i mi i ii ii ii m Ln , . , J Statesville Market. SiIatesville, April 29,1859. ItoRRFCtLd WEEKLY BT J. F. ALEXANDER CO. I"" 'i . : ,J.J4 Bacon 010 (5012 J Beef 0 - 4l(30 5i Bceswaxk) 22.3(3,0 25 Butter 0 15 (0 18 Coffee 10 14 (5OI6J Candles, Tallow . 025 1030 (5-0 35 Corn l07o (080 Chickens 0 10' (,0 12 Dried Apple, peeled j 1 10 Dried reaches, !jeelcd f 3 80 un peeled 1 GO - ,-)- Feathers 0 35 (SO 40 Flour j 450 ( 5U0 Flaxseed 1 00 Hides, - V 12 O 00 010 (7012 Linsevpl0 30 (035 Mlat4w0 40 f)0G5 0 06 &007 075 (0o0 0 02 0 00- ! 225 (a 2 50 0 12 (a014 018 g O 20 010 (012 O'Jo (ijlO.V Nails Peas Rags Rice Salt . Siigar Loaf Tallow i Wheat) Charlotte Market April 2G, 1859. Bacon, IIamdtf.012J Sides L 1 1 Hog J10 (010J Bee wax 0 27 Butter J15 (i'O IG Candles, Adamai -tine 027 0l'0 30 , Sperm 0 40 Coffee, Bio 0121014 Laguiraf)14 (uOlG .lava 018 (rf0 22 Cotton, Fair to . good Oram to mid. Flour, Lx sun. inlbL In bae 1 75 .(rfOOO live Tea Heani vvliitt' Oats Meal Hides, Drv Zircon Iron Comity Rolled Lard Molars s. 04 ni feoim w. 1 Nails fj 10 (t, 0 101 87(060 SUperli.2o0 ,(t0 0O t.'2, ( OOU r Hie (iraii'i, ' Wheat Corn 1 05 (a. 15 1)78 fa.OHO ihj'iritfl, Kycw N. C. An. 15 l'cael SiiejiirH . N. )i 1 Loaf 0t 0 70.(70 00 1 (mi 0 15 (WO 00 0 78 "' 0 12 0 05 ((( 13 (f 0OG 0 05 0 05A ' O 12i('01.' 0.)5 . 1U. 0t0 0 33 (a,0 40 ((5 (Voof, , Sult.Bcl. 1 10 i 1 50 iV)75 (a 1 00 0 4.0 (,H 45 . iY: (a I im) 1 00 ( I 50 . 0 irrjr.f II O i l (1G IIli:CII IIRAXDY, pure! PKACll BRANDY, l'i kk! 3; vemv old. API'LE BRANDY. Pi kk 34" vemx old. C11N WHISKY. I'i'i:r.! t'i vears old. JoKT WINE. I'lkeI tlvwirri ol.l. SWKET WINK. Triiri! MADEIRA 'WINK, l'i kk! CLARET WINK. IHkk! CHAMPAGNE WINK ! S I LIE K Y ( j 0 1. 1) Af 1: u .Y i n n PORT K II am. ALE. . LONDON OIN A hir'e ij'l'b' forMcdiciual ail Safraniental . ufes ; Jip-t received lv JVYATT, J)i:lg(jist )X Ai'othkcabv, XiilMiiir;,- X. ( '. TH O I), '"' THE CHEAPEST ! THE MUST R F.K1 Ai'-LE! : LA HO EST ASS( H'M ENT 1- :;... THE MOST CONSTANT ATTENTION proprietor liinfself, EVERETTrS VARIETIES. OF - SCIENCE A 1 I Af It TD ! , EMBRACING ! Magic, Music, Comic Eccentricities, Fun, Farce, Frolic, and Foibles ! I The whole comprising a mis cellaneous Melange that never fails to please 1 Will Exhibit AT STATES VILLE, On Tuesday &Wednesday Evenings, May Zd ami Doors open at 7 o'clock, Tues day ; and at 2 and 7 o'clock, Wednesday. WONGoVlER BALLOON Will ascend on Wednesday af ternoon, adjacent to Everett's Pavilion, free j charge. Mr. Everett has at great expenseengaged a Talented Company ! And for the proper displav of their unioue and peculiar performances, he hats fitted up a Spacious Pavilion ! On a plan of his ow n, 75 by 100 feet, provided miiii h nage anu f-eais sumcient lor sw spec tators. Hts aim Ls to render his entertainment void of that grossnegs eo common in exhibi tions under canvass. : lr. EVEJIETT, Tlie American Magician, Will commence the entertainment with a se ries of diver.siiied Magical ILLUSIONS, illus trating the science of Natural Magic. He wiUopcn hib Cabinet of Cabali.sticPhenomeua introducing new and asronnding e.xjieriments, togctlier with otlicrn already, established as beautiful and unrivaled. The feat.s nrc of the firt order, embracing'- philooiihicnl. chemical and mechanical ex periments.. Among the Ncciomatic Wondcr. will be found the Or, in HECKEXl'S FAIII1IA. Remarkably ITnolesome and Nutritious Just Received by . W.H.WYATT, . Druqqist Jr Apothecanj, 21-3m - ! Salisbury. N. C. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. HAVING been appointed AGENT for the Sale of SINGER'S SEWING MA CHINES, they will be sold at Manufacturer's Prices, adding freight. These are acknowl edged to be the best Sewing Machines in use, and no family should be without one, if much sewing has to be done. ; A Machine can be seen in use at the Subscriber's residence. Price as low as $50. E. B. STIMSON. April 15, 1859. 19-4t w. 21-3m II. AV' A rrr, X. ( ' EM AUK ABLY Wholesome and Nutrit;- dus't receiverl bv - W. H WYATT, ; Druggist Sd Apothecary, Oil!, Sali BAKER'S COCOA. A and l.urv. N. C Ti jt im for the Sick .nX tit. dclku'ous a Convalescent Nerves. .lu.-t rereivi'l ! W. H. Wyatt, mi uq a ist $ a pu ntiu a ii y, Salisbury, Ii. C. I'liilosopliical Sleeping the Air ! The Electric' Chair, the famous Crystal Ca' ket, the Mystic Chinese Cabinet, the seeming ! Miracle of the Caul Iron Kant jftujuc, the great 1 Target Feut, and the iutivdible Phenomena SIX WATCHES . In additon to the MAGIC WOXDEPuS. a varied miscellaneous entertainment by the Company, O. EVERETT. GEO. Y. MADDEN, WAL LACE. AMBROSE. SCI I W A LPS, SCHMITD CHAS. BOSEWALD, CD AS. COLEMAN. h i petite CA Ii) LINE and I, O HIS. 1 , Misse CLEMENTINE, JV LI A d: DELIA INIMITABLE BANJO 9S0LQ! By CHAS. COL.EMAX. One of the leading features of this season is the introduction of a LTnder the direction of t MADEMOISELLE AURiEL ! I'he entertainment will be accomjanied by a Urass aid String Band ! Everett's exliiWtion combines a sreater va riety of novel,' unique and pleasing entertain ment than'can he found in anv other estab- ishment ond is conducted in sucha manner as not to 2ive Oflence to the m7 ruxtldionst. There is Musicr.TMa.ffic, and Mirth Fun, arce, Foiblec and Frolic where E-ver-it goes. JPSj1 Persons of the strictest religious prin ciples feel no repugnance in witnessing any tort ion of the perform ,nce. lhe best of oi ler is maintained. The most eligible seats served for Ladies, and those who accompany them. Admittance, 50 Cents. ('lulJren irhr'n arcornpan'td b their Itreid or Guardian, half prirr. 20-2t- E. M. LEWIS, Agent. VALUABLE PLANTATION ON THE CA TA WBA RIVER AT AUCTION!!! THE Subscriber will Sell at Auction, to Highest Bidder, without reserve, on Thursday, the 2d day of June, On the Premises, THE VALUABLE PLANTATION whereon he now resides. It is located just below the mouth of Lile'a Creek, in Catawba county, hear -.'Lewis' Ferry on the Catawba river, adjoining lands of Henderson Sherrill. The Tract contains 515 acres. 150 acres of which are in cultivation, and about 50 acres of the land is good River, Creek and Branch Bottom. The improvements are a comfortable Log Dwelling, first-rate Barn, Sta.bles and Stalls for 20 head of IIorse3 ; Cow-Sheds, and good Fences. There is upon the place A- GOOD jGRIST MILL, Running a pair of BURR and a pair of Com mon Stones. ! The Western N. G. Railroad passes through the Farm, and the Depot is located upon it. There is also upon the place large OR CHARDS of Peach and Apple Tree, bearing fruit of the best quality ; with Springs of pure and wholesome water. j In short, it is the most valuably farm in this section of the State. j Persons-desirous of viewing the premises, previous to Sale, will please call, j jrrnns of Sale : One-third Cash j; balance on a Credit of one and two vears:"With inter est from date, with approved security. A. W. WILSON. IBB I 0 u The Subscriber is Agent fo the sale of ' WlIKKLER, MI LLH'Kj & &OS CELEMlATEh THRASHING MACHINES, which have given universal sat-i.