p- :i ' .1 - v TT"'-.-- ; r..;"p ' . .-Ji 1 ...-..- . . -.- The Paraguay Expedition. Advices from Buenos Ayres to the 27 th January, state that the Bteamer Fulton, with Commissioner Bowlin on board, was stopped at Fort Itapura, Paraguay, where he met Commission ers from Lopez, who were authorized to make a treaty similar to those made with''' England, France and Sardinia. All agreed to meet at Corrientes on the 1st February. Commissioner Bow lin expresses Btrjng hopes of an ami cable arrangemenit. Died at the Age of 132. At the extreme old age of 132, old Sam Prior, the patriarch of the negro population of this city, died on Satur day last. Up to the latest day of his lite ms memory oil persons and events anterior to and during the Revolution was very distinct. Pet. Press. Liquor Drinking in California. The Sacramento Kegistersay$ : The largest liquor dealerH in San Francisco have estimated thai t the daily consump tion of liqnor in this State amounts to f about 8000 gallons per day." Asaata ing that there aire o60,OW inhabitants in the State, each would have an allow ance of 5 gallons per day, at thai rate ; and the annual consumption would be 2,880,000 gallons. Steamboat Collision Loss of Life. (iixcrxxATr, Maif.20. The steamer If at Holmes, boiihd to St. Louis, with'l;0 emigrants for Pike's Peak, came in collision with the jsteam erDavid Oibsonj, -bound for Cincinnati, with a cargo of sugar and molasses, op posite Aurora, Indiana, last! night. Both steamers were sunk. Tile cab ins floated off, Jmt To or 20 pers0n$are supposed to be lost. Commercial. I it tif persons having goods remaining fmteivme Depot up to April U, lHj59.j A A Hall. (' F Pisher. .Tohn A Hunt Sherrill Turner. O-Vimster Feiiiiater.lC S lirown. H L & .1 .Smith. MatheHpnA Oraw- ibrd, Omthcr &. Co, Bell, KukeK &'o. S Uickert, Jamison, !Siuiontii & (,'.. Watts, White & Co. J A At K Davidson. Horie, Leckie & Son, C Burnett, prjC HarV Iiit. Statesvihe Market. Statk.-vm.i.k, Ai.ril K, D")'J i'OKR'ECTEO U KKKI.Vi BV J. V. A I.E X A I j H SCO. Bacon 0 IP ( 0 KJ Iteef 0 4KC' '4 Ken l her.-1 ( :)4A) Flour 4 "Hi in' 00 Flaxseed 1 (Ml' Hides, dry 0 12 Ureeii . O0C Lard (rl0(0l2 Linsevcl 030 (vrUH5 Ikwax022Jtfft5 Butter O 15 (rt;0 IS Coffee 14 ( ItiJ ( 'andles, . Tallow 0.!0 (Ji '' I'orn 07.1 0WI . Chicken 0 U (a ft 12 Dried Ah,.-i. peeled 1 llo MolnssetfQ40 (rt 4Wi (( (1M7 0 7" ('isu (MX)11 2 25 i(.42"0 0 12 n 14 0 IS !(,( 20 0 lOj (Hi 12 0U5I ( I t." Dried Peru-lies, t peeled unpeeleil '' 1 0)) Charlotte arket. V I' 1 f-.'O. Iaeon, 1 lams 1M ) 12.1 Sides 0.111 Hve ! l'eas oso 1)73 ((0S0 I Beans, white Ho-' tlOC(0ll 1 oil 0 4" Beeswax 027 Butter 0l Oats Meal Hid, Dry j (ireeii 1 Iron. j Comm. Boiled j Lard (i 0 oo t70 'andles. Adaman tine. 0 27 (o;,o Sperm 0 40 Coffee, ni o 1400 U UguiraO 14 Java 0 IS (a Op t'(ttnt. Fair to good n 11 U" i 1 f Irditi to , mid. OlOJCW'l Flour. Fx np. in-bbls ti 00 ((tiCo ln llags2K,i ( i M 1 1 i ti.2 70 (t t Fine '2 23 Qi'lbO , (irailn. Wheat 1 10(120 Coin 072 (ftl: 0 12 0 0.") (0IH 0031 0 12" (f 0 12J i .Molasses. 1 N. ( l. li.Vr i Sit. Ho. 0C0 W. 1. 033 (0 40 i Naibj 0 03 (rrOOO I Salt.sek. 1 4U (.J30 Soirits. Bwwh 073 (7 1 Oil ! nTc? :o4rtj (o43 Ap. Br. 0 73 (A (Hi Beach UK (jp 30 Sugars, I N. O. I. 0 10 (011 , Loaf 0l4(rt)i(; Salisbury Market. ft 1 1 . . - .April l. i )'.'. : A t,'- r Apples Dried Molasses, Culm O.TT (043 N. Orl. 0 33 ( aV3 Museo. 