s M most hficent idea of all yet cottv expenses, by giving a half feed to bis getting rid of these lands, corse, his ox. andms plowman? In- the bridge .shall be commanded by a strong battery. ; The towers, which should be one hundred feet in diame- ed upon the policv of distributing these Mmongjue several . his stead of saring money, sir; he would Uniony or their Prcee1efbuse--of the honorable gentleman dry up the source of his wealth entire- ter and two hundred and .sixty feet nnhlA thpm to erect DUDllO wOT&i CJT t , 1 : 1 v 11 1 . , r- r.rrr , . , 1 aX? irom .rennsvivania. wnicuwui ervc at iy; iorin a snort ume, aa piuunumaii niffn. wouiarreat on colossal cases. tablifsii Aee schools ana xo jUpw. jGst 0fi hnniPHi m;(m acres to wlw- and his horse would be as weatasa three hnndroil W nti. t th Tvt burden.3 of general i.mPJ?ovemeDjj , a t k it N id ha naitt.h' nromises. as feeble as a torn. on rmn, mrTA fift fi 1 - r r y Wll V. V V WMVa W T W A 0 11 is; tne mruation is general to all moaern piatiorm. oucn a man wouia at tne top rising to a night of for- out, tratti continuance or the jello-w ferer the world. "Walk up, gentlemen, and hardly be termed a bad economist; he tx feet, above the water formed of in the former place prevented it, much to imy help yourselves !" would be called a. fool, and would de- j blocks of granite united by iron bars, gwt, and toy rotate, Ja consequence, was m tlieir respective ooruer atthe if that policy bad beena ihat the time it was first bjf evey State wealth and prpsrTejteen materi. in tho UmorMjfri the country saved olH enhancfangling arid,. bitterness, froiiQ njfiany monstrous frauds and Unci wr-swindlea. I this policy - was withstood bv Bemocratic party, wich, at a verv FEOH OXTB FLORIDA CORRESPOff- ! V, f 5-" - i . : No. 4. . 1 .- ;y r f-; Tor Um Ezprws. . i It was my intention toigo via East Florida, and spend the winter in that portion of the4 Now, sir, leavine entirely out of serve the appellation. He should com-; l The elevation of the toDs of the tow- the western, and down the Chattahoochee. sight, the fact, that this disposition of mence by cutting off all the superflu-. era would thus be three hundred feet While in the towns of North and Middle the public property is a ra"nk and gross ous parts of his establishment first, so ' above the surface of the water. Mr. Georgia, I obtained some idea of the extent outrage unon the mVhts of the old , there mijrht be no diminution in the I "Rovd timgto, nfmnat nnU and feereritar of that scourge of the South. O I n J w L tskj VUV kVU V IS A, " States, and a;palpable violation of the - comforts of those who labored. So, j cost of the bridge at 30,000,000, but Placf were fled to from the ButT7 di spirit of the deeds of cession ; is it not sir, we should begin in the national j thinks it could be built for half that aad citi8;OD coasts. And many were he a reckless and nilnnns want.A of tho household, to Ion off the sunerfluous strrm d -lKo 1 -KaL mA refugees I met, whoeesahle garments and Bad s i 1 , " ii p f " r r X I - -"v V TT uviu bus nwuu to , early pefioa, took ground against dis-!. public revenues ? Js it not a strange excresences that uselessly feed on the ( reimbursed to the company in eight feces dt,ng'whed them from Che mere plea- tnbu ;ion, and declared tbiat these lands ! lurn v of rnAoarrtnrr o nrnmiga en m. TrMenrr WolniWt nrftfitaKlv (Ipmiv. vsora Tl,! : -a SUre-SeekeTS. Slid BDoke Volumes of the rava- ough to be held as a source of reven- ; 'crcdly" made ? What wonder, sir, that . itate some thousands' of that class of , ise mueh .better succesa.than that of 668 of the epidemic, in their homes. From -r- r,VUVVUJ wvuv. iui,v i.uv uuu- tut; iauu nas iu uu. wueu mis urcai iiuutirv -uauuers-uu. nuuswaiui m mc ; iur. vramnnn who nronnsAS to nni n - . ' lie Treasury, and applied to defraying and unfailing source of public wealth the public expenses, and would th$s is thus lavishly thrown away ? If this best inure to the use and benefit of the fund is no longer to go into the public peop.je. That party prevailed.;; and al- Treasury to relieve the people from though under that disposition of the the burdens ef a high tariff; why then, ' pal.lip lands, Virginia, Xorth Carolina in common justice and common hones- tuu uwii;t, iiicii ccuQn ins?r lanas to tile ,;-Government)! until the lands ; thus ceded were all sold,icontinued, in realiiy, to pay five thrjes more than their proportionable share of the nub- ty, let us all, the old and the new States, take share and share alike. I have long been a distributionist be cause I thought iustice and equality demanded it; but if I could only see J land with the numbers and the rapac- I a tunnel under the channel at a cost lty of the Egyptian locust, "devouring of only j4000,000. every green thing.' I