Bishop, Davis. The Colleton and lieautort Snn, of II1MKE1L. 1 4 . the -27th ultimo, makes-the following announcement, ;-vhich will ho read With! interest : . i " On Suiiday last, Rev. lr. Bel-X- linger announced to his congregation the melancholy fact, that the Kev. Bishop Datw of the Diocese jof South Carolina, had almost entirety lost his Sight. Ili only hope is oy-an oei d tion for cataract.'' '. I' ,T1,n imnorts' of foreign dry. goods; Arid general merchandise ior me weeK ending on the 25th ult., amounted to 0.683,8O2j; since 1st January U$74, " '377,371 ; jfist double the amount for ine same pynou ,"' Peace or War. j ' ;! Ve are pehnitted to make" tin fallowing extract from a private U tter, eayii the New York Commercial, written by an American f'eniKTnan now oiiiiiwiiii"cnt ii vj- w i'ifl friend in this eitv. the writer iem? in a . 1..,.::., ..... tAlit-A ', a1iCivp fntrr-ftl V thp current of afluirs: j j i "In spite of the Congress to hp risembled, 'there' will bepio peace. . Neither Ij" ranee nor V Anstria wantp peace. The peace pirty of Eii ndpp.ia confined to the I'erW Mjiniftry in "Ehriand, to tjhe anti-Austrian Regency party in fierlin. anil to the Stock Exchatize. The " - "MAitKlEDi- I In Iredell county, od the 26th ult., by Rev. T. W. Envin, Mr. J. J. Sigrain. of 'ifolry &pringe, Mips., to Miss Josephine. B.Thomas, daughter of J. 13. Thomas, Esq. ,.'''.-: In Philadelphia, Pa., on the 28th April, by the lie v. Mr. Seia?, W. M, llavnep,' for merly of StatesvjUe,, to Mis Anim? i. Bud A', of Philadelphia. , ; OBITl o A II Y 115-Hin vi 11 Perbv Ministry ia now iower!es remain neutral until Austria is ujttrfckeJ -at home, and Russia nim? at n'otli'nig but the humiliation 6f Austria. ""'War'ia necepsarv even. in a'finaiicial point oid int: tia- of view. It ia the only means of a'j tional ti.iiikiuptcv.the onlv decent excuse for )ot paying tlie interest on the public debt in .' Austria, or leaking a new loan in F ranee. The war. hoviever. mavbe confimid to Aus- YrW fl4 Eratice. ' In no case will fjie Kinjur- j or of.Vniuce jj'iwvoke a coalition. DIED, -At'hia residence, in Salisbury, on Friday morning, 22d tilt., Mr. John McRorie, aged 57 years. lie 1ms left a wife, on' interesting family of children, and numerous relations, friends' and acquaintances to, mourn his los9. Ills funeral waa attended ajl.l 1 oclock; on Saturdaj-, by n lar?e number oi the citizens, who eeemefi anxious fogite this last evidence of their high appreciation of h'w virtuoua life and character. The tleeeascd was well and favorably known in the busirres (circles of this town and Mocksville, where he had re sidea for rriany yiears. He was much respeeted as a man, and hi-rlily esteemed as a citizen and neighbor, and was kind in his intercourse with others, lie was for uianv vxrars a use ful member of the ifethodiat EoiFiroral Chnreh, and died triumfhing in the "faith of the Gospel. In Lincoln county, cn'the 3d ult., "Mr. Phil ip Shuford, aged 7) years. ... . Remarkably- TVIiolesome and nutritious. Just Received hv I ' ) 2l-3m Driitjiht Apothecary i TO "Til FARMERS OF ROWAN, CABARRUS, IREDELL, DAVIE AND DAVIDSON r COUNTIES. X MAvnc Bought oCTltr. vm. tee UMit's Immense, Stock of SmSEH'S SSWINfi MACHINES. H AVISO been appointed AGENT for the Sale f SFNUEfi'S SEWING 31 A CHIX ES, they will be uAA at Manufacturer's Prices, adding freight. I Thefe are acknow 1- f (.edged to be the best Sewing Machines in us, j a nd no famil j chould bewithoat one, if much sewing has to be done. 1 "A Machine can bed seen in u.e at the Subscriber's residence. Price !i.QQ as low as ton. - t