0 43 (030 XailseutHl.3;,(i(M() Oats 0 4(1 (0 30 Oils, Tanners 030 (al095 Rags, lb 002J Salt, sek. I 70 (,l 73 Sugar, Brown 008 (tll Crush 013 (rt015 0 30 (al 23 liaeou 010 (fUU Beeswax 0 20 (M23 'andles. 0 24 (a ti oO C'b'flee, ftio 0 12K014 Java 0 17 (;02f Cotton 0 10 (,(, 11 Corn 7 0 (f0S0 " Meal 065 (0 7.' Feat her-030 (033 Flour, f bbl. 490 (,,3 40 C nek 230 (3 2 50 Iron, bar 003 Lard 010 (a 0 12 Clar. Tallow s heat, White lied Wool oincoi:'. 0 10 (hOI2 0 9 3 (S I 05 O Stl ( ()90 023 toO 30 Fayetteville Market. April 4. Alum 060 IWi.ii l 9 (it( Iron, Swedish 12 et'm-liar'.rtXji do wide 001 1 Attier. 0(Hi" Eng. rf 0 04 (iiiuny O IS i20 Dundee LS ( 1120 beeswax 030 Coffee, Lard 0 11 c0 13 Bio 0 I13(f)ll3" j Lead 008 (;008J LagutraO 13i( 0 15 ) Mola-se-Java 0 VlUs 0 Ul Cuba J 0 2T C 0 29 C.tton, I N. O. 044 (050 Fair to JXail 004J( 005 Kowl 012J(012i Oil. Ord. to ) Linseed IS mid. 011K012 Tan'rs 070 (fllOO Cot Yarn, Salt, sack ; Liverp. 1 25 )Shot,r.b. Com on200 0 225 S to 10 0 21 lkm. Goods, Sheet'g 0 H Osnab. 010 Feathers 040 (0 45 Flaxseed 1 00 (ai5 Flour, J Familv 0 65 Qi $ 75 Nuper; 6 40 (a 650 Fine 615 (25 SeraU h5 90 (00 Grain,' krn 090 (a I (Ml Wheat 1 (Kl ( Buek 225 Spirits, P. Br. 10 (aX NCAp08$ North n Apple 075 NCWhOGO (WO 05 North'n do - 038 (W O 40 Sugars. ' Loaf 012 Crush 012i(,O131 ; Coffee 010 (flOHJ P. Rico 010 N. O. Tallow 0 10 ; Wool 0 18 0 10 Rye (Jats Peas Hides, Dry Green i m ( 1 10 f'4) (gbso 0 80 (rHi)0 010 (0ll 005 WANTED TO HlRB, A IEGBO WOMAN, PORTHE -OL BALANCE OF THE YEAR bavin 15 some knowledge of Cooking and aehmg preferred, and without children. Apply at the EXPRESS Office. I X I -Nans ' Teas I ltagM I Bice ! Salt j Sugar 1 Loaf Tallow I Wheat m Commercial Travelers. Dr. Ayer'e business Agents are a pleasant welcome to as, coming about as surety as the year. We can say of them what we are sor ry we -cannot of all such visitors that they are uniformly gentlemen. They are known to us of the press, as able and reliable accom plished business 'men; of a character well worthy the benevolent calling in which they are engaged, of promulgating the best reme dies for the sick this age affords. Success to you, gentlemen, and to your eaose, for both deserv e success. Hartford Chronicle. Mr. H. L. Spencer, who has lately favored ns with call, does ample credit to our broth er's views, and we commend him to the cor dial reception of our fraternity long may he wave. )mnenral. MARRIED, On the 2d of April, by John Murehison, Esq., Ma. JOHN SIMPSON and Miss DORfUS BUSTLE, all of Iredell. 7 bituarg. ; DIED, In Iredell county, on the 22d of March, of iiiMamation of the lungs, Mr. JOHN BAR BIXGER, aged 5(i years. - - "-. , . LIST OF LETTERS DEM At XI NO in the PostOWce in StateK- ville, on the 1st ApriK 1839.. Austin, R M Alexander, Silas Allison, G W Allltson, Mrs K Bradford, D R Bost, Hiram A Bost, Levi Briant, Lindsey Bass, Mary A Butterniore, Jacob Carley, W P 'haiubcrs, W A C&m&fojg, J K Doualson. T L C Damron MitsMarvM Davis, B 1) Davis, J II Davidson, G W Krwin, A B He pier, Jesse I licks, R L Honpe, Miss P J I I op ey cut, Wm Hampton, B G Iloupe, Sarah Hfl rkey, Jesse Klutts, Mrs Sophia Kirkman, AAV Knox. David 2 Kelstler, Mrs A L KinZ, Thos F Lcutz, Ilenrr Laureno.e, S V ' Lipperd, Sol Lewis, Geo T Mitchell. EW Moore, Wm Mullis, Wm Morrison, R II Mull, Abel , Murdock, Thos L Moose, MissElizabeih Munday, B J Morrison, Andrew McKatban, A A McIIenrv, Jno McGalliard. Tbos M Kamer, Jacob V Speck, W T Summers, J Q SberrilL Ffanklin Stanlin, W J Sharpe, J L I Summers. J S Stoggin, Peg'g Sharpe, JN Sharpe, G W Todd, VV II 2 -Taylor, Wm 2 Troutman, I B Webster, lienj F Walton, Jno Leonanl, MS Persons calling for any of the alxve letters will sav '-Advertised." B, F. SIMONTON, P. M. f , . . 