS. (Ideal for Christmas Gifts for any other occasion.) j Large Selection of RELIGIOUS PICTURES — Ideal for Gifts. 3 Different Sizes. I One Lot of WHAT-NOTS — Medium Size $3.50 ) New IRONING BOARDS. . S CHICKEN FOUNTS AND FEEDERS. NICE SELECTION OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. HULICK’S FURNITURE STORE • 125 N. LiFAYETTE ST. — PHONE 1004 ■ ■ III ■■■Pin. II a EIGHT INJURED IN CRASH OF ARMY PLANE—Spectators inspect a C-45 Army aircraft just after it crashed at the Army Air Base in Atlanta, Ga., injuring all of the eight men aboard. The pilot, Maj. Robert M. Thompson, was seriously injured. In crashing, the ship barely missed an automobile contain ing a man and three children. The plane was attached to the Air Inspector’s office and was headed for Chanute Field, 111., on a routine flight. (AP Photo from Army Air Forces.) INDUSTRY WAITS GMS ANSWER Today At 4 Deadline For Accepting Arbitration Proposal DETROIT, No. 20—The au tomobile industry—from the un skilled workers right through the front offices — today anxiously awaited General Motors’ reply to a union proposal for submission of the tense wage dispute to arbi tration. Delegates to the General Motors council of the CIO United Auto Workers Union approved the offer late yesterday and gave the big corporation 24 hours to make ii decision. Interest centered largely around these questions: 1. Would General Motors accept the arbitration proposal by the 4 p.m. (EST) deadline set by the union, thus opening the way for possible settlement by • the same method of disputes involving other automotive companies, which, like GM, are facing 30 per cent wage increase demands? STRIKE ACTION? 2. Would it reject the offer, thus opening the way for possible strike action by the delegates and the union’s six-man strategy committee empowered by the In ternational UAW-CIO to act as it sees fit? 3. Would the corporation, as in timated by President C. E. Wilson, ask for more time to study the proposal and would the union be willing to grant such an exten sion? Anxiety was heightened by the fact that the GM council, representing more than 300,000 workers throughout the na tion, was scheduled to adjourn one hour after the deadline. Whether rejection of the pro posal would prompt the delegates to recommend,immediate strike ac tion remained to be seen, but one informed union spokesman said he believed it would. MRS. ROBERTS HURT IN WRECK 1 Mrs. J. E. Roberts, who was taken to the Shelby hospital Sun day as a result of injuries sus , tained in an automobile collision at the intersection of Suttle and S Sumter streets, was reported to ! be improved this morning. She was riding in a car driven i by Russell Hord which was struck by a truck driven by Darvin Mum ford. Mumford was arrested on j a charge of driving while intoxi cated but asked for a jury trial today in Cleveland Recorder’s court. He will be given a hearing in December. NEW POLICEMEN WILMINGTON— (JP) —Fifteen new policemen will be added to the local police department before January 1. They will be used to augment the present staff when it goes on an eight-hour shift on New Years day, and to police new areas recently voted into the city limits. LOCAL NEWS OF COLORED PEOPLE Columbus Chapel Liquidates Debt Members of the Columbus Chap el church in Davidson-Hopewell community in Mecklenburg coun-1 ty, under the leadership of i