neot itiAfpvtto tlio Ijterkened, chamber, wlicjrfe certain my tedious- en .'duiutmeJts ire j supposed tj be pro- iiounced.V At 'this , critical j moment ggcutleman took his hat forgetting, to leave be- watca and chain. the k ray young t?ul departed jumUiim tha The N.C.Rai! As to the Shops, he clearly shows that they are at the Tight place for L the benefit of the worfc. and thatthev . . are From the FajretteviUe Obserrar. road-A Cheering State- 1! ment of its Operations and Prospects. It is "with pleasure as great as it was unexpected, that wc ha vie hastily conned a pamphlet of 50 pages, just .ssued at .Salisbury, containing i Re port of the President and pirectors JOf the" N. C Railroad to Gov. Ellis. : JtU dated ai lately as the 20th Jan . lary and presents to the Governor, for ,tbc use of the General Assein . f.llrAn exhibit of the history, condi- ttiyn and athiijrs ot the Corporation and jthe Jload,' ' Aud a , highly qncourag .jlng exhibit it is, calculated to (disperse, llike mist before the sun, the erroneous iKiew'so generally entertained of the ! of tbe stock held by the v Instate and bv individuals in th tic cntcrnrisc .o a general .statement of ; f . The road, (he most "-woUtabh vart of the ompany pnemrty. as they cerfara- are indispensable to its convenient and safe .operation. is true, that not one Dta in four man ages such work well. " T "The only cause which has saved many contractors from losses on this Road, is to be found in the. apprecia- -I ted value of real estate, in consequence , -x li. : mi - r .1 1 01 its construction,, mere is in iius The tone of the President's Report some reason whv Stockholders, as well is in the most marked degree spirited; ag the State, should not be unreason it is what is called spicy, cutting and ably clamorous for dividends of profit slashing fore and aft at the grumblers, because the general influence of the (among the Stockholders,) who not WOrk has made a sound prosperity to taking the pains to inform themselves compensate for. the interest on stock of facts, have complained of many of held. To landholders the appreciation the measures of the Board the loca- 0f value has made a direct return. The tion and erection of the Shops, and State thus stands as the' individual. the borrowing of $do0,000 at 8 per Building Lot for Sate i&r , IN STATESVILli. . The tot lying between the Post Office and Jos. W. Stockton's corner, twasttrine 32 feet front and 109 back, is for ale. Those wishing to purchase will pleas apply to Mr. C. A. CAHtTOS. JOHN.H. DALTON. Feb. 11, 1859. 10-tf Land and Negroes PUBLIC SALE. NEW CROP - - mam 1 mwa, e. HENDERSON & ESN1S, "Wholesale and Retail; pealers i I will sell, at the late Residence of PLACE BO HOUSTON, Deceased, On the lQth day of March, THE VALUABLE FARM K l.l.r1n Prime New Cron MTJSOO- U U UUS. , VADO MOLASSES, jus 4 received, and Ibr sale by " n " lTm. 8. CASOX. ( Feb. 4, 1859. 9-kn . Valemitiinic ! j OieBMcals, j Wu need ! mot follow the ind .Director in their riiinUtc. state Client ; y hut omr readers a rq its which is 223 miles long, Ipost; to. build and stock it is gigan- 'resident are samples of this tone, containing awo interesting information : "Hail RoacTmanagement consists of two branches : 1. The general poli cy as to freights, fares, property and mode of administration. 2. The ad- rministrative supervision, control and police. "The first belongs to the Board of Directors to be determined and regu lated. They miist do so tinder the i penalty of being denounced, either for i high rates, or for no dividends. These !fe!44-UmiIUn S-2-2.008.8flrwinni. ; rocks approaeh tdo closely to sail be- V'....:.iL,.:.w.'-i.. : . 