.. . .H TERMS OF ADVERTISING,; One Dollar a square for the firetieek, and Twenty-five Centa fori every week thereafter. Sixteen' lines or less! win make a square- l)cdWt!ons .made in ivf a fbllewi :' favor of etari(din mat- EUGEN ' - 3 sib 0 M03. Jv..50' do.ou VkOO 1m f $8.00' ; 20.fk' Editors and Proprietors A. Family Newspaper-Devoted to .Politics, .Agriculture, '-Manufactures;; Commerce n lid. Misoellaneoxi .f Rpadin 1 Three wmarcH. . lO.ljKJ .When directions a TERMS OF THE TAPEK, rc not jrtven how often Vol. II. Statesville, N. C, Friday, June 1Q. 1859. No; W7: to' insert a4i 'Advcrtisdmcnt, it will lie publish $2 a Year, in Advance. ed tin til ordered ,dU,t, 3f 4T- B B. DRAKE- f SUJV, i--- , - ,;;?g.H ; -fT it.; i Coimmuutntions, ron:i of viei- Ou We.l- tlie reveille For jt lie Express. Minnie Cadets Dr. Eamseys Address commencement at uoneoxa iremaie Cc-l&sei &c., &c SVeeft CrcSoreraet wasConimencieiiient week in Statesville, and an unusual th tore came To enjoy thq festivities ; '-ifi.esilay morning, the drum beat 1 for the students of the Male Academy to spend the -day in a new sphere of public de- moitratio an-I right worthily did" they jirove rliPiTiflverf masters in the hall, as they iKtif previa ity duiH' njnm this fW.I. Honor .fo.hirn' wWIki: st fr?f fluffy tFirifLnl them in . &.h, arnJ liaise tu them for-the r skill and aVsfduitv id learning ! ' The exaniunation was all that coi.hLbe asked by the most sanguine, 'A ami the "-Minnie Cadet " are noi' affixed in- ytitution. p)r. J. G. liamsev, of jRowan,.ad- " dressed the Cadets on the evening! of 'the next day in the Presbyterian church. A large as setnblage of jeojle was in attendance to hon or him win spoke, and those wio were ad- ilressed,' with a respectful attcntian. Dr. R. may know from the audience licit evewtug .assembled what a reputation helihs acquired ji.s an orator liirf address with souii". wtjul.l willip . enured . recent Mine -. Dr. U. oCct As a profes rent 'in bin : jiiid at) lU here was 1 varied excellencies.' eomplifthed scholar, eard with the re--e t n Tlmi credit to t l'lilness of ' exanunatu that their t tally testet iiitercsting tile varioti . and his hearers, whc listened to so jnirely classical ! . irrjilste wisdom and jracti"c!l Coutisel, igly excuse the delivery which by" frreat debility resiilting from s. In many departments of life, tes no lncoiiHicieraitie station. sional man, he isearnfstnnd dili- vocation; as a statesman, high- toned and upright ; n model citizeiiland friend, lis address due to his taught the consoling truth of a, " brighter be yond," where leaves fall not nor spirits grow weary. Th Field of Knowledge, unmeaaur: ed and untraversed by mortal vision, checked the unwise aspiration for impossibilities, and taught the proper sphere of duty, while, last ly, "Our Beautiful World" was depicted in language, etyle, and sentiment, so rich, pure, and lofty, that many we're taught "!to love it better than before, and to appreciate the gra cious boon of existence here. Diplomas, with beautifol copies of the Bi ble, were presented to the young ladies of the class by the President, who addressed theirr ! in an appropriate and instructive manner. The "Hour of Parting" was sting at mid-; night. Many a bright vision of usefulness and happiness came to the hearts of the ad miring throng, for those who had just entered upon the world, and they were the bearers of .wishes and hopes that, "In the world's front field of battle, i lu the bivouac of life-," they might be shining lights in their genera tion to illumine the existence of many others, and tha, in fine, they might be the possess ors of "TJM-fr fesrest earthly crown, the wrenth that twtues, Not roand loud Platforms, or inud Senate Demos, Rut tlnose pure Altars, thtwe perpetual Shrines, , Whial gnu-e aud gladtU-n all our Saxon Homes. D, ( R. Live for Something. BT CHAELES SWilJf. Live for something, be 'not idle 1 , 1,00k a!xmt thee fir employ! Si not down to useless dreaming Labor id the sweetest joy. Fuhled hands are err vresiry, SelfUh hearU Jiro m-ver ffny. LiS? fr thee hath many dutii-H ActiTe be, then, while jroo may. Scatter blessings in thy pathway : tierrfl; wonls and cbriDg smiles El ft'T are thaw gnld and silver. Willi their grief-dispelling wiles. A,the plcaiwnt snnliioc folleth Jvit-ub the grateful earth,. So" let sympathy and ki'ndn. Oladdcu well the Uiirkened hearth. Jlearts there e cppresned and weary: Irop the tear of sympiithy ; Whisper words wf hope and comfort, Oive, and thy reward, shat bo Joy unto thy soul returniug From this perfect fuuutain head, Fre-Iv. as thou freely pivest, Shall the grateful light be sliL-d. !!)iste((ancous. jtdav, the examination ( -ol 1 ege com i n e 1 1 ce 1 . the Vn-rtaU ittine wak jwrformed, and the xercises at The usual pupils did iemselve, iind honor tii the faith- leir. instructors. The ti was thorough onn it (iiiiirenient.s were luliy I. The Beautiful Decoy. It is well known to all in any degree familiar with 'the history" of Mexico, that a regular system of highway rob bery exists m every section of that miserably governed country; and that through a want of interference of the authorities, this has grown-up into f . A ' i For the Express. Examination at 01m- The Annual Examination of Olin High School commenced on Tuesday the 24th inst. Quite a number of visitors were in attendance, . .1 , l r J .