C5 f , - f CONCLUDED FROM FIRST PAGEll It seed) from that thai the eomroisaionera could s pot find lb terminut of Fry and Jr ffcrsQn'a lina Ob Steep Rock crik, owing, a they tup .posed, to the dying of ti ) timber. They pro ceeded, however, to ascertain the proper degree of latitude Op tbt creek: by astronomical abser otion, and from th'at 'jjwint computed the dis tance from Currituck lb let to bo, in superficial . measure, 329 mile &n$, making abatement for pneTen ground, 31? milw, or five degrees forty two minuses west of Cyrrituck Inlet." They then proceeded to' run the line west. The reault . wa, that tua commisai&oers of tbe two States differed in running th? Ine.-and Jvo lines were run, known subsequently as HenderaonV and Walker's lines, tn 17911, however, the line call -ti Walkers seems tohajre been adopted by both States, with provision ihattbe oldcBt gran from either Stale for land within the disputed lines ahould give title to the Jl aim ant. Henn. Stat. Vol. 1 3, p. 258 fc . I have thought proper! at'&e hazard of being considered fedioue, if. nat presumptuous, to go at MKielength into the iist of our northern boundary, Muchwf rioi :he whole, of the line now proposed to m rces'.ablishedis, I am ins formed, in diirfe. It may be that other por tions of thslins are also the oubject of cootro- esj. If so, these-ought also to b well defined. F would moet respectfully recommend, therefore, the proposal on the part of theSt8 of Virginia be acceded to, with such, modifications, if tny, as may be deemed necessary, - and that competent-commissioners' be appointed by the Leg is laturs or the Governor of the State, under au thority .given him to do so, clothed with ample powers to rch the line where it i3 in dispute, pad settle the boundary between the two tatea. Permanent land. marks should be required to bo put'np alohg Uie lirf. j , ' Baring the present year, Dr. EmrnonsyStattf Geologist, submitted a report on the" Agriculture Of the State, arfd the aubject keinr one of very general interest, the Literary Board deemed il adTisable to cause two thousand copies to be publiied. About 624 copies of the former res port are yet on band. .By some means the res olutions before the laat General sseinbly order irg the distribution of this repori, was mislaid in the hurry of the last moments of the session and did not pass. I deeied it eipedient, how nilhlii.h.,1 I rt . JL . r ever, in accordance with ihe terms of th reso. lotion, to send copies to the several Stxtes and Trritorie.,to.orneliteray and scientific insti- tuiions, and also to a few individuals vrho'ap. plied foroopies and whojj it w.s thought would nke good use ofihem. Some have bern Wld and the proceeds will le accounted for by ho Agent in making .ales. Tb residue on ha'nJ and the whole number of the A port are aubject to your disposition. "T ., The caWnMofoiineralsjand geological: speci- sna in the Capitol has ecen .greatly enlarged! d improved, and is welt worth examination,' mens and not bnljr the scientific anil tbdse curious in such mattors,but kyj every ones taking an interest in ioe ainerai resoorca pi tie Stale.. Tb..oPPor:LTir.nn o1r,Knf x,UU . Ui.. luna .ee for collecting .ri , fine specnene are. ample, arid it vri suggested tome by Dr.'Em mons that he boJ allowed ;to collect and. adJ to Mio,Blp, Vie universuysna oincr colleges U .t-.L TT J. . , . . , l. I ? 0 and' Well Set, thin and SOlt to tllC Whtcb I- rf commend to yoir favorablexonaider tQUch showh that tho forccg of ." . 'r .-. -.- I . , ii . i ! i . j i Wh?h? ' am:mal lf e 0t tetl m lfk- I resolution was pEsd bJ the General Assem.f.ing SO.USeS Ol" head-cheeSO. IilS lf' each of the M.giWe. inh State. .The res- oluticn, jn its termsfconfiaed the distributinn to qualincJ for their distribution who Lav tribution.was maie and v4io f.re now ncline as Justices in ther respective counties. A transmit herewith al lettir from Tandv "Walker, "ting Govcrncr of the Chuctaw Na 'tion', requesting that our laws and Supreme. . . Court Reportc be furaishqd far the Uba of the Choctaw Government, ij is a highfy gratify ing fact to acaUhe improvemsnt made by ihe Qhoetawi in the acta of civilization, and I doubt ot it wil give you pleasure to comply with the request of Mr. -Walter by iuthor.ising the Gov. ernor of. the State to send pur lawa and reports to the Choctaws in the saoe manner that they : are tentto-the several States of the Union. Mjr attention harfteen called by the citizens jesiding in, the western portion of the elate, and i who were purchasers of wiUt wcro hdown as Cherokee lands, in the counties of Cherokee and - Macon,., to what they consider as a hardship, so Car as they arocoricerned.