1. ,s tween theiu it is impossible. Ifjthe !.YJ11V11, ViUUJIJIJI 11J LI lllclil 11 10 VJlillJV; , i I T 1 3 ,-ery best ro-ML in the Unite I States, raies are too low to pay guouuiv muus, i - i . ,i- 1.1 4 i. . i i tlio njnst. answnr tnr it: it (liv- -ft i i'i mi(t tfifur irni:i r Tit nnv. . arm ; 'T ,...v .v. .., .v ...... rv ' - i i i .i n ,i Ihons n.o.v tenske anefnerfect than enas are paia, cieany me money is AfiV, 'iw coTtainiv a ;vcasonaij Her nrosneritv is increased her re cent, interest, after they had utterly vmna ia WrMspd andhpr character failed to get it oh better terms, &c, riSes with both pari passu. Upon Belonging to the said Deceased, consisting of vc., an me complaints growing out.oi ; the line of this KoacL and within its or i.euu acres, inciumug m8 vweii- and ending in the fact that dividends ; influence, adjacentthe appreciation ! have not been paid. The following ;n ral ostatp. since 1849. has been i entitled results. i ii 1 iTi m log, ana an necessary uui-uuuaings. lne larger part is n woodland, well timbered, and well adapted to the growth of Tobac co. There are 150 or 200 acres of low grounds in cultivation. . ' Also, at the. same time .and place, all the property belouging to said Estate, consist ing of 18 &B0&0ES, A large assortment of beautiful VALENTINES, For sale at the FAUCI STORE Of S. J. EICKERT. Feb. 4, 1859. 9-2w Look Here ! $4,907,- 1 wijtli ofjler road- um, tin ;onipare (oiuitrv. I J tic worK Jwas coninienceil in tue Junuiiff ot il.S,)i. 'Hie ii J-st. train .fan over the kviioly Jim; in February, ? Tbc.Statcj at flrt ntlsciibcd 000,1100, iin individuals-1 j The Sta;te a f tlenva nls'in:ide a IsuWcri p- . tion of 1, )0O,00(): of " block, '.' on AvSiich the interest paid before any djviend is thT other three iiiilli()ns. ' in the (1(nnjianv, ! litre fore M' 4.00.000 sbirl-. or S4.0i)i ! I..V Vl Hut the rukd co-t $007,98 ni tins suiM. i i the issue d" 0 (Alii (ti i 1 .1 u- -1 1 leaves J"27,'4 1 IT lie; ice wa. Tin; State si S eeut. . b meet which at lid is iirovided,) su' sinking fu .(lonipany received 0,742 intere.-t, ireriimn, kv. In all $3S0V k A tf.. ixvil troni ,HU ,!ts.44, v.k:;; 4hiei add 7, (. Ho of in .liptions Makes an agg H.,.4,i;04..J to b e ,r un Aim! now tiiL'An fvnm tlio.riAnnlA wKn mirrlit tn receive the benefit ot this public work) to go into the pockets of tha?capital ist. Is this jest or truth ? Let every man say. What then is the moral? .Why, that Boards of Directory must see well what is alike just to the com munity and to the owner of shares, without overmuch care for applause or blame. Poor must be the fate of that ii- ' i ...v , i : a i... . 1 I'lll.Pl Irl.vH . W 1 1 1 iMf III1IMTV lltlf'.l.ll- reten-cl -r- ; r---r is "to be lles an(i vacillates at the noise ot pub lic clamor, chielly made by those who have the least interest and the worst tempers." . . , '"Rail Itoads are as dangerous as magazines in war. Their weak, incom petent or rash management may scat ter death and destruction along their line witness the annals of appalling disasters, et men ignorantlv talk of this management!, as if it were a mat ter of mere'' dollars complain of ex travagant expenditure to make safe Roads, as if the question was of a high way tor an ox wagon- clamor lor low wages, as if good and competent and skilful men may be had for this most dangerous and wearing life, at the rates of common labor- abuse the building made on ie stock consists ,000. 2.44 be this ex- ilthorized nds fur tuaturitv and the S7 from not less than Ten Millions. Strike the j Road from existence and before twelve months, its value would fall more than ' Ten Millions. j "Such, and so great has been the . pflWt. of a Work "habit.iiallv referred to , , , m -i i - JMen, yy.oinejo, aa nnares, ost or mem by many persons as wholly unprohta- Dein young aad hkelj, includiag 2 good ble to the State. This is not very Blaekemith. strange while coming from those so Also, remote from it as to feel no direct A' good stock of Mule and Horses, Cattle, , n. ' i w e Hogs, and Sheep,, several hundred bushels of benefit, and who enquire no farther CorVand wheat, Hay, ic, 2 sets Black- than to ascertain that It has not paid Bmith's Tools, several VVagcms, Farming dividends to the Treasury, and has Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, cost more than its capital provided. , , . 