;n. Terms' of DVymsiy: iV it-tilt 1 HU ' v u .f fs'.- . -One-Dollar a 6qujrefgar: tle f.i'et waek; arid Twenty-five Cknta ton isji$tk khitisSUI. Sist(llleirit!ls willfmiiki a aapuJe. Deduction'? made in- fa atandih tnat- PUBLISHED WEEKLY, J'ii STOW T 4 S 1 fr.AR. .wW !-J1 RiiT-'l " r-JEditors and Proprietors. .. TERMS ' .1'., ;r' vtC Sfatesvill i ' i ' v it . -i & a i i arm a ir u i i i &v s a i n i 11 v m a - i j at - bp s m i v w v , , n. , - ' ' " ' 1 - ' ' T"' " ' 1 t" ' ' " ' ' r T.-t i' Frew the 8bnd BdiUon of tort Veek' Express, . , JKPORTANT FACTS FOR THE fEOPLE Vile Slanders, Falsehoods, and E&tfis&n allet! ; The Cat Otut of the , v. VoterB trf the Sixth District, remembpr thjit 'i . &&SoAles dnil the existence of the jdocur ,Bent -contain ipg J,. 'C.Hen't report of the ' -oniipiion wttwli-wtravagancd of jBucha- fin"8 administration, aud hs tlijuji ondcav- . ,ored to Bftppresa it , knd keen the truth from ;the people. ;.iut GenLeach, aftir raany ef r, forts, (finally ; ujedthe docubient -from sWaahington; ftt t COSt, :o $25 !-ifiho ipg' it - :to $1t. Scales nijrpducinlhe litter, from a gejitleoian in Washington, proving that hp ' had to pay, th t amount to.get the startling truths 6ontaintd In eajd Allen 'jj rciort before . jtlie people. t " '' . .... f We ask you, then, if Scalca is io he rdied aj,, ot ii ne merits ure -Mipport cm any iair jninded and patriot ic man in the District ? .Is it hot 6utra?eua to think that alinember of learn that the aid Scales' slrew the bill,. land defended it, and stood by it throughout the odious and high tax bill that they have been paying taxes under tot THREE long years ? Yes, Scales was the author of thai unjust ball, a bill discriminating in favor of Eastern North Carolina, and dead against tthe interests of the Western part of the State -. Among other things,1 it taxes lands' four times a high as negroes. Yet the greater portion; of good with the fixed determination, o,' James M. Leach,-one of Qie purest-patnotsj in the btoNorth Se. Ana Je klm whp dde'a bo, oV'su?f Ilia? njUneijhbb'r vdUes"ii6- 'wise ' faif ' In voting would" Sim 'pi y be "lo act;the;6f Agalnfxvil sSyt beware" 6f the aier-rimncrs ibovfealludea-tor ; drSd fJoiia aen- washihi tS?eataf! Ex-Scriatoi -ert71roitf hhi lexpTeswfcMsiiafteiriPAtlrft t-tRr(i!fffi of l2M.'U.-' i "i-- 11 'J L .HJ.LJJ..i an m,m . . .-ji. i.. i , .. iS j T t ;'r-'. . " ' I !. 1 " l .1" .'... WfeJI?-!- yvwhM'nt?, I iltltal ihmimllerafoo't,artd that r Borland, former! v or,M,? t-ffffifffe? TiT. f,. ! tl,f.'.. li i or,- m anri vAad v. fnr " !i llewaW-t44it fr: aitlhat rAt t'-irf5 a fPhns rt "nmviprptrMVt f that siity tJollmf aMaHlfiiif fMJuhff .otr TW .M-ihwnkHratas4inJuih7v'l po.rssod hv Mr. iWhahan, as -the of llu ailministration, can1 pre- dollar Preaeh fnirfor- rBfOdlfiftft TPIaf! fvoiiitilC fvWstOll cAtVWltiolt 0m Voters, theretis tnetimepicture your m6i'efexlitbitcf!i,ff ratfjrrWFili OiAt.awvfuU ':4,iu&fIciH4iioJUMrtf aPt in thlrumaibMhe rRpreseuueire Conwmpi&teH;. per cent, per1 annum: and.'sfartfrm natibnat dem'.ratiTvatty,' 4 -J Gen-'lieach' ohetllai4idraTeaTdrte theTdt?' rrt-..Mh'tt rr.r-ll.fr n'w 1 ' tfi'rrrio?ttllF Ttotir; lwtgj t)aMUt)ifir uvt'Wmt. var. ' .'F,' f4!owh'' oontMwdence of tKe Press iKr acrr1ra1o?!ifl ftrrrsVorASrrt-1 evcuf flioy lflJSrnf)UiaiiMst!ttitl wjU-er.re.4, jwiiearo in -what direction the Congress shou Leach argtiedi ument, wliich desk of every ilu pet in this way ; Jor, ae Gen. if he did not know pf this doc- lis required to be placed on the knember of Congroa annu'allj (a report exhibiting