- c among whom were me pairons anu menus M ., .r. , v . V ,nt nnrl of omivs T tm,t tn the . . t , . r I. . out iiiu nw l. J: it is natural he should ralue his life highly, it seems to me natural that he shoulcl pay a eertain sum for positive safety rather than put that life in jeo pardy . For instance, in traveling from Vera Cruz to Mexico, if he will first reckon that so much is the fare By. the diligencia, and that so nmch will be required for entertainment on the way, and so much for the contingency you speak of, he will then have the exact cost between the two "points; and if he will look at the whole as thesinn total of his journey, he will not seem to be I robbed by any one party more than (another.' 'That,' I replied, 'may be, I believe is, the Mexican imode of doing busi ness, but does not tally with the pre conceived idea of us foreigners.' ' 'But every one,' replied the fair sneaker, 'should conform to the cus toms of the country he visits.' 'Arid do you then go prepared for this highway robbery ? and have you no fear in thus journeying by yourself V 'Well, Senor, what can I do? I am, as you perceive, an unprotected lady; who, for certain reasons, am. required to make the journey between Perote- and the Capital corner twice or thrice a year, and you could not expect me to go . prepared to resist an armed band ! As to fear, I will not deny I have nay share of that ; but, so far, I ?If I had. the means, Senor ..j my presence 6f mind,: and noi$&tood I have two pistols,' said I : if vou4 sinslv between numbers: But tf Idea ' ' W w will accept on- of tjiem it is at vouH of yielding tamely to this outrt ewas service. 'With ease," Senorita; and producing one of my revolvers, , I explained to I 'Will you accept this purse ?14id I, her the manner in which it was to be S prom:ing one that held seve'rt'gold i 1 1 . ! -i -d . - . ' r useu. ctnns, anu nanuinff it i to tne e aei otj 'And this yo say, will shoot some i the ladrones. r H ' half a dozen tiDies,' ; , r 'Tliank vou, Senor J you faSSyery 'I think it safe to calculate that five kind,' he said, as he took itinliifrl-aw!. charges out of six. will explode, Seno-1 rita. 'A very formidable weapon, rdeed' she replied ; 'and with such 1 can al with a polite bow, and chink .t- the money. j ; 'f-- "This diamond pin may prcSe ac ceptable to your friend," I addd, as most fancy we are safe. You have an- I quietly removed it from the j iosom other, you say, like this V of my shirty and handed it to tlJ qtn- such a regular and formidable sliarev " O . - . i t. that cA-erv traveler must be prepared have never met with any rougn treat or be provided with a suitable contri-- saints that my fortune will ever be as i . i 7 1 11 7 7 . ! t lU t vivAril-iAn. the institution, giving unmistakeable proo .i-i : . ...l.C.U I.. if l.i- c-i-iii nl ! 4- i i m offl;,,, 1 ,w.hm r,f ,..1 ' '! bution lor tos caoaueros .ut'iouiiinio i ute . " uu"- least, m tl.lud,erto afflicted . ucle.u, of . d- roUd,) who, in the event 'And you have reallv been robbed ucation The attendance of the wnter was i Knigni- 01 uil iuu,; , '"'1- J 1 au ... , . Lfflmiimrvhii nronavpd a 11 (1 wi 1 it r. on your 1 ourne v back and forth: I .-.,,,.-l.o ..(nrrimlui iV I in Cfll'pS fo tt. l.Ut J f l O' I ' method of general, fo and iniiar- Miteh iniirht le .;iid of these exercises, even jiartitinlaried to. 1 1 .i- 1 . ! . i . . ji . i' Hi classes aim 1 lie uiu,reni fimmn, but such isr unnecessary here. The s-lrt veiling music was goilf anil the .1 . 1 1 mi winch of the enl . reatlihess w tiiade was sjarit stirrii cheered bv regret ted, 1 . 