7 . .! . . .1 t Sale to continue from day to dav until all jjui, ii is iiui more orange, mat iggolL Termg made kwn Qn of pie, wno a iew years ago, were aimosL sae without hope In trying to devise some All persoH indebted to the Estate will please scheme, to give them access to the mar- come forward and make payments, and Vot of the world anrl a means of nas- lliuse uavluS """3 nmsue ioui kets ot tne v oria, ana a means oi pas wiR present them for y sage abroad better than impassable , JOHN H. DALTON, roads who would willingly have given February 9, 1859. Executor, a tithe of their revenue, if 'so only to I will also Sell Privately, be obtained, for securing this now that LOT No. 3, in the TOWN of NEWTON, they have it, are full of complaints at Catawba County, the lack of dividends, as it they had . .- ,rra mvested as capitalists and are tree in - VILLE Davie Countv ' i ,i i.: ' ' j censurt-aiiuconmiuuionoi vviiaLcv, persons fihing to purcha8e will please ad- iti liiv-u nisuvi" .nii wigv iahliivv, dress tne tniuscriber, at iiousionvuie, ire of Rail Road management, is uiscov- dell County, N. C. ered to be not iudicious. The cost of 10-ot JUhA h.daliua this Road is a less cost, than that ot Watchman copy until any oisaie, aim lor any other Road elsewhere has . been, ward blh to subscriber- or its Line. The whole Road, with all pr T?K!c? Oil ts annurtenances is zood. as it is sub- JSDIS.-.lWaCDlIie Very superior, at only $1.25 0 gallon If you owe us, and intend to pay, come up and say so, between. now and February Court I Alter mac ume our ciaimis win oe pui ic eel: out for collection. We mean what we say. EEESE & STIREWALT. Jan. 28, 1859. 8-tf Paints, Colore, Vanushes.iBrxisheSilJn dow Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &cf, M IAnserd, Lamp, and MachtnerOil, Kcrifirne Oil and Burning Fluid, Limps of ereiij, description, Perfumery' and Toilet '3 GARDEN SEEDS,- , 1 CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, . PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, ,f Medicinal Purposee, l FINE SEGA RS, TOBACCO, I sAXisiiuRY, lc: w7 -1 used, to aid Hib gate of . 1 c(rnes t lie . irt-ct nvliK u Has uotn surprised ana . . . 0 UOUtttrH ILUS .h ;. . .':,... as if the complex machinery of a Lo- IU ULt l Kjlll IHlLtl"U 'l livuexrn 1111 . . . - i ! ,i , j,-iH-iU"ir comotivc cmwu uc kcih in uruer wuu fr'CJt Off fAT vt' tarJllTTtS Oj i" r i ' . r- ... 1 n pMiiiriAn K hintsmit Ii inrrro find riY- ue, -the C.nnnanv has a , .. . i i i f -i r i v l . . a ILI)1 OI 1-1 I ,v t-)-.', imi It.t.t ir. . 1 1 .. I .1 A muion 111 r. k - e c-iiii.)!') the safety ot the drain fa truth so ' ...V , 1 " di'idorabiv heirlected on our-American rm mi (iinfiiiii snni ot nnr. i o . . 1.1. . . . . v- . ... - " 'T " , V anraivag- ?W lite I vm. t Hoating sgajnst this ii tlh, tatt- b . if) ';' showing 't&trning- of $41,0..30; giegate of 4 10. IS. . f. rhe.M' net ; g ear's ojTtrat ; ; t&W,) were ' isr7, .U52, - 185,12.00 t" January, 1 gia regular ' acui ? .llie at)0 e theteluul 1)C(," ilrofi.ts would U the 1st ipilTion (jf pr two )Ci con lnillions of s ct mrninp of fcariurics lov ons of the road, 31ii2,001.97 ; jto'July, 24.)3; to duly!, 1858, ; and for to tlid months 855), 1 1 2,544.B ; show- material increase every forgetting ' that the living freight of human life following the en- - i gine is in the hands of the man who inv v-viii. - , , (to July, figures sliow, that it n nos(lebt to pay off, the have paid the htate, up istaut, $-210,000 on its ferred stock, an in 185G . on the remaining three ock ; in 18o7 three per Something Go04i xwnms MY GURU npHE person who carried a double-bairel -- Shot Gun from my room, about Chriet mas, will be so clever as to return it without delay. JOHN WREN. Jan. 21, 1859. 7-tf New Crop M0D1L ASSIES fAr) Ilkds. of choice New Crop " Cuba Molasses, expected direct from Cuba during tbe month. For sale bv HATHAWAY & Co. Wilmington, IV. Jan. 10, 1859. 6-lm W. M. Wyatt, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALER IN ED M XU & S , !P1 BLUE TISII AND MU Of the "best qualitv, for sale. SALT, In large seamless sacka, cheap for cash. J. W Dec. 17, 1858. C-tf k3 31 STOCKTON HOF! Clothing Emporium, . MANSION HOUSE CORNER,: ; SALisiiuhYJV. tl; ; Where the best assortment of Ref idy Blade Clothing is at all times to .ob tained, at low prices. Mv Stock consists of i ' fP ? Coats, Pants, Vests, -.Overcoats, Drawers, Under. Clothing of every aescrrpnon, JJ,2is, Shoes, Hats, Caps, M. HOFFLI Mansion House Corner, Salisburv, C, Jan'yT, 1850.