tlic useless cxjK;nditure of millions of dollar is a -man ignorant of sucli important . fill Eepresenta Voters, mijsvi lox ! of the facts either a viihtiit or faitli- ive? '. er this question at) land is in the West, owned bv men manv of whom own no negroes, while three-fourths Of Voter or IVedell , to 4h lOUft H es afe owned in the East. And Ve'call tn the ' Voters 4of lrlde'levety up for the West, and made speeches and pro- -States as It todw4 is--we. Call Waff's nrli Vneri, poseu ' many anienoiDenws niafc wuum nnc i" u - iuna ouu iuir lessened greatly the! taxes "of th'Westand JtW,Gen.'i.EACH W ajl ever ffersorf xcfib increased them in theHSaj&thas bordeningthe receives the Express not oiily talfend'ilie people equally. But they v ere vdted foym. election bimselt,' buT'ld" see beforeliaiid bit by Scales and Eastern members; and then neighbor,!! ger him to go to me polls -Jtu Gen. Leach not willing to seethe Westith tike manner and vote for-theOppoitnan freemen of the West, thus insulted boUly didkte,' Gen-;Leaeh,Ji If I red el i 'votfes her refused tp support' that iniquitous bill, and strogth, (and vhy i!hshe :riot ?) General voted against it.' 'Was he not right? tLetAl- Leaehlwill beat Mr Scales 800 ttflOOO.-KTo cxandef, Ashe, Alleghany,' and other West- thtpblht ' 7b ttepotlf ! then, and redeem the em counties that have, these heavy taxes. to Sixth District from theodianiofwrArt'm pay,' remember that Scales oppressed them , and its concomitant evi'.a. - Men of IradeHj to while Leiach : was their friend and advocate, POLLS ! " ' i and then let.them rally and" rush. to-the bal- the fednctiori of melberspay h pfd; WhifFfcindani of peiayortesslestire lo guard 1h pirblU: U 'pi:fcTf&thpa1$-l he Democratic party-retrenchjhejMla sl-i to tl US . 3ffiVHthar5 bet u'mVs- tl,at day .Pemocrati asasndauc- 4fc-eouncilftr-malntniff the reservef rights ofl itraTnganC ; have stated Arer4Ky6nd disjinte. ilie ug- .-.l-Uie?l't Whigs of lr44ll itie' -Stateswjpport the constHmi6n-rnN lioa,Uj4 ilQW- .fm WHSJjpU aw.strengti on the wnfi'nue inViffUteheiorrdf theWSafe tliese arenorleairrcsisUlile, Mat 'VVur ad theirs vll assuredly be a 'Iiiese are Mrlifi-loiig princlpfesf irfd ibTrJerjcs'so Tri allrrdhVfonljfo?irTcm. Jyp ijplitioian,; sounJ ccuomii, ' f-'lorios vfetoi.jtJ!tgjcan dejfeajt them their etabirshm'eWhe will,-if-e1ecfe:jrtJS" hrtko"rrrTl.:Hef rjr? iBbrMti; ! f A'ui! airlmm(leiTr.r.atrotJe" honW ! )shfrMWr yoky Let no HU editbats 'f-3 K .i intrVrof all nartfeL to iv to' tl.re ut wef ITie leaders oLthat lats nMth(t.e"m;fcr4eri(ves ?' i e pa-c cracy. wiyi wnom Aye were incn ujnjeu, 1 lui a Il;iJJJ.' "N ' ,t Jtannvi a Vote ail of hip proverbial imhistryj' energy,;; unswerving perseverance, and unconqoera- r ilp ithe ballot- Tlic Corrupt and Lying: Editor Wemtcrn Sentinel. The Westerji pentinel has bcei charging on Gen. Leach, that while a inenjber of -the Lcgisiatnre'iic them, tbjnvol introdViced Lillrf and voted on re the State in a dbt of $27,- lot-box with the cry of Liberty, Low Taxts, Lrach, and Victory! -.: 1 ' ... . , 'sr rj . Tor Thq. Trodell Express. The Old Soldiers of 3ft:ssrs. Editors : I lieard four or five strong Democrats lay the other day, that they would not vote for Scales, nor any other man who piscussion at Mt. Mpurne-aud : ... ' Brown's. . Messrs Leach aod Scales made ppeeche lo very large collections of people at the a bove named places, a Wedaesday and Thursday last. We learn from persoua who were present tjiat Gen. Leach tnade a m01 favorable irjipression uponhe minds oliiis ?i? -iirTJte