v THE ma Tksvs or AriETisT5q. 5 - ! ' One Dollar a equarefor the firsfweek, and . I - IREDELL EXPRESS. Twenty-five Cents for eveiy week - thereafter. , Sixteen lines' or less trill make a square- S. B.. PRASE. w. r. DRAU. Deductions made in favor of Btanding mat ter as follows : ; E. B. IHIAKE 4 SON, 6 JtOS. 1 TaAJt. $5.50 . . $8.00 lO.fjO . . 14.00 '? . V Editors a.nd Proprietors. One square, . $3.50 o pontics, aBticultntt, fdaiMtfatfuttB, Commerce, an fHiBtrtlanrouB iUatiittg. Two squares,, r . 7.' Three squares, . 10J 15.00 . 20.00 - TekuS of tue Taper. When directions are not riven Low often $2 a Tear, in Advance. Vol. 1 1 . Statesville, N. C, Friday, December 10, 1858. o. 2.1 to insert an Advertisement it will be publish- ' ed until ordered out. pi . v. - M I J i : 11 11 -H s 1 I i1 t; If s ' 4 'I: 1 fc9 t. I0t bre AYEB'S ; Cathartic Fills, ARE MADE TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AN!)! CUBE THE 81 CX f uTilidij Father, Mother, Physicians, Plillanthropist, read their EllecU, f ) maid Judge of their Virtue. FOK THE CUKE OF Headache, Sick IIeadache,Fonl Stomach.- '. -Ir. Ji C. Atir. 8ir : I have tau repeatedl j cured of , tlif worirt headache any body cu have by a dose of two S your 11118. It soerps to arise frosn a foul stomach, which tbey cleanse at once. If they will cure others a they do me, the fiict ik worth knowing. 1 Your with great respect, 4ED. W. TREBLE, ? ' t Claf of Steamer Clarion. Uilious Disorders and Liver Complaint. 1PARTMXST I0F TH IlfTIBiOK, , ' ' ; WAsnmaToaylD. C, 7 Fb., 1868. J . Sra: I Wave used your Pills in nay general and hoifltal ' practice err since yon made theni, and cannot hesitate to nay tbey are the liest cathartic w employ. Their regn laiinjr. action ou the liter is quick and decided, conseqiient- iy they ant.arj admirable remedy ftr derangement of that orgcnit. Itiilcfd, I hare cel. lorn found a case of bilious dis etue no obstinate that' it did not readily yield to them, i '-.; I raterually yours, - ALONZO BALL, M. D, rhytician pf the Marine Hotpital. Dysentery Relax and Worms. - PpsT Owes, IIartiasd, Liv. Cp., Mich Kov. 16, 1868. . Da. Ayr: Yciur Pills are the perfection of medicine. They have doue my wif; more guod than I caa tell yon. Jt. hhe had been nick and pining away lor montns. Went oll't'o m diHjtored ut gi eat expeuxei but got no better. She thwcoirimeiiced taking your Pills, which soon cured her, ;tiy fxpvlling lnrge qtinntities of worms (dead) from her bfM.lv. They. aft.Twanl Cured hot and our two children of ii'ltxuly dynentery. One of our neighbors had it bad, and civ wife cured him with two Uoe of your Pills, while others arontul us piiid froffi five tot wepty dollar doctors bills, ami )it niiK'h time, without being cured entirely ejii ti tli.in. 1 n h a medicine as yenrs, which is actually good toid honest, will be prized here. i1 . - 0 EO. J. QjRIFFIX, rotlmatUr. Indigestion -and Imparity of the Blood. tVom Ktv.-J, r. Ifimet, JTutornffjAdvent Church, BotUm. i Int.' A vtr; I have lined your lill with extraordinary siirreAN in my family and among hose I am called torisit in ddttres. To regulate the organs of digestion and puri . f 1 the blood they are the very txist1 remedy I have ever . kifown-, and 1 can confldentiy recommend them t& my fiiieiids. Yours, . J. V. HIMKS. Warsaw, Wtowino Cot, N. Y., Oct 24, 1865. ' am using your Cathartic Pills in my prao . tlr .vim.) find them an excellent pargative to cleanse th atatem and purify the fountains of the blood. I , JOHN Oi MEAC1IAM, M. D. - Erysipelas Scrofula, Kiis's Evil, Tetter ; Tumors and alt Rheum. frnr: Rtrwarding Aferchant ofiSt.Louil, 1868. (Dr. Aic; Your Pills are the 'paragon of all that ! great In'-niediclne. They hare credf my Lttle daughter j of illcernus sores upon her hatids ind feet that had proved lacuruMe for years. - Her mother bad been long grievous ly afflicted with blotches and pimflcLifc her skin And in her hair. After our child was coredTshe also tried your tills, andithey havojcured her. ASA MORORXDOK. - Itheumatisrh, Neuralgia, ad Gout. From thifiev, Ir. JlawUi, of UteiMfthodik Epiti Church, " , PcLAHSi Hours, SavawjIahQa., Jan. 6, 1888. ' ! Hosousu Sir : I slxmld l ungrateful for the relief you skill hiu'bvrTJgnt.me jf i did not Ireport my case to yon. ' A cold settled in my limbs and btongUt on excruciating v iienrulgic pniiis, which ended i chronic rheumatism. -NotwilhstaiAdiiig I had the best of physicians, the dinease grew worse and worse, until, by the advice of your excel lent jigerit iff Ualtimore, Dr. Mactaenxie, 1 tried your Pills. Their eflerts were slow, but sure8,) By persevering in the use of tlftni, 1 am now entirely mil. Fen atx Chamber, tUTOs Jkjpo, La., 6 Dee,, 1866; Dn. A VKR: I have been entirelyii cured by your Pills, of . Rhetiniatic-Gout a painful dis.mse that had afflicted me forySars. . , ritJinr For Dronsv. Plethora, or kindred Com- ilalnta, reanlring an attire pihrgo, they are an excell ent leuic'ly. ,1 1 . ? I For Costivcness or Constipation and as A Uluutr Pill, they. are agreeable and effectual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflamma- " tlon, audi even . Denfne, aad Partial Blind ness, have been curad by the alterative action of these ' 1uls-; .' ' ' . I i . Io'at or the ,PI11 in marHlet contain Mercury, which, al though valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous In a puMic pill, frfm the dreadful consequences that fre queiUly fullo;'iU incautious use.l These contain no mer cury or uiiuer&l substauce whateMBr. JiYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL j T FOIt THE RAPID jpTTRE OF COIGIIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, IN FLU- ESZA, BRONCHXTIsj, WHOOPING COUGH, CROtP, ASTHMA, IM- . ' CIPIENT CONSCMPTIOW, and for the relief of yconsuBiptlljre patients In advanced aURee of the disease. ,1 '( M'e need not speak to tiif pnblic of its Virtues. Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its Wonderful" cfires of pulmonary com- ' plaints hnve made it already known. Nay, few are the families iu any civilized coun try on this continent with, out some personal experience of Its effects ; and fewer yet the communities any where whinth have not among them some living trophy of ita victorylovcr the subtle and dan gevous diwahes of the throat andj lungs. While it is the most powerful antidotejet known to man for the formi dable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it ' is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be em "ployeil for infanta and young persons. Parents should have It in store agsinst the Insidious enemy that steals ' tipon them unprepared. V'e hae abundant gronnds to believe the Cherry Jctnral save' more lives by the con sumptions it prevents than those it cifres. Eeep it by you. aud ctire.your colds ;while tfcey are curable, nor neg lept tliein untii no hnmsu skill can master the inexorable canker that, Wened on the vitals, tats yout life away. All know the dreadfuLfatality ojf lung disorders, and a they know, too the virtues of thi remedy, we need not do more than' to assure them it is still made the best it can .be. We ,pnre do cost, no care, )0 toil to produce it the most perfect pooniblej aud thus Afford those whd rely on It the best agcnt whidb our skill can furnish for their cure. . PREPARED BY DR i. C. AYEB, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. AX1 SOLp by : ! txT- Haviland, Stevensen &' Co., ('barleg Ion, O; A. Bradley, U'ilrington, M. A.' Sn tos & Co., Norfolk, N. ljv Rives, Petersburg Purccll, Ladd & Co., HicfemonJ, D. B.& J.L Gajlher, ewton, W. HJ Michal. Lincolnton aod Druggists and dealer in Medicine, every, wbcre. For sale by ! '';' , . H. V. AYER, Statesville May y 1858. - ;. j ' . IUIL ROAD NOTICE I " I to; Country MercTntliis. IVciy, Cheap, abiJ Expedi . lions Itoilic t'ov ; Freight for the Interior of Ct MERCHANTS and others about parchas. ing their Fall and VVinlei Supplies, are requested to notice, that iby the completion nf iho A'orth Kastem Rajl Road from Char leston, S. C1, lo Cheraw,!the, ad vantages of a CHEAP and EXPEDITIOUS Route from ihe beaboard has been opened to them. All freight consigned jto the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Ifail Road will be forwarded FREE'-OF COM1SS10N. . No charge will be miade for iStorage at Cheiaw, All goods will be taken bare of in the Company's Warehouse until sexit for.il - A schedule of charges for transportation of fteight will be found at the Post Offica S. S. SOLOMONS, 37 tf Eng'r and Snp'ti Take Notice! (7- Those indebted to us, are requested to pay up as' longer indulgence cannot be given, and ought not to be expected. One of our firm intends leaving the country in a short time and those owing us pitist make their calculations to. pay. j " j! ', "- 0. GILLESPIE & CO Ilium's Almanacs For 1859. For sale at the BOOK STORE- 4T i ST R E' Havino sold our Dmg Ectablishment in Sal- Kisbury. to Doct. C A. HenderHn, we take pleasure in recommending him lo trie lavor of our,fnend and patrons. Doct. Henderson being a reguiany eanca- ted Physician, and having provided him-! 6elf with competent assistants, will, we have every reason to believe, so conduct the co siness, as to entitle himself to the confidence and patronage of the Pnblic 5 SILL & SILL Salisbury, Jpril 21st, 1857. ' C. A. Henderson, m. d. and f; h e mis I SALISBURY, N- C ! A S will ba seen by the above Notic I J now own the Drug Establishment, for merly occupied by Mess, bill & bill; I there fore tender my respeclsto the Citizens of IHKDKLL and surrounding Counties, and especially to the frtends and patrons of rny predecessors; assuriug them that every efi ort will be made to givft satisfaction. Haying recently nlared my stock con siderably, I can now offer to the Public, "as large an assortment, and of as fine a quali ty of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye SlulTs, etc j, ap can be found in the State. Which will b sold Wholesale and Retail, f n such term as cannot fail to be patisiactory. . Physicians and Country Merchant?, espe cially, would do we. II to call and tannine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. OCT" AH Orders promptly attended to. -f We want Local and Traveling y . . AOEHTS . In all parts of the j ' SOUTHERN AND. WESTERN STATESj, To whom, the largest Commissions will, be paid. Our List includes T, S. ARTHUR'S WORKS. ;, AIbo ajaige and saleable list of HISTORICAll AND BIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS, s ; ETC. - Amorag these will be found LIVES of JEF FERSON and HAMILTON, Dr. E. K.KANE, and other distinguished Explorers and 2 ravel t - ers, etc. Arnuig our recent publications are the Pub- 4 He and Private ;Lifb of Louis Napoleon, -History of India, and .. Thr Imdlan Mutiny; Livingstone's TRAVhLs and ExrL"KA j " TI0N8 FOR SlXTEliN YEARS IN TUK j Wilds 'of Africa, &g, &.c. A I l.o f these Books are among the most sale , y' able published. , rj . Alone, we have sold OVER THIRTY THOUSAND COPIES, and the snle is increasing. Matjy ot our. Agents are making from $5 to $10 a day in selling our Publications; and we claim thai -6ur Litt includes the most saleable Books offered to'Agents and Canvassers. Ari bei lieving in- ' LAKOP. SALES AND SMALL PROFITS' we furnkh our Books to Aden's for from 12 per cent, below the usual prices. For lull particulars, of Agency. Terms, &c , address - . J. W. BKADLEY, Publisher, - 48 NORTH rFOURTH STllrlKT, 48.Sm .-Philadelphia, Pa, Harness Making, AT O LIN. ; WEAVER BRO' S, Keep constantly on hand, at their raanu factoty, in O L 1 N, a large assortment of ! Harness, Bridles, ,r Collars, and everythiDg else, ! usually kept in- a Jiarness establishment. j t We earnestly invite all persous wishing to purchase good bargains to give us a call be ! fore buying else. where. By close applica tion and promptitude in business, we hope : to share 9 i,berl patronage from a gen- with neatness and dispatch. We have de posites of harness, at Statesville, .with J. W Woodward ; Liberty ill, with . Feimeter; County Line, with Eccles & co. ; Jonesville, with Tho's T. Maxwell. L October 1st 44 ly MANSiO N H O.TEL IN ' . SALISBURY. j . wS npHE subscriber, takes pleasure in announ ! cing to his friends, an ,tlio pubbcgeuer. ally, that he has taken this long established aud cell known .Hotel, andhas jnade every posgible preparation to accommodate the bu&inesg) traelling aud viiiiing portions of tbe poblic, in the most satisfactory manner. I Particular attention is paid to hist TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his nnoTis- His 6'TABLES are abundantly supplied, nd attended bv a careful ostler : arid to air departments'lhe proprietor gives his person al attention. A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to" the depot on the arrival of the cars. - With these efforts to please, a liberal share of the public patronage is confidently 6olici ted. WM.ttOWZEE. May J9th, 18&8, tN26 Tr. H. KELLY Offers his Professional services to the public. ' f Office on College Avenue, opposite the Methodist Ghurcb Slaterillei N. C. IT Correspondence of tlie Express. . Memphis, Txa., .Nov. 16. Mr; Editor- j My last communication, I belief was. from Columbia. 8. C, which place I lejft on the two o'cloclt trairfir Augusta, and anjived there at !vpn oVlfi-k. P. M Hera wc Purchased a throunh ticket to MimnhU.-fcr twJnty.tvvb dol- 7 lars. and were soon 'on our wnv to fAtlanta, Ga I am unable to Jearn why we cannpt purchase a through ticket at Columbia, Coming this way, when we can, te ga to that place. It is much to ona'a adf angelJ ,baye a through ticket, paaaing Augnsje, as the baggage Sis taken care of, andSvc are jcairied through witiiout charge. We arrived at Atla'nta next day' at ten o'clock, one. hundred and aeventyone milfla from Au gusta. Here we met Mr Kamaouri lrom states ville aad other acquaintances. In half an hour, We were again on the. Course Of our way to J 1:1,-11 'n,.' is auSte broken on this routend the scenery is often beautiful with little mountains ami ravines.1 At thejuncs j -tion at DaltonUne hundred mile, above Atlanta I r ' 1 our coaches, had a great additon of travelers, coming fromRichmond, Petersburg, and the North! Just above Dalton, we came to Tunnel Hill, which was quite a curiosity to many, still wfcoujdisee nothing and could jn!y imagine our position for in a moment we were envelop ed in Egyptian darkness until we got through. Arrived at Chattanooga a little 'after dark, one hundred and thirty eight milrs from Atlanta. 1 could not see the city i but am under the im, that it is a 'one-horao town.' We had ourbaggage checked through to Memphis and . SISSlJjpi. -ilie JUUKSOIl IAllSS. ) iTjtX were foon on our way. The accommodations gle says that several years ago a veritable Egyp wero good, and we fixed ourselvesi"to goto bed' tian silver coin ,, worth about thirty centVdf our and slept finrlv until day light, I ws quite sorry we had to travel this portion of the road in the nighttime as the scenery is said tc be grand. We crossed the Tcnnessco river on a long bridge, as a fellow traveler remarkt d nextpiorn- itiR that, -it seemed to reach from here to never. It appears that travelling upsets the minds of tunes before the time of Columbus, not oitly to some people, or, it may be they never were the Northern and otber Europeans, but tf the rifcht, for ne asked me more thsrt half a dzpn Esyptians, the Phoenicians, and even ' taj the times, what was' the name of this f lace, and how Chinese. We heard a native Sy rian wh had far it wa's to Memphis, &c, wher 1 repeatedly isfted this country not long since, declare! it to told hiru'it was my first trip en the road. It is , be his belief that the aborigines of Amierica' more or le6s