''- - '"J','-w' ,. -( n.i. , i. - a., -w h i - - ' i a , : ... . , ' - TTT ' ii - . . T -7 IREDELL OftBESS ' ' ; - - ' j . On Dollar qoarefo tbe'feSbWk, and . Tve.utj-fi ft Cents for every week "thereafter. PUBLISH ED .WKEKLY Sixteen lines l.wHl make la square. . J)eitM?ila made isrtsxd? of etimJJn tnat- 1: DRAKE. vr. r. TRACE. ter a follows : - . :- -. . . ) ' k ; . .. 3.s. - i G M.j vl irtAit) Two wjaareu . vT.O . 10.00 . ;U3)0 Three 8quare, . 10.00 , . 15.0 ? 20,0 Whep direcjiona axe .not given how often to Insert an' Advertisement, it will be publish ed until ordered out. i1 KtJGENE B.' DRAKE & ?0X, Editor? and Prdprlptors. & jFamtlg Newspaper BtboW io Witirs, agricultute, iitufdctuieg, ommercr, antr l;sfrtlaratiff "licatiinti; H" ffEllMS 0 F i Til E PAP ETC, 1 , Vol. I i ; Statesviile, C, Friday, February 4, 1850. $2 a Year, in Advance. No. fr i i rj" i ill t il i ii iii.ii iri i n 4 i ri i it t i i i i - . in gmmmm mi irw i it r ii i 1 1 r- . vt I ii f ir v m j it w m i I - ' - - i.- II 'irfl "J 1 lil 1 Ir5v t I rZJ I- II I 1 11 1 1 irJ T JI I . t llw L4-tl ,i ;rAll. -U-i MMwXX .XV . . ta- '-t r t 'VV ! - - f.y. AYER'S CIIEllliY PECTORAIL i FPR,13II! RAPID CURH O? Coll, ComrIis, ami . HoarsciMTSsi " BsiMruLD. Mass- 25thJiec.,1855. Dr. J.'CijATKR 3 1 do not hesitate to tefr the best remedy I hare ever found for Oonglm. UuurseneM, Lnlhienra. jnj th eonoomltimt nyniptom'of aColif, fsyonr Cuirrt I'ictoral. Iu cotaot ue in t ny practice and my family lot the Iat tea yearn, hua ihow n it to .np-' trior virtues for the treatment of theW CcmplaiDts. KBKN KXIGHT, M. D. A. . MORTLEY, Esq., of Uhc'a, N. t., write : fl have used your ictrrral myself and in irijj family -ever since 'you invented it, and beliuve it the btt nxtiirina for tts Vrpose, ever put nvit. .With a had cod 1 should sooHer j.ay twenty-fire (killam for a bottle Jkaa do without It, or take any oilier remedy." j . Croup, Whooping Cough, IriflHenzn. j . Sprihoficld, )Ii8&, Feb. I'lKS. BROnrATER: I will cheerfully certify your Itctofal ' is the bent remedy w possess for th( cure of wlionpinjr cough, eroup, ami the thest diseases of cUildiea. W-of , your fraternity In the South appreciate your skill, and : commend your mediciue to our people - - 1.J , HIRAM fONKLIN, M. D. : AMOS LBR, Esq.,1f WTSJttT, U wfttes, 3d Jan., 185 : " I "."b'ad a tedious i.u(liimza, which cQuuned ui in doors , six weeks ; took many medicikc witlmnt relief r finally '' tried your IVcdirid hy the advice of ovfr clergyman. The frrst dose relieved the soreness in niyjfliroat, and .lungs; less than one. half the bottle made ifie completely well. ' Your medicines are the cheapest as Well as the best we rati buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, iud your retqeclies, as the poor man's friend." j Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. ' - 'ViiiT-MA!iCBi.STKR, Pa., Feb. 4, I860: Sir: Your Chwy lctnral is performing marvellous ' cures in this section. It lias relieved several from alarm ing symptoms of oonsumptiou, and is mow curing a man who has labored wider an Rffeot ion off the lungs for the last forty years. UKXUY PAJLKS, Mevcuani. A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., Albion, Wosrob Cq Iowa, '. writes, Sept. 8, 185 : "DUring my praojtice of many years I have found nothing eaual to your Iplitrrg l't&oral fjr giving easeand relief to consumptive- patieufs, or 'curing such as are curable."; ' i - , We might add volumes of evidence but the most con-i - vlncing proof of Mif vii tnes of this renteJy lg found in its effects upon bial. - 1 . .. Consumption, j Probably no on. remedy has ever hpen known wfuh .cured so maay and such dangerous eases as tlis. Son)8 no .human aid "can reach; but even tit thoae the Clierry : Jicloral affords relief and coinlbrt. . ' j i. I AsTOH IlflOSE, New York City; March 5, 1856. " Doctor A.ter. Lowbll: I feel it a dty and ajleasure' " to inform yoa wjiat your Cherry Ptctorttl has done for my wife. She had been ave months laboring under the dan fjerous symptoms of Consumption, fron which no aid we could procure gavaliermuch relief. Sift wae steadily fail ; inji. until'TJr. trong, of this city, wher we have come for -advice, recommended a trial of your madicine. Webleas his kindness, as we do your skill ; for he -lias recovered from that duyH She h not yet as strting as she useS to be, but is free from ber cough, and calls) herself welL ' Yours with gratitude and regarfl, j i OKLANDO SUKLUY, tr BhrlbtVHX Ginsuwitires do Dot despair till you have tried Ater's i CftERRT PtuTOICtU i It is made by one of the best medical cltemixts in the wtald, and its cure all around us bespeak the high merits oflts virtues. I'hilacklpliia Letlgtr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills THE sciences of Chemistry and MoUicine hare been taxed their utmost to produce this bst, most perfect pHrgative which is Unowli to mall. Innumerable proofs : -- are shown that th(e Pills hay. virtues'! which Surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they wjn un precedentedly upon the esteem of all me;n. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pene- tratiug properties stimulate the vital actiritiesof the body, . remove Die nlmtrnr'tlnni nf lt iU- --,- "' iUXnd expel disease. Theypurgeoutthefqulhumors which f l.reed. ami grow disteuncr, stimulate sluggish or disor )' dered organs in to'their natural action, and impart healthy fi tone with strength to the whole systam. Not only do :ii they cure, the evcry-day complaintsi of j every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases hat have baffled the best of hmman skill.. While they produce powcrftil I effects, they are at the same time, in-dinijinished doss,Uie safest and best physic that can be emplpyel for children. Doing sugar-coated, they are pieosani w uwe ;uu ueinB purely vegetuhle, are free'from any risk! of harm. jCures liave been made which surpass belief wtere they ndt sub ...... :,.t.i v. mn W nh exalted position and character ha to' forbid the suspicion of untruth Many eiinent clergymen and physicians have U nt.theii- names tolcertify ! iMiblie the reliability of my remedies, while others have jjeut me the assurance of their conviction that wy eVrenarattonn contribute iimnionsely tot the relief of my aftlicted, sufTeiing MloW-rtien Jenkins & Aycr, Take pleasure in iofJrtrwxuf the public, i rial they arenow ready to do an y and ; all kind of Work in the BOOT & SHOE li;ie al tlieir Shop in the baAement;of the " Sim , onton Boue. All ork warrarUed. Dick' j is Qtie of their woxX"", and vervbody , knois ji he catinot make a " IV" 'laiut r-o i use iti anybody else trying.. Call and leave -your measure. Teftns, rnodearle. . . htatevill; Jan. 16. . . tf S I M O N T O IV ProfessiQjialeiid Business Card -&t. JA91ES F. ELL, lTh ' ' 'the laborer and theWarrior. ATTBKIY Af LAW BY tPM SAR0E5T. .were plajmatps and triends. s Tteir : toft, aBtr irr- a.fe'rT daVs HtfJn6d to . are lUe unworthy,; careless and idle 4w.cnLngS-JHed, and, almost -every j Ne YoiU, leaving Mari&rfti tbfe i oeof eajrtli the useless ind nnser- T ME wibscribers rmving become lessees ot ihi spacioiu New HOTEL keated near the, public Stjuare and Court' Hoump, in iat!-vil!er iespectluUya)nouric that they are prepaied to aceoinrrodate ihe travlin Fablic and all who may iavnr them with palrofiatfe, with eniertainrnet.t etjUAl lo any tirst class Haiel in tire Union. 'J,.. HATES OF BpARB u AT THE SIMONTON HOUSE. soxXcrro in EatiitY, i Will projrrptly attetwl toaH bnwiiCPS intrtn'rfd to his care in tlie Jorti Couniy and ftu- t'riii-, ) A IreieJr and jtdjotnin- (t'ointtie-s. 1 January 1, 5-iy DH.-Y.8. DEA! Will iltepu all -CaJLs, both in Tvrn and Country, OrTace on College Avenue, two doorg J west of'ttie PHritiryg-OfRce Swu-svillc, "N'.O. . 2 . i Dr.: H. KELLY, j UfTers his l'toiessional serviced to the put'liji. - - , Ofiice on College Avnue,-bfpjos'tte the ' Methodist Church. S.alesvillt;. iN. C. . f KEGUL.VR BUAHDEUS, Villi MONTH, 'd'urifiihed room.-, lire, aud Hht, $1H.OO 'J'nrniflit'd rooms, without tire, . 14.110 Se iLtit Table, . . . , . . 1U.0U TRANSIENT liOAKl)EHS Per Day. . . . . . ..-:. Sinrk; Metvls, . . . - . . - .: . .o" Horse Feed, . . . . - . . -. .25 Mrs M A. WREN & SOJVr Jiily 3d.":. 3 111' LI V E RY STA-iB-BLE, Hayne Davis, attotneu tit 3Lato, . STA1ESVILLE, N. C. . W ill-proinp ly and riiiio:Ht1y aiteml to all riu-sincss, enlrii.fltd to 'his care. CMTice opposite the JiU Oct. 22 1858. Drl'W: S. TATE, : "Would respectfully irTforrrt -those lnJer'e.'flN I, that he has .rnoved to his new Rooms The camp has had its day of song; j. Thfword, thk bayonet, the pluma, Ha v ervwtlhd- out of fhj e too loiig Tlie,plougti, the anvil, and the loyqi ! Oil! not upon ouricutcd fields f 1 Mrer rreefloms-heroes bred alone: " Thfstraintopj of tha workdhoj) yfelda More lieroes truu.tlioa Wafha known.. Vim drivw thbolt. who sliapee the Bteel, Muy w4th a heart iw ViUttHt smite, An he who sies a fix m;in rc-l In bfcmd beforr liinMnw f might ; Tl it! kH that conquers apace aiul tini", That graces life, that lightens tjiL May spring from courage more sublime" Than tlurt which aiokes