Doaglas Manifesto. hie zeal. j Voters, look upon th.s .p.cture, thfn-up 6r' tn aciToancinS" 'arnl" that, and choose ye, between them. ; gnfers cxranc' urnMiii' mA..c4.w...e ".:. Lot a W iMff-auministration; wore the v. " ,C. Allen's itepbn of the experts oflhW uan'ccl.af t; been at Tlspeeiandv fWrrd Wajifig House of Uepresematives h4en-tbWl "all cohiinj mllielr cbujef Lct tnce.n-theekslntantfe, the 6ommrsiohf inearc6UBre! cked- examine, tlie rqcorU, m order to get a v - "; W. truthful aaFi: ostion. ! mmgf mm-wmrATirai caicaiaretipo , n -- i ?tanle-heVil depy. convention enfei- i?irst, jthe.ro was deiu. riei'ce twen- - .I7 . , w 000,000, where is he only introduceji bills and Voted on them to involve the State in .$900, POO. This fact Gen. Leach inconjrovertrWy established, arid Mr! , Scalles did dot dare to deny, but adrriittcd, thati the Sentinel man had lied on the General tohe amgunt and to thctune of $26200,006! ! ! ' ' ISN'T THAT " SOM LIE?0- (!!!) ; LdaclT proves, and called "on Mr, Scales to dispute it iiThe dared, that in another charge the Sentinet wretch had told and published a known and wilful falsehood on him to the a mouiit in that case of $T,pO0,O()(), jmd in an other ease a bawe falsehood in regird to the Italeigh and Gaston Itailroad to til e amount of $700,000. j In another ir stance, "a mieraM lie in re ' gard to the .Cape-Fear and Deep 1M vcr Navi gation bill, to fie amount of 580,0(M). Inanother ease.relative to the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad, to the tune of 2"0f- In another -instance, -a deliberate and infa. AniviaoH i'Atnrr piirht Hn tira a mnnth tn T ip f ; . - r old Boldier-tnat had fouglit the battles of the 3 and " obtairi votes of many uernocrais, in cousequen.ee pi nis expsuie of the conupiion8 of Uuchaoan'sidrainitra- tion, which to lhat lime the country -rthe whole amount of which.. Gem l,(ach" Proved from statistics artd docunienta ,f, , j t, .1 C , tion, wiMcri to mar lime tie: democracy m wrtii lil'nrtr t'taiit nno Tnillinn nn Mars the rirsir i ' , ; . . -t J , .' - - T1 , , " that part of the County had been kept lro:n year;- and in a few rears all the old soldiers . J ,. . . . 1 " , .. , - . hearing their own politicians and presses would be in their graves, when it would not . .? ; . - : - sV 1 ' . .1 - . Tr having denied this information to lh public cost the Government one cent. He also pro- . ; , - , , a , - , .,' . ., . ... j r.. .. ear. It 1? said that Mr. Scale left these ved that if the extra pay that members of y t .v - -k-- ; -.. Congress were getting was cut doVnl tliatthe VTX? .vvhere t years ago (herecei ved a excess would be twice as'much'aVould be ftrong support,;, muclid.sheajtened. and required even the first vcarand ten'timesas wejghed down wnV def uondency, , .Genial i n'.ii'it,, a,' ' ".,:,., or I Leach, besides other docun-eiHs. read from much as would pav the few-, survivors- five t - I v . .1 .5 . .. 1 ; n nesi by Mrr Scales and the serviland eons sciericelefs advocates of his" re-election. "Scales stilL occasionally denies' the frutrrof' 'Mr.' Allen's statements.' '-The Jon'ror Editor heart) him do to ;n ihe discusfon "of Thuts. day last: whereupon Gen. La&ch turned to' him, holding the report close to his taco, and1 asked him, 'i;Da"yon deny'! that xtiil"' is 'the erfnine Veprirt oT'JrC. Allen?' ""Nd rfe 'would not deny thafit was. "tlo ybuJcRn'-: trad ict the truih ' o'r the stafemehts' tXefeih made V No ;"Mr?caTes al triitted their truth.