so with a large portion of the pas- 1 sprang from the Bedouins, from the similarity sengers. The conductors 'seeights., J When of their general characters, and especially from we waked, and took a view of the passing the circumstances that the females of both Scarry world, it looked like it had snowed during the their infants upon trneir backs- His en ana night, thjefroet was so large; which was a wel- tion was :hat they came via the .Vediterraaean come sight to those who were going to New , and the strait of Gades (Gibraltar,) in the! time Oileain. It has been quite col l ffor several of thf Phoshicians, who were, it will be tecol duvs and I learn it snowed 60me two hours in lected, a commercial people. Carthage beijjig a this plaice this week, and as low dewn as Atlan- colony from Phoenicia, the Egyptian coin ffiund ta. The wind is now exceedingly cold and- thirty feet below the surface of the solid eajrth in threatens snow. We landed at this place abo'ut Mississippi would seem thus to be accounted three o'clock, P. M., making just Iwo day? and for. " j two nichts travel from Columbia, , w 'OS . ,...-,,..- 0. - J:,i.oiii..'' mitirs,oxr)y tanroau irnui oimimr ". ccnla " r . The tare is thirty-four dollars and ft. is threehundred and nine miles from Chat tanooga to Memphis. Here we wjere greeted as usual with the, wrangle of omnihis drivers, but ihpy have a little more manners lihan they gen crally have for they stood upon and did not null us about.' We their coaches inquired for a good house and were takenlo the "Goyoso, which! is indeed a fine house. It company and is well regulated. is owned by a The furniture aljone. I learn cost sixty-five thousand dollars, They while everything else is in comparison cannot fail to icako money, with) their present run of business. -They have from; one hundred to one hundred and fiftyj.rrival. fml departures i Typlipid FeVtrMolaSSCS a Rem daily. Here I first l-eheld the grqat Missis.svfpi, J;. . . . . . thef.thcr o'lRivers, rolling on irj silent majes- 'Cdy Abingdon irgimM re tv withihie shore barricaded with jsmoking moo gtels.to- learn that Typhoid Fever preivai's sters ready to obey thek master will. Here our school-boy desires were realfized, and oui imagination 'satisfied, for wohaj often wished to see this mighty river. But how great was odr dieappointmenf, when we beaeld as we sup poised its narrow limits. We now thought our ririnliiirr Catawba was not so i;iinifi?hnt. Still the'river is very deceptive, for if learn jt is i miie'in width, at this point. We visited the 'AJipamprs'and had an onnortunitv of coire on board the -Eclipse' the largest, and finest boat on the river. She is truly a ntagnificent ves- eetiShe leaves to Jay for Newj Orleans, fare, j twenty dollars. : She is capable jfif carrying six j thousand bales of cotton, and has. one hundred and fiftv first clas berths. SliHjthese boati ere not profitable to their owners, uiless well man aged. The obliging clerk told ine that the ex- pences of a trip nearly exhausted tie profits. Tliam ipm to be loo much cobretition. We here met our friends Mr. Roberti Alexander and Mr. Keam. from Salisbury. I procured a con veyance and took a drive round land took a good view of the city." Business is gpod here, but I would not advisa any one to corae here as the expenses are great; It is impossible to purchase l a bouse and lot at a reasonable! price anu tUe real is exceedingly high- Smallirooma will rent for six and seven hundred dollars and many can be had at uch price. Wei find here a fine specimen of the prodigality ot Uncle Sam's purse,' when he built the Rope Works." They were never of any profit and wejre given tJ this Cijy- Some are now applied) to other purs poses, while other are vacant. The Railroads have done much, for this city in the last few years, sad it will yet improve. Four Roads ter minate here The Memphis' and Charleston, Memph'is and Ohio, Memphis atnd LVittle Rock, and the Mississippi Road I leave here in a few days fo Holly Springs, Miss, where you will probably again. hear from me VIATOR. The deception. - Mb,. Ebitob. : Before we leave this classic ground, we will bond ron a t ketch of our nice I "reception" on th nipht of the 30th after the iclose of the se's, sion. It was a brilliant scene, (he parlor was fairly illumined with bright eyes, tnd laughing faces. ' Each one seemed the happiest of the hapfiy,' quafiing deeply from the fount bf pleasure. The interest of the scene was enhaiced by rare mu sic, glorioo. ennobling, and we could not help thinking that the Heavenly muse, had many votaries of whom she might justly be proud. In the meantime our President glanced round occa. sionally with a great deal of coroalaeency at the ; merry throng, often n;ak;ng same hamoroua re- mark, that enbdaced our merriment. L A rjum- ber of Professor 's students were present;; we learned that it was the debut of some of them at such ene' 8nd of course lhey w"e tJ embarrassed : yet, notwithstanding they ac- quiueo luem-eivw wu i ..ere wa, one "glorious beauty' present with raven hair and - j i i :.u ... j: l dark mAe eyes, the personification' of;Poe try ana purity, a perfect Hebe; who often elict- 1 ted the remark -who is she.' In one instance ! ,1 a. 1c,uihiii,.' u. ,U uays, wueii another 01 ine same name, nau made no wight impresslou on a certain gentleman- who was present ; we did not fail tojrall attention (ai thai . .