II '4 1 TIIE IREDELL EXPRESS, f ' PUWJ$HED WEEKLY, tuare for jthc nrst w eeic, na Isretity-nVe Ccatforrwr week thereafter. B. ifli-.VKE. r.v W-. I DRAK.K. oixiee jgssvuii ixuu&e a gQuare. DRAKE and'Proprie & SON, Editors ors. A Family TSTewspaperrr-lJevoted: to politics, A.grictiliiira, Matiiafactnres, Gommerce, anldMiccIlaneoxts Kcan f A T V C I UiU .'y . A . IV','.' 14.tX) TERMS OP TI E PAPER, . Wiienv UlrPclloT) a ftrer rir sirea) how often Vol. 1 1." 82 a Year, in Ldvance, 4 t.'" J vX e' . -IV. i U fci &' it . t. - " f ..' -: - - - -- - - -- (Lomimimcn ions. treiichment, reform, and economy, were preached by all the missionaries of the Democratic-Cross, fromthe fro zen snows of Maine to the . golden sands of California. All the hounds Kt political persecution, tne snuo-nose fice and cropped-earedcurs,' which Lo cofocoism could parade, were let loose and went barking at his heels, and yet how does the administration of James Buchanan compare with Millard Fillmore's ? Forty millions per an num was the expenditure of Fillmore, and near one hundred million per annum is the expenditure of Buchan an. A beautiful system of. retrench ment and reform, really ! Such re form as this we are now beginning to litical relations shall continue to be j find out Democracy is remarkable for mismanaged, As they havje been, the reform the wrong way ! I. i. .4.....' . .it f r. tma crnrro nt fnmintinn urn mio Will depart, and barely a shadow of j rule the enquiry very naturally sug iier -boasted gilcatness will Remain, and gests -itself " why stand ye here she, under existing circumstances, in i iH ? Our brethren are already in1 I ' - i " J . . 1.1 oil n vi ' i . fa, political poikit f view will be little, i "ic neici ot arms. i?rom distant por CqrrcpotuIfnce i,t tbe Exproe. , To the Voters of Iredell; v Citizens :-Therc is a time when ferbearahce, ceasc3 to be a virtue," 2nd this is no less true in Politics -1 i i man m tyranny anu oppression ; ana most assuredly tliat period has arriv .e4- in the political condition of this (we had almost said) ill-fated country. ,1.11111.- uiivv ") wiifii iina ji ci t lanu ju which we live was governed by wise, patriotic, intejiligent statesmen, but a r- mange iiuo tuuii; u tri iu .spun tii icr dream, kind ere long, if her po- the AHeghanies.' Victory will be purs and triumph crown our labors, -t- . Tlxfe Is weapon turn jet, I And brighter than bayonet, Jl"but coowi down matt fttid itill i A inow-flakes on tha pod, ' i - Aod executes the Freemii' will, r As lightning jdoe the WiU of Cod," ' - - That " weapon" is . the Ballot-Bax. , r A VOTEH. m . . .1 t . ... i , k.it.AW .lift. ll .liw -.4 I.1.....H nl'.l t i t .'1 uwnt man it ii'.'ii ui tiwimitii aim n rendesvous for scoundrels !j ail t v of Weft in appropriating it elect Mr. Scales r lie was our:lep- i to a piti-ty whir-li Jkis pnncihdes totalis' rescntative tne last two years, ana witli Lot i t iiii otter and wnat is the result r It is a crooa om fk'inocracy oe 1798. In rule that we must " show . I 1 ITT 1 II 1 T W ctnocaat's were taught j y oul orKs, out Air. in the public reversed the rule, and prefers to show his- taiui. i)V tneir know thera" and in- aumi it the name ot i"'iii us uiuicn n.i nu nuns ,1 tin wlioln- whicli we can lude him therefore at variahco f-innt .of the I t h m h -vr-Vi r.nl 1 practice f to uiisbur.sciaehfy Ik. .tun I'omvcraq ans who iiavH MciHocrut, hA . That was! Jeffertton-' 1,is works bJ 1 y, but raodcu-n . politici-: .fruits ye shall- .1 n (uinerciic vei ent mission haie the load tinuc to rnak mas have thci ..ti-st "part it's,, them' upon t incut ? . W ho long "'wiirncd dii Hirers of ab4 Dt'iiiocracy .sectional .-trif the country not the Denu'. Have tlicv m 5011, and a total I v diner tions of our State a voice comes up, which tells us that the Opposition par- Ilow is thisltobe remedied? Shall : ty is" rising in its might Whigs and Iwe tamelv submit to the ilaWant abuse Democrats to vindicate the cause of bf power, by Which the so dalled Dem- justice and of right. c)ursed and continues to j coon we snail oe caiieu upon to. ocrucv, has curse and blight the country and her i sanction the profligate administration interest.! Candor and iuskicc compel Jalnes Buchanan, by voting for A ty say they! .have-none of the spirit Scales for Congress, or repudiate- iV A A ' - liV-ff 1 Ut k3CAV bA., '?. Ml jtlic'natnc were a larceny ihev would ' any inducement i held out to us to re- Correepondencs of the Ixx&cU Express. Charlotte, Is .. C, June 23. Messrs. Editors: I had, for four years, promised myself a visit to Cha pel Hill during the recent Commence ment of the Lniversitv of N. C. In cd as'the subject of his diseourse, ?hen he introduced the new religion to the citizens of Athens iniali oration which, fof eloquence and force of argument, has never;' been equaled. lWre next ihear of him in the synagogue; and af- ; fterwards at, the Agora; for the sacred historian informs us, pat "he disputed in the .. synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with thera that" met.with 1 him." In the synagogue he disputed, 'or, as ir might be translated, reasoned with Jews, to whose sect he had so re- 1- J.1-. 