1 Iress with prevented : the perfot iiiances were satisfactory. There Was nianv a we heard ruost of theclasses exai we hazard nothing in saying that heard a class subjected to a more rigid and thorough examination than most of the class es to "which we had the pleasure of listening on that occasion. Nor hare we ever attend ed similar exercises where the classes were "encrallv better (we had almost said as well) ..iniw;..l laetniJ tlip tct n.f svich aft examt- nati. " 'il.ey secured ".to- be as familiar with whkh among maiiy others so puzzles their snWccts as though thev had been but 1 aim pci jh.acs uiu. lun-nigtiu 'g ' household words. T might truly say a great nined and .will make their levy with a politeness j inquired, t we never only equalled by the smiling landlord, 'I think I h when he receives your overcharged tare for last night's entertainment. Why sueh systematic bo-hlness of robbery is allowed if not with the' connivance, at least with rarely any interference of the government, or state authorities is one of those mystical matters ers, but; that such is the disagreeable d and many a heart uplifted and its benign influence. The absluce of theannual oratbr was much Many had anticipatejJ that ad rc;tl pleasure, but circumstances fs realization, ( hi Friday evening, the coiupai of friends tlh Concert irtunately. otherwise and visitoiis was in vitc to enjoy and the rMiiatiii2 exercises. l'nl the trainers ot t lint lniposmg ano convenient College .building, had not made arrangement for so large a concourse of peo ple as were -that night anxious to be admit ted. So 'i'reat, was the crowd and socager were the inanv hundreds to witness the per- loruianceij that ipiiet qpuld not lie restored until a la tie hour. In addition to the wcll- t-clectcdiiwLsical jicrformances both voral and instrumental, compositions were read by the voving ladies who graduated. The order and subjects were thus: A An Indian lA'cnd !Wm. Mi-s M. b. St w(iit .tstreTille. lnvi-! hjive t St:it.-svill. o; iiiiiii"- Uiu .A.(';ildvidl l ield of f.tplmc. M leirtime to fiill. Miss t'Hiini' M. Arnilield. Mis J. -ti s-erii tri 'titiT tlt.'Hi tlii.- wiu ld Stiiti-sville. Ivu.iHlrdir" is.too liirvti" foriini oue miud to rt J. M. Iti-tl. SUt.-ivil . Cur Uwutiftil W.n 1 1. Mrs M. .1. 11:111, iHoioroiigli. It is a wusely-adoitel policy of tihis institu- 4 . 1 . . . :. . ttoti tocomter no (iistincitou on graauauon, . . ... e.MOCpt Ihd it as an ui " wbo regai - lion of a honorable aim at the usual rq'ft. Some 1 uty regard wise omission, but tlier are others 1 it in its true light. 1 jhv- aepusi- igh -position in a clasp, however it nray be, is no sure niiuex ot the same standing in the world. There .. L L A. .1....... ..-.tl. I nt 1-4 too nitffn. a nerieci sausiaciioii vun honor, am!, in after years, it is iniboth sexes, too freiuejifly an inducement to indolence furtifshingj i! ess of h:t periods. of j i;isition time of toi : maiientlv the agreeable but fatal conscious- viiig won a name already. Such labia-, also, are too briej" for the ac f anv distinguished hoor: A life- rations ar Irtng years less gifted time, lb when onl many' rest toil up the pie shiner eminence kvhati per- whose 1110- whose asm- highest, w'Jl reach, through those I and anxietv can give worthy, and he or she lives are deeest and purest, and , the desired goal, even lav ruii well with-thwiw for a short inanv . heck their MiOll toil manifest, capaentv the buddinz is attained ! aims How in the vallev below, reluctant to hihts " where HinH afar,''' if only,lhe firs v mictieu. i.ue- i though the loftv proud rem and feeble real, life is earne.-t," jiiid the man or the wdmau whose lbma hiher atmosphere, must hmid thc.rough realities of life, their to ialor and to wait, fori the reward The tinsel-glare of a college idisfiincttou may be, gold'i tithe eyes of manv-y aiid it may be regarded ly them a the coin wl-jich can pur chase the fortunes of existence, bjnt the brave ask no venal honors, and wish oudy the shield of true steef to defend them while they strug- pie. . . . : '.'.; These remarks will, doubtleis, bear , the sanction cf the class of young ladles who have so lately withdrawn from theeusion of col lege life to enter upon the worW. I Nut one Avill regret the omission oT a nijere, nominal distinction. They did their-dut-, and did it nobly. True, there were dirlereiiccs of merit in their e? says, but all furnished an interest that was manifested in the tlosej attention of i the audiepce. One depicted to us, in the sweet warjblingp of poesy, the heroism of Ho- neka, the hi varyii red man, his love, hi patriotisui, S fortunes and his ultimate happi ness, minkled with glowiug desca-iptiona wor thy of older heads. The next, in the figure of "Jeavfcs have their time to fall," told plaintively of this fleeting, unetjduring exis deal on this joint, but, to be brief, I will sim ply say that the students, with but few ex ceptions, gave proof of the fact that they had been students Indeed, ahd that their instruc tion had been of the very best order. , On Tuesday night, five