-l- 1 Il was alleged that the lajnds were purchased at prices far above tbair value, and tho state , was appealed to, to remit such exceca. by tho act of l&QJrUlp commissioners were appointed to value the lands, and in accordance with the provisiona of the act, tne ecess of the purchase 4 money over the value of tht landsn a credited x upon the bonds of the purchaiers, Sen ; in the handa of the acent of Cherokee bonds. It seems 'that the act, in its terms, applied oaly to those who had not paid their bonds as they fell due pod consequently those wbdi had promptly paid the full amount of their purchases jrot no relceC Theae persona now ask the state to refund to them the excess paidby then, out of ihe fund in the banda of the agent, of in aome ether way, A and it seems to me that if tlcae who h ad not paid were entitled o relief, Jibs .c'hora who had paid promptly have still stager claioie vpon thejustice and . liberality pf ie State; i , ' Without repoatingjhereaisonj therefore which I n former meecage,:;l again recommend ha creation pf an addiiionai judicial circuit ia the State, ;.' r ' -, 7 j . The improvements in the grounds of tho Cap- . " lo Sqoire ordered by the last Legislature ave been made, and those directed to bo made in the Ctpitol are under the charge of Mr. Pericitra!, a competent architect, and wii be completed in a . few daya. Thia work wout4 have been done at rn earlier day, but fir the difficulty ia procuring person to do it properly. V X . It was found afler the grounds wera laid out, - - that they; puld not be uae aa they brfd before oeen, ts a place of deposit. i the winter aeason." for fire wood for the euppiy ff ihe Capitol, with- outiiestroyiiig.in a great degree, such unprbve. mentsas had beon made. After conuli;nr r,K- the iird of PoS- nltS ft !?!rh vfsabte bjm toi bave'ereefeil a house tor ataW - of wood ' Th nen.A!" : menu was ttierebj Iacrea,sel ta a srall aniauat.; -u.vu,uUW) WUI oemoia jiiun sayoa to 'the State in a fewyears, by aeceffr the wood, fargw' vuHunui naica wro siofen ana earned ttom the premises every winter before the house wa wai ti. . ' , ,. 1 , i ahould be em nlovB.l (aVhiiiIi. audi a were then : alhft justices, and rtclud-., wholo body. We Want a fllie boiled ; Siting iSurgcrn. have been published fur gratui ed aU such a. m,sht aubseuentjy. qualify. The ' and COmpuct artliaal, With leffS-lUst Itous dUtribution, and will bo sent ice of charge Uovernor waa a so uthofized to malie Bale of a. l N i v i i ii ... .! n ' . i . . ' RtOlU, nnd . lono Ptinnn-h tn hn i n n -the afflicted. ; p I oiqer copies. So far the sa es have been small, , o ;- .n . p-' i ... " i r f .. . f " oiii.ui,. p . i -....j,.,!. ,- I, Address, lor Kenorts or treatment, Dr. Georgs and of the edmon of ten thousand copies which he fat -and dUS do you lUQan to ;!R. (;AlBOl.x, COfi,(il,g Su 'ijj .As. w.a pu dishtfd, more th-ttlalf remains on hand, rputupon them- ith a peh of SUull ;r80ciation, .No 2 u.h Ninth Sire. Ph.ladeN and unless provision is ma.fe for their safe keep, i uninills, yOU Cail make pork cheap, "phia, By orjor of the. DirrctorV no-mnW what br-oed they heldng f m. - v. u.. ' Cjibjr fSHsw,. A many Magistrate have since i td.' Iherb is Satisfaction ill loekinfif ! .. ''L , 'TJl fin J B 3 tliev rflffltVA llrt rtmnnorit!nri fit. lliniVl n i fnAiiiMr IKali V-mi C?'"ff Ol IT a fb t a m services, I redomniend that .. further ! n eXA U UOUhd 4 101 lOll rdC unmade cf the Code.'amoiiff thosn . . r . ' . . . . i A 1 n ! ..v. WlAfJ.U l;tlllll.. Ill II. Ill 1.1 11 Li ir .-li. 1 . I -it y . ' . i . nnfl TO hit (inmno n if in Hin orrrnll , . . Ublrll a lllfu 1 11 l-ITTl I hi ll'K 11 1 1! lr 111 llr 11 O. . 7 - -w i I 111 k. I1L' lll'l I1D1 '-IiT'l' firounds and walks in proper order, and I recom mend that a small animal appropriation be made for that purpose, or that the Board of Public Buildings be, authorized to contract for the same, and- draw uppn the Treasury for the amount necessary J iransmunorewim iwo sets or resoives rrom t . ... .... . t the State of Maine, and one from the Slate oft New Hampshire, upon the Bubjct of slavery and matters connected therewith. I have not thought proper to withhold these resolutions, for tia your proving . nd not mine to determioe what action, if any, should betaken upon them I think, however, that they are of uca a charae ter as not to merit any notice by the Legislature of the State. : :.v.v vV:.u.uu... iui. f.ij self of i rV,V,e . sage to the General Assembly, I avail my nan a a uvineiiu c Jk ii cos Ria'ciui honora heretofore conferred upon me by the peo- . , . r. pie of the state. "ich.,u- a;u f n,i.t Tl,. 6" " someiimes jaueu to give sat siacuon 10 n u but what I expected when I assumed the re spoasibinties of office. - Otber3 no doubt have served the' State mere ! cbly and usefully than I have done. I hope. nowever, inai i may te paraorieu lor saying tnai none have more .incerelv had at heart whatever I . .1 - T . . 