t-j" r i ' x rli Wairana Eeve. . ' -C - War ani wr.f. frUft U jK V ar with force, nnd Love with wi tp, - , - - - - ' if,ni iiwng, put,L0ve m smrk i Jvar arondilve.worCi " iuiiiii mm HWHTkf OTC U'heM the. scaire! anil wei.r Iove jii lay JraJt it up. W ar U.tCH- 4p ly boh 'gainst Htavou, J.ovc erm;reJ war wya then for-ivtu : i'Oxeo'cMditHiUiirii tb ill,' 1 i War to flreajj edllioh aiuC. ' ; ' . ' I-OVC SUOd; ffnr-,iM I ... .... 1. 1 uL rtji eurud, umjove had Uai .. arwtruc-K Jjea.Is, but Love struck hwirt. low. V - iv i XA7 '"" ?eiefai plow ; " ar liad -w-okifilils, bnt Love had Tii T iost and Rirtored. V. l A, " ORD -l-T SESOIIO 0001 J It i. XVetvh from, I,?,., 1 H-ii- ' ' You l.avoj bSTreturnei, friend Manson 'I Uaid-- LWintm,. ' from i wur wcstern.jonrney ? ' t -- cs, me replied, "Ihiive: and cre was. k .circumtance .w'hicli will llh ;mjwkle life,V ; -i nuvuuu wnai was mat rav 4 I 1 y J I VI . U Ah, Uwou hi tke more time.tJmn t'lther you or II could spaie,'-8did Mson, "for m ... . ir. . ,rJ v"u ru i.sLeu 10, iiic, particulars ; Mit I will attempt- a very ,1-iet .skctcl of the substance, . "When pec tfeut? I4h1. a verrclerfr JV assoiabt' .MViit1VTrti,!Tr . i - -3 ""I! ' tl.; v He was one of the brightest and most . v.puuijs mi tue school, ilegrcw up, paid his atUlressrs to a beautiful tvnd exceHert young lady, a member 'of the chifrh. 4 At 1vV,fti, iL; married, 'and they'- urenurnil imi.wJL f.fnlir lil l. f v -rtitut jiiiat eyent, inrpuPHuameof my.bdsom (friend and his WlJ-fcife, next morning they departed with Jbc affectionate farewells of , many wld . friends; and neighbors of the tbwn in which theyj were born and reareflf alifl . with , a handsome provision made by L iie parents)-' of both( were in affluent : pircumstantes. " " Ten yc'ars elapsed. dnfirrW was culled to t'hc Methodist mihistry lllistant places, as mv lot himnenod v t to bo cast. Not a word cojaceming -..r... ....v. my ona in ,iu mat time. " 4 lie course 01 Uuty cailed .me to' the .Xicinity of the place where ray&ic'nds , : had settled, aid.I resolved tt-gout . of my -way considerably, afad-mve U Villi Al II H I V :i f !1 I I I VrfllilS if - the town, ajid enquiring 'for theirVcs Udence, I was told they livft some ; . rtistance fnom'-thc eentrp-nf-ltlio vii. ' ; . t . . vi.v. . 1 . ... i iiri. r i rn rr t ....... . . . a . .jlu it.iiv 1,11 iiiiiiu lid nin ni li - " fijrst'glsuifce my mind misgave .me : rlie flight of the miserable cabin made ' mb felck, ami aTterliitching miy horse. ' : . iould' notrithcro was no dior no- y.u iaw?nr. ivemoving- tn S; Tilas I V; what did'I belidld I There iv Mv ' ' sittif) rr rii i ct -.-! wJl. I.Jf..i. : Ijct lap, and another child in ihe cot-- r tw An lirt 1 il. . 1 l i , rvu Kiuuuu. tur iuc eatDin iiau no iloor. - J tl . 1 . f I -wr . - ' w, bjih ui wous -now att erect was the lotely .Mary T. . . : i r V ,i iur. iManson, is it indeed you "We are . ruined ; John is lokt: iml . the children and I are starving here. yf i have not' had 'a; mouthful , to eat pjnee" yesterday morning.' . j " t ... uuiu a auu nunc is John?"- - I -. . 1. i - . - :.'l 1. I T - i . 1 1 . . . - - ' : ; f i e: ;T e store? ana has not ; ien acre io several days, , I miiSjt see him;"- . j r ; f.i'it'.fwt,. 41 is savage now. ' and will ill-treat you' - ''.ll Iv must and will see. John.1" , - il started ammediately for the store, Hceoruing x ner uirection. There was - no time to. lose, for I was to be at yymvrence; wnitner. i vas bound, at certain lime appointeU. 