xu. li. til imwa. . rn April lo, ' 10-4t j i lV 1 V A T.TT A TtT T? 1tJt7a VfT AT Tfivi OX THE CATAWBA lilVER HVjAUI-MAU VXiUlIUiMj, CA!PS, and TIIC 1TARDESS for the 'POOR of Iredell county will Jiold their Meeting on Mondav of Mav Courts at 1L o'clock A. M. " , 22 . AT AUCTION ! ! ! THE Sul criber will' Sell at Auction, to Ili'Skeatliidder, without reserve, oa Thursday, the 2d day of June, Oa t.he Premises, THE VALI'ABLE PliiXTATIOW whereon he now resides." It w located just below the mouth of LileVCVeek, in Catawba j county, near Lewis' Perry on the' Catawba river, aJioiuin'g lands of If enderson Slien ilK, I ufl'er to Sell tor CASH, the greatest bargains, in the aboyenamed articles, ever , Offered to the Faruuhg Community. Tliese Goods are NEW aud FIlESII were bought in tlie New York and Boston Markets for V"h, and FOR CASH will be- Sold LOW DQWX. I liave had ample experience in business, I AV -and I kuoic that the Cash Plan, for buver and I -n-nri ERENC&BRANDYf PiStB i Peacli Brandy Jwre f 3 y ears' old." v Apple Brandy, PiireJ A years old! Corn VthhkyfPure! 3 years old. : ort Winc,i lrel 6 year old. , Sweet Wine, Pure " ' Madeira ,WIner Pure ! -- Claret "Wine, Pure ! Champagne Wine Sillery6Vt? MeJal linmd PiMrter and Ale. ..-y " " London (Tin. " A large supply for. ' '. Medicinaf and Sacramental usea ; Just 'received bv " W. II. WYATT, DBl'CaiST Jt ArOTHECAKY, ; Salisbury,"N. C. TITE CHEAPEST T W Ha i HD i EV MS :.--U.- V JAMISON, SIMONTON & . THE MOST"REUABLE I THE LARGEST ASSOKTMEXT-l Of Drvnx, Mai'tciM, Paints, Oilt, Dye-Stvrfl THE MOST CONSTANT- ATTENTION III iff the ' Proprietor- liiinsolf H. WYATT, DRUGGIST AUD APOTHECARY, :0R THE : , -Consisting of. ii.Gerieral -Assortment" ofj . jfllt-v i tlip. fhcavcft und 6c that, i'h h ad..)ittl. The Merchant who does a crelit! Salisbury y North Carolina. Ti1T,.ont.nnr,i;na r. 1 o l A ort .c bus i iiess. calculates oeiorenarxi, tor Uook- r : which are in cultivation, and about 50 acres : keeping, for laying out of thewseofhig money, j-To the. Physicians, Farmers, and Me- -of the land -is good River, Creek and Branch j tor trouble and Cost o! collections, tor bad debts, chanjes 01 Western .North Carolina. Bottom. " The improvements are a comfortable Log Dwellin first-rate Barn for 2U head of Ilor-s .Stiilesville Market May CoRCKt TF.U H (I K I) i J'acon l'.e.-f - l',eeswxU22g(fl.y23 liutter t Jot C,ni8 ( ollee 0 1 i (,(: Candles. Tallow ' . 025 Adaman tine ... , Corn (7:V v ll .SO 1'hi. keiiriO ll (m.O 12 Dried Apple. jieeiei Hried I'eaf l . jjeeleil ' laipeelcJ E.duzOliJ 1'liarloi F.t'K I.'V HY J. . ALE.Vil)F.liro (a U 2h StabH-3 and Stalls Cow-Sheds, and' good Fences, . -i . " , ; . ; '. There is upon the place ' - ' " A GOOD CiRfST iI!,Lu Running a pair of EUdlU and a jair of Com mon 'Sfows. rerptested to .-annoiinoe that the j Tie Ves!ora X, C. Railroad passes tliropgh in iiiecunfr oi ine aoove is.ocia- .,. I- .i,m wA tl.i h, isr.o: Feather? OXj f.U Fhiur 4 5l (" 3 00 Flaxseed 1 W JiidvJ, dry (ireeii l.ard 0 1 (I CM Oil A d vei Ise im eia t . ! Annual Meeting of the. State Medical Association of llorth Carolina. ! We are ne.i .iiiiuuii uieeiini; ui ine uwvi.