m iij .. mi T I i " r iu 'tn ipi wrmm - - ,, I - i.i mi-i it ' . - ' '. , - ..I . " - . . I 1 ; v"" Yv- r - . : ' . ' ' ' . I ! ' v : ! rY. . ' ' .- . .i : . . ' . , ! , !. - . . 1 i . . x. , - , ' . : X -vr , '-'- ' ' ' ' " V "- ' ' : . X' & .A is . ' '. s - ..;? ., K- ' ' " 1 ' !: ' !.. X ! - " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' - . s j .V , V - ' " 7 ' ' ' " 1 ' IM"'V"'-J" ' -i"1 J'Juf ni.iiimm-uMuiii,jiaiiiui fcL..-.. j i-iiurj -ii - ;-n n mini ruriiri i irn trriimMiHar m," ' "I .' 3. I . ' . . . ' ' i." i '. - I -r-. ..... j -- ... . . .. --. . . .. TSaeijmmmai.i I . HIE IREDELL EXPRESS, One Dollar a square for the first week, a nil PUBLISHED WEEKLY, TweTtr-five Ceni forwerert -week thensafter. -jteen Iinea or .less will make a Jquiare. x. n. DRAKE. ions made in .favor of Ftandini mat-. EUGENE B. DRAKE SON, ' Editors and Proprietors. W3 3 uos. fi ii os One sniiare TEAK. Tvro souares,-50 $8.00 4.00 ' -fi W . . lo.oo Whpn dhrctions are . . aj.uo TERMS' OF THE PAPER, to inWrt an Advert isemeniven howtoften et until onlemV out. Ubeputliali- Statesville, N. C, Friday, March 4,J1859. No. m $2 a Year, in Advance Vol. II. i ft m i ii A I i ) r ti I .11 i i -m - j m m " i i - ii i . t: ll m . r ....v iii -v ti l I r . Abli a u . . . . ' j ii ii r i ilt ii ii n ij uij umuw :r;. ;.;r hiuuwii v .nil-H' 11 HiiJVN-;fia i-,-.:,.. .-4 r ( ,1 I I I I IV ! I ' 1 I liaBlllBllllllBI Ilia Illlw. I 1 I 1 I I p A tf I I t III f. 1 ? - 11 v u- p Tiicr ill i ii i i ii i i iir . I ii i ii i i ii i i ir .Jt 1 1 or r i c: i -i . ; " i e Jt,tr avi l it i i ii l .r -r-i -s y t i 2 -r u 1 ,Nyw 1 .... : i . : "," " ' irn------- 11 ii ' ii" i T r .1... i ii, -, i -, i, T ' n, T i ' ' : , - 1 : ; ; 7 1 - ; ; ' ' -' : ' - - o; ' I- -- - -' - -1-- u tkv"2 .. --?. : ! - . fi ! ;.v.;. 1 t .V ''; . AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TUB litMD CURE OF Colds, Coughs, and Hoarseness. . Brimfuld, MAfi,'20th Deo., 1855. J . C. A rtt : Ifdo not lieaitute to ay the bet remedy i have erer found for Coughs, HoaripnesB, Infliienxa, nd the coBoomltant .yDiplomii of a Cwtil, la your' CuiaHr 1'(ctohau It cunstaDt nue la my practice n1 my fnmily for the lant tea yearn bim shown it to poMB supe rior firtueg for tliB treatinpnt of these &mDWilts. iKBJSN KN1UIIT, L D. A. B. skORtLK YL Esq.., of Utica, N. T., writifs : " I hT nse4l.yonr Ix:tnri4 BiyHlf and in niy.famiti ever since .you inveuUjl it, and belisve it the bint uipdScin' for its . jmrpose ever put lt. With a hod cold I Wjould nooiier 1 pay tweotyfivo doiUra fir a bottle than do Without it, or . take any otpor reniody." Croap, Whioopin Conh, Tnflitenzn. : ' Si'umoFiru), Miss., t'b. 7, 1K56. y Brother Atir: I will rliMcrfully certify jfuir lYclmal rU the boot remedy! we Hxsesi r tho cure of whooping cpugh, crouii, and (the chest (I i wanes of children. We of . your fraternity li the Booth appreciate your skill, and commend your mthliciae to our people. ; HIHAM COSKtilX, M. D. AMOS LER, K4 MosTiairflA., writes, Sdl JaoM 1866 : ."I had a telious ilnlluunta, which confined jine in doors six week ; took many medicines without relief; finally tried yotr lYcttrai by the advice of our clerjuinn. The V first nose rellered khe soreness in rny.throiittand InnRs ; - less than one hallf tho bottln ui.ulo me completely well. Your medicines ure he cheHt as well as the liest we -ran buy, and we efttoeiri you, Doctor, and yoqr remedies, at the HKr man's friend." . j ' Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronlchitis. , Vl81 Mant Ht3Tia, I'a., Fefe. 4, 1856. Sir: Your dtr.rty JYcttrral.in performing inmrvellons cures In this section. -It has relieved several from alarm ing symptoms of annumption, and is now curing a man wlto has labored wider an afTection of the tilings for the last forty years, j UK.NltV k. PARKS, Merchant A. A. EAM?EY,. M. D., ALDioif, MonboblCo., Iowa, writes, Sept. 6,1855: "Dnriiiumy practice of many years . I have found nothing equal to your Cherry IV 'eeloral for , giving ease and relief to consumptive putitntu, or curing such as are curable. We might add Volumes of evidence, hut tKe most con vlnclnK proof of the Virtues of this remedy is found in its affects upon trial. I Consumption. Probably no one; remedy has ever been ka own which cured. so many and such dangerous cases as .this. Soma : uo human aid can reach;. but even to those the C!terrf Jictorol affords relief and eorafort. -. " AsTtfa Hbusa, Nsw York City,. March 5, 1856. t ; DocTOit Ater, Lowell: I feel It a duty and a pleasure .to inform you what your Cherry lYdorcu has uone ror my vrifu. She had been five mouths laliorins under the dan- . genius symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure (?av4 her much relief. She was steadily faUt ' lug. until Dr. Strohfr, of this city, where we hive come for atlyice, recommended a trial of your hiedicinej We bless his kindness, as we do your skill ; for she has recovered . from that day. She is not yet as strong as jshe used to be, but is free froia her cough, and calls herself well. Tours with gratitude and regard, j 'V- ' 0ULAND0 SIIKLBY, or SnrxuTViLLE. SI . ' ..1 J . .1 . ! 