- . t ': s. 1 .. nygnne lime, wmcn occasioneo, no small merri ment, and if we thought tijat there was anj ei dent embarrassed consciousness in the face be fore us, we presume we wee not far wrpijg impussiuio ior ua hi uur uui.ieu limp, 10 enter into.all the minutia that made our fcarty r 1 : 1 1 1 - 1 ... -. . - r. : : : 1. 1 r . .... : . 1 i . - , srectmr, win uui7 sua ia i( wu, 1 jiiay 6Cene- a 8oUen time 5 nd when 'tho- no' is the Past and th rnysteriea of the far off future "avc w . UI. u.gu., w... auuua.CS3 still be indelibly impressed on the tablet of mem ory The session has passed rapidly and piaa antly away and. now we return-to our homes, to meet the loved ooos there, who have made I life all bricht and beautiful. . J' We take leave of our kind instructors ; and fello.tv studentB, glance a good-bye at old &'ittes ville and are "Over the hills and far awajVf Statesville, Dec. ,'58. Li3r5ETT:E. An Egyptian Coin Found in Mis currency, was. in digging a well ne.ar I uflabo majin that State, found embedded in the eWth, shout thirty feet underground. Phis is ojbe of those isolated facts which are from time toltime coining to light, from which has , been dirawn the inference that this country was known een- , .1 ., J oave your u.vGS. mere are up me United States nearly eight hundred pfnper mills which produce two hundred millions of pouuds of piper per annum, valued at nearly thirty millions of dollars To pro. duce this large amount of paper, about 16 millions dollars worth of rags are requir ed, and this large quan'i'y must 'be sved from the 'scraps of the domestic c ire Ije- Is it not apparent then to all that ecotiomy should be practiced by . families in jthis particular, even though thny do not df sire ,0 P,H1 'jV ,uU saving themselves? jThe iiu H" eu(pir "i mc pm-o 01 PaPer f i,st af,vnce. ! in Rod near'Tsiylorsville, Teoti. tio ar it has 'been very'' fatal. The editor of Ihe Virginian has been informed by a psi cian, who has bad an experience of sever al years in treating the disease, thattjhose btmiltes who use molasses dally are rarely J altnckH(t with the lever. We vvfjuhf. therefore advise, all who live in ariyjsecf I tiou'iti which Typhoid Fever prevails, to ' use the article it will do uo harm ti eat ; n- as it can De very sately c done by linen, : women and ch Spain and jllexico, , - j It is known in well informed circles here that war virtually exists between Spain and Adxico. The Spanish authorities jh Cuba have sfnUa small expedition against Tampico, foir thepur. posn of drivrngjthe federalists out of that city, 'and turning it over to Zuloaga, and a larger one will be sent to do the same. tiling with Vera Cruz- It is believed here that a Spanish gar rison will be maintained in the latter citv to j support the church party in the capital, which will be eventually extended over the whole country, unless driven out by the federalists It is no doubt the intention of Spain, fnOer cover of this.demonstration, to protect the en trance of Santa Anna into Mexico, and help him into power (here, Parsons intimately connected with, the Span ish Legation here assert that the is ten tion of Spain is merely to restore order in Mexico, by giving the Gulf seaports to Zuloaga, and that she will withdraw as soon as she has avenged the insults heaped upon her by Juarez and Garza, and been paid her clahns. On the 31st oif Oc tober, President Juarez issued, at Vera Crqz, a virtual declaration of war against Spain, which it is supposed will result in the driving out, or perhaps the murder, of all Spaniards ia those parts of Mexico where the federalists rule. Our government has demanded of Senor Tas sara, the Spanish Minister heie, explanations of the intentions of his government toward Mexi co. The present condition of affair in the Gulf gives the Cabinet considerable alarm. Our re lations with the Zuloaga government kn far from being amicable, and it wa. enforcing the paymentof ihe forced loan by Amerjcan eitizn which was the cause of the suspension of liplo matic intercourse. Mr Forsyth i expected here to-morrow or next day, and it is supposed will be able to throw much light upon our Mexican complication, He was grossly insulted by order of Zuloaga to get possession of the Gulfporta, it ia not iso pro bable that we shall find ourselves involved in a war with both Spain tnd Jfexieo before the ap - preaching session of Congress dosem In! that cans eventa will occur thaf will rock the world., Lord Napier and Count Srtige are bota anxious that kur government shall have confl-j dence in the good intention of Spain, at least : until an allied squadron can begot inta the Gulf They profe;ti believe that no aeriou. assault ! upon Mexico ia intended by that Power. j It is known here that Loui Napoleon ha defermined to send a miniater to Nicaragua for , the purpose of making a treaty and heading 6ff ( the design, that are attributed to this country in r reieteuco 10 ine 1 ranstt rouif inrougu iicara-; gua The statement heretofore publiahed that the ! government of Spain intend to erect Cuba into w'Un Yancey county man.f and sWtwed a monarchy is here laughed at a an ab.urdity. j him )iece o'ftae Atlantic cable. Hi ex The Union publishes to-day Judge Douglas' , amjned and asked what it Was. Told him speech delivered at Chicago on the 17tn inaL, without comment. It is considered the first gen tie raiding of a flag of truce. V An effort will be made as oon a the aession 1 of Congress has well commenced to bring Ore- i goni as a State into the Union. Oregon baa bean . ye, in a precarious condition. He fom. for ten years an organized Territory, with steady ; j3eB however, to continue ian accouf of healthful growth, and her" representatives claim his irave8 ai as early a date as poa lhle., nearly or quite the ratio of .federal population Ynu, Mr. 