- isucia- t) i .. .,, . , . . .. . .,. - . ..... l1' tion win take place uj rstatevjiie, on tlie iutii : day of' May. As this will be the first meet- i.iir held in Western North Carolina, a fine ; opportunity wiil be otTered members. of-the medical jirofession to attend and enrol their names members of the Society,-and they utc requested fo do so? liusincsp of importance Mniiected with the science rnedieine, a-ffec-tiiijr the public welfare, will come before the Society in a.. corporate capacity to "be trans ited, for which reason, it u dosiratile that. ever so much, when you goto bnv hfe kriowa i that the expenses and itjJises incident to the credit eystem Must Lc viet iv -a Juaw Profit on his frOODfi, or he MaJLeiXO MOXJEi'., and if he setts to yon, he gcti that Profit. Not -to on tlie Cash rlan. The Merchant who lia for cash, makes no.sucli calculations; for he has none of these e.vpaii3e3 and loaae to meet. I lis aim is to sell Loi: so as to invite 1 10 ;;o 100. Ua-s Uiee Salt . Loaf Talluw Wllt'lil. 0 12 OOti ('1(0 12 I ) (,r0 (".."- ( 0 ftO 4 o 1 (Vr'.HiO U ("0 1 1 if jiossible every Physician in the State might be present. " ' Newspaper? frieadly to tlv? objecf of the Association, tliat have not, already dcftie So, will confer a favor by giviu: notice of the time, and l.laee. i"Jr hoi. liner the convention. LAND SALE. direction of tlie Court of the f. oi r.'ure i vm 'iii.'l till. Tniif ti ,irnt:t urmli it.. Til ere is also upon the place -lar-e- OR- ! ''Uyers. i- or witn tlie Cash ui hand, he CI I ADDS of Peach and .Apple Trees, bearing mimediate y replace his stock on the very t(iv t, , aim ye ujum ruauy ivy me iikiikci. quick Salc and Miorl lroflts,5 r IS JUS MOTTO, The article of SHOES, to every Farmer, is :ia important one. To know where he can hid a large assortment, of all kinds and grades, Y il il i il.. ! 1 1 T . : .1 linn i r 1 UflUlV lllli 111 fruit of tlie bes?t "quality and wholctiome water. in short, it is tluj ffiiH va this sction of .thS State.! ' J'eifon desirous of viewing tlie premises, provioiu to Sale, wiif pkusc call. One-third Lash ; balance Irwin$. Corner, - -i-.- I ClIAnLOTTIC, X. Offer a 'very -large and varied Stock of BONNETS. H ATS, CLOTHING, Boots and 1 ShoestHardwjare- and Cutlery, In short, we Lave in Store, and win' ke4 gttural ailicntof Goods suited to the waaU of the conntry. ' 1- :''-:" 'Ci . ."V. : .-.'.-::' . .. .' Our Poods hare been bongh't with iySIIy 'and m be sold for CASII, tttW Prices, 'or oa 8Aor Tim 'to' Puiat Dealers ; onr intention being to Sell at accom modating prices, and to discard the L0RG CREDIT SYSTEM, short proflts and prompt pai-mnts beio the bwfcr both merchant andruutoiaenu tl- , ' i ' v; ?'- ' - "- A W. JAMISON. . ' -j- Tjti--. . . a. k. RrsioNTOK:: STATESVttLE, NVC... I . ' 1 T1 IO G I LLES1 1 Kr -V April 4. lfciO. , .W; 18-tf . , W; 1L AlOBEISOK SPRIGlD SUttEPOOl T AM NOW RECEIVING FUCI NEW YORK ANP PIIILADELBHA, i new fnppvof Goodswhich I will aV pleasure in h6wing to tho&e vriahing to ei&mina thehv: MyocW consists, in-paH' of - . ",- y:-t . '"I'vv . 'r.tiiW rC TJttlVP Pivrv --SfJTVS T. V Tf PT F. TtOKES-A: KOBE A LEZ. . i CHINTZ ORGNCir ROBES IND KOBE A LEZ, j "r FRENCH JACONET A3?D USr.rN ROHES AND ROBE A LEZ, j on . T . i ,1r,,l ,tIi,.o pnn Tin.. Iiaii nn.n I.A nhann. n I to. t -. I r r.i.c nnrl lu'fi vn'ira intn lTitr-i"- t . . r r est from out'-, with apptwed' fseeuritv. 'A. W. WILSON. . ip.'.o.: " . P'tds C'e Apji 1 STATK 7- (l 1H (oHO 0 l.) ( it 12 O'.io (uj 0-" -it iwj. iWui"kt M (. 0 ::o '.- eon, Jlamsib0121 Sijlen 0 11 Ung "ll llj 0 Ut1, Ueeswax O 2l Uutter 0 1-1 OH") 10 I 'andleH, . Adamun- ,"tine (i.j Speri-n 0 41. Collee, Hio 0 li .U0M LauiraO lr (u.D 10 Java 0 n (0 20 i.'otton, . Fair to rood 0 11 Ordiu-ti : u in Flour,. . . Ex ran i,' iiiLM.-io-Mi (,,0 00 slti bap 2 on (ff.OOO Xii ... r. o oi Fine . 21! '(.irain. Wheat 10 18-V.t. MKt 0 4m CtOOO 0 7S ". ' ) o ih () l:f IMC "( I) IT, (.Ml 00 ((HLC". (tO00 (VAtl.uO . . . , , i Rve- DM ("it 00 l'etis 070 (f.0 00 . l.i'ans. 1 whitt )a ts Meal Hides Dry (ii ecu Iron. ' si Couim. 