contend, sir, j - r . i . ! that the citizen soldier is at once the j 3ftvA fhm- pride and glory, the stay and the sure- j i m W$$& ty or. tne nation ; ana no uovernment is wise which refuses to contribute, in this, way, to the fostering of that war like spirit in its miljtia. . The gentleman from Ohio Mr. he taxe.i: vet the DUblic waa evorv- iUsp nmmlapa fnJthfnllxr Whcrb met with praises of the justness if I can only see the vast fund honest- and equality, as well as economy, of ly applied to defraying the general the fcystcin.. From that time down to charge and expenditure of a common the last' convention, which assembled Government, I would agree to ask ;jat Cincinnati in 1850, cvicry neighbor- nothing more. I call on gentlemen to f hood county, district, State and Na- stop this rage after the public lands. tional convention, so far1 as my recol- I will gladly stand with any party to lecticn now extends, pledged the party, effect this subject. in tlib face of the nation, to oppose the It is a little strange that every State distiv butkirt of these public lands, in the Union can'participate m these v,hct!ier among States, corporations, land grants save and except alone or in livuluali, and saylpg that they those-States which were the original Ough ; to be applied to fhe us of the proprietors. The ordinary statute of ' General Government, to relieve the - distributions is entirely reversed ; and ' . peopl e. of taxation, ajid j for no other the Turtherest of kin, instead of the V purpose whatever. Nay, sir,1 the fa- nearest, seems to be best entitled, to yontVtcrm of( 'expression was, that this estate. There is great anxiety "the (proceeds of these ljinds ought to manifested on the admission of every ' . be s.afcredly.apj)ied'' to these purposes, new State, to put it on an equality - . thus giving fiihd of religious sanction with the other States, by princely do to the smcerltytf the promise. When nations of the public property ; but it the' advocate of distribution, defeated' never seems to occur to gentlemen that in so many Struggles, hail coma almost there is no equality in , the case, so to despair of obtainhi":. their oliiect, I, loner' as one half the States tret noth- -r ' 4.. . w i" ' . . o- i iuc ojac, iei xnai we weifo w.Mi con.-oi- cd by bo:nfr able to fill back uoon thes0 oft-vepeated promises. I was cheered by the tliouo-lit, that if we could not get a fair and equal dis tri but'icjn, we knew at lea-stl that t)pro- ccCdfDt the land sales were well dis- posem ot; that tlioy werc;"sncvcdly ap- '6 mg at all. What do vou call equality, and how do you bring it about ? Do'you call it equality when one party gets all and the other gets nothing ? And do you produce this equality by loading one with favors .and stripping the other barer iNa EpEffE B. DRAKE & SON, EDITDJIS AUTD PROPRIETORS. : - tv NrcnoLS told us the other day, that ' T-., . , - ' this spirit originated solely in patriot- ; T10ay, March 4, 1859. ism ana uevotion to our noerties, ana Trse dmhwc. tojodt nm, that nO greater insult COuld be offered Cm do w at our nslcj by takiiiR the Post Master Re n. it . , ,i ceipt, to exhibit, in caje the money get lost. GuJd jollrn. to those gallant men than to put thir : When nt honia be twk to th r tb heet with Services in the War Of 1812 On -a foot- j "Ub- r wafcr- Poetoge.8ton.p8 taken moaey. ing of dollars and cents. "Patriotism," I TrCr i, ... . . , ,, TTT, ' W. A. Jurney, Esq., Is our duiy author- said he, 'is its own reward. What a feed agent for Iredell county, to receive sub pity it is that he is not as prompt te scriptions for the Express and eipn receipt defend these men from-veal wn in the names of the publishers. He will al- from imarrinjirv in,H f T VAU : 8a"end to making collections for our office tobis post,; while you, hopefal still, stand by waiting th report. A few more e4roke8.arwJ he hand) jou a poper upon which he haf Written a name and bt it those startling ther had fallen a victim to the relentless de stroyer, but not until he had borne aid and consolatieni to other fated homes ; te anoth er the message came that a father, who had been the prop and stay of the bow bereaved ones, had gone to that bourne where the in habitants never say " We are siek :" and an other weptithat a motherV voice was stilled i death, and would never more sustain and cheer her jchild's, soul jaded with mortal strifes, ,Hpw sad thus to be far away, even in securityj and to know and feel that some dear relative wag at the moment lying upon a dying couch, and you not near to aid in those last trying hours. And what tormenting messages those wires convey ! To-day the " all's well" from home brings joy to your heart, and hope that your circle juay he passed by. To-mofrow the " tick' of the battery warns the operator 'WhereVmy boy