members from each of the Societies, of their own choosing, met on the rostrum in challenge declamation. Modesty forbids, my awarding the victory, but, in justice to both, I will say, (and I think' z who were present will acuViesce with me,) that the declaimcrs fully sustained them selves, did credit tQ-their noble, institution, aird gratified their friends. This part of the exercises, as well as the preceding, was inter spersed with musje by Miss. Tucker and her class, which was the admiration of all pres ent. Miss Tucker is favorably known as a teacher of music, and her class at Olin forms another laurel in her wreath of distinction. , At 11 o'clock on Wednesday, the Annual Serriinn was preached bv the Rev. II. T.IIud- -j-fc------- - - "i son, of the North Carolina Conference. It was' a noble effort, abounding with proots of deep historical research, intense thought and sound logical reasoning, and was every way worthy of the man and the circumstances under which it was delivered. May he long live to advise and admonish the youths of the land. At two o'clock the belligerents from the two Societies re-assembled on the rostrum to renew1 the conflict, by reading compositions. These aspirants, urged on by sweet, soul swellin T music, struck by gentle haiMs and sung by rosy lips, continued their hostilities tibouttvvo hours, when all parties proved vic torious and bore away trophies which nothing but the withering hand of time can destroy. Mr. Clegg then arose and addressed the school and the audience in a very affecting manner, lie 'told them that circumstance? compelled him to sever his connexion with the school, lie spoke of his labors, sacrifi ces, and disappointments in Western North Carolina; vet he gave us such assurance of the benefit of his prayers and kind regard aa caused the tears of sympathy to mount from the hardest heart and flow from every eye. He .then informed the friends of the school-that the services of his worthy assistant, Mr. Mer ritt, had been procured as principal in the fu ture, and recommended him most heartily to the patrons of the school. The Rev. N. l Reed responded to Mr. Clegs i a few well-timed remarks, on the part of the aucucrtce. He presented Jlr. . with the well-wishes of the' audience, and in voked upon him the blessing ot Ueity to which the audience responded with an earn est, heart-felt " Amen." Thus closed the ex ercise8 of examination. ! And now for the party. About 8 o'clock, the school building was lighted from ground to garret, and the fairy forms of .light-hearted maidens, led by gallant beaux, were wending their way to tho party room in the third sto- rv of the school building. tAll seemed to be joyous and happy. - Not a discordant note disturbed the harmony that prevailed in that theatre of ha ppiness. ; Speaking eyes and ro sy lips mt . you at every turn. The merry laugh of innocence filled the room with mu-j sic, and was kissed by the passing breeze and borne 0:1 to cheer the gloom -of night with out. About J l o'clock, when the happy group numbered about 150, supper was an nounced, and all were invited into an adjoin ing room, where we found a table which eeeraed to bend beneath the weight of its lux uries, and which did much credit tojthe young men of the school, and to the ladies 'of Olin who , got' ft up. After supper, the students presented each of the teachers yith a beaut ful calie. tence, wiflh its - ajmB, its struggles and its crowning glory; then, appropriately, came VISITOR the warm,' .hearty ejaculation Ilea veu soem brighter than thia O! make world," and John F. Hughes, Bsq., has issued propos als for establishing a'hewapaper in TarboW to be called " The Star-Spanglcd Banner." truth aevevy .traveler through that wretched country can bear ample tes timony. ! Some years ago, having business which first called me to the capital of Mexico, and thence through the inter ior of the country to the northward, I met with several thrilling adventures, which I"" have, recorded for the benefit of whomsoever may take an interest therein, omitting only the dates, they being non-essential to the interest of the narrations themselves, The first of the series occurred on the route between Vera Cruz and the city of Mexico. In the regular diligen cia running between the places just mentioned, I had taken, passage, and had passed through the beautiful city ofJalapa, and entered the gloomy town of Perote, without meeting with any unusual incident, tljmigh being continually warned to befon my guard . . i i i iii - j . against tne dangers oi uie ruau. xxt, PerOte, wjiere we: halted for a relay and refreshments, all my fellow-passen gers took leave of me, very solemnly