0 01 (fffilCi ltolled tiiijil Lard Ol2i('t'tl3 Molasses. X. O. it 55 Su. Ho. 000 ' W. I. o::: Nails Oil: 1 ( vi: , . . - v Tui-ii (I'H C,r.0U .Salt.sek. Spirits, , . i r live wli u i -ii i Ap.Ur.0 7l - Peach Kl Sna rs; : .N.Oil. of?,) (li Loaf 0 14 ((:') 10 ( ) 10 (a, tii (" 1 ;"'.) (. 1 00 - I (a ' 1 ("A I-' 0 ( 1 50 1) E'.iuitv. I will Sell at Court House in Statesville. on Monday of May Court, 10th May, A Vuluaile Tracf of Land, lielonpin? to the heirs-ai-law-of Jane McKay, adjiiinln: lands of'David Ooodinan. William lvii'ijr, Henry Upviirht and others, containing l-'.T acres. Terns 1'?. months' credit w'rtli . will Hell Thrcr other Tmrts on same-day, . W. P. CALDWELL, C.&. M. E. April 20, iK50. 20-4 1 THRESHING MACHINES The Subscriber is Agent for the sale of WHEELER, MILLICK & 0.'S -CELEBRATED THRBiHlSO fclADHINES, which have given universal patisf.ic". :0n wher ever tried, . and are warranted, vi hen- sold, to ivo eatistiitioii or no salc- A one horse Maelune will thresh and sci.nmti: the wheat from straw. liiisheM l',Ji" dav. A' t bushe!.-?. A 'two horse, with a vinnoier, will thresh and clean tmsl'icM per day. ' " . Ltciiiues he delivered in FayetteviUe, Asiieltoro'. or any point oifi the North Caro lina Railroad. f eremi; Wi!Si.vs Comity. F.QUITY I ALL TKR'I 1850. h liarnc-s I 12") horse, -200 to l t to l'"0 l 1 coinnineu jM to 20 .Tc:iso Mahappy. ) 1 j .PHE Defendant, in this case will take notice j A that it was ordered by the Court of Eqaity for f aid county, at'thejlat tc-rmcf said .'onrt. that' publication be made for six weeks in the Iredell. Express, for the said Defendant, Jesse Mahappy, to appear, at. the next term of said Court to ie he'd for 'said county, attheComt House in WilkrsLoto', on the ?.d Monday in June next, and ta answer, plca.1. or demur in said Cf se, else'judtjiheu-t, -pro corj'essc, will be entered a.a-inst him. " AVitnes:?. 'James Callowav, G. M. E.. at o!' tlce. April 0, 13'Of ' pM',t JAM ESf'A L LOW AY, C.M. E N E W. GOODS. 'HE SUBSC1BER IS NOW RECEIVING from New York and Philadelphia, a lare and well refected Stock of ' STAPLE .V r.N(T GOODS, C-nsist'm.'jr of Black Gro de Ii!iir-,e, MarCelinc, Florence, and Fancy Silk?. Printed Jaconets, -Lawns and Organdy Mus- and best terms, -is all important. To my already kmre stock, I am now adding almost daily, and eltalLcontinue to add ; and buying so largely and for cash, I say to you in the pimfivejerms, that I will Sell you One Ialr, OR A Thousand Pairs of BOOTS and SHOES, UHEAPEE ThcCa you can lity them Ehewhere FOR THE PROOF OF THIS, CALL AT J. II. EX KISS' BOOT & SHOE ST0BE, Xo.3, 'Blurpliy'g Granite Row, SALISBURY, X. C. - ; . March 20. 18..0. ITtf LECK1E SON, Meliciini, OILS, &c. Pure Sperm, Whale, Sea Elephant, Lamp, Lard, and Machinery. TANNERS' OIL, from Co cte. to $1.15 per gallon, warranted pure. LINSEED OIL, at Manufacturers -price. BURNING FLUID, TURPENTINE, and ALCOHOL, 05 tts. per gallon by the BU. very low. VARNISHES. ( VacH And other Drew Good4of varwinp fabric and neat ' styles -to hU "tbr SeftBOo'C ' r m m n VV A n CJ ;' 5 . ' . ' : Plain. Dotted and Striped Swiss MUSliiNS. Victoria LAWNS, and NTansook MUSLINS. 'fARLfONS, jAJvONETS. CAMBRICS,1 &ci , i. LABIE' EMBROIDERED ' QLLARS AND SLEEVES. IN SETTS. u " L ABIES' MARSEILLES CS4LAHS ANB BLEEVES, IN SETTS. - LACES, MDGIX(7S1 Jr. V - r-T ."' '- r. ... -1 . . BONNETS Oil BONNET VH ATS: RMm M m 01 E1K s 2 re eos cast i mm s & oss b .s s i a $ s.T . Round, Cornered, PrintJ and Stellfw Summer SHAWLS. ! r FRENCH LACE POINTS. 1 HANTILLYt LACE MANTLE3 r Wit Iv- supply of h, ..