a reulm-tts apbiK L t l ilor,-then. look hp aniee Hiirrtift no pity of iwjtyr facias; , TImi Wt' rith yit ihall be f - - Les( hnor'd thun the wnodmanSiaxe; Let nrt his own appointment prize, S."or deem that gold or outward light Can coiiiienriatc the worth tliat iiee lu tasted that breed their irwn,delight. And may the time draw nearer till, When man this sirred truth ahaU fhoeil r Tlmt from the thought nnd from Hie will . Must all that raises man 4rocted; Though pride may told our culling low, . Fur as xbull duty make it jrood;" And wo from truth to truth chall gci, TUr,life and tieatli are understood ; hom? oi the day -they were togcthef ; jconscttRJSwess of liaTirii done thfeg Tviceiible&rnJie'rs ef the vforld the ! for they attended the ; same schoor. to be ashamed of, and enjoVjlg tke young lions of sin, sorrow and wretch- '.': ; These two children were very diffw- society of distrnWisheft onrlen.etostnliAt drfft htrt f6z airMfti imbn , ently aispotioned, and verr different-i : Marfen ami Iff. Ifamiltfll tvW;the: tide of Of lflfei dnd then, without . ,! rhese tvrp children were very diffw- society of distrnVisherf o ! ently disposUoned, and very different-i : -Marfen ami Iff. Mlam i ly brmight wp. Louise waprtudarid valking together -one evening! vthen . hpe.ov' cousakwn, j haughty. rovertyt in lier eyes vaa -the hitter drew from his bossofan old an eternal-perditio i a digg'iface. an crime: and she thought nwell wri nrimer. and! handed! h to fineivted j notaiiig'too severe for the poor to-suf- : Marian j $ I TttT Lfor T'Vipsa VHwa b1ip la-nT vVrvrri ; itU L! " t. IJ it4 I The B,lVeT 01 Life. sink down into uncared for or la- 'From this," he sard, tl man Blood isthe mighty, xivjer of .Ufe, ' ' o ' Intellect in Eags. lftt was a black waivtrv day. Heavy thej. . " ' i ten you. Since; the day you re fio i The teaching that Marian Ilaycsre-; kind to him -and gave" him Ihlvl book, "ceired was totally different from this, j hisrrfeEas -had ofi'e grfeat a,and Mrs: Hayes was acknowledged by Mrs. I that was to attain to '"reatne, arid Gardiner as one; of .he nxist particular ;in after years to nject that rrrfrrer friends; yet -tltough she moved 'amoftg'; ing angel who w,s rhe swetjrlier of ilia rirle, she was far from bSlirg ' Hay days of poverty. Whcn'I Ht jotir one tf them. Her doctrine was the house with thitf, book, -I retupied'. to text her little girl had used"; .The rich y humble home" ten times "happier, and the peor. meet togtliet, ad the and went assiduonslyfq woT learn Loi-d is tkemaker ot them all. Thus , to reod.' My mother was ah' l jvalru, ; ' STATSV1LLE,J.C. We having obtained -the extensi-ve stables connected with the Simonton House, take pleasure itr" informing travellers and the public generally, that we ie prepared to hiTC hores arvd huggies, at reasoiiijble rates. Persons? want ing C0nveyanc can be ccomjodaled at any lime, and sent o any part of the ourAry, We pride oursels on keeping gentle ami frtst' horses. Our Provender is of the best quality, and the quantity left to the apiietile if the animal. AH i" under the management of the ptoprhei tos, and no fear need be entertained, &c. BRLYGLE & DAVWSOjY. 33 tl McLean House. Statesviile, n. c. ' Persons.pasing through, or coming to, STATES V'lLLE, can be accommodated with Meals at, 25-cents each, and comfortable LttIgillS t the swne rate. ( ii... f..d and atti ruled lo onrfea- UUI S sun able terms. Oct 19 JOS. A. McLEAN, ed on Co1Ipe Avenue', joining Me.6w. Reer-e & JSlitewalt where he will be pieased tp "wart upon alt who may -require lijs Pvolcs s ion a I services. July24. STEVEASOS & LATE TKVEXSOX, BQWEX NESMITIL, him. Wholesale Dealers in 1 DR GOODS, HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM DAISTEL ii. ZIMMERMAN, Formerly lof LiNCOLNTON, N. C, And EEH.OVED to the large Store, 53'JVor(h 3d Street, below ArcH, FSllADlWiHiA, - kept, and inducements offered v equal to -IT ' .1 'I- ... I . any noue m me irnue Jan. "28, ISO'.) 8-0in Seated updn the 'stciDS of wiefof tire ltj-'re.tKveHinrrs-on Fifth nvchue tms'a boy apparently tliir'teen yca-rg oT,agc .lie was literally clotlied in ar!r Ids h&btk.were blue and his teethl-chatteis eft" wirirctrW. Lying on liis knee wibs a'newspapei' he ha.d' picket! -dp in tje strectand liJ mis trying to Vead-the words upon. ft-- : He had been bccHpied thns for sometime, when two Hftleirls, clad in silRs and furs, came' towards The eldest was abot twelve yenrs ld, and-po- beautifvd that the cor boy raised, his eyes nd ffxed them upon her in undisguised; admira tion. ' - V " The -child of wealth stopped ibef ore hha, and turning- td her companroli, exclaiined : , : . "Marian, just sec this fellow im my steps ! Boy what are you doing here?" "I am trying to learn to read upon this little bit of paper' answered the "The girl laughed derisively, and said : "Well, truelv ! I. have heard of in- , - " - v41'' wonu w ux m uisitnguisiien iici, ursi , . -s- ' - , j i - . 