assuring me that, i if assailed by the lad rones j or robbers, it -would be much better for me to tnke matters quietly, and suffer myself to be generally plun dered, than to run. the risk of having my throat cut. for resistance, as I had somewhat boldly proclaimed it was my intention of doing. I thanked them for their advice, and replied that I would take the matter into serious consider ation. - . ' At Perote, I repeat, all who had been my companions from Vera Cruz took leave ot me, tins being tne enu oi their journey in jthat direction, but there was one new passenger to go forward, whoru to my agreeable sur prise, I found to be a beautiful young lady, some twenty years of age. Senorito Paula, as I subsequently ascertained her name to be, was indeed one of those rare beauties seldom met with except in : works" of fiction tall, frraceful, with a ' profusion of long, black hair -soft, clear, melting dark eyes features as perfect as ever came from the hands ol the sculptor, an with an animation the most fascinating, varying in expression with every chang ing raoocrot tne intellectual pressor. A glance at her bewitching dark eyes showed mc. that she was one who was naturally of .a social disposition, and as we rattled away from the gloomy town, I took the liberty of opening a conversation. 'Thev tell me,' said I, 'that the route between here and Mexico is a very dangerous one to travel. 'there is little to fear,' she replied, with a sweet smile and in a melodious tone, 'except-5 from V the professional robbers, and they seldom harm any one that makes no resistance.' 'It seems strange to me,' I rejoined, 'that you Mexicans should take such things as a matter pf course, and deem resistance a very impolite way oi weal ing' the knights of theroad, instead of boldly asserting your rights and aDat ing the. evil by ,a manly spirit of resis tance. For myself, I must cousiderit the most cowardly of proceeding, for any respectable party to set out pre pared to quietly sratify the cupidity of the ladrones, and unprepared to treat them to their just deserts. Every traveler, Benor,' she re plied, 'should, before setting out, count the cost of his journey, and as of course ave paid mv snare to tne hidron'ex for, my transit throve;!!, their count rv !' she laughed. 'And vor. expect to continue a re petition of .the same for the rest of your life V. 4 Who knows ?' she replied. At least I hope to be. always prepared.' 'And your fellow travelers,' said I; 'have you never seen any disposed to resist these unlawful acts ?r 'Once, Senor, an American and an Englishman, who were in the same di ligencia with me, fired upon the rob bers, killing one and wounding two.' 'And did the robbers fire back ?' 'Yes, but fled immediately, but for tunately injured none of our party.' 'As I should have expected,' return ed I. 'You were not robbed on that I produced it. 'What a beautiful invention !' she observed, reaching over and takiug it froca my hand. Then extending her hands, one revolver in each, she con tinued : 'Armed like this one might almost count himself safe against a host! You say this is fired in this man ner?' she proceeded, cocking one of the .weapons as she spoke, and point ing it toward the road. . 'Have" a care, SeDO-ritaT or you will discharge it I' The "words were scarcely uttered, when her fingers, pressed the- trigger, and one of the barrels exploded with a sharp report. A, minute after, and while I was gently chiding her we" heard a loud, quick tramp of horses, and several sharp, rapid exclamations. The next moment our conveyance was stopped suddenly, and we saw our selves surrounded by some eight or ten mounted men, one of whom, in a loud voice, exclaimed : 'Yield, you prisoners, or die !' 'Quick, Senorita?' said I, extending' my hand ; 'quick ! in Heaven's name ! orive me one of those weapons, for now is the time for decisive action ! Nay, she replied, putting the wea pons behind her, 'you will be too hastVi Let them suppose we yield let them open the door.' '0, no ! it will then be too late !' As I spoke, the door was- suddenly thrown open, and three or four swar thy, heavily bearded men presented themselves to my view. i 'Quick, Senorita, for the love of God ?' I cried, grasping at her arm. - 'Hold she exclaimed, presenting one of my own revolvers at my head. 