-Gm j " ; . its appurtenances is grood, stantially and well finished, for perma nency, for safety and for economy in operating. . i Mr. risher closes his able defence of himself and the Road as follows: All these facts have been shown in the Annual Reports of each year. If, any are not informed, it is because they have neglected to read. We are not chargeable with their ir- ; norance. The whole management of the Road has been condemned by these, and by others having their own objects of private interest, r of personal or partisan schemes to subserve. The censure and abuse of such is of no con sequence, except so far as it deceives the hon est. . ' W, II. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C. 5 Bids. Machine Oil, Refined Lard Oil, at only T5 eta. $ gal. Wl H. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C. 10 Bbls. Tanner's Oil . A Superior Article, at $15. per bbl. W. H. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C. cent.,' in lSfK four per centi, and in -ijebt is paid, Pii .fegula rl i outaoiy divkleuds may l4 expect- vec J, a semi-ajin un divend (C per edit. 4 Janiary, IN M' iu ;m1v ii Ayhich it is niinifit that, now rem an that the i ,i - . er, ana wno constantly, in season ant out of season, risks his own life in this perilous service, for the wages grudg ingly allowed to him; and forgetting that a single piece of bad, or defective work about engine or train, may cause a sudden destruction of the whole. "This is truth little comprehended or thought of bv those wno talk Rail Koad management, as if they knew anything about it, and who con sider but one point the making of div idends. The penny wise advocates of cheap roads, half built- of low wa ges, for incompetent and unskilful men of no expenditures to repair or shel ter broken down engines. "As opposed to such notions, I have them. iVly "The faet arfearto be: That I hare rom- letcd the Road construction, aafnlly perhaps X JVIc rl1l I"l nf' Oil Rail Roads are usuallv completed: have MJv a v"" w-, Warranted rare Straits, 91. f5 gai. W. H. WrYATT, . Salisbury, U. C. 15 Bbls. Varnish, Damar, Japan, Leaher, Coach Body, As- ipal, furniture a Sold at Manufacturers' prices, by W. H. WYATT, Wholesale aod Retail DR U&Ol sir, SALISBURY, H. C. as pai'd rts lialilitie8 out of the Road earninj's-. have operated the Road at an average cost ' of less than 45 per cent, of the gross earnings: ' have been so fortunate, under the merciful : deliverance from disaster of a Higher Power, as to conduct its always dangerous transpor- . tatiorl of life and property with extraordinary ; safety and security to both- and can now I surrender to the Htate her important work, ! nLa!t,im. Coital. Furniture, and Picture. 'I T 111 1 1 . 1 . i . 1 1 1 ' 1 ' . . Ias l wouiu oe giau to ao io-aay,; in goou - order and condition, tree ot incumbrance, j ready to make returns of profit, and with a ; cleaT future of prosperity. j '"This, sir, is all I proposed to myself, when. under circumstances of urgency, I assumed j the administration of this work a charge ) not only wholly unsought by me, but most unwillingly undertaken. Undertaken, because ) believing the progress of our system in the j State would depend upon the success uf this j SCGilS, SCCCIS. work, I did not feel authorised to refuse my i ' . " services at the call of the State and the stock- holders. I need not say to those who know j best, that the charge has been one full of( heavy responsibility, as well as of labor, and one mo3t unprofitable to me." Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffk, Brushes, Window Glass, Varnish, &fC) A4?ji Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 1859 5-ly To the Physicians, Farmers, and Me chanics of Western North Carolina, E. Nye Hutch & Co., Irwin 8 Corner, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Offer a very large and Taried Stock of ;Kott1j Carolina ittecijanirs' ,SN0W CAMP - Machine Shop I AND Foundry, ..4- Mr. maae no concessions to tnem. a? I UCVA nil" , . C , 1 T- 1 1 1 1 . 