"I A: A -- r- - r V: ' rar ever' " r , . r T '"j'v or -"ough breaking arid turning of fiivwrni. goou glowing rwm put the feround in better cbndition for cropping than three imperfectly dono. Indeed rio after pains can remedy the uvuyitunyo. .t is ui me uonost impor tance tlicri, to be prepared in. every Eomt Ipr the prorer execution of so eavy" d part of thd furiri l-jbor.! Tarn! a furrow of seven inches deep at the least, ami thenearerlt approach- .es to twelve mcucs, the better. There .may bo soil A that form exceptions to niu ,iuie m -ueep piougnmgf, anu wnicn require from some peculiarity, in the ojwii experience wc have mc none such.; We have, without f?ar, thrown UD foUr inches of tho rlrv niLenil which had never seen the light before,' son theiurface of a bed ofl ten inches,, and, with moderate mamiring. made the best crop 'of com the land had pro duced within the memory ojj'livingmen. We loot upon a deep soil s i,ie very first requisite 4f the succt'ssful culti- 1 j -ration of almost every crop, jammer j j crops $ very uncertain oji a 'sjhallow i soil, are 'almos t ins u red nga insjt' the vi I issituds of the season in H ddep one. dp riot .think the all important corn i crop would fail of a good yidld bno j. year in iwcnty, planted on a bed o twelve inches in depth. t :i - T t . il . : :- ncoMJUcrate pioughmcti 'by off their work in short laniL, consume a very large proportion of time at the t'nniinnJ IMwtmt t J 'ill 1M. ' ; "'ot j-"v l!i il sii oiig prcuiiec tronon the part of negro ploughmen tpiworK;tne short way of a piece of ground, when they Lave tlcir choice. A little observation and calculation will show the great advantage of ploughing in -Ion. lands. On tliio tobacco plantation, the to- nacco ground, it m sod,1 should be ploughed first; it is -bud practice to leave this work till after con-planting to jsavo the labor of a second, pi oul" -MlliS vruji is or too Enucu value to allowjany risk of linpcrfpct prepar ation, An early growth of plan ts may spasjpn nkako it very difiicujttogetthc ground; properly prepared it sp late a periPd,! -If all be tliorouglily broken jiuw, xuorc wm ieeiio Uiihdujty, after corn-piaJitmg, in putting it in the best order asl fast as the .plants arcj ready tyr.Qt'iiiimoui. Items, for . Housekeepers. !.l:-r-- evfrytmng in its proper time. -cep everything n( its placp. Alwajf pvun viymw octuiu wasiung tnera. j Alum Jor vinegar is good !to set col I ors of red, green or vcllow J ij Sal-sola will bleach, one ipoonful.w ;j ciiougn i Y a kettle of clothes. Saveyaur suds for garden iiid plants, joi to Jiartlcn yards vlien saiidy.. ' Wash Vour tea trays-with -cold soda, polish wii h a little flo,ur, ajnd with a jjdry -ipjothp . . i U- Frozcr potatoes -'make move stavch j than fresh ones, they make nice cake: ' A liot iliovel, held over burnished furniture will take out whio spots. A bit of glue, dissolved in"skim inilk and water,- will restore rustyjojd crape. - ltibbonk of an v kind-should m :C.u m coiu soapsuds, Vand liotTinscd. j. If your flat irons aro riugh, rub Ithem wel with! fine salt, aind it will ,;make them smooth. . j If you lire buying a carpt for dur. lability, yau must choose small figures, j "lt. soaP cubbed on (he hinges vt-uuvia. m prevent men creaking. . Scotch fenuft' put on the hiles where cricKcts cpme out will destroy them. . noou asncs anil common salt, wet uith watc, will stop the cracks of "a siovc, and prevent; the smpkd from r i j 1 Green should 'be the prcrliliilg col- uvi-ui wuttanginffsantl window draperv. JAS...F. BELL. JiL Atlpriicat-taw & Solicitor in ' S1UTESVILLK,.. N. C. " ! yill promptyat'teiid to aU'buwhcips ifttrustcd Ki nirtcare-ia tnc uourts, ((Joiiiitv an.l Su- t parior-,) olilrwtell ami adtoinin-Counties uanuary i, irov. m. Y. & DEAN Will nnnJ wiivviuw noin m i own an ry.Umfe ori CTolIege Avenue, otns dc or wett oiine i'rmti t lflice. it piaiesviire, UN. ;, Dp.- If. KELLY yners jus profetaioiial services to ihe public. 1 '-'nice on ColleOT Avenue . oitn-Jit. !. 4J4.ewouiM ynurcn, Matcsvillc, N. L -IIAYNE DAVIS, A TTOnXK 1 T-LA li STATE? VltLK. c ! .1 - . ' ' itsincs5 (Luirbs. ; v in . promptly and ddi-ently attti,d to nil punmesd entniKte.1 to i s p;iro . - . i.- . . ... p.'mce opKsi ic ti .) a d. ), t. 22, 7)8. i n '' Dr. A. A. LAURENCE TTAVlNfr COirLETEI) HIS nd Jocatedriirt.iA, amon-i u.em, respectiuHy ja-esents his claims to the rMitroiia.ro 1.:. friemls inSmtefville and Iredell. J ;f rarcavHic, AliucFi H, I&X puf GRAD. BALTO. DENTAL COLLEGE, V.- . ; ' U'lepareii to UO 7 V .. , , 1 I All klnd ol lla(c-ivai k, Jri the neatest ahd iiVost desirable itvl and jbaa all the late improvements Jc'nown to line iToiesKiori j Teeth filled In the best lossibUl manner jjirreguiaruy oiine leetn, disease) of the :' pnouth and atitrunr successfully treatel. Coinmtinications.jby mail or otherwise, will receive nroTnrt!mntion a - Terms: Cash or note on omr.1tmnif nt wnrt 5-Teet$ ExtrtQted without pin,ff t th. 2iWl2-tf BLANKS STpEfiSONrBpWENf LATE STITVSOX, E0WE5, A NEfsMITli, i ... Wholesale Dealers in r D H y g. oops, ' HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM . DANIEL Hi ZIMMERMAN", Formcrlyl of r Ltxcolxto'C. , . -A ml K EM ) VED to the large Store, 33 North 3d Slrcclr IeIor Arch crc ai IncrcJisctl Ktock. will l'c kej, and iniluccnieftti? xfterpd Jeqiml to -anv lloi'. id the I rale, Jaii.'2S 18.3'J. 8-Um :rJAS.:W.vDRKE, - COMMSSipN.MEECHAl, , 013 cis Street ' . i -tf .MOR1LE, All A. Jan. 21; 