4:11 1 . . . .1 A Mna 1 1.171 jum 7t I (T J, iiu nut. uucpnir Liu juu iuiic inieu i ctv a Chrbt Pectoral, It Is made by one of the tst medical chemists m ttie worm, anu us cures an arouna ug uespeaK , ' the high merits of its virtues. Vhiladdphia tiiger. j iAyer's Cathartic Pills.; . riAHE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine jhave been , A-f taxed their trtmos't to produce this best, ost perfect ' purgative which itj known to man.' Innumerable proofs: j .'' are shown that thvsel'nxs have virtues which surpass in j exciillence tho ordinary medicines, and that they win un- precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. Tkey are safe : And jpleasant to take, but powerful to euro. Their pene- j tratiing propertlestimulate theftalactivitiesojf the body, , : remove the obstructions of its drgans, purifyj the blood, ti'd ex pel disease. They purge out the foul humors which j lireeil and grow: flistemper, stimulate shiggiaih or disor- I dered organs into their natural action, and imimrt healthy ' tonei with strength to the vrliole system. Not only do I theV cure the eyejrylay complaints of every body, but j - T stlst 1 formidable and dangerous diseases that H ave baffled 1 tlie beBt of bunion skill. While they produce powerful ' " effects, they are at ithe same thue.In diminished doses, the ' " . sniest and best phtsic -that can be employed fir children. ; ' lieing sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take a and being ' purely vegetable, ro free from any risk of harm. Cures 1 have been made which surpass belief were they not sub- 1 stantiated by menlof such exalted position anil character I . ; - as to forbid the sjusplcion of untruth. Manjy eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their nams to certify to the public the reliability of my remedies, wlliile others have sent me thel assurance of their conviction that my ; i-' Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of mjr V . j afflicted, suffering Tellow-men. . x : The Agent below named la pleased to furnish graUs my . American Almanac, containing directions for tWeir use and 4 certificates of their cures, of the following complaint : Costlvenesi. Uilibus Complaints,' IttienmatiiSn, Dropsy, Ifearthurn. HeadtUhe arising from a foul stotiiach, Nau- 1 sea, Indigestiou, Morbid Inaction of tho Kowats and l'ain arming therefrom, Flatulency,- Loss of Appetit, all Clceir- ous and Cutaneoit's Diseases which requiro an evactiaiit medicine. Scrofulaior King's KviL They alsoi by purify ing the blood an stimulating the system, uro many I complaiuU whlcli lit wouia not, oe supposea xney cotuu reach, such as Pwiifnesa, Vartial lllindness, Nesiralgia and Nervous Irrititbility, Derangements of the Livr and Kid - iieys, Gout, and otlier kindred roinplainta arising from a . low state of the body or obstruction of its functions, ; Do not be put jolT by unprincipled dealein with some r, other bill thev make jnore profit on., Ask for AVer's I'ills,, and take HothWft else. No other thiy can give I : you compares witl this in its intrinsic value ir curative powers. The slclij want tho bejit aid there ii for them, and they should ljave it. f , - j Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Pic 3 Cis. pxa Box. Fivi Boxxs for $1. !. ' SOLD BY .. ' - . ' '15?" Haviland, StcvenKun fc Coy (Varies ton; O. A. llria'illey, Wilmington. M, A.Snt); toB & Co., Ntjrfulk.N. V. Hives, Iters!urg Purcell, Iioild & Co., Richmond, 1). IJ: k J. I. ' tJaithcr, S'ewtorr, W. H.lticbal. Linclnton ' slnil Drugsists jnJ dealers in .Medicinf. every, .'where. For s: Ie ly N : ;' Y S. .I. Wlt'KElvT, 'Stat t - villo. (.i ' ! May 'V I80H. . . j,'; HOWARD ASSOCIATION! V PHILADELPHIA. J Benevolent Institution cstabtMed . peci'it Jbnaoxomevl jor inc neucj of the $ick find Distressed,- I glided with Virulent and leimc Diseases. 1 . 1 IN times of Ffpldemics, it is the objects of ihi InKtitnHrin to establish Hosoitat?. to nro- . . - - - v , ( , xlie Nurses, lhyiciaoB, Clothing, Fajrd Med, icine, &c forj the-sick. nd debtitut!P,.to take charge of the orphans of deceased pare'uts, and j to minister in ye'y? possible way to the relief of ; the aflUcled ani the heohli of the j-uhlic at largo. , Jl'.U the duty of the Director's, at such limes, to j 11 .'L e .r.l.tnlo nn.l I.S rVr. visit personally ne niuiu-u uun.ij im": j vide and execute means of relief. Ii umcrojus j physicians, not) acting membfrs of the Associa tion. Usually enrol their names on its book, suo tect to be.ealleil unon to aiiend its hospitals, free ' ofcharge. In the altencts of Epidetnics, tlie . . . - Directors have authorized the (.'onsuljing bur geon," to give aid vice and medical aid tlx persona kuffering under ciiuo.N iu DISKASES 01 a vii u. lentcharsttef. ntuing froru abtise of the pliysical owers, mai trcBlmenl. tne f liccis ot 11 ij Various MKepnrs and tiiacts on th . t . . . . r lJ ugs, iVC. e nature and treatment df Chronic Diseases, by the Con suiting Sorgeril, havabeen published ftir graiu toua disiribatioi, and' tvill be sent free if charge to.lhe' afflicted.' ( '. t " Address, for Reports or treatment, DrJGEOwofi R. bilHOBK, ebnaulling burgeon, Howard As- uciBiiuii, xiu. i wuum ivintnrotreei, rniiatiei phia. Pa. By brdcr of Ihe