1 1 f ' .! ! -.v...! concerned her honor or welfare, or who have -been more disposed uialiitain the one or pros mote the other. I ha ve 'only to add, that duringthat portionf of ycur session for which I shall remain in office, it will give me pleasure, at all livrjes, to render you such aid as I cen in the discharge of your Legislative duties. 'I HQS. BRAGG- Fattening Hogs. Hog3, we said, not land-pike3, with noses as long as hand-spikes, and leers like a deer. We should! as EOQh think of trvinsto lav fleshl " M " at 7 1 upon a llgtltning rod as UDOU Ode I" 11 : . 1 il I . oi inuse auimais, mat sometimes A rru ui. you Can put SUCh brutes to IS to sell 'them to the bristle dealers, reserving the noses for. toft-riders K . . i , J f UUaiU m0Sl warmers are, TVltll good market for C0m and Other grains. I3llt if VOUr C0mCTib IS plethoric, -and yo"u have a Surplus j f. - A.' i. r j th.a y0UWant Out pf the Way, j without any return for it. iust DUt jit under these long nosesjabd voii ; - U I , wjH accomplish your purpose, ! 1 Sra?-d .FeC,Pe fr J A these ianU-plfcCeS. J .IJoga We Said, not asses 0U M-. L,,,,, T, . - a pis' should run to are ears'' of I ' . 1 I L, A in uwtl ueiuy; StlOI L, erect, corn head Should be Shorty nose fine, a"U14 b 'U1U1 " , ' I . . n fc-i. . I-v . . U1 'antl lOUIHieU along Hie Sides and rounding: bad The pig is a gentleman ofleisure r.rrd ' wants clean quarters. He must-have a dry sleeping apart ment, and plenty of straw if you want him to do his best. Then he is omniverousin his appetite, and wants a little of almost everything nice that tickles the rjalate of his master. While cooked Indian meal is the staple, he should be treated to vegetables daily, green corn stalks and ears, cabbage, turuips, carrotsbeets, parsnips, &c. Milk or whey nav6r. comes amiss. If ibsse are not convenient, they should have sill thevater they wish to drink. A little salt is also a de sirable addition to the daily diet. Regular feeding is a matter of much more importance than most people suppose. The healthy sto mch of a pig performs its task of digestion with as much regularity as a day-laborer, and when the meal-time comes, it feels the un easiness of hunger. A squealing hog should 6e considered a dis grace to any farmer's yard. Even if he affect that kind of music he Ehould understand that itisa very expensive luxury that none b the rich can affords It is likeje brilliant light from a lamp, fed with oil from his own ribs. Feed by the clock, and stop the racket. Give at each meal only so much food as tbey will eat up clean. If you have any considerable number of hogs, it will pay to have a cooking apparatus for boilinsr or steaming the meal and vegetables-! Fair experiments show that a large ! ! proportion of croked food will make j more" tlesfj and fat than the same j- .quantities given raw A little' 5 v . Sreen food- given as a change, is. e-'; i pO'Omieal.- : -.With- neatness and SYStem-lhiff JjWh"hf form imlnc system thfrjirauch of farm indus try may bo iaa andprofitdil v mr l t i , try may, bfe niada very pleasant . . IS A Kiil haslieeu ir,tntdcr.d iritn iKn : t i e . Legialafura ) Georgiaio present the usa ioi any latin pnrase an any of the Legisla. fv nfiliiSt,. Industrious IIAmts.-t Teach your! children jto beindostrn us. It IS the best preventive 01 Crime --the bSaitCUardi;in tof virtue. I V . : - . . - T? I 4-Viex Viiofnrw of m hundreds . ncau iijc uwJ ' i . i i . ...-. , i whrvfi linr nricnna ftnrt parn that :vr ' ,t l,., iiL.irrmn, Young men of- indu-trrins habirsi ,1 I i - i r are seidom .found m tb. siuks t pollution- - disgrtteUlff tihetliselves and their parents, Tha mCtet; OI crinie amohz; us ifi ehiejLvf caused v:,. .lt,. nf Urtoh-taK..rrt. 5 many- woulj ; ratner a - , . i. i i mfin voum j ramer sieui ninu Work.''; If WQ C'Ould . pr i serve the i - - , , COIUHlg genentlion rroill UWm , I i i I i t -j ii Hnd viees which . degrade the. pre . " . ! , - . . . , i , i- y ,i . sent tunes xeacD inera lzqou u nut's, j j i ' . i i- 1 I i- Idleness, late.' hours, and a disre ! irara or me oaooatn, arinKin ana e: . . th nprilSJll of ohfirvH ahd IHini in : - , ; 1 .i ! C1PM tets, are CaUSldg the TUlU I r ------- -- . -r-r-,-- i- I of millions. Harness Making, AT O L INI ' WEATtR.BRO' S, Kep constantly on hand, at 'their majiu factory, in O L l;N, a large assortment of Harness, I3ridles, a Collars, and everything else, usually kept in a arnesfl estubJishment. We cfcrpeflly inttte all pdrsofiis wishing to : purchase good bargains to givei cs a call be I ?re buPn? elsewhere. Uy close applica- 1 r ea 1 1 1 r m m r 1 1 nl a m Knot n h.. ... L . to share a U b e f a l patronage from a geq. 5,jus r'w- vuir aueuupu so prompt with neatness and dispatch. fe "have de- I....... n MJ - j... I .. J U -I Woodward; Liberty Hill, w'kh A. Keimster; oumy L,iue, wun luscies 6i Co. ; Jonesviile, Wlin iliiVA I. ,v sy.wn T Ocntxr 1st 44 ly - PHILAD.ELl'HI A. A Benevolent Institution es, ablished by pedal