T7Z i . ? . - - .One .Dollar qufcreibr Ui first ret, anJ 7:0.: - !.-s "- K. B. PRAKE.,, ter af follows : . M '.ii i Editoxf and Wprif$iVj .;",i.'.V.l'.:.-'J.- Three se V lV4- H lWipM& T EKMS F Till: PAPfclC 4- 12 a Yeaxria Advance. v. - f. ..r - 7 . .-- iri ,'T i - ...... . . . :. - 7,r' ' r :, J v f i1 i if .r. , . ,, 7 , ... a . i I . ? v r .. - , ', ' ' - fiJT'amiivJKewsptpei Devoted to 3?oHticjs jgi sJMWMuf ,000 H'ore The Squandering: of $82,000 That reliable journal, the itimOTe .P- Very justly remarks that th following itAlement of apprdprlationB far the" quarter ending 30th Jtinej I80t, is equally significant as well by its contents as its omUsions: Araorint actually apnfopria- ' ' ted for the use of Govern-' . r.- i Qr.ii .iV AiUl balance tif (pxibting. ap ' f propriationa I T. .; Th at does not iricl iid th e Poet : Office bill which the frienls , of the Administration v'-de-1'eated in the Senate, and ;-.x which will have to tc paa r pj next Congiresa ' . The Secretary aisked.beeides. of Hutna btrilckeu out by ,130,194 53 12,478,907 -"28 20 .475,783 00 Conj'repa $81 m$U 32 683J04 13 t he House at the revelations Vavnl Tiivpstiatlhir Coinitnittee. the th tabie veHbdti What management! What hainefy4 Abuae.pf thpopular, confidence Ateuch a rate, bow inucn-iptiger can wwp ine fnipoi outie anoan., fr driftlug o destruction, j Npthing ca w it but a thorough Teform--a. complete cleansing pf the. Rational pounciI4and ajJ tepartments of theGrpvernmen fjom. the corruptiogand pngii(ing pre8encevnu ljipuencea yi mkuut cobm. , jit , the ..voters without jespect to party affinities, pi1, the Sixth! Pjnct reflect lacw aa proDaomuee Biwuucm wms ace,, ana act pronipoy ana io uie puqnsc uu the fijiBt Thursday in August pext. Let ti? voters' of tl.e ,$tate "give that day ,.to thefr counryt . It wifi repay them a thousand fold I'n avrtrntr rftlamitiea which are inevitahle if thy d,d not exert themselves. To- action, then to action ! V . ' they must be ci honestly done till Detk-icney bill lian Ware, the luimiL'C3 for To nllkihpsc iteuiH. beftidie8 Other ue- Aciencv bills will have to be passcld next win lr..1 tliAV loout wliow the aWc on which ill, utf,i...j... , ,. he Administrakion contemplated vpcnding 4. ii'i an V.' ' i)L Tronsurv is cmitv, viz: nt xl.083..J04 13. -niK TTVmh .DKFimKNGlES AKE YET TO CCM The dificust ol cf the nTinitv of a loan, the apprOt h if thi Soii them elect ion, Occasioned the cutting off the approprutt'tons, biit there was no reform nttemp teit; the only effect of the diminished appro j.nat'ions Utfidl the. pM: tatiec p no( proci ' Jot or! ' - 'l'here is not m economical atlinuiistraUpn, for iHtaiite, at tjlie Navy Vards provided for: but all useful ftuildings are fvspciukd; yet rrietl on; but it cannot be other men are in power. k for the Utah War thYln- Paraguay Kxpetlition, the t Office Contractors, are all lu be provided rir m thejiext Congress, ftp 1 Sill I. " . ...., . The donivlxhr appropriations 6T this last (VingroM arc th result of gnuih.c Democratic ,t,,tmu,shi that the abandonment of t ho necessary puilic work, the arrest; in great i t, of the progiess of foitifications, the lea- the Post Office to fall to'the ground, or b- sustained by j-iolationjof law. (grounds ofl impeachment) tike neglecting to provide any f,.rei"n mail steamer fncilities, the allowing the Anicrifan stdnm marilrc to be rivcn from the ocean, the, leaving all the Wjeetern wa fers without a cent tor the ecur'rty of their commerce. In a woril, thenr o.'o.uoniy is an abandon ment of the public interests a fail tire to supr j.lv the public necessities, to make a showbe tore the people ill the Southern ca nvass. mr. scales Assisted in produ cing Tins STATE OF .THINGS, NEI THER St'KAKTjNG OR VOTINCJ TO PRE S'EXT. IT! WiPl not his constitaents hold him td a rb'id adcoutitabilitvfor tlms conni ving at and aidint in the prostration of all the tretit interests of the country? if eitlier ot them had an employee on his f.ij-m, in .his hliop, otfice. or counting-room, w-hA so entire lv neirlectcd the duties assigned him as Mr Scales has nejrleclted the great andl vital pub- licMwterest entrust etl to him, wouhl he not, in iusticeto himself instontlv set that employee adrift ? How valtlv greater is thd culpabili ty of Mr. Scales than that of the mre private clerk or farmhand ! The interestsiabuseil by him are alike individual and general. While the resulting evihi