i'jangin ou ears, and noble in his pinciplesJ high-minded she fell on the ho that contam d the cold and liberal with his frietida, and loved' most Dy tuose wno know him best. The good county of Davie can have no l : i a . . I ueiier represeniauve xnan ri. ifnith.; " I er, Esq. 4 Long may be! live in pros- and Kfelesa form of her dear boy; An iceicle or a nean would Have mehediheo. We thought she would need a box tcv I think I will hear that cry till the day 6fioora " The whistle signalled the rap j approach of the train, and we' grasped f bh other's hand, and felt farewell. Our ear Vere differ ent, and we met no more. But f ;ht sad face t con not forget, and that motht f 's grief. Around me were happy people, br I heard their voices as we rode on, but only tho't of a mother's love, her sacrifices jerpravers. What could they be likened tojO And then I thought of. him, Ue;gifte4 -a the! goocU who was my friend, my Jife, ancmy joy; how he sacrificed health that height bring comfort and joy to many housfjholds, and pehty and health. DURHAM. "We can assure our correspondent that Ire dell will be represented in the meeting he has alluded to. See notica ia the Expreas. Message from the President of the Uni ted States. I The following message was trans mitted from the President of the Uni ted States tn Onnrrs m 'RriHn.v . ' J .7 f w To the Senate and Houaqq Represent tativpx. v " " I ' ? The brief period which remains of over whose prats a' fond ninfh, vwkl. " I thought of him whom I loved A well and Ur Presenf 4 gession, the peat I sighed, y ' fc ' f " i urgency and importance! of legislative -Forthetouch'of.Tmnishedfiirf. t action, before its termination, for the And the gouod of a voice that 't still.1 ire YADKIN CORRtlSPON&NCE. Messrs. Editors H'fj j 'I fel a little inclined to address! you a shq?t commu nication, and as the Legislature is ad journed and, I presume alll jhe mem- protection of American citizens and their property whilst in transit across the Isthmus routes between our Atlan tic and Pacific possessions, render; it my duty again to recall sthis subject to your notice. I have heretofore presen ted it in my annual messages, both of December, 1857 and 18158, to which I beg leave to refer. Ii the latter I state that '-the executive government oi tnis country in its intercourse with bers have arived hoiaa in s.v'ety after foreign nations, ia limitLl to thA the toils of a ' long session, t is,' per-' ployment, of diplomacy alone. When haps, a very proper time tof tir up the this fails it can proceed jno further. minds of the People as to te dpings It cannot legitimately resort to forep luc giviiMw i icmuvaio tnuai; wnnout me direct authority of Con. of re : xav, sir. worse still is done.- plied) ' to the general charge and ex- The elder sisters of this great familv ! or. or rennwn. in onr fnr Knf pendkare. But, sir, evert that consola- of States, bring their advancements pork, and cabbage ? I doubt, sir if tionjis .taken "away froraj mo, .and the into hotch-pot, and the law not only either the gentleman from Ohio 'or actual rcalitv 'stares us 2h tlie. face. crives thp rnnnorer sitprs thonri'nml mrritAf niA o,. : x W ti , l I J V ' - W x-xy VV AV(LJ-kyOVllV J Ul constituents in this Hall, glorious as . . i . it i?, witnout to speak m Kansas ! 1 tin - ijinng the last sossion ot Congress, estate, but the advancements n,lsv acting in obedience to a resolution, the leaving the elder sisters without .an otoreiary or tiic interior transmitted inheritance in the common nronrrrv. tor-lMnfrr ',n Dn,vi; o,. : ft reriort m bnef, to the House, petting Truly -from him that'hath not shall You may talk-of glory as much as you JorthJ the number )f acre disposed of, be taken away even that which he like, but these old soldiers want some and for what purposes, srnce the irian-.. hath." And although the doctrine has more substantial testimonial of the guration of the present systejn. By been as strenuously maintained, that country's gratitude, that, report Jt appears that (I quote it was unconstitutional for the Gen er-'; That argument, sir, reminds' me of trom memory) about one,: hundred and al Government to erect improvements the custom, in Catholic countries of tweny-nmc .