'Re sistance is useless you are our pris- tleman on his left, who reeejve&l it in the same polite manner; u Thf dia mond ring I trust you jwill rctai as a keep-sake," I- continu drawif the jewel from my finger find pressing it to a third. "I beg your ptidon, Senores," glancing at the Senorita 'The Cavalry Officer. Col. Eugene Mjerville was in atta t lie '6T Ivanoleon Is' staff, ite was a repugnant to my very nature, A Arid I ' saldirr in th triad 'sense of" the word 'You are very linu, Senor but can resolved to put the least favara e op-j devoted1 to his profession, and bravie portunity lor Uefence and. retariation ias a lion: Thougli' Tery handsome, to the strongest test, j . ,i 1 and of fine beaTiitk he was of humble' birth a mere child of the camp. ancV r iiau louoweti tne arum ana Dutieirom boynooav jcvery j step in int tine qi promotion had hem won by tlie stroke of hfs sabre ; and (lis promoti Dn from' WKijor of cavalry was"4 for a gallant ; deed which transpired! on the little!---field beneath the Emperor s own eye. Murat, the Prince of Cavalry Officers," loved him like a brother, and taught him all that his on good taste and natural instinct had, not led him to acqnire before. 1, " " l it was the camiyal season in , Paris, and young Merville found himself at the masked ball in! the French Opera House. Better adapted in Ids taste " to the field than tlje boudoir, he flirts' but little with the eay figures thatcoV- Paula, who, with my pistols stilh n her er the floor and joijis but seldoin in thet . jiwotooiuil, .ws IjUltllJ Okuiiuuig'j mi, gtUlty WttllZ.. JJUL lib laSb Ull? BiaflU" ' diligencia, . regarding the whol" pro- ing thoughtfully, find regarding the eeeding with one of her sweetest iiiles, assembled throng with vacant eye, his "I must not forget tljis beautiful la- attention was. suddenly aroused by the dy,! I hare here," I veht on, Ut' the appearance of a person in a wliiite sat" same time producing the artier; , "a in domino, the universal elegance of very beautiful gold snuff-box s)t, as whose - figure, manner and pearing you perceive, with diainondsv-will convinced all that lier face and mind your ladyship honor ma by accepting mnst be equal to hr person in! loveli ' this, as a slight tokenf of my gard ness. ' M j for the pleasure afforded me biyoar 'Xliouh in so mixed an assembly, company and conversation i" rjj Mill there was a dignity and reserve m " I ou are a very gallant gentX-mafa, Sennr." she laucdied. takinsrthe Cro re- ' 7 n f 7 n t - i . . volvejs-in one fair hand, add prent address and it was, some time; belore ing the other. ; j 4 the young soldieif found courage to ' I reached the box towards h, but speak to her. j ! my 4iand trembled a little, and gst as , Some alarm beirfg given, there wa the. present was about to tou'ey her a . violent rush of he throng towards fingers, it slipped and fell betweln us ' tW door, where, ijnless assisted, the A, thousand pardons, Benorirja, tor tatty wouia nave maienauy bvuereu. awkwardness," I said, as I benown Eugene Merville offers his arm, and to pick it up. ' j - . with his broad slibulders and stout TCaw wa tha i"i.;,riTortnnt. miinpnt. frame wards off thie danger. (It was " I .... - . t. ' , w i .1 L the moment of life and death- All a dehghttul moment ; tne iaaj,spoKe were in a measure off their gvta.r$ and the purest trench, and was witty, one quick, fortiye glance showiS mc fanciful, and captivating. j 4 tlrat fbegxrf stillheld my weapqnearc- Ah! pray raisq that mask, and rc- lessly in one hand, with the oti ?r re real to me VUe Latins of featyye hat maining extended for the prize. I lif- must accompany sol sweet a, xppso and illy ; j but as laisea so graceful a lorm as you ppssess. ted the box carefully oner 'Good God !' I exclaimed, perfectly astounded ; our prisoner, did you say? It is not possible that one so tair and lovely as yourself, is in any manner ntioftfd with t.hpRA banditti J.' myself; I gave a wild, startlinell ; " You would, pjerhaps, and as the Senorita started ibac,, 1,1 pointed." ' ' be disap- 'Wc were not, Senor ; but the two foreigners subsequently paid dearly for their resistance: for in journeying back and forth, both were killed, sep arate and at different times, near the same spot. ' You see those crosses by the side of the road, Senor Y . 'I hare observed them frequently, but here they seem to be much more numerous,' I replied,- looking, forth from the vehicle. 'Each stands on the spot where some one has met a violent death,' she re- ioined ; 'and as we go along, Ave will call our attention to those which mark. the places Avhcre the foreigners met theirs.' 'Do you know,' said I, 'that I am resolved to emulate their example, let the consequences be what they may .'1 'Holy saints defend us !' she exclaim ed; 'you are not in earnest Senor ?' 'Seriouslv so, I assure you !' . 'You would only bring certain death 1 .17 i upon us uotn. Sav. rather. 