--'- - K--- IMS 1 TIN SHEET IRON ware: statesville, TV. w Roarms AND GUTTER ING, etc., etc. Salisbury Market Mny AVj.kvv lried od (n llacoii M (,k) 1 1 1 S.V.I. L'er-.nns desirous o have esliins Ma- fliine. for, tlie npproachinjr Harvest, should order early, to insurei getting them in time. For further information.' address the sub- seviher at Tro.v's Store, Iiandolh' co.. N. C. ! " .lar t 'rr.'i iv .Beeswax U 21 ( andles. 1 " rAdanian- "'j'-tiue t2d'.(0r,o .CoHee, ilin. ' ( iUo.0U 4 CTava ' (.'ottoit ' II 1 (fl'.2" At..hKf. Cuha 'CS (,i 0 4'r N. C;i. O -'ih) ( 'i )'0." Museo. 0 -to (,',') 0') "Nail.-cut 0(15;.'. JOG ;,N- . Ii lil ("IIOO nils. Tanners ,)"( (o.i0. RitL':?. lb 0U2A April ;f, P5.9. JOHN B. TROY 21-tf A rn t n i JL U 0 ID ( ) 1 1 ". orn "7 T 0 7i Of (isn Meal 0 71 (' (I N" .'in ff .To ' Flour. : -, ; hbl. oiA (,!' :,o :.rr sack 2 du (.2di Innv. tmr 0 I'.t Lard UP) (7-(1 12 (ll Oifi" J 1 seK. Salt; Suirar, I Bi-own j Crusa -tTar. j Tullow Whei.i.. While i Bel iWool I' ) ("1 Has. Jaconet t K Fancy and Plain Jaconc'ts, M'.islins. F Nansook lies ami CliffTrtc". P.a v e : or e s . S w i ,-;s hkI Mull ich Worked Collars, Sleeves and Flouncing. White Barepe Shawls (new style.) Black ilk and' Lace Mantles. Bonnets, trimmed & untrimmed. Ladies' & Misses' Flats. FiSenah Flower?.; Hats, Cap. o ('CHI I ' lj! (,') lo ( i LI K'Ci v: in en I.; I (I .ST) 2o (..l.Oo (it 0 uo (i ';;) Fayetteyllle Market - M;.y 2, lsv.. Iron; - : Alum 000 - Racon- 0 (7C"12i Biici.iiir . Ounny 01 (020 V ItundeeUlS! ((.2L Beeswax 0 i Coffee, : .'LagniraO Ui( 01o Java f t'olton. Fair to iCfi.O lo S.wedi.-h j COJi t hill" 0 l;to iKioj do vi.leOCjr''(rtM7.i Auier. Oi(a'iOG 0l)i (iftOdi U 12A(U 1. tfis"(' D08.1 Enjj. Lard Lead Mola.-.; Cula N . n Nails !N 0 LL Persons havinjr liusincss in the Supe rior Court. Clerk's Otfj.-o, can be accom modated in my absence by.Ci'.Lin on Mr. A, I). Moxkc. who i.- niv hiwf'ul H.-ontv.- : r. a. Mclaughlin. '.s.c. Aprjl IS, !)'.. i;-oi O T' a S: . Will Ofl'er fr Sale on'the -1th at tlie late rebidein.e of A. W;n. Feim- ster. deceased, o idkejj t'o is S3 s 'XECo; finni One to Tliii teen yciir-.old, On a i.-re-iit of Si x month', wirh in teres Ja;e. . A. FEIMSTER. E. lo. 1A.V;. 10- BAKER'S COCOA. A MOST. DELICIOUS ARTICLE For the sick and convalescent Tn'.ivpiilkin to weak nerves. Just received hv W. II. WYATT, " hmrjifUt and Apothcetin;, 21 -.",ni sAi.tsr.rrtv". n. c. t from te'r. if Boots and Shoes. En-Grravinca and Paints for Grecian Paintinjr. Hardware, Queen-swore, Medicines S: Paint-j. Cofi'ee, Sti'i'ir, Tea. Candles, Fish. Molasses, Suit. ' Coal, ' Oil and Lam-i's, Old -Domiidon CotTee -Potd, i Ac . My Stock of . nEA55a'-M-AWE- C!LOTI!I!f Is very large, and selected with preat care from the he.t Stocks in Philadelphic. and New Yc'i'k. Country Prodn. falcon in Exchange for UtHidi. V.- Idiinu ma le to (. ma i OULD most respectfully call upon a eenerous pubhc to sustain them in their line of business, as they will find it to their advantage to do 60. Thev will keep on haiul all l-in-Li a-C TXX rtntt-eflTKKT-IROK WAIiE, irmmake to or-.l .'r at tlie shortest notice. They have had good success in Roofing and Guttering wit.h Tin. and would say to one and all, that they are prepared, at the shortest notice, to do any and all jobs of this kind, at home and at a distance, on low terms. STOV.ES. Thev will be in receipt of a lot of COOK, PA RLOR and KHOPXTO VtS, also other articled in the Housekeeping line, in a short time. ? . They will sell very low foi: cash, or to punc tual dealers, all of their Wares, arid, in all cases warrant them to be made of th best materials, and workmanship inferior to none.; Old Copper, Pewter, and Produce taken in exchange for work, (jive ua a call ami trv us. leckn: k SON. " April 22. 