aflect.imfneliately oach in dividual, they necessarily oppress' Ih is widc , spread Union as k whole.' Will njt the sen Hble, practical nlen of this District think of tfpf persons will conceive, how immense the abpv amount xeally ia, by. merely, glancing at the .figures, u For the rear ending. June 30, 85$, (according to tKe report of pi? Secreta ry of the.Treasury,) the present Administra tion cxpentledrQuanded in divers uone cessary tnddishonest waysj this stupendous sum of money, And y et Mr, Bucha nan him self had peclared juetpryiotia,to his accession to jjow'er, that forty orj&ftj.milfibfoutd ample for all . the legitimate demands f Goy rnment upon, the people's Treasury Bftt, right upon tlie heels of this declaration and ii opposition to all precedent, Mr. Buchanan, in time of profound peace, expended in a sin ele year $92,30,461!! To convey a clearer idea of the magnitude of this sum,' we ask the. attention ot our tarm cr friends to the' following calculation -. Take the average market value pf North Carolina and to be $8 per acre, ordinary impro vements included, and a wnTenicnprofitablefarmtp consist o'f .00, acres the value ,of the farm would be $1,000. Now, how many farms like this one did the present "Democratic" Administration, prodigally run through with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1858?" sim ple sun! in division will answer the question. Here it is : bthe Buc;.oyVth. flipVing pai agraph may serve tp git tome idea of t v . k' Ai Kiagaia 1 mem itr employed kt b expeliae of 006 t Bnffalo 20 men at $17,000 to coHect flO,000 m . . , ru . A. . AAA & llAMMA D..I riuwrarg eo men vijuw , wiu . Ingtoa 83 not at S1S.0U0 to collect $S400.W1mMk 9 men at $HfiOO to collect $130-tU PorUinotrth 2. tne $11,000 to collect $600 Xewberryport 13 men t $Mr 20O to eollfCt $0.900 i Marblebettd men $200 to col led $250-t Ife Bedfon M mea t $600 to collect $i60 at Pertb-Ambor 13 men at U00 to colLect $100 t Sor follt 23 men at $19,000 to collect 91.000 at Oeracc T men at $2,000 to collect 8Z-t Toledo 7 men at $1,400 to tollect 6C7 at Detroit 10 meo at 19.600 dollar te eolWct l3XX) at Ban Trancteco 134 men at 102100 dollar to ooIW4 158,- mento 1 man at 3,500 dollar to collect 36 U Monterey 3 men at 7,060 dollars to coHect 45 t "San Pcdrd 0 men at 42U0 oonan to collect ao. - ; - . ZIr. Scale and the Utah. Mission Mr. Scales in alj of his speeches upon the stump declares without qHiatificafionV "that th war which the President has waged upon the Mormons, meets withJus' unquahfied p probatton, and of course the manner of con ducting it, also ; which war, it would appear, itthe. sum of untold millions; pf dollars 1 1 Mricales and ' Bndianan could. not have devfeed a more ruinous drain Upon the-reve nues pf the c6intrv than this same Morrrion war the design of which seems to W to Pact for the people JttHow he Honey Goes ! Beinff a; Sxipplement to the Pamtililet Entitled ''What it Costi to the Unioa conskta of ,200 Members, spends in ofl e feessioa including every thing 1U,0UU, , II it naa iWU mem bers, as Congress, at the same raters tetal expenses jwonld.be 275,000. . r The Virginia Legislature, for 'three months, get $106,000 pay aad mileage. :Dpuble the pession, and enppose the average distance trarel to-be ten times as great, and it iwotild be $466,000 supposing the body- to have 300 mem bers. But the actual pay and mileage of Congress a long session h $1,559,018 Let us deduct thia is oar own calcu- lationV: the 81,000,000-expended en the eapitoly and see how mueh our pa- i ne a- IpCbliShid BT OftEaOF TBI skAUTTSXJf4.t, This document is a sequel , to. the pamphlet entitieu " nax imposts. to. oe governed." This wiU expljiin some of the leading facts beairii g on'the corrup- rinn ot ine irnveruuicut,.diu tuuer uuk mentloneu, or.hastnj'illutfetoVat r . r i . . T.;i,ir-iir - l Utrmtte friend a ret- ncr head tea transactions, vouwuiug im? ernefc. - - -. v 00',v3-. ' v -i?.:lifi-t.-2U-'- Amount lett is S,o83vo23for par, mite- own enuorsaiion.iuernch.ajiu ponsjiirj ; r. , , v . v .