1850.7 n i h 'TIIIIJ Suliscriler8 harin become lessees of X iHi3 PjaciQiis new lfotei, located near the i'ubhc SvLuireand ConrUlouea, in Statesville repjiect fullv nuimunre tliot tbev are ireinrel to accommodate the traveling iurlic and all who may lavor uifcin witu tmroHaM,- win entertaifrtneiit eaal to any ijrt-claa Hotel 111 the UBloar. --:. -'-i.f Jti': n AVILSUN & NEWJIAJIP," r mlTAiiuiurnn vQ WAlLtlffiAAtrid JEWELERS, . . STATE TIIXK, N: C. Keep eonsfantlvi on Imnd a large assortment of v atchc ani Jcwelrv of all kinds. Clocks, Watches "d .I.eplrr of every ort, ncpiirod in the tst uuncr aud pn the mutt reasonable terms. Aujn'iHt 2S,'-18"S FIRE I E. The .Subscriber 1 1 avin' I ieen appointed Agent " of the - MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Charlotte, A'ill receive .and forward Applications for Insurance against Lo and Damage by Flre on the principled , of the Company. 'tlieCom'jKUiy is (johiga jn-ospcrons lnit.:!nefjs. No call has ever yet been made lor ah in Htalmenton a jiieinium note. . ; v E. B. DRAKE, ll-tf - Acent. Weaver Brothers Keep constantly on hand, at their Manufac tory in OL1N, a large assortment" of HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, and crerythinurelse usually kept in. a jinnies caoii.-iiiiaeiu. Vc carncftlv" invitejall ikt.his within to purcharie gooil bargains,, torsive us a call be- rore buying elsewhere" Tv close ainilicntioii and pmmptitudein busipe3,Ave hoje to share a liberal patron-age from; a generous mhlic. Orders attended-to .iromitiv with nefitne. and dispatch,- We hare deposits ol'IIarness at Statesville, with J. W. Woodward .;. Liberty .Jim, .witii A. I'eimster; Countv Line, with Keeled t (;'o. ; Joncsvillc, with Thos. T. Maxwell. . ' . ... 44-1 v 'r r', 3,000. lilTSinHLS AVI IE AT . Ar .TsT T K U : AX x wi: eo w n Mri.L s , . 8,000 Bushels Good Wheat, For which Salisbury Cash Prices" will be paid. O.G. KoAllD. Nov. .r, 18")S. . 4,i-tr JERKiH S & AY E R iaie pleasure in mlorming tbe PuLlio, tliat tliey are now Ve'aily to do anv atnlall timk of AVork in the I?oot and Slioe Line, at their SliopJu the basement of the ''Simon ton House." AM ; Warranted, "Dick" is one of their workmen, and cvorvlxwlv J known if be cannot make a ."tit," 'taint iu u.-e-in anybodv.elpc tring, ' Call arid leUve your measure. 1 erm.s moderate Statesville?, .tau, lfi. tf 1 1 R Y ST ABLE, States villo5 as C WE having obtained the" extensive Stables comiected witli -the Simonton irpnse. take pleasure in informing Travelers and the 1 ubhc generally, that we arc prepared 'to Hire BSorsos and llugrffles, t ATi:KA,SOXAnij:r,ATK,S. . 1 vusun.s uaiiung vonvevancc can te ac connnoilat-ea.; a anytime, and sent to snv part ol the com try. ; Y e luide oiirsci ves on k"ceiin "cntlp nd asrt Itorees. 0nr Provender is of thejbest quaiit,y,ani tii quantity left to the apatite of the animal. AU is under the management of the Fro- piietrs, aiuiiio tvarneed be entertained. gtf VU 1 NOtEiv DA V 1 1 S0N. Arahial)k tand lor Sale vj-- C.n 0!!t'i "S adkin, seven miles" T . - North ol tJietowu ofSl.!itrvai OliS'-l'Vdeil cuuntv. N. C. I also su:a-Oiler mv tract of" . O O . O Tv K S . more or less, formerly know 1 as the hinds of tiames i:iuey. togxtiier wjtli the eleant buil.l- ings, such.a? lJweilmg I louses, Kitchen, Nc gro nouses, vJiarn.-, Shot;-&e. I wouhl it ,u nnu isn to- iurcuase Jand, that IH.CV would do well to caR and view mr .sesaionfbelbre purchasing elsewhere , HAMILTON CRorcitr Nov. 2. 52-tf Liberty Ifiir,XC. THE CHECKERING & SON'S 3 .4: rPHE Subscriber,,Agent for the sale of the above name.1 fus'.lv eelebrntd Pi.., guarantees every mstrnment. Persons wish ing to purclinse the PIANO, br addressing ram, will be sent a pamphlet, with 14 mrr. 1 in. fi n s, ana nri era . inn rkn. ' PIANOS T XnTEH AKD' REP AlililT). Address, ' f X. A. E. F.OIINSTKDT, - HSURAHC 5 - if 'I. L .li ?wf$ ' "1 - amington, ,. C. '"Is r'foMr. H. was the onlv and first premiinrVfbr" liis Piano ui the' X. C. State Fair awarded. ; 5Hy J. W. AVOODWAKD IS still at his Old Stamen Broad street, a few doors East of the Public Souare. where he is prepared To Do AUKiiiJtU 'Worlc ' rrnerly ,lone at the Establishnient. All Repairing done oft short notice, jw'd in a workiuanhke rriaiiner. Interest chargwi on Accounts after 12 months. ; Feb. 27, 13-tf fTE3IAKKABLY WhblesomcAnd otriti- JLy ou. K Just received Jby . , v v - Druggist &ApotJiecary, , , ' , SftlwburjVN. C. The Sulscriberai -re prejiared to furnisli to order airrthnigjn the Ime of ; HEAD oTOntS, TuwB TABLES, fR FURXITURf: MARl'.LE, IAjIJ. W'arranf Satif faction. Call or send . " yonr rder.. , - '.Li RAY,' JiJi'VAN.ft ,v;.v,ry, Ar. r. PRACTICAL MAEBLE CUTTER, Re: .peel fully informs thei Public that he lias . opened! a m ahibttt: yard, 'i iUppositc jthe Mansion Jlotel, Where he Is prepared, to fill all Orders with uijjjHifn lor uionumrrixs, jjrna-y tones, TufAe Tops, and all, kind of Work - in the Marble j, Line, of either ' - J IMP 0 JIT 11 D iravlnjr made arra'nreinents lv which he can procure the Imported Italia Ma rule at reduced, prices, be can lill all Orders for -Monuments, iteM at reasonable rates. lie won Id be. lia l u ) v to h a ve all u- 1innn desirous of tlealiny: in Lw line to call and sfo fpeameiiB of Marble, hear prices, and judge forjliemselves. 