1 i,r f j n A. . 1 if. jl ri?-'- il . ; the mysterious centre of chemical and iit uiiv viuuao v wv """""iv learueu i-OTeau. io Ttrurrcco'Xfse ine ; . . v..i' V LNewYork. Without its precincts she t hook ?" " K : Vltal actions as wonderful astheyare ! never ventured ; for aW others were 1 . Marion trembled, iml-cbid " riot dispensible,; soliciting ourj attention, 1 beneath her. - Louise, tanght to min-, tiseier -es, when sae wMl -byjjie mAiy problems it pre-V ! gle with no children ycepting those rememheced book. Mr.! HamHtSn took Jfnts to ?nMe ingenuity, than bv ! of her mother's friend, was grTin her hand and Said : f !-lhe PI?ctJCa .Conclusrons to which J un beiievino' herself even' hetfer'ttian t . t.fo.- Ji.rhL. I "those speculations lead. It is a tor- -i 1 o ; ti ii y i (uui y uua mitt yiL.'i j , r , ' - r . i - ; . . . s V ' 1 rnn r imnornniic tT mchinit niT'Aiifth nr A4a&IV 1111 bUVUCIJ 1 UOlllU V V- ery'prt of the body, carried on by aiv elaborate net-work of vefsels, that, iji tho, course of the twelre months, convey to the various tissues not less "thaii "three thousand pounds weight of nutritive mateTial,and convey from the yariona tissues' three thousand pounds weightof waste. At every: moment of our lives there. is nearly ten pounds of this fluid rushing. in one continuous throbhing 6tream, from the Heart thro' the great artgries, which branch and branch like aree,the vessels becom ing smaller and mailer as they sub- y I divide, till they are Invisible to -the nakea eye, ana .then they are called eanillaries, (hair 'like vessels) altho rney are no more to. De compared to chairs, than hairs are withlcables.-- LTJidse vessels form a? net-wwk finer than the finest lace-so fine, indeed, Jhat if yepiercJe the1 sttrfaceat almost any 'part with the point of a needle, we Open one of them, and lei out'its blood. In these TeSsrels 'the ' blood yields soma of fts antrient materials, and receives in exchange some of the 'wasted products, of tissue ; thus modi fied, the stream cpntinues 1 its rapid ctlf se back to the "heart, through a system Of veins, wdiich commence in the. myriad of capillaries that form the termination of-the arteries. Tho veins, instead of subdividing like the i -i xiii i: 't show uTitts lay "piled up m the streets , slfc taught Marian, tnere was no dis- ; and ere long 1 learned wei entdighto oTNew "York, and the wholes, appear- j tinpfion 'as to wealth jtnd positjton.; ' read-to her. i v-' '- . "aiice of tlie city, was cold Andjdism!. ! tlmt the distinction. as in worth a- j . Vhen. my mother j diedyIjftnnd lone She taught Iter to reveirrrce good friends-and was jadoptey by a jrrrn. nnd to Ditv the noor and trie ucs- cremiemaiL m v- . s iusou l titu&;! and that "pleasant words.woe have Jeen educated. A' -year 'ffo' -he -. ' . . - - . . .. as, sweet as the honeyeoaab, sweet to ; died and leit his property to m, . Of -the-soul, a htHe kindness barter thai all the pleasant memories of jnf boy- merftey. jyta.nan learned tne lesson uopo:, yie one eonjiected yun.,;you, is well, and was ever ready to 'dispense the. dearest. I have kept' this i.itiier .lieu gentle words to all,- whether taey next my hcar,t, and dwelt up the were wealthy and irrnuential, or rtig"gd hope ot again meeting; the gn r. 1 tuid'indijient ", as the boy she had that have met her. T see all that nil; ima gination pictured, and I ask if tj id"ear - haodthat gnAe this book smrfj jot be A gay and brilliant throng were as- m t,oi'evei f. . . $ smbled in the city of Washington. ' Louise felt deeper grief thaf j eVer, Congress was m soesion, and the--ho- when -Marian 'told her she was he-; f els were -erowded with strangers. It. come the -wife oY Mr. -HamiltJ, fho was an eVening party. The briiriaht- poor boy whom sh once spurn i froni ly lighted rooms were filled with youth her door, and derisively calleVuin nniT noatw-v .tellecr in rajrs."- But she lea!fed a ' . . J . - - l ... V . V. L ... Standrag near one of -the doors Avcre seeier lesson, and one tnari soon. fno-nrpd rnti. cnanced tne wiioie current oi air lire cokl morning befriended, . - . i . 