ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF AT HIS DESK—MAY RUN FOR PRESIDENT —Gen of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, newly appointed chief of staff, poses for his first formal portrait at his desk in the Pentagon BuilBding in Washington. Senator Capper (Republican. Kansas' dis closed that In a radio speech Sunday night he will suggest Gen. Eisen hower as a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in I 1948. The Senator declared the Kansas General has demonstrated not | only his military ability but also his qualities as a diplomat and patriot. (AP Wirephoto). Sales Forbidden On (Fat Back Hog Ration RALEIGH. Dec. 10—<£>)—Assist ant agriculture Commissioner D. LADY'S STOMACH WAS LIKE A GAS FACTORY; MEALS TURNED TO GAS One lady said recently that her stomach used to be like a "gas factory!” That is, when she ate a meal it ^emed to turn right into gas. She was always bolated, had awful stomach gas pains, daily headaches and constant irregular bowel action. _ Now, however, this lady says she*is FREE of STOM ACH GAS and she says the change is due to taking JNNER-AID. Her meals agree with her. No gas or bloat after eating. Headaches and constipation are gone. "Oh! what relief!” states this lady. "Why don’t other gas and constipation sufferers get INNER-AID. INNER-AID contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable peo ple soon feel different all over. So don’t go on suffering! Get IN NER-AID. Sold by All Drugstores here in Shelby. 1 . s. Coltrane has announced the further sale of “fat. back hog ra tio^" in North Carolina has been forbidden under an order of the i state agriculture department. The “stop sale” order was is sued, Contrane said, “because this brand of feed has been found to be flagrantly mislabeled as to the ingredients employed in its man : ufaeture.” The order applies to | all lots of the feed now on sale ! in the state. Coltrane said the “fat back” brand, manufactured by the South ern Milling company of Augusta. Georgia, was regarded “as one'Of the popular hog feeds sold in eas ' tern and southeastern North Car olina.” Plan Chicken Pie Supper At Shanghai A chicken pie supper will be served at Shanghi school Thursday evening starting at six o'clock by ladies of the Parent-Teacher as sociation who are arranging it as a benefit event for the school lunch room. The price of West African cocoa is determined in New York be cause the United States is the largest buyer. 109 SOUTHSIDE WARREN STREET IY\ warm friends and good mixers / 6*98 Jacket 7*98 skirt 1 *Wonderful team'in all wool! Perfect costume together mandjriendly* to oil your other ward* robe separates. Tie-on jacket, new and flattering in^wool jersey?black? blue or gold. Smooth fitting skirt with front zipper closing, cinched-in belt. Black, green or fuchsia. BothinsizeslOtolB. Saw blouses in rayon crepe ...v.w,- 2.91 Office Closed During Holidays W. W. Wright in charge of the drivers’ license examining office at the courthouse announced today that the office will be closed until December 27 for Christmas holi days. PLAN Starts On Page One The commissioners feel they are forced to do something. County health department, county welfare department and the office of the board of education are now occu pying rented space outside the courthouse and, if the new addi tion is built, could be brought to the central location. It is also pointed out that at the last several terms of court, the Cleveland grand jury has been insisting that something be done by the commissioners to provide adequate toilet faciltiies for the public at the courthouse. It is not feasible to put these toilets above ground, and to put them below ground would cost in the neighborhood of $40,000, the ar chitect estimates. They could be put in the new part of the new building, if it is erected, with lit tle trouble. CROWDED In addition to these two factors, it is also pointed out by Mr. Ed wards that the present offices in the courthouse are considerably crowded and there is no vault to take care of important records. Old tax books have to be taken into the attic year after year to make room for the new ones, and are therefore not available to the public. The office of register of i deeds is badly crowded with no; loom to put enough book shalves. Commissioners, proir to investi gating the proposition of adding wings to the courthouse, looked into the project of building a sep arate building on another lot. It was found that land for such a project would cost from $15,000 to $30,000 depending upon location. LOW INTEREST Commissioners also point to the low interest rate at which money can now be obtained. Cleveland has just sold some district school; bonds at an average rate of 1.4 percent. Officials believe that coun- j ty bonds would not require an in-; terest rate of more than 1.25 per- j cent. They say that the rAnev now expended for rent would j easily take care of the interest on; the bonds with some to spare. As it appears now, county com-j missioners feel the sensible thing j to do is to enlarge the courthouse. Quick Get-Away COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho.— (AV-Sheriffs officers are seek ing a fast flier. A trainer type airplane struck telephone and electric power lines and crash-landed into a field, disrupting telephone ser vice for two hours and impos ing a one-hour blackout in nearby homes. Pausing only briefly at the scene of the accident, the plane took off again before of ficers had a chance to check the pilot's license. Fur Trader CHICAGO — UP) —Six years ago when she was 13 years old Delphone Furtek started saving nickels. Her objective was pur chase of a fur coat. Under a load of four sugar sacks and two quart Jars full of nickels, she staggered into the Steel City bank yesterday. Bank clerks counted 16,000 nickels. She had changed her mind about getting a fur coat, used the nickels for a $1,000 victory bond. Canada has an area of 3.695.189 square miles. IS GETTING UP NIGHTS GETTING YOU DOWN? Thousands say famous doctor’s discovery gives blessed relief from irritation of the bladder caused by excess acidity in the urine 4 Why suffer needlessly from backaches, run-down feeling from excess acidity in the urine> Just try DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT, the renowned herbal medicine. SWAMP ROOT acts fast on the kidneys to promote the flow of urine and relieve troublesome excess acidity. Origi nally created by a practising physician, Dr. Kilmer’s is a carefully blended combi nation of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, bal sams. Absolutely nothing harsh or habit forming in this pure, scientific prepara tion. Just good ingredients that auickly act on the kidneys to increase the flow of urine and ease the uncomfortable symp toms of bladder irritation. Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you’ll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department B, Kilmer A Co., Inc., Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at once. All druggists sell Swamp Root. REDS RADIO SERVICE is equipped to serve you bet ter. Bring us your radio— any make—for any and all rinds of repairs. Prompt ser vice. Reasonable charges. —See Us For Tabes— "RED" BIRCHFIELD West Graham St. Next Dixie Laundry Bobby Sox Schemes PORTLAND, Ore.—OP)—War conscious youngsters have add ed to their repertoire of tricks. A telephone call to H. F. Santee, grade school principal here, advised him that the Portland army air base wanted all schools dismissed because “one of our ballons got away and it is loaded with high ex plosives.” The voice was sweet, feminine and young. Santee and air base offi cials agreed that the next trick might involve an atomic bomb variation. Prince Edward Island is the smallest of Canada's provinces. Baffler FORT SCOTT, Kas.— (fP) — Cpl. Bert Moore was a surpris ed GI when he walked into a camera shop in Osaka and saw his portrait hanging on the wall. The picture was taken in the states because it shows Moore wearing civilian shoes and his civilian glasses, items which he has not worn since leaving this country a year and a half ago. Furthermore, he has no knowledge of the pic ture being taken. In the Ice Age. the musk ox ranged south to Tennessee. Canada’s present tariff system was established in 1904. Mrs. Leech Dies At Hickory Grove Word was received here today of the death Friday of Mrs. George Leech, sr., of Hickory Grove, for merly of Shelby. The funeral will f be held sometime tomorrow at Hickory Grove. Mrs. Leech lived in Shelby for a number of years where her son operated a boarding house. She died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, of Hickory Grove. Surviving also are three sons, John Leech, of Gastonia, and George Leech and Morgan Leech, of Globe, Arizona. County Teachers Meet December 17 A county-wide teachers’ meeting will be held at 3 o’clock, December 17, in the Shelby high school au ditorium for the purpose of se lecting chairmen to head newly formed workshop groups to carry out the different phases of in struction, County Superintendent J. H. Grigg announced this morn ing. J. D. Huggins, principal of the Polkville school, and president of the county teachers’ association, will preside over the general ses sion during which current teach Ing problems will be discussed. The various instructional groups will then select chairmen to head the programs of instruction in health and physical education, languages and arts, natural sci ence and other phases. HEATH FUNERAL RITES KINSTON. Dec. 10 —(/P)— Fu neral services were held here to day for J. Carson Heath, 64, for mer chief of the Kinston police department, who died yesterday following a heart attack at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Ramon Askew, Jacksonville. A native of Lenoir county, he had served on the police force for almost L0 years. T. W. HAMRICK CO., SHELBY V Oil'Ll want to make this "Peace on Earth" Christmas the happiest ever for your loved ones. So .Choose your jewelry gifts NOW, while you can still shop leisurely and comfortably — with the best selections at your command. A small deposit holds any gift till Christmas on our Lay-Away Plan.T* V '-diamond En gagement Ring of glorious brilliance. <-diomond En gagement Ring in fashionable fishtail mount 3-diamond En gagementRing, smartly simp!* '-diamond En gagement Ring in stylish fish tail mounting. 'diamond En. gagementRing, distinctively carved. 3-diomond En gogementRing, exquisitely fashioned. gum 3-diomond En gogement Ring in oloborat* mounting. 3-diomond En gogomontRing; trim, tailorod dotign. lody't Cocktoil Ifing with “"Vint opol ond tynthetic rubies 10K ao!d lovely Ruby cluster 3-diamond Bridal Sot; beau tifully sculptured. Both . . . '7500 6-diamond Bridal Duo, ex quilitoly carvod. Both . . . “ J89M -diamond Bridol Ensem blo, brilliantly styled. Both *225°° Massive man's frat rrnal ring. $37.50 Cigarette Lighters from 1 $4.75 up I p—ww————nwwa——mii'wiiiim mu mi m saw i> vs \w \\ Ladies' 14K gold watch Handsome man’s watch, Distinctive Ladies’ 17 Sturdy man’s 17 JcwpI 17 jewels. dependable. jewel watch. wrist watch, gold case. $57.50 $39.75 $67.50 $67.50 i Lady’s bracelet, ex quisitely fashioned in IK gold; brilliant gems. $39.75 lovely locket for la dies, in rolled gold with colorful gem in rosebud setting. $9.75 JEWELRY* SILVERWARE‘GIFTS “GIVE FROM HAMRCIK’S AND YOU GIVE THE FINEST.”