1 should lighten tne .. - expenses of -the journey for your knights of the road understand retreat as well as advance and you yourself have acknowledged that firm resistance put them to flight at once.' Jlut there were numbers opposed to them, Senor, and you are only one.' 'But fortunately I have a Couple ot revolvers, which, in two good hands, amount to some ten or a dozen shots, and my friends have repeatedly told T V 1 1 me 1 am not a Dad marKsman. 'Ah ! Santa Maria ! you will think better of this, Senor the very idea of resistance terrifies me !' 'But not the idea of robbers ? 'Because I . have never met with vic-r lence.' We continued to converse in a sim ilar strain for some time longer my fair companion gradually changing the subject, and seeming much interested in myself. I learned that her family name was Valerde, that she was un married, that her father and brother were officers in the army, and so forth, and so on; and in return I gave her mv own name, stated sometningoi my history, business and prospects, anu altogether became more than I would advise any with nnv stranger of ei ...... j a strange country- oiln.nir oh ;in (ritio- fiW hk an aecomtlice of the robbers, or he j wheat that had been eutand shocked. tuiitcisaiiuu 1 j o e I; , . . " .i . .it a iinnifi ariii tt icr ' i r TifiT nil I. ill eniici- vun, mv v sudd-alv brought it back to the point i was but little hope of assistance fixm in the Caswell and RoCkingha coun- iuuucai) uiuuB t . ii. r ;-nbt ! k-i Kar.ft .fknBwlArfthlVmcrased where it first opened. W nro coming upon a dangerous v " - v o a . , connected with these banditti 'It is even so, Senor,' she replied with one of her most bewitching smiles, still keeping one of my own weapons turned against mysell, and significant ly pointing the other to the door. 'You will oblige us by stepping tortn and giving yourself into the care of these gentlemen who will see that you are treated as a'brttve'man should be, but who" will trouble you in the mean: time for any little change and valua bles you might have to spare !' ; There seemed to be no help for it the beautiful Senorita Paula Valerde was a spy and accomplice of the la- drones. She had entered the diligen cia at Perote for no other purpose than to ascertain the exact condition of things inside, and be able to signalize her associates as , she passed along, sof that they-might know exactly in what! manner to conduct themselves, and make their work sure, without risk. -ij By si simple stratagem she had ob-j rained my arms, just at the point where: she knew the attack would De made , and her discharge of the pistol as if by acciden, was the sign to show them: that all was secure. j ' 'I acknowledge myself conquered by being outwitted?' said I, bowing to hi Senorita. i t Then turning to the robbers, who had now collected in a body, in front ot the door" ol the diligencia, x couuu ucd : . 'Gentlemen, will you permit me to. alight and make you some valuable presents ? In the language of youi country, all I have is yours." f The'leader of the party bowed po litely in return, and said, with a grim smile : ; - . . " . . . 'Sir, Senor, we should be most happy to receive anything which so distin guished a traveler may baveto bestow. With this! I quietly stepped from the vftliicle: and one quick, seai-cldng glance put me in possession the sold mv captured .mustang ana?trap- 5 1 per hastily. what I haddlsposed of lb way pre- "Follow me. fo nn,l tl,n nATtilW s!tw.mehn iu- " XQ the ond or J M.A w' w - J ) "i r . . 1 with the quickness of lighthmg, Seized 1 "Ko. I am sure pot. both weapons, and wrenched the from "Are you so confident?" her. i ' '"" i-3 j ' Yes, ;-I feel that you are' beautiful: . To wheel and commence firin.upon jt cannot be othenlrise." I the party- was now the! work of)'mo- ' "Don't .be-"too sjire of that,'J aid meat. The farstt shot, lorturi;teiy, the,domtno. " llaMe you never neam stretched out the clstief ; and the jjcond of 'the Irish Poet Moore's storjf of the took effect on the one nearest tMiim'; veiled' prophet of Khorassan how and by the time the third hadbcen when he disclosed ids countenance its sent to its mission, theie arose me si diideon spect killel his beloved oiK multaneous yell of dismay, and je as- How "do you know that I shall JV tounded robbers began to scatjef in tuni out a veiled prjophct of Khorog every direction. I tado disposition san?" - ' ! , . to follow them, however; anotfv mi- "Ah, lady, your! every, word con- . nute they, might rally -j and turnupoh vinces me to the contrary replied me; and springing forward . I gjsped the- enraptured soldier whose heart the reins of a freed mustong,inWvauI- began to feel as it lad never felt be ted into the saddled Oiie more-glance fbfe ; he was alread in love; b ; around me showed