1 I - 1 la ving bad experience 'of IV vr.ira ;,, the business, ho will riveiliis. personal atten- null iu uniuns up iti-oiiaiaenis, &e: Vm.' t 1iVtf 49tf LOT b ov Sale. The .Subscriber offers for Sale IIOL'SE & LOT iii STATRsivrr.T.F iJL n ea r th e Female Co j lew. The Ix)t contains two acres of ground. The mpfovements have all liee'n' out un witbin the last three y-ears ; and in the vard there is a Well of excellent Water. Auy ierson desirous of locating in tins lealthy and thriving Town, can be nceoni- modated with a dwelling on cheap and rea enable terms. .. . Possession can be given at any time. Oct. 1st. 44 tf J.A. DAVIS. RAILE0AD NOTICE ! TO COUNTRY MEIlCIIANTti. XEW, CHEAP A2sl) EXPEDITIOUS EOLTE i . FOR FllEIilUT For the Interior of North Carolina. MERCHANTS ami others about purchas ing their Full and Whiter Sui.i.lies. are requested to notice, that by the connection of me onneastcni liauroad-f Tiom ( liarlestuii, S. to Chcraw, the advantages of a Cheap and JJxjiediti'ous Route from the Seaboard has bee in opened to them. -All freight consigned to the care of the Agent of the North-Eastern Railroad will be forwarded Free of Conitiiiss-rm. No charge will be made for Storage at 'he raw. All goods -will betaken care of in tho Company's Warehouse, until sent -for. A schedule of charges for1 transnorfnfioii r,f freight will, be found at the IWt Office. i?- SJJ ( NS, ''Eifuiecrtt '8tner'utcn'K-Ht. 17-tf H (WARD A SH Iff AT II )X. TinlaillnL ;, V lienevolcnt Iiiititiitio4i t;il.U-l1.l 1- Spccial Endowment for the I'dicidftlie Sick anil Distressel, afllictcd with Vinilent and Ejiidemic ' Disea'fe8. f- r '" In times of Epidemics, il is the object.-of this Institution toestablish Ilosnitals'to nro- purees, x. nysiciann. ; Clotbmjr. Foo.1. Medicines, &c,, for the siclc ami destitute, to take charge of the orphans of decease.! par ents, and to minister in -every possible way to the relief of thenftlieted and the health of'thc public at large. It is the hity of the Direc tors, at such times, to visit personally the in fected districts, and to provide and" execute means of relief. Numerous plivsicians. not .acting, members' of the Assoeifit ion. usua 11 v. .enrol tlieir names on its books, -wibject to be1 called upon to at!ej:wl ilsubonpital's. iVee of cliarge. In thc.abseliee of Epideiuics, the Directors have nutiiomed; the Consulting Surgeon, to give advice ; and medical aid to pei-sona euflering under Chko.vic J)ise.ses of a virulent cliaracter, arising ti-orn abuse of the physical Dovvctf.. inal-treafmei.t tb.' ell'ects of Drugs, c, . Various 'Reports and Tatkt On (be nature and treatment of Chronic lw,..,... l Consulting Surgeon, hare heen- published for grat.utous distribution, and will be sent free ofclinrjfe to the aiHicted ' - "Address, for' Reports oiv Treatment, Dr. (.F.oRiiE R. Cai.iiocn, Consulting Stir-eon Jwanr-Awocialioir, No. 2 Scnith N'imh A., rhila.lelplira. , ; Hi Order ff the. lih rrtnrs. i . EZRA 1). IIEAliTW ELL C-EO. FAlECIIip, J lW;drt. - iSi crrlttry. '- : 4.-, BACKER'S COCOA. 1 most delmom Article for the Side and Convalescent. Traijquili.ing hi Weak' Nerves. Just Received bv , W.. H. Wyatt, IR Uq GIST p APO TILECA R ' - SaliibTiry, N,;c. U,JJJ which the highest 'market mice will be paid in f'IA7. Aplv to - .T. F. ALEXANDER ft CO ''J. . 14-tf JMarch 11 PLAI2T ASB ORNAMENTAL BOOK and JOB Executed with neatness and despatch. ' . 041U. vu iuouexate terms, AT THE ) ! . IHEDELL EXPRESS: 0FF(?E. MANSION-HOTEL, Salisbury, N. O. X. 'I.--- tvajs.ure4n unnounc- nigtohis frienda: ami hernib!i rr,..,n.. that he has taken this loiKT-Pktnl.lCl.ro.:.! well-known Hotel; ahd has made evcrv ii b!e preparation to acnunoflatofb b.', travelmg.and visitmjr Portions of tl.o ,..l,i;.. in the most satisfact on-fanner. ami every jcomfort is provided in i S? We aaJ'wnJantlysiinpKexl. and attended -by- a carefiiF (Mlerj and to all de partments the proprietor gives lug personal attention-i-.i.. ": i.":.: :.- W A fconiortaUe Omnibus hina reulgj-l? to tlie peiot on the arrii al of the cars. ith these efforts to please, a liberal share of the public patronage is confidently solicit or Hcwv ',A ROWZEE. May 29, 1858. ! 20-tf T;1 TOvNDERSON, :1 r-. IffAHKl STATESVILLE, N C, TENDERS .HIS TIIANKS to a gencrons . rubliefor jiafit patronage, ami bopeVbf J'frK't attention to business, to merit acdJiUa nance of the same. Having just received a New Supply of Materials Dll-ectly. from Hie Morth," -Jbnrght h-ch'S'felif with Cush, ' ' ITE CAX AiTORD TO " SELL AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. - I bave removed to the room, up stairs, over me nev ISnck Store lurinerly occupied by the 'Jew," on Coi.i.EtiE Avem e. T. C March 18, 1S.0. ANDERSON. 15-3-m HENHIBSON & ENNISS, -TOolesale and Retail Dealers in B l JU & f. , Mediciae, AND Chesnical9 Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Bnishes,Win dow Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &c, JjtiiXint, Jjftmp, arid jfrn-hhten 07, Kerosene ' Hurt iiirut J-hi of, Ijumps of every description, 'PnOrnicnj -a),d Toilet Articles, GAHDEX SEEDS, ' TLOVER AND (JIUSS SEEDS, . TUliE WINES AND LlQUOl, for Mwlicinal rurjot?, FINE .SKfJAJiS, TOJiAC(), &c, &c.,' SALISBURY, IV. C. Mv FRKiVCir I1RAKDT, Pure ! rJvAUIl 351' AiN DY, Pi ,;E! 3 years old. APPLE liltAXDY, Pi-re! 4 vearsold. CX)IfX WII ISKY, Pj-.,E! 3 years old. PORT WINE, Pi-reI o years old. SW LET WINE, Pri:ET MADEIRA WINE, Pi re! CLANLT WINE, Pi i:e! CJIAMPACNE WJNKJ ' SI LEERY Croi,D Mf.d.u, Brand PORTEK and ALE. LONDON (JIN. A large sujjly-lbr Medicinal and .Sacrancntai iises ; just received by W. II. W VATT, DltrooiST & AfOTHEC.ARV. Sntixft"iy, X. ( 'i Til K CHEAPEST 1 T 1 1 K MOST E EL I A P L E ! THE LAlUiEST ASSORTMENT! fft 7- -g.v. Mnt.ci,s, lii,dx, Oih, Dc-Stxjfs! THE MOST CONSTANT ATTENTION! by the Proprietor himself, AV. I I. WYATT, 21-om A'J .A7.TM' V C NOETH CAROLINA MECHANICS7 SNOW CAMP MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY. ALAMANCE CoLTNTY, N. C. rtr 1 r i.' t . 