The Legislature has perpetrated a great wroing to this noble State Insti tution, byf' converting it, as( far as the : Legislature has the power, 'into a pari ty institution. ' Twelve Trustees were toi be elected, to fill vacancies. Xhey , were caucused upon, and erery one of the twelve is a Democrat, elected be-; cause he is a Democrat This is a sad dening fat. It maybe th beginning of ti n patty University, inj which, af- : ter a while, Democratic Presidents and Professors -will be appointed, as Democrats, to fill vacancies, and to teach Democracy, by precept and ex ample. Of course those who may not choose to have their sons taught such pestiferous doctrines, will lie driven to look elsewhere., -in the State or out of it, -for a place to educate them ; and thus, that which has been jjmilt up by Hie common treasure and patronage of all parties and all $ccs, will be appro priated to one party. V It will belittle ,. better thaiw a downright robery of all others. f ' J, f i . - As to the gentlemen elected Trus tees, we have not a word to fray against them, as gentlemen. Ve iknow, and i ""highly esteem, several of tjicm. It is tneir election as party men mat we of. " -. r- f Democratic Retrenchment. The Secretary of the Treasury has concocted a scheme of retrenchment 'in the custom houses, one item of which is to have four general apprais ers at $4,000 a year each, instead of six as at present with 552,500 each. - the same rate as to regular subscri bers. The bill also authorizes maps, lithographs, etc., to be sent at the rate of one cent per ounce. The bill was finally passed, with a few slight a mendments, by 17 majority. lhe bill repealing the franking pri- IJEW A$D CHEAP SPRIG w aau' a vii TTTf an' W : .J: i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I DEALER IX -! ue u r , SUMMER That is. he nronoses to retrench bv Allege was referred to the Committee paying $16,000 instead of $15,000.f f the Whole. The bill repeals all This is the common course of democrat- laws granting the franking privilege, ic economy. Fay. Observer DRY GOODS. HOPKINS, HULL, & ATKINSON, 258 Baltimore Street, except to the President, Ex-Presidents Respectfully invite- the attention of buyers to i and widows of Ex-Presidents. Une 1 ineir hundred dollars worth of postage I - SFRINfi STOCK DRY na to .1. - c , c i e i xx -p, i i select a diock khucu iu ui uie oou, gcut iuuu ut cacu uuc. j. a. . . . We3tern Merchants, which A Small "Rnsinesi. .ic i- x. i , . stamps is civen to each member and i Of British, French, and American I Mr English has introduced a bill bc i( t f the CQnin. GOODS. We; have taken great pfi jnto Congress to tax newspaper Edit- 'i r u n ' select a Stock suited to the wants of the ors with postage on their exchange 30Cumcnts arc 'to be pre.paid. The papers. A small business, Mr. Eng- arn bI11 was taken up then and de hsh very small sir. hen members bat tU1 the IIouse a (journed. of Congress take, an economical fit, j the first thing they do, generally, is Convention of Elders and Deacons of the i Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Window Glass, Varuisli, . &C Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 1859 5-ly PHYSICIANS Will find a select 5t(ckM Pure Chemical t- P H ARM ACEU TlAL Preparations! SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, THE L1VK I VI (10 RAT OR! rSCPABSD BT P. JtlirOEP, Coapoonied entirely fron GVti I OMR Or THR BUST PCBOATTTK AJTD LITXft M' DICIXKS m iMfera tb vnblic, that acta aa m CaAmr, W ildar. ml Kara (retul thu MIT atkar aMdiein ka IttoaotanlyaCaiAaHM'.M I4mr immeAf, mettag Brat aa ta Xiaar to ataet tu morbid aiattar, than on tha ttomach aa4 oowola la earry off that aiattar. thaa aeenatallahiaa; wa parpam affaata- ally, OTtthoat mj of tha aalnrat ajatlaca aaaailaaea la tha aaara- tioM af aaoat CoikarHc. It atraar aa taa (yataaa at ta aaaM Urn that it pargaa R; ea4 whan takaa aallv to ajeoarai IQIH, Vlll atrongtbaa aaa Duua n ap wna aaaaaai rapMniy. Tha Um U ooa of tha haaaaa body ; and whan H tha paarari of tha ixstca ara at aleaoat andraly dapandaot &C, &c.,; Xtfaar tor tha arapor parform- to pitch into the Post Office Depart inent. Thip is the only department of the Government in which all the people have a direct interest, and there Presbyterian Church. A Convention of the Elders and Deacons of the Presbyterian Church of the State was held in the Presby- ! : :4.: t A jo uu usutu ill uuiucmiiji Liie y lum i . -4 by increasing the rate of postage. Ashevule JScws. Exactly right.'