1 . II I T 13 , O IL, VXD LEATHER STORE. DKIRKPATRFCK & MS. i No. 31, S. Third street, JiettrtmyJIfarkct ami Chestnut .vtrect., , PHILADELPHIA. HAVE FOR "sale DRY & SALTED SPANISH HIDES, Dry and Green Suited Patna Kips, Taiuitr's Oil, Tanners' and 'Curriers' Tx1a At the Lowest Prices, arid upon (lie fcxt term.. tegf All kinds of Leather in the roogh wanted, for which the highest market price will be riven in cash, or taken in exchange for hides. Leather stored free of charge and sold on commission, , 18-ly InEW- F I II M ! SEW 500DS!! Jj A. & R. Q. DAVIDSON HAVING entered into Partnership for the purpose of conducting a BUSINESS, JLV STATES VILLE, N. C, Kespectfully inform the Public that they arc now receiving direct from Philadelphia and New York, an extensive and well assorted Stock of MY ATI'S AWE t'AHGt i lAfl S ummer GOO D S D R Y Clothing, Boots and Shoe?, Bonnets, Hats, and other ariticles too teilious to enumerate. QEO C S H r E B of everj- descriyition ; and other FAMILY SUPPLIES; All of which will be sold very Low For Casn or Country Produce. Our friends anil the public generally, are respect fully invited to give us a call. March 31, 1850. 17-tm NEr GOODS. IIE SUBSCIBER IS NOW RECEIVING from New York and Philadelphia, a large and well, selected Stock of STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, Consisting of Black Gro de Rhine, Marcelinc, Florence, and Fancy Silks. Printed Jaconets, Lawns and Organdy Mus lins. Jaconett Robes and Challics. Fancy and Plain Bareges. Swiss Jaconetts, Nansook and Mull ' Muslins. French Worked Collars, Sleeves and Flouncing. White Barege , Shawls (new style j) Black Silk and ijace jMantles. Bonnets, trimmed & untritiimed. Ladies' & Misses' Flats. French Flowers. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Engravings and Pajnts for Grecian Painting. Hardware, Quecnsware, Medicines & Paints. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Candles, Fish. Molasses. Salt. Coal, Oil and Lamps, -Old Dominion Coffee Pots, &c, Ac. fcc. My Stock of READY-MADE 4 B : MIM. Is very larjie, and was selected with great care from the best Stocks in Philadelphia and New York. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Good. B" Very liberal alloiranee made to Cash Dealers. T. H. M RORIE. Statesvili.e, N. C, March 30, 1850. 17tf BOARDING HOUSE. Mrs. S. W. WOBTUISGTOS HAVING taken the House formerly occupied by Mrs. M. A. Wrew, is now prepared to take Boarders, by the Day, Week, or Month, ns low as any House iu the place. Statesville, March 25, 1859. lotf Wanted, K AAA BUSHELS GOOD WHEAT, for U.UUU which the highest market price wiU be paid in CASH. Applv to 3. F. ALEXANDER A CO. March 11, '59. 