1S-19. 20-ly NEW AND FASHIONABLE uirnitiire T. H. McRO.RIE TATE jvii.t.e; N; .. ,rc) :;t tol. ITtf good 0 11 0J 0 1 1 1 l il. o 27.CCV29 ii -tiA" " oil rAVING entered into Partnership for the jiurpdse of cend acting a . to Linseed 1 10 1 2r, (rd. ; mid. 0 ID (a n 0l ' .Tnu'vs (n I 00 C'ot Yarn, ' . Salt, sack : to Rl 0 211 ' i Liverp. 'l"oini (ioi-mU, t , Shot,l.p.1 Sheefy Q P C'VOOoi ! Coinon2t" ("J'0 Osnab. UI1! C.0ili ' Buck 2H7 -Feat hers 0 4U OHJ 4ti CSoirit."- 'W . ... v. '- - j .'-I- 31 rs. J. A. V AK Sr,. FA HI f ION A II LE DRESS A 1 A K ER, NNOl'NCl--S to the Ladies, thut she is in receipt of the Latest Paris and New York Fashions, and invites them to call and examine them. A as thev are very Statesvili c FkxseedlifJ (j 15 I- lour. , ,v ! Family C Go (.;) W ) Super." 0 tin, ;(. 0-tK). ( Fine G1T (nMVQ ) Scratch 5J0 (tOW) f Grain, Cora Vtio ?l I or, id Wheat 10 ;Rye 1(10 (7,0t) P. Br. - 10 0, 2o N (' AptH5 flrO'do Noiih'n j . i Apple Oit'io (u.07") NCWhOjSO i:QQ0 isortli n I uld eautiful. e, April 21, -m'J. A C A R D . nioct li e a r t i 1 v r e co n r.n o r ! d Oats j Teas . glides, ' iDry " r Green 0 (;() uO 0 (rt l dO 0 ( 0 1 1 005' (-.Q0(V 0 0 0 do i Sugars, ) Loaf ! ; Crush ; Cofl'ee ttr.o (7 0 40 a-2 , i!2itJ 0 13.1 1. RicodiOO (.i O L0 I s.o. 4-- -Tallow 0 10 Wool OilS C" 0 10 .rilIE .Examination in Conrurd I-'e-JAn-nialP. Clollepe will commence on Thursday, yZ&th "of May, and clise the daT Exercises ajt night. ,'; The Rev .1. R Watt will delnci'an Ad-' .drew! on '', at .1 -o'e-fock p. m. The Board of Trustees will met tho sime Mrs. Y.axxov to tlie Ladies of Statesville, as n competent Dressmaker and perfect, lady. nd one in whom they may place every c.'nifi donee. She-has Ucoa in my cmjilny for the last three vears, and is perfectly competent to do any. ilii in? in a Dressmaker's 1 i r. c. She cuts bv Taylor's justly cclebratei.l eystem, which is.'o Salisbury, N.C.. A. A. BARKER. i s March 2d, 1S50. 20 Wo II, Wy att, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - DEALER IX u & n i G J day at 11 A. M States vil JOS. W. STOCIiTON, 'See'y if Bxinl. Palais, Oils, Ijc Stairs, Hrui!ies, 'WiuilowttlassVarnisJi,:' Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 1859 5-ly . e, Ma v 2, 1830. t2-3t MTJLES STRAYED. Strayed from flie Subscriber on yesterday, TWO MULE COLTS, both Marea about one - year old. One bay, the other brlnvn with a white or, light colored nose. The Bay mule haa the hopfu broken on one ofs both hind feet. Their jtaila are shaved. - Any information respecting sai4 mules will , dc inanktuljy, received or suitably rewarded May 5th, '59 T. AT HELL, McLean-house, STATESVILLE, H. C. , ' Person a passing throuph; or coming to E W ii,0 0 B S I I .1. A; & U. U. DAVIDSON II BUSINESS, IN STATES riLLE, N. C, ResjHctfully inform t'ue PuLlic that they are now rweiving dire"t.' from Philadeljthia and New York, an extenJYe and well iijicorted Stock of Spri i i mikI S ii i n i ne i D-R Y GOO D S , Clothing. . ;- JJdoUand Shoea, Bonnets, Hats,' j and ether ariticles too tedious fo -enumerate1. Also Gil 0(1 EE IE S ' of every description attd other FAMILY SUPPLIES; All of which will be sold very Low IFor Cash or Country Produce. Our friends, arnl the-public generally, are respectfnllv invited to give us a call. March SI, 1350. 17-Gm HATHAWAY & CO., WIL ?vl 1 16 G TO rV , S . Offer Tor Sale f 600 Hhds. , Choice Ne Crop 35 Tierces CARDENAS. MOLASSES. 