-million acres havp been .not of a national character, in there- having the priest to pass over the fields solu, and t1tc-proceeds applied (wheth-' spective States, the Secretary of the in the spring and bless the exDected awl, nv'tduinn, nyn ifui iiiit-nui bi uws us mar innr TnniKnnn ornr n hncnAh ' V1 V UilV OUVU JKs do any soldier of that war the injs- ..... j tice to suppose, for a moment that i District Convention Congressman, thought of th pay influenced him in j We are requested to give notice the slightest. His country was in dan- i tha t a Convention will be held by the ger; that was enough for him. The ; Whigs .of the Sixth Congressional bugle-blast told him that the invader's ' district, at WINSTON, on the 12rn foot was upon the soil; and he went to day of 'APRIL next,' to nominate a the rescue. But this is all the great- j Party candidate to represent the dis er reason why they deserve well at our trict in thej next Congress two years. hands. As' they , were prompt and ) '. The ; Counties composing the dis-! brave to defend us, so should we be trict, are invited to hold meetings and -prompt and liberal to repay them. I appoint delegates in time to attend 1 do not believe they are sufficiently re- saiil Convention. J paid by the honor and glory they have The Legislature acquired. Thousands of these men are : 1 ' ' ' I now in the deepest poverty, and have BsThe vinst0'n Sentwd of last , week j the hardest work to keen 'the wolf contains another low-flnng arfeicle from the from the doors of their homes, where : h'me-bag of the poltroon editor who presides dwell their wives and little ones. Can i over the colllInm of the filthy sheet, aimed against us, which only shows still further the degradation and pueyllanimity of a debased and groveling mind, and rendering the craven-hearted whelp more contemptible than the debased of his species usually become. We have sought no quarrel with the Sentinel, but were first grossly assailed through its col umns. In a manner going to show that its Edi'orris no (jentbmcm! and fit only for the society and companionship of low black- vour one of them walk into the market and buy a ramp of beef or a leg of mutton, with glory? What merchant advertis es that he will take either glory, hon- to the public expense?; whilst, during six hundred and forty-nine and one bein occasion the priest i 1 - T - ' - -u(iiv.4 U 1 1 V 1 1 l I I V I I I I I 1 I I I I I II f MMIIIir Ull T T 1 OT 11111 V n A . A. uiy same pciiou, mere nave Dcen k'sa- nail miles ot rai road have hen hn t i ,i ka ,i.:v. ' as ,, . , , 7 ! uuovu tie uhc iiciu. nuicu viL-uiw given away ami about tvo crCs millions. hnndr empty lame. Sir, I hope that gentlemen will not be guilty of the sm of so often taking was verv .1 : .1 :j. 1 p. i .1 mi - . ' ''J buuurmerca ui jkiwucu ior, Dy tne mirtv Fourth , roor and ster Jp- "hrn v f,.;nA " 1 i .... ft . " l 11 " ui 1 ii reel find ten million a- congress alone. How manv sehnnls , nirT ho 'Ki0e0;. ,:n a " j. il:. nd this qxclusivp of military have been established, and how manv field must Imve man., " Thow.i grants amounting to sorpe forty-four public buildings have been erected bv i.dierji. sir v.,l, omo millions are rriven to Conrrress in tins wnv the rnnnrr do nnnn;A i i. v..x xi.. i . "iii., i jp. ' i - . ,vum,i.i,-uuuuuui, uuu iui;y uiusi nave build tuQ magnificent railroad jystera not show. It would take up all my al- j something that will do more good than . m', uuiun u.uniuL.nc iairiy con- loixeu iHne to snow one halt the dona- Ptruci.to comeunder the head of "gen- tions to the new States, and for what craljjharg'e and expenditure ;" some purpose; therefore I will forbear. Suf- muiions more re Minn ed oyer to fice-it tcsay, that scarcely a single J the name of cconomv in ram, for the . v " 2V vu,,a' anu j noi m uireci coniraventron ot .people will not hold them tv utuur uunnwestern RE.it.os tor mi . tins f ocrnnrv whrthpr nrrhf 11- T i vi n 1 J 11 . roadl schools, public buildings and so And before I close.this snhificr.. T mn v on. What constrifrtion hthnr j , - - t, I " " v xv ujvii fcllC men may put on this, I am unable to strangeness of the fact, that no land say; but, in my opinion, Ithe giving a- bill has passed this Confess anrl way dfthc common -property to free come a law, which made provision for ptatoR, 10 support those burdens which an equal division among all the States. my constituents have td rav 6ut of Ihe-famtest shadow of instifpi and their town pockets, is neither a nartof qualify in a land bill is suifhViW n xnc expenses ot the General (ipvern- "damn it to everlasting fame." Ben mcnt proner. neither is tho nhWt vorv nett'f? hind hill Vnnld nnt nt i,,.u .