Directors. i Geo.'Faicpili, URTWkLI., Jenkins & Ayer, Take pleasure in informing the public, thai they are now ready to do any and all kinds of Work in the BOOT & SHOE line al their Shop in the basement of the " Sim onton Hupse. All work warranted. ' Dick' i is one ot ineir worKmen, and evervDutiy knows if he cannot make a " fil" 'laii.t nr) use in anybody else trying. Call and leave your measure. Terms, modeanfc "pialesviile, Jam. 16. tf S I M O N T O JV i riHE pnbstrribers having become lessees of this spacious New HOTEL located nearihe public Square and Court Hoiiso, in Sialesville, lespecttully ari'nourn-e that they are prepared to urcon modate the iraveliri" I'uWic and all wl O may lavor ihem with patronage, with entertainmei.t equal to arrv first cla?s Hotel in tlie Union. . HATES OF BOARD 'AT THE SIMONTON HOUSE. HKGULAll liOARDEliS, PER AHJNTJf. Kurnisl ietl rooms, fnv, and li.irht, $18.00 Fiirnislioil ruuinri, without liiv, Scat at Table, TRANSI ENT T,OARIKUS -l'er Pay, Single Mealsb . . - . . llorsftf Feed,' . . . . ." Mrs. M, A. HEN & July 3t. ' 1 1.00 10.00 . 1.5(1 . .50 . .25 SOV, 3iif L-L V E It T STA-fBy -BLE. ' STMTESV1LIE,J. C. We having obtained the extensive stables co.inrcteu with the Simonton House, take pleasure in informing 1r;ive!lers "ml the w'ol.c generally, that we are prepared to hire horses and buggies, Vt reasonable rates. Persons vvant ine conveyanto can be pccommoJaied at any , . : , r I time, and sent to ay part ol p tie tounuy We pride ourselves on keeping gentle and last horses. Our I'roveiixler is of liie best quality , anil te quanlily left to the appetite of Uie ariiiiiar. " AH under the inanageme nt ;f the propria tors, and 1 no fear need be entertained, &c. BRINGLE & WIVWSOjY. 33 ti McLean House, Statesville, n. c.' Persons passing lliroogh, or coming to, STATESVILLE, Cin be acconimodaled with Meals at 25 cents each, and comfortable S nrS-aa o u at the siuuin same rate: JIt)rSCS w " fed an amended to on rea Hiiial'lo terms. Oct 19 JOS. A- McLEAN,', 3,000 bushels Wheat 0. Wanted, AT THE ROWAN MILLS, 3.000 bushels good Wheal, 'for which Salisbury cabhrprices will be paid. O. G FOAUl). Nov" 5, 18.')S. 49tf - ... M A N SION H OTEL IN SALISBURY. Mil) subscricrr takes pleasure in annoju - ririr to his liieiuls. aio.1 ihe nubile iie.ier. -' ally, that he ha? lak'en this Uo esiablihtil and w ell known Hotel, and has made every po.-sinle preparation to HicoiHuioilate. ihe LuHiie.s5, lia veiling a.ul vj.-ti'ing: poitions of ihe j)iiblie, in ;he rnot .atisf;ictoiv n.ymier. ; Particular attention is paid loliis .TABLE, and every comfort is provided in hi 11' NT AC EES are aUundamly supplied, 'and attended by a caretn I ostler : and to all ' 'departments the proprietor gives !iis,perso!i al allention. A com fortab'.e OMNI NHS mns regularly to '.he ilepol rn the arrival f the ears. 1 . . 1 . 11 With these eflorts to please, n lit eral snara patronage is conliden.ly Muei- VVM. HOWZEE. I 7 , ll-2f Maj5- 29h, 1858, wmim. J. W. Woddward Is Rtill at liis Old Stand,. 6i 11 road street, a few doois Kastof the Public Square, wiire he Ms prepared to do all Kinds of WORK formerly done at the Esiablish'rnent All repairing done on short notice, and in workmanlike manner. Interest charged on Act-omits alter 12 months. Feb. 27. 13'f PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL j BOOK and JOB -:PSIiH-TtNi-' Executed with neatness and despatch, and on moderate terns, , AT THE 'TKEpELX' EXPRESS OFFICE. eg 03 si. i- - j Notice. The Subscriber wwhes to TURCILASE t; , 15' or 20 Likely Young Negroes, For whiqh he will pay the highest cash prices. ! All communications addressed to me at gtatepville, will receive prompt afr tentionL I Y. H, DEAN, Dec. 22, 1858. 0-tf - ; Fifth Year Of the Enterprize! f NEW LIST OF GIFTS For 1859. CATALOGUES FREE TO ALL. G. G. EVANS, AT HIS ORIGINAL OIFT BOOK 8TQRS, 439 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, Conrmenrcirtlie NeW Year wifh an enlrjed Catakigne, a greater variety of Gifts, increased fcu ilitiurf for buyinjr Uoixlii and doing hnsini-s, and is now prepared to offer greater indHCeiuuuts to Book Buyers than ever before. Time has proved that the Gift System in permanent. EYAN'8 in detoroiiaied to prove tluttllw JCstaMixhuient U comlucted under that system in a more liberal and im artial manner thaii aaV othr; Having lived do al niuttt all oj'lHitiun. and having the legitimacy of his Ian of operation acknowledged" from Maine to Califor nia, ke oan ailord to he generous. 1'ryTiiiu, and judge for your scl i Schedule of Gifts. ! Piitent English Lever Gold Watches, i I'ati-nt Anchor Lever Gold Watches. ' liiilics' lKk. Caee' Gohl Lever Watches, Laili.'s" lSkCase GoM Lever Watches, open dial, $100 00 50 00 50 00 36 00 Geiit tt Sibvr Lt ver Watches, (ierft's Sirver Lever Watches, 25 tK) i 15 0.7 : 12 00 J Ge6t's Silver Lepiiv Watches, 1'arlor Time Pieces, new jtattern. Iiikls' U,t;uit Itlaek Siik Dress Pattrus, 15 00 12 OO 15 00 15-00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 ldi.