'Argus-' shall heir from hfl a ot a member of Congress. Ctin. Jl Sut Lovengood Out-done. Th f.;iin.; o..rrr,ond.nr fi.rniahpd " i the Wadesboro Argus, ha. a smart spring kle of the ludicrous, but is-a fitting coin mentary on much of the swindling prac liced by what are usually termed "hot el : : ii,o nn. l , ,r . .. , ,, . , ,, 11 v. tic to iiimcnu ii in uic fjctiai oiirii- J r . tion of several "take-ins" In towns and vil lages not a great way froim this place, on the N. C. Railroad, that charge fifty cents for 'poor grub' a meal, amd the same for sleeping on a hard, apology for a bed, in horrid dirty sheets, and vermin enough lo keep one awake the live-long night.) "Old Oey V 7 hip to the Mountings. Sept. '58- Left Jttigh Point, one of the most important stations on the N C It, R., for Salisbury, which latter place the FTMlttf,. s.r iko 'H j uno save, is famniia fi-ii business, mean Udcer and cheap morals.- Got fheie, and left there for Mocksville, a quiet little village, county town of Davie. Saw nothing of not tit i the place left there! also. Thence to Statesville, Iredell county, a flourishing town on the Western Extension N. C. R R-, mow completed to ltiis;place. Big hotel, big female. school, a military company, and mean cherry bounce, only ohservable items of interest at that plncp. Concluded to leave ; car ried my conclusion into ellTect, and myself into one of Brown's four-horse post Troy conches, to Asheville -the best line of coaches in the South, or North either. (Mem. Very tired shirts dirty.) Dinner at N . Landlord looked like a .ten gallon demijohn with two handles but full of humor, honesty, krout, and kindness. May his shadow never grow less, so long as" wool goods can be had in New York at present prices ! Next place Morganton, the only town-in North Carolina with a stone court-house and without a Yankee. Stopped at 'Wal ton House;' got good supper, good bed, and saw the cornet, Table Rock, 'Old Duck,' and the South Mountains. Done my do o-iF again for Asheville, which is, thanks to a kind Providence, beyond the , Blue Ridge, and 'Old'Dry' only regrets that it is not beyond the Chinese wall. Dinner at fqot of Blue Ridge fifty cents for one dirty cup of coffee, (made from a decoction of gnurdseed, dish rags, and chesnutburrs,) a diminutive piece of an tediluvian ham, ditto of beef-steake that woulrf throw the Little Giani corn and cob ciusher into spasms. t swef t pota toes, of thi4 exact size ofFaber'a lead pen cils, No. 3, one egg, that had a chicken in it, wh'ch I swallowed very quietly, for fear that if 1 made a fuss about it, I would be charged for a chicken dinner. Lit my pipe and 'sloped,' full of 'one d d big dis gust' for eating houses in general. "At the Asheville at last I Hotel gota ?rreadeagle over thedoor. Never snw the Landlord, until, at the expiration! of two days, .wher, I went lo leave, he made his appearance, as my red leather port-mnniae can testify it, at my departure, containing only two pearl buttons, a 'crossed postage stamp, and an unpaid tailor's bill, which I am preserving as a curiosity. Went to'Black Mountain tried to fall off and immortalize myself caught in the act, but lost the skirt of my best coat -in the'attempt; Got; cool, tired and hungry. (Mem Not to jump off any place till I get down in the low flat regions of Currituck, where tadpoles do fllourish and 'skeeters hybernate.) Left the mountings (with cold feet, dila pidated breeches, transparent bread-bas ket, hat and trunk full of bed-bugs as large as ten cent chickens) in a stage whereof were I the owner, I would puff it thus I The Snail Express Line ! Schedule time, one miie in four hours- No delay io chang ing horses, as one team puts you through all the line! Sublime scenery I which the passengers will have ample lime to see, as tbey are allowed to walk op the bills A Life Insurance-Company at both ends of the line for the especial benefit of our pa trons. Careful inside attendants to bold vmir hair on while crossine the ridge. Nd j . . . drivers employed save mose wno can -car . . : i L ry ja quart ot reo eye anajsierp on too uo. ninety-seven boursf'he four days requir- ed. to run through TP &c- occ. Thinking ibis mode of travel not pecu liarly desirable, packed up my remains in a carpet bag, minus my boots, three teeth, one pair suspenders, six toe nails a brass- barrelled pistol, a prayer, book, a piece of sugar cane and a copy or rtlgrims s rro cress. Sued ihe Stage company for false ; imprisonment, and gained the suit. Vas 1 paid off with sixteen tin boms, a tar bucl. et. .one piece 'leather whang, a yelleraJog and n peck ofRulA Bng luinips. The inhabitants of this romantic rejon arf kind, nasty, generous, imperttjrent, hospitable, and lazy. Uiual dress Mles fl,x breechea, Coon skin dtp and spur.'