1 I . . . I , . . . -1 w 11 rwl lioo Imnn o Id ni'ji 1 Tl ft Iiilst niaivKUisils will f x . ,. . . , iQOO fi rnr ofrnf-- flip ' . J . - v' i ' " i -. - 7 - OIommeuiaL 'ive .) or Ti$tate sinlv ina- fund will receive: from tjns roatl at ijeast 5liU,lMJJ afyar, a mm anijily suuicient,witli Us Qjtner re- Simirces. to .meet the. Mate uetot as it fiil fall due. Now Avlien lrc has been road was not jfock w we reflect that he pub led to suppose that the . i.i . . paying expensesj tiiat its a Rail Road be safely and profitably managed. It has been my effort to finish the Road construction, so as to make it safe and permanent. To com plete the Shops, bo that they may be entirely available for all Repairs, and for all work of the Road. To secure for the Trains of all classes the servi- 110 C i. i. f.'il.f..l stock was wortnies, ana tnat noDouy . . ... . , ' .i A -: i i 11 .1 J i ! r : ;A and skilful to have any other kind at irpuiu ic 11 inu coiiuiiiun in 11a iiiiunuu, no price and to pay to such just and question whether this man . 1 1 11 . 1 1 11" nffi thint iTio v nn urmn n min in to rejoice over this . Exhibit, tie aecu- vg0'118' i(j ui nuii;n, 111c ill' iuii oyo ima . i, l 11 l 11 IAth tested the Officers and! Direct- - 1 3 r i," tt"; 1, t hL a 4k o.c. there can be stated as follows i Up to 1 1 j Jy ir Lu the present date, no disaster has hap- ' ' . V ' . V . I .... - " " tmct. ac List of persons, having goois remaining at the Siuteifcille J)epot up to February 9, 18i9- R W Richardson 3pd28, D C Crawford lrxlg, Dr Collett lpdr,..J Johnson tpdg, tiap poldt 2 boxes, J B Andrews. J W Stockton, P EHer2pc3 marbte, M Bailey do, J Sherrill do, W Jenkins 3 do, Gray, Bryan &Co 1 lot marble, W II .Bailey 15(Mlb,.W B Jones 1200 lt, E B Drake & Son 1 lot Printing materials fggmetteal. MARRIED, In Alexander county, Feb. 8th, by the Rev. Walter W. Pharr, Dr." Isaac Wilson of Meek lenburg, to Mrs. Scsan M. McIntosh. I the i j K i , , road, durinc mv term of nearly tour nln muntifr.! ewrv dftnartmrnt (lis- "v . .J . i. ' i ; years and only twice in this time has train left UEW AND FA SHI ON ABLE FM'Biitaire WAHi ROOIS 9 131 Charlotte, N. C. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, MOLASSES, SODA, SOLE LEATHER, A large and well-selected assortment of -KING'S MOUNTAIN IRON; A 1 J, M. SANDERS & Co. . r' Are constantly receiving from New York j LMOTHY GRASS SEED, Boston. &c, a general assortment of line aud t r n v a sj vc-x-r j fashionable FURNlTUREwhich they will j . . Y1 Icofl nt low nrieea for Cash, and . Jan- XJ' everv article warranted to give eatieiacuon. Ti; r ha A nil any engine oi a passenger . j. lit vui uimi: va iwv a . -au. .1.1 a . r r c . . idM .i1A tue tracK, once trorn running over a sources, fimki brptembcr, -lqo4 (the . ' . -i 1 1 A 1 r . ' . , ic-jq horse at night, and , once lately trojn hrst cars ruijn to January, looy, (tour 1 fc ' , , ... f v, 11 1 . some unknown cause, in neither case S1,130,202.S8. The operating cost clus'"g T'T"! 10 Person9' ond but yt, Ah operating Cost was , it a inion existing generally, I ,TLose want of .mod Itaiture, at very 1 8 per cent, of the earnings for the I . . , . , . 6 , ,yj low DHCes. wi please give them a call. . I - , , . 471 . that the contractors on this work made j f , tirst fCW months; then 47 1 pCT Cent", !" . ... . , 7 mL- :a fu :n Also, on hand. - then tHen 43; and for the last itheir el'a' . Th!8 ' ' HSK'S METALLIC BTJKIAL CASES, skmonfhs 44 percent; showilg that ' S" TJ i, JmA;ST4 J. if. SANDERS & Co. . Mroadis oLWat verycn : Charlotte, N. C. ablv brfow t usual ner cent.lof the and led t0 t ?oncluf" war; J Feb. 11, 1859.-10-ly ! 4 i v , .1 . , ranted by any tacts: tne oenei mat i eirnings and-.we arc mclincd tk thmk h g J iany works where she is. miow tne proportion on-anj otner r ..-,! t)lo road of which we have ever seep the :, py - - " ! : t . 