75 Barrels Choice N. O. SYRUP. - -80 Hhds. r Fair to Choice .New Orleans 0.1 Barrel Ct.ARiFKpSUG AR3. i b(H) Rags Rio, Laguira. Wreet India & Java C OFFEE. 150 Barrels Meas and Prime PORK. 25 Uhds. Western .BACON, (Sides and Shoulders.) ; -2-30. Barrels Yellow Planting POTATOES. March 25, 1S50. , ; I. 25-2rapd ', 1 8-OQ-HI CHARLDTTE, N. C. J. M. SANDERS & Co. Are constantly receiving 'from. New York, Boston, &c, a seneral assortment of fineand fashionable FURNITURE, which they will sell at extreme! y low pjices fur Cash, and every article warranted to give satisfaction,! Those in want of good Furniture, at very j low prices, will please give them u call. j Also, on hand, I FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES J. M. SANDERS & Co. . ..Charlotte, N". C. Feb. 11. 1850. 10-1 y , Im. English Finish ing. Furniture. Copal, (extra No.l and No. 2,) leather. Picture, llamar, and Grecian. JAPANS, Black aud Brown. ' paints, &c. PURE WHITE LEAD IN OIL, byhe lb. or ton, from 8J to 12 j -ct. per lb. SNOW-WHITE ZINK.CHROMEGREEN, CHROME YELLOW. PARIS GREEN, BURNT and RAW UMBER, &c, &c A large assortment of , PAINT BltUSHESl French 'and American WINDOW GLASS, From 8X10 to 30X44. PUTTY, Ready, for use in Cans a ltd Bladdera French, English, and German PERFUMERY. TOILETTE COMBS AND BRUSHES. GENUINE COLOGNE. Churchill's Preparation of the Hypophos phitep, lor the CURE of CONSUMPTION Medical Ccsea mid jS'ryT Instruments. J.. Sole Wholesale Agents- of Ilollotray's Pills and Oininicnt mnesteraN Carolina. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVES, by the dozen or grofa. FRESH CONGRESS .WATERS, bv the cape. SNUFF different kinds by the- jar, . blad der, or barrel. - . CIGARS, by the 1,000. GARDEN SEEDS, , Jnst received, from Xaildretb &. Son, of Philadelphia, and from Thorburn, of Nsir York. GRASS SEEDS, last crop ; RED and WHITE CIjOVER, ORCHARD, HERDS, LUCERNE, & BLUE GRASS List of Prices, when defired, ecut by mail. ( irders respectfully solicited. . E. NYE HUTCHISON & CQ. Ck'trbtte, A. Cari'l'ma Jan. 21, 1859. 7-ly Will fmd a select Stock of ' Pure Chemicals, ;"Tvr, 1 TT A rnc fflllD V. AN V- - - .T-il''i . : i-. .- ".l. j-,' i .-. t) C hOTHLNti. J BOOTS, mOES, WAJIDWARE, CCTLL'Ui,, 1 'QUEENSWAI& AND GROCERIES. ; I d eb if I mil hot Sell a Low ad the Lotvet i-JBfiy Call and v -I Statrsville. April 4. 18T)p.' ;4 J4 JOS. W. STOCKTON, JStf ALL ABOARD miR 11 1 (ill i'lATE.l U-T ' Thh-d Editidn,-!Revii Enlarged anJ Removed. ; n t Tfi r rr it. it n n . J . II j IV IU Iv 1 TAKES PLEASURE IN LNrRMING HIS FRIENDS, PATRONS, H E Hi A S REMOVE D HOUSE F0EMEREY OCCUPIED AS THE BOOK STORE, - OPPOSITE TE COLRT HOUSE, j WW he in Receivins ar' 0eniB2 the LARGEST jSTOCK of EVER DFFEREl : IN STAf ESVI1LE. 7 " j6- CALL Ap&rAWNE- JJIS STOCK, As he takes pleapre in Showing his Goods. )- " If yoiir HAIR is falling off, or 'disedfed in any way, he has the article to Restore it t ' PH0F. WOOD'S liLMCR BiSSTOHATrira. lite Is q ib AEXT iW j K Sanford's, Ayer's and Dr. Jayne's MEDICINES LADIES, if vou'wtKh I?scrc, I-lclilcs, or' CatuIleA L CiEWTIjEMEST, if youV.wh lreent for the LADIES ; . 