1.-1- 1 A .1 ceniiy oeiungeu, itim mus tuott auvan compliance 'with my promise, I left ,-tage of this opportunity to convince isTewbern, where I -now reside, in the them of; the truth and power of the morning train, and arrived at Chapel : new rejion to which he had been con HilVsick and way-worn, on the Sat- ' verted. The Gree word a a might urday night before Commencement. ! have bern better, translated foriim or I obtained accommodation at the tfnion ' place for the publib discussion bf in Hotel, where the polite -'attention of ; teresting topics, than market. It was the kind host and hostess, Mr. and a splendid edifice at the foot of Mars' Mrs. Guthrie, reminded me of the 'hill, in which the sages, philosophers, beautiful lines of the poet : a Whfi c'-r has traveled life's dull ronul, Whi-rt'or li: .stipes mav liave be.'n. 31 mt x think hf lias always founl UU waiuici-t tlcii&Ci.t an in.i.'' On the Sabbath, the' Rev. Professor Charles Phillips delivered "a very ap propriate sermon in the College Chapel, to a large and attentive audience, in shitdctripn - hutnrione nrnfn Tnota 'lll IL. IHVliJ MULVt lUlllJ VACAWA . . , lV. " artisans, and the citizens of Athens, I generally, met during the evenings, for the purpose of engaging with each other,' in familiar, conversation about tl ie exciting political the news and events ot the day; and the peculiar tcrits of each of the schools of philoso phy. Ia these assemblies, therefore, talent and cenuis unadorned with hum-i i ,-tAJii .1 - 'III l . kv W.VUW44 Ull LV.illVJU v-ut UI1U which he established the truth that ii ':4.' me pietv, uiit-n piuc iu uu eui 10 i , rf.n.rPfHnh." Tt w in th Arm- In or.nvcrt r.fliia i . ' J - & . curses to I w., T U !. i luul t r ; 4i !i -i , , ' 1 ra s'tho sacred historian informs us, t i i- I ijiui. Lvi tain uuiiu.ii'uuti a ui nic j-tui- ! ered the professions ol law. medicine i ,Vi of T, ... and nohtics as neecssarv and hi" i v h i ., -.., n .i our faith r, , - , , , , iinm. vnn some said, nat wiu tins a i useful. to the country, he thought that i iii.9 ir, t. Scales has ! , ... . . si . . -. : babl.der say t other some, lie seemeth Ut'ODliJ vc rev or. ed this, some Mia.xim-dnd giveir to ii aAotally we know llim not- IIc tells Peo" j " . i . . - i . : i- i 4.i 4. i . i the Gospel, the ambassador for Christ to be a setter forth of strange gods : And what professions ( rs not made, and con ? an, as a general thine- and, no doubt, me in his ,-necc nes that he endorses ' the administration of James Buchan- not mad, AY " 1 -r . . not hurled ht 'all hon- -Lut when questioned by his competi- differ with -tor Gen. Leach, upon the chief feat- n? ffnvpni. ' ures ot the Administration, he diners have . it l.lHnr'inntho. "would vote tor nun ajram tor rrsment. iu. V In. V i. i u vi ho dared to :oir notions arc they that the country litionisin. .tik go i with "Mr. Buchanan on every leading against the measure; except one, and the most too- . . . i:-v. i 4i. ii . :4. 4.1. i ii.i. . ; pointing to 11811 vl mem an, 10 wii me u ut-u mi.-s s tho only antidote for ,'slon b and 'the onlv savior for Why endorse the general poli- Wras it lat said so ? hndiii" rule with bfinr . j v all.ll.lliuil, tll(.l picicuv ij i diate the 'prominent measures of his administration? Simply because Mr. Scales is afraid to do it before the people, knowing very well that there is "rottenness in Denmark."' How did Mr. Scales vote while he was in Congress? He voted against the old soldiers' pension bill, and by voting thus, has said to the old war- ! i r .7 7 M u. .1. . I.'., j. ... n i wnfn vnrovflTi vnnr. non or aie : Tisiana : iiton t iriev cuarire utneiai ? ; i . . . . r t- - . . ;j . T t l i x l v iv v i..4 ha i'-wi v3.. i. :t v n , 't 4.. loirm 1 uiu.uc sioM nei u ; x?u . UUl U V,H i;nu iiiii 41 . jmu i tuv i i4iii.- i the patriotic Fillmore, who s'.iriied the id its hbjfcrtit; .i'atic nairtv t made it a st, to charge." all t !iei r oppoincn t abolitionist.- f-buthern men and -or r . . . . . , I hern men : JJindn t they so charsre Gen. "dlarrisd'ii. llenrv ti lav Tavlor, who was the owndr of a plan tation and two hundred .