.' Pitch into all such rascals and see if we can't net the l.beam out of their eyes. Let them commence tneir , work: at their own at.. t..,i n :n 1 . iUi . jjadhui me, ui vji i an itn , xtiv. appointed Secretiii-ies. A committee ing on Tuesday night, the loth irist. i About sixty delegates were in atten- j dance. Rufus Barringer, Esq., Dea-j j con, of Concord, was chosen President, 'i j and Dr. Wier, of Gi'eensborough and ; We will sell low to safe and prompt Buyers. Our Stock is very large, and em braces such an assortment,. as will enable a merchant to buy of us with tlie best advantage to liimeir, all the goods he may need in our line. In all things we shall try to consult the interest of our custo mers. Orders sent to us shall be carefully at tended to,. and goods dispatched promptly. HOPKINS, HULL, & ATKINSON. D. B. HOPKINS, I Baltimore? ROBT.iirLi., f Feb. 15, 1859. TUOS. W. ATKINSON', J ll-2m AT PUBLIC SALE. AT ft the the d oinm would really be a lamentable one ; but yet it is" not unlikely to ensue from the present pv mocratie m b d Wl! send then' printer or the people tor their Jbnquirer. readin-c matter. lluth cOmnlaiti r - -. I r- - . .; Ii , , . i . v rom t ic Kaleigh Kegrsterwe have UJ uauu FUJ the following: i 3 little postage bills, and then we think - In the debate oil the appointment 'A bc no necessity for taxing of Trustees of the University, Mr. Outlaw-well remarked that jif appoint ments were' to be made qn political grounds, the University, j instead of being . supported -and cherished by all ' parties, would soon lose the) support of those whoj Avere ostracize: i'roiii all participation' iii its luaiKicuient by mt' artv. bueli a result oscnptive coursejot the De irty. feelt-resppct will lor arents and cuardians to ra Kons.and wards to an Insti tution froln .wliose nianafretneili JOlltlt r-a faith the Unive next see 1 t tl ie v $20 Counterfeit Bills of the Bank of Hamburg. A number of 'these bills have recently-, been put in circulation by agents travelling through the country. These persons are on the Railroads, ready to answer any calls for Southern mon ey. Any information communicated to this'office may lead to the detection of the offenders. llal. Standard. jg1 The Missouri Legislature has under advisement a bill for the ex pulsion of free negroes from that corn- arc excluded because they honestly monwcalth within a year, or the al- uciiioiKiuiu temativfi ot their c. hnnxmnr mn storm and" "remaining as slakrc. Petitions jCfTlS- ' cherish a to the doniinant jmlitical party in the Mate. Iff this practice ot appointing lre circulating requesting the L : none but democrats to tiusjteesiiips of lature to prohibit the introduction of of six, consisting of two from each Presbytery, and lieaded by Judge Shepherd, was appointed to prepare business for the action of the Conven tion: and on Wednesday nirht this committee through its Chairman made j an interesting report, which, with some j resolutions. appended, were ably dis cussed and unanimously adopted. The best spirit pervaded the body during its session, and a number of questions of interest to the Church were discussed. The Convention, af ter a most agreeable session, inter spersed with devotional exercises, ad journed on 'Wednesday night. llal. Register. - CHARLOTTE. N. C. R. M. OATES & Co., Have in Store and for S,ale, .A-t Charleston IPrices. HENDERSON, & i ENNIS j '!. r SALISBUHY, jM. Ci?' better. prTeiit4l. by UTcr inrifonuor. ":i. Lar?c Stock of rsity .. t- nv roiessors aim i tors elect- is continue 'oil on party grounds, and then we sliall see degrees and Honors cnferred or withheld als students are Democrats or Whigs. - ,..'' " , j- , u . OUR HOME CORRESPONDENCE. tar Ui- i.spr'.-r-tf. Liimette and lone. i I, mlji tell hip, vrhnt tliy minw r 1 I';ih Would know itml luvc tlk mime. N cjHt cmi ti ll im ho tlien ari, N iii1 will lay tin' tell-tale xu t. K n jwhritil ru M. or 14, T Hi- 4inf;iif!y .hi titer li" will ant tell, 'i- 1?, 1, ,ij I...U.J. ,.t " viii. 1. itliilr I likv. itii'l will I'i'li' inj time. 1, we shall any more slaves into the State. XgQ The Governor of lichigan has vetoed the bill granting G40 acres of swamp land to Mrs. Rogers, who, besides having nine small children and one of them at the breast, gave being, awhile since, to four children at a birth. v 1 elli' (tee. li;t llli-ll-i il lliv Ili'llip, O r i it .l.