1 readily 1 found; tho srore- and entered! Tlie i first sight disclosed four men )playinc W u,t tt.iu,uic. . -iiie next ciance uis overl ' ri.n VrA.i,. li i. Sbi3lhogWa lanSii-- ''Me gnced through the open j V ilnA j.":, !8: 'Parlor door. There were handsome-!; sitting :by. but insfant v honnprl ,v and ran bcliji nd thA mnnr nu tnc spounter toi.aitup- on me, supposin )sno ias a ciistomer. taid 1, ' ( To Tl nr.T -d here f 13 U UHlli :-i':ir ,1 , - -. aney ooKeu at me on neanntr t hat question, if I had been tie " evil r ,, 7 I ., i v CV1 one," or a eheriff. L liat 1st that to you ? he sullen- 1 it. f. i i - -TV-"'-"- j?y renuea,- " i'want to see him ' . I Whilst I Was speaking, I Uok ano- rVcir-kr v5 JL i iAJ eow i.i.. . M r W ' tr u n " u i mainuiaannv man. von V-will find it :Vnrn-of mv sir'' it V; h oo x went to mm. reeofrniEed him . it. t..i!t? t ':i i -' and Wan trvtrv'tn wTu i. 7 'ft w .f v f lUUIt JL urn Mn,nr,,tvl fUll.' Z' i. remonstrate leUiot nicf to. go away, threatertm2?Rarf?rtreiltrimd showmeCTIfe UwelliTie' was his. and" so was the violence. -I had in mv hand a loaded VffiujVttnd am not inferior., you know, J DPj?.1 f muscular power, i In the wliole of thov tweDtv-seven -rears -iijivft'bpcii m tfie mimstfyyl hare; nc- ver fblt o strong a dispositiSn ats moment to give four or five men ...... - ....vvv.viu f;-" upwii liuyn PFUMHtig tLUIUUtll Mi'&seu liis legs, and trotting1 him off home- pledge, takelonthafrvful day, on warclv My!'pce W. tffc feir- the tol irf thoog kulhkch fees to cie soberodMiti,.'o- 'limit whefi he me .romefnfie3 will spectraf horror, reached his hovel he was in hikiight after keeping it sacredly '.a year, I mind. . L . . ktnUteil'Jiiy'elf -totiracChuh,of -I forgot tor,-mention that when? I wl4.ieijy-wjwlio.halenn-gel first went into tte hou.c, the diild helping me, was a member. Prgsper upon the ground stajled up jffright- ii&rfteitetffoTWp ssinasi I eired, t uWrng ifjto her "mother crying, : wanted to be more useful : I needed lie going to carry us to jail, something a4iK)mmenced stu- mother, Jyhejflijjys ?" : dies for the ministry. ,y deqf friend . And that mother .sobbed upoU fmy . and brother, ! am now a minister of liands 'aSif Herjicart wQuJd.Vti j the etf?rMsth?g gospef.'' , ven, l conxrsetl with-thm 1 ... j. . n l f it.' - : pinmi, aifteu oioia times la connccti i cut, th old tillage, and . ihd solioi- ' 1. i i r -r r ' ,-. -C Doys, i te - was oHeneti : tire he-art was tftWhed. Thftfi T iird trronlWr . " his wife put m her earnest,, almost pfca. bhe felfthisto.be, indoed,-the 1 . hou'of .destiny , . v l)o you think I'eakceTr-!tt--at; length.aske'd-the ntrserable-nnn, once ! so prottwfiiviimv how fafle. Is it ; possible foTmcyefto be sayedr .. 1 " lUs, said I, with confidence and ; r-vf.. .FiU nfuu .tvv - ct. ,wwt.. .io - rcan; ajtd on the nanm of Immanity jjinorrpwdtath fhat silent mseuger laad rejigion, try it, dear John and! 'renters thai liaDDv. circle. .afd one jrOtt Vr'i rrr n mn .-At.Vst fie consented,.. e knk 4ovnxn the eatlw-there-was neither chairnor table hi the-hoitsc-P took . - - x . a.wii out the pledge, which 1 alwayslcafrx tin" my 'pocket, pla-eing it .qn. tha stool u.uere jiary;iiaU been- sitting, and handed him my pencil. . He wrote his name, and notwithstanding his coa'tfi- J&HM oeauyiiurv uone.as l altoi wards bscj-yed,' f Jienvis Jim excel lent EnglfcWi&olat. MVclil?iot ris 1- se till I had relieved mv overlninleupd ncarc m prayer ; and l.pxaycd .Avith all my struggling soul ; and -his de spairing wife Joined me in all the sol emn liiVQcaWOB, ISfat ka fcatler of n iuh, ra m(iier 01 air lJ" receive The prodigal to. d.thatfhc mighkltib'Jb- innm,n;,.J.i.r...A.. ?iwi x .. . im.iv.iu3 nuuiu retene n asirav airain. It was io amtQ time for mc.to po. and resume my journey; but I could no IeUvQ 'the town b.ejv, X calkdy- on the class-leader, left him-some ney for the family, and eniomed uo- qn. hinto lipk after-th?m, and throw ouad John the. shieU of Ugood in fluehces, tQ pivent his. suffering a rolaj)se Whatever further charges lie should incur