-laves in Lo(l- withstanding has furnished! dciits the co Who was the ever elected by the people liAoontA Vn w tvn r - rt mitA -i"l"irin '.Tacit a is as highly elevated over them all, ai i 4l , , i oi- rr ' . - , , ' and the resurrection. And thev. took Heaven is above earth. ! 1 i 1 - 1 a" V 0 ; . . . . x , , him, and brought him unto Areopagus, Onbabbath evening, about twilight,: at ' i i t T . . . , . ,r ' i saving, Mav we know what this new 1 visited the neat and classic Mffnu- i . ; 1 , , v 1 iT" 'i"tuui. itiivttv'Aiii'i pvUitcw u liltllt Cl tlltll v L 11 v7 U1CI11V1 y VI U "V'l Caldwell, D. P., in the College grove, opposite to Person llall. On the Western' side of the monu ment are inscribed the following lines: i a large "In grateful acknowledgement of their T 1 t 1 in t!:e Areopagus, which was and-magnificent edifice, was held the court of Athens. , It was before an as scihbly of the most learned judges in the world ; and in the same hall where ! bocrates was condemned to drink hein- i.i: 4.: x- ii. n 4. t . . . . t v. 1 l j" j t V : lock for corrupting the. minds of the University Joseph Caldwell X) D., j 0f thc'-city, as the judges said, The, President of the United States, j r , oiil tUJ ' , . :0 M IVHV, lUUi lliak illb wU& AW A iti O mortal, that Paul boldly proclaimed the divine doctrines of what was then the Governor of North Carolina, and i other Alumni,' have raised this Monu- 4ment. A. 1). Ib47." ' On the Eastern side is this inscrip tion ; "He-was an early, conspicuous and devoted advocate of Common Schools and Internal Improvements in North Carolina." On the Southern side is this inscription : "Born at Lam ington, New Jersy, April 21st, 1773. Professor of Mathematics in this Uni versity 179G. Died at Chapel Hill, January 27th. 1U5. And on th against the Agricultural College bill ! A ti.l nnt. and in so many words saiu to in or m- cott with it : JJidn t incy c e patriotic f u ft 1 1 r m1 ! vl'ir .Willi it H n J7,;,.7, l aronna. root fioa or aie : xnv iill i ins ii ' ii iiui.iy ' p i r ci l all the A bolition Presi-! representative labors of Mr. Scales in, tintrv has efcr had .' .wgisum uj.o ivv,,,.?. .x- first Abolition President Vcd M., surnamed Scales, by brevet I -ww- "V .1 All1 of the Uni-! lionorabl'.-r-l am the Aipna ana ume- ted. States? Martin Yah Buren of i ga the great Ajaxoi uit- i ew York, a llfcmocrat. ahd the nom- democracy in tne Dixui .ongresMou- - 'l 1 I".'". f "1T ii. 1 . 1 . v, T n , inee of the Ipemocratic p u tv. Who ai district pi iorui aionnn l i f i..-a. v v ,.i- trio I'eonie s rienreseniHiive. x ilki L Vl jai X I I41IIV- : 1 A ocrat, also ja Democracy. Halc,ofM;bd the abolitioni detvc3.? he w ie npxt oi ki) " Inllnivon o ( .iv.,,.,., - - - -r - I.."... . I- .lw.i. lin Pierce of New HampsS ire, a lem- Qv per uay, lounge upon !i aoiu, mat regular iioninee of the , cost$3ou,anu view my uoie itpiusen Vho was bne John P. ' tative capacity in a mirror that' cost acliusetts, a iiwycarsago j $1350 ! That's why I desire to go to candidate for the Presi- Congress that's my business ; and is a Democrat ! And la- the old bokiier, and iNortn. Carolina, ' Pol ' may watch and take, care of them- UTmiUU ,no3 yuuii. v. x ciium, v v- ui- j . - . , , T Hfoirnia. the fiee soil candidate in the! selves, or in other words they may last Presidential campaign ? he also was a Democrat ! And who has late ly been elected by Democrats and Ab olitionists, Uovernor ot oiieoi the lar gest slave holding States in the L in-j and the eyes of the Sixth Congressi- on : no other than John Letcher, a j 0nal District arc turned upon ireaeli. Davidson, gallant old Davidson is stir red from centre to circumference.- The patriotic little county of Davie is ripe-for the harvest, while the other counties of the district, " though still as the brecze'arc terrible as the storm, called, "The new Religion." For, as the sacred historian further informs us, "Then Paul stood forth in the midst of, Mors' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye arc too superstitious. For as I passed by and beheld your deyotions, I found an , altar with this inscription, To the unknown God. Whom therefore ye ig norantly worship, him declare I unto - n' a i' i.i .1 ;i you, kc. And although that occas- lifter all thi. 1)6 a I dii go for the mnn, Kwp vhai tlicy've got. anil pet what they can, Do ad I do mako no pretension or claim, To anything i-bo, but tho family name." Fellow Whigs there is work to do, Democrat and1 Abolitionist And ; the Democnfcy, arrogate at they arc the savior -qf the South, when in. truth they have : been guilty ; of many and grcvious actsio disturb the peace and harmony j of the coun