Endowment for the Relief of the Siclc and Distressed af Jtttted vpilh Virulent arid Epidemic Diseases. N times of Epidemics, it is the objects of -"-.his Insiit'Uion foestablish Uosf Uals. to pro vide iNunses, I'hysjcians, Clothing, Food, Med. icines. &c, for the sick and detilute, to take charge of the orph'ans of deceased iarenls, and to minister in evcrv oossible wav lb the relief nf the oIicted and tqc health of the public at birgf it. u ,k- . . .t. n:,. J.. w ... ! iu a, .laf, ana to pro- T'' e R,u e ' . - tion. usually enrol their namoa on ite l.o,U. Bnn iject to beicalled u'bon to attend its l o.pitalS, free W ch,rgej J the absence, of tmics, the Directors have authorized the Cunisultins Sur- geon to give advice and medicaid to pcrVns fculfcring under .cftup.yic Uisic.vsfls of a viru- fent character, arising from abuse of jthe physical 1 ptfwers, mal treatment, the clFecIs elf drugs, &c. Various hkports nnJ tracts on the nature and treatment of Chronic Diseasesfy'lhe Con sate a j Ilouse and Lot, in latatesvi ilk', ne.rr the Female College., The 'lot COJ- the - tain? two acres; -of ground provements have all beciji put ur within, the last three "years, ;nd ! in the .vaiL there is a wJiil of o.x- eel lent water v- - . . . - f - i Any portion des:-; this healtv ahd tliiiviriL' i .reus of locating in Town, can be accotiimudat$ii witlr u dweK Una on cheap and -'reasooaHe terjns. I'xjasessiori cau be g-iven at any time. J.'.A. I)A IS. Oct. 1st 144tf WILSON & NEW HARD, WATCH-MAKERS I III KB 1 3 STATESVILLE, N. C. KEEP constantly on hand a large assortment f Watcltes and Jewelry of a!I kinds. j j Clocks, Watches and Jeweiry of ev-ery eort, repaired id tbe- best manner and on tbe most reaso::iible terras.; ' j August 28th 1858. ! ; i 100 -BEWApr Absconded frorri the subscriber, or the ISth of luly last, a negruj man, caTjed Isaac : He is S feet 10 iochei high, dark complex on, scar cu I cne wrist froin a burn (which, not jrecoUected.) peiience d tea years', in the first class store good teetb, face rather full, straight build, lid , in the cityof New York, and a strict itten-sj-pearancc, quick tj.oken, and Weighs about ; xiQn to basiness, especially in the icom- 175 or 180 pounds, end iOyeara oidt. Had on when be departed a pair of copperas colored pants, end pertTaps took other clolking from his wife's home. He is very likely land may be considered a No. i negro. I wiL! give a reward of $I0G for his appre hiension and delivery ta me, or confinement ia any Jail, so that f can get him s$ain. ADAM VEBBEIl. 10 miles north bf J&tatesvil.re, Ni. C. VALUABLE TO WN JPM OI-R- TY FOR SAlE. ' --"-- wwui li C Aeroanue usmeMin the towu-f States- lie, offers fo, sie his. : jfirf-l nilfiP'J& .1 . 1 auuaicu on we Jaxs-corner ' of the - trrrr rn ctta nn Z J ! a 1 M f M i W J M 1 . W M W I r i n . (. T . I. 1 . the centre I or Business This one of tli f( rnnsl Tain. able stands for business in the Town. ' ; s cuius fuau3'eay. ror mrtiie ibn Apply ta JS R. BELL, nr il) Jenns mada eay For further informk A t E Alt l tvir r T . .. .!7. I ! ViL.L.lAiVl Alt MUKPHV. I EW gESIMARr. v i ,.. v,ig I jl"" saiatmous cumai I western ortH t'A' - dftroIiMf urroundedy4hmoetimagnifi. Sent tnd niriiirMnn minntiin rirv a n .1 ."rr!. JZI "T.' -uyim ttiiu water uw uim iuu must abounding itK l. th nnriul -.r-.r r.fr.K;. ; V ! T ! 'i't : .vliL-. w' ME WMN ARY.t Rocky Spring Aiex B,'"er bounty, N. CM on the I2thbf 3uly, IB 5a iUiKK r i i. " VS. . eitf Institute, which house and peM bf ben purcnased by Mr. Troy for the' pnrpeae of t3tabIa : Female School. ; - j ; - i inepiace is maugui tosDe emi- ma retired place, yet in the heart of a dense P'i.ra ion of honest, industnous and intelligent n.l s- . ' ' ' " '""7 f- f root ion of Education. 1 ; T, . ; 0 ., , - rcJ .-.-; The location is 18 miles west of guMesTiUl, is n iles east of Wilkeaborough, and 5" miles .u , ,., . . . as bad 8 or 10 y-rs experience in teachiotr. His! I wife is l a graduate of GreenKhnronirh Pem.lfl Pnllpirn n, . . . 7 ns ns had some ei Dene nee in teaciik?. IN j Hams will bo snared in the instruction and moral training of scholars placed jin their eare, and the kindest attention paid to their wants and neccssitier. I Board can be obtained in the family of the Principal at $ 0 per month, without any extra chargea. t Tuition in English Branches from $1(3 to $15 per sessioi j iuaic on Piano or Guitar, $20 ; 't Painting, in Wster Colore, $6 ; Worsted Em. broidery, $6? Wax Fruit and Flowers -j$6 each; j French $8. Other, ornamentals at reas-anabje 1 prices. . . . ! Pupils admitted at any time, and cWged to the close of the session. 1 If" For further information, address ih Pk-incinal. at York Collegiate Institute. Alexander ,Unt. N. C. August 7th, ;8ft8. 