-s' Liiilit s" do. : . Flam uik do. Cameo Sets, (Pin and Drops,) extra fine, do. do. do. Ladii s" Gold Bracelets, Stone Settitiss, LwIUm' feiiild IliHOdets, plain ojr eugsuved Band, Gent's Solid Gold A" est Chains, new pattern, GiBt'if best Knglish Mated Vest Cltains, L iiies' Guanlrf. or Cluatelitine Chains, choice, Ltirgc Gold Hprliig Ickrts, with double cases, Lnrge Gild Snap Lockets, do. do. Medium-size, No. :i. Lockets, do. - do. lleavy GoUt Pencil tUsea. with Gold I'eus, Superior Gold l'ens, with Holders and Box, Ladies' Gold Pencils, f -(i, fit's Heavy 'Gold Pencil. Gent's Gold Pens, with Silver Extension Pcrrcils, L:.dies' Gold Pens, i n .Boxes and Ivory Holders, Ijii'lits' MosairGoliI S'tone Sets. Iiadies Floreutfne Sets, Pin and Drops, Ijitiiies' Jet Sets, do. do. Lailii-s' iJlva, ' do. do. 3 00 I 7 00 3 0.1 I 2 00 3 50 i 00 1 50 12 0J 10 tHJ 10 eo 1 l-uli;s' Caimo Pius, larj.- size, 5 00 Ladies' do. ;ili. medium, 8 50 Ladies' do. !iio. sjuidl, - ' 2 50 Ladi-s" Gold Stone 11ns, small, " 2 50 liidii-s' ltox awl Glass Miniature or Hajr Piiis, 'i 00 LailiV J'liiin tJ"M I'iua. new pattern, 2 50 IjudioK1 Plain Kor Drops, 2 00 Misses' Plain Gold Phis, 150 Gent's Cluster Tins. Opal centre, ' 2 50 Gent's Sia;;le iAw Pins, . .' , . 1 00 Gent's C iineu or Mosaic Bosin Studs, 4 50 Gent's Kngra'ved Gold tlo do. 2 50 Geut's Plain - do. do. do. . 2 00 Gent's Sleeve Buttons, " 2 50 Lii lie-i' do. do. , 2 00 Ijiilies' Pearl Curd Causes. 6 00 kulies' Cumeot Mo.iic. or Gokl Stone Ribbon Pins, 1 50 j G -ul's Silver lVni ils.' , Vi i G.Mit's Pearl Pocket Knives, blades, best quality, 1 00 Gent's Buff or Ivory ; do. do, do. 75; Missi s I-iva Pins. 2 50 i G. nt's Gold Watrli Keys and Pencils combined. 2 0 Gent's Gold Toothpick's, with Slides. ' 2 00 ' Gent's liAd Kings, with Stu.ie Setting, . 2 50 Indies' do. do. do. 1 50 Pets Silv. r-Plate:l Tea Spoons, 2 00 Silver-Plated IJu.ter .Knives: 1 00 j l.aili:;s or Gent's Port-mouliaies, 1 50 f Glut's (iold Wati-h Keys or A'est Hooks, 1 00 1 lollies :' Florentine lVa.it Pins, 3 50; Unites' Jet ! do. ' a 50 1 Ijidies' Mosaic do. do. 5 00 . Ladie's Cameo liir Drops, 4 50 : Misses' do. do. 2 50 ! Misses'. Kar Drops, with Stone Seiting. 2 00 Misses' Gold lftacoletsjllalf Kound Band, 4 00 ; !- dies' do. J do. .do. 6 00 tient's Soi-f Pin, I 2 00 Geut's Jet Studs, 3 00 j Gent's Jet Sleeve Buttons, 3 50 Misses' Gold Crosie, 50 I Miscellaneous Gifts: not enumerated in the aljove 1 List, Varying in value fi-oin . 25 cents to $25 00 $500 worth of the above Gifts will be impartially dfstributcri among 1'nrcha rs with every $1,000 worth of Books fold.-All Books sold at Publishers' lowest prices. All Books that Kyans does not publish hiin'lf are bought direct from the Publishers, and inhirge quantities. Books to suit every taste are to be found on his Catalogue, at prices which would lie au inducement even without he Gilt Svstem. which utters so maiiv additional advantage)! Works by the uiiMt isiular authors, living and de:tu. nil styles, from the most costly to the jUiiu and substan tial, at astonishing low prices. CATALOG l' KS SENT FKEK TO AN Y ADDKESS. lUtjiird Taylor's Tin wis, Works of Sliss liieiuer, ' IJulwer, " l)e Fix-, " " Ail.hsoin ' " Tliiwkeruy, " I.r. Johnson, ' J. F. Cimkt, " J. T. Heailly. " Frank Forrester, HurIi Miller, " ('apt. JlajTie Reid, " Clrarlotte Itruaite,' " . WaKhiiiRton Irving, " Gl-.ice Aguilai'J " llev. C. II. Spurgeon, " ("apt. AUri yatt, 'r Peter Parley, '; Mrs. Mo xlie, " Smollet, i " Fivlding, " PlIIV, u 'Wirkes, " llurton, I ' AV iks of Dean Swiil, ' Judge Haliburtoti, " : l)r. Liviiigtoii. - " Lawrence Stertie, Waverly Novels, Works of Benj. Franklin, ' Thos. Jefferson. ' " Cliarles Dickens, " Mrs. South-worth, ' Mrs. Henta. " Mrs. Sedfrwick, " Virginia, Townsend, " ?. M. Smucker, 1 " T. . Arthur, A. S. H.w, " ri. P. Thompson, ' ivim Slick, " Jane Austin, ' Marion Uarhind,. ; " Mary llowitt,- u (liarlet! Lamb, " Kilwanl Kvi rett, " Lorenzo Dow, " Lord Bacon. ." IllBTOUY AND IUOGKAPUY OF THE iXOST CKLE 1! RAT ED AUTHORS. Allison, HlHllOs Macauley, I'nscott, (lilitjon, itoliertson, Bancroft, Goodrich, Ilusscl, Ferfrosuu, Roll in, Lord, lleadley, Sltrks, Ami a host of others, too unraerous to mention. ' THE ANCIENT AND MODEItM POETS. Bhtler, i T. 11. Heid, Mrs. Janiioson, Dvron, ii.tt, Moore, Drydeu, o Pope, . ISurns, Iietgh Hunt, Mm. SigourucT, llogTS, pmitliev, II. Kirk White, Tasso. Mrs. JrtiniesiUi, Alii-e Carey, Kenta, Milton, ppenser, ('lwuicr. MlK lielUillls, Mrs. Norton, Kemble, lionjrfellow, Tenuysuu, Cowper. Whittier, Daote, K. W, Ellsworth, HoodT Tupr, Goldsmith. Wordsworth, (Shelley, . Montftoujery, . Edgnr A. Toe, Bryant. llehiw Hie above in nil stvles of hlndins. from phdn u.th to the HiK-stVakf aud Antio,ne, to suit hU cise. of - iy tvrannv, whifh wa.l inauamratl hv a liun hosi-rs. He sells- these tt cheap tin any other house in - - . . - tho country, isid. s the tul.utitiomU dvause of a "Gift bogus Democracy m vears past, and baa-been with each book sold.. j Bti'b'ugthenihg it chains by falsehood to the ALBt'MS FOR THE LADIES. j present day, humbugging the people by de- Alhums of all size and styles of bindinjrs. to suit all CeitfulnCSS, Will be SfSSailed. and, if OSsille, fctsu, profusely illustrated with umgnittceut Stod En- jtg manacles sundered, so that the minds of graving. i the people mav be liberated, and allowed to bibles, prayer BOOKS, and IIYMX BOOKS. j tLiuk ag fteem" for themeelVed.