try, and nut the rights qf the South and they all ioin in one long, loud in greater Jeopardy the longer they ; and imploring exclamation "Iredell "remain in plwcr. Jlirah'lc Dictu ! -must attend the polk in her strcngtli , !" But we stoil not here. "As we said As sioes Iredellsb goes the election. We have a 'candidate every way on tne xNortnernsmeistnis inscription . xeai j on gecmod at first hi hly unfarora him repose the remamof hw beloved: u for the S:ierea histirian informs wne, iieieu vjaiuwen. inie luutv ing at the Monument, and taking a brief, retrospective view of the impor tant services rendered by him to North Carolina and the world, as President of the University,. as a sagacious, pru dent and far-seeing. statesman, but a bove all, as a devotedly pious minister of the Gospel, I was reminded of the following lines of one of England's most gifted poets in which he compares the-death of a Christian to the sun set ting in a clear sky : ''As sots tit's sun which goes net down behinJ the darken ed wfttt; Xor lii'ilf-e. il)scur(,l Ami.l Hirf fdnpfsl1" of the h'ny : .'sutmeltsjiwajinto the l!sUt of heav'.-u.'' While I was thus reflecting the fol lowing Elcsy was suggested to mv : .. .1 . iniiiu ; i ; :; t us, that, "Vrhen they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mock ed : and ethers said, We will hear thee again of this matter ;" yet Paul gained converts; for he also states, that, "How beif certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Diony sius the Arcopagite, and a woman named Damari.s, ;i nd others with them.'' And thus was iiitroduced into idola- Rcligion" edly high reputation xf .the Faculty. it. O. A. ment, as most of the -readers ofthe flurried away ami again WtcretjC with Lookthe stjrleof bin cti,iio thing Express are familiar with them. Twill fa dashics, showy fdrl. snarldln With 1 mrtr tin. W ht-h .hfirfthnnl .'flowprs therefore conclude this communicatjon, iewe,lmm1je kepii)Q hirrjfeng- Und laceCprchel ion'tUei Back jpf "j vy "-"6 r1; J v.nibix i - ; ' " Mrvtiuiirca,. tw$i v,io , iiet neiMU neso arj irorttf 10 snow tprl th dtntnl roc ?n CTiVi a rffirmar ' s WWW u.W V . T WW .IfcCUVl. U 411U 4.A4 V- 1 reflect honor upon themselves and u niversity ; ana to aaato the aeserv- irora which she would not regorti-, . what are ther'-for hnlito show oair m.j. . II.. . l - - . " -" I - - , 1 . . . uaries worams, on tiitj eoiary, : ot prettr - Ret t ioi: if. entered with his lnotherLon oni aria lprity Teetind, auklda she and a beautiful girl, spljendidM :yet to tjianage tluik .therr 1 mr li;seei' modestly; dressed, on thOj otherCQn- i The Ji-y skillful -tnicticiang-pretty, uucung Dotn to frien h '1 1JV N VAM V V VfT seats.. he led iHniiS .Tcomen are. anrt wo im unto the Door ds a3 he met them. aiid intrc.iace'd irir!rf rnri nnts his'trliblj'trustin khem! IS mother.- with as much t'raetif! find 'I'Ucn hhtm i4 !hr nrir?v whrtifln-Inht Which was the Gentleman? Charle's -wapts-ine to go to the par ty to-morrow night,' said one lady to another, as the two sat in a comforta- hlo VmrlrT rattinrr nrl L-n i - W.W LS1 .V. U44TI U441iltll( ; . . 4LaI well, why don't you -go, dear?' 1 U1'r : ' - j i -- asked Mrs. Lawrence; ""Irm uro l l . .do ,ot ,&c-vLh Trm.ll rrrt f. TTonvir il A m. T1,nM eJU IhOtllCr Oil OUC Ol tUCSC . proudly, too, as if he had said ;4;AliI ;merelv1iomelv."but :am I owe to this exeelient wonifeuVoutroVcrU j, And Jie walkcxl with her, in fHCfhowT J ens ilie' cldhlrca, :lady, who it. -.was plain Wee h.flwon E'adies. you needn't.' ftain 1v ueciaedJy ana m- V- ... . v 111 J IV! rUV4i fl l.FJLJ 1,1111., : y 1 mm. x(t i:aiijr. itiiiiiv lb uucvi tu me guuu. J v 'That's just What Charley says, and a he told me Henry said that he would fake vou if I would so.' t .La l ilid he? why he-didnYsay anyr thing to me about' it; to be sure I'll go if you will. I'll just fix up my old brown silk, arid put a new ribbon (on my cap; we are old fashioned folks, you know, and it wont matter how we dress.' .'I -might have gone often,' said Mrs. Abrams, placidly smoothing the fold of her gown ; but somehow I never wanted to; Charles is dreadful anxious that I should sec Miss "Somebody; I forget who, some one he has "taken a great fancy to: and I think whoever Charles likc3, must be a little extra, so I am anxious, for a wonder, to go.' Well, good morning ; I put my bread to risin, and if I don't hurry it will be: over the pans. When Henry came homo to tea he was surprised anda little disappointed to hear his mother say that she would go with him the following evening. As Mrs. Lawrence had said,- both of the mothers were plain, old fashioned peo ple. They had once been poor, both had been widows, but by ttiueh thrift ions. "Iam afraid $he ididn't Mome. 1 Alliens, the "new w hie u is sneei;iv icmotisninT moiarry Iron and the systems of Pantheism and a false philosophy." Young gentlemen of the Univcr-hy, said Dr. Dogget, I have thus contrasted Paul with the wisest, and most learned men of the fi7r iti which he lived, to show VOU how c ' I 1 " Let the caonnmontal mfirble rtsa, PoiDtin to his now native skies; Inscrllw hi bright, glorknn nania High on tho cadurins wroll of Cim.. Many thera are who have been . grr.t, In war, and in the affiiira of Staw ; Whose noble depUi of high r-nown. Tlflr brovs witli tmfitding lanril rr.