14-tf NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. . I JAMISON, SIMONTON & Are now receiving and opeirmg, in the Sinionton Building, A NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK OF GOODS FOB TUB SKIlSTGr JlD SUMMER TRA-IXE, Gonaisfeme of a General Assortment iti v itatv . , i i.i tii. . i- n.Tiv r. ti nuuvi'i-i . i i. a w r sir ' . d. ui a. m BONNETS, HATS, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs, nfeAicines & Dye-Muffs, Crockery A In short, weliave in Store, and will keep a of the conntrv. Our Goodfi'have been bought with CASH, and will be sold for CASH, at Low Prices, or on Sltnrt Time to Pur.rfiiai Dealer; our intention being to Sell at accom modating price, and to discard the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, short profltg and prompt payment being the best for both merchant and customers. J8r Please Call and examine. We will take pjfasure in waiting upon you. jSt fj A. W. JAMISON. A. K, SIMONTON. 8TATESVILLE. N. C, OTHO GILLESPIE. Antit 4, 1859. IS tf W. H. MORRISON. SPRIG AND SUMMER GOODS I AM NOW RECEIVING FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, a new sii'pplv of Goods, which I will take pleasure in showing to those wishing to examine them. Mv Stock consists, in part, of GPOS DE RHINE & FANCY SILKS, BAREGE ROBES & ROBE A LEZ, CHINTZ ORGANDY ROBES AND ROBE A LEZ, FRENCH JACONET AND MUSLIN ROBES AND ROBE A LEZ, . And other Dress Goods of various fabrics and neat stvles to suit the Season. WHITE GOODS. Plain, Dotted and Striped Swiss MUSLINS, Victoria LAWNS and Nansook MUSLINS. TARLTONS, JACONETS, CAMBRICS, Ac. L-xniEH" EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND SLEEVES, IN SETTS. LADIES' MARSEILLES COLLARS AND SLEEVES, IN SETTS. LACES, EDGINGS, dV.? 4V. BONNETS AND BONNET RIBBONS. AM 9 BLOOMERS. Round, Cornered, Printed and FRENCH LACE PRINTS. With a HATS AND CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, QUEENSWARE AND GROCERIES. CiU and ice if I will Statesvii.t.e, April 4, 1850. ALL ABOARD 011 HIGH PLNTE ! Third Edition, Revised, Enlarged and Removed. . J. RICK H HT TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HIS FRIENDS, PATRONS, AND ALL MANKIND IN GENERAL, THAT HE HAS REMOVED TO THE HOUSE FORMERLY 0GCUHED AS THE BOOK STORE, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, Where he 13 Receiving and Opening the LARGEST 'STOCK of CONFECTIONERY, EVER OFPEBED IN SI ATE STILL E. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK, As he takes pleasure in Showing his Goods. If vour HAIR is falling off', or diseased in anv way, he h.as the article to Restore it : PROF WOOD'S HA11 lie Is also AC EXT for Sanford's, Ayer's and Dr. Jayne's MEDICINES. LADIES, if vou wifh Preserves, Piekles, or Candles; CEfflXEMElV, if vou wih Presents for the LADIES 5 o LITTLE BOYS and GIRLS, if vou wish TOTS ; S. J. RICKERT'S IS THE PLACE TO BUY THEM. STATKSVtLLE, March 30, GRAND OF SPRING k SUMMER GOODS. t I Jlhead of Everybody I THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE EVERYBODY to call and see our New Spring Stock of . ' - STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Thev. are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty that was ever offered in Sali.lurv. We are selling oft' DRY GOODS rapidlv, and eclipse all competition. GIVE ITS A CALL, and we will convince you that our Stock is far SUPERIOR to ANY that has been ottered to the public, and that ur prices are down to the LOWEST water mark. MOTTO Polite attentira (o f ustoniers, aid Small Profits. special notice. Country Merchants, and the Public generally, trill find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS 4 SHOES. Of all sorts, sizes and prices. HATS, PLATS, AND