-fact ion wher ever tried, and are warranted; when sold, to givtf satikfiltiou or no sale. A onk horse Machine wall thresh and the wheat from sdrajw, PJ5 to 10 1 1 in ii t . . .) . Tier tlav. -A 1 wo noEse, iu v J ri 1-1 A two horse, witJi a comluiuM will thresh and i-k-iin 200 to 2j0 iier tlav. . ! fncs will be delivered 11 n FaveUeville or anv ooint on the .sortii ' aro- hna Railroad. - IVrsoiis desirous fo haw Threshing Ma chines tl.r the aniiroaehim' Harvest' should tinier early,- to insure getting them in time. Fur further information, -aii ldress. the siil lit 1 rov s Mure. KaJwllMi co.. r . " JtMIX P.TROY. t0. 1S5'.). ! " -1-tt scjiiirate bushels 1 1 1 nusiieis. rhiniw(fr, bjishels Mach AsheJorii scriber April A LL A rk NOTICE T Person? having businies c4 Court Clerk's Orlice,! 111 the .sme- can be accom modateil in mv absence bv calling on Mr. A 1). M00KK, who is my lawful Deputy. Mt LAI (1 IiLIN, -S. ('. L'o-nt R. A. Mt I April 18, 1.L Mrti. 3 Y A K TT O Y FASHIONABLE DRKSSMA KER, V NNOUNCES to the Ladies, that she is in 1. .receipt of the Latest Paris and New York Fashions, 1 . .1 , it 1 . . j . ami invites uiem to can aim examine inem, as the v are very beautiful. Statesville, April 21, 1K9. A C A R D. I would most hcartilv rccommetid Mrs. Vannov u the La'dies of Statesville. as competent Dressmaker and perfect lady, and one 111 whom thev mav place every confidence. She has been in mv cmulov ior the. last throe vears, and is perfectly competent to do. any thing in a Dressmaker's line. She cuts by Taylor's justly celebrated system, which is a sutlicient guaranty for her fitting. Salisbury, X. A. A. BARKER. March 2d,- 1859. . . 20 April 13, 1859. lUtds T STATE OF JKOItTH CAKOLLM, Wilkes County. IN EQUITV FALL TERM 1850. Jeremiah Barnes J I vs. Jesse Mahappv. V HE Defendant in this case will take notice that it was ordered by the Court of Equity for said county, at the last term of said Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Iredell Express, for the said Defendant, Jesse Mahannv,' to appear, at the next term of said Court to be held for said 'county, at the Court House m Wilkesboro , on the od Monday in June next, and to answer, plead, or demur in said case, else judgment, pro confesso, will he entered ajrainst him. Witness, James Callowav, C. M. E., at of fice, April 9, 1859. 10-Gt JAMES CALLOWAY. C. M. E. NEW (1011 IIS ! NEW GOODS ! I T HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE JL North a good supply of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, consisting, in jpart,xf 50 Ban COFFEE, assorted ; St. Domingo, Rio, Laguayra, Ac 25 Barrels Assorted SUGARS, Viz: A B and C Coffee Sugars, Refined, Broken, Crushed and Granulated Sugar. Black and Green TEAS. A fine article of Xew Crop 9XOLAJSSES and Kew Orleans SYRUP. Sack Salt, Bacon, Cheese, Rice, Sugar and Soda Crackers; Fancy "and Brown Soap, Starch, Ta hie Salt, Segars, " TOBACCO & SNUFF, Adamantine CANDLES, all sizes ; Nails, cut and wrought; Bar Iron and Shovel Moulds ; POWDER AND SHOT; CANDY AND COTTON CARDS. ALSO A good Assortment bent s, lioys and Misses' Spring and Summer HATS. Also a Good Lot of Fine Northern Irish Potatoes. Burning Fluid, Kerosene Oil, and Lamps for burning the same. Linseed Oil. Tanners' Oil and Spirits of Tur pentine. White Lead ; and a variety of other articles usually kept in Stores all of which Will be Sold Low for Cashy Or Exchanged for Ceuitbrg Produce of all kinds. Thankful for past favors, I would solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto fore received, at the old stand occupied by ! Messrs. O. Uwllespie & Co., rte.i1 door iest.of the Jail. WM. S. CASON. Statesville, March 29, 1859. 