- years hence. He likewise showed thatcales y "J,CM 0 ,11C ,1C,U? l .V would have his. FORTY. DOLLARS A DAY, and rnerners.0l5onSress-9 pa"iph!?t but said hv his vote-ro. too, Hh scorhs of cosi Gen.- feach $25)-to show that,T.the Block 7?cwMrans-rthat'the brave und patri otic old soldier should not hav"25 cents a day no, not ONE CENT!! " ; Manyof the Democrats are saying tfceyare against the extravagance "and the c'oiTuptioh of the Adnlinifratioil, and '1 hat they have no further use 15r Scales,-' but; intend trying Leach tliis'time, and see if he will redeem and make good his pledges. - "Was Tie net the' Democratic Tlie J. C Allen tsnjlilet. charges of extravagance' wtiich he. I rouht agairist 'SlrVScales and the Presfderif, we're truerthe pa'm'phTetliavirjg been published by the Cleric torth"e last House 'of Representa tives 'VDembcratfc body ll e Clerk him self' being a Democrat. Therefore', any des, hiat made by 'Mr.' Jates -ibarthe pamphtet misstated " facts, '-wis sirpf errfeiy "absurd for it was ordered to-1 printed by thev House thatihe members mig-ht see antt khW hro-w- the public, moPeysrti large ia sum foo had mbiisly oorrujit falsehood, in regard to t he Tuia ha3 Lecn aa nhpoi-tant document in -been expenaed, and 'the Treasury rendered ic records Albemarle Cinkl,! of $4(MM.NhK Now, Eeach proved, both nt M and at Brown's tax-gathering, in th frorri' facts not fflisjmted rind from t) of his" votes, that the SentineLhad told and published all (hi'sc base and mean falsehoods, knowing them t ) IA su h- as well ks his mis erable lying abmt his absence in jtlie Legis lature; and he called upoh Scales to "deny the truth of whtt he said and provled. Scales 1 . i . j the jiresent canvass, in exposing, by Dejno- panfcfnpt. ' - : s Mourne j cratic authority, the extravagance and profli- - On - Ft k' ay J Gen. Leach-addressed a targ-e is ooilnty, gacv of. Ihichanan and the last 'two sessions assemblage at Taflor's'SpriTigs, irnhe upper of. a Deuperatic Conre.s iThis. pamphlet pin ot Iretteil,-; with th anie 'pleasing re- f was published by onler'of the Houspf to af- 'suit lhat ImvTi crowned hinrvisitfi' tf ' oiher Toiy some light as to . the expciiditijrc of ,so places in iheDistwt.-Verily vAhepenple l-inro nn ntnAimt nf "the unhl ifr tnnnr v n nd tlie are aroused, aiid rhfe ii i sflodeaose for it-i L , mVfor whief, ''h I.Wn exrnded. a nil tor ueveraW" there a a me.4 when actiort,iiFrolUKalJ,U1'' Rems.mistqja,! - ' !.- - . ' ? J - . . .... . v .. . .-. : 1 iiv.dpiu) ihl'h in miv . huoilrml nricea er furnished to eacli memLer. J. U. ueterm jied laction; was more necessary to; .r -i i- ....v-irr1- -,n- -"""i our Cltrk Clerk ol the Democratic House of lieptesehJ tatives, and bound 'iiMrf oAth ' to iria'kS-tlHs report?'' Y es . ' A ii3 '1 h 0 s cb p't el 6fj'.fe of "ne f : edMr. Scales acfihitted evefy.foct ;iy &9-: necti jm withr tiro,. Alien decnmentUhaC hahatl! just" attempted to deceive the voters of this District by deu'ylqg. '' ' ' hatfrar ic lieri hearted. Nonesi raan-j-wliat patriot-aafipn. pcienljouIy consent to support. an aapiraal to a seat in the Ainericati Congress, who thus pubircly establishes his uuworihiness of jt andjlack of litness to (ill 11 ; ny many such actstof duplicity he has entirely forfeitediiis fcfaifn to public confidence. -" 'i3 fact that the Democratic 'eaders at tempted, and very neariywu$cjeeijnrte3-! lirelViSiippressing a documeol Spublishfedt by- la w for th'rtforrrtiitiOn'"of; the'pgdpleyw ef, itself snfTicieiU to dams any' rutHu J much teas -.. , .1 .? ? . - - u . . , , J ' anyu,;('Laiuqix, yei, Air. a.uaies uas uau a direct agency in this effort at suppression ( Altrlou'gh he Well knew of the existerioe'ef the report, he denied it 6ojefrinlyiinnrGe6-: Leafh obtained a.,copy tjirouga the; agency pf ajliiend at Washington.. hiiyratJi euth r. twc&j-Ju-s.tkllftrf: .'