1 1 . l - j . tran m m i .t r n ii-hnla finnAnt nr Iv iwo young lauies ousiry engageu con- """6 v , i,lV1 .1,.,-riTr T wl vershig together. "Oh, MariL, have For a while she shunned Mr. lamil- I become graduaHy less and ,. ITv ii;ui tw... -i---t-i . - I until thev rcach the heart. iJNO fioon- acKnowseuireu , t.i i . "No, but I have heard a great deal about him." "Oh, I wwit to see him so badly. JAS. W. DRAKE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 13 St. Louis' Street, MOBILE, ALA. Jan. 21, ISoO. T-tf T . 1 1 1 .1 l. I,,.4- ' us. wisn sue wouiu uiukc uic. have no patience and she became the friend of the Congressman ayd his noble wne. . t j f Years have passed since the, and Louise is training up a family dj, little ones, but she is teaching them i--jot to . -w . i ,1 ,., c irifnl m roMi haw.hr' (Tilir . "Don't speak so, Louise, i wish you u t "-- - t , not be so trifling, said Marian, cu uy .uaiiu0 around the tne poor meet logemcr, aun myajui 10 000 Pounds Old Castings and Scraps of Tke Agent below named is pleased to furnish grtls my ron, m UnV Size pieces, IS WdlH- AmfllcanAlinauac, containing airt-ckioiiu! i..c.r , . . . , j ,-,:il .... v certincates'of thfir cures, of tha follow complaints:-j mg. i OT Wllich 1 . WillpAy a J ' Coi-tiv.-neHK. IMlious Complaints. iuiouni.iu". W' ! ...in- nor ItOtinl 111 V. 00US. Ileartlmni, Heudm he arising from ft tral stomach, Nau- tent ptT pOUlUl, III ' soh. lmlipiti,m,M..rl.iJInaion of tht Bowels and Paio JOS. W 8 TO UK TON . arWin ct herefrom, Flat.ilency, a of ifppetKe, all Ukr- , ; . ok and Cutaiieoua Diseases which require an evacoajit i Ucl.1,8 . i)l me.li.ine. Scrofula or King KviL Thy atoo, by purify- -.-; " lg the 1.10.H1, ,,d timumting " - I J l..lk-lkol VV llit. is, Nenralpia and 3 - mmnlfliiits which it would not be su lCfni-. ISlindiWss. 1 ' " 1 . . ... . vt.i Krrvolis Irritability. DeraiiftementR oi line umuuunm' noyx, (lout, and other kindred complaints arising; from s low titrtte of the bony or oDKtruction oi jus uuicuvub. Po not be put off lj unprincipled jlealers with some other pill they wake wore profit onj Ask fcir Ater's Pills, and take nothing else. No otier they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic! value of curative powers. The sick want the lRt aid jthero is for them, and they should have. it. j Prepared by .Dr. J. Q, AYEK, Practical and Analytical ChemUIoweU, Mass t.ick aids, pfr Box. Ftv Bpx8-roR f l. " -SOU) BV 3 FllOSECTUS OF THE IEEDELL EXPRESS, lilfBLISUED WEEKLY, ' ' i.v StatesviUe, Iredell County, N. C, by EUG EX E B. V Ii Aiv E D SON, : EUITORS AND PltorRIETORS,' . At if- a year, in advaiu!'. ' -'u The Second Volume Cosime.nxed December o, 18-38.. -o v -4 1 RT Haviland, SteTenion &j C , t diaries ton, O. A.Bradley, Wilmington, ."i A.en tos&i -C-, NrfolkrN. F. Rtvles, Peternl.urtj Puxcell, LaJd & Co-, RicbmiMid, D. B & J - L Uaiilver, Newton W. 11. Michal. Lincolnton and Druggists and deuler in Mediuine, every, where. For sale-by . ! jj ' '.. . ' . ,1 . inCKETtTI States villc. ?1 May 1 ' 1R58. ' " j- ' i - .- -c- . !. .-'! ; "I'HII.APKI.l'IllA, is. ' ' - j. . I "J3 Benevolent Institution fclablished by t . ,' 2eanl Endowment Jor.the lxeiiej. i " -M of thei$ick and Distrc,ssei,af V . ' . flicled vrith Virulen), and . Epidemic Diseases. . . IN. tunes of Epidemic,?, it the objects of Vhis Institntion to eetablUh Hospitals, to" pro ; vide jNurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food, Med. ioincs, "&c, for the sick and tjebtitute, to tako charge of the.orphans of deceased parents, and Wanud, i AT THE ROWAN MILLS, 3,000 bushels good Wheat, for which Salisbury cash prices ivill Ik paid. O. fi FOAttD- Nov. 5, 1S5S. 49tf 4 tellect'in'r-ags Marian, and here it 'is Mrs. N. is going to introduce - him to personified." Marian's solt hazel eyes tilled witn tears, as she replied "Oh, Louise, do not talk so. ion would l-nnw what. Miss h :mme teaches i.n - A smcrular smile nlavcd k ;n on.) KMT-morttn&Pth- Antli nf ft. tall Imndsome gentleman lb luc AaB-ei V1 -rMcm af' , l ..v..