17-lm "TO THE FARMERS-' OF ' ROWAN, CABARRUS, IREDELL, DAVIE AND DAVIDSON COUNTIES. .WING BOUGHT OUT Mr. Wm. Tke- loar's immense Slock of CO FRENCH BRANDY, Pube ! ! Peach Braady, Jure 3 years old. j Apple Brandy, Pure 1 4 years old. ; Corn Whisky, Pure I 3 years old. ; Prt Wine" Pure! 0 years old. Sweet Wine, Pure ! Madeira Wine, Pur! ' ; Claret Wine, Pure ! Champagne Wine. ' Sillery Gold Medal Brand Porter and Ale. London Gin. v w i . A large supply for Medicinal and Sacramental uses ; ; Just received bv " W. II. WYATT, Dat'CClST tfc APOTHECAKr, ! Salisbury, N. C THE CIIEAPE3T ! . TnE MOST RELIABLE ! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ! Of Dmgs, Medicines, Paints, OH, Dye-Stvff's i THE MOST CONSTANT ATTENTION by the Proprietor liimself, W. II. WYATT DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Salisbury, North Carolina. 1 1 To the Physicians, Fanners, and Me chanics of Western North Carolina. E.MEHUTCHISOMG 0. Irwin s Corner, CHARLOTTE, N. O., Ofl'er a very large and varied Stock of 1. (Fl IW'lRj ID NEW GOODS. JAMISON, T5JMONTON & CO., Are now receiving aad ojninz ih the SlniOHton Building, I A NEW AND ; pESSR ABLE STO OK OP GOODS l'i ''for tiie - , . SPRING Jyt STTIXEH TRADE, Consisting j .0 a General Assortment of BONJVETS, H ATS, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoefl Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs, Medicines & Bc-Stufft, Crockery & Glassware, In short, we have iu Store rinj wijl.ieep a general assortment of Goods suiteJ tvj the want of the country. j . - ' Our Gooda'have been boulit witlf TASII and will be sold ' for CASBI, !at EiOW. Prices, or on Short Tone to- pufatuid Dealers ; our intention being to Sell at accom modating prices, and to discard tlie JiONG CREDIT SYSTEM, snort profit and prompt payments being the Wt for both- merchant and customers. ' ' Please call and examine. tWe will take pleasure in waiting upon tou, "J n . A. W. JAMISON STATESVILLE, N. C., April 4, :18o9. A. K. SIMONTON. -DT1IO GILLESPIE. W. II. 1I0RRIS0N. SFRINQ AND Siffi?, GjODS FOR W. I AM NOW RECEIVING E.jlOM NEW YORK AND PIIILADELPIILtV, a new supply of Good, which I wl;;1ake pleasure in showing to those wishing to examine them. My Stock conisU, ih pant, ' GROS DE RHINE & FANCtf. SILKS, BAREGE ROBES & ROBE Ai LEZ, H bargain W. M. Wyatt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M U mm 9 exchange for work. us. . April 22, 1850. S 0 N , RoariNS AND GUTTER JNG, etc., etc. C, TIN : ma SHE! T IRON WARiE'- Statesville, IV. VTOlJLD most respectfully call upon a V generous jtublic to sustain 'them, in their line of business, as ,thy will find it to tlieir advantage to do so. Thevjwill keep on hand all kinds of TIN and S11EET-1RON WAKE, and make to order all the shortest notice. They have had good success in Hoofing anil Guttering with Tin. and would say to one aul all, that they aire preiwired, at the shortest Jnotice, "to