- t rttii dp tinvfl MR T J annual uii;a Tnember of Congress the snug little sum ot iy,yo4,, which i tolerably comfortable. But how doel it go ? They receive one million and a half it seems, in pay and mileage; what becomes of the other three and a half millions. Well.' carrvinsr -on a.r they do, an a CJ V . m extensive correspondence with then constituents they require twapost ffi- 450 votesr received , a nafal contract "without beinsr the lowest bidders. ' It J detailed," also, the: shameful swindling practiced by AVeDdell and Seaman, in connection with the public printing, whereby according to the Washington States, Tedited'Ly "Mr. Pryor.V Vthe committee convict them of receivins i. r.....;tn. r.ctnimanrthn Krihps ..md bfliii) tips one to the a pie's hard-earaed-cash4li iolhwing which mOunt.of $Sft,000, tjie other to the a nnlv how the enormous cost "of Ibis. war. in That pamphlet detailed also the few item's, but the enormous swiudling al- chargeso, far uncontradictedand by men having the control; jbf this business." JV adiington - to the effect that a Cer ' ' '" .'. t..r'' ' tain Mr. .Jlice editor of thePennsyl HtwrtM Admimstration' "Mre Vanian. had a contract for printine ?5!? rA mankar" S40;000. which cost him ppecuiauon. 7 "''VrAnX Til-llu' : .i: .n A Correspondent of the Missouri Democrat jusi.tftwvv, M'prpuiueiug uiucu yv writifig fron Camp floyd, Uuh Territory, per cent, to tne VY astilDgton u nwn, v . j. t o.i f.,-:i, eow nrr nor cent. 'to tne assistant ocuretarv UnOCI UttlC iJUIIC ou, ll nmna owire oven tr- T i- T " -1 .MMin ikWMrr'.rArIfiirnidiinir of State, and 3 per cent, to a paper. UVi9 ,0PV-W'fc -.4V- VMMWV. , . ' A ' the army in Utah with Flourfor the ensuing puuiisueu iu .i,u merubt ui u, uicmuc. rear. Ol vyugtf . n" . i,r ,.fft, if aooma .Tfthii That document in addition to -the af- lie v rv v v-va t uvivt i vvvM" ",v v. I . . 1VIHI v "o fair of Merrick k Sons, details, also, fia'aantafMm i oo . on nd of flour thev the other frauds exposed lnthe.rhila- . . . . .-.ill- -vt . r i 1. .i the Camp, is not less thah 5,000 pounds, ma- and minority. Reports of the liouse ot - - - ' t I i A AAA AAA D vkMAOAtlntiifAa ' king the annual consumption auoui uw,w ttv-jicocutawitc pounds ' - It gives also the case of the Hon; J Thev take snuff. 'Wfci: fthTs iddso! from a public document, though K dif 12 bottles Maccabov Snuff.' , f i . bottles-ilartiaiqk SnoJSV- I A1: ,i3 pounds A merican SnuiJ . . v , : t 2 Walnut SouBojce. (ail (or Ho.) A'Tnembet ityf Congress of eflirse' takes snuff, and has agoTd h'ekded ($cTzt anlpoexhlxnicji bout the capitoL.. . "American gentlemen, 1 also ,garJt their back hair." "NTesee tne folldihg convenient Arrangements : , H: 278 TaufTaia and .other combs,; Tor " TTniSA m imm 38a 4 tj to each member) English and 'U N otbei fcruetj, Ubuse jf 37 Whatever the corrupt public sttl- ment, th'eyralso wash: i : ; 489 bar toilet so, kI soap' dishes'. ' V for House io9J Is a member of Congress good lbk- iirg ? He has a perenuialTeW ofehis magnifieent person. There are-11' 30 maoMlkent French iJate mir-' 1 r rors 00 Has hi corns:? : i , There are :i,45T yards vclvetcarpcl lr.tHXlO Perhaps our friend likes to loolcbut Price per Farm. Gov. DiAursed. Xo. Farma Squandered. $lG0o)$923304Gl V57.706 8000 r ' 12330 11200 11304 11200 constituents they require twapost om- oft j, fields,i andMitlke ce.: The Senate has a post-ofBce for v mistressVejebrpw;S its sixty-tour senators, ana tne nouse .u..'.s -t, ' - p ' V . J . , . i j- There are single windows costing- .- Sj-. of Representatives, being equal m dig- ai)iecc, : . i ; 17,00 00 nityhas also its post-office.' TheSen- TJoes he ke' to lounge under a ntg- vu,vv .7-x. w.. nincerrt arctlj ana wnisper tonis nekr it-ifirst-master at $185 ; secondly, Oh, I am one of 'em f" if and assistant post master at $M4U ; , . ; - - i -nkA ami tniraiv, ana two man uov ut . - . TT . . j mUt nfflfnk TSo ..Is the air of Heaven ; too , rude M - x q1ut plebian for his pampered nerves . four persons a post xnaster at $2190 P atm0SJ attuned ith one messenger at .Ktu anu iu siuan . - if., . a :.1;..i the luxurious etherofa'inamnfh SISTr P"Ce' steam Pump,3vhiCh yours.yaporto Then, the gentlemen of the Senate r r - ' ft- u .4 ',,w .ln Oh, with what emotions of admra require to be waited upon, jndmgers - - . . mu8t foiffa i being scarce, xney require lor umea- , i . . -, , w. - r .. . .. . i ! sahors and secretaries look unon one sensers, at the remunerative wages 01 r-r ? . . . . - r,v, l- i.fs of those magnificent, beings AVJthaiis $1200 a messenger to every three ben- e , , ators. The House of Kepresentatives -""T " i J r r i t or .c ilnA1.ii- and his combs and his cane brexfth has only 35 messengers, generally get- . . , HUr 1 " i a a E r A I lilt: tllla K tilt ; ' a -.i T- i - i, citmjr smaller wages tnan tneir inenus , -i, . . c Now, when- it is rem envbered that Messrs. Glancy Jones a leading, .member , ot j h Senate but the head one ro- jGt us w pass from those delight- ;Wh6 gqt lit hexl has, also an jnerease iu the pay j of the Tmj aniQunting p 4Speryear-ramoanting to that gross, increase pf 672,0Q9.j4 Well allow that. . , , Jliene. : remains , the enormous ; sum of . ll,9yO,00U unt? counted, for-, increaf e in fiv jeji? t 1 , , fin. ' L' a 01 consiaecaojy: ever iuu per peuv,tli . IVe have struck: out 300,009 on Ac count of the Washington ;kAquedut the Tost qmcen ana tne.ejjravagfcni t th Canitnl . .We have struck out this we. have aljbwed;the.increaw in tno numper anAine payui rap my--and nowask the Bemocratic can dldate In this DistricU'where is- that $lXfcO00,OOtr Who KalgoUt ?i Trpm nearly $9,000:000. and that more than it ougui ip iae ucpn. h,u vu v-"vvv uvv in SGven years,. i i v , ... - 'Whv slumbers the Indignation of the Democracy ?" " Vihj arc the peo nlp so natinntr' It is a time for wail ing and ihdignatioti Iri tliePenrbcratic Vp-'iro ,-is lr.hftid. ''3AL ceived; plundered; theij- leadprV' nart prrrved faithles?. V l',f : r We do not kn6wwhre" this norijj has oQ to,huta sttaw;will.ahpy hoxf cerrf .Tpdia!nJ distartancm fejA? debt;;aceQrQing tbthti joffertnfchev- gepfs, ? pf $6,000,000 haoT beenc tracted' hr the War DerkBlfrenl-trns AVaf Dena!i tn1ient'whoserextravaganee recommended (5dr 'ohVUne 104G1 9G00 these thing's with mimls unbiassed) by party fooling? 1S59. $83,000,000 More of Money Gone ! An oflicial statiMnenf just published in Mr. Buchanan's special organ, the. Washington ( miititutHi, furniphes us with an account of the expenditures for the fiscal yejar. ending June 30, IKAYi-eaflus'ire (mind, Exquusive) of fu.x.1 u.t:nniimrn1 OH th VUWtC debt. it ' i as follows : 'ivil foreign inte course and inirtcellaneousj - Interior, - r Xavv, ,- 86l ' Fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and six farms ! Good North Carolina Farms I expended squandered wasted in one brief vear bv " Democratic economy in the man agement of the Government! and more than enough beside to buy half of another farm! Comment is useless. Voters ot the Sixth. District, you cart and ought to appreciate the enormity which the above facts demonstrate. At the same rate of disbursement, how long would it take to consume the whole landed value of our glori ous good ' Old North State V : , ; fifcaLet every man, whether he be Whig, Democrat, or American, who is an advocate of honesty and good government, make free and efficient use of the following statements. They are true strictly true and may there fore be implicitly relied on. Just for a mo ment seriously contemplate the startling fact that the present pseudo-Democratic Adminis tration is prodigally disbursing the govern ment finances to party favorites andpecula tors at the frightful and ruinous rate of ' $92,330,461 per year! $7,094,205 per month 1 r 1,795,311 per week ! " $256,473 per day! $10,686 per hour ! $178.10 per minute! $296 per second ! 1 1 Yet, such is incontestibly tlie truth, tlie proof vu -w.Hin n,.i FT T Rtnnton ffered to fur- Conffi ess from Pennsylvania, and par n'a, R.ir.r.u'of "flour at 10ier 100 lbs., ticular friend of Mr. Buchanan who and that Mr. J. C Little agreed to take the received 5 per cent whilst a member same contract for 1?7 50 per 10U pounds, is oi congress, u otwum witiracw iw it not strange that Messrs. Ilolliday and the government of the Reading Forge rorVr,, Tiavp IpiV awarded this contract at company although there is a law of $28. 00 per 100 pounds? Does it not look Congress expressly forbidding all such like collusion on t he part ot those in Aumor- tvansacuens. 4.11c uwuiucu a r ity? ' 4 in detail tlie expenditures for tlie comr And this is bv no means the worst feature jnittee rooms of the new capital, in- in the case. For,, says the Democrat Corres- yoking $1350. for a looking glass, pondent, the quality of flour manufactured $900 for a set of curtains, $ Jaa piece in this Territory is of the pcre description, for chairs, &C. and would pass for " gweepings" at any mar- These points we shall therefore but ket in. the States." , , hastily, if at. all, refer to in the present It appears that since the arrival of the paper. We propose to take up the sub- contractorsiHoIlklaT'andMartin,) they have ieet. where that pamphlet left