on their account, I promised to pay us soon as informed of them. ! . Another, decade rolled by,. during which np tidings tame to me; at the East, from 'this interesting couple. At -lehgtli I vas-jgalledjgaUo st those westerti regions, swd rtf pVsBidir the residence of this unfortunate brother. On reaching. thettown nTjaliappoint ment was eXftfWe,V'.ftf"ea-n that he had renwved tcf wdistfint emintry.. I atieiffftierV mirfortuise: kt'M. place desiudtrd-yVas not far frffiri my intended route. I resolved tn n rn ami ' .. w v, ijv. seo him. "VVh-en I .entered th art wn Ot . luf h rji i 1 1 1 im r w ! i mm t i live ?, 1 made enquiry-for his 71 well mv. and was fpld if' was ihc sond.' jwifse on the. lefi hand-sldo. of the roaS.' Being, now -sr- iiear, I hastened on eagerly, imd presently a nice Mmed building, paiiitcd vvhite,;ajjpeareJ. I oould not help puttuug up.aa?ja.cult ory pi'ayr,that 4' gf3f might be so happy asto occuna'nv" houo half as. reeclaijle'sis1 this. ''Ex'pexta,, uon now; became pamtully .intense What iercy wfts I senVto see? Ai scene likc'that, or worseVvhicli- !enj jciiis uoiwre i,ejt-sucn awtui traQcon, thcinemnry,. never to bVoWitotmt&M. 1 could nof tell. : At a sudden tltrn irr . tni. 211 a Miuuen turn irr the road I thought I (Ksepfnnrt'aYmfh.r! er white house in th rrisfffi Tien !)1flnnff ! tKn "v,.-i. '...m'' a..- : thero must, intsnmn lYnctol- i 1.,, ,i: s . i . rection.. Thi4 eannnt. 1 kA .TaLu'o 1 win i it ishe second on the left. - i ' '' "He does, sir,." . " Is he or his wife at home ?" ! " Mother is within, my W fofT,' s m tnc ncia- ' please walk m, sir.' ; : .V uasoiHeit ru?" auu "i"er lurmture ; nut 1 saw t n r. TT, ., ,. - timc was informed of k ntiiL. : arrival, and lost no time in making lier appearance. . " rnobi (iH woaiunai iias Deen, washed down f mm. t ho i ii T 1 , ,-. . .. . " . T 1 T l? ,havc ieard irom hfr. an kUp rnsbnd tnrn-ov, her, as she rushed forward on serin' ;4 rrie, and clasped toe hy the neck. She H 7 f . r , J' , , oue almost tainted, and Rld fl.l f , ' - vu v f - f ' a "v u 11 y""'"on was not TT little, she informed .uviwiuj.uu. aitfcoenug a : me that her hus- , but out on the ' band graspea . .... -e r .w stramea me to his bosom, . r-xuuuK-uoaj tnanjciiod! you are x ' .... an your worK. lookmer nrmmrf n j f umu "iUcu rejoiced tht yon are 1 X .'J. j 7 T " " - -- -;' . - !- Shi T:.. TV: w I. rV. "T il, farfciLVFTri dt&& ik&tw$f Th I beautiful giilaJxnoite 41 woman now, was they drtv -ihtte cH thaSSis I .cfiirirlin frsrtHi. "thift tronndLt ma fiist visit. There were. three more children now.;? f. -? 7 a 'VXo .crdwntttie .wHple, LVd 1m?, j a ' r'r . i . " Thv are PocciTf A nrnn - - Crj - They aapaisjnawiy." 'all 1 .... .. . - n. P. t.' Amid me ousyisBnet lite Sjwe are often . " 1 i. J, .W T . . J-jSjJ rmade to r'eahsfpi thrt ahm-tnneuRf tlikifinn ,u- .:ii.. . ir . exisitf c. ibemgSnMs- part. with-some dear frigid. To-day, Ave see a circle f$fo$&l perfect Wth made joyous by the pxosp.of a long Jife and happiness- fnd foVgtful f tlie.uiicorUinty of hunjarr existence their only thought is for flu world, and -the halnessMn store for 'them. .ot thnr nnmhur with hmh )m.i ! expeptatioiis, ?to be seH' on earrli I B0 lnor.e-- upon that "haupy i fttoJj "seated around thehoUH)v fireside : le ; tliry knowmot the mpanmg words f care ad sorv'wilL yji iiuius ua.i t" rmi sorrow --fVl 1- it evei; be- thuf i Again we vMt.them; but now thevpuKA in mi.ri . y o - 7TU" v1!' on tl)& inanimate form of-their darling, Doftth has visited that family, and taken-the flower oi'the household, the youngest, from that little fiocS. $Ure- ly now thejriiut raliw tlie fori of that short sentence-" They..are,paa - smg away. ... ... , N - Coine with jne lo the death-bed of thC Christian'. His family .are -ath- cred around -him, and afe blistering ' - las worus'voi m- struction ! Hark. ! ,he is;implriug uieui lo put no ya-uieupoii .joepaeting tilings ot tins world, but place their ti?uk oh High. ' ' He- to&: ha ias oass'ed v i i . . x. away, airf 1 fos.ground his -grave, and .hear, those sokmn wovds ,"Bgle. ashjes with . -shes, and du,st witli . jts Ol-igina dust," tUej feel in their inmost souls flie soUuniii-fyfhlsAit.j- are -pftssyig away.' - - . Etjttcultutc. -o- Plantation Work for January and Feb ruary. . llic plantation should be trauorstvl earefull v avaw AnfASm FvT caieiiiiiv , eciydeiectnj point noted, and the whole-T3mtfrl (t?niM,. iTOVf.bqreyoreoinstanl 7 ; j iii4' ui . aim oxuqts, may still ixe planted - Ue your fature fell oWW(Mh. Xowsllfa to fclace. the bulbs si SUp,'8 to ,r j . . A again m some or garter a re;gripP of ierhhttthm Ihese, -ad mnifnierablc erliers- of sim- ihtr charactcf are matters isconsidqr, ' 7 vour your crons.. JNor are tlmv d that inaylc attended tn n.hd n.mAndA.l v t . - x'uiiunws xenou -uoss ijjoses ana all at any time the, W ; they re- oTa similar' description, Vould not be quu-eyour vy P fa; Sumime tion now thef eysholjL the lately after their floverin ( MS If m I . Very 'Varly flowering' shrub? ";suth (xrcVditcliandrionzontalanyltelds as Spilea, Deutzia GrfciKg-jind For noter, vaB S ': a11 'Prfait y ythia should not be pruned now, as it 25i rflSSSSSSffl? W is ijyre their blooming. - . . ' peciruve. Jand wkerarain watW the seed of annuals'may now be nnfn- '"t.JLTt''-.. w rtaaiin. ior timer flceumfflii atpa iuwi ramh . . f ; ,.:tt, T;-.-. anx length .of-time. ponded. it (rain waterV"so' Tuns oflF as in wqvIi tlin linrl " 0T,-J-ti, t. ... iim. aim niiii il, i lit. mpTii ttt . . that however vell'you maiaVe Vlono . ... , r t . " evcrTtlimor a.p tlna imWT-f no elected, and' von ha of the goal oi certain success. If we culture -nhiflr whichfw4 H&M 'mc anttjoffiA is simjple and sure enough in practice: as -inltlir&n&i?rf.Bc;n nil uons 01 tne, country are finding out ; pti M ' i ' - Ainow, wet pkecs, . such .as ponds'' ;-,i v,, oonus 1 w(rf QrfrfiWWiAlv:li J.IL Jj:i'.i. "" " "inp utrais, snuicroe-tlitcn.- (l .Ua- . i ' j. i. plovftliese snots beinV W , fl w-i v tne deposit for the vegetable mould . t - - r- 7 : i icnjnigner places by.the. rams of, a.Sf drained, tlXe soil, though-; neh m all elements.of our crops, isj per places by.th rams of, aires. IifldramAH thrf . eml - ! 1. ' 1 v- rwu ciops, sour anum an unfit Rtxt . ; -., r - v. jr ' wui,w',-l-oujou """IV1 "g'y places "'vnn nuu uriarsanQ ner ornsn-WDoa, they become the hi- imS plaoesill: ; theenemieS 6&ur .i . . i . . . r , . .-r mey oe springy ana supphed.with wa- uiai"g uom ine , aajacent hills, , ,.. . rr?-ir-Ji? circular aucn will De lound nep.asifia.rv lua.fc uue ? aiong ronna the mar- gin, where thd water makes its appear- - . 1 I H mX 1- -xA A. i V LiX- 11 all Tia alln.J ,1 1, mnn v.nc iT bv a main drain t'hrnnrrh the most con. TTT O rtl n!n -1 i 1 . 1 A 1 - X . I tvlopaHty,to "the slough or creek. j uaraen work forJEe binary. forJEebmary ment during this montji, and the,.soil so werarihea;th-a."t.v'ery TiftTe" can be done-mllfe 'gardenin the way of 3atiftfthd Bowincr. In fact, very lit- jtJe, kbuttrouble,'16, ancLaggeavMijsn iigftifledllow4i sfliarXs The jpr jnipaV wpi'k i clearing away trash and preparing for a. better montfi. Wtenpvpr th Rpasnn -a gooa coat of manure over it, and nui aeepiy ar once, eitncrwitntne spade, orWgood turning plough, so as i.ukiiave-j;neJaTicl readv tor the eroo. I In fact the.manuring and.deeri tflr- itfg ofttx mlidknt naf W S) muh urged aipon. Good vegetables ore pne of the greatest, cheapest, and roost wjioiesome luxuries., wluehlmost eve-; r feUy. can raisa with buUittle i r - w 7 Ul I V ijaa r K L H . 