do any and aHV jobs of this kind, at home and .Iwtnnce. on low ternis. I STOVES. Thev will he in receipt of a lot of COOK, PARLOR and SJIOPXTO VES, also otlier articles in the IUusekeeping line, in a short time. 1 Thev will sell verv low for leash, or to punc tual dealers, all of "their Wiires. and, in all IMinls, )ilx, Bye Stufla, Brushes, lV.indov Class, Tarnlsli, &e., Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 1 W.I 1-1 y' ; . NEW AND FASHIONABLE IFurniture NEW GOODS. rpiIE.SUBSCII$ER IS NOW RECEIVING X from New York and I'hiladelphia, a large and well selected Stock -of STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, Consisting of Black Gro de Rhine, Marceline, Florence, '.and Fancy Silks.; Printed Jaconets, Lawns and Orjrandy Mus lins. Jaconett Robes and Challies. Fancy and Plain Bareges; Swiss Jaconetts,. Nausook and Mull Muslins. French Worked Collars, Sleeves and Flouncing. White Barege , Shawls (new style.) Black Silk and Lace - Mantles. Bonnets, trimmed t untrimined. Ladies' & Misses' Flats. French Flowers. Hats. Caps, Boots and Shoes. Engravings and Paints for Grecian Painting. Hardware, Queensware, Medicines & Paints. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Candles. Fish. Molasses, Salt, Coal, ' Oil and Lamps, Old Dominion Coffee Pots, ,. &c, &c. &c. My Stock of RE.VDY-31ADE LOTHIi Is very large, and w.is selected with great care from the best Stocks in Philadelphia and New; York. Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. Very liberal allowance, mad.- to Cash Dealers. "S T. H. McRORIE. Statksvilt.k. N. C. March 30, 1859. 17tf j:av fj h m ! Ill G-0 O D S ! ! J. A. & K. 0. DAVIDSON HAVING entered into Partnership for the .purpose of conducting a MT-GOODS Am G&OGBEY BUSINESS, IN STATESVILLE, N. C, Resjiectfully inform the Public that they are now receiving direct from Philadelphia and New York, an extensive and well assorted Stock of HATS, CAPS, . AND ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, I offer to Sell for CASH, the greatest in the above-named articles, ever Offered to the Earming Community. These Goods are NEW FRESH were bought in the New York and Boston Markets for Cash, and FOR CASH will be Sold LOW DOWN. I have had ample experience in business, ami Jct'ow that the Cash Plan, for TTuycr and seller, is the cheapest and best that can be adopted. The Merchant who does a credit business, .calculates beforehand, for Book keeping, for laying out of the use of his money, for trouble and cost of collections, for had debts, avid so vp go tlie Jigiircs on his.GooJ. Jew him ever so much, when you goto buy, he knows that the expenses and losses incident to the credit system ' Mast be met by a hcan Profit oh his GOODS, or he Makes' NO MONEY, and if he sells to yon, he gets that Profit. Not so on the Cash Plan. The Merchant who sells for cash, makes no such calculations ; for he has none of these expenses and losses to meet. His aim is to sell Xou so as to invite cash buyers. For with the Cash in hand, he can immediately replace ins stock on the eery bat terms, and be again ready for the market. quick Sales and short Profits, IS HIS MOTTO. The article of SIR )ES, to everv Farmer, is an important one. To know where he can find a large assortment, of all kinds and grades nd where he can huv them upon the cheap est and best terms, i,s all important. To mv already large stock, I am now adding