36 tf i s s o 1 ii t i d n. The Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Stockton & Morrison is this day diadved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the late fifm, will make ira mediate payment. Ssitlemnts can be made with either of us; 4 . j JOS. W. STOCKTON, Wm. H. MORRISOJV, . Sratesvilie, August 7th, '58. 1 Take Notice!; Cty Those indebted to us, are requested to piy up as longer indulgence canjnot be iiiven, and ought not to be expected- One of our.firm intends leaving the. couritry in a short time, and ihose owing us mut make metr caicuiaiionj to pay, . u wlLliliollli COr W. R AEDER, AND Civil Engineer, j SALISBUhY, N. C. aTILL furnish Designs and Spec'ficationp ana upenn'end the erection ol Town Houses. CorfaceaVlllas, 'Storefc -Chnr ches, and Pnbl'c Buildings ; also for the con stnjpti'jns belonging to Kail Roads siich as, Blitzes of &toie, wood or Iron, ind all Hiitkliiigs required at Stations. j l'tans and Kptimales given tor the iroprove. -lent of wer-Powers and mechanical con- ruciions in general. j REFERENCE Ch:s. f. Fisher, Pres. N. C. R. it- Co., J.AV. Ellis, j ' J is. C. Turner, Chf. En. VV.N.a'R.R., 1 7 Salisbury, N C. C. P. Mendenhall, Trea N. C- R. H- Co, GreensboroitgW. II. F. SimontoD, Trea W N C R jR Co, Sratesvilie. , n c. Salisbury, N. C, Jun 1-2, 1858, 2S 6m Aliiianacs For 1859. For sale at the BOOK 22, ' 47 STORE. Wanted, 2 Apprentices to learn the (busi ness of Tanning. Apply at the SDJONTON Tanufry. oct 1 44 STORE, SALISBURY, N.-O. Thk attention of the inhabitants of Salisbu ry, and of the State of North Carolina, ia most respectfully called to the openiiis by the undersigned, of a DRUG & ' Medicine Store j complete in the selections of Pare andlGea uine Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, PefTnm ery, Toilet articles, Dye Stufls, Painte,) Oils. f.li n Oo rat nhono Rnminrr 7f i l fl- - i Gn S S I T poaudingjol I bysiciana'' prescriptionf and f amily jnedicines, and at a reasonable scale of piices, to secure a share of Town aqit Country Trade. . ' v Tbe sarae degree of neatness and disnateh shall be practiced, and as pure articles giv&! nr. H A-.i I : I V m - iu O..I winciB vjj wan, Liu hi rnysMpians Families mid Dealers, as by personal call. W..H. VVYATtT. Dec. 17 Dr. W. . TATE, Surgeon ana JBrtbanical Would respectfully inform those interest ed, that he has moved to bis new Booms "on allege Avenue, .joining Meesr.,,Beeee & he will be pled to . - " wuw wi"M,' UM onai svices. Jul 4. . . -1 KELit-X, OfTers' his rofebeional services to the pcib!i Oflice kin College Avenue', opposite the wnm. 'rof AVER'S PECTORAL, foe thj bapid cmti Of Colds, Coughs, arid - jIIOTirseness. BandiBU, MiM, Dao IK. ". . Da. J. C. Aim : I do not haaitats to say tb twst ranedy I bare ever: found for Congbs, Qoarseness, Inflnensa, and the eoDcomitmnt fymptom of a Cold, ia yonr Chbbkt Pscioau Its coaatant nsa in my practiea and my family far ths last Isq years has ahova it to possess supe rior Tirtues for ins treatment of these eompUiuta. -' EBKN -KNIGIET, M. D. : A.B. MOBTLKY. Esd-,of UnCA, IT. Y., writes : I bTe cued your frdortd nryself and la my tunjlr erer sine yoa inrentod It, and tslim it the beet mediein for its purpose ever put oat With e bad cold I ahould sooner pay twenty-fire dollars for a bottla than do without It, or take any other rentedy." Cronpf Whooping Conajb. Infloenza r SvaQiamiJ), AU3&, Feb. 7, 1856. BaOTHSB Am: I will cheerfully certify yonr ftciorml is the beat remedy -we possess for the cure of wboopia j eoogh, croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of yoar fraternity in the South appreciate your skill, and eommend your medicine to oor people; r HIRAM OOSKLISt, M. D. AMOS IBB, Eea Hoimxir, Is writes, 8d Jail, 1S56 : "I had a tedkuis Inflnensa, which eoufined me in dears six weeks ; took many medicine without relief; finally tried your TMoreH by the adrioe of our clergyman. - The first dose relieved the soreness ia my throat nd lungs lass than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we can buy, and we esteem yon, doctor, and your remedies, aa the poor man's friend." j Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. Wist Maitobsstkb, Pa Feb. 4, 1856. Sra: Tour Cherry fYctoral is performing marreHoci ' euree in this section. It has relieved Bererai from alarm ing sraajcoua of mMomptaoB, mm. ia now curing a man Wbo baa labored under an affection of the fangs ibr -tew last forty years. BENKY h. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. Ju Albion, Momoi Co Iowa, writes, Sept. 8, 1855: " During my practice of many years' I hare found nothing equal to your Cherry I'fdoral for giving ease and relief to consumptire patients, or curing such as are curable.'' We might add volume of eTidenc, but the most con vincing proof of the virtues of this remedy ia found la lta tffect upon trial. Consumption Probably no one remedy has aver beeu known which cujd so many and such dangerous cases as this. Soma . no human aid can teach; but even to those the Cherry ftctoral affords relief and eoadbrt. 