off,and . v ' w '7 IE B been contracting for this sort of Hour, at to present the North CaroKn a people from $5 to $8 per 100 pounds. Were they some more interesting studies on the to pay $8 for all they buy, it woukl only re- subject of the public plunder and the quire an outlay of $100,000 to complete their damning corruption of the Federal contract with the Government, leaving them Government. the snug little sum of our hutulrcd arid twelve "Much yet remains unsung'" And thousand '-dollars. Now if, as this correspon- we proceed calmly and we defy con dent thinks to be correct, there are our part- traductions- to bring under the knife nersin the arrangement, they will realize the administration of the government; one hundred thousand dollars each andle a. no an(J we shall lay open its putrid sores (...vnkla vltAr Th pntirp watrps of the n!l FlaTv,o tt oVioll otinV in tbn nns- rn mi .1 -i 1411 SteUKSj H llClt; 3k VAPUKlCSfUWiU J t- eivin- l, oo.u. me otners get - . v. . y . .1. Ar, 01 aaa .1 1. vels 111 realized dreams of orientaia- al4W, oivvu, auu as low as - . . T v , 8600. '. The number of messengers in lY ?r"nCn ;SneCeiP;7 W W t, the gross sum tbtaCof $fc also $1,000 of page and mad boys- 6 KV Bucht- how many pages ana man dovs now ne p- , 5 . 5 ; uu vt . J F p - an. Mr. Fillmore a average expenses do not know. I v.a .u:.i :n:t..HPLi trr 11 ,1 xi l Were aooub vuii i v-nuic 'lunuvn jet. Well, then, as the people pay these 11 J t : i x iiia , ' , ' . 1 A r J year, deducting amount paid towaifda gentlemen's postage, of course they Je lWin innfS nnkhl ought to CD write on. preciates "contin .---!- '.t- - -i'"' : "Ton goes the weasel , .f ' , ATrdihaltfifVay'thyoaey.if The : Committee, oh Mihtary Affairs reduce thirccwnilaim . Tli'is '.one fact, '.op.ensjp'- th'f Koie subject.' ; The ' jieonte "ajP 1 plnc'rj?f We pay orurrynd:pr.mi A Tlrpncli isoldier is liandsomely dreas- dr wcll fed, and drink siucueap wine at ptf n. year. . , iLa pay a,so .or e paper.tney - - -. Mr.B Congress, accord.ngly, ap- a rc.loctio.itof For Stat ?s this; ana we nave among xne . . i t ? ent" expenses of the Senators: thousand, m round numbers, . ,.(1Aflf fsako account of payments towards the pffb- at.onerv ',,00 for 189. fhe m left W 'eighty itiU V : 7 -A".7; . - lie-debt. Jne-sum leit lS'ejgnty ixji- Supposing each Senator.to riteP ;tu Pxnpnn;tnreS of Mr. Buh- each session, to his wife and constitu-1 a f the vekr ending SJune. lB. ents one ream of paper, it would take Thjg exclude9 tv(y TnilliofiS deficif $650. ; but if each member wrote un agt and estiraated in the oxp- wxi-jr . alture9 ot tms year, ana inciuaes millions deficit for 1857-. We ak trouble or risk. The entire wages of the men employed in the Quarter Masters De partment for a whole year, would not amount to one-half the sum squandered on this flour contract alone. To what purpose do we hear this cry about retrenchment in the expenditures of the gov- fajrg erhnient, while the heads of departments are Well may a Democrat for each gentleman's writing paper as it does. .v Of course, also, gentlemen must have news, accordingly we .find : -Xewsmners for Senator 53,200 llouse of Representafives 12,500 l 1 . a until Democracy shall stink in the nos trils of the people. We do not mean to impugn the rank and hie ot the dem ocratic party; by Democracy we mean the policy and the acts of those whp have guided and controlled public ar-d X o,uoo,ioi ot 4.753,972 00 23,243,822 38 14,712,610 21 X et 8UCn IS incuilltSLivijr wic pvvi i , ;-i c -uv k Mi-fU'Af Utah flour speculation. The statement says of which we furnish by the re-pubhcaUon of v ia g .rtne.iu.d the rational in- the subjoined Exhibit, all payments on the ferencc jg tiiat 'Mr." Scales is one pf tbem. vtiaavivy ...a - r n en ilia y it Jciiiutiat t . permuted 'thus to lavish upon contractors are the people SO patient? Why hundreds of thousands of the people's money ? sumDers the indignation of the party?' ? we snail not ue surpnsea io iearn, wnen mc Surely it is a time for all parties to expenses of -rending Put the army to Utah to up anasweep from their foul roosts make peace with Brigham Young are footed the-Yulturcs at Washington to fright up, tuau tne prou oi ept;tujwjr3 i-uhhcvku with the expedition exceed byv thousands of dollars all the other expenditures. Now we would-like for Mr t Scales to be able to show that he is not coiicerned iiKthis how Gen, Pierce" and