- luv i-W'i -iiri il iiiiim- N r ill I ie'- am 1! j K ii'rltlu 11 n.iy (U til . .'.ml 1 -i : i. B Hope. Of the many passions to :c is heir, none ar nian natur V. 1 . or more uiunersal than Hope allied to every toll. K UN EST. i'ur tin- Lxj it-tfl wliieh hu- e stronger The Bonapartes. It appears that Prince Napoleon, theson of old Jerome bv his" second marriage, is intensely jealous of his American nephew, young Jerome N. Bonaparte, who is a captain in the ' French Imperial Guard. At the insti gation of the Prince, the Emperor was. induced to appoint a commission to examine into the legitimacy of the A mcricans. The committee appointed, consisted of cabinet ministers, bishops, judges, &c. all men of the highest abi!4 ity and standing. The evidence went to show that old Jerome was married It i$ in to Miss Patterson, of Baltimore, by a action. priest of the Catholic Church, and that desire for good with a be- the marriage was dissolved by Napo- Mnic way llope is a " lief that it is attainable." It is found lean I. The Church declared the .' among alt classes of iiicjb, in. every marriage valid, and the first Emperor grade of tocictv, find neirly every asserted that it was invalid by the law condition unite, it is ioiuiu existing ot r ranee, avoicu acciarcti that no MAK1UED In Iredrll county, bv Jacob Fralov, EQ-, on the 20th Januarv last.fiftcr a close court ship of years, Mr.' IIi'bex B.Rnorii and Miss Sarah Tuomcsox, bosh age l about six ty v ears. A jiortion of whTich consist "of the following articles : 1,090 Sacks SA.IT, (seamless.) IOO Sacks RIO COFFEE. 30 Sacks JAVA. 40 Hlids. If. O. SUGAR. SO B11S. COFFEE SUGARS. 40 Cllids. W. I. MOEASSES. 75 Bbls. K. O. do. IO RIts io. 1 & 2 MACKEREL,. 20 lialf barrels do. 40,000 lbs. 15riu:s IRO, ass'd. SIICE, PEPPER, GIXGER, and various other articles. ' WE Are the.excluiaive Agents for the sale of KetSlcWortli's 3Ianipulated Great care is exercised in) the preylration OVDTTDO iTIVrTTTDtK! TT TTrt tV - 1 m t- ui oa 11 u 1 o, n.iviun, 1 ij u j p lia- jaiia ana i e:roes tracts and ointment aiiieifiWdeivw? C , J ; i j IBtN milOVfl strictly in accordance with the U.i?.;fIAlv i MACOPJEIA, and conformably witi! recent ; improvements in PHARMACY, 1 will sen, at the Kite itetiuence 01 ri,Ar-- i BO-HOUSTON, Deceased, j . On the 16th day of March, j THE VALUABLE FARM Belonging to the said Deceased, consisting of 2,000 or 2,500 acres, including his Dwell- ; ing, and all necessary 0ut-building3. The j larger part is in wootlland, well timbered, ana well aaaptea to me growm en xouae co. There ar,e 1W or WO -acres of low ' grounds in cultivation. Tlie Lands will be sold In small tracts to suit purchaser. Also, at the same time and place, all the property belongiirg to said Estate, consist- " ing of 18 NEGROES, Men "Women, and Children, most of them being young and likely, including 2 good . Blacksmiths. r Also, A good stock of Mules arid Horses, Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep, several hundred bushels of Corn' and Wheat, Hay, &c, 2 sets Black- k . ni l "i t l - ieuntU'8 tools, several agous, r arming Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Sale to continue from day to day until all ' Morganton to Old Fort, in Mc Dowel ,Couu uowa on the day of i'i':., . , ,. i ;. - prhwiaol Hnhkn f 1b HpriorM : fully dn 9 Um IkwctloM wiL ft act of Mi fancuont; vbaa ta r at Unit, aa4 tS vbol of on arraa Mha LlTr For tha diaaaaw T tha ar- baa ma4a H lite Maiy, la yaara, ta nnd mm ramad nnj aw amaiaata ta walca BtoaMCh ta at fault, tba be aral I ayataaa auBara in eoniaqacnc BaTlnK eini to do it. auir. fan, aaa of Ilia proprietor I raetiea ar moim than twenty I wbarawHh to eountaract tba I It to Uabla. To srova that tbla ramadj U mm wtw um uotn- wmI I all tba ayatam, supplying Its their nnrirrlnc th blood, 'iiit tone and beaitb to tba BoW maebinary. removing iiba eaaia of tba dlaaaao affaetiarm radical eara. 1 Klllona altarki arl- rarau. na, WMC 11 too oceaaionai aaa of um i Beieitt to rolla Mm ataaaock ri-iiic and touring. rBildin, prarvou N1ht atlait