-'Bacred, To avoid tcd!ouncss I shail neither, qould the agricultural college not ersumerate the various States that bill of the gentleman from Vermont nave spared this public spofil bothnorth LMr- Morrill, and though the luna- , and sputh, or recite theyarious grants tic asylum bill got through' Congress, so sacredly donated to corporations it met its quictous on the ground of J and cqmpanies. They wil all be found unconstitutionality, at the hands of a frronniMl t,Li.. Pp'ncldntit iWVr j,:n : f, , rr wiv' "" lunB .'i 1 11 y Hiui- -j""-ih otjuiitu uuis giving away uieu anu icn minions m tne report re-! iaas enough to build four thousand ferred to. V ; ' U six hundred and forty-nine miles of I3 t iere any prospect; of the evil railroad, and many million acres beside being stopped ? Why, sir, I wa? per- j for works of a similar nature ! i fVctly astoundedito learn the number I . But, sir, we are continually told that --' of bilhi now before the House for giv-! it becomes no man to talk about a , ing aWay lands. I sat in my place in vrastc of the public revenues, or to :-e-this Hall, and heard the other day bills I commend economy, who voted for the enough Introduced to cover, as T i old soldiers' bill: that thatVa moc tnougW, all the vacant lands on the ! ure of such reckless and dangerous XMorth American continent. f?tiiltless. i T . . '. .. O x protest, sir, against making this word cover all the sins of the age. There are but few of these soldiers alive, and they are all necessarily far advanced in years. It is but now and then that you meet with one of them; and if we do our duty in cutting down our ruinous expenditures at the pres ent session1 the amount required to pay them will scarcely be felt. The bill provides ho back pay, and only gives a small sum for lifo, graduated according to the length of the soldiers' services. In my opinion, the vast a mount so unwisely spent in the blood less Mormon war, would be sufficient for this bill. I do earnestly hope that the Senate may consider it favorably and that it may become a law. 1 errt n t4o 1 i fra It i ivi onl f XTa h n A m4 i-vl. 5 J I Jt expose the favoritism and corrupting tenden cy of advertising the " mail contracts'' after the manner m which it s done by the gov ernment, whereupon the editor of the Senti nel, instead of defending his side of the ques tion in rational argument and proper courte bv toward an opponent, who was civil though firm m hia assertion of facts, made use of un called for and offensive epithets as, "stupid," "hypocritical cant," &c. This we repeHed it deserved. Whereupon the Sentinel again lost its brazen-shame, and the last is sue, exhibits its canine propensities more dis gustingly than ever before against us. The Sentinel says " "We have heard and read of him (us) before-" We will add that the editor, may yet feel us, too, one of these days before his race is run. But this is not the first time, that -we have had squirted at us, the slime and vituperation of manegy locofoco editors, who, failing in argument, resort to the billinjsgate.of the fish -market to subserve their low-born pur poses, nor do we expect that it will prove the last exhibition of dirty water from a kindred source. And we eqaully defy the malice and meanness of all such. Ifth'e editor ofthe Sentinel is not a " man i of years" he ought, in this time, to have at words " angeronslv 'H '" How hopes vanfeb. those hopes yon fondly oubr one day ago ! Then that Who can jdescvibe it ? Suspense wasting, withering, corroding, crushing suspense -has its victimsjAre, while the plague reigns and butchers yonder At length, kours have pass ed,' and you go again to the office, yet dread to hear what the next message will tell. The operator is there, and you and he await its advent in silence. A ''tick" and anoth er he does not look, only listens and they hurry on. Then it has ceased. He does not look at the paper, for he knows what it aid. Then he turns slowly to you, and you read in his sympathetic face, what his lips faintly express : " he ia dying !" A few mo ments longer, and a message announces :"IIe is dead !" How those lines scorch, and blister, and burn the hjeart then ! ! A few days afterward you receive letters. : you know the worst al ready, andl the pang is over. Your heart is too much j crushed 'to be sensitive now, a-nd you read tihe details of his last hours with composure. It was after the winter had set in that I waited one d:iy in the reception room of the dopot on one of the Southern Roads, for the arrival of the train. Meanwhile wearied with waiting, I looked around for some one with whom I could kill the time, and select ed from the crowd, one whose earnest. face and blunti manners indicated him to be a proper character. I approached him, and found him' very willing to answer my questi ons as to his route, destination, and so forth. He was going to New Orleans from Savan nah. He j-might suffer from the fever, but he must gc. I asked him how he fared in Savannah during the epidemic there. "Well with me. well with me. This vigo rous frame? of mine battled with it, and came off safe, but 'twas not so with all not so with all.", . ; He paused, and I knew from his manner hie heart was full, which 5t would be a relief toempty. A shadow of deep earnestness fame over his face, and I was willing to hear the tale of sorrow. "Stranger, he was the best cousin I had in the world. I May be you liavn't snch alone, whose big j heart grew bigger when he saw any poor mortal