almost daily, and shall continue to add ; and buying so largely and for cash, I sav fo vqu in the most positiec terms, that I will Sell you One Pair, OR -V Thousand Pairs of BOOTS and SHOES, C HE A P K It Than you can buy them Elsewhere ! FOR THE PROOF OF THIS, CALL AT J II . E N N I S S boot & mm ST0BE, No. 3, Murphy's Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. March 29, 18-j'J. 17tf IN Spring D R Y Clothing, lOTT Aril B iftJt Wh AC OILS, &c. Pure Sperm, Whale, Sea Elephant, Lamp, Lard, and Machinery. i , TANNERS' OIL. from Go ets. to 1.15 jer gallon, warranted pure. LINSEED OIL, at Manufacturers price. ' BURNING FLUID, TURPENTINE, and ALCOHOL, 05 cts. per gallon by the BUI. very low. j VARNISHES. Coach. Im. English Finish ing, Furniture. Copal, (extra No. I and Nb. 2,) Leather, Picture, Damar, and Grecian. JAPANS, Black and Brown. j PAINTS, &c. PURE WHITE LEAD IN OIL, by the lb. or ton, Irom M to 1-S cts. per lb. SNOW-WHITE ZINK, CHROME GREEN, CHROME YELLOW, PARIS GREEN, BURNT and JlAW UMBER, &c, &c; A large assortment of PAINT BRUSHES. French and American WINDOW GLASS, From 8X10 to 30X44. PUTTY, Ready for use in Cans and Bladdera. French, English, and German PERFUMERY. 1 TOILETTE COMBS AND BRUSHES. GENUINE COLOGNE. Churchill's -Preparation of the Hvpophos phltes. for tlie CURE of CONSUMPTION. Medical Cases and Surgical Jiistru incuts. Sole Wholesale Agents of Hollowayfs Pills and Ointment in Western N Carolina. WOOD S 11AIK iibMUJIA Ll JVS, lV tlie dozen or gross. FRESH CONGRESS .WATERS, bv tt -case. . .. SNUFF different kinds by the jar, blad der, or barrel. CIGARS, by the 1,000. j. GARDEN SEEDS, Just received, from Iaildretll j& Son, of PiiiLAUEi.i'uiA, and lrojm Tiiorburn, of New York, j GRASS SEEDS, last crop ; ; RED and WHITE CLOVER. ORCHARD, HERD'S, LUCERNE, & BLUE GRASjS. List of Price, when desired, sent by mail. Orders respectfully solicited. E. NYE HUTCHISON A CO. i Charlotte, N. Carolina. Jan. 21, 1859. T-ly CHINTZf ORGDY ROBES AND ROBE A LEZ, FRENCH JACONET A. MUSLIN ROBES AND ROBE A LEZ, And other Dress Goods f vacuus fabrics and neat styles to suit the Season. WHlfE GOODS. Plain, Dotted and Striped Swiss MUSLINS, Victoria LAWNS and Nausook MUSLINS, T A R LTO N S, F A CO N ETS , CAMBRICS, c. LADIES' EMBROIDERER COLLARS AND SLEEVES, IN SETTS. LADIES' MARSEILLES COLLARS AND SLEEVES, IN SETTS. LACEM: EDGINGS, $c., $c. BONNETS FIAT IS 2XGG0.0,MS,I2 H00.2BB SSIHSS. , Round, Cornerd'Trfitcd and Stella Summer SHAWLS. FRENCH LACE POINTS.. CHANTILLY LACE MANTLES. L T'ith a supply, of :at ft kVvEi ' .'-.-i?viK.Vry.. v "t3tv BONNET RIBBONS. .... .( HATS BOOTS, Hi ...C-J- AID CLOTHING sllOEil IIAUD WARE, CUTLER Y, i OUEENSAlU-: AND GROCERIES. jg Call and dec if will not ' Sell as Low as the Lowest. ' -; v JOS. 3V. STOCKTON. April 4. 1850f W 18tf " ! I Statesville, ALL AE(3Jl1I7IORVIUM 1: "J7' K I C Iv E R T Third Edition, kefised, Enlarged and Removed. S TAKES PLEASURE! IN FORMING HIS FRIENDS, PATRONS, AND ALL MARKIND IN GENERAL, THAT H E H AlS R E MOVED : K. TO THE ! HOUSE E0RMEI1LY IcCUPIltD AS THE? BOOK STORE, OPPOSJThS TIIE COURT II0trSE. Where he is Receiving and Ojiening the LARGEST STOCK of '- j - - EVER OFF EM E D IN STATESVILLE. CALL 'ANI EXAMINE HIS STOCK, a As hii takeileasure in Showing lib Goods. If voirr HAIR is tailing! of Ioiifliseased in any wav, he has thie article to Restore it : ' )PROFvW0Q;lB HMH HESTOSATJim. v I lie ' also - AGENT for Sanfbrd's, Ayei-'s nd Dr. Jayne's MEDICINES, LADIES, 1f tou will Preserves, Pickle, or Candles; CailiJl I JUM'fcJIll, JrPy ou wisn riCSBIIIU Wf lilt mJ." rt , ' LITTLE IBOVp tnd GIRLS, if you wish i TOYS J IS TH -.PLACE TO BUY THEM. STATESVILLE, March! 