BONNETS, Drugs, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, TWINE, HOPE, CROCKERY AND QUEENSWARE, and the best Stock of S l G A R, COFFEE, AMD MOLASSES, ever offered in Salisbury. , We beg leave to return our most sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on ue by our friends last Season, and hope, by strict attention to business, and low price?, they will still favor us with their purchases. Don't fail to CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON THE CORNER, opposite the Mansion Hotel. McNEELY & YOUNG, SALKBmv, N. C, March 25, 1859. 16-tf of general assortment of Goods suited to the tint Stella Summer SHAWLS. CHANT ILLY LACE MANTLES. supply of not Sell as Loio as the Lowest. JOS. W. STOCKTON. 18tf 17tf OPENING NEW FOR new oobs n H E W G 0 ODS ! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE North a good supply of e: DRY GOODS & GR0CE1IES, consisting, m part, of " o Hagrs t'OFFEK. assorted ; St. Domingo. Rio, Eagoavrav &c. -ir Barrels Assorted SL G IRS. Viz: A B'and C Coffee Sugars, Refined, Broken, Cruslied and Grannlateif Sti?ar. Black and drees TEAS, A fine article of Mew Crop MOLASSES and Sew Orleans SVRIP. Sack Salt, Bacon, Cheese. Rice, Kngar and Soda Crackers. Fancy and 'Brown Soap, Starch, Table Salt, Segara, TOBACCO SNUFF, Adamantine CANITLE a ii size ; Nails, . cut and wrot?bt : Bar Iron ajid Shovel Moulds : rOWDKR AN STtOT; CANDY AND Gt)TTON CARDS. - ALSo A good Assortment Gent's, Boys' and Misses' Spriar and Summer HATS. Also a Good Lot of Fine Mrortnern Irish Potatoes. Burning Fluid, Kerosene Oil, and Lamps fur burning the same. Linseed Oil, Tanners' Oil and Spirit! of Tur pentine. White Lead ; and a variety of other articles usually kept in Stores all of .which Will be Sold Low for Omh: Or Rrciiangcd for Country Produce f all kinds. Thankful for past favors, I would solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto' fore received, at the old stand occupied by Messrs. U. UnJespie & Co., next diior tt cst oj tfte Jail. wm; a. cason. Statesvillc; March 20. I860. 17-lm TO ?HE FARMERS OF ROWAN, CABARRUS, IREDELL, DAVIE AND DAVIDSON COUNTIES. HAVING BOUGHT OUT Mr. Wm. Tre loak's immense Stock of PQ HATS, GAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, I offer to Sell for CASH, the greatest bargains, in the above-named articles, ever differed to ihe Farming Community. These Goods are NEW and FRESH were bought in the New York and Boston Markets, for Cash, and FOR CASH will he Sold LOW DOWN. I have bad ample experience in business, and T know that the Cash Plan, for buyer and seller, is the cheapest and best that can be adopted. The Merchant who dbes a credit business, calculates beforehand, for Book keeping, for laying out of the use of his money, for trou ble a nd cost of collections, for bad debts, aud so up go the figures on his Good. Jew him ever so much, when you goto buy, he knows that the expenses aud losses incident to the credit system Mutt be met by a heavy Profit on his GOODa or he Mal es NO MONJVY, and if he sells to you, he gets that Profit. Not soon the Cash Tlan. The Merchant who sells for cash, makes no such calculations; for he has none of these expotees and losses to meet. His aim is to sell Low, so as to invite I cash buyers. For with the Cash un hand, he can immediately replace his stock on the very best terms, and be again ready for the market. Quick Sales and Snort Profits, IS HIS MOTTO. The article of SHOES, to every Farmer, is an important one. To know where he can find a large assortment, of all kindsand grades, and where he can buy them upon the cheap est and best terms, is all important. 