- Methodist Hymn BoV 1 Kpi-opal Prayer BK.ts, ; TJie ExPreSS being the Onlv WniG JOUR ituiihrllvnii Hook. ' I Catholic PrtiFer Hooks. r , ,- , a:, rr-..- 1 i- i'- ' r.tithemn Hvmu Books, BreBbytermn Hymn Books. t- .. -.- i , ... - Of all size, and oonod In all Styies, Aiafeeajue. Tm key , JUiroeco, AnUyi, Velvet, juitjl and without tlnsps. I . . FAMILY BIBLES. . ! A larpu assoi'tiuetit of Family Bibles, of all descriptions ; and all prices, from Si to $50, iilaetnOad witlt lina enf:rav- ings. priuled with large type, on, poi.nl paper, anu id vari I m stykMof hfmltnir. from the simplest to tbc uiost orua I uieutal. Also, Pulpit Bibles, in various sty k-s, at low .prices. ' tt A complete CUsnifitxl Catalogue of Boots ia.vcry di'iKtrtment irf liti'ratuitj, containing a complete List of UillK, witk full iiistroetiolM t Ap Dtsaodpersofi.-; forming ( ltilis. will be. sent free to any mrt of the Union. Persons 'wishing to fom Libraries, sliould kare It as m Boak ofrefo - ivm-e before Biakiug out tUeit list Send for It. and you will be convinced of tliecbepnesanl vhrlety of the Books, 1 lwsiilrs buimr pleasefl with tba liberality- of fli jratu. 4 Orilers Irom tlie country prompuy anu muwai iuniT 1111- eiLiual goods rt bp mail oreApreaa to any part of tlie t ii prtee. of "wMeft if On I)oUr and upwind ilt S'asC-T1 Lih.-ntl coanu.siMa 01awcd W all , pera irfitiiris Club. Persons actius; as AeVt for ns can np all the atlvantata-e4 tha Wtt ayawha, vrtthont afiT-eodt to thenv- selvi's, tlms gittiuea Libraj-j of good booksin a very abort time; beside Whidt. the Uifts reeeiveJ with' tho 'eomini. sion books will S.-I1 lor wore man emaigu u ampiy tlK-in for tlieir trouble. 'AoBhi wttatvd in every town 4n k Caion. IVrsona wishingtOract as ?ucji. ami all those desirous of aCata-hnirt,-will eoafer a fatror f wndhig-theJr adAhea tft 0. Q. EVAN9, Git Bwk-St( and ' tPublukiriff Housa, .FUiHdelhia,.r;a. ' Professional and Businew Cards, &c JAMES F. BELL, art and .' ! SOIICITOE n, equity-; ! - Statemne; K; C, I promptly at M wan hmivM ---' - l " - i ionor, January 1, 1859. 5-ly :T)Tl Yl SDEA,-... ! Wiiiaitend .H C.U., bothJn Town .nd' Country, Office on College Atdfce, two doors west of the Printing Ofrjce. StatesTille, N. . '2 ML. H. KELLY Offers his ProTessional services to the public - ; Oriiee on College Avenue, opposite the Methodist Church j Statesville. .N. C. HAYNE 'DAVIS,- STATESVILLE, N. C. y Will promptly and (luienily attend to all Iwiii'meus, entrusted to his care. .-.n. . , T ., ,x .mc . Ofhce opposite the JhiL Oct. 22. 1 808. ' STEVENSON & KOWEN, ; , r JATE STEVENSON, BOWEN, & XE5MITU Wholesale Dealers in 11Y GOODS, II AVE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM DANIEL M. ZIMMEPwMAir, Formerly of Lincolxtox, N. C, Ami REMOVED to the largo-Store, 53 KorUa 3d Street, below Arcli, Where an Increased Stock will he -yarrath and spirit, but without bitter kei.tand iiuluLoinentx otllml equal to Bess and rancor. , Though the bush it .11. 'p i . i i i 1 J.. r. at .: rM any House in the Trade. Jan. 2H, 1S.V.1. 8-iiin JA. W. DltAKE, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 13 St. Louis Si rekt, MOBILE, AliA. Jan. 21; 1859. 7-tf Simontoii Tannery. Iwtt t i inn- n.ici ILL continue the Tanning Musi- ness, witli jQlm Hubbard as Foreman, and expect to keep at 1 my Ol- fice, and the Stores in Statesville, a larpe lot of Sole,IIarness, and "PPfT- tlier, Call and Sheep Nkans, 6lc, which will be sold on reasonable terms tor Cash or Barter. I will pay the highest prices in Cash or leather for hides and Bark R. F. SIMONTON. January 1, IS. 9. 5-ly PROiSECTUS OF THE IEEDELL EXPEES&, PUr.LiSlIED WEEKLY, - .IN Statesville, Iredell County, ft. C, BY I EUGEN i: B. DRAKE AND SON, i . EUlloUS A'D ritOCRlETORS, At $2 a year, in advance. o - j TIE Second Voti w. Commented December , anj eVer-striving mass whose servants j '"' 0''" i and Represent! tives we are; by whose ! The Express id. now one of tlie, largest, intelligent industry and unceasing toil, ; r.eatee-t, ami lust jiajiers jiUl.lislied in the hv whose tailvirising and late lying ! -:late' t,eil,'-T l,r5ntc" ,,n a No- f Washington down this Government . receives its pro ' Press, upon new 1 vre, trom the foundry oi . , . ; , . , i L. JohnLn A Co.,1'u41aUelphia, and Paper tectmn and its bread, its glory and its ' of the best quality. It will be devoted to- prosperity.