. .which, ha- pxovedjo -the, .crod on lasL'fhursdivy, by feliHgcaiid,.px,' j iioned by name, only .a.thie represen tative head of his ..party,) wW, dif t&d jjpon the,wavft which the '.'ci-yl ' of 1 Vh iq .iiaay1 Eaised,-a8weptLinte pMXWr on ita,-crost, Iihad leeu'th"err!Vttf liiuj. alidtofi his. party, that. Mr. Fill- inore'-a expenditure of'$4i40i,Oi)l3 per mm am 'was enormously; extravagant ' and, unless reduced- (W thev pledged tbseisde3ti,riu1diS'ery speedily sruiiitlie eoantry; be it remem- ierpd iha-inieen reached by ati in- crcase ot' lUU peF-h etit in every period f&rXivelv&yearfr-rrQT athvratQ ox p& -cent, per mm urn? iin t . w hen 1 ten . .PiereCj-at-the heaxl of thisj party,; of frigid eebnomy--came into power, did they redeem theirp'ledges and reduce tleir expenditures? Ftir fronr it.;:(.)n .the -contrary during the four yeara of toisadmiuistratioR, mtcadrfreducirrg," verincreet-sed the - expenditures 'from 40000,000, to $60,000,000 jthaf is. (y& per' cknt. in four ycaraj tot at the ratenf 12JJ per cent, -ptr'aimim; at which t-ateVth'e expenditars--'of the. GoverViment, inst ead of iticreaenfr-s kilways-4ef6re; 100 percent in twelve years would actually increase itrUpev iTit(or betomc donlble)n eight years. 'That -is l)et no? rati e eoonomifi did flie ameamount pfcvil in only eight Veats ortwd-thir-ds-'-df- the -time) which it had required YhigT' extraTag?nce V2 years to perpetrate! ' ' " ' -'' . '"ext came,iir BMchanwf himself. me auiuoi in lutiujkv, " "'- uiiit!wH Heerf of 10 Tiatimal denaoeracy. - f f thus appears "that the venerable ;sakrc of Lhidenwold, ex-President-Marttn Van Buren. is at tjie bottom of ' tlus pduMds ultnTriatun y'tliat .the skcleln of ?the iBchat6r's) let'tF wai prcpart'd for Jlrn by "tlie!ex-IresVdeht, ahdpiij) nsiicu lii.pursuanee of Ins plan 01 , op erations; that, in 'the -future prosif HOIl Oi IMC IUU UI11C11L inns ttIt'ta-UlJ- on, .iibiiiig,.he jejtei' pf Uta: foemi aud.whiciijl Jefl out 11,82, . clipseii 111 1I!0, one copy u did not and could not do it it ud without a trial r Come to the falsehood you economv and ile s man, the fa llcn was CTevk 'jo.thc ' II6use and ii was ''save.-ibe i'Dantcy-trem .nj'.h'leaitltan'ds' He lijad to give made lns'du'tv lo ?ive a truthful statement of j tlie matter. 1 his he. no doubt -did, as tliere SCI tolls, yon 'honest despisers of; waa not at the time any '.apparent, reason to It by fioi me4nsi surpiises us,nor .Till it friends ( retrenchment and i tlo'ofherwise. Wlien. however, it waadiscov- surorise'sny oaealtet ;niamen.t's reiletotion. ered at a later period by the guilty ou.es (Mr. lbat-Mrv-Scal.es is sar9iWiiianft,biuoas and' Scales among theni, . we 'suppose,') that this unmitisatedly covetous for .a Ac-ejection lo a i exnusition wtmld dai'nase, Democratic mein- seat in Cntrtes .AiVV-e u cei taint, not re- ote tor Gen. Leach, the pco- riner's candidate. ties'; Reckless extravagance aud ExpeiiUltiire of l!ic I'eo ple'B Money. (jn. Leach jiroved at Brown's tax-gathering- in fiict he c)Ompellel Scales ta'ilniit it that he (Mr.' Scales) had not -divided out a- roong the Statek the 18',0,000 of surplus, liers tat future elections, pains were taken to He ice atUie fact HbuUiUts.eerf.heless. true, suppress J. C. Allen sj'Re'rkirtwhich, as lint, that Air. Scales hasJstUfiHiBilf4'm;il P? ,orte copy had