1 Astok Housi, Maw Toax Cm, March 6, 1858. Soctoa Am, Lowill: I feel it a duty and a pleasure to inform you what your Cherry JFtefaro! has done for my wits. She had been fire months laboring under th dan gerous symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we eould proenre gave her much relief. She waa steadily fell ing, until Dr. Strong, of thia city, where we hare come far advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, aa we do your skill; for she has recovered from that' day? She is not yet aa strong as she used to be, but is free from her eough, and call herself weU. Yours with gratitude and regard, 4 ORLANDO 6EUELBY,or SHXUTfnil. Cbntumptivej, do not despair till you hare tried Arm's Cbiut Pxctosal. It ia made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its euree all around us bespeak the high merits of lta Tirtues. PhUadtlphia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE scienoes of Chemistry and Medicine been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to (can. Innumerable proofs are ehown that theae Pius have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win un precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pone-' trating properties stimulate the vital activities of tht body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, -and expel disease They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow- distemper, stimulate sluggish or disor dered organ into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole -system.' Not only do they cure the e very-day complaints of every body, bnt also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effeots, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that cam be employed for children, iseius o --trd. they are pleasant to take; and .bring purely vegetable, are free from any nn w I. .. X?urea have been made which surpass belief were they net sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character s to forbid die suspicion of untruth. Slimy eminent elergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability Of my remedies, while others hare sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. ... The Agent below named isplieosed to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing direction for their use and certificates of their cures, of the following complaints: Costivencss, Bilious Complaints, liheumstism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain erasing therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer ous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacnant medicine, Scrofula or King's Eivil. They also, by purify ing tbe blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it won Id not be supposed they conld reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver aud Kid neys. Goat, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill tbey make more profit on. Ask for Arm's Pills, and take nothing else. No other tbey can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. . Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Paica !45 Cm pes Box. Kin Boxes roa 1 1. SOLD BY lST Haviland, Stevenson & Co., Charles ton, O. A. Bradley,. Wilmington, M. A. Sen tos-& Co.; Norfolk, N. F. Hives, Petersburg Purcell, Ladtl & siJo., Richmond, D. B . & J.L Gaiiher, Npwtoh, W. H. Michal. Lincolnton aod Druggists and dealers in Medicine, every, where. For sale by H. W. AYER.Statesville May 1 185S LIVERY STA- -BLE. ti3sT STATESVILLE, J. C. We having obtained the extensive atablea connected with tbe SimontoD House, take pleasure in informing travellers and the public generally, that we aie prepared to hire horsea and buggies, at reasonable rates. Persons want ing conveyance can be rceommodaled at- any time, and aent to any part of the country. We pride ourselves on keeping gentle and faat horsea. Our Provender is of the best quality, and the quantity left to the appetite of the animal. AH ia under the management of tbe proprie tore, and no fear need be entertained, Set. BRINGLE & DAVIDSON. 33 tf " mm. THE subscribers are prepared to furnish to order anything in the line of HEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES or Furniture Marble, aod warrant atiss faction. Call or send your orders. Teems Cash 0n delivery. 4 GRAY, BRYAN &Co, Salisbury, N. C. SIM ONTO N naire i. THE subscribers having become lessees of this spacious New! HOTEL located near the pnblic Square and Court House, in Slatesville, respectfully announce that they are prepared to accommodate the traveling Public and all who may favor them with patronage, with entertainment eqnal to any first class Hotel in tho tjuioo. Mrs: -Ui A. WREN k SOJV, ' July 3d. i !r . 31tf : DS. Y.S. DEAI3, . Will attend all Calls, both iu TWn and Coontry, Onlce 00 College Avenue, two doors west of tbe Printing Office. states vffle; N. 0. 