Mf. Buchanfti h v Honbled the exDendituresin a tlw years? Can it be explained ? Do.nnt tne people unuuuu un eijauanvu i r ; Ten years ago the annual Iiegisia o ..... i .v-. T0tai ; ' . . $l,700 tive expenses, not estimating anyiuing Which. At S4 a niece for six months, for , frank in sr privilege,! "was' me would gie our precious Congress 392 million. It ianow, as wfthave se, mSlTUCltVe aaily uenspapcis. . - o,uoo,it; -mice iiiuww:giw"Miiij '"Then the two Houses must have their years. . " ' K clerks. The Senate has one chief clerk HOtr xnE SeCketabt er war m a it ic s .t n i to th President ot isenate $lo com- - -nr. lprks at S850 each. And also a- a. a, ay w - I 4 lj 11.1 a U. aa lli w aaw " - clerks to committee, pages, police, There were -in 1857-8 abou tweJiS horses and carryall at $04,50.50. thousand five hundred soldiers in te ' We.' might refer al(j to'theiVt Sncllingisale in: 1857,-wkiere Sorn SOOO acres of public ittml fdr which . n lV..L-.a.v.''a without advertising, at : 811 pQr'&cre to certain parties; , ohc of thenr a par ticular friend ef th(j iSe'eretarjjwK learned in Washington jfcom Uhe'Sefe fetary of War that the fl'ale'vould take ' place; and who - traveled from v asn ihgton to Fort Snelling fgomebf t0! in company witfr tho 5)hnt?si6nerg of tne b&k- auu-wiio, escepv a,tvivvMw inissi5rierg, ai far as appear y ere the Only pe'rsbrw who knew jbf the intenct d sale the people living ontne!sptH some of whom wan ted tcj buy j not jh6ar in of the malter for a ' ipionth kftferthfr'. bTa ten. mad ft 17 The who! reserra itlon brougdit ninety jtli'oosnttidU i Tlw . partner or Jur. Steele rre oi ina pur- chasers, soon after thrij-'sale fferedi a . detailed account of thje ' ralue'oP th land to Mathew Johnsbn, U glar , Rhl fhr tha "Northern DistricVof Ohidiv;. ,' at the large figures of cnt tnilBoii four; hundred and forty acrts tras acttxal.y sold for six hundred: thouaano. ! Let us examine the war dpartmei v lere were -in 1857-8 apu te) uvaovo uuu tj. -j vnUUSiillU 11 V C uuuuicu duiviiciuiu Why. the committees and, carry alls are Ai-my. The total cos.t of jthe war $60,3196,580 86 ! lUit that w n'oflall. A part of the annual appropriations fojr each fiscal year is never expended until after its ox pi ration, j but all is upeutin the end. The Congressional appro jjia)ion for the hast year wertf $,000,000, wKilA di rpeniniJhavp been con siderablv Less u0jm p about $23,000,000 less public debt being deducted J ' rrora the Lyncliborg Virginian. An Exhibit of the Expenditures. Exclusive mark it, eTdusive-of the pay ments on account of the public debt, theex penditures of the Government for the last fen vears, ending the 30th of June in each year, have been as follows: 1849., .$41,178,305 henee his -approval Of the Monndn war, and -- T 1 i uo other leading measure oi jvirj jsucnanau a admini8trrtiou so he says. Will -Scales; en lighten the public mind upon this, subject ? than the expenses) is this enormous of thegovernment. Where . - . . i- . deficiency u o?ae irom ; I8o0 1851 1852 1853 1789 to 1792 - - t3.797.493 1792 to 17- 12.083205 1790 to 180Q - - 213851 1800 to 1804 . i 17474,433 J804 to 1808 - . - 23,827,24 Do the people not see that, if not put a fcop to by them, such j management of the flnan cial affairs of the country will inevitably lead to DIRECT. TAXATION, and that, too, at . no vry distant day ? Let thetri reflect--wUh what degree of salisfaction would tlwy behold he Federal Aseesspr of Taxes alight at their doors, and proceed to take an, inventory f their effects, preparatory tp collecting a hun dred miUions ibr ithe support f the peneral Government? I,5oMMnk Jtheyare already sufficient fiv tax2d! ..t 7 f? ,r . - " The above statement shows a autimlly. ecoijoinicai state or tilings, truly-t-pracuce against hmfpaaSnnR K-ilK a mnmuinpt ! -AVrrila " i w v .TV.. - . Mcsfers. BuchanaferStephens, andoter"Lpco loco high in place, were heard. a few" months ago iloudJy protesting that ;$46,OOO000 was ample for the Dublic exnenses. we now find these verv men offieiallv confessihe that thev have, within tliA liial brtpf TARr wiokftdlv ac&l- lered to the wind 13,000,000 mors than twice that amount of the people's money, and 23,000,- letter from Judge Douglas. i ;.; is. ' -j y: WASiiixtjToi Juise 237 Thp friends bf Judse DOmrlas are in pos tfc a followincc. letter explainins his ovaoivu o - - - (-. . . v 1854 ... 