30, Wu 9 IAS CflARLQTTE, N. C. J. M. SANDERS & Co. Arc con3tahtly receiving from New York, Boston. &c.. a ccneral assortment of fine and eases warrant them to We made of the best fashionable FURNITURE, which they will materials, and workmanship inferior to none. gei aj extremely low prices for Cash, and Old Copper, l'ewtcr, and 1'roduce taken in everv article warranted to give satisfaction and Summer GO O D S ' Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Hats, and other aritvcles too tedious to enumerate. ' C H. 0C 1 E I B S of every description-; and other FAMILY SUPPLIES; All of which will .be sold very Low For Cash or Country Produce. Our friend? and the public generally, are reepectfnlly invited to give us a call. IV O T I C E . VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST to me executed bv Edward II. Gray, de ceased, for the purposes therein mentioned, I will Sell at the late residence of the said Gray, ' On the 2911s of April next, TA LIABLE PROPERTY, To-wit: 252 Acres of Land, Lving on Hunting ('reek, adjoining land of Elijah Campbell and others. On the prem ises there is a good Dwelling House, and all necessary Outbuildings. At the same time will also be sold NINE LIKELY NEGROES, Men Women, and Children ; One Wagon and Gearing ; Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep ; one Still and Vessels ; one Set of Blacksmith's Tools.; Wheat, Hay and Fodder: Household ami Kitchen tur- niture ; Farming Tools of evary description. Terms made known on the dav of sale. A. B. F. GAITIIER, March 29, '59. 17-St Trustee. PHYSICIANS : Will find a select Stock of : j Pure Chemicals, PHARMACEUTICAL Preparations, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS on March 31, 1859. 17-6m Give Mis "a call and try LEJCK1E& SON. 2M v .NOTICE. T Will Offer for Sale on the 4th May next, 1 at tihe late .residence of Capt. Wm. Fcim- ster, deceased, ' . 6 Likely Youns: NEGROES, Urn OneUo Thirteen! vears old, On a credit of Six months, ith interest from date. I A. FEIMSTER, Krcc'r. April 15, 1850. , 10-3t Those in want of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please give them a call. Also, on nana, FISK'S METALLIC BTTRIAL CASES. J. M. SANDERS t Co. Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 11, 1359. 10-ly BAKER'S COt-OA. MOST DELICIOltS ARTICLE Fpr th sick and convalesceii Tranquilizing tq weak nerves. Just received bv W. II. WYATT, Wr-itfjgist and Apothecary, McLEAN HOUSE, STATESVILLE, N. C-. Persons passing through, or coming to S W JL W S'S V-X ic Si 1 f Can be accommodated MltU 3Ieals at 25 cents eacn find corcfortable . LODGINGS at the same rate. Horses welMed and attended to on reas onable terms. J OS. A. McLLAN . HATHAWAY & CO., WILMINGTON, N . C . , Offer for Sale 500 Hhds. ) Choice New Crop 35 Tierces j CARDENAS MOLASSES. 75 Barrels Choice N. O. SYRUP. 80 Hhds. Fair to Choice New Orleans SUGARS. 200 Barrels Clarifed SUGARS. 500 Bags Rio, Laguira, West India & Java COFFEE. 150 Barrels Mess and Prime PORK. 25 Hhds. Western BACON, (Sides and Shoulders.) 200 Barrels Yellow Planting POTATOES. March 25, 1859. 