suffering,- and wltomj you loved for that big heart ? Yes, I loved him. We had been playmates, had raced and birds of prey that: make a gat iioise grees, except in resisting and repelling and accomplish very little to the peo- hostile attacks. It would have no au- pic, out much tor tnemsems. ihe- thonty to enter the territories of Ki- session ot tne .legislature is an oyer, and thus ends the promises the De mocracy, made lalst summed to the State at large, and rmrtjcftarlv th-e indulged so j Western portion of North Ofl-'oliua. hat pauee ! i We were' told .'that only oftct their men again, and Judge Ellis govern or, caragua, even to prevent the destruc tion of the transit and protect the lives and property of our owp citizens on their passage. It is -true! that onasud den emergency of this character the President would direct any armed force in the vicinity to march to theirrelicf and the western portion ofthe State hut in doing this he would act upon his shoukl be heard through her flepreseH- 0wn responsibility. - tatives in the Legislative Assembly, "Under these circumstances, Icarn and her wants should fully te.redrcs- estly recommend to Congress the pas ed: Railroads commenced hould be sage of an act authorizing the Presi- compietea, ana new ones -ttgun: the lent, under such restrictions as thev Mountains m their , graudeu were to may deem proper, to employ.thc land be bored-through as with a auger and naval forces 'of the United States ana tne iron-norse jn his p&ver ana m preventing the transit from" being splendor would dart through the tun- obstructed or closed by lawless violence nels as by magic : and if t! was not and in protecting the lives and proper- j done n the Road would Inbuilt to ty of American citizens tVavelling i encircle the ;Mountain.pea with a thereupon, requiring at the same timo ! grand bekbf iron.-upon whthc jol- tht these forces shall be withdrawn ly traveler would j pursue hi winding thejuomcnt tire danger shall have pass: way crossing over lofty bry es from cd away. Without such! a provision peak to peak so highW vallies our citizens will be constintly exposed bdow, that if he might lool; through to interruption in their progress, and the car-windows on objectf .beneath to lawless violence." kw lofty perch he would: gmost be -A similar necessity Exists for the stricken blind by !a dizzy n. : passage ofuch an act for the protee- But alas! alas ! these, promises tion of the Panama andi-Tehauntepec I the people wlio should hap known Ano'the.r subject, equally important,- better, suffered themselves .jbe.wM. commanded the attcntioii of the Sen- 1 It wassail a shadow a delusion, pro- ate at the last session o Cowe? claimed from the stump by ljticians, The republics south of thUnited who were bidding jfor the v,es ofthe Stateson this continent have, unfor- tuu uuuu g oMuia.neerc: nu as tuna'tely, been freaucntlv in a statPhf Democracy has always beeihe.high-.. revolution audi civil wai ever sine,. ' est bnlder for votes, paid e people ; they achieved their independence. As for them only inrom, IMoubt not ; one w the other party-'lias prevaile.1 locofocos feel themselves w,e compen- j and obtained possession lof the ports sated foi : being 2,m0irand rcrie, ; open to foreign commerce, they have j gades The Democracy haje paid as eeized and confiscated American ves they deserve the phn?man-h.gs(but seIs and their cargoes inlan arbitrary properly JNeophites,) tor-iofcing the and lawless mnnnor n1 ovontn-1 ,ham X 7 -V J ! "xi ."l ey -onl American citizens by forced ... ..v.a xvau-noans ana other violent proceed ns. nlitnA1 ..ll,. U 1 ' i . jiiiL i i t . . . ijcu wucii we were najjuv oovp tfl4nedto that ni.. which wauM Trwl.v,l V.n i r i "nrr." 1 ' I r lan r ar nnnr n rf possibility of writing himself an as. Warlike Measures in Europe. : The signs of the times in Europe are omi nous 6f approaching war, and most of th e lar ger JPowers are preparing energetically for a contest of gigantic magnitude. Although the -French Emperor, upon whose will .de pends the peace of Europe inrf.he present cri- so now, stranger. He was a bright star, and no place but the city was suited for his great mind and heart. I followed him, I didn'tknow why, but Icbuld u't help it. ; And then he was an angel that, brought hipe and help Ito the dyingl. He Hunted up those who were not able to em ploy help, and he gave all hia medicines where he could hope to get nothing for them. And many a prayer did those poor people iex- TJnion of France and England. Although France and England are preparing to go to war with eachoth er, a project is spoken of for unitini? the two counties by a link which, if !