-.r.-n. Kach thought, and feci inf;"o rS fiuP'i, Was tho exjin-M lain go oi h:s miacl.. Imbued with hcavfu-bbrn piety, !! was jzK-at in inn;!U: purity : -GroBt. Unlike C!sn.r staiiu-d with b'.'xxi ; But uuly grcut :u he was 5'WiL'1 worthy of our suffrages ; Gen. Leach .i before in the last Presidential cam paign we were told hy th$ Democracy that it would never do to support Mil-i is the man for the crisis; the man for laid Fillmoi'c for the Presidency, be- j the country ; a standard-bearer whose cause it would ruin tlu South and de-, height (politically speaking) is full six they sid. And to ; cubits and a span, and the staff-of ty, the last j whose spear is like a weaver s beam. i:, vote for Jas. i In him are combined all the elements stroy the Ljnion', prevent this dire c.ilami hand only remedy was to liuchanan.i lias it not bieen most lor cibly verified! Uuchanan was elceted, ,and truly i fine time wej have had of it ! Of all former Administrations, Whig or Locofoco, that has ever sha- pedthe .destinies of our nlation, for ad Lversity, ti e adramistratiin of James Buchanan is, beyond doubt, the black i est of the- black, and, filthiest of the infinitely more important and elevated j are the divine doctrines which he pro mulgated than the false dogmas and j the false systems of philosophy pro '! claimed by them. I have placed Paul S before you. ns: one whoso character is j worthy of imitation. In. conclusion, I let me cntrcafyou to embrace the holy j religion of tho Bihle of which Paul was 1 - .11 1 f 1 J 4.. On Monday night, the Pov. Dr. j !,n Vu,( u ' a Dogget, of Kichmond,Ya;, delivered then, it .is weil with you m time and the Anniversary Sermon. His text is ! otcrlt'- the 17th chap, of the Acts of the Apos-1 On Wednesday, in the forenoon, the ties, and part of. the 15th verse : "And oration for the two Literary Societies, they. that conducted Paul brought him j was -delivered by Hon Duncan K. Mc f p. -Athens." Athens, said he, was, at I Rao of Xcwbern, N. C, who in a most that time, the- most refined, -and most j eloquent speech established the impor magnificent city on the earth. She was tant truth, that men f talents have a School, a LyceumV the University of I accomplished nearly all that is good the world. The most renowned philo-jand useful for the world : but men of sophers from all other, countries visit-genius have done very little. He very hare seen Henry several tUntxv'ith .very handsome young jady." .'; We will walk through the vms." responded Charles. I .amq tMn she xame.'', They found her aJasl;, sitting, contentedly, but with afiWe what Avorried look upon Jier coVnten ancer as if she was not'lenjoyi the evening as he Avished. ! . VJ t: u We have been looking, foryou," said Mrs. Abrams. " AVhy dp yj u not come out among the- crowd V' ( u Oh, they are all stringers ' me, you. know," said Mrs. LawitjicH njii-" u So theywere t6 me,' said - the o ther; but Charles has been, irj produ cing mc jto'So many fhatj I Tee era-. bly acquainted." M " ; !- "A look nlmost of pain pa??di oyer the pale face of her friend, fenry had been hear her but oricetlurij jfg the evening, and then to request Hot , to -liankerchief too; much, that constitute a good public servant : industry, energy, and nerve ; a man of decided ability, and fine joratorical powers ; a man who will labor for the good of our country, let us elect him; Now is the time, for we should remem ber "there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at, the flood," leads to success. VThe surest sign is in the filthy r-sol much. as to cause many of i end. when things are at their worst, ;the more preeminent democrats in the I they sometimes mend." , .country to uiso n uuu rr puuiaic n ijei. every mg oiiu.mwo, vju ana causca one to'exctaam in sooer- ness and jtruth, s Fronj. the by-ways and high-ways of the Government, the rottenness oi corruption sentls tortn an insufferable stench" Extrava gance of jthe most prodigal nature--corruptioa rotten to the very core and