951,018,250 position in regaru ro jnjc i a iOAfi.W tRSS ' Sfi.3fia.3fJ4 L ' WisntKTON-June 22. l&D'J. f io-f oooliotft ' pi 179 inO. I -r..-J" o!i..lT kavp rACpirlmi vour letter -39,732,081 1 1857 i 64,878,828 inquiring whether my fnends'are at liberty to At kaa oft.? iiwfkU 71 miii-i.mi mMsnt int viaiyia tn tne unartesion vonven- . . . j.. I v-tVn Pii,nf tat naminatioa. s-JJetore Tho expenditures pi tne uovernment irom i "'i-j' nll determined! it will 1789 to a period ol WirtVHnree jeare, ww."" T aaUmU i,n were as follows : " V u .' . I Ps7. u?dcny rl,lCteffiD THU47R37"! wat issues tne canrass 10 w "'uu-- io637',B8sllf4 as 1 have full faith, they wfll, thr Demo- wMft 1 cratic party snail oetermme xTwsiy - . v 1 i Vmhodied in the compromise of 1850, and TtaiaK0rrato - - - ----- - L.int tlti runlin thiiTrABidentiiil elee- ; TrI,te - - a the Kansas Showing an excess pfjxpenditure during ..JSUrfi into the lasttryearsVexclu of payinentson fnhlSJVn acoount pf, ?he .; J.?"' 1 WMrucltaaaa; in lua letter Scceptirij years, and dwifig whi. a.tnost pejns ye Siit4.tlieCoB- vi ar ' 1S(W to 1812 - 1ST ta 1816 1816 to 1820 -1821 1 ; - - 1822- a " . radcarfiedon with Ureal WW1 7 jC?; i Hftk.IL m Thepenarturesduringthe administranon TnrSiVnf qfJohniQuincy Adamwereas follows; - -111,4459 1 1?27 - - - : cJHS! TSlrn - - 7 "T 7 -f lUiiv,! JKirK Yw liAft. achieved cso faSaWic-: rrirSra lieu-Sf them -Showing' an average xpehdituirellfof W creed of the party auc.h MTJS?" W wry vearbf thtlast tbur'yeareof $14,- vival u;wjw-w 017 325--Mr than lh4 entire fexpeaditure of greswopal slave code fitfhe i tne wnoie lour vears ot me iuuch auiun. - .rr . . .T.r, - T -t i 4 These gureB.arewtt,1 " we ciraiienge tp e Ferr itf Territbri beyond the power pfthe , . . o , I the unclean birds that svarm upon the capitol, : ; But let us proceed with our tasK. , And. fiht. in this letter of Feb. 23d, 1852j Mr. Buchanan speaks with hor- ro -ui vuv cuuiuiuua Jrr . . TT bf the Government, which had ;jrea;h ed (he said though it was not true,) the sum or niiv millions oi uuuaia irei ur nnm and.' "iirmsfis" Arrested by. the strong arm. of JJemocrcj, niignt in a ll-VV V r"i I f- 1 Tzitl ,il Hlrz LI UUU1 .V AlliaAlVMVt , He was conVihcedJ hesawat the ex penses i couldjbe considerahly reduced below the, present stanaara.j, . - r That's the proniKNoTf let read the practice. ,77. 7 - the. first, year,vMr. Buchanan speni$810,OQand,had some twenty .jbUliw'-ip,, carry on the GoVernment,'-' Actually, when he was straigntenea i5pouej,4wuuiiig 000,000. 4,.,:A ir - - . - What would lie nave done in the t?illmore.when the Treas- ury .was, then oy erflowing t . r n.?.,t,.: Knt wa rift not nesiffn ip. tieciaim ; wp. cntne- forward i with facts, we give dates ani authorities, ,arld,?we shall PTJiminp rnipnv ueuiui uw niwsaoto. It U,pur object tpiBhowho-w the: money ja'pt;.4ad'i(Q3VI'' M us see how Cspngres -that precious protector ana fmardiaJL of vthe people, jnanages-ia owisjiestaiwith jAft peppier mpneysiki5 HWe4aVjar the followinexhiDitf the pavr mueane am? )ic.iMga w vajuiks, trom xne- great cevirm i t Democratic parlf, the Washington we must Piss ont ?iet 'Th'e'foilowin is a statement pf the expendTtures-bf the Kvrj for thejrears givenr , - Under Mr. Buchanan, lgi7-'53, . Including stsam nail service . 13t091,OfX) Under "Hr. Fillmor, excluding f ' steaiih mail service for 186-'50 - 7,7J5,000. For l850U'5i , .. k j.v 7,9$4,HX) FnrlRSl J.W r .' " ... L . 7.65.000 1 ,For 1852-3 " V :l7-7- k , Average under Mr, Fillmore -;yi ; I3,ow -ifirt tt,"AvAttAri77 RhinSinlheKaVT with 7P guns-ln 18S8,-7shTps,wit 2231 guis ;;'s that tejavyfiirither . smaller now tnan it was tnen, antf xu chanafl in six years mindges to $W ell the expeBOJiures rgiu Kigui mu"v v 170 we maite any. Bnsieuiwcuiauuii , But I f- brouffht? into the same item, we do -not u-rt.ment' was twentv-five thousand ,know but suppose they get tired wriT snnT hundred and eiffhtv-nve dollars. ting down all they did have. " - . We. will deduct for we jwoul'd ' The other House, has - some tbirty tpa(i n0 onetwo thousand three hucv- clerks, with salaries ranging at 31500, dred charged upon this liepartmeh 1800, 2100, the clerk of the House but'actuallv expended on the Capito; OOUV. But let us make out our bill inform: . Total pay of 308 members of the " House, and Senate, including ex- . penditutes on Capitol 7 $0,083,523 Total-cost of a Congressman, in- . 