-" Frrmales. copperas dress, containing just 41 yards hair doiieup in pidturesquJtnot on l0D nf crnium and lipd with aneel- 'peeU fltce and hnds Wved, lifter lie manner of the Foo-Fool Islandeli.) in a decoction of yarnit leaves and 'fTloe make' berries, and thus rendered tBoer- yfous to soap and water. Stayed aHjji'ghl fiahle.' 'Capable h 11, said he-now, stranger, you don't fool this- chap . bat's nothitic hut the heel-screwojfa huil-ffhcue pOWt wjthMlre head wore tiff! ' 4 Thereunon. 'Old Drv' vancakei. nZA ia . 1 A Freak of Nature;- Mr. Vestal yeierdy reouesled us to go to the Com U,l L He hM & g.. , who has four!,g8 an(j and two heads, four arms, ana the upper part of t wo dodies, perfectly formed,-,? lyilh" the exception that the heart lodies is in the rieht side pfone of these nstead othe left, but though it is doubtful jiffto its heads, , , . it , . arrna ann leirm. vet in lis cninn arwl hnlrm - - - - - J . .... J ' . u arrangements it is one. Its two head are very intelligent, and answer and s(rg to gether. In answering questions asked by any one, both answer together, tfnd. Jjt '.he same words, or, if different question j, are asked, each answers differently. In-jnralk ing, the girl uses two or foukjegs, vt hich" ever happens lo be the most convenient. In eating, she uses both mouths, tho; gh it is supposed that one would answe ; the purpose as well, as there is! but one;jet.of digestive organs- It is mure wort; ftrful than the Siamese Twins they wei .two P!rson.8 J.med loSether by a meto . jane- This girl is two. persons witlh one bliy. duality in unity. CincinriatiGazette.ltfi A HardStorj. There is a doctor in the i northwestern part of this consolidated city, who es pecially remarkable for beirig, as wimen term, it, 'short and crusty.' A week ii two' since he was called to visit a patierf -who, was laboring under a severe attat 4c of cheap whiskey. i t Well, doctor, Vm down you see .6m pleiely floored I've got the Irem jdous delirum, you know 1' J ' J Tremens, you ool ; where 'd yol j get your rum?' queried the doctor."- 'All over in spots broke out projflscu ously, doctor !' - l Served you right. Whfire did yq get your rum ?'. ' jy 'Father died of ihe same disease "took. him under rhe short ribs and carrie f him off bodily.' ! ' Well, you've got to take somethi' g im. mediately. i . r 'You're a trump, Doc-here, wifj j- I'll lake a nip of old rye.' h H Lie still, blockhead- Mr- B-, iT your husband should get worse before I i Hurn, which I will in an hour,' just give fc'jtrt a dose of that trunk strapVmay be that'l.ifetch him to a sense of his folly.' - j , The doctor sailed' out grandly, sndVith in an hour saHed in again, amd foutJI his friend of the 'tremendous dglirum' in.; ier-, rible condition, writhing and strrrling with pain. His wife, a femaileof thyplain but ignorant school, came up and -ying her hand upon the doctor's arm, said (Doc tor, I gave him the strap ai you dirfted.' Did you-thrash him well " Thrash him !' excPaimed the astonished woman; 'no, I cut the strap into ha0 and made him, swallow it !' Oh Lord, doctor,' roared the vic( n, ! swallowed the leather but but ' Butwhai?' 1 'I swallowed the whole strap, h I'm dashed if I could go the buckle.' fl The doctor administered two bre a pills and evaporated. ( i -The Capturkd Africans--The; decre tary of the Navy has received desps:hes dated Poto Grande, island f Su Vi .'ieent, Octorber 22, from Capt. Chaunceyf the United." States steam-frigate Niagara. Capt. Chauncey arrived at t. Viheejwt on the day previous to writing.. His l object in touching at ibis place was to obtio a small supply of coil, having befgn obliged to use steam during the preceding fjur or five days in consequence of the prevalence of an obstinate south wind, wbicM-as constantly setting the vessel to Ihe ilortb ward and eastward, and daily placifg ber further from (he point of destination'. Capt. Chauncey reports that on beT4 ulu seven of the captured, African died from a complication of diseases, rendered more severe by the unusual cold w father which had lately set in. With , thi great mortality-forty-five deaths since t! je ne groes were received on board it h no prospect of a change of wind, with: a ra-. pidly decreasing supply of medicine' and a prospect of their falling short entirely, Capt. Chauncey determined to exerc se the discretion vested in him, and put thi ship nnder steam, and seek a southern K titude more congenial to the negroes- lot jiking this course Capt. Chauncey was as juated. solely by the. convictons4)f his judgement, and by a conscientious desire to dist Jbtrge faithfully a very responsible duty. . It was expected that the Niagara would leave Poto Grande in the course I f the next twehiy-four hours- After Und 'fg tbe Jfegroes on the coast, ihe Tessel? would stop at Monrovia foe toal aad reurf 4" to the United Stales. The officers and crew were in the enjoymeijt of perfect health. " Another Harp t Heaven" On the -way