-. j - . . , cr. arid the Lord is the Maker of them who was standing near-the girls ; and Honor thv Father aad Mether.R . v J il w - . . an as be passed ttrem, ne iscanneu mem From the jyiana AAjncan, Loirise laufrhed asrain, and said to both very closely. ' . . i This is one of God s special com O ' 1 . . . T , . ...... i V7 -. tW bov " In a . short time, 31rsiN. eame up mandments, and it is tne impjauve '(Jrct Tip from here ; you shall nox with Jlr. Hamilton, tne new niemuer, ana impressive auxy oi an purpiis to sit on mv steps- you arc. too ragged and presented him to Miss' -Gardiner have their children understaaft it as and dirty. and Miss Mayes, as tney WQre con- early as prftctieapie, and. to isep it The boy arose, and a hlush crimson- versing together, Mr. Hamilton sam; strictly innate so long as tnej may n.l h-i fWrv Up w.ns walking awav. "IiadLes. we have met Deiore. - have Care or control over tnenatr-nev- .... j-, 7 . , , - . . . ... , Avhcn Marian said : But Louise and Marian, declared er suftermg them to be disobedient and "Don't-iro little lov, you are-socold; their ignorance of the fact. forward, but, at all times, to bjfrcare- come to-mv house and fret warm. Oh. "It has been long years ago. ; yet J ful arid attentive in teaching tm to do comf," she continued, as he hesita-1 have.not torgotten it, wor-a single sen- t)e circumspect and upngnt iii;tdeed uttered during tnai meeting. and action, and to aiscarq. wicxjuness quote one that will recall it to, in all its forms ind hy ajl fjalahs' ound. . J voui- memory. 'The rich and poor meet train them, whether rieh or p'ir, to v . , -r i il . lf.l -. ... n i 1 c ! !'. The Express ov ' J.f J ted Ilelollowed her into a Urge 'tence neatest, and best rja-pers raiblrstiea i tne .. , i . e. r -m State beim' printed on a -So. 4 Washington kitchen, where a bright warm fire was1 1 will round. j vour are yon together, and - the Lord is the Maker habits q" industry- heeiuse--iVe'we the seiv of them all.' " is one among the greatest cur-jc of M ANSION HOTEL SALISBURY l're, uyion new Type, ti;oin the Foundry of shedding its genial warmth ar L. .lohnson &X,o.;'Fhilalelphia, and JAiper . uej jjgg Marian, who a oi' the bet Qiialitv. It will be devoted to ... . t i.,i ui me uuk r1,1." hnncrinrr horp. now r ' asked t 2TmiSCS S'to X u..,. ". ' The rich blood tinged the cheeks of earthed much containam Development of the Resources of Western - poor boy, who is almost perish- Marian, but Louise still declared ber- its effects upon -the society the North Carolina. Ample Congressional and ' l Vmi -SriTI lrt. him wnrm will VOU splf icrnorat as before. Mr Hamil- vouna as anv Other vicidus haW.V Legislative Reports will be fonnd'in its. col- ' R , , ?, L glanced for a moment at Marian, , If parents woild do this-Snalce whlv ovtrfipts from Foreifn and Do- -tvaLULi . . tw g'"" , , . . ., . , ... .i. l JLi. raiHE Eubscril:er takes pleasure in aunoun ciug to his friends, and the public gener. ally, that he has taken this lory established ami well known Hotel, and has made every inestie Journals of whatever" is ndtcworthy in other portions of the country and world. The Express will advocate Wlilg Prin ciples, as the true Con?ervative doctrine of the countr, and the palladium of Amer ican Libertv." outside of which there is no security for the American Union. Corrup- Sit here little then turning to Lovtise he said : ! their children honor them hy strict p "Termer xriionm nrrn. ft little bov. rail-J VinrliAnp to duty in dome thi ir will OJVua ,v. - , 7 : -1 v - m rJ r- , - possible preparation to accomrnouaTe uie . . j m General Government, or business, uaeiung ainr vjmihi any partv a.drhinrstenng it, will be leanessiy ; exposed and denounced, and reformation ae i m.inded in the name of our injured country. ! Partv tvrannvi which was inaugurated by a the.pt.blic, in tllfl most saiisiacioiy ui.auiiei. Parlieular allentioi) is paid to h:s TAB LI, and every comfort is provided ui his ROOMS Hie. STABLER are abundantly supplied, 3iui attended by a'carelul ostler; and to a departments the pro al attention. 1 - reading. .V. ..l liKoi-oflwI H Till flllOWen tO 1 . J 1L1 1 -- A tnnnh mn I nrietor sives ins Dersou- lc pure nati- auvuouY iu itav-u iaic. j. ; think as freemenfor themselves. , u ea mVself: but oh, I wantto - . . The ExTiress being tne oniy vnio joik- ; NIBUS runs regularly. uif, rTiorrpasionfll District. SO DadlV- - ' ft trininister m every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the pnMac at large. It is the duty of-the Director, at auch timea, to nisit personally tbe Infected distiicU, and to pro Vide and execute means of Teliief. Numerous physicians, noi acting mernher2of1he Awfcia tion, usually enrol their namea toil ita booka, aub ject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, tWe :'pf charge. s In the absence , of jEpidimicfl.jtae pirectora .have authorised the Coneulting Su gebn tp give aJyice and medicil aid to persona jl ' Buffering under tHROMC DISEfSKS of a viru i lentcharacter. arising from abuse of the" physical ..powers, mal treatment, the eftedta of drugs, &c. Various mroRTa and Yhicts pri thp nature and treatment of Chronic Diseasea, by tha Con I suiting Surgern, have been published for gratui ; P dwtjribntiqn, and w jll be sent free of charge I ,1f to lha aflicted. ' . ' 1 . I" " M : Addreta, for Reports or treltmeint, Dr. GaOHoa hii Caliioux, consulting Surgeojn Howard A , .1 sociation, ISo.?2 South Ninth Street, PbsJadel pbia, ra, uy oruer or uie Uitettors. 