political swindling and misrule have been the predominating1 elements 4 of , the Administration, hich we were told by Lbcofoco forecast, would save the South and preserve the Union. Millard Fillmore's iijdministration wai yelptj at : by Locofoeos generally aa wasteful and extravagant ; and re ed to James Buchanan's administration go to the polls on the first Thursday in August next, and there do . our du ty to the country and vote for General Leach, who now upholds the reform banner sp gallantly in the canvass. Smith will carry the.First district with the fury of the siroco tharsweeps the desert ; the persecute&Xjilmer will acliieve auother victory on the plains of .Guilford: while the young and gift ed Vance, with the irresistible fury of his own mountain torrents, will drive Locofocoism abashed, rebuked, and subdued into the coves and caves of ed her. to receive instruction in. the schools -of Socrates and riato. The most distinguished orators from all nations .assembled there to listen to the thrilling eloquence which fell from the lips of Demosthenes and Pericles. The most gifted poets caught fresh in-' spiration .from the poems recited by Homer and 'other kindred spirits. The mest eminent sculpters and painters added new lustre to their works of art, by visiting, the studios a.ndallerie3of tho world's great masters. To this magnificencity the great Apostle of the Gentiles was sent on his heavenly mission. We ; may.,-naturally suppose that he landed through the Piraeus. Like a wise -and prudent General, he reconnoitred the city- v Let us there fore, behold him in the positions which he selected. The; streets. The Syna gogue. The Agora The Areopagus. As he traversed the streets, he saw a wilderness of splendid statnes erected ta geds and deified heroes ; (for a cel ebrated author has remarked that there were as many dmerent gods as men in the. city of Athens,) and among them he observed an altar erected to4 The forcibly and aptly illustrated his sub ject by introducing as examples the, most illustrious characters of , anciejnt and modern times. His oration for strength of thoughtbeauty: and refiner ment of language, force of argument, the amount of valuable information which it contained, and the eloquence with which it was delivered,"has never been surpassed by any similar oratioiv delivereo: at the. university, on a nice occasion. In the afternoon? the Rev. Dr. Hooper.represented the Alumni ; and delivered an'oration remarkable for its chaste and pure classical lan guage, in which he passed so speedily from "Grave to gay; from lively to anu ecomomy hact manageci to give their sons a good education, and they were both now rising young men, with a fortune in prospect. Both beinghand some, eloquent, and fascinating, they were much adnf.ired by the ladies, and it was strange that they arrived, one at the age of twenty-eight, and the other at thirty, without selecting wives for themselves. The night of the party earner Hen ry Lawrence surveyed his mother with a critical eye as she came down stairs, handkerchief in. hand, attired for the occasion. 'Haven't you a smaller handker chief than that?' he asked, when she spread it on her lap preparatory to adjusting her dress cap in to carry, that she might not get it jammed. .1 'La, yes,- but this is the nicest,' she replied. 'I put this great piece of lace around it a purpose; why7! don't you i like it ?.' r 'It isn't genteel. Hare you got a smaller one ?' , 'La, ves ; if you say so, I'll get one of them little mites of things; but this one is more to my taste.' 'Well, we must start now, I shall be under the necessity of leaving you-for a while when you get, there, as I have to go for a young lady 'Oh, yes,' said the cheerful old moth er, 'I shan't mind staying, and look ing at the folks as they come, in ; it's natural for young folks to like,young folks,' she said to herself, as she went up stairs to get her bonnet and shawl. They walked nearly a mile ; the rooms were just lighted when -they ais rived. Henry put his.motier in charge of the lady's maid, anH wished her tp stay in the dressing-room till he came after her; and then, hiring an- expen sive carriage,, he; drove a quarter of a mile for a young lady of seventeen to whom he had offered his eseort Mrs. Lawrence sat contentedly, chatting with the waiting-maid, while the guests camo to unshawl many of whom-won dered who that queer old lady was. Charles Abrams canie home to sup per that same night -ill high glee; 'Well, mother !' as the old lady in a plain, gray dres3 greeted him' at the table, 'you look so nice I what a pretty eap you've got and there I meant to buy you a more stylish fan-but this is rather pretty, li iLiapiain, bihe .who fright- turnsmilkjlpurd . niro aeiun3-7-etwra thy with u.iahyutat,foi;the despriptiohifitssome of,ypu, though we artklif pprrto state - tuatvonr number is iewnevcruic- ess1, we have seen some siicU, and we coitfvf not Kelp coniidtlringthenTOut; of place-a'kind' of htius nntiira?, for whom thrre'is o ' Stable apblogy.