'To my already large etol-k, I am now adding almost daily, and shall continue to add; and buying so.largely and for cash, I eay to you in the most positive terms, that , I will Sell yon One Pair, OR A Thousand Pairs of BOOTS and SHOES, O H E A. I? E H Than you can buy them Elsewhere ! FOR THE PROOF OF THIS, CALL AT J. H . EN.-NLSS' BOOT & SHOE STORE, o. 3, Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C, ' March 29, 18'9. j 17tf SOTI C ft. VIRTUE. OF A DEED OF TRUST to me executed bv Edward II. Grav, de ceased, for the purposes therein mentioned, I will Sell at the late residence of the said Gray, On the 29th of April next, VALUABLE PROPERTY, To-wit : 252 Acres of Land, Lying 00 Hunting Creek, adjoining land of Litijah Campbell and others. Urn the prem ises there is a good Dwelling House, and all necessary Outbuildings. At the same time will also be sold NINE LIKELY NEGROES, Men Women, -and Children1; One Wagon and Geariug ; Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep : one Still and Vessels : one Set of Blacksmith's Tools ; When . Hay and Fodder ; Household and Kitchen Fur niture ; Farming Tools of every description. Terms made known on the day of gale, v A. B. F. GAITHER, March 20. '50. 17-5t ' Trustee. NOTICE. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST to nie executed by John A. Campbell, for the purposes therein mentioned, I will sell at the Residence of the said Campbell on Friday tb 15 tn day or April next, the tract of land on which the said Campbell now lives. It lies on the waters of Snow Creek, in the county of Iredell, alout ten miles North of Statesville, and kuown as the James Adams' .place. It contains about 320 ACRES, and is well improved. On liie premises there is a GOOD DWELUSti HOU&E, and all necessarv Outbuildings. Also, n GOOD WOOL MACHINE, in good repair. There are on the premises GOOD ORCHARDS, and & Large Quantity of Good Meadow Land. The terms of the sale will be six hundred and filly dollars Cash, and for the balance of the purchase mouev a credit of eighteen months will be ffiven, with interest from 1 date. Bond, with approved security, will be required. The Sale will positively take place. W. P. BURKE, Trustee March 10, 18-59. 16-3t SALE pail soap ? t o c k office w. n. e. . r. cowi Statetili.e. March 10. 1SS9. i ; jj WILL SELL AT PUBLIC A CCTId I 1 at the Court House Door, in the Town t f Newton. Cut aw ha count v. on Tuesday o8 perior Court, (the 19th day of April nextf tlte following Shares of Stork in the-Weater i. North Caroliim Rail Road Com put srioea lor in the name? ol tlie fOIWMWII i peram$, to-t it : Xuir. ,Sf,rS:;. Urfcan Alernathy I . .Tohanchan Bost 5 Phil. )urut -r) D. W. KrHer 4. Uenrv CUne 4k. Eli S. Coultejr . 2 Paul Cline 5 James ('ampbell 1 .1. H. Miller 1 Daniel Radet Aaron Robereon Manuel Kolersou Hp L J. Sigman t Tani Siteer l T Georjje Setacer, jr 1 .Toln B Snove 1 KliSigman ' I.;". HenrrShook 1. Elijah. Sigma n, l John SnioTer, jr 5w' I Ixgan Deiliuger 6 Calel Deatg 2 Joseph FH - 1 W. S. HiutxMi 1 Noah llaffhian - I L. A. lfoyie 1 Alfred Ifaveufr 1 Mosed llarman 2 Marco Hutlinan 1 George F. Snioycr. 