- piacticaoie to accomplish, will be .a benefiit to both in time of nencp. ".V' iigut me mee offer up forhim, and how earnestlv did thay . wnoie ot umbnental ; Mjr God Mess jou.' when he entered their '"P jigni-uiaze in a single day, Tet homes iiuic or do conndence is placed m his asser Manv ofi travagance. as to comnlotplv ht h zT V?" P. ,r '.I. ' rrt,Tfi,s p ;ii i.r..v - . jjeci, oi Air.-unanes uoya ot uniting them seemcl to me to hai-e reference mouths of ,11 who ire anxioWto pro- !&nrrF C'. ,g to the prospective annexai ion of all the mote a reform in oar alarmin, exL- fl?i "A.??I - g'g?1"C nations,- kindreds, tongues, and tribes., d'tures. I am glad to hear that word t C " J7 from the open 'Polar sea beyond the j economy .coming from sneh tfJ? i viuuj ui icieruiu ice, ro?ae isthmus of Dar: en. There seems to prevail, in certain sections, a notion, that; our ' "manifest destiny is to copquer tcrri . tory, and then give it awaf in lots and qua,ntiie3 to suit the convenience of applicants. Why, sir, no Spanish monarch ever gave away! realms and - barbarian empires which' were not vet his to jrrive, with so lavish a ' hand" as wo display in granting awty annually million J upon millions of acres of the , noblest land on earth, of which it is promised that the price o; every acre fihall bii sacredly applied S;o a fardif ' ferent object. So wild has the infatua tion grown, that, not satisfied with the 6plendii operations of Stifes, corpor ations, and individuals, tli nation! has ' actually conceived the idpa of swind ling itself out of two hundred million acres to build a Pacific railroad. What an age hve live in J But the brightest, tubular bridge across the channel be T j x i , ncjiicBt puiuis in in : ' " i" 011 iat U1 order to afford a passage for t o nearest points in the opposite coasts. e come even "n Knrh Qf;ki . . v -" Hvmiu i rrcM, riiiK Kiiif rm rno tuna r 18 ne come even "m . . - - Hwiiiu resi o Vuu I)iIurai tD.ere ever Dovcn and on the other on the cliffs rut in the knife, sir, by all means P i a- t '. L,t, if iiwi.i.U'ui 'T L.,r compensate for differnce of elevation r"i " j ' 7r T iiux wm ot the cliffs. The tiQna, not even by his own subjects, and the Powers all proceed in arming for any contin gency that may lie concealed in the futnre. and .none of them are more actively engaged m preparing for the field than France. To ua on this side the water.it isdifficult to under stand why a war in Europe should burst forth .at this time, almost before the wonnds ofthe sumvors ofthe Crimean campaign havtheal- led me a blU j coMa,t for tb;t . T F"r v T "mi? 6ut- knew I would like t be a fool like him. I bedto. Ambitxoa moat be the ch,ef cause ; Here he slopped, and walking back and of new dturbances, if they break forth. It forth.he sighed deeply at.thc remembrance of Will be fortunate with Louis Napoleon if, in a wBat he hd uttered. I knew the end of rrr- r c y v. g BuuBuij. tnat one one j feU He saw me ; however looking inquiringly at him, when he I approached me and continued: :. i You know how it was. Yea. he kmld ' road, (although Gen. Dockef was not this time in the Legislature 'go oppose the bill,) nor did they remale the re strictions fromthe French Bfad Road so as to enable tire people ;p get' the stock taken ana build the ttfad., But there is one thing tey have done for Western meh whih is, they have said to you :j " mournjffinners, mourn, for your misplaced confidence in us. You should have khn better than to repose confidence, in ur words which, like the seducer's Wfes, were uttered but to deceive. W-fhave no ! use oi you, only'tor your voti, : and to help pay the taxes for whafke have received You, ar -only fit lowers of wood, and drawers of water.;; I suppose that the Renidcs in the West, and particularly .beyond' the Mountains, will still holdJri to the Democracy, because "they Kve been paid so well fortheir services i If the western Democracy had stod-by Mr. T. R. Caldwell's bill the W&rn R. Road would have been reliCjd ; but to enable thcln to carry on hostilities. he executive governments of Great Britain, France, and , othjer countries, -possessing the war-making grower, can promptly employ the necessary meaiH to enforce imrupdiate redress" for simi lar outrages upon their subjects. Not so the executive government of the United States. If the President orders a vessel-of-war to any of these ports to demand prompt redress for outra ges committed, the offending parties are well aware that in cake of refusal the commander can do lio more than remonstrate. He can resort to no hos tile act. The question must then be referred to diplomacy, and in many cases adequate redress dan- never be obtained. ' Thus American! citizens arc deprived of the same protection, under the flag of their country which the subjects of other nations enjoy. The remedy for this state of things can only be supplied by Congress; since the constitution has confided to that body alone the power to make war. Without the. authority of Congress, the May be I ought to have stopped him; and told him his danger, but I could not. I only followed him, and helped him hqld the the aching heads, and comfort the hearts ofthe dyins, I eoHldn'thare helped it, if I had known I would die for it. No.no wfth him I ; could have gone into the jaws of death. Never did down deerjer into an old sold r - . , . J.