7jeluding capitol . - zu.zoj.h itol 16,ya4.Uo or yeario-Ji , . f r or year loux-uo. According to our inquiries, as- far Ave4ge neaily the General Post Omce. &c. It leaves twenty-three, thousand ,oie; handye.1 and eighty-five. We havei this mcnt :. ;'. j ';' . .;. . .t Expenses of War Departm't Under -,-, Mr. FUlmore, for vear 1S4V-W, 1,401,0 - , fee a a 1 " ' ! 21 llrt. 1Ti-i &,946,Hf 4 97500,td illU X UllUVtV IV For vear 1850-5 U' i...vj. uiii -1 . - - 1 . .'am rra nmiv v aa nrosecuted. the following; with re- UnderWen: Pierce. 1833-4. exel i- . rrd tn a fetv items, is f ' I ding Rivers and Flarbors ." . 10Q0,QM fe - - . i rv- 1SS4-S THiidV Rifcnt - r fMITsQm Harborsjlind Public BaildingF, 13,l00,Ai 4U" ""'v ' 7'0 r . . 1fVk For vearM-o, KCiunmgCi . fhr Honae. (2 Dersone,) o,lUM 00 1 i, ' ,o.t- . i...i: t -18 messengers, for 64Senators "21,600 00 . - " rT.,or, n iCI 7lt l At '7IMI IHII OO UO Wr 11UUCC, OV w.-LT" m-, -;- " ist crupny: " .VT l;rrS2aVrt.t :? Wk, in Uasten pon tlmPccalio fuievnaw If cnrl th countrv for the last eix.3rare ieTeBAmia ytiSJrC. enormity OT increased x)enduure and wm?'. P of ths bubllo money ripwalleled &5t W 'Trust ng that this nswefwdl be deemed J7,250,0 10 for House, at -.. -es-flnd Maifboys" tor h,8,du " " 7-7 . - - JL r.SarM Writing wiper fer Senate- i(,ww oo me oruiuan vApuecfvtm&ii rin. io llouse ,iw w anirtmont harfif Dcen more:uianfloir Newspaper? for Senate 3,200 00 geven yea, Inthatltinie,thari ?ho.Ta1i,Sru 32.489 30 three or fonr thousand mbi-sarf,t 'oa sljam." .30 Clerks for House, st aiAW 4.i,000 tX) thousand it having , amounted if flCar anot i tv ".nil nnf also tbf following items. Villmnrp's time, to some nine thousand 1 ri:v,-, toot fd'thd ftimortVof MraAaor C!At4-w '--r7- ; genatorTuj7qieT;t-i . buse in ihcavy ; ther mnyl)eihanie 'fal proflrgacy :atsomie -Jplacii )f '5? OOOjOOt) cannot give tra NafvUbat ''docs nt 'even rise above the dighity -5 V hf!nst a Pr&nkmV FrrrHese to the rb''-arr I . . , rrn AAA I PAat 4iftwv Drartmeni -i &..- ww.ww ExpeadoVcar; -.000,000 i . . - - t Fillmore's ticie, to some nine thousand 11VC lllllaval cvt -aaivia. . a v v..wc il . .XX!. j..A amah ' nAfd 4fhtr tii j Ui ail 1U1 ui(u lKX jf pbrtatidnitc., &c.y amouuled; to let e. ava;u, at au a,ijeiaBvjjaJ ?aj-4. $1200 Hie pay tf a -2nd leiutenantt-j This givis 1,200,000 which deducted AAA A Art 1 . lx, at,rt Xtff ; thM Dcmoteatic Senator, Clingman of Jorth Carolina, ec same reference ; vr .V.?irvi. I ' Senator :Ungmam ; -V Pemottra- f tie member oi: uopgren irpm ineoiaos 7r'- vrlr in Tprdvito a xemarlcof . , . A. . . . -t I . , J ! . L.. .jnioe abWlt IDC; J targe. ;,expenuntE? ; WhU the above,, arUcV8 ehowif how touch U JSigned); v i'cA.wujua lwTa--. v vi 't a V -7? v 7 Wp cnll.out also the following items. (We are taking all this from a public document, entitled Eatimates of the Appropriatiotis," sent to tho House of Representatives by Howell Cobbf Sec retary of the. Treasury. He gives.the ainoitnts appropriated for4l&58-0t and thaesthnateafor 1859-4)0. Ounfigures afCthe: appropriatkn actually -made Keeper t the Stationery ..i c ; n.,l.tantftn Senate -7 150 00 Binding Docunients, ilouso .f 7 w " "I A -a--, . - rpL t'two-tiiiaTu jr ri Senate - - -'Vww TjthographingailsraymgftaT :- 7Houser, v... . TT ; .V fc 1 00 Folding Documents, House. - - 3.000 00 fcartagt Housed- 77 .V i ' ' ' , 20000 FiietlU addles " s -100 00 -&nate u f7 .1, ' sxi .49-9 MiscePaneoua,, He HorsSsCarriages, (don These ! W . -. , . V v t a. .!..-. uni imoir rptnrrr. lolaime tnat. in. ni inpiniopi i,ooe.efvthe iXaiyaras, 1 ahall.ior pec1yj:whjck Xwo-irds of jhe money wa wasted.' tV-t t .b 73lTWn.71VA tmnKtlnaiaS jctj . tirobaVKwt way Experience fna .Uvo-tbirAth y X5f rt. ai :anj purpai; the ran ano-yc "rW1.' trtf , r-V-' -.T'tl' ! J - it iaiust to exiiccV an increase w'tnf flranie iOvM.'. - . -.j-"' .t wwHf tbatiiiTCTe'iSl rrXoomSs.- "ThelWWforthe nted to tura. nse '..'w .f . ; "Prneli NavY is reprcse anJSaddleHDe;.;' kr..x . ? ----- m-iaA ... A--'( - ' w :rr'--: 1 . 1 1 I -J V a i Wl'l L. a. ! . . tMlfl fa avns III VW -CaU W a 4 'ttfieyfeave a nice timer; - - 'ic t t.l.ve i-cajiujv;,vou.iHii4l f d3U-iLfrw V- r ! wa.1-r9rt TiftA?rr1 - "fi'tn Ot lilt OtliCr. tTV7r'-7r., r-.l , ,1 l XK) piorc than the ncioeffwcmmenf'vt - - . r- '7 v7r'7;;7- ' . "-7rr7 - r 1 l : . . . - -i : t . - . . - - . ! " - .-I"' -a . -: 'V--77.. , - , ; , 1 . 7 . ' ' , )

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