1- ; ' LITTLE BO!vS anl (aRLM, if you wish TOYS ; , IS THE PL4;CE TO BUY THEM. . j STATESVILLE, March 30, 185ft, 4 PII ARM AO tlUTI C AL Preparations, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, T. C. &B. G.Worth, OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wilmington, 3 1'. ' DEALERS in Lime, Piaster, Hair. Cement, Laud Plaster, llobin sou's SSanipuIated uano, Tas kcr & Clarfes Pliospaatic Fertil izer. Ch-derii for any of the above tilled without charge of Cominkssion. Terms Cash. March 4, oi-pd. HIDE, OIL AXD Great care ia exercised in the preparation of SYRUPS, TINCTURES, FLUID EX TRACTS, and 01 NTMENTS, all being made strictly ia accordance with the U;S. P1LA.R JI ACOP JSIAV-end conforma'bK- with recent improvements in PHARMACYr IT - AT OKNDERS0N i ENMS'S ID)i'Mg iire . SALISBURY, N. C. My - "-. T (IRANI):: 0PFN1N0 - - ' : ($. new ' , , ; MMilliEllOl ; ' " ' . - - J I' ;,' ' ' " ' - mm iMiiirKiii i . LEATHER STORE. kirrpatrich & soars. D. No. 31; S. Third Btreet, Witli r Can be accommodated Ieals at 25 cents each t and comfortable LODGINGS at the game rate. Horses well fed and attended to oik reas onable terms. JOS. A. McLEAN. Oct. 19. Betu-cen Market and Chsjtmit , streets, PHILADELPHIA, ... have roa SAUK DHY & SALTED SPANISrHIDES, Lrv and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanner's T ' ( hi. Tanners' arid Curriers' Tools At the Lone-si Priecx, aiid upon the best terms. All kinda of Leather in the ro'ujfh wanted, for which the-highest market rnee will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for h idea. Leather stored free of charge and sold on commission. 18-ly BAKER'S COCOA. A most delicious article for Ine Sick and Convalesce" t- Tranquilizing to weak nerve. Just received by W. H. WYATT, ; Driiggist;and Apothecary. SALISBURY, X.. C. ; Building Lot for Sale IN STATESVILLE. tttp UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE. VERYBOUl to call and see our New Spriiig Stock " t .' I: j STAPLE AN 1) 4fA C Y DLiX U00HS, I - They are rich amj rare, ami fhr suam anjr Stock u Wautj tht was cyer offered in Sarisbnr?. We are filing off DKY 0;rS rapidly, and echpe all !comrUtnl ? ZVZtU rc t t t nniis. uh nrirw roa that our Stock m far SUPERIOR to HEGEEH'S FAB IN A'. llemarhablv JSltdleSonie tf Niitntku. i v , Just received by ," W. II. WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, JiiLisBi inr, N. O. j4AtI' that haaUen offered to the pnhje, and tKat our pr.ces arc down to the Ly" Ll watermark' ' ! ? .. ".' '; ''--. .-.' ' ' : '-.:' MOTTO Polite attention 116 Customers, and hioali rrows. c C.ovsruY Merchant, arid fee PuVUc cencralhvwilljfind Wition to bur Stock oC STAPLE AND FAN UY a.apienuia.ctocit oi The Subscriber wishes to PURCHASE XO Or iV JylW'7 - itru.ia., t. -tTt VrfiT- 'tK TlirKk ' Mich prices. All cotamunications addreseed to 1 i ... : - 1 . - ." Of flATS, FjiAgS, AND BONNETS, Drugs, Paints,;fl3ils, add Dye Stuffs,, me at Statesville, win receive jompt at- W()0D WAR BUCKETS, BEOOS, BRUSHES, jJIKE, IJ0PE, rigoS. UC ' ' . ' - CROCKEimlANPt QUEENSWARE, The Lot lvine between the Poet Office and Jos. YY. Stockton's corner, measuring 32 feet front and 100 back, ia for sale. Those wishing to purchase will pleaee apply to Jlr. C. A. Carlton. JOHN II. D ALTON, Feb.'ll, 1359. KUf , BLANKS FO R S ALE HER E. Dec. 22, 1858 - AOTICG. BOOKS WILL BE OPENED AT THE Office V fht Western A". & Rail Hood, in btaiesjtlle, on tbe ' . Itist day of April next and remain open rixtrdaya, for Subscrijitiona for Stock hi the Bank of Sorth Carolina. T. H. McRORlE. Y R. F.SIMONTON, n OILLESPI?! March 1959. IW shners. . ' j arid lie best Stock of , ;t 8 CCA II, tJO I AS II .UUIiABvo, '-. . icver' ofiferetl in Salisburr. ' , We bee leave to return our most $iiere thanks for the liberal patxona j: e wrf'flj , .i 't K, and lv utrirt attention to bueinea low pneee, they qy w i IV.UM -T i v t j ' : ... . i -in r.cnr u witli their ntirchflij' j ' DoVt fkil to CALL ATiTHE ESTABLISHED STAKD ON THE ..(5 N. C, March 25, W, 5-

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