roand.aliy niarnl. la iHMnwM rouvicttoa ta cvrtaia. . DKM Ma or IM bbt uvm C n Mara a bralthr tow of Mlo. raaufna food ta diaaat wall. OfficeWoNoDiRoRlCo. Statcsville, 30tli ec.,'li?38. . "f - s ORDERED, bv the Board eC Direfiore of the AV. X. C. 11.11. Co., That Books, Sub scription be opened for sixty days fitjft amA after the 1st January, 1859j'at the fo)wing places, and under tlie direptions of f )e fol lowing persons, or any three of them, br the sum of $300,000, being the eeitimaU d sum necessary to be subscribed by solvent jrsons or counties, to construct 2nd Division of tlie W Goedoaa after catinc- ta aaf- and praTent tba fooa from Only one data lakes belora mar. Only ftna doae taken at gently, and en re. Coo Owe doae- taken after each a"On do1 of two tea- 81ck Ilcadnrhe. One bottle Ink an for ro of tba dieeaae. and Only ooa doae immediately Ooa doea often repeated ta Morbus, and a preventirej J9"Only one bollla ty One bottle taken for tawaeaa or nmmtural color Ona doaa taken a liorl tr to tlie appetite, and makf On doaa often repeated rlaoeai In hi woret form. Bowel eoirlplatnte leldi - one or two aoaaa etiraa at Cbildren : there la no ittror, Ul world, aa It Merer ilf. aT A few bottlee cure. abeorbonto. a I . . ! We take Dteaatire in reom - retentive tor Keyer and and all Tri of a U1I- witb eortaJnty, and tbonaaodi wonderful rirtuea. All who vac It arc giving- tbclr ananlmoua teatlmony In It favor. s B9Mlx Water In the ntoalh with tha Invi ajonttor. avnd iwallow both together. THE LIVER INVIOORA.TOR IS A BCIBNTIFIC MRDICAIi DISCOVERT, and la daily working enraa, almost too rrrat to believe. Itcnref aa If by w ft 9 nlrlit, looeena tha bowala tlveneis. - neal will cure Oyspcpatar tpoonfula will alwaje raiiaro . mule oUtwctba ramorat Ui makea a nFrfect cure. relieTea Ctiollc. while a euro core tor CJaOteBat - of Cholera. needed to tniow ant of U cine after a loa atckaoaa. Janndlee ramoeoa ali aal- from the aklni lime before eating (Itoi Tl food difMt wail, enrea C'hroMle Olar while Humtnar and almoat to the at doaa. tacki rauaad kTWormj la aafar, or ipoediar remedy la f Dropay, bp exetUag tha mending thta medicine aa a Ague, Chill Favar, loaa Trp. Tl oporatot are wQliug to taatify to it m-m At hamt and aaidom aaara taaa and COinpl. te thO : ena bolUa l required to cure any bind of l.lvr Complaint. "NT- f ' If -V frnm i ttmn tba woret Jamdu or Dfrpi to a eomntoa gtaaoaa, Terms made ki GUANO -alike in thi breast of the v'-h and tl iisits joor. It tind the bo ,urcs .to tliti laborer, as lor of the both 'the " It hriiii:: ie Prince of the blood Imperial should aristocrat marry without his consent. Here was its picas- a direct cpnilict between Church and hca'rth-stone of the poor State, the religious and the crvil law. w ell as to the gilded par- The committee was in a quandary, and tioblemah; to; tlie cabin of failed to decide. Bitter blood, of course the slave, iiw well as to the mansion of has arisen between Prince Napoleon the master! lhe young mini just en- and Captain Bonaparte. The captain tering into life, feels the pleasures of is a favorite wich the army and islike liope as. he looksinto the bright future, ed by the Emperor, but the latter is and'picturts to himself the! fulfilment supposed to favor Prince Napoleon of all his plans, and the realization of . from reasons of State policy. During al his wishes. 1 j i the recent visit of Mr. Jerome Bona- . Hope sustains the minister of God parte, of Baltimore, and his son, Cap in tlie .pulpiit ; the philosopher in his tain 'Bonaparte, to Paris, a visit which study; the statesman in the forum ; extended over a, period of six months, the physician in combating with dis- they had nointGrvicAVwiththe Emper ease ; the lalborer in the field, and man or,and their coramunicationwith thePa in every condition in life, when trials lais Royal was limited to a few formal come and cares perplex, j " ; interviews with the Prince Jerome and . The Christian enjoys the! most sub- Xhe Princess Mathilde. The captainis stantial h,Qp0, the most lonely hope, .absent now on "six months' furlough the most femluring hope, anil the most in the United States, his father having cheering hke, that God has, vouchsaf- preceded him home six weeks. The edd;o manj If the world sleems dark captain is very popular in France, and