1 4 . . .. '" 1 K'l'neiora n uiik estailisJiment j would inform their friends. and tin. d.J in- gt-iieiamyinar my are still manuiactur- JMg FROM TWO TO SIX HORSE POWER WHEAT THRESHING MACHINES, With Wrought or Cast linn f Minders, of -all sizes, either portable or stationery. the In test improved Wrought Cylinders; the! teeth I .cing inserted through the bar. square with thet:;p on the inside, wh'ieh obviates all ditlicnlty in reversing the teeth, when one side gets worn. These machine will suit the wants of every l':rmer. C: . . , 1 t n injur iiie '. rttslters. AVe are also maiiiilaclunng, uin the ln-st moilei, a superior ar: :c!e of S.ty,,,- t 'one ( 'rush-. -s which have sutlicient a j.'acitv, with one good horse, to extract "() gallons of juice per hour, audit only own; lies, a space of about". 'J feet, .so that the mill is verv j-ortable. We do not hesitate to say, that o'nr Cane Crushers are the best that, have ever 'been introduced mtoahe State, ami every farmer growing cane shouhl j.ossiisi (!:e. - V AVe frtill manufacture FnHory dear, (Jimdur Miirs, Grixt and Sate Miff Irons of crery d, npiWxi, Cftiftq . rhhfes f dijferen tl:i,,dx hes. Cr'n tSle( Lrs, .iStut Much', .- , -;ll(s (j i'aisr,t,f and Maeldge irvrl. uul.- fa rder, at atort wi lier . A good - supply ol material on lionil, ami tlie work done by exiKTieneiil workmen, ami under the su)iervision o! the ,ioprietors, who are practical mechanics. hiving bndm any rears espenence-, they do not hesitate to say, that no effort will be spared vil their part to give general satisfaction. Send in your orders for .those celebrated Machines, that you may be furnished in cu'A time for this season. Any tiling in our line will be delivered on the N. C. Railroad at Graham's, marked as directed. . Tej-ms re;i,onalle, to suit the times. All order for work, or letters on business addressed to S. Dixon. Davidson A--Co., Snow amp. Alamance County, N. C, will receive prompt attention. SOLOMON DIXON, CALAIS Dl.VON, J5ERRY DAVIDSON p; s. hex lio w, -, T1 . - . Froju-ietors, IE. P,. DRAKE & SON, Agents, Statesville, X, C CUMIJERLANI) COUNTY FAIR, Held tlie 3.1, 4th, ami th Novemtier, 18oS. J'eport ofC.mmittee on Steam, Horse, and Hand Tower Macliinery : OneSur (;H1ie ( Vn.-licr is exlill-ited by lerry Davidson, and maimlactured bv S Iixon, Davidson. & Co. TliU is fW. nrtHe well gotten Hp. an.l well ma.le. In the opinion of the t'ommittec it is better UMIW-eil tO Ordinarv fiiru use tlmn nriv i.r;w. they have n. " One Double Irdn Spout Corn Sheller, by tlie sume parties ; verv novd at thepriec, and very well in.mli One Cuttimr Mielone. fi.r entfii..r f . pfraw, foildfr. vino d.-.u -.r ,i-..;tiiL-Q i - rate maciune, re.mirmgtes luiud jowerthan aii min or the kind to do the same work . Dee. 10, 1858. 2-Cmo Notice. 7E liave Lan.l, Wagons, lloises, Mule, V IIujrL'ie, Carriages, Shinglen, &e., kc WHICH WE WISH TO SELL. ALso,. V c Lave a great many unsettled Ac counts and Notes, Whieh we wish to be closed brCASH, or ctherwrke, SOOX. or ther will' be found in the hands .of an officer-for collection. ,0.'FEIMSTER' & FEIMSTER. B LAN KSFOllS A L E IX E B E. FIFTH YttltOF THE OiJERPRfZEJ r CUTALCKSUESFItEE TO ALL. , Qn Q THYA S , AT HI8 OSierXAL, GIFT BOOK ST0R?; 439 Chesmit . Street, Philadelphia, ; frvatet wit ty of Gill, inmautexl Cicilitios for Wviai u" wi'K wmnew, my I u now prepared greater iadarraifnts to Book Dnvrrs 4haa ever U'iiHr taui proTed tint, the JbQft r.tnn to offer beJoiv, canauciea nnaer iniw ystcm in a fnoec liljenl and iai- parti) naniKr than any otlit-r. Haring liwd dawn al most, alt opposition, and lutviii Uio U-gitimac- of Uis lan'f on catioil ckn Ui)-i'0 inon iiaiuc toCalifiir- Hia, in-run auum 10 wgenerows;. itjt lara, and Sehedule of Gifts. ; Patent Engfoh LrrvrOoLl Watcls.. $100 I'arcrit Anchor Istttt dull Wiitchw, , Ladles' Itffe CfMtlold Iver Watches, w laliHs' ISk, Cas OrtW Lt-vor Watrhos, one dial," GeBUfSilwrXtVlTMaU'lifts , . lout'H tsjlycr Lf'Ter Watclu,-, J Oent's Si'1tt teiuae Wtrfica, " L lrltr Time riveC !tti.hu ' " LatKik' Jilognnt lUai-fc ille Dns rjitterns, Ladk di. 1'bii.r do. do. : Lndhw Cam S.-t (Pin and Di-ojs.),.3?f! Jhip. Louies' . tUk. tlit. , i s ; l.li. fiold Bnui-h-ts, ftone Sittings Liutu-s' Colli llrawK'ta, ilin tr ciunTed ninuL tleiif hem. KngliiiU Pttl Vea CSmiuS. LiMlie' (iunrilri, or (liati-biinc-TliaiiiiM clioicf. Ltge Gold Srin?: Lucket wilU doifblf tiisis, barge tiod 8itp Luefcffn. d. do. ' Milium-sirii. No. 3, IxjcWt-te. do. do. II.-vt Gold Pi nt-U Crt-9. with Uol.1 IVils ; Superior Gold Pons, with Uuldi'rs tid Dox, LadiwTGoWPtiK-iU. Gi ft's Hea vy Gold Pt iicils, ; Gi-iit'8 Gold IVn. with mt ftt(tiion P.n ils, LarfH Gotd Pens, in lUcy-n an.1 tvonr lllorrs Iviilics' Musik' Gold Stoni- S-ts. ' . - I-'lieS Klort-ntin:- S,-ts. l'iu tuid Dr.ii, ljudKW Jk-t Sets. ' 0i . Ladies .Qtiwo Pius, liirgi- siz-, Ladim do. do. itinlimn, ljuliiw do. do. siii.ill. LudiM" Gold StoiH. Pim. siiiill, X '-" i Ladies I5os and Gins ".tiniatiir? or ff.u'r Pirns, Ijidit-rt' I'lain Gold I'intt, new tt-rn. IjuUim Plain . Kjir lirops, MiiMtTt' Plitiit'-Gold Pin. iVnt's ("lusti r Pins. 0s d oentre, ;i t s Sin;l4. Stum- Pin.