- J - uvu.u fcUU .111,1 th srtnn ntia iMn mm. wouiq not allow ol its bein odone hv lontl ,b.:ij Jtn'i OthernI Kut fr h -rnrnca k ri i o " vy- it was too great a thing for nWhia to i ai. i al l i . r 1 uavC ve iiunor inai, mignc .ow Irom i Execut ve cannot 1 awful Kf .dlrf ' its success. The " Little Qant" of , frcc, however near it may be to the iurkc, must be shorn of hist; locks: if sn Af a. ; i i ,i t -i i -ii,,!., fc ; 'w w " , w ciilui me tern- Uie Railroad mjgh be budtver,-; tory of Mexico, Nicaragua, or New vorv : - " uvi v "v j-'u'v i utuuu xriinsuia.. inr tun nni.nnnn r.i-r i- (rnmnet sound go I ?TVliz? pese.matters tf house- the persons and property of America!. IdierVheart, khan j hold refused to r ass,', and citizens, even though themav be vio- 1 rub bed as was his uncle before him. Hr. Vance's Speech. j We lay before our readers, ,thi week, the-' Excellent Speech made by 2. B. VANCE, rRsq., of the Mountain District and delivered , -j --j, T.. v ur nor without transcen .aa a.a. -oMcpre- j rutional power; direct a gun to be fired . . v jhuuuub, . into a port, or land a seaman or marine Messrs S.monton and Gaer. It -to protect the lires of our countrymen certamlr cannot b rlnwd Ant. iha ' i , , . , T "tvui'-il a xktu' rCZZLL -Ii VS i v" "UIC or 10 Di&m redress for "' ""j" iu ueioncr to rvnp nmt,ay Ftu ua:i in L. TT. ' - . .. l 1 ... 1 : re AjuuMoi itenresentanvM nn th is. 11 . f A cults. . 1 ne nnntrtt trmiiii h . . neip ana noia and cry, 'JLay on, Mac- SUnr,nrt U aTSZZ "1 ! TlS other measures. Mr. Vance f lift " nnd wll dna wh;i4.k-k;-VA 7 " J """"lv- uineiy duff!" and well done while the bright ZCS 7,1"! "unar hundred went, aiiuicu. rtiueninir tvAf i : i- . as it goes, among tho foul ulcers of the rect yesseh Z : nif.V 7B f bodolitic, tiU the .ast on. is rcmov- j tea .1 . . ' . . " ".w v or more raiiwav whih it a .a;.a part" oTthe whrfST- 5 fed' ld h --ed W X LTdier?of0tIetar"ri81i i nV"- "L' the 4 " w " v viwi ia, AAia uuuso-noia not go always on his career of love and imer CV. Well dm I rpmpmher that fnr on ow ei-can I forget those word so calmly spok- J their posts, exhibiting good hdgment parties, might make a sudden descent n, aa he came to me late one evening. : "Ii n the discharge of official duties on Vpra fS, i,, fully shall soon ei too. Make readv for m. 5Und i their seats were never vacant, whilo innrA u u l r.. sustams himself as an able debater and will, for my mother-she will come. Ten her all." others' often were deserted..; Iredell employ the force on shipboard in the no doub make an efficient member of Con- Night went, ifnd day came to find him sick, ! can have no better embers. -BvHhe- vicinity for their relief either to nr gree. Hi, Constitnent. can never do better dying, and U the san went down he died, j ty. the Capiian waa rather .Uivlcd by venMhc plunder of our merchants or Z? hJm wt Y where there are ho fevers, some as he was thought by tie ladies the destruction of the transit, their interests in the councils of the Nation, nor drW ! 1 i of RalftiP'h to be the most I mla t .... .. . , ija!, A.-..f.; .. i Al. r ia ; ?rv"wf c- . . rerenc m counmep wnere the ,v:h waimotnermigat nave come first! mAU iU giMature ; DuruniOrtu- local authorities ar- Ktronr, -AnAn.t. and we doubt not they will do it. Our exchanges are exceedinrlv hamtn 3 O of news or we would supply oar patrons with a greter variety of interesting items than we are able to famish this week. He was gone, and we had to tell her all. Whoconld i ishe met qs carrying him out Stranger, t Farmers' Bank monev is said to Ko, projector proposes that each end of passing current again. It will be taken here nately for them, they lear(d he is enforce the laws, the difficulty here nUvr,n-A' t? I r n t . indicated can seldom happen ; but E. Gaither, Esq., of Datfe. is a where this i I tell yon I belreve there were some m that j gentleman I cannot pass-by tinnotic- authorities do not possess the physical company who had never shed a tear, but; not ed ; he was a new member, b was al- power, even if they possess thrill, to so when that poor, frantic mother Baw ways at his post candid and)onest in prdteet our citizens within their limits, me and shrieked 'Where's my boy!' She bw views, not to be divertedrom the recent experience has shown that the knew where was, bat still she cried- Truth, by any influence wljitever ; American Executive should itself be