1 . 1 .fit III I i, u4j, ia-us ion v t lo eicooct t mis o ing, deep vorkbg, and frequettt stir- j rin ofihe 'soil - .jfeetfwrciJlhige plants Hare been j raise.dfin the Autumn under prptectiofl, j tlsh&rJnQwic Abated ih&'titd ! as much air as possible be "iventl?m Muig iflMwh-MkiriarV- : exerf ft ovfernhehi imiaitf; Tfin i irosty nights. -ffHb-twst varieties fbr ! early use are : Wakefield and I V.nrhi nht. .-ci u ' i..i Ai i . " r. . -much. Prince Albert oxA.--Extra , EarJu are amoniffd: th-hnn rlP V Shoiild.th&'iit)l-be in nronor ordoi -So;ug, . pnions (black seed) may ridwfle planted; the wod ks- iti the nAW ho n ! ground for a long time and should it ul'j iH " H'Vwy TPitsn 10 Wltll- tand pretty severe-frosts: I'pttiunae&e afid""!!! WhnerfiCrd'are fhest l-ind Tf P-nW autumn, it shoy.ld.aaw. hoput -in the ground as so'ori as possible. ' i SpuUi of thislSw'ailatiitide31'deg. and fevthcr SoutfaJlI RWmJv will herin in, earned, sowing anplan ting all thohady vegetables, as cab- : bage , turnips, beets, Irish potatoes rauisncs. lettuce and otiiors Flower Gardea and This is a t v . - 2 - Hoses nnd nthpr climlAo.. - - - . . .. : i j , o.iaj 1U1 i'i-;ri; n i i "4M--wiH'fclV46Piniiii"; ai" uaruy perennial . .flowers, 1 exoept Peaniel' ii.r 1 U i." L, . i J A' which' oualit to be tKansnlanted in Sen-' tombqr or. October ,as they will iiot bloom whjen transplanted s in the win ter. .; . It is now too late to.plautJIyacinths, Tulips, Snowdrops and all others, -very early blooming bulbs. True, they will produce a flower, as the embryo-flower : is already to be found in the bulb, having already been formed durino- the sum at 'lt,t tl,;u Kl ai tne snnimer. lint this nnm -win hv n vaw in0,.fnM,. . l..h :n "us viu suffer vrt-v awch.' AU .Lte fowcrimr Tn.lKo i.aT a 1, lus,--Weroses: Fef raria: Japan Lillres "-" ."""' ut i'bii iiuiu sauu, .that rich soil or ifrknhtrmav not come ia: immediate contact with tie bulk'. ,Bhfe fen -WiMrith forpnininr' ercr-blooming roses ; cut then?Mo-w? w"V" Vivien , K4JI HDJ t).StX. Mlkil. I v- vu ' .i . . v. . r . to tne trround, it not alreadv r onn ir. in tho m-A v . ' - r' Effects of f!rfrFp.A ivn TYisaq c . w .aw.m.u .uuv 'CI tilt BSC Ul the ftrtiele in Prance-is supposed " to 1. ...1 i i i ,1 . have abated iii e a tne ence oi tlm Gravel. In the French colonies. wucre cofieS is.injote used than in the 7 coffee m eout. an? f asaffioted wijht, at a-ge o 25, atd-Baditsrffertry-unti; wa Mpwasef fiftvji witterfudfeRO the til he T "VMt"f. uiMupjij(aaiMaetnitt h" r'W'fWf ccount .haateen ejtlo ttm& , ,.s-- 7r ?. ,r -, 7 , 10 lav DCtOl , . J w -riUt,ruu. iu, advice, nsd onff aa k, M, of the W afterV&tB ' t , : V J i ,r f i if To Tell Good Eggs. 'Tfco n x. -nay wip kwus ia.m puWm m n aj of Hmtft they are good they wiU Heon always; if bad therVinmn( p-m M a4fir aridift m .1 mi i . on tne sides, aiways; n oaa tfierwinmnd on their d on their cuuo, iue large enus aiways up.- permost, unless they have been shaken consiaeraoiyi when they will tand.ei- ther endup. Therefore a bad eggrean be told by the way it rests in water cuu up, never on us siae, Any egg that lies flat, is good to eat and can be depended upon. - .- - : '-- To Keep Dust front Cream, Hoops Useful for once. TalrV. rattans and mak hooma little larger than the pans stretch thin muslin a cross, thin enough to admit some air but not flies and, mites. Cover the mill- ti-Jfl. V,o : j. ' 1 uum niiu mcsp as BUUU US lb IS COOlyJ- ana they will prove, of great .value I v K . . M ' i I . oo E- t, p4 : go . tmif k4.ttWtry,i.!f 2- .. 4 . 11 10 17 fli 24 25 . 5. 12 T 8 13 14 15 27, ,8,y Hir V 4 11 ' 18 At r ebruarr, 1 8 '15 22" o y "10 23 3 -C 7 ' IS i4 ' 27 28 in 24 ' 1 March, 2 y 16 23 4 11 18 5 12 iy 2G G 7 1$ .14 20 21 8 15 22 2'J 10 17 24 S3 30 1 31 i April, 2 y 10 23v 30 3s 17. 