cheercss to him; if all earthly and men of family openly espouse the friends have forsaken him ; if ever- cause of his family against his Imper illing worldly seims in a Conspiracy ial relatives. It only depends upon ; against hisl happiness ; hop comes to himself to be a leading man in the minister tO;hss troubled soul, i to cheer, ; country, in spite of the Palais Royal to, chidden! Knd encourage, T and smi- ' and its influence." (Dlmuari). DIED, In Brazoriarco.. Texas, January 10th, '39, Mrs. Maiu;aket Siiltord, wife ol' Westly II. Shnfijrd, and -daujrliter of Daniel - Speck, in the 2'2d vcar of her age. The subject of this notice, was a worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian church. She closed the circle of her earthly pilrimae far from her native home, and among strangers, But while in the liiidst of strangers, she was sur rounded by friends, who smoothed her path way to the tomb by ministering to her com fort and happiness in every tiling that human power and skill could provide. From her wallv and conversation, -it is hoped that tlie loss that has been sustained by her stricken husband and hprtwo little babes, (one but a few days, and the other not two years old,) has been her eternal gain. May the children, too young to know their loss, be enabled to follow her, as tar as she was enabled to fol low Christ, so that they "may be prepared to spend an eternity where parting is unknown. ; Com. . Watchman please copy. In Caldwell Co., N.C., on the 11 inst., Elea zer, youngest eon of Abner Summers, aged 1 vcar and 7 months. Hope look beyond the bounds of time, ' When him w now deplore, Slr.ill rw in 1'iUl immortal prime, And bloom to Uuh! no more. . j Truly this is a bereaved family! inj less than eighteen months, the voices of a mother and five children, have been silenced bjl the hand of death. In Iredell, on the 15th Feb., Rebecca, wife of T. N. lamsajr, in her 20th year. An fifectionate wife and tender mother, iegone. Friend, wife, mother, sleep .in peace, and loving friends will often visit the spot where lie your cold remains, to mourn for a depart ed friend. y Oh ! may our thought and wishes fly AUiw tlies;' glbomy Khadws, To those briclit WrMa beyond the sky, Where death and aoiTow cu ne'er inviule. 'IO Tons now on liand, at the fol low in? prices : Vo. l,,$r0 per ton. Xo. 2,' $51 per ton. We have pamphlets to furnish any person information in regard to its use. Jl. M. OATES, " L. S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Feb., 18, 1859. ll-5t E The Subscriber having been appointed Agent i of the is sold sale; All -persons indebted to the Estate will please come forward and make payments, and those having claims ; against the Estate will present them for pavment. JCilX HtDALTON, February 9, 1859. txecutor. I will also Sell Privately, LOT No. 3, indie TOWN;, of 'SEW1 TON, Catawba Countv, AND LOT No. 3, in the TOWN of MOCKS- . VILLE, Davie County. Persons wishing to purchase will please ad dress the Subscriber, at Houstonville, Ire dell County, N. C. KKk JOHN II. DALTON. Watchman copy until day of sale, and for ward bil! to subscriber. m NSURANCE. TIJTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Charlotte, vVill receive anjd forward Applications for Insurance against t-oss and Damage by Fire, on the principles of the Company. The Company isldoiug a prosperous business. 2?o call has ever yet been made for an in stalment on a premium note. E. B. CRAKE, 11-tf : Agent. Com. SITUATION WANTED M TBMH1H. VN Y"peri?o6.wiijhing to procure the services of a Common School Teacher, in Ire dell or. an adjoining County, immediately, can do so, on good terras, by calling on the Subscriber, at his residence, ove mile south' east of New Union Cltvreh, Iredell County, or by addressing him a letter to Cool Spring P. O., Iredell Count). R. G. POSTON. Feb. 25. 12-tf WATCHES JEWELRY, AT io. 5 Granite Range, J. G. WILKINSON CO. RESPECTFULLY announce to the public at large, that they will always keep a large and handsome stock of "Watches, Jewelry, Silver -and Plated Ware, Walking Canes, Cloche, and Fancy Goods, Which will be sold low for cash, or in ex change' for old silver. Give us a call, and judge for yourselves, and if you want your Watches put up in good order, give us a trial, and we will guarantee that they will be done better and cheaper than at any other house in. North Carolina. . All oijJers attended to with promptness and dispatch. . J. G. WILKINSON & Co. Charlotte, Feb. 18, 1859. 