- And vet, they are ' usually good natur ed unless., indeed, iheyare'se jppsi tively ugly thatTthet caii't'gjet into a g'ood bnmof then their case; is a bad one. - There is no-woman, who will admit that she belongs tp tiis cartalgueancl we are' too .g'ailant ti) ,tell them that they do. Antl It is Inother jeraar.ka ble fact thatjew uglk.wdmedie.ioW. ipajds. We are not able 'to explain the cause of this, but it s sp. Wo, never recollect to have seep but two really ugly old maids jn ourv life, Ktid they were so-decidedly-homely thajt we pre fsume they never could face a n an long cxrongh f&r. h,im to pp tle question at. them ! ; ' I r Then there .i the jiaughty woman , she whom'-pride of bieauty and wealth hath made vain as ajny peacock. JBee how she turns up' lier del icitc little nose when Mr. Ja.c1cplatic"jp r'fjsumea to address her, she.beiag en tircy oblivi ous of the fact that her father was a manufacturer of sail lges ! Objserve the smile gf scorn w'hicu curls hr nether lip because Eapstonje bow3? to her , in the street. Has she forgotten that er paternal. grandfath( t was a aod, car rier Ifds she any be iferin.hei purple and fine linen' thn Jio. ,wa s liwnU ''hodden gray ?"; -Ve4row.lijOt. ; Yet slip, plays put a bcitif existena ir and.de s.centUo.the tomlj,' "ftirhon-ored and anytlnn;; lrhich c.tti !iA;.c in tpc .nc13 of jier fellow creatures, after sho has traversed th trackjless river of Death. Anon wo conic t the willful woman, and she is doubtkthe most perverse specimen of ferainitf e divinity that ever wore hoops two yrdsdn lia meter. You had as well uiidertaktb foretell the rerdict of V pdtit jury ai to form anv bninipn as to what cours$ shcwiH pursue on any givcln occasion She will ride thp most dangerp1i34ior'i8errcroBs the tnWt slippery fpot-logi jilimb the steepest precipiceat. the risk -of get tin" lier preciotrs eck brok0," because i somebody hn'tohlj Kcr-nottfj do $o. tyhci-etuss to msrry tnemanpne wyes, lest die should thiij'k he influ jnced Tier will; and ": rurisi afaV- with 'Augustus Frizzle, fornothTifg elsrthai thatshe heard h er "father threaten to ppply the shew her pocket as it had ah old fashioned mavupoh it. He had not brought the yli?h young girl and made her acqtuihted with the one on whom he hadreioiycd to beslow his? a0ections, for fee Was--intensely fashitnable, antU lt;j was weak-minded enough tp believe piat a presentation would injure his up -" . . "Arc you. not going; to takJ lyour mother in to supper ?. asked Ciarle3 of Henry. -The latter had onw the lady of his affections, the. formvr his mother one side and his. afilanpd . on the btHev: ' L "' " I am coming brck for ber'.sald Henry, blushing scarlet The. young lady gazed .toward him inquiringly. : X' Is your mother-4ere," she .asked. ','1 should to likolo see h ' t . ;I '. . . er- .. .. ,,, ..... :. 4-i-'v- I will bring - her presently, fi said Henry ;, but the mischief, was die. "Tieh die youug lady saw tlielaini, old-fashioned 'woman," with he B-pmely common sense, she saw the heirless- f .1 . v c 1 f ncss oi .tne man wno prp;ess.eu,; .py .uo tipn at least, o loye her,v anp from that moment he dps t all j charm n her eyes. To Charles' ItfjhrothetLh the contrary, the young man "couldn the hoartless.face of fashion show. inspect to gray hairs, and love, !raanlr fid no ble, to the plain, illiterate . f other. who had reared him .above' alf ipetty pride, all littleness of characti!; and she gazed at him with humiteyes, a nit wiili fpplinn's that woul(tt have honor. heen more nreeious'to i him. er&ld he, There arcmanf pther'kirid? of wo- tori of his boot- to . 1.