1 " ,nnnfi,niiAn I iiTiriortn L-ft to cn v from results. We mav Prs dnt IFiaher ;T ""l . o irnov oncrp fir iiuiiviuikii i:uiiLiav,tuio . . t ftiiv i" RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, BLUE GRASS, ORCHARD, LAWM GRASS, And A general assortment of Eandrettt's Garden Seeds, Just received," by W. II. WYATT, DRUGGIST, Salifibxiry, N. C. Feb. 4, 1859 9-2m For Rent, AT DAVIDSON COLLEGE, N4 C. The Subscriber has an EXCELLENT STOKE, With suitable Rooms 'attaehed for Ready made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and ShoeB, &c., &e., which he will rent for any number of years, if application be made soon. Possession can be given immedi ately. H.P, HELPER. Feb. 41859--9-3W Just received, . And fbfc sale by T. II. McRORIE, OILS, &c. Pure Sperm', Whale, Sea Elephant, Lamp, Lard, and; Machinery. TANNERS OIL, from 05 cts. to $1.15 per gallon, warranted pure. LINSEED OIL, at Manufacturers price. BURNING FLUID, TURPENTINE, and ALCOHOL, 95 cts. per gallon by the Bbl. very loVr. VARNISHES, Uoach, Im. English Finish ing, Furniture, Copal, (extra No. 1 and No. ) Leather, Picture, Damar, and Grecian. JAPANS, Black and Brown. PAINTS, &c. PURE WHITE LEAD IN OIL, by the lb. or ton, from 8 to 12J cts. per lb. SNOW-WHITE ZINK, CHROME GREEN, CHROME YELLOW, PARIS GREEN, BURNT and RAW UMBER, &c., &c A large assortment of PAINT BRUSHES. French and American WINDOW GLASS, From 8X10 to 30X44, PUTTY, Ready for use in Cans and Bladders. French, English, and German PERFUMERY. TOILETTE COMBS AND BRUSHES. GENUINE COLOGNE. ALAMANCE 'COUNTY, N. C.J;: THE Proprietors of this eetabhslfient would inform their friends and tlippub lic jrenerallv. that they are skill mahufegtur- ing FROM TWO TO SIX HORSE P0pER Wheat Threshing Machine With Wrought or Cast Iron Cylindersfall sizes, either portable or -stationery H The latest improved Wrcfught,Cylindelhi,;the - teeth being inserted through pie oar, fsjuare with the tap on the inside, which otmtites all difficultv in reversing the teethJwhen one side gets worn. These machine! will suit the wants of every farmer. : Sugar Cane x Crushers -1 I Wfe are also manufacturing, upon th1bcst auoxle), a Biy .i ijiattTtTCloof 9. '.yi- CV". ers, which have sufficient capapity.'WitfjQBe good horse, to extract 50 gallons of , jui:e per hour, and it only occupies a space of aV put 3 feet, so that the mill is very portables .; We do not hesitate to say, that our Cane:Cr4hers are tlie best that have, ever been infrotkieed into the State, and every farmer griWi.Bg cane should possess one. We still manufacture Factory Gear, Circular Saws, Grist anct Sain ' Mill Irons of every description, ' Cuttin$'JHa ehines of different kinds and sizes, Corr$'heh let s, Smut Machines ; all kinds of 'Citing and Machine work viade to order, at shq-t no tice. . ' A srood euTYplv of material on hand and the work done by experienced workmen and under the supervision of the proprietprwho are practical mechanics. Having iiadn; any years experience, they do not hesitate tf.say, that no effort will be spared on their pa' It. to give general satisfaction. . Send in your orders for those celebrated Machines, that you may be furnished ingool time for this season. ' - f Anv thing in our line will be delivertt io" the N". G. Railroad at Grraham's, mark J as directed. ; Terms reasonable,, to suit the times, jf All orders for work, or letters on bnsSJSS, addressed to S. Dixon, Davidson & Co., ;"ow Camp, Alamance County, N. C, will ?ej;ye' prompt attention.. . i SOLOMON- PlXOf I ; CALEB DIXON, 4' ' . BERRY DAVIDSON . P. S. BENBOW, ' i ProprietoL IfiTE. B. "DRAKE & SON,' Agents, btatesville, y.fy PHYSIGIANS Will Ontl a select Stock3 Pure Chemicals, P H A R M A C E U T-I GAL PreparationSj SURGICAL INSIRUMENHS, kc, f - ..- ! Great caw is exercised in the preparation of SYRUPS, TINCTURES, FLUlt) EX TRACTS, and OINTMENTS, all being mad strictly in accordance sr ith.theU.S.fHAR- MAmPf.IA. jiml conformably with! recent improvements in PHARMACY, . i . AT HENDERSON & ENNIS'S . SALISBURY, .N,;C. -ly 6fflccW.N.cTR.RiCp. Slatesvlllc, 30th Dec, 1858, ORDERED, by the Board ef Diretctow oi the W. N. C. R.R. Co., ThatBookj (of Sub scription be oiened for sixty days from and after the 1st January, 1859, At jthe fojllowing places, and under, the directions of the fair lowing persons, or any three of themJ for tho sum of $300,000, being the estimated sum necessary to be subficribed by solvent ipersons or counties, to construct and complete th 2nd Division of the W..N. C. R. R. from Morganton to Old Fort, in McDowell Coun- Salisbury, under the directiou of X. Hen derson, 3. I. Shaver, J3. 