- Politics, Agriculture, Manufactures, Com - ineree, .Miscellaneous leaning, an.iio me 'Development of the ReHOiirees of Western i is'orth Carolina. Ample Congressional and ! Legislative Reports; will he lound in its col - . umns, with extracts from Foreign and Do - : mestic Journals of whatever is noteworthy 1 in other jortion of the country and world. L TheExnresswilladvocateWhiffPrln- ciples, aa the true 'conservative doctiine . : r . , . of the country, andl the palladium ol Ante 1 . lean Libertv, outide ol winch there is i .1 a T"T J'i . tion. either in -the General Government, or j any, party administering k, will be fearlessly 1 exposea and denounced, anu relormation ae- ' mandeil in the nairue of our injured countrv vr. nun neo in uuh .uii"i f fr-ioiiiii jisiiiii. the Whtjs in which" are fmppoped to ted more than a Common desire to patronize and sus tain an advocate Of their cherished prinriplcs within the Pistxiot, we. appeal tojheim as well as to our friends in other portions of the country to lend us their timely aid, that the Express may have a wide circulation, both at lome and abroad? a messenger of useful ness. ... . .. . . . ii .i T..,r AWpiijPfl - J US V M. LJSM.. XJM.y Aud for eale by T. II. McRORIE, - oTrrj YiVVPV' " S LT MOT A !TX . , mtiA 1Wprtefi PfrtTnTit of ' A Iarge na Welr-Wrertea aonmeni OT - KIN'O'S MOTJNTAIN ' IRON-" " i ... ' v . Also, pay.,, -rr rTT?n aWT IXZtJJ lil I V 1 Ik i?1j.l.i, TIMOTHY GRASS SEED, ORCHARD GRASS SEED. Jan. 28, 1809, ' persons indebterfO me,- by note or other wise, are refiiested to pav Tjp bv FebmarV Courf. .'T. II. McRORIE. 8-tf I 1SPEECH r HON. Z. B. VANCE, i OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' '" f ON TITS ,' ! . I n Ta-Publi.Land,-P : Mxvtrtd mgrBwtfilH. Tariff Pmblie Lands Pensions, ..' . ' 1 lit: uuuar: utilj" All lui vomminvv of the WhoTe oh the state of the Union Mr! VANCR Pilid I . ' . t Mr- Phairmax : The conditibn of the coutitry 1 rather singular oat l - -. 7 -, . r phenomena might now .perjoid many mildUt in j comparative qjuiet. nut wnetner tne . 1 T .'1 wir.ds merely pause to gather more wrath whether it is merely a truce to enable the combatants to fcccnit rmd j i wlucfrwe are urromided, could, hebjt ture tQ itdown ag undispfiel 1 wad theni aright The late fnry of the , c as we J(jbt au j d. ' political heavens having spent itsdfm j Qre tlianur incone, and avr ; The fierce and: bitter contests which ; inomc u rxQd ucifrUy frwic raged m thesq Halls, we have now- a : -rr Wrt v,VA 'in ,in An(i of ' tloc ;toburyi their flead, we cannot te".,! economist on'earth who Ymil It may be that tlie now tranquil skies do but portend "a greater wnft, a deep,? fall: " A shock to oeja.thuuletholt to All.' , .1 T r , But let us hope -not. I, ior one auvde- , terminetl'to anJtcrpret tlif ompna far . good. I think they are full of hope and j peace and promise for the Republic. ; I liope, sir, that thelullisnotatreach-' erons stillness! heralding the deadly I 1 simoon but that it is llalcvon herselt j consntneius, a no onoe nom 11, mju who comes to l-rood upon the dark and those very men whose infercst an(n restless deep. Eight weeks of this see- ' stations, from a spirit of -natie .al sion have gonta bv ; .grave and irripor- tant questions have been dig-cussed and passed upon ; jind yet harmony and good feeling have prevailed-. Zeal there has been, hut without fanaticism; has been beatejn from Maine to Call fornia, from the Lakes to the Gulf, only the gentleman from Maine Mr. ; Washburn has- been able to start a. j negro; ana thojughthe gentleman Irom j Ohio Mr. GiifMNGs did howl upon. the trail, the chase was so distant, and the scent lay sbcold, that he soon call ed off, and the committee was not fright ened from its propriety. i It behooves ithe Representatives of the people to take advantages of this , . r. hopeful state pi aflairs, and to ; turn theirearnest attention to' the practi- ca avery-dav matters of the nation. Too long, alrehfly, has the country . . suffered from thisall-absorbing excite- ment wlwch has so lnueh hindered pract Cal lerxisfetion. Our disordered finances, our depressed trade, our emp ty Treasury, our confused foreign pol icy, our Secreitary calling, like the daughter of the horse-leech, "Give, give;" all showithis melancholy but in- gtructive fact. ; The great question of 1 a tariff the principal source of our national revenue; the public lands ; I and, inseparable from tliese, the grbw- ! ing expenditures of the Government greatly need, nay, must have, our at tention. It is time, sir, Vc , were -considering the ways and means to do something for the people that vas.t ; When we reflbct, sir, that the expen- . 0f administfl'i'intr this (Government . , , Tr 1; t ' bas-reached a point far exceeding the ; receipts of the public Treasury, we - : must look around for some means of j Tgkin-p. both ends meet, I presume . f tifc;0 ;T I it,fJ 1C - f tee who desire p see the. Government 1 - : .1 dA tr- j embark in a system of borrowing mon- r ey, except m T?AL(IUIM111UI VU.Tl O 1 emergency, an(J thus to lay the foun dation of a 2rdat national debt, like that of Great Britain,' which is to go on growing and increasing until it gets forever beyond i the hope of ultimate payment. Thej soundest policy of na tional financiers has been to borrow money only in case of war, or. some such urgent necessity, to be repaid du ring the long years of peace and pros perity which follow these calamities. In times of general tranquility it has always been considered best to draw upon the Foorcc of the nation's income suflrciently to meet our current expen ses without borrowing, no odds how much the amoufit might be. We are not now doing t)ii3 : instead of living like a frugal housekeeper, on the in terest of our money, we are devouring the principal: IDunng the -last nscal year; inl the midst of profound peace, this Government has issued Treasury I a eivilized nation or community a)w 1 ence honestly entertained, among gen notes and bonds1 to the amount of $35, on earth, where the mannfaeturingn- j tlernen, as to tlie best manner of reg- 000 000 beyond the receipts of the Treasury; and a similar issue may soon ! -i . , be called ior. unless tne deucieney i - u ieriea'"iJli.ruuic ssuuiuu oi tuu lcrrttuc. The tariff levied on importations is the principal source; the next ' largest is f l ii.t?