15 20 ' Mi '4 -11 2d ' y ii? 23 30 -5 6 12 13 1J 20 '26 27 8 14 21 28 15 2'J 3 4 5 17 18, 10 G 7 IS. 14 20 21 24 25 31 1 7 8 21 22. 28 29 5. G 12 13 2G 27 28 June !. - Julv, " ' - ' 2 9 -IG 23 4 11 18 'J 5 12 ft- 0 27 lo 17 24 2G' '4 li 1$ 4 - y 15- iO "49 0 44' 'SI" 17 24 31 V) 20 3G 27 - '' AiKmt 1 2 9 a- K) i7 24 31 '4 5- C II. 12 ..13 " i 14. 21 L- 10 4H V -20 !' 25 20 2$ - 29 39 ; , Repiemba' - 1 7 ' 14: 15 '21 2i 28' sy : 4 -li 25 o 12 10 20 - 6 9 10 Iti 17 23 ' 24 39 XQtober, ' 1 :k 15 22 2 2 3 y . iu 4 n 18 '5 I i ' ' O.i 12 U vl4 10 19- 2uv "21" 24 31.. 2G 2S-. 30 - . J ' ; November, V 8 15 ' 22 29 .2 9 IG" 23 .3 10 17 24 -4 If ha 5 12 '19 G 13 2H. i 14 28 ? -2G Doceinber, .4 11 lcS 25 G 13 2U 12 10 IS) 28 - 29 -au 31 ARRIVAL AJTJ) UEPARTTJRE OF MAILS, . . r EASTERN MAIL - Arrive! daily at Oh. '45m. 3. St." . Departs dailv at Oh. 15m. A. M. WESTERN MAIL , Arrives Mondavs, "Wedneedavs, aal Fri days, at G P. M. . . Departs sam davs atG A. 11. SOUTHERN MAIL k . Arrives Wedne.sdavs and Saturday, at -i ) 1 ; P. M. . d-fc Tuesdays aTiiTFrUavfl, at G A. M, Tr nrii-pnYviT t p tt i, , i IUiil0 1LLL AIL, v JictUwy ! Arm Tnpsdafe. al '5T. U - uncfua;viAjn.'' j A?IPT(H!VI11E 3IiIJ-;W.til.y IliU xirriTes r rianv?, ai o r. ji Departs Saturdays, a G A. ,L MOUNT ULLA MAIL " " : Arrives Saturday,! 5 P. M, ' -Dcpajta ame ihiv'at 7 A. Mt TAXL3&SVItLE -MAIL Arrireis Momkvs and WedWesdiifs, at G p.m. - . ;, - Departs Tuesdays and Thnrsdavs,- at 7 A. M". -- t LEXINGTON MAIL, vid MocltSviHe Arrive! Tuesdays, at 12 M. I eparte Thursdays, at 1 P. M. R. F. SIMONTON, . Mr - &fcbcrttiemcntj3. Approved Miller. HAMILTON CROUCH, Liberty Hill, N. C. r I Resjfieclifujry inforgos Mill Qwnm; tbtt he is well iniuajteJ ia th artf rnaoegimg M'lLtL MA CHIMERV such as steam or wajer-Uurr Mills. Hating tud an experience 'pf stveral years in ihe Mill teg business- lie flatter himsel that, he fs fuJIy ctppetent to give entire satis faction, in the business of grinding. Ite would further say t tbuse who might wish to employ such a millet, that tl.ey will . address hwi at f Liberty tlill, Ired41 County, N. C- m VaiiiablXand ., FOR SALE- On South iTftdktn, seven miles Nwtth f the towiror-StatesTjlle, Ijedell county, JV. "; T also offiir. j y 'razfF JOO O CrfeS rfiore unless, formerTy Enowh as the lands .o4 Jsm'es Baley , together ivith ih e4egaa4 boildlngs such as. Dwelling Houses, Ritchea, Nogtoe hffwes, i Barns," Stops, &r. I wouIJ 's'av to thoK wKn I wish to pujcfisjse.Xseg, jhatibej- wx)a4d lowell no cau-ami ie m i ing elsewhere. . '. HAMILTON CROUCH, Nov. 2TS 52tf Liberty HIlI,if."e. Priating Press " . ' AND. . ; ; Materialg f'or b-al;e cheap . Ilaving supplied our office with- a new 'Press aJad.Ttnea. Ve offer for julI. the and Tyrworrwhich the -VAshebonf Balle-J r. i-iu iu.1 nitri ior them. They would be sold low, and would be very suitable for issuing a medium sheet. j E. B. DRAKE & SON. Dec. J7, 1858. 3-tf PAY YOUR PREACHER. All who have not paid will please eall and pay the money that wafrdue on the let day of July 4at. , ;i i J- W. STOCKTON, Declaim, , 2rtf Ildusc ililtt LdCio ''Statesvill War. ,na,mPro,,en,enlB wnere M nowr 8ltlf- ,iio 4i? -L' Slnir ' ' -I'tVtiL f:,4 eJed jwat ktkirfth mould bitea icik ;n I.UiiUS tWi ie 4,grUjld - .tll - iIll 1 within .ciest"tnre6jyra,t3Miauyu uv m yiww Tft- thvard hcre is -a Well tyf? frhJntzr. Any jper?crri JfHsl reus of locating in vtws heaMy and inking fcatv beracommoSlecr 4fli -flrittjU Utfsj oa-ohrfr and jea8BlJar .lffsl f l' -,. Pyssesio't qaa be giyea it ny ' r r PAWS, i . 