-, Gent C.1iiiH or 3hiii- linioni Ptnild, (iwit's Eutp-icvCtl Gold do. do.' Gwit's Pliiiu do. dth do. Gent's Plwve Unftonn, lldk' do. do. ljulii'S Pi-HiJ Canl C;ist.s, ljidii'.; 'amco, Mosjiir. or Gold Stone KiWioU Pius, Gi-nfs Silver Pem-il.s. Gfut'jl Pearl Potki t Knives. 3 l.lades.'lh-.t on.ilitv -2 oy ."in 5 imi 2 00 1 K 75 2 50 2 (Mi 2 00 - .Ml 1 50 (ifiit's Duff or Ivory do. uo. do. .uisjeii Vi.wax Pins. Gents Gold W.m-h Keys and Pi-iu-ils coiiiliiitod. (ient's GoldTtjllilkH. with Slides. Gent's Gold Kings, with Stone jSettin, " l-i.li.-s' do. il..-- Sets f-ilTer-PlaKl Tea iHxm), Silvvr-l'latcdUiitter Knivi s: l.rulies" r Gent's I'ort-nionnaies. ' Gent's Gold WaU-h Ki-ys or Vest Hooks, Ijtilies' Florentim- Pn a.-t Pins. I.Iijw' .let tlo. do. ladies' Mosaic - 4ht.r tin. I aJie's Cameo "Eir Drojis, Misses' do. do. Jlisses" Kar Drops, with Stone Seitina, Mis-sGold linu-elets. ll;ilf lt mn.I Itiind. i um 1 Oil) 1 5ti .1 3 5 A 50 5 0 i 4 M 1 5(1 (HI 4 IHk Ludk's' . do. fo. Gent's !-! rf in. lient's Jet Sfn.ls. ' Gent's Jet Sle.'V...Uuttolii, Misses" Gohl C-ross.-, Mistvjlaneous (?ifts: not oninii-T:twl in the no.ivo i; 2 on Ust, varying in value fn 21 (ids to ii 00 " uoitH oi rju- aoove Gitt. will lk inipiii tiully "- oomeci anions nirr-liajer with evejy 1;IH) I w.irth of m.hs soio. H(MS swid tit I'llMi-diels' Sow st pi ieesi All ! IS.M.ks that Kvans i.'oes not xiUlish biuux-If tmf bought ym-t from the J'nldNliers BlBl ill larjse ijtuuiHtiesi llH)kil tusnit every taste are to Ik. found on his (Vtalo.vne ,'- . , . '"' iimiuvmeiit even without tint "J"i oners so many a l.Ii.tion.il advanfa-. WoTksbv tlie m.f i.hi!;m-anthor.v livin-and Jl. in noin jiM. imwt eostly to tlie plain and siihstan- i.u. ni a.-io:n.-iiner low prices. r . CAT4UW1K.S SKXT FKKE TO ANY A DDI! EPS. Itay.ird Taylor's Travels. oi ks of Miss Lrn-r, llulwer. " . lie Kh-. " Addismi. " Tliaekeijiy. " l.r. JoIiiikou, " J. K. CoojKr. .l.T. He.sUy.. Ki.mk Korrester, . Hn-h Mllh r. fc Cai. Mavne Kei.l, " Chariot te ltroiite. u AVfisliiipjtoii Irvine;, '" G(iice A-uilar. Works of Demi gwift. Judi- Halilmrton, '" Dr. Liviimtcui. ' Ijawn iu-e Sterne. Waverljr Novels, Works of lieiij. Franklin. tTxfci. JetK-rsoii, " ( liarles Diela iis. Mr. S.intliwortli. Jlk U- !it, u rdrs.'Silmvjrlc, " Virginia Tow iis.-ni. ' S. M. Slllllrker, " T. S. A: tlmr. " A. .s. !!,.. Itev. ( . tl. Ppurjp'oii, C'apf. .Marrvatt, D. P. ThoinjisoH, I ' Sam SI irk. ; " .lane' Austin, 1 '' Marion Garland, ' " .Mim v H.nvltt. diaries Lain).. Edwar.i Kyerett, " Lorenjio Dow, Lord liiei.n. a Peter Parley. " Mrs. MiMidic, " nt.HlT-i. Kielilinr, -" Perrv. Wilkes, . lint-toii, insTiiiiY AM) IHOCltAl'U V ok TJfK MOi-'T t'KL!'- ;?;atki) ai 'molts. Allison. Hume. Mueanli'v, -Prestwrttj f OibU'm, K. Jrts.Hi, Heauli v, . And a lnist of .others. lliincrofl, G.odriili, llawsel, Vej-jFiiip, ttdliti, Ijonl, Stmrks, tin) nninerons to niejition. TJfK AVC1EXT AM) M0DEIJ.M POKT.- r.ntler.. T. If. liei.U Mrs. .lasautson,- ltVFoll. S-.t. Mooi.. Dryden, l'oi lhirns. L-eiSrh Hunt. Mrs. Si..riiey, Koff'i-s, Smithev,' II, Kirk White, Tasso. Mrs. Janiieson, Aliee Carey, Keats, Ednr A. Pw', Miltou, t-l-nser, Chnne-'r. Mrs ll ni:ia., ytiv. Xort.nt, Kei.ihle. I.O!le;fe!.iW, Tflllivson, Towper, AV hit tier, iJnnte. K. W. Bllsw.M-tll, Ho. xl. Tnp)er. lloldsihitli. A'ifllsworth, t-holley. Moiittr. nnery, Ihyaiit. lie lias the hi ire in al! styles of liitiilinfc, from plain vi.n oi me nnesr eaii aiM Anl ir.i". to suit, nil .1:... purehos, rs. llewlls these .,s cheap as ,.v other liaise 1 if in .iie,-o,r. ik-ski-s the ail.htitiotwl inlvanta t:i-,Ts of a Uift wii;i cacli IakiK .sJL : a ua MS kot: THE l.AIni?. Alliums of all : l.es xrvies ol illat llicr l.i euTt ..11 histes. jirofiisely illustnitej with magnificent steel' Kn- KlUIJiS, I'liAYKI! 15H0K.S. AND HVMX IlOOKg. M. th.i.list.-tiyniii IJ.viks. I Kpiseopil Pnyer Books, Ilitlt Hymn I:.K,ks, Catholic Pn.ver Itooks, Lutlienui Hymn iUmk. Ihvshvt. rikii Hvurn llooks. Ot HI iz.s, and lKrtind in all styles. AraU'sq'ue, Ynrkey Momroo, Anti.pie. Velvet. Jte with au.l mitlumtcUisiw. FAMILY r.ini.KS. " ,:1""Sc,aj'-w"''n''t of y.unily Hildcs. f ntt deHirfions and nil ju kvs. from -?1 to n. illustrated Tritli fine en"my. iii".s. pnnteu with tare type, on pap. r. arin id vari ous style of tumling. fr, the simpk-st toUe most oma-iim-iiUiU Also, Puljiit liil.lis.in Wirioiwstyl, s,;,t prw prievs. ft, A e:mml.-tp CI;iKsifi.t1 Cut-Ah -jt ; l.-pu titlent of hteratnr... containing n eoin-ph-te Ust ht Oitts. with fnll instructions to AK-iitsaiip..rs,J,fiuiuK , V? '" ' s" "une io any part ot tin- I nioij. IVrsous mimiiii jo nirin laiiraries. shnuld hav it us a lsik refe- n-nee lietiiR' making out theit lists S.-1..I (.. ! .. .. 1 will bo coiiyim ..d ,f thech.,messand variety thel!,M",ks, U si.fc s Ileitis plciisett with tlie lil. -nilitv 5f tin- sysh-m. Order-i tn.ni the eoniitrv iiroiiiiitlvmi.l ui.r,e, .ii n fd. anil oo.ls -ut hp mail or iwpress to any lwrt tit the cmntry. Any book- put.lish,-,! in 1. r'nitivd Stati. the r,--tarj prieo of which ;m One lKdlnr and upwards. jviil lw pi-onijrtly sent l.y inalloji receipt of piihlh-lu r "i "lice Tilth lMitae aa pef Cat.ilojrne. r., , ; """I'Urtslons Hllow.lt to all ihtsohs f.TWnff . . iiis lor ns can rea all tin iidvuirt.i-. of the (iift sytcin. without any cot U them- w-lve fMiis si-th nirn l.iU-arvd -o,sl l.,H,ksin a very short lime; I..