'aiey . a. Davis, Wm. Murphy. j Statcsvlllc, under the direcUon qt J. , Alexander; J. W. Stockton, L. ti,pnarpe, W. F. Watts, Hugh Reynolds. J JVcwton, under the direction on oonai . Bost, John Wilfong, George bitzef, V. A. - Gaither, M. L, McCorkle. m I . ; 3l6rgaut6n, under the direction pi B. J Erwan, Thos.G. Walton, W. F. McKesson; C. M. Averv, Alex'r Duckworth. Marion, under the direction qf Wia, Murphv, Jasper Neal, Alvery Bergin, A, .M. Erwint and J. L. Carson. j Lienolr, nuder the direction of .Tama Harper, R.' B. Bogle, C. C. Jones, Smith Powell, F1. Jones, or any three of, them. Taj lorsvlllc, under thedirectioi of Jo M. Bogle, A. C. Mcintosh, A. Carbon, Ro . bert Wilson, Wr. 0. James, or anyjthree of them, i J Asbevllle, under the direction of; N. W, Woodfin, J. W. Tatton, W. W. MqDowell, A. S. Merriman, John Bergin. ! At the expiration of sixty days the CommiB-, .sioners will please forward the Books to. this Office. r 1 r R. F. SIMONT0N, j , ' SeQ'y& Treas'r, News, Asheville, copy 2 months ' 5-2m. kv, after thi$ exhibit, ,"Xo instance can be pointed out of ajRoad in better condition, anjd hav irp; better promise of a prosperous fii ttlre within fur years of comdletion, trah the Kor ;h :. Carolina RailroAd now 'lis, and if the State and the Stock holders! find nothing to appmve in this, it would! only sbow tiiat still, as .brmrf Loi- ffnrlnir frrk as an investment. The building ot rJighbors,wiyet?a8 a peopleAndcr- Rail Roads ib attended with etraor- value whatever is at home.' a knowledc -that there are a larger number whoselstock cost them, in the working out, above par than of those who made fifty percent, of that stock clear, and if it was a fact that aiiy have made their stock, or & part of it, as profit, & So, for sale at on work done, this profit so tar, nas not been of available value, but stands FRESH Landreth & Son's AH persons indebted to me, by note or other wise, are requested to pay up by February , Court. T. II. McRORIE. s 8-tf Notice. Having bought my PABTNER'S INTER EST in the STATESVIIJLE TAH- YARD, together with Stock, Notes, and Book Accounts, I am- now. sole proplietor of the concern, and expect to carry on the busi ness pretty extensively. Myaelf or my Agent -will always be found in attendance, to accom modate in any way desirable. GOOD Htt)ES always acceptable at the Yard. All those indebted to the late firm are re- JUST RECEIVED,, a larjre and well-ee- quested to pay rip. Good Hides taken in ,,nnr of. GARDEN SEEDS, th rAA claims, or anv wit. Good Leather given, in exchage, or cash CUMBER LAN D' COUN't Y FAI RV I Held the 3d, 4th, and 5th November If8V Report of Committee.on Steam, Horee,id er i$ exhibitedtby Church iU'sfPrepara tion of the Hypophos- jiand power Machinery : phiten, forthe CUREofCONSUffiON. . cZh Medical Cases and Surgical Instruments. 1 Perry Davidson, and manufactured bj Jb. . . DLxon, Davidson, &, Co. Thld is a firstate Sole Wholesale Agents of Iiolloway' well goten up an(1 weu me.'In Pill and Ointment in Western N. the opinion ot- ihe Committee it is tter Carolina. . . adapted to ordinary tarin uo Uian any ttng WOOD;S HAIR RESTORATIVES, by .the they have seen. j. ' I dozen or gross. One Donble : Iron Spout Cirn Shellerj by FRESH CONGRESS .WATERS, by the the same parties ; very. good ai the priceJnd case. " : very well niadel 1 ' ' ' SNUFF different kinds by the jar, blad- One Cutting Machine, for I cutting te, straw, fodder, (shucks;, or corn-stalks ;, a rate machine, requiring less hand power dvan 9 any thing of the kind to do th same worll. 1 Dec. 10, 1858. 2-Cino j .. - Son, of Philadelphia', and from 8 now Camp Machine Shop, Alamance, Thorburn, of New Yoek. der, or barrel. CIGARS, by the 1,000, GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, last crop ; RED U WHITE CLOVER, ORCHARD, ment. will find this the best Foundry in fee nttixv o, iuviiuiu,wi'uuu' otaie at wuicn u) procure mem. Anc pf jv- j Persons wanting to purchase Thresri ! Machines, Sugar Mills,, Circular Saws, lid Mountain Scenery. The Scenery of Western North Carolina and Western South Carolina. A .WORK upon the Scenerj' of the Blue ' Ridge and its fellow ranges of Moun tains will be published early m January. The following will be its contents:! Chap. I. Introduction. ".Chan. II. Asheville. Chan.' 111. Routes to reach Asheville-5 the Swananoa Gap Road. Chap. IV.