11-lm 0LI) SILVER. iharpe, ling, pointfe Sieavefaward, and bids him remember Uic everlasting 'happiness anil glory, tltat awaits him tllLeife, when he has seen Ithe last of eartt. Let us haycy an honest" purpose in lijfe ; let our aims be high; let'our motives be pure; lot na roiivo- tn bn irnnd. anlrl nerform - - J-,- 7 -O , I I . i . what we Hsolve; and if clouds gather I ga, being engaged near tne steam--'round usf and the light of our waj be jpump,.by some means slipped so that 111C BKirii UI U13 VUM kaugllt 111 IUC OJB of the pump. One bite f the cogs on the coat and it commenced draw- Saved by a Newspaper. j... A few days since Mr. R. II. Mar tin, who is in the employment of John H." White,Esq., as one of the super intendents of the laborers at work at the New Washington Spring, Sarato- xlarkened let jus hope, that: " Aeejt enchanting prelude toi repoaa, ' The fUwin of lise ; tha twilight of omr woes." evr sustain and cheer us to tlo our du ty, and 'lead us bravely on, and we will eventually overcome the obsta cles jn our pathi and win thp victory. Eternal Hope lj when yonder aplierea ublime.. K Pealed their fiist notei'to annnd the march of Time, " Thy joyous youtli lf(Mti but nottoifado . " Whto all the Hixter planets have decayed ; ' . " When rapt in tre, the realmn of ether glow, "And Heaven'i Iniit thunder ahakca the world below ; l "Thnn nmliimajiod ahalt o'er the ruin smile, . And light thy torch at Nature's funeral-pit 1" I SCRlBiiLEU. !5af 111 500 TOUKCES OLD SILVER WILL BETAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR f JEWELRY. Call at ' , ISTo. 5 Granite Range, .Opposite the Mansion House, ' e&Eii0:x:-w9'r. :n. J. G..WILKINSON & Co. Charlotte, Feb. 18, 1859. ll-2m "Ifresh " Landreth & Son's 5 Bbls. Machine Oil, Very superior, at only $1.25 j gallon. W. II. WYATT, Salisbury, IS. C. 5 Bbls. Machine Oil, Refined Lard Oil, at only 75 eta. gal AW II. AY Y ATT, Salisbury, N. C. 10 Bbls. Tanner's Oil A Superior Article, at $15. per lbl. W. II. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C. 5 Bbls. Tanner's Oil, Warranted Pure Straits, $1. gal.; W. H. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C. 15 Bbls. Varnish, Damar, Japan, Leather, Coach Body, As phaltum, Copal, Furniture, and Picture, Sold at Manufacturers" prices, by W. H. WYATT, Wholesale and Retail SALISBURY, li". C. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, BLUE GRASS, ORCHARO, LAWN GRASS, And A general assortment of Land ret li's Garden Seeds, Just received, bv W. II. WYATT, ' DRUGGIST, Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 4, 1859 0-2m , NEW ATH D FA SHI ON ABLE Charlotte, N. C. Salisbury, under the direction of MjHn- derson, J. I.Sbaver, B. F. Fraley, P. A. Davis, "Win. Murphv. . -U Statesvllle, under the direction W;J. F. Alexander, J. W. Stockton, L,. Q. i.4ia W. F. Watts, lluh Revnolds Xewton, under the direction of'Jonas Bost, John llfong, (ieorge bitzei VD. l Gaither, M. L. McCorkle.' - Iv ' Morganlon, under the direction E. J. Erwan, Thoa.C. Walton, W. F. McKesson, C. M. Aver)-, Alex'r Duckworth. K Marlon, under the direction of, Wn. Murphv Jasper Neal, Alverv BeMn, A. M. Erwiri; and J. L. CJarsoti. f Lenoir, uuder the direction ol'gTames Harper, R. B. Bogle, G, C. JonesSmith Powell, Ed. Jonea, or any three of Jieml Taylorsville, under the direction&f Jos. M. Bogle, A. C. Mclntoslk, A. Carsyji, Ro ' bert Wilson, AV.'G. James, or any ree of them. I 4! J. Asheville, under the direction of W. Woodfin, J. W. Patton, W..W..Mcifowell, I A. S. Merriman, John Bergin. ; At the expiration of sixty days the Cjnrmis sioners will please forward the Btjbks to this Office. " 1 R. F. SIMONTQmT, 5-2m. ' : Sec'y it TrUs'r. News, Asheville, copy 2 montht To the Physicians, Farmers, ani Me chanics of Western North CaroUna. E. NYBHUTCHISOU I C. Irwin 8 Corner. i I? 4 - ; CIIARLQTTE, H C, . t" ! QfTer a very large and varied Stock o OILS, &c. t, 6. to per Pure Sperm, Whale, Sea jElephantamp, , Lard, and Machinery. ! K' ' TANNERY' OIL, from Go cts gallon, warranted pure, j- LINSEED OIL, at Manufacturers ppe. ; BURNING FLUID, TURPENTIN, arid ALCOHOL, 93 cts. per gallon by