2 A. II IT ft , kW- ri. 11. Mli'lluiiJl WmThroneberger 1 L. W. Whiiener 2 llonry Wbitener V A. W. WiUcw 2V IganG Vhitener2f" W. Havener 1 1 2 1 2 I o Henry K iliian Gilbert Kee Day ill R Wbtenei;U L. N. Wilson m John Kifiaaa Valentine Lore H, W. Lhik Miles C. Lutze Erfi. Lutre Tones C-wliikeocy tri Jethro Whiterter 1 A. F. Abernothv Iff 8. O. Abernathy IS .John Sipc 1 J. R wWnef 1 ' W. II. Linbergcr 5 8. 0. Miller R Wm. MeUaslin 1 Jig ordtsr of the Board. -Ii. F.SIMONTONV r. d' Treat I am "now prearetl to isette Certificates ? iSfa-k, and will be in Newton on tlie Day f Sale of the above .Stock. R. F. SIMONTON, f 10-3t Sec'g tfc Trmsterer. Q Mrs. J . A . V A W X O LATE OF SALISBURY, j :M FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER pubuc . I M JR BBL i WOULD 'RESPECTFTiIX.irJtfi Cases cd Sarpcvl Indnment. ainiuunn; lOUie UU1MI OUllCR. yille and tlte eurroundlng cou try, that she has : v ; LOCATED IN XniS PLACl and intends carrying on thelJl DRESSMAKING BUSINESS IX ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES, IN THE Latest and most Approved stylo She will be in the Monthly receipt of tR Idlest Paris aud New York -Fashions, j jf and flatters herself that, from long experiene 5 in the business, she can please' all who ina fiivor her with their patronage. She tcarrartts perfect Fits, and good tcerj; on a occasions. . f She refers the Ladies to the followtoca 4 of Mrs. A. A. Barker, Fashionable I)reA maker, of Salisbury1. : ? Am A CARD. "I would, most heartily recommend Mji Vaxxoy to tlie L.auies ot atategvflle, aa r. competent Dressmaker arid. perfect lady, at;T one iii whom they may place every confldencSp She has leen in my employ for the last thrf years, and is perfectly competent to do an ' thing in a Dressmaker's line. She cuts f Taylor's justly celebrated 'system, which fat sufficient guaranty for her tittinr. ' .f Salisbury, N . C, A . A. BARK.ER.rM March 2d, IW. k N. B. Mrs Vavxov will cary on h above business at her Residence 011 Msli st formerlv occupied bv Qu'iiey Shal aiiu nearly opjtoniic mr. naiKcr s txoi. Ladies preferring to be fitted at their rej r denec. will please inform Mrs. Vi to effect, and she win be in readiness, at times, to attend their calls. J. A. V Statesville, March IK, 1859. J 15-tf W. II. Wyatlj DEALER IN i r u u m Paint s. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Brash; ;, Window Glass, Varnish, 'm- w('m iShX. Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 1859 5-ly. NEW AND FASHIONABLES Furniture WAH ROOMS Charlotte, N. C J. M. SANDERS k Co. : Are constantly receiving from Jfew Yoljf, Boston, &c, a general assortment of fineal fashionable FOHNITURE, which they t$jl eell at extremely low prices "for Cash, at n everv artiele Warranted to give sattff(icti4 Thae in want of good Furniture, at vefjr low prices, will please give thui a call. J Also, on hand, ! FISK S METALLIC BURIAL CASE). 'VA M. SAXDERS & Co. Charlotte; N. 0 re. 11, iy. lv-iv ... .. . OLD SILVER. 500 OUNCES OLD SILVER ;; WILL BETAKEN IN EXCHANGE EC ' .1F.WV.IRY '-" Call at ISTo. 5 Grraitite Ran Opposite the Mansion Ilmise, y j. rj, WILKINSON k Cfti Charlotte, Feb. 18, lt&J.-l-2m g HATHAWAY & CO., f Offer for Sale - ;,(H( Tn..l- 1 Chairo NewCrn'n m' 35 Tierces f CARDENAS MOLASSl, 75 Barrels Choice N. O: SYRUP. f. m Hhds. Fair to Choice New Oriels 8 I C A H S . f XX) Barrel Clarifjcd SUGARS.' rU 500 Bags Rio, Laguira,.VVest India & M fa COFFEE, 150 Barrels Mess and Prime PORK. M 25 Uhds. Western, BACON, (Sidtt d Shoulders.) 