-. -- 1 have known them, than her spetest words. Reader, which was the gentBfman ? Womeii!) A Chapter, about -. Rather a queer title isn t ,it J. But then, you f 6e, "we' havea :qucerf4ihject to write" about, Vhethcr you e1isider theih'morallv, physically, pafjtologi- Ctiny, or any oiner way you eiesy iu go atr it. There is ho subjcctfviri the worm tnat aamits oi sucn a vai je hi "fabled seat of men , aboutCTvhomf we:ha.te nb space to speak"at present; so we 'wiii' content oursclf with what'we have sa time, perns p?r we will ' con subject: ' Arr d8ome iriue' -the ; . Whiskey and Hard Times, .v We' rarelV cvr meet wih a man who.is complaimjag of poverty, want si work-and " moticyv bttt what ' these complaints coraejnp from, bphind the femes of- wiibkey, and -whose misfor- i tunes -arc ti&t traceable to bad habits treatment, and of a hnhdred rMorent ikjW ; And this is th men iththe questiorrl nrnnhiv TiOtwo of them" WOi illoOK ! , . i.l J t... L...J J at it m .the same Jight. Onfwould Whigk mmt had, at treat woman as a rncrai justj unoa,. , ... . .. . - - I ?. .cost loosing at ncr irom a; rengioi pouu or sacrifice. lit after his own heart. But they arc VrrTng3 '.WctrivrcrJ strange, indeed i. " ; " , :M .. : . For instance, there is tli.bS tit Ira woman, and j by' ilie ;.ifayj & thinks it irJiitbmc olipffimrvsi 'Oh, yes, this is good enough for an be. mistaken.. JUut, ev5Xthcl43, .na old woman,' said his mother, lautrhin?. notwithstanaing, there are may rea- Nothing is good enough- for you. ly T)'eauttlul omcn, and uwhg ifprs .1 i:,i- iwasted.- whaterer We have never yet td be so sea tee, bread ! ! irtwfi rr ai nr of vievf. Another would ;cnTyvk;at; .Mimmi' fiifficult to her physically paying partuOarjat- faln ijtit thit eW deluded lave to tention todier;differenf ihtsMbeau- -Slcidui bit3uld mankgef some-ty.'- And thus they would sw; each f, k Wt-W-W nmoM." to "find mother, in my estimation,' replied" and Howcrjf, they, arc comino;i 19 np Charles, drinking :his 'tea. 'Are you j particulaV ttace , neilTi?r iJ H' all ready ? because I have eent for a1 long to any particala;r sfatidn 11 a n-iii Kit in , fa-v 1 TTft flml fl rin in f ltv ! and -critr'vih moments. You wen' t ebject, I suppose, the lordly hall er the log cabil, at the to riding with another lady, -the very : plano'pr the wash-tuV .Vjay 'find one, bvthe bv, I om anxira? for you ' them "gathering grapes in Itaft, pjaj- to see. ' - " ing wuisi in rrauyc, c;iangAv iu " iL am readr. in?, and I - . . 4.i.r-i: i :Iu rynA r r rniii:u iiiu luin n in ill iiii. i 11 i i ii . 1 1 1 1 ill ?CVU1C, tOlWl- VUV. 41,1441-04 141 .... .w , - - " - ,, " f ' 1 V t anditors tn rhane from neals of laurrh-! 'Only half a mile he rephedTismg :tcd States. .And evcrywjie shcis ter to tion the ' wherewith necessary for teed fng and keeping' alive the mbst depra yed and" ruinous appetenceaj that ever gef hold of the umatlorgaiism tt isa fnghtf4rfact that fehe people dfthc Umted Sfef ing Vunualfy about' f .ght'iiiilliohffal lons of fht6xicarng liqubr?rat Vcosr) of not le?s tnail'tnlrtt -four millions four- hundred thimsand'doTlhrs J Sure ly we are ua naiion of drutlkards; ; said his mother, smn-; ingi anu,; pain ting ims, ill. vrcaii4, shall be very happy to ride ' grinding corn in Africa P?iPJ& end: is it far from here?' arettos m Cuf-a. or hirtingiri;he t- hi- v Viewing tins matter, men, Eimpiy in the liglif 'of rcbiotrig't' tff$cm&tbJXLs that intelligent WoplCjshouid be'arou sed to the necessity of takinfe measures w-orthy of the reputation of Dr. Hoop- er is a sunacieiit xuiogium. v x wouia furnish jou with a more extensive synopsUof the orations of the Rev. Dr. Hooper and Hon- Mr. MeRae,but I have been informed that they will be published hereafter JU deem-it un necessary to relate in detail the regu- XJnknown God ;' Vwhich fact he select-! lar exercise of the day of Commence- itors to change irom peaisol laugn-: 'uniy ua a umc-, uc n-pucu, im- itu.jM.vi. . v? to tears, by a very sudden transi-1 from the tableiid there is the car-the same, whetheir hp beimming . .The: -fact, that .'the praUpav.is: riage.' ; - " " I Plan? th : IW.lFWC flenrv Lawrence" entered the beau-! buk3 in the hotel, ,ofipictbjtcese.Ii tiful pallors -with his mpther oa ,hU 'a cow-stable. Every wheehleccvca. arm, walked, half sheepishly : to the j. the same homage, auu is api, ue ue hostess and presented. her, then look- same "wilful, capricious ".: cjfet juri ed her out a corner where -she might " less endj)wxdjvi it, if possiblei unnoticed,, and where "good haHsense.., .JfiQ- Z' her old fashioned sayings, and quaint, Anav wnen a womicjgjnf nn (rrammatieal exnressions. would not via beautiful, she wilt take anyquaptitv bewailed out. After eating her, he i of paina to let everybody l5 Howt.f at bnce, that wrl lcadjto the complete overthrowof Ihb lienor traffic. But when trc add tokhiir imMimfec'dfain oh thefiockets rof" the people J the; many social and mora1 evils-thd hearts riv en, theEomcal3eMlale noPes blighted, the mintl".beastSaIizcd,.all through the'wbtldng'ofLt Ileaye &&ingtrafic i liquponsrBe. itcss sire iiirw u. ju wiw. iry. weight of IrmaHV.iaTaTdr. ofiprol mtion! becom es ImsistibU;tQeTery hninhotblinfJex by. ihci fortius . . . l Ybu man;:tbstain t fch all int02?- jcaUng Uquow, - - ,

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