me the ' Sefgorita She eluded his efforts at discovery j Paula upon the body of the chif, her but permits him toj hand her t to her laughter changed to'grief, and Efne of carriage which drives off in the dark- the scattered cowards pbringingJtheir ness and, though le throws himself weapons to bear upon me. -. upon his fleetest hoilsc he is unable to "Adois, Senorita antj SenorsJ. said overtake her. I, bitterly, "he laughs best who llughs Tlicyoung French colonel becomes best who laughs last." j ; -1 moody, he has-lost his heftrt and knows The next moment I was diislilag a- not how to do. H4 wanders hither way down the road, the Ualf-iUied and thither, shuns hip former places 6f robbers oourinff after me a vollaf, but I amusement, avoids his . military corn- fortunately not touching their &ark. paniftns, and m short is miserable as They would doubtleis have wed a lover well-can be, thusdisappomted. me hot pursuit but for the whofiomc Onenight, just' aftdr ho had left his dread they had of my ftill undhar- hotel, on foot, a figiirc. mnfllcd to tho ged weapon. As it was!, I escaped and very ears stopped htm. . entered the town of Puebla in triumph ; ? l43Vcllf monsieur, what; would you .t.- : i aodiooV A.if.td with me ?" asked the Soldier. narration of my exploit: made m a he- Mou would kno the namo o. the roanua 11011, ior utetuue. 1:Iaa t.nniA tY.n, r.fR. J WUUIU iliuccu ii atj'tiv "Howkan it be donor side Passenger of the same difU 'ence, en route tor Mexico, wnerc i awrneu in safety, without auy i furthercvent worthy of note, . . , j. t , What became ot the roouc, anu their beautiful accomplice Icou Jiev- er learn : but the lesson, taught--no on that journey I have not forgotte; and . A. . . . A- IT'lTTl - r 1 Mr- I -1 L - H.UA.- - I -'-- " - - - ' Jm 'tSbSSr To be mj bSS con- truaty:SaWe an3 H.taV care of nj- UUaUlf, OI Ul'lItiWUn uvjo(..vi' - i . m 1- e since he soon found the vehicle stop- . . 4... ii i;- The Crops. ped, and lie was lerbndW0.e? ,.V' m .i n the house. -' hen ttte oanuaau tile earth, if it will bring. mco her." - .-; - ' "But you must hi blindfolded. "Very well.:' . ;: " Step into this vehiplc:" '.'I am at your command," And away rattledithe young soldi er and his strange cQmpanion.' 'tThis may , be a trick,'" r Reasoned Jiugeno Merville: "but filiate no fear; of per- BiKiih V'") "V" - -T!l " , it J l. tilt. ; 4 - nn:ift.i vi.1. removed irom ins eyse.-, ij ivu communicative whole state ot anairs. .e uuigei urange Vili l lf f a richly farnikhed boud.irnd friend to be had been stopped, in a wild gioomy j.onand rory.ua u .7 r V - Mm stood theMommo,Mu$t A3 thcr sex in a place, and the driver was. sitting care- tue promise l'v t. hor t tne. masked bailor on has box, takineyery th. .d i TYiQttAf nrMiirsc. lie mi .mi, atsu same neius mat wtsrtr ripe, aiw.pumc, - - - . , - 1 1 ff v . w a m . . m i- art v - v n m w- w w - nar -Aorl ' she said 'are vou ishment. sooner or later. 1 ciancediip IJill V UJ 111V 7 . -.- J J - - - - - 1 stid resolved to deiena yourseu it . as- anu uovtu.iuc iuuf .vv?"- sailed?' - i between darK, oversnaaowing , irees, tWTti, vn,,r nermission. Senorita V but discovered nothing to give me any ffdou't think it advisable, she rc- j hope. The robbers, some eight or tenj plied, 'but still if such is your inten- in number, and all well armed, were tion, I thinkit ho more.than right that collecting around me, part of them you should give me a chance to take a ; mounted, and tue otners su-ntuag nart in my defence, sinpe my rk qf their feet4 holding their, mustangs by danger will be as great as yours the bridle. .Looking upon my case as - 'And have you really the nerve af- a desperate one, so ? aibe ing plan ter all to defend yourself ?V I mqidred.Uc concern I stdl retained fine' Season was highly" benefici to the crops of all kinds, anu was e ;i;ia-j onnortune for the 'tobacco punters, who were enablea to iset oir meir plants with the best prospects ofa good Stand. -li.aieujnownwj.ru.m sj , n The Delti says thaJ Ir. Jears, -itizen and formanv; years mer- ehant of.-Newberii,'.N4'a,' "wffotii- dead in his bed 011 the 30th nV) ': their separation, that histlioughtj had never left her devotedly, v;$3 as nat- ural as to ureatue, anine iu -o iuva gallantly and sincerity; " Shall l beiipe an you say. " Let mo prove Itj by any test yon may put upon me, ; d "iinow, thfcn, tiieieeiuig3)) uu are mutual, unloose your; arm from my waisi, I hac somthmg more to-say t';x ' I " vA- ..v u Talk on forever lady J lour wm music in my! ears. 1 1 . , r "Would you marrjrme? jknowin no more of mo ihan Jyoui Bpw-do-l' 'IB - 4 'i 1 y 'i r i . esr. ff

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