-S..K-S wincli. the liilis r ccivnl with the i ominiiy- sion inhiks win sell tor llMli-IImh i n m-i t to alllj.l v iy- tin-in lor their trcmldc ..... i .i ,-,ei , i.i;r ui irien nion. Ivrsous HiKitiiiK to act as su. ii. aiM all ;hw..kesiroiwof a Cata loue, n.ti eoiih-ra iator t.y jn-iMlnie. tln ir ddnns to G. G.EVANS, Gift Iltl-Store cuul libTtahiiry JIousi - 43aCJIrXtT STKKKT, , - l'liiladeli.lria, Pa. Feb. 4, Clotliing 3imporiiim, MAXSlOjj HOUSE CORNER, I SAiLisnrnii, w. c, "Mere tlie Wf? assortment trtf Ready Made Clollilng at all tuac to le oli taijied, at low.pricw. My Stock corti.ts tf Coats. Pants, Vests, Orereoats, Drmch-s, Under Clothing of every description, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, c, . 4i I. 1IOFFUN, - 3Iansion Hotise Comer, Kaliisbnrv, N. C. JanV7, 18-VJ. j-llni HORSE k JACEVCOIS. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED HANDSOME OUTS, HOESE BILLS, PROSECTtTS , THE IEEDEIL-EXPEEfS,' , .C. ' ... ..!-. IJi I - StatesviUe Iredell ftonntygrACN,, . -l A,-'' -, .BY .J, V'-ti ' Iebitors and PRoipkfopspr'" - At,$2 a year, in advice. . Tue Second iVoLrjiB Gommex?ed 3?,lJ$8j M5. Pi iji jmlje 3ii- i ... ' Vt- I iirj !.. - The. Express . 13- now pue of tllargest, neatest, and'.dcst'iiarsjrAililUfa'- the oiaie, uemg jwiiiimi ui xo. sAUXigion Press, tipon riiew Trpc, ffoiu tlie. Ff iindry oif L, Johnson & Co., TIiiladeJpLia, ard i'apcr of the Lest oualitv. "It Ihj 'devoted. to 0 50 eo Tifi:- 11 iriv... .1. , '. -.. - lb.. & -Mvt mercc. jviisceiianeous iicaam?. aur to uevetonmeiit .01 ine tfesoiirces oii'WPHtftrn North Carolina. - Ample CohgressiSnAl la 0 Lc2iIativ ive Eepprts will bb fouud ifLits 12 (HO K U1 umns, with csfract "froml Foreirn.-Stod. 4uoo luestic Journals olVwhateyer 13 liiwOtthj'; 10 uo lif other prtibns of the country andlorld." .10 00 - Tne JExpress wiji advocate. Wlugyrlii- S'tK cipies, as tb true conpervauv-eifloctrine io o of the country, and tbe palladium tf Anier - 5 00 i.ean liiuerty, outsiac pi yni.cii Miop .1 M"-J pecurity tor the American. Unioiiv; orrup m tiou, cither in theCienera1! (ioveririhJent, or 2 oo anvTwrty adiuintstennit vill be flrirldlv l so manded in tlie'imme ol our iniureii'ftiuntrt. 1- 0t) Vo'vt trrnnnVwbiph. wairinnniTtir-il 10 U) . - V, .. : vVs - 7 Oil "ogiio itiiiwiajy in n'urwji, nnu (Ujsoeeil i' oti "streTurtheirincr its cliains'tiy fiilst-hooirrio the 3 5& Pr(:seHt a.v Jrnmbugginpr the teoplii'by'de- 2 6b ccittulncss, -will be assailed, and., if i fo.as.iblc. H Srhs manncles eundereAL so tilra't the i wnls 2 5b f the jeoile may be bberateol,. an.drar&iWed '. IH F I . ' w iiiiniv lis ireemen lor inemse vos t 1 5t). i 50 1 m 4 50 2 SO The"Expres3 bettyr theioidy AA'uf?; v-t ,,l,i;c,t.,i,l ; ti.;.-, '....J.. :X vfe: Jovr .i ...i u Liiofiiiiv.t ui turn vouku vrol 'HH J; liistriet. th WhiH in wliicli are stinpost'd to fiil niorc tlian a common desire to patroni.e jifn sus tain an advocate Of their cherished pf la""iples within the .District, we ijjjieal.to tjjem, as well as to our friends in othLr fiortioiij of the 1 bO eoutttry.-to lend us their tiijiehy aid, ,fat Express ma v hava a wide circulation.' (both home and abroad, as a inest-nger;of Uiseful- n ess.. i ' . .. ; " AYEK'll Cathailic .ij-jJls, (SLTGAli COA i'F,) , . AKe MADE TO 'r CLElNSE TKSEIOOD AND CUBE THj j SICK. liivullils, Fathers, Mothers, "Phj-sj ;ins, I'liunutUropists, rcaa their I0n$ jts, htid jutlge of their; Virtues FOK THE CUHl OF ' ,: ' k ' . Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Sl) orch. 5J 5 ITTTSiuRii. Pa.. M.-iv JlSa.i. D. J. C Aver. Sir: 1 have km rei eateiflmiivd T the worst hwulaciie any IkxIv osii Inive l.v Vi dirf nr. two of yonr Pills. It seems to arise from ii foul" sfoiun w'liith tliey eluaiise at once. 1 f they will cure others jp hey Uo ino, tin' fact is worth knowing. ' i , 'lonra wilh jrivat respect, KIH.W. PltKtoK. Ctrrk Stf.rmer eW ji ion. Uilious Disorders and Jbiver Com p; tints. l'tPAimiEXT OF THE J.NTEBl .Jt. h WAHiNaTo.v, Dj G., 7 FeK.,.jjBo.-j Sin : I linve ned your Pills in my ireiienil' iittrkW!fritji1 practiee ever since yon iade thcni.aud ciiimot. In ts Hty tliey are the ln-st eathnrtio we employ. Th- rt-u-, la tiiir action on the liivr Utftiick ancj duviiieil. cojj fKent ly they are an ailinWaUe remedy for ileranwin'erijW that Oifrnn. I ndeed. 1 hare sehlotii fraiiul a nine of bnt rfiV euse go ohstinate that'it did ljot reailjly yield to Pm. - ir.iurnaily yours, Al.O,XZ0 llAl.L.jJ. P., . JUisician of the J.'arinffpujnhil. Dysentery, Rehix, nnid VormfJ Post Office. lUm i.m. Liv. Oo Mien- Xov.?M. ikjlr. Di. Avfu: Yolir Pills are the iri'eftim of irciilietno They hare done my ypfe inoi pxidi than J enn you. She liad l-en sick arid pining away for'iiKmt4i y AVept oil to be doctored Ht great expense, bqt jrot no haUYh .She then eon:ineiec.d taking yonr Pills, wliich soon ?'d her, hy expelling huge inHtities of woj-ni8'(dead) .fjn her biMlv. They afterwards cuted her niul our tra" .ll.lreiv of bloody dysentery,. One of our neigilibyi had Ir-id. nnd my wife'rim-d him w ith two dose's iof ronr'ifc i W'btb. otliers nromnl n pM fron live to twenty dMirloctprs' . hills, and lost much time, without being enraditii'ely even then. Such a lneOiiine as yonris, which IsctRally Kooil auil honest, will lip prized. bcro-i " GEO. J.MKlh'Yjy. rostit'liier. Indigestion nnd Impurity of the ood. t'roni litr. J. r. Ifime. 