25-2mpd Great care is exercised in the preiarati of SYRUPS, TINCTURES, FLUID EX TRA TS, and OINTMENTS, all ling made strictly in accordance with the LT. S. PHAR MACOPOEIA, and. conformably with recent improvements in PHARMACY, AT HENDERSON & ENNIS'S 17 tf iijijjBBMrwTinMMTTrin-rTn 1 I 1 n ir (IH AN i) ' OPENING- ' . j ' OF NEW j - ' HIDE, OIL, AND LEATHER STORE. DKIRKPATBICK & SONS, . No. 31, S. Third street, Between Market and Cliestuut streets, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE FOB SALE DRY & SALTED SPANISH HIDES, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kipt, Tanner's Oil, Tanners' and Curriers' Tools At the Lowest Prices, and upon thtc best terms. Bgy All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for hides. Leather stored free of charge and sold on commission. , 18-ly SALISBURY, N. C.. HE CHER'S FARINA.; Remarkably Wholesome - Nutritious. Just received by W. II. WYATT,. Druggist & Apothecary, Sampbi-ry, N. C. j. BAKER'S COCOA. A most delicious article for tlie Sick and Convalescent Tranquilizing to weak nerves. Just received by W. H. WYATT, Druggist and Apothecary.. SALISBURY, N. C. B L A NKS Building Lot for Sale IN STATESVILLE. The Lot lvinc between the Post Office and Jos. W. Stockton's corner, measuring- 32 feet front and 109 back, is for sale. Those wishing to purchase will please apply to Mr. C. A. Cakltox. ' JOHN H. DALTON. Feb. 11, 18-59. 10-tf Notice. Tlie Subscriber wishes to PURCHASE I 15 or 20 Likely Young Negroes, For which he will pay the highest cash nriee. All communications addressed to me at Statesville, will receive prompt at- Y. S, DbAN. 3-tf. i TIIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE EVERYBODY to call and see our New Spring f)k of ; STAPLE' M FANCY DRY GOODS. i J'lS- . . . . ! .1 . or : 1 Thev are rich and rare, nnd far eurpass any Mock in beauty tnai was ever ouereu m Salisbury. We are selling off- D GOODS rapidly and eclipse all mpctitwa. GIVE US A CALL, and we $riH convince you that our Stock m far SUPERIOR to ANY that baa been ottered to t4 i-ublic, and that ur prices axe down to tlie LO LSI watermark. : , . . 1 MOrrO Polite attcigioii to Cnstomcrs, and Small Profit. S'PiE tiM A L' R'OTIO'B. Country a! k r cii a nts, ;n d the Public generally, will find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE ANL FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READT-1IADE fiOTHIHG, BOOTS S SHOES, Of afe sorts, sizes and pricesj HATS, fJJaTS, ANP BONNETS, Drugs, PainCs, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, WOOD WARE, BUCKEfs, BROOMS, BRUSHES, TWINE, ROPE, CROCKERY AND QUEENSWARE, . A j - al the best Stock of SUGAR COFFEE, AND MOLASSES, . j eve offered in Salisbury. We bee leave tb return our milt sincere thanks for the liberal patronap bestowed on us w c De -f . , . Df , att,nt;ftn to business, and low pnees, they and remain open sixty days, for Subscripts unfavor m with tbeir purases. nv TUP rriTvFTt for Stock in the Bank of North Carolina. to CALL !AT TH E OLD ESTABLISHED. STAND ON TUE CORNER I' ? cJKSSSv I Cbm- OPP06 thc Man8i0D Hitel- xv. 1 . u'"-' ' r Woarr. rx nit T CNJOTV I SWM,13. ri. o ifi-Ow - Salisbury, N. C, March 2, 1859. tention. Dec. 22, 1858. NOTICE. BOOKS WILL BE OPENED AT THE Office of the Western X. C. Rail Road,xn Statesville, on the 1st day of April next, j McNEELY & YOUNG. 10-tf -1 ?l-3m SALISBURY, Sj, C. Oct. 19.

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