6f ted. May 29th, t858, WM.KOWZEE. tf-26 J. W. Woodvyard Is still alibis Old Stand, on Broad - street, a few doois East of the Public Square, where he is prepared to do all Kinds of SVORK formerly done at the Establishraent. All repairiag dene on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Interest charged on Acoounts alter 12 months. ; Feb. 27. 13tf Goinj? to the boy, she said : lv attracted him, for she was as be.au- ) bogus Democracy in years past, and has been ; "LHtle boy, here is a book, you can j tiful as an angel ; but as they came I strengthening its chains by falsehood to the , , frnm. better than a niece near to him. she ' lifted up her hand SL'JleStrrLS: ofpaper. Do ,u know vourlettersf ana ejclaimed: . , . , . tl fits manacles sundered, so that the minds of "Some of them, but notall. 1 never "l5oy, what are you doing nere : just cThe boy answered that he was try- read l ino- to- read. The child of amuence de rided him-and said that she had heard of intellect in rags, and he was the personification of it. Her companion answered, that the rich anol the poor shall meet together, and - the Lord is the Maker of them all. The elder girl drove the boy away From the steps, but the younger one took him into her dwelling and warmed and fed him there. When they parted the little girl said, '"3lou must not forget Marian Hayes.' fnrlnhl OM . - , A1( nuuilBIJCU I" V"." ;-- - -J ( j- - . , , . j to the depot on the arrival of the cars. i tlie Whis in which are supposed to leel more Marian sat down Deside mm, and With these etlorts.to please, a uoeri ciuain ; thaJl a common qesire to patronize ana ens- , Def;an teaching him, I11S letters. &he the public patronage is confidently solici- liain an advocate of their cherished prinnples . & lilv ornuoied in this work within the District, we appeal to tnem, as , t - . r el 1 as to our friends in otfierVrtions of the ; that she dd not see her mother enter voimtrv. to lend us their timely aid, that the : the room, nor hear Rachel explain a- I Express ma have a wide circnlation, both at , otlt 0j. anfj lShe knew not that -4 .borne and abroad, as a messenger of useful- v TOftttlfir-1,tfMu some time behind nesS. ; .i ' .- i -a- a- a rvt r GEO. FAlBtHILII,' EXRA'DlHKARTWStt.' 45 1 Secretary,' President. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL , i BOOK and JOB " Pfrl.nTlH:Qi ; Jiecnted with neatness and despatch, I ana on moderate terms, -.. AT THE iREDELIi EXPRESS OFFICE, January 1, 1859. 5-ly W 3 At the Iredell Express Office, 5,000 good wag he jittje g'g farhwell. and responsible: Subscriptlonat for T .a a,J5:T -na Marl which the very best Paper will be exchHged. ' "Oh, he shall Avarm bnv." Rachel pushed a chair in front of ged and dirty, seated himselt upon the ; and serving them TaithfuUyhey d the stove, and gave him a piece of steps of a stately dwelling on Ftfth i have Jess cause' to be fnult: dis- " Avenue. New York, anoLwas busily tressed about their children's teifare Marian watched these arrangements engaged in trying to read irom a bit and usefulness and honor in life--nev nnd then dided from the room : when of Daner, when his attention was at- j er have occasion to walk the flor to o . . i I . 1 . -. v . t..-i .ui J , i r- . - j. i i : :ii i roifm'oH- cho had a nrimfir. witn trn.nt.efl DV two lltlie iri, nuuiv uicoo- ana iro wun DurniBiC autiu x nuu thp first rudiments of spelling and ed. The eldest of 4he two particular- ; dread of heart on account jof 4iiem nor woula they have to go dowtito tne grave heart-broken ere life hakneas ured half its length because thf some sad and wretched fate "had ove rtaken them as a consequence of havi'. lead an immoral and polluttd oaree Piay, but rather would ''they more 1 appily rejoice in the pride and jon3ol4jion- of having Trained up their chilfaen in the way they' should 7o,-knowijg that "when they are old," and ha gone from their maternal homes' oujl upon the stormy, drifting sea of lifejH ' they will not depart from it, 7 but j Jill re main steadfastly and faithful injit ' 'un to the end." -1 How beautiful and 1 jvely argl those children who " Honor j theirfather and mother!" Like the ro they blush with smiles of ieivenlra.ce-. -fulness and purity, and theeVeof the world admires them