1'atlor of Athenl trinatrhf DC ArtR: I have nf-ed yoivr PilloUrilh extrilfinnnr snreess in my family nnd nmonx tho Inni rnlleljjoyjsit Hi distress. To reeula'te tho onrans nf diVestim'i tS-A nnrt. fy tho bloixl tliey iey me the very 't remedy I ht. ever Lever """"u. "iu i can cminuentU' recoilinieiid theiftia mV tly nmrt,.. j. j. v. lH)li.J. '. AY.iRwwTOjnxn'Co:. Nl T., Oct. 24iiS55. , r"!AR f IR 1 twlnj: yonr Cnthmitic ITlls In nl: prac tice, and lind them an excellent purilive to-cleiffiiu tho' system nnd pnrify Uie fotintninv of the l.tcod -" T:' - JOHN (i. 31SACHAM, fh D, -. Erysipelas, Scrofula, KinK Evil, letter, l umors, and Salt Itheum. 2 . Fi-oc: I,rwardivg MereltatU of St.Xouit, f b. 4'1?50. Dr. At : Yonr llfls are the pc.tinpoii of lt vjmt is prent in medicine. They hare cured! mv little diiehfer of nleeroiiR sores upon her hands and'feet that hmriroved iiienmhie for years. Her mother had ibeen Ion" evous ly afflicted with l.lotches and piniplea ion ber skin nd jn nur lmir. After our child -was rnreil alie icr, t.ii i .(.,. I Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MOUGKH -OK. - Rheumatism, Neuralgia,! and doU F-o) Vie Her. Dr. Hu tales, of the itdlnoilist Eis. T$urch, " i iLA&u itorRS. saxaxxah. Jl'., Jan. 6. f S56. IToxoHED Sir : I should be ungrateful for thereby our skill hns brought me if I did not repm t my ense -fyon. A cold settled in my limbs and brwigiit on cx-eW:iitlDB neurnlKic pains, which ended in chaonic 1 heuiitisinr Jsotwitbstandin,; I had the best of physicians, tbe-fceiw grew worse and worse, tmtil, by the ailvice of. yout,reb lent fluent iir Ilaltimore. Dr. Slackenife. I tiWvftSliii. Their effects were slow, but sure - V, ii.j-tirin,l n. tlie Use of them. I atn now ontirolv '. . . ii CUMt IIAMIIER. 15ATOS I'.Ol'CE.iL., 5 Dee.. sS5 i.i Av:RA1 llaTe btuP entirely cured by your '-, of . ! ooeuiunnc uuiu a painlul disease fflnt .hnd amicfrt me For Drops y, rietliorn, or ldiu!rcr(ffTn R-tit rcmccly. 1 b f "t V ft- For Costiveness or Constiimtion, nl'fl its a IJl..,er Pill, tbey are ..ahleW nVU 'J f ttLtf' fnPPression, raralyjiis, Inffmna- tion,and even DeSnes, and PsiUrI liWdn Tii WncwbJ':fthelterHUectionLese Mct of the Tills in mnrkt contain Mercnrr. vrTiii, al tliongh a TaliinMe r.-medy in skilful llmnls, is danrom in a public pill, frbm tl.P tlreadnd, ponswjuenc g tlS fre (inontly fi.llhw- its iiK-antious w-o. 11 coiitain BBior cury or mineral substance wbatevtr. t 3 AYER'S CHERRY PECTOEAL - FOR THE RAPID CCllE OF ;f COUGIISj COLDS, HOAnSEJfESSISi.U. esza, nnoKcunris, iioopiiv COUGH, ROl'P, ASTIifllA, IN-f CIPIKKT CONSl'BIPTIOX. .ivV and f"r tlie relief of conbumidive ji.iitnts in Bdt &cfd tnrns of tbe (liHrage. .''' r ' AVe need not sneak tn tlie i...l.'t; - "Ii-L." Tliroiivliont exvvy towo, and ulnnwt cinTiabilHW the ,"m,il "n StnU. Ms tetftu cures il' l'ulnionarj&om- Bilmlir III any civilixed t-inintrr r,n 1 LA. r.nt wme ix-rsonal expffience of it etta-U ; and few' yct tbe comniunitk-e any wtor w birh have not amonfrt4ern' ,ouie living tn.pl.y .! its Tictory over the Kubtle au 5aa- nitMt iK.werful antidote yet known to plan for thei'SD.t ciable and d.-intrcrous iliseaiRes of the pulnionai orli, r1 "" "-.. i i-i i ne imtMit anu tuim-. u i i. i s i. ... .iT-nuic-.! nun pineal reuieay tuat can tf i.m- ploj jsl ft.r iiifniits nnd voting percoi.gi 1'arents s'isald have it in ntnre nrn.imt the pnemj tbat i-al ip-u tb.iii unprepared. M e have abinidaut gwhTt to Miexe the Ci.rrry I'tciortti wren more: lives by thfoiin nimpt ions it prevent!! than thtwe it cm ex. Keep t .4 by yon. nd cure yonr coldg while they are rural. !e, noeR-le-t them until no human nWill can niastef the inexfMle canker that, faatened on the vitals, eats your life tV-sV - .... .i.c un-nuiui laianry oi luiit ii)inprK. at- as. thfV V i . . .... . .... . I . - - . r . i . . ' V 3 w uie t.riues oi mis remeay, we iieecri- t do more than to assure theni it is Ull niade the bestf caa we M'sre uo roet, uo care, no toil .to produce Mbc tiMWl perfect powille.and thna a fiord those hoton it tbe .lieat sp.i v hnf skill eaa fuiniah fi tbelisrev PKEPAHED J)Y DR. J. (1. A,YEB, ' Practical and Anarytical Chemist LoweU, lfl. A7 D SO L D IS V Si1 Ilaviland, StevcnsoAiX Co fhinvlo-tn.&f A.-Bradley, Wnmin-ton ; K.antohd Co.. .Norfolk; N. F. Rfvea. Jdirslmr... cfcll, Iid.1 &Co.,eKiclimoHd ; iK K J. Gaitlier,' Newfon ;W. If. Miclittl, thtcoWk,n-. ami Di-uititgarid Dealerd itrMe.lieinf e!rv wLere. For nl.W j ' i-.- Sf: IlICKE RT. i Statei-iril! STATESVILLE HALE'ACIBEMT, J. 13. ANDRE)VS, PiUNCiPAii The Second Sesgidn of tlUs Iuctitutjonlk-ill roiunii-nrp on V P fi V TVTk A V Tt '7IT'- AUY o, 1k.'j;- . r The Academic Year will le dirided iota. Mo Sessions, of 21 Weeks ea"eh, IPopiLicls -' ea irom. date 'p! entrarice. j ' v ; RATES OF TinTlON-, i ;. Onlmary Enjrlish brandies, pei 8es., ClaMucal Iep(uimene, - . K -i00'' laches arul Drill carefully iattended.: W without extra charfre. -! . , kill' CALENDAR FOB JL859. 'January; MHER February, 1 7 - . 8. H15 21 ' 22 28 . -21 91 3 10 4 11 18 n or 10 17 23 1 24 Harch, 1 . -8 15 -2 3 i I 10 10 17 el 4 U 18 25 13 - H" - J tne 20 i 21 22 23 04 27 28 29 3(y31 -and "cob Do- April, " 1 8 15 22 29 C 13 20 27 .W0NT1TS.., 32 1 5; 2 'f P S '0 5 " - " - y d i vj ; f . 16; 17 IS 19,' 20 - 23 24 25 20 27 S 3 4 5 G 10 11 12 13 . 17 1&- 19 20 21 2," 20 27 1 2' 3, 4 8 9 10 U 15 lu 17 18 22 23 '24 25 20J-J0 31 ','' " 1 5i. 0 7 8 12 13 14 15 10 20 21 22 20 27 23 23L - ".1 4 ' 5". C 4 10 111 12 13 J 17 .18 19 ,20 - 24 2i 20 27 . 