t. Bbl. very low. , j-. T VARNISHES, Coach, Im English f finish ing, Furniture, Copal, (etra No. l Kd No. 2,) Leather, Picture, Danaar, alad.0ecian. JAPANS, Black and Brown. . TAlJNTb, mmm ssans Plutarch says, in his life of :. Alexander, that people slept on skins ' filled with water, to keep them cooK Times have hanged some. People the case. The obiect of this bill was to GRAD. BALTO. DENTAL COLLEGE, - Is prepared to do " i All Kinds of Plate-work., In the neatest and most desirable style, and has all the late improvements known to 1 the Profession. Teeth filled in the best possible manner. Irregularity jof the teeth, diseases of the mouth and" antrum successfully treated. Communications, by mail or otherwise, will receive Ttrompt attention. in 2 him in pretty fast. He had no ' Terms: dash r note on completion of wprk. .. e , ,.r ': li e i ! . ... . . time to give any aiarm ueiuie uc ra BTeeth Extractea wiinoui pain.&3 brought up with the prospect of being eb. 25. 12-tf ;M maimed by the cogs, but fortunately , ' ! " ' ' " he had a copy of a newspaper folded i a tightly together in his pocket, ana ; whcli the cogs came to that they stop, ped, throwing the bands off the pullies. Congress. In the House, the bill for regulat ing the rates of postage was taken up. Mr. English said that the papers of the country had extensively reported, that this bill proposed to levy, a post- , ntrf on their exchanges. This was not JUST RECEIVED, a large and well-selected supplv of GARDEN SEEDS, direct from the celebrated firm of Laxdretu & Sox, for sale at THE "VARIETY STORE OP S. J. EICKEET, Statzstilus, N. C. Feb. 11, 1859. 10-tt NEW CROP Molasses PURE WHITE LEAD IN OIL, byhe lb. 'Or ton, from 8j to 12 cts. per lb. 'i . r SNOW-WHITE ZINK, CltROME GEEN, CHROME YELLOW, PARIS GkEEN, BURNT and RAW UMBER, tfc A large assortment of i; - PAINT BRUSHES i - French and American , i VY1JNDUVY UIjAS, . From .8X10 to 3(1 Ui PUTTY, i ': 1--! ,ti ' ta - 5I.L .1., Prime New Crop MUgCO II II US. VADO MOLASSES, just received, and for eale by Wm. S, CASOX. Feb. 4, 1859. 9-lm li Ir6(iell, Express li the place to p-t all kind -of Print- Qf i WHTES, YOU WAST IT. J. Ml SANDERS & Co. Are constantly receiving from New York, Boston, &c., a general assortment of fine and fashionable FURNITURE, which they will sell at extremely low prices for Cash, and everv article warranted to give satisfaction. Those in want of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please give them a call. Also, on hand, FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES. ' J. M. SANDERS & Co. Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 11, 1859. 10-ly Ready for use in Cans and .Bladders. French, English, and German j; i PERFUMERY. ' TOILETTE COMBS AND BRUSHES.' GENUINE COLOGNE, f ! Churchill's fPreparation o( the Hyj phos phites, for the CURE of CONSUME lON. ric ohi dollis ri ottl. : Dr. 8AVFOKD, Proprietor, S4S Broadwajt, Kaw York. Batatled by all OniggiiU. Baid ml ay SJ. RICKERT. Statesville Feb. 16-11 HENDERSON & ENMS, . Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia mm, TTTT a 5 art 5 im iCkCi AND ' (Cliennicals. .- i J' Faints, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, Win dow Glass, Putty, Dye Stufls, &c, Linseed, Ijamp, and Machinery Oit, Kerosine Oil and Burning Fluid, Lampsof every description, Perfumery and yS)ilct Articles, j GARDEN SEEDS, CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, PURE WINES AND LIQU0RS, for Medicinal Purposes, j FINE SEGARS, TOBACCO, &c, SALISBURY, Na C. 7-ly , ' ! ' Kortlj OTaroUna fBecfiantcd9 I ' SNOW CAMP Machine Shpp AND Foundry, ALAMANCE COUNTY, Jf. C. THE Proprietors of this establishment would inform their friends arid the pub lic generally, that thev are still manufactur-"' ing . " ' FROM TWO TO SIX HORSEj POWER. Wheat Threshing Machines, With Wrought or Cast Iron Cylinders, of all , ekes, either portable or stationery. The latest improved Wrought Cylinders, the teeth being inserted through the lar, square ' , with the tap on the inside, whicih obviates' "all diiliculty in reversing the teeth, when one side gets worn. These maKinea-wm uit the wants of every larmer. j Sugar Cane Crashers. We are also manufacturing, upd-n the beet? model, a superior article of Sugar Gtne Cruthi ens, which have sufficient capacity. with ' on , good horse, to extract 50 gallons of juice per hour, and it only occupies a space of about 3 , feet, so that the mill is very portable. We do not" hesitate to say, that our Cane Crushers , ' are the best that have ever been introduced into the State, and every farmer growing cane should possess one. j We still manufacture I factory Gear, Circular Saws, Grisi, and Saw Mill Irons of every description, Cutting Ma chines of dij'eren (kinds and sizes, jCbrn Shclr , lers. Smut Machines ; all kinds of Casting ' and Machine work made to order t short no--tice. ! A good supply of material on hand, and ' the work done by experienced worlimen, and under the supervision of the proprietors, who are practical mechanics. Having hadm any ; years experience, they do not heaitite to aav, . that no effort will be spared on thejir part, to give general satisfaction. I - Send in your orders for those- ekbrated Machines, that you may be furnished in good : time for this season. , Anj thing in our line will be delivered on . the N. C. Railroad at Graham's, iharked as f Medical Cases and Surgical Instruments Sole Wholesale Agents of Ilolloay't Pills and Ointment in West.irn .N. Carolina. " . Vj- ' WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVES the dozen or gross. j - W 'i FRESH CONGRESS .WATERS, Sy the case. - t . 'hi; - ';' now sleep in ikins filled with villain ously bad whiskey. enable newspaper and periodical deal or Vp ; Of eterjr deacriptfon kept ai way CVil Yv q on UaaJ, or printed to ordet. Qp A I JL Look Here ! If toii owe na. and intend to nav'. come un and say so, between now and February Court 1 m week. After hat, time our claims wul be put j out for collection. We mean what we say. sJ REESE & STIREWALT. i Jan. 28, 1859.-8-tf I pHE SUBSCRIBERS to the FEMALE i -- COLLEGE: will pay their subscriptions" to JOS. W. STOCKTON. We are in imminent need of funds. Dec. 34, 1858. 4-tf The Lot lying between the Poet Office and i Jos. W. Stockton's corner, measuring 32 ! feet front and 109 back, is for sale. Those j wishing to purchase will please apply to Mr. C. A. Carlton. JOHN II. DALTON. Feb. 11, 1859. 10-tf ' ! 1 y itace. The Subscriber wishes to PURCHASE 15 or 20 Likely Young Ifegroes, For which iie will par the highest cash prices. All cornmumcatioas addressed to 'me atStatesville, will receive prompt at tention. Y. S, DEAN. Dec. 22, 1858. 3-tf JTlb WdKlPET Building Lot for SaIe ;srFTtkiny tl,e t" IN STATESVILLE. j CIGARS, by the 1,000. s . .'!:( ! GARDEN SEEDS, $H Just received, from Xandrf thafc Son, of Philadelphia, act-from Ttiorburn, of Nsw YoQt. GRASS SEEDS, jlast crli RED and WHITE CLOVER, ORdfARD, HERD'S, LUCERNE, BLUE fUSS. ' List of Prices, when desired, sent-hmail. . Orders respectfully solicited. , ' " ' E. NYE HUTCHISON & & ; ' . Charlotte, V. CtWM, iJan.21,1859.-71y j jl PAY YOUR PEACHE), ; ".1 - - vl ' All who have not paid will please t jll and pay the money that was due on h0Mt day of Jply last. j " , ' " i -.' --j : J. W J STOCK ?02 i Der. 10, 1858. . ; 2-tf ) el time directed. Terma reasonable, to suit the times. All orders for work, or letters on business, . addressel to S. Dixon, Davidson & Co, Snow Camp, Alamance County, N. C, will receive ; prompt attention. I SOLOMON DIXON, CALEB DIXON, , BERRY DAVIDSON, P. S. BENBO, ... Proprietors jtaTE. B. DRAKE & SON, 1 - i Agents, StatesvilU, N. C, . V CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAI1V'" Ileld the 3d, 4th, and 5th November, Report of Committee on Steam, ITors e, and' Hand Power Machinery : ; f r ''f One Sugar JCane Crushei1 is exhibited bjr Perry Davon, and manufactnrjed . by 8. Dixon, Davidson, k Co. This is 4 first-rate, .article, well gotten up, and well made. "In' the opinion of the Committee it is bettet adapted to ordinary farm use tha any thin they have seen. - ' ; -: t One Dontle Iron Spont Corn Sheller, by the same parties ; very good at the poce, and very .well made. j . I j ,v v Ope Cutting Machine, for cutting ata straw, fodder, shucks, or corn-stalk ; a firsts , rate machine, requiring less hand jxjwer than any thing of the kind to do the same work, jke. lS, 1858. L 2-6roo ' j Wamteul, At the Iredell Express Office, 5,000 good ; and responsible SubscrlpHoaif - fof which the tery bestfaper will be iaohangM s- ers to send their packages by mail at ".:f.