as the GoraL the Great, and the Wise. TixM they are the standing monuments of jirtue, Honesty, and Integrity ; aid -the world justly recognises f fhenl i hs its safe-guards 4ts pride and "its iory . and it knows them as Its crnwn of I J fame, its peace and happiness uui- on tne contrary," now- ima ana painful are the points, which present themselves ! -: Those V cMdieii that honor not their father and bother j her. mother stood some iime uemuu ! tbenv listening to her noble child teaching the beggar boy. his letters. ? There were but few that he -had not Simonton Tannery. the Tanning Bnsi-1 " learned himself, and it was And Mi3s Hayes he has never forgot ten her. That ragged, dirty boy, is now before you, ladies, as Mr. Hamil ton, the member of Congress ; and al low me, Miss Gardiner, to tender my tTTTT -T 1 " 1W1.L.1J continue me iu --- ; ; , ' , r r i i i.; u inhn iinhhani a not long before Marian had the satis- Foreman, and expect to keep at my Of-1 factiorf of hearing him repeat the al fice, and the Stores in Statesviile, a large lot phabet. of M9JMMnjjriVvtfTiMr j w- v, iQSff ta co, he thanked tner aa sncrp ., ac... v;n;S8 .r nffprpd rWt tn vnn for the kind treatment which will tje sold on reasonaDie rerms ior Atituuci iui iic -" I T iT v Cash or garter. 1 Marian her book. ofthat boy. m . I will paythe highest prices in Cash or tNo, I don't want it," she said, "I Overwhelmed with confusion, Louise Leather for 'hides and Bark. ' hav riVen it to yon to.learn' to read 1 knew not what to say 'or to do. trom. on t you ten meyourname; ,) xu pn-y iui.uci, iiouiuwmwv. 'Jimmie, he repned. "iVill not forget you, Jimmie;you must always remember Marian Hayes,' and turning to Marian, said : "liwiuaee yoa giu Ait aa vcb,; ' and.he left them. . I f Louise would not stay in the eity, Louise Gardiner and Marian Hayes where sjie daily met with Mr. Hamil- er has the blood poured into the heart from the veins, than it rushe$ through the lungs, and from them back again to the heart and arteries, thris Comple ting the circle of circulation! This wonderful stream,ceaselessly cir-, culating, occupies the very Jcentre of the vital organism,, midway between the functions of nutrrtibh and excre tion $ feeding and strnrulating the org ans, into activity, and removing from ' them all their useless material. In its torrent, upwards of forty different substances are hurried along "; it car ries -gasses, it carries salts-t it even carries metals and soaps ! Millions of -Organised cells float in its liquid a'nd of these cellsi, which by some are considered organised entitle, twenty"! millions are said "to die at each pulse; off tire heart, to be replaced By other millions. Tfre.iron which t washes'. onward can be separated; jProfessor j Beard used to exhibit a lump of it'iir f his lecture room nay one ingeniua 1 Frenchman has suggested that coins should bg. struck from the netal ex- tracted.fron th blood of gfeat men. Let one suggest. that' we should wash' our hajids . with soap extracted from similar soUrcca.-r'BlacJcwoodt Map. -: "When to Wear India Bnbber j. Jm . , Wehave noticed that rrjany.per- sons wear India Rubber oyirshoeB inf - j cold, dry weather, to keep jtheir Feet .warm This is an injudicious andj -t evil practice. Rubber shoes are very V : :i comfortable and convenient for cover- ing the feet during wet and sloppy ' V weather,. Bttt they never ' should pe worn on any other occasion; their soloj use should beto keep out fie water," They should, therefore bej taken off. -whenever the wearer enters the housed 'J- and be worn as little as possible,' be- n cause they are air-tight, and restrain 7 J perspiration of the feet. 4.ne air can- not be excluded from thee, or any 1 ; portion of the body, for any length ot time, without sejisiDiy anecune toe tieaitn. it is our opinion mwnoiuiuu tends more to good health than clean : j feet, and clean dry stockings, so as v T.O anow lue iree perepirnwu mw .? lower extremities Sbientjtf Amcr 6Let no man be ashamed to lai 5 , bor. Let no man be ashajned of hard fist or a sun-burn countenance; Let him be ashamed only of Ignorance -f and laziness Let no man ie asham-: ed of poverty. Let him bej ashamed only of dishonesty and idleeii t sT?f - The water in Lake St. Clair ia ris- l ing of late years, so that good arms x are now raader water. , ' -At . ; rr-r 1 v Enough of CWnesc.sngaircaneiii . has been raisednn Iowa xthi year; to ; make jii9: gallons syrup. 'V'1 J".r y Xr Potatoes are -selling in Hart-; ford. Conn.; for IT cents pen bushel. . - i , i & i- - ' ' ' ' . t : Hi r I hi Mi