-i-The Hickory .Nut Gab Road. Chap. V. the Routes from South CarolU na-T-Saleai Gap and Jones Gap, Flat Rock, Henderso'nville, Caesar's Head, Whiteside Mountain, and'Cashier's Valley. ! Chap. VI. A Route via Wilkesborough and Lenoir; the Valley of the Yadkin; Wilkeborough ; Happy Valley:' Tknourf Hi'bri'ten, fcc. Chap.' VII. Morganton and its surround incs; th Piedmont Springs ; Hawka Bill and Table Rock. , i . Chap. VIII. Linville Falls ; the Ginger- - 1 s . 1.1 f cilte RcK-k ; JN orth cove ana tue iave. . Chap. IX. The Vicinity of Asaeville; th' White Sulphur; the Million Springs: Pleasant Drives. Chap. X. The Black Mounjaj ; th Mountain House ; Journal of a Partj. Chap. XL The Mountain; the Bald Mount, t 1 , Chap. XII. The French Broad Rijver and the Warm Springs. I Chap. XI 1L Pleasant Country Siting Places; Carson's, on the Catawba ; Han;'?, at Chimney Rock; Sherill's; at Hickory Nttt Gap; Penland's, at Flat Rock,, on Tbe Rir. er, in Yancey ; Alexander and A. Band's, on the French Broad ; Alexander's, km the Swananoa. i" ! Chap. XI V.-r-Tlie Western Cotmhett Haywood, Jackson,- Macon, and Cherokee Pigeon River; Franklin; a i Winter! inpi Valley River; the Nantihala; Cherokee Ini dians. x . - : Oiaj). XV. Productions of the West, Ags ricultural and Mineral ; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals and Reptiles. Appkxdii. The Pilot Mountain ; Salem; Piedmont Springs, in Stokea; Shotco Swings; Kittrell's Springs ; Letters of Dr. Christy on Mountains of ..North Carolina. ( X',?' " The work will contain four Tiewsof -Mountain Scenery and a Map of Xhat eecction of country, showing all Itoads, Stage lines, Stopping Places, Noted Places, 4c. f. . , l It will begot up in the best style f the art, and sold at 60 cents a copy ; when sent by mail GO cents. t Persons wish ing copies will address W. L POMEROY, Raleigh, N. C. . ! . . " ! . A liberal discount to those taking ai num ber of copies for sale or distribution.; 1 i r5u A number of t Advertisement of Ho tels, livery Stables, and Springs, will jbe in serted oh fly-leaves, if forwarded immdiate ly. , .. ; Jan. 14, 1859.-G-tf List of Prices, when desired, sent by mail Orders respectfully solicited. E. NYE HUTCHISON k CO. Charlotte, N. Carolina. Jan. 21, 1859. 7-ly - ' laiip-iiiis lected eunnrr of. GARDEN SEEDS, direct from the celebrated firm of Lavduth THE VARIETY STORE dinary hardship, risk and cost, and it OF RJCXEET, Staesvihx, N. C. Feb. 11, 1859. 10-tr . paid for Hides. Jan. 28. 8-3t S. A. SHARPE. Ma ners are, all mechanics, and will send nib ing but first rate jobs, warranted. Orders jsr work wanted to be delivered next Bprihg'Ftil Summer, should be sent in at bnce,;'ekbej the Agente in Statesville, or S. Dion, vidson, & Co., Snow Camp, Alamance Cofiis , ty, N. C. A list of Prices may be seetfxtt the! Agency, in Statesville, where orders4L V3 mxiTcui STEAM SAW Hlth AT; Auction, The Subscriber wishes to PURCHASE 15 or 20 Likely Young Negroes, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAJ For which he will pay the highest cash j J. - , BOOK and JOB j v M prices. All commumcauons aauresseu w . F 15 1 13 -TP 10 1 8! Executed with neatness and desptyr, me at Statearille, will receive prompt at tention. Y. 8, DEAN. Dec 22, 1858. . Uf . rpHE SUBSCRIBERS to the FEMALE A COLLEGE will pay their subscriptions to JOa.W. STOCKTON. We are m imminent need f funds. Dec. 34, 1858. ' 4-tf ' ' TV.' ". Ji A. - A. . -l. ana on moaeraxe leims, - g AT THI - IREDELL EXPRESS OFFICE;: K ; At the Iredell Express 0fBee,'5,O0Qgld and 'responsible Subscrlp(ionsr Ma it . ll-iTi ' . fit t : . jA. j. .JS J Qicn ine, very Degi j. a per wiu,pcejcnanjM THE undersigned will 1 cell, to the highest bidder, on Thursday, ths IQth of next, ai ts p ctotK, Aunv-jfKii.ivi j ary STEASI CIRCUUR SAW: WILIt?bi On ike Vansord Mood, teartfiel pojjrm Rtnlsxuillt. in Iredell Cbvmtu.mthePtaitaton of Isaac Harris, Esqv with a' Lease, pf the Premies for 0 years, f'M-M;-- f Said Mill is in good running order, offers ft good inducementa to any one desiroui f - gaging in the Lumber busmegs and wdl ;be t soli without reserve.. Also, ,;.-, A' 1 GUjpflNG MACIIINE jU;.x. (; . Terms inade known on day of sale. ic ! st en 4 II