2 aw L Vs f We want Lrk 7mX& Hatihg sold our Drug CntablUmeot in Bat isbury to Doct. C. A. Henderson, we take pleasure in recontmending hira to the- laror of onr,fnends and patrons. j. . . Doct. Henderson, being avregplarly edoca ted Physician, and, harwg poTided him self with competent assistantsj will, have eTery reason lo belie'reV.so cof ducl.th'e bo siness, as to entitle himself to tie cohfidehce and patronage of the Public. ; . ' , , SILL SILL Sa.isbuiy Jtpnl2lptt.lm'tr-7 , --k, C. A. H(5ndersoln, ii ."i; and Oh e m i 8ty SALISBUIl Yr N- .C- f- AS will be seen byllie aboe Notice, 1 now own the Drug Establishment, .for merly occupied by Mess. Sill hS. Sill; I there? fore tender roy respects to the? Citizens of IREDELL and surrounding Counties, and Having recently oclarged taw ste?3c con siderably, t can, now -oJBfer to tpe Public, as large an assortment, apd, of asjfinef quali ty of Drugsj Chemicali, Dye Sluffsto, as can be found in the State. NYhichiSwill ba sold Wholesale ami Retail, enj sucSherms as cannot fail lo be satisfactory. M Physicians and Country Merchants-, espe cially, would do we ll to call ind famine our stock before'pur?hasing elajewlvf. fjr All Orders proroptly attended to. Rnilflitliy"-!' Rn ilr?t hxr f rtnHE Subscribers would respe tfutfyi ifi form .'tb e Public, that they are- riowprissinE LUMBER and manufacturing Sjagfif,' Blinds FRAMES, DOORS and SPciES, at their mills on West Hill, Salisbury! N. C. Td eir Sashes, BIti ds, &c, are made of hearKpine of pfiplar, and are unsurpassed by anything. inftneState! Paling, Balusters, Brackets, amtasll kinds of Ornamental wood-wtork, finfst e in the best 6tjie and furnished at shjort iSrjotiee. Orders lrom a distance punctually iitteaded to. All work ('one at their mills, isjwarrant ed' to give satisfaction j ' They are also prepared to tfke gpontfacts in any part of the State, for the erection and fitting up of all kinds of Buildings, g)r whicb plans will be furnished if desired. Terms reasonable. t S , MURDOCH, darby; MCO , SALISBURY, X C. June. 12, 1858.. .. 28 6m j HL U0A1 NOIIG TO i - -. Country Merclints. IVeiT, Cheap, and Expedi tious Itoufe fcr f Freight for the Interior of . C. MERCHANTS and others aboupurchas. ing their Fall and Wiiitetj Supplies, are requested to notice, that by the cetmpletion of tho Worth Eastern Rail Road ffc?m Char leston, C-, to Cheraw, the ad vantages of a CHEAP and EXPEDITIOUS Kute from the Seaboard has been opened; to litem. All freight consigned to thi ciR-e of the Agent of the Norfh EasternMqii! Koad wTH, be forwarded FREE OF COiVllS10y. No charge will be made fpr storage at Cheraw. All goods will be tajcen jsare of in the Company's Warehouse unjlil sdllt for. Aschedule of charges for tran.ptation of Height will be round at the rst oce. S. S. SOLOMONS, 37 if Etm anSnp't MANSION HQ EL t 1 1 1 l Ii 1 1 If V!. THE subscriber lakes pleasure irtannoun . cing to his frierWs, and theipublLip gener. ally, that he has taken this ldj)g esHblished aud well known Hotel, and has rriapje every possible preparation: to accommodate ihe business, traelling and visititjig pfeftionn of tl)e public, in the most satisfacory fanner. Particular attention is paid t bis and every comfort is provided; m h"l ' noons J ''v His &TABLES ere abundantly lpHed, and attended by a careful ostlferj aud to all departments the proprietor gies hii; person al attention. . !; A comfortable OMNIBUS tuns'legularly to the depot on the arrival oft ie cas. With these efforts to please, a lib'al share of the public patronage Is con iden solici ted. ' ; WM.RpVVZE. May J9th, 1858, StN26 Jenkins & er, Take pleasure in Infbrririg the public, that they are now ready to dc" any and 11 L.:.,!- -rw..i, : .u Dnri'V t. curtp i: H JklllMO Ut I LT1S IU IUC UJJ h OC CftVEl line at their Shop in the basement of thfcix Sim nnfnn Himu ' All tsnrtr urarrdntaH Tjl Hmlr' is One 'of their workmen, and ervbody; Jtnows it be cannot make a V-fit ?aii.t no use in anybody else trying, fpall aJW leave yonr measure. l erms, modearte. : statesTilie, Jan. '16. n II If Mercantile Fiym, McNeelt & Yokng, WHOLESALE & REmlL DJY GOODS, Boots, Shoes Hats, Capsl Bon nets, Carpeting, Nails, Crojkerj, Paints, Oilf Leather, pc. -.'7 Corner opposite Mansion tel, -formerly occupied by M. Brown, McNEELYdc Y0UNG,f rai ..' , . '.'. I .... . . i ... I. ? ." j n UjalWlVUJVBIV&I especially to the friends and natrons. of my predecessors;. assuriug them that evry ort will be madelo gv saiisfawticm-? 4 i . . I si M I I f- Salisbury, tf. c. " 't'-te. tVAv i''r; r... m ( Q:t-tW..NPUW-;. a-jcear. at and Trailing AMI In all parts, of i ... i .,. . . ,J- . - BOUTHEJUf AX8 STATES To whom the largest Commi'ssions will K. . paid.1 Opr. List includes 01 t, s. iiiTpu's ( Works. Also a large and saleable list of HlSTomGAL ASDipiOGRiHlCAL JJoog Among ihestvwill e ifoundlLIVES of Jp FERSON and HAMjlLTON, Dr. E.K. Ka and other $atuigDiaie4 Exphrtr$ nnd 7rflte :.7r'--:: , ft, etc. i Among our recent publications aie the PuK i ; licaDd Private Lifk or Louis NlipotEoNi, ; IllsToJtT of Ikdia, and .A; . 