- i i t i :j .i. - tne panne laiius- iaci, ua tajiiisiuer incr former - ,. Shaiitberarsedtoarevenuestan - dard or not ? That it is not amr.iip this point, is, I take it foEranted tram notwittandlrig sufficjf ntl-1 corit f m. - m am . 4.1 . i lv obvious i wo are row i Thk fact I worth all 1 ;T.nnA in rli nri.Anr , 1 ! Jfe la'w3 ; g0vera the trade and commerce ot the my . study. ; I havje not hiifiefl . i statistics, nor counted withilire- I 1 n?i f li a .i" 1 .si iS ;V.,k run iMiormnns mniiimTiK m ui'iirt's H .m 11 C01ltaln ou commcrcial! tranactfe. ! j. freQ to confess-it? or do c- lie.ve that I am much .tUo worse loiw re4f!0n. But crude fciml uncTpr- at(,d ag m opimons may be, iwii 1411 . , ; t t illCome. AXC rx op. AValk iht0 tlie iir,. VCBt-cOTirt an(1 fiie our schedule. Idb nHll;,lt tro rir nv ' -.m. economist j denv the&e proportions, i' It b aqj tion, sir, entirely ucyona .nnair;i'i,i thoovies and snbstractioiis.' . k" The doctrine, sir, of a tariff for io- toction has been pr'ettv cencralm a- bandoned in the sect come; and it may not to say here, that on I'tioh frotn wJuqI a not be finiiss-, poHf jjis t one great causeBof that doctrine being abandoned byMiy pi ide, we were upholding and profit iug, became in timethe, deadliest j,C: mies to our institutions and to on ii In terest. And it must-hejrcmembepd, too, that at the -time -the doctrine ' a protective tariff prevailed amongiy constituents, our national; cxpenditMe (-scarcely exceeded twenty million.Mljr lars per annum ; and therctore ttiq, in cidental protection afforded amouibl to scarcely anvthinir, add made Mie neccssitv for protection obvious. But i now that we have to raise frbmckt 1 lundred. million dollars pev fn-i irincipally by duties on imrMr-1 to 'one 1 nura, tations, the incidental protection forded became so large -as to renler direct protection both uncalled forti(l unjust. , . 1 ; I am, therefore, sir, like tlioscj L represent, opposed to a tariff lorpo tcction, both for tlat reajson? and iljsd troni tne plain iact, iiax revenue tanu, or reson 19 uircci xax- . J.iymn'. 0" Dorroweci muaey.. atiuiu, uiuu j. um uv jucjidicu -vav. for , practical j purpose is In iluttmg up the 'rates, then tpjthat tlte theories that gerttl&laen standard, it strikes me that weihouia because it is to the interest of my k-1 country, or to any portion ol it,j as to. tion. I place it upon the groundJ)f j transfer what little protection U inci self-interest frankly because I do&t- dentally afforded by a fairly cous'titu believe in the validity of! the genel'viil i ted revenue tariff, 'from our ownlman niles and deductions which gentloifin 1 nfaetures io those of the British jor the : lav down so fluently. To assert tptt the only true policy of a, natioff is fifee. trade, is only less absurd than to I js- sert that the- nation liould cxtt-jd protection, universally, tb all the mi p Ufactures within its borders.- TrJe and maiTufacturing are, I take it g crned and affected like art other hitu;in transactions by the thopsand and .iyjie accidents and adventiouS cir'cumsti5 ces to which nations, as well asv ili viduals are subjected. What Adn Smith, and latter British: politieia-f;- may say, in general terms, would hij&e little more application to! our conm tion, than would the maps and profits of Professor Bache's suivey ; applied to the angles and indentations of -tjie British coast. Even in England, cCV- pring not more teratory than the Sti;Ve which T partly represent, the - pub ie sentiment was never a unit on theti-r iffrpiestion; the manufacturer Avantig a tariff "ffamed'OTi rigid revenuoprin it laid heavily upon articles similar-io ciples;!' and both the Presideni and these in which he dealt, and free-trff le , Mr- q0bb seem to agreo that tl&c du-. as to the breadstuffs; while the culturist contended .for precisely fie 'tj " reverse- - AYhat French ec onomist m y sav, can have still less biarinc on Jjfkv i - ., : r,. . 1 it! t raSy affaire as there is,i stillgfeater dissp- borrowed in lavor ot increased duties., iterrty in our condition ! and instill-1 I must agree with both in his rcajpcct, tions. x ' ' .'! i i and think it better to bring up tho How, then, can we lav down a nM 1 tariff at once to a revenue standard for the regulation of aj tariff Vhflh j and be done with, tlnpi to keep on shall be'ireneral in its operation $r glorifying free! trade in the face of the the best," for. a country like oul, fa.cts and the figures; for, although wo stretching aa it does,, through all te j art; tdld to wait a little longer, twait degrees of an entire zone; with matgy-f until the country has recovered from thousand'miles of coast with .evo?y l.tbc great financial crisb, which it has. variety of soil, climate, and productiO; so recently undergone, I regard jlclay and containinrr within its borders fvrM as the most daueerous course, illow tsans, manufacturers, aiid.laboreTsff every form, fashion, and profess under tire heavens? There is, indent!, one eeneralrule, which, thoufjrhdiye-ree iri its operations, is yet the same in $3 applicability the worhl oYer the uni versal law of self-ifiterest. And, di pitc the ingenious theories of polii cians, as to the enlightened puhlicp pihion havinj: settled it this way ifr that, I will venture to say there is -f jbt terest rs dommant, that rtoes not sf?K i protection for its workshops at the'rx- .