5 12 li) 2G uoet ist 4-rn . .f . WILS.ON .NK-WHTAmx STATESVILLE, F N' C ftKErP" constantly W hand a large as'cf rtient ff' WatcKeis nJ JeWeipyUf:.fl kinds. ' ,' " j . ff , Clodw, Watches aoJ'Jewejry 6f evc"frrt, rr paired id tte best manner abd oa' 'tt'mrMt reasonable terms. . A'oguat 28fh, 185S. Kepj?tf ally InfdrmsThe public that he-has ;r- '' ' ' xrpenetT i " 3 3W A R lE Y A R'l uppoBite ine iWEmsioii Hotel, , Where he is prepared ;q fii! allf jttji cn prQc.v recite biBOKTED Itamam 4!,Afqi&i: oriurnenfe, &p ; at taSortatile'ratesj' . He aid fee happy fo hat'e aM wnVate tresiiourf-dealiHg iii his litid lo -d see eiBeca f Marbl, bearf-'pi,iesjsuil judge tor ihemselve.8. '" dr" " '"Iravlnw had aa experience 6 f 25 ysfrs iu th'&u-HieHs, he- will give hrs iero1 "al-terrfofl- 4o f cttiHg rjp.: loiiumems, Sk-,j : Noyemivar 5, 1858 -.49rf ' I eupcrJDera are prepared t. .fsimfj L to order ianything in the;lina jof HEAD STONItSK TOMB VAbXMs or -Furniture M arble, and ijwVranHJfalis faction. Call or -send your order Terms Cash.' on delivery.' GRAY, BRiUn'&Co, :. Salisbury, r?. C. STATESVI-LLW IV Male Academjli J. B. ' ; Tlie -Second Session of, this jlnptftuliwill coHinienee on W7.n"KlHV iAvtt Tlie'Aoademic Year wiU.beiyi-ded irjt6 two Sessions, of 21 Weeks.cacli.. Pupils chaff ed from date of en tran.ee. l' . " 4 . RAXES OF TUITION. '. Ordinary English braiu?hes, per Sea., 00 Higker ? " ' t . - ;l2t6 Classical Department, . - 4 . 1.V(( Tactiia and priir c"a refill ly attodao without .ft-a charge. ' ie 1:4, lJSqp. 4-tf ' ! 4. . THE CluV.k I 3 Prize ' ! riHE-Subscrrber, Agent ff the Baleof'the I JL 'above naml justly celebrated Piai.os interws the public reppectfuljy, rtiat hear ; antees every los'.riKnent. Persons wisfeirtfr ! to purclmwethe PlANO by addTefiiff Vim', IV911I be sent a pamphlet, with J4 diifreiit j styles, and prices marked. L ' Pianos Tuned and Repaired, ' Address, . " . ; . T. A. E. BOHiVSTEDT.Sr " ; Nov. 3, 1859.- Witagton, NJ C. P . S. To MrB. was the"ortlv and firsrore i mium ior -his rSanos at the N C. Staigair awauieu. 50-ly iVew Falland! Winter T. H: McROR jE, RespectfulW. inform the Ciiizena U frrH and the public generally, thatturhaa rciry. eda4,ow offers lor sale, on 'the 4jiot jea soqable terra?, very Jarga:id well abort ed stock of , Eniiacing- almost every articU kept jn an vivuiro Retail Store. Bee wa, Tallow, Dried feroit, ToHao en, Linaev Cfoth, Rags Country Produce, &c.,t4ten in exchange for Goods. Thankful fbrie liberal j ed, -particnlarly from CA'SU CBstrmerrf-- i mil uo nijr C 1J U ID 1IOIU OUf mnUCmntS to och CTOtorneTf ,-antr-rtrenebr iilarVy'ttl't Cas-h Bales. Notidet .. ' ir. , - ! i - We have Land, Wagons, Hordes, j., w.A.twJjwtWr, J eexr . T"t"- "jjvo i cjl: i St.- 1 - 1 WHICH WE WISH TO SEL.t. 3 E.HI MM . - - - New Is- - $ . MMm Mi); ." "'- ' v r- 1 - !V. 11 r- r-v i n ! i . ... LIUUJ LTVl I 1 "V -r -n PS- Ai80, , I ; .. ! We have a great many unsettled .Re counts and rTetes, t Which we wish t6 be closed by CAT, or otherwise, SOON, or they will be fbnd in the hands of an officer for collection;: I , ' FEIMSTER & Dec. 17 1858, 3-6moa , . . ;- -'-'..' ' ' : . .-" - f oBio ana ipantation now resides. It ia lo - Ltawb ri. inin Helton rs4-,l ! .. . f5 2" mnroi mrnl. are a comfortable Loar Uwe inir. a first ni. T . '"BarriVSiabres" anil Stan's Vr" '20 head of fibrset C Uteris', a n' good rehies." Tbere is opon e pnofi v red GRIST MILL riMrriW n.ir &f lrufVnd a pifof Dmmbit&tcae8. Ttj "W. JN. C'Rlilroul jKssea thrsugh the Farnx stid Dendt is located upprf k. It bthejinost val uable farm in this section of tee State. There axe also on, the place large orchard oijpeach and spple ees of the best quality, and good springs "of water aboUndJ -Wrll b sekl for flash ot ixchange'd for Neg. -. " " A. W. WILSON. Oat 15: 46tf - 1-' Ujllsboro' fiecordwrt Fsvettevilla Observer & I'Wadeaiofo'fgas Will please xopy hHl foU4, w -M- v iv a x i ; : - - j Is now receiving a NEW. and COMPLETE Stock of ' "4 Fall and Winter D-S.I' 1 ' x uiviw!eu .witii ureal na r via iimuW. oaluyand. style, in fhe Cities wt iVtwiadeK phia and New York Consisting bf : t : LADIES' . DRfcSS GOOPS, Blk. Oio DQiUune, Fancy' Dreia ifks, Pans De Laiije Kdle a Lez, j Velvei Trim'd - do "do - Sap'r Vateinda - do no ! highold (JttsliVde Cass I - .oj t de Clique obe a, Lez v French, ivleiiuo.stt66oi led ColorsJ Plain end Fig-4dt all wool De Laities, De!iireges;'Aipaccas, Ginghams '&' Prints Wh.ie and oi'u biiiliarrtP. ' n l . . . ... ... ' . , ! TarJetoii.N.uiidooJi and Vjctona Liwns,. wisgj .AJuU and Jaconet iUnslui, Ladies' Erribroidefed Collars and bleeves do J 'ieuritirrg - j0 ' viiaeH Hdk'ld (veay Cheap) j la.ce. ajid Lovi V'eus, . some Mead Diosc Latest style of VVJriili' H0N'E Drahjmd 6rt)ii Khibtnerp, ' ' " iinc-rm, pfigs alidUristal Wreaths.- L,aoi' coaka mid AluuUtiBs, Pcinled'atfJuneie -Shawl. rlr.w.l.c tin. .1 .1 lieausilul Plush do 1' lt,..iM..rri,r...ik. ftr. ri :' i ? ;. . . .w, u niiuuiHIirui; Olf 1J J, (J,i TOUtUl CO f U .' IdnMlr Sdaifi. ' .i "--j PritRes ii(yil Parent Lmrped Kx trn- siou BidulSKIKTS'&c. - READY-MADE CLOTHING, (Jf all kinds of the Best Mak'e : also French Cloths, Doe Skin and Fancy Cassiiieres. A ceraplere Stoct ' j" ' STAPf.P ni?V rinnnc .CARP.EflNGS.&c.f ' ; Boots, Shoes Jlardwarc. Cutlery, Glass and Queen s ware, brugs arid Paints, SoUea'ther. . . GROCERIES 1 bagar, Coffee, Tear, Cheese, Candles, .Violas, ses, Salt.'&c. AH of which .will be mIJ at the lowest Prices for Cai or to punctuaJ cusUim. ers. ' . , J. W. St.oc.kron. P I have the Gtnuirra j Het Anchor Bolting Cloth" Far tfele. '' ' I " . ! FKEXCH niTRR MILL STONES, BJd- to' order, and warranted gobtl of sale. , J. w. s rocKh oN. StsfegyjlleOct 8; ia8. ' 45it f ililL ROAD AQTICE ! T -TQ - Ietv,.hf3ap and llvpedi " tious Itonto fbrl . Frtfyfdfor the Interior of ft. C. MEttertANTS and others aboulipurcha's. ing-llkeir Fall and Wintei Supplies, are requested ty wKice,ihat by the cwm.-rleiion ' ol llur'or;h Eastern Kail Koad frtirh Char- rtSp'Vo" C'1lo.4era thedvaniages of a CHEAP and EXPEDITIOUS Ho ne from the Seaboard has been opened "to li'em. All freight nonsigned to the caFe of-the Agent ot Uie Norlh Eastern Kail lkoad W1ll be for warded F K E E 0 CO M I SSIOjV. No charge will be made for dtorage at Cheraw. All goods will tie taken iare of in the Company's .Warehouse nmil A scliilule of charges for rraipoirit:on of height will be hujih! at ihe Post ojlice. , S. S. SOLOMONS. v'd Eg'r attd jStip't. SecDnd.Edition, REVISED AND ENLARGED. Sr J. RICKERT, . ; SLatesvillt, JV. C- - Is now opening and offerkfg the largest apd finest, Stock of . j - Confeciionery and Fancy Goods Ever ofWed in Siesr'ille : alno, god as sortrnent ot JEWELTtY, which: he sella ery low for Cafh. j Oysters. HavirrEr acceDted the Anci ritrb r .k- largest Fish and Oyster Houses In Ports, mouth, he is prefiareii lo Xurnish' amihe with g-ood fresh Oysters, three time a week it; atiy, ontrty, fwm aufrl to etl gatloqs, S .t "Pti"rPDT' Dec, 3, im.", Ttf ""' T-Ll -rr-T- , - Hariress Makiiisf ' WE A V&R BROlS, f Keo oonshintlv on hn-rftt irih. .... r k rt i It manu factory, .111 0 L 1 N, a large aasorttnent-of JHariies Bridles, Collarsii d,very thing clsk usually 'kept in a 'afa8 fe$tablihroi. T: e tsarnefuy inrtte. an persons wishing to ?rc!S8i gow barsuin9 toiTr 09 c?. 50 jore. buying else where: By closo applica- iiui. uu iuiiiiiuu iu vunuen ato- UOIM3 A ,l t : k n . n 1 r ; ith neatness and dispatch. We have de po!et of 'Hzinew at Scale&viIle,rtHn. W Woward ; LibertiHill, 'With'-. Feimster; Couaty Lui; with Ecolet & co. j Jojjesville. with Thos T. Maxwell. , . L October 1st '; 44 ly V . BLANKS Of all kinds, for Bale at this Ouice. il

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