31 :';t'l 2 3 - 7 ' ' 8 0 10 14-15 TO" A7 21 22 23 24 " 28 2'J '30 "31 ' 4 5 0 7 11 32 13 14 IS 19 20 21. 25 20 27 28 2 ill 4 5 0 10 Jl 12 1G 17- IS 1!) 23 2 i 25 20 30 31 1 14 21 28 May, no 5 12 19 2G Lv n June, O 0 10 23 30 3 10 17 24 ol to July, 1 8 15 oo 29 14 21 28 August, 4 11 5 12 l'J 20 the; is at e it ember, 1 8 :io wo 29- 2: 30 October, 0 1 14 21 28 :i3 20 or- Xovelnlier, 1 8 15 22 o 0 10, 23 30 ' 4 11 18- 0 7 l.r i4 20 21 27 28' 10 7-.. 24 Decc'mbcr, o 10 4 n 18 25 0 13 20 . 12 10 1 14 21 28 2-23: $9 30 -1 AREIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. ! EASTERN MATE j Arrives daily at I'm . -lorn. P. 31. ' departs daily at fill. I.'un. A. M. - ;STEUX MAIL Arrives' Mondays, Wwliict-day, and JVi- days,; at (V F. Ml " j pejiarts samci days at G A. M. j HJTUERX MAIL Arrives 'edn-eeidavs 'and Salnrdavs. at 1 F,M. - ; ' lciarts Tuesdays nnd Fri.iavs, ht C A.M. HAMPrIYNVILLE MAIL, vi.j Betliany '3nirgli ; i Arrives Tticsdaf, at o V. M. Ife-iaits Wedne.-lavs, at 7 A'. It. II AM1TOX VILLE MAI L,. via Lll.ertv Hill Arrives Fridays, at 7 P. M. ' i t Depart Saturdays, at 7 A. M. ! ' VILKSBOTc )V( U MA IL ' j Arrives Fridays, at O P. M. . Departs .Satui'davR, at G A, M.- M0UXT ULLA MAIL Arrives .Saturdays, at " P. M. j ' . lL'j.arU famelav, at 7 A. M. : TAYLOPvSVlLLE MAIf ! . - Arrives Mondavs and WetlnosJavp P. M; ; ' Deports' Ttiesdnvs and Tlir.rsdavs, A. M. ' v r at C at LEXINGTON' MAIL, via Moeksvilk Arrives Tuesdavs, at 12 M. Depart Thursday, at 1 P. M. ! ' Jr Ii. F( SIMOXTOX P. M. 9 T 0 R ! i.i. t E r ;:;: ..n:i.i i:v i-r. santokiv; i'o::!:o iJi;l:! cuUrely from CilMIS, L'iM.'Vv '.K '' " ' nKtiT I' ATI VK A Sit til VER MR- , n.wn, .rmurari'iiil iluutiuiy oilier niedk-iiw kiwM. t r.,ii only n '..A..rr...l.it a Lifr rrmeity, nrlii Br.l mi lln tc i.teirci iih . Ii. nmilc(.,llienii llw lunuich and bxarU '?TX$ ,,,!" tli.is Nrnmlililiir lwopnrii eHwrui- I'S, .Ilium iin.vi.rihe miiiful ri-elin.' exiwiiei.rcd ju lliriiit.a (il lll f '.I....,.,. It lr... ..'!,... il,. .... ..... .i.ie that It .iii;m il ; n. wn.n lken dailv in imrfriiile di., will MreHg'.lien nnd build it up with i.ininun'l raj.idiiiy, t Tlie Idver i one or tlie I prim ipal rrir.ilelom of lln iniuuii twly ; and -hen it 0jt pcrlorin Urn liiarii.nn well, H's werfc or die nTHteni are I ka lidlv devel.wd.' l l.W..m.i.A ... Hl..i..i ei.l.ieijr .lewn.Jei.t i ZT on il.e li.-nlihr aciiuii ol Lir-r lor Ui pni er l erfonn , Qenre.rf llfiiiK-iiQ,,: l.ei.i;. luiiae!iuaiU.ill,iliru,w,.arV Mt fault, aiot ll.r n"l vs:em unrn iue..ei'itnice , or one o. l'.mi iHe Llrer viut fwl.l ti. .buy. If K,r th ol llml ..r a.t; ..e ttio pi..,., M..i Jw ui.i.ii- h l.ii. m.ly. in practice of more Ihnii twenty ei, to E.ul i-ii.e uruHt arlierewiili to eimiiitm.-; i i iukii) deiaiiueiiiiiiiU 10 iticii lsprn.-e IIIHI ll.: rrnwxlv imi "a blr't ariih l.lver ( oui- A Ira tint to tiy H-bonle, ami i I'ltvWJ OlIIUS' Knuii. nil al laM ..nnd. anrnerpon Iron )lnlu t , In m. ui Iti foima, . un i.li.xi U mini... iiiorlVhl or Imd. iuailrr from .Ure a livaliUllow of bile, rnao.ng food l ilifni veil, r !..(.' tone and fceaith I ilf ilic catic of llw dieaa tbenj Mein. attpplj h, their ( CJJ n.v.K.railiie il, lurifyliiStlie b:oL,'M wUole muchiuery. reiu inc efferthig a radiral en'e. I A Ulflonil nttr.ok are1 Jtt ter, ir-vei:t;il, f , 1.1 rer In vljrorat Ji . .' Olio (loxe alter rutins t. ,r. rnufd nnl. Mhnl fit ocvaeivlwl et C tb frieul lo relieve Il.e lionise! anu jireve.it Hie I.-hI faun Onlv ol.e l.n tiiken befure mafe, " ' Only e d.wc tnken al . riMRX soil MinrtiiK. letirinif, preieinai lVljjlif- W'tflll. loAftllS OlA lM)Wl.lt . r...e loa-'r.- 1 1 -.' n...M Sir. a " ""i',pa iual in rareUyaper.su e.';!r. Morbfia, and a preventive ! )of ClltJer " -lhie bottle Ukm ror j i jaitlle rmiHill sal- vnw ooae laicen a short f"3 tin.. hrr. M.i .1 . rr to (lie appetite, ,,d maker One doe often, repealed ! (ond diirest well Ib while 8nmmtr aud UOWji eoiiifcUlnts yjid 6 ue cure nl (Tbildren t there is no Mirer, tlfcrks rnmwd Wr Worm In alar, ok apMdwr ramady in OrefMr bjr exeftinc b m. ii Herer ftulm. .A- faw- boil lea eurw abwrbajits. ' We Inke jdaasnr in reeom pre rand ve lor Vfrr a ml and all Kerora of a nil aitfaeerlaintjr.and ''i-sisinlr mending lid medietna aa a .A,,ea-rui,Ij -rfF, loiM Trp. It operate v,ar willing lu tealir to lu wooaarnii viaao. Alllvbo nie l ..t..! . - 1911111 Wite fn ..: . THE LIVER, iwvrrimj IS A mKXTtFIf' wnii. i r.-..-t . . . .. worainr Cirea, almost t. mw. k.ii . y, ana knuu t- "wi, wrra mooill nora thaa ana aottka Is renired te eare aT .M of Lleae l o-lr.. from th. mr..! j L.ITer Coaa plaint, " VycVl reault ofa lta4-ned Urr. i rice oh BOLLaw re a koniv. nr. dAXriUil), fropHaior, S Uroadwa, Kaar lark. Retailed 1J U inj;it. Xoi.l,rl,Lf S. J. RICKERT. .StAtesville Feb. 1C-11 Simoi i ton Tannery. T WIJL continue the Tanning Bnsl- nes, with- John Hulihnril ni Foreman, and exrvct to keep at my Ol ilve;. aiKl the Storcfl in Statesville. a larire lot of Sole, Harness, And Upper tea ther, Calf find Mieon Skin. Ac,. whicb, will be gold on reascnable terms for Cash or Barter. t,i f-t" ' -'y - I will pay the highest prices in; Cash or Leather for hides and'iWic.i" " . - i 1 , R. F. SIMONTON. January 1; 1859. 5-ly . i o 12 19 2G 12 19 20 2 0 Hi '23 30 ,1 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 o 9 1C 30 G 13 20 2 3 10 17 24. - 1 s 15 22 29 ;i 12 1!) 20 0 17 24 31 ax ius isjsiss OFFICE. Dec, 24; 1858. . 4-tf v ' H i