200 Barrels Yellow Planting P0TATQ March 25, 1859. 25-2mpd if - - - ( : H L A N K S ! z 5- To the Plijiini Immh ni Mi ehanie of Wertern Worth OardUluu ENYEHOTCl Irmina Comer, CHARLOTTE, N. Otter a fefjr large ftnd varied Stock f OILS, &c. Puv Smi, Whale, Sea Ekgiha&t, xmai, aim .Mcnuim. TAXSHRS-lni; from f5 eta. U $1 .15 pw srallon, warranted ware. LI !$SEEI (JI IA at Mnnnfaelurere Price. - -Tim m M . BURNING FLUID. TJJRFKNTINK, and ALtXttlOL, 93 et. pe gaflon by the Bbl. very low. VARNLSlIErilCacbi'lm. English Finish ing, Furniture, Cojpal, (extrs No. 1 and Xo. 2.) Leather, Picnre, Damar. and Grecian. JAPANS. Mack and Brown, PAINTS, cc. PURE "WHITE LEAD IN OIL, brtlw lh. or ton. from 8 t o 1'2 cts. er lb. SNOW-W II ITE ZINS, CHROME GREEN, Utl KU.Uci i ELLUW, PARIS GREEN, l. xm ana it a v u .nctrt, 4tc, A large assortment of . PAINT Mi French and American TIT T XT T"Y f TIT "I T drt FromcX40 to: PUTTY, Ready for U6e in Cana and ' French, F.nglish, and German PERFUMERY. TOILETTE COMBS AND BBUSHBS. GENUINE COLOGNE. Cliurcliill's 'Preparation of the Hypou2io pbites, tor tlie CURE of CON SUMPTION. Sole Wholesale Agents of Hollowa) 's Pills and Ointment in Western N. Carolina" WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATI dozen or grofts. FRESH CONGRESS "WATERS, by the case. . - SNUFF different kinds by the jar, Wad- uer, or barrel. . l l CIGARS, hj the 1,000. GARDEN SEEDS, Just received, from Land ret h Jb Son, of PHii.AUEi.ru 1 a, and from Tnorburn, of New You. GRASS SEELS, last crop; RED and WHITE CLOVER, ORCHARD, HERDS, LUCERNE, A BLUE GRASS. -List of Prices, when desiretl, sent by mail. Orders respectfully solicited. -' E. NYE HUTCHISON & OO.' Charlotte, N. Carolina. Jan. 21, 1850. 7-ly PHYSIC! AN S Will find a select Stock Pure Chemicals EXTRAOTS, PHARMACEUTICAL Preparations, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c, &c, Great care is exercised in the preparation of SYRUPS, TINCTURES, FLUID EX TRACTS, imd OINTMENTS, all being made strictly in accordance with the U. S. PHAR MACOPOEIA, and conformably with recent ! iraproreineBls in PHARMACY, AT II O DER SON k ENKIS'8 Drug Store, SALISBURY, N. C. 5 Bbls. Machine Oil, Very siiperior, at only $1.35 gallon. W. H. WY ATT, Sliibury, K. C. 5 Bbls. Machine Oil, Refined Txzrd O'd, at only TO eta. gal. W. IL WYATT, Salisbury. V. C. 10 Bills. Tanner's Oil A Superior Article, at $15. per bbl. W. II. WYATT, Salisbury, V. C. 5 Bbls. Tanner's Oil, Warranted Pure Straits, $1. gal. W. IL WYATT, Salisbury, H. C. 15 Bbls. Varnish, Da-mar, Japan, Leather, Coach Bodv, As- phaltum. Copal, Furniture, and Picture, Sold at Manufacturers' prices, by W. H. WYATT, Wholesale and Retail SALISBUEY.TI. C. Seeds, Seeds, Seedis. RED CLOVDR. TIMOTHT, BLUE CiRASS, ORCHARD, LAW! GRASS, And A general assmpnerd f Land ret to' Garden Seeds, Just received, bv W. H. WtATT, Ri't;;isT. Salisbury, V. C. Feb. 4, 1S59 0-2m ' ' HOTfeCE. OOKS WILL BB 0PKNED AT THE Office of the Western N. V. Hail Jipaa, in SkUesyUle, on the Ml nay m pni janu remain open tixiy .juu-v . a f or Stock in tlie Hank ot JNonn Carolina. T. H. Mc RORIE, ) aLni. K. F. SIMONTON, VZf' O. GILUESPIE, l. "T March W9w BISON io liii im C Medicines. i I . St. HMK.V VES. hr the m 1 1 ' ' : ' 1

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