1h Indian 'Muti-. . Livingstone's TkAVkts an' Eire,, TIONS FOB SlkTEKN YkaRS IU Wixps or ArBtcAi &c. &c. All " ihoeA rraAlrol ore AmnnntkA able published. , Alone J we have sold OVER TH1RT THOUSAND COPIES icreasing. Manv'nfL. and the sale' ii Agents are makin makinfcfrom 3 to $io a dav ; selling our our Litt includes uuiicaiiuu., iHk we eimm tl he most salealw. Bor.t; offered to Agents drid Canvassers And ha- Iievine in LARGE SALES LND SMAXL PHUfttp we furnish our Boiks. to Agehfs fur from 12 per cent.' below thA usual liripes. jorlall particulars, of ge!ncy . Terras, &e address i J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, - 48 NdRTU F0iriiTur :TprrT' 48.2m i. - F0J For the purpole of UT) business pf the Buck Shoal Maim factoring Company, we. will offer fpr Sale, on the 1 4th day pf December next, ALL th4"REAL ESTATE and Other Property, belonging to said Company! consisting of the . following Lands : One tract on which the ; Cottoti Factory and Mills are situut ed, containining 147 acres of land, lying oji North Hunting Creek, in Yadkin county, three and a half miles south west of Hamp ' tonVille-on. the ; rfain Rod leading from Statesville to Hockjford, and 25 miles north of the former place The FACTORY has in operalion 3 Spinnihg Frames, 132 Spindles each, with all the necessary Machinery for -manufacturing a sblendid article of Cotton Yarn and has room: and never failing W. ter Poaver enoughlorun successfully doublj t as mfch more Machinery ONE CQBN MILL, and one pair, bf Burr Mill Stonei (. purcfiased for usjby J. VV. Stockton, Esq) of as good quality hs has been put up in N, Carolina. All the above Mills and machin ery, are in first rate' repair, and -will do aplen. did work under gopd management- Tbsre are buildings sufficient on the place to ac. commodate 30 or 40 hands, very con venieflt' One tract of LAN), adjoining the above, J75 acreswell, jwalered, timbered, liet level, is of good qoality and in a conveni ent locality for anykind of business ; bat op. enfd and in cultivition. about 60 acres, baK ance well timbered ( cat and see belore you buy.) One tract of Land on waters of Deep Creek, 6 miles north of the abover lies nrfar the Turppike Uoad leadiDgfrora Hamptonville to Jcjnesville, 5 miles from the former place has on it a good Dwe'ling House and Kitchen, smoke-hoitaestabhs, &cg.Js very well watered, a good co3. spring is close by hi houie -20 acres good bottom land, 5 to 6 ditto pf splendid 'meadow, and . about 60 acres cleared Land balance well timbered whole jtract contains. 124 acre mora or lefs, and adjoins the akds of flen ry VVagjner, Ksqi- and. others. The above Property will bei sold without reserve, and a. gooil title 'made for the same, to the purchaser of purchasers, complying with the terms of I the sale, which, will be liberal and made kfrowu on the day of tale. JAMfcS--:Sl GRANT, Agekt Buck Shoal Mamfadg Company, Oct. 215, 1858, 47tkls " Salisbury Watch nan corfy till 14ih Deo and send bill to this office or to Agi 1858. FkVLL, J8i3S. Fresh Arrivals. T HE undersigned respectfully call the f tent ion of their friends and customers m Statesville and the surrounding country, tnar tnev are now W - V7 - . recaivily. m Jarf - D8 splendid, stock of . ; , Fall and Winter GOODS, which they offer at their usutLtqw prires.-- Their.atock cobspts of tri? ffl'.viris-; STAPLE DRY GOODS, 1 Ladies Dress Uiood; 'Bohnels, Ifib- bona, Gloves Hosiery, a fine tin cl IwntKoi-. deriesof all kind. Ulso,- a Timh iusi)-ti:ieiit tl READY MApE CLQTnim for Gentlemen and Boys wear, a bo, a large stock of Heavy ; Mooda lor Servants use,. Drills, bleached and unbleached Domestic A large stock of I - j Boots & Shoes, Hats t rrd Caps of levery description, HARD W A RE, jCotUry , Queens Ware, and a fall supply of GROCERIES, and many other articles too tedious to eouonerate.. A wanting GOd and CHEAP GOODS, will find their stoci not only the cheapest, but as jood as any in this couary. We tender our. thanks for the patron ag received within the I last sU-months and hope, tor a conttna4npeand increase. x' (KrTbe Highest pace Paid for all kinds oi Produce. , . I ft-Please call and fexamineoUr jStock before purchasing elsewhere, and we will giw you good bargains, j ;"! TERMS CASH H , , KOOPMASN & PHJSLPST Statesville, OcL s4 1858. ' 1 " TolReft iorleiil The desirable property recently ocenpted by Mrs. Wxf on College ATeaue. : Pl, ! . , u i ; ia au parts. of tha A, J i jMetnoaist cnurcD, aulje&vilie, Si. C. Mfft. 1st, 1858. 44tf September 25tb, 15 W . . fStei- 77:- M

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