from the" office to ear domi- : cile, for weeks, as wer nightly passed a smaJl but neat teneme nt through the wind- -ow we noted a solita y couple, sitting by a litdo table on which limly burned com moo lamp, apparendy absorbed in deep and -sole rnn thought. The Bummer of life scarce" -iy seemed to have tc uched them with its rosy fingers, ana Jaei; constant absiraction, for this reason, attracted attention, i The frequeney Witr wVish that litUe cot- . tage was passed at length madeHis, though never introduced, acquainted with its in mates.. The lady atjlastbcwea in answer to an inquiring Jook, fts we passed her opea window, and finally we ventured to address a kind salutation, early in the morning when we saw the couple stirring, t Yesterday, as we came down the street, both came out to walk, and asr we went a bng together we remarked, "The frost brings good cheer. It isa beim of sunlight to the city' "Not to Qn," was the sad reply. "Ah ?" said we inquiringly. "No, not to qs V sadly replied the lady ; !one month . since little feet danced around our hearth ; a merry, silver-toned 'voice echoed musical ly in our ears ; a golden light beamed iri, our house but not now.' , Yes," .added the husband consolingly, though be evidently needed its balm as much as his partner in - eor.ow ; "Yes, but another harp is now ten. ed in heaven. T And this was the secret of the gloomy vigils by that little table, with the lamp dimly lightii ig the room. Ah, ia how many houses in his city has the light gone ont and the mi sic ceased sirce sum mer, clothed in roses, was ushered hi by the jocund Hours ! l ow little do the 'great mass, who again eagerly engage in' the whirl of business, know of the sundered ties and sad memories that cast gloomf in hun dreds ot households 4-New! Orleans Pica j une. The Cooliis m Cuba. A Virginia gentle man of intelligence,' who recently visited Cuba, gives a sad picture of the toils and sufferings to which thejjCoolie slaves are sub jected. They have nothing1 like' the capa city of the negro for- abor and endurance ; and yet the same ta ks are imposed upon. . them. When not engaged in the field they herd indiecrimiirateTyl men, women . and children, in huts, withno semblance of ihe family tie or obligations. Suicide is common among them, sometimes ten or fa dozen hanging themselves at a time. No provision is made fot their return to their native land, from which they have been beguiled, and their masters havingno interest in them, except to get the gjeaUst amount of work possible'out of them during their period of apprenticeship, heap upon them an amount of labor that soon breaks'lhem down, and -often hurries them to the grave. : KEEPING SWEET POTATOES. A Connecticut farmer (no great authority on the sweet-potato question, to be sure, but as good as can be on the subject of winter ing vegetable!) gives his experience upon the subect of preserving sweet-pojatoes ia the words ensuing : Ti e 1 4th day of October, 1854,1 dug a bout o ne half bushel of sweet potatoespack -ed them in two boxes, used dry plaster-of parts lor packing, and placed them in a " warm, dry room. On the 13th day of April, '1855, I planted them. Every one wassoond and as good as in the fall. Tbey came op, and grew, as well as any I ever raised orp saw in North Carolina. 1 write this above believing that sweet-potatoes packed in drj ' plaster of pari', and placed in a dry, warm room," will keep perfectly . sound twelve ' ' months. .1 kept pumpkins and winter squashes one. year in a warm; dry room ' ' and showed them a our annual fair as sound as wberi severed from the Tines' The Message of ihe Governor of " ' South Carolina, j The Legislature of South Carolina met on Tuesday last Shortly after the organization, Governor Allsion sent in his message. ; He calls the attention of the Legislature to ihe ' duty oi electing a United States Senator in -the place of Senator. Evans; .refers in terms of congratulation to the progress' of -the railroads and other internal mpioy6 merits of the State; recommends the in vess . mentjof soothem capital more in j southern improvements and less northern securi ties; refers in terms of disapproval to the incendiary resolutions agaiost slavery by the freestat? leglslat nres,dec!ariog such node-'. serving of a response, and exhorting' the States to cultivate moral virtues, industrious V? domestic habits, and to observe scropulons Iy all the federal relations J He tbien refers . to the recent; slavery case as preeenling ia, strong relief, the devotion to law, arid order . of the peopls of Sooth Carolina but express- . es regret at their occurrence, aa prodnctive '. of unwonted excittmenU. Ha'.questics ; the right 1 of interfering -in sot s.irlanneVj. with the com m erce ot the Inhabitants of Co- 'A ba, and expresses the belief, that' while the ,. United State nary may, under the ( jeoastitUf ) ; Uon, be 1 charged With preventing! a e-ara trade! between the coast of Africa ;aod pur own: sboreji, it U policy to let foreign, nations regulate their own affairs and enforce their ;. own Doticei The remainder of the messa-ps; -::. iofJnfined to State policy re-aending, among otherthirJia al of tha piirjr lsrvrs. -.5.' i ;! Oct 22 : . ."'';t ' '' ') - -' "t. ' L