(;. ..IJ. .1 L' - u rrienscoi us news. nu ywe mrtrr- irrna.vr5 w AWW-TMtiirin -trh v Tim iot r j - - o.a-.. r v j; Ugriciilturists. We need no protect! iHhat Tfhich we raise j for -mirkft; to that which we have! to ;buyr smt the free markets ets ok vne worio ropposedtoa taTin-tor-iproteetion j oi iuose uo uuiicvu, im vi-av- , that it would build up northern mai,-i son tiiat tnese unus ougui. aui iw uv . AitnMra f Tb nvni-fl? "nf BAiitVii'i4 1 made a source. of revenue at all.. I But, be this as it may, we m a . . IT" . A A fMiriVftvnr. tint to nrntprt nnv man. or of mi; but to protect thholo Vody of the people, from heavy Ur nix- ecsial taxation ror laying atariffis, to some extent, laying a tax, though riot ari equal tax, its many of the States 'A!n TV.1 enmn 'nrmomln ait uun vivyuiii. j. n, niuiv inviuiuiv ouglit to goverii vl. The cardinal doc- trine of "the greatest good to thereat- est numoer ougni 10 oc our giuac m laying these burdens upon the people. The panic care to make then! bear lightly as possible on the poot, yet .without being unjust to the rich, which litis ever been the ideal of a perfect tax bill, should be observed. Whilst I; do not hold that the interests qf tho manufacturer and the consumer are necessarily and altogether antagonis tic, yet to some extent they certainly are, If, therefore, that class of opr cit izens which produces the raw material of commerce, and consumes the manu- I factured article, is the larger anymore 'extended interest of the country, and; it most assuredlv is ; if it humeiucal$ and ?ubsfantially predominates in fact,. over the manufacturing interest; then the genius' of our institutions plainly demands that that predominance shoutd be felt in the legislation of thecomntrv. I sin not for sacrificing a smaller in .terest for 'the sake of a greatcrj in so . many, words ; but I believe thtjit all commercial enterprise should be, in a lame (lerreo, sell-sustaining : ;anu 1 1 1 IT cannot regard the operations of any institution as healthful and vlgt&tous, tfliich flourishes alone by statutory enactments. Rut a tariff for revenue, I ant in fa vor of. It is a necessity at this; time, and not an open question. If, in put ting up the rates to meet this necessi ty, any protection should be intiden- tally afforded to the manufacturing 111- tercsts, T can see nothing wrong? in it. Indeed, "if the rates are fairly imposed, without making a special discvitmina- tion against all the manufactories ot the nation, I cannot sechpw it is! to bo avoided, if it were ever so sinfut. Wo .certainly should not be so illiberal as . to refuse them th-at which cannoi hurt -us, and which may help them. !I cer tainly. am not so hostile to my own i'b rencli, when my own pcopie -couiu not be in the least benefitted thereby. As to the manner of levying jthese duties, I am constrained 'to say that I concur. with the President. I blievo ; that the method recommended by him in his late message is the best ' the simplest, and, in most eases, the fair est, at once for the merchant, the Con sumer, and the Government. Apped-, ficduty'on any given article is a steady sourcp of revenue, it is certain; ilt Can not be avoided or circumscribed,; and if any protection arises from5 it, it is a home protection, and not a foreign one. It also puts to rest the difllculty as to home and foreign valuations, which always' arises under the atdval ore'm system- That some protection will be afforded is inevitable, if tiedu- ty goes up. Mr. Secretary Cobb says himself that he does, not expect to fao j ties irvust go up, or we must borrow ' more money, which is not, they say, I TT 1 . jr 11- v i ' desirable. be just th -ii i i desirable. Indeed, tne uillerence would ie interest on the sum total j much, indeed, the present low duties have lmd to do m producing thisf very. crisis, is, in my opinion, a question open to debate,, to say; the least of it. My own notion is, that Californlajgold, ! Tor which we arc not ijidebted t any i tind. of tariff, has alone kept u3from ! calamities compared with which our Y rdcent troubles were small and insigni ficant. ' .:-.'. I , . But; althounh there may be a differ- maun iue iari itiweiiu ty .y, v, that there can be but one opinion m K-oT tn tb nnW ,t londa that hth T p-6'v w .-tt-i'---".- 'rr-.r 1 irreat source of our revenue. I am ono d - . .. , , --z - - v . Siiu- f have a still stronger reason for wsbe- jlicung in tne pol: of keeping them, fe ? bom as a source re, ? . iu j m . - t . of the country. I have heretofore act - USecrttary. J'reniiknt. I Feb. 4, 189. 9im tne opinion i many genuemeif io ine ' i4i in '