been furnished each member, fession. , th is undei stood, .hjUto hjin, at was not hard to 'accomplish. General Loach .least, the practice Uiej,laiwhai prqvtjil V.y knowing that Allen's Report had,been"issued, thii.g else than a lucuauve.birie'fs .l-Of hj as before stated, w'rptefo a friend in Vafh- sake, we -wish Irewera bpter-najified to III"IVU lU I il uv :ie u cupj iui imu, aim nrn- i inaKC II a pd ing OUSiUSSS. . IIU yUrtUSe SlCl copy.oybliCjjtif-e. u rj) enisjliat lia vet aliead-; been extravagantly paid for out'heif cqrri mon Tieasury. Men, who" essay to palrn: isiKih jrionSiroua' deceptions as 4 h? one aboT$ alluded Jo upont Llhjoir constituents, as Mu tScvlas ftordorksytid as had aA tbeuinfidel whowould steal &eySr i-em pf puremorahiy I rp m tlie li,iWe' -ftudj ihen bum the book to. hide ihe tbeftrrwoiste: in fact, for pur" Democratic-poUUe"anst,6fiedi; I thewi;nojistea Mr. Douglas is sobhto Jiave apti" vate meeting in'this'city with Mr. Tan Huron and certain ahjerchQi'C spilitsi to jeutvoutYhe work of our democratic 'iateJjgQny'nton of. epterbef j,ijit j5tliis fcyi tlio-called Jiard Klpll . Avin of .the Kew Sork Seropcraey, e ,tp. )e,turne.u, out oi the; btatc c.ooj,yp;ft-, ..tibi" without a hcariti anl that .-Sp- lf ymnlxed, Douglas delegation j,ll no appointed for, Charleston as sel cd bv the Albany Hcgencv. - y- This sch&Tate nibodfe" rlie jtlap f acainpaign .0 perfectly consistent with passing public events, ands.o per fectly in 'keeping with -the taticf tbf the'wVlbany juntii, that-it cannotftvil ta-naake aJstrQiig?iiupres3ioii un jt1e mind Of tlte-iutelliffcnt reader. assuming-hat- this unexpected rritni, 'festo-.df -Mr, Douglas isa coup djitat originating, ui .the deep, intriguing ripd o:iiIartin.Van Buren,- Ave can reewjtly understand that th e-con tern plat etiis sue of-the-OiiaidestJon convention isa Northern democratic, free -soil rttpfcire like that of LS48f rnt up-n a lap'ch more . extensive and formidable sctJc, In this connection, the copious chaar of rnewsper commentaries which'e al.0 publish this mornings on thisD'pj glas manifesto, will be ioup4 extil inirly interesting. Taken promifd ouslv fi oni tlie organs ol our prvavr'- cnggemeiits, tht),, .Whijwjf IedlJ, Jkqtp jvu iJpoju the pulls ou fht ty.i3 JkeUazftsd f,ygwr ctkUUtryU oi grea and jour .pe'er to ov-cji Hiroiv her opuressers , jtoot compkite to justify any ordinary excuse or uegletiMg to veicisa the tuefttlinuble prllce ofyotiagto select so iniHrtant a public servant as amcjn lei"of 'jCoigreas especially jiuipoihjt, even lnuineiitous at this iKirtieulai time. Justtako a t nifrohensivee'piwli.rtrl.cj"ttve viewvof the prsqyt coadiuou of public kffairg, hud then deeide as.tQ what course yckt will pursue-v Aud we rpvercutiallvtrust tpat Ifeavea may . .- .: ' u" -' '"W '.-1 rnaicata.ro- ou yourpam qiuuiy us jijiiiriwi. on that' day, 'and incite vpu Jo follow jft.on to a beneficent victory for that country,; which ot I1 avprv true lover ot fiis eountry houtd bo actively employed in llie vital fork of reform, for wg have appaj- ' ling proofs that "the evirdas" have already come, upon us. . i.et us, iiieretore, upue ana "go forth as one inan in the' patriotic disclia're of our oblicatioys, to cleanse the JvatiohAl Temple ' from' the . money . changers it in atpTQume manuestly made an oriject ils' .special care and inultiplipl blessings, j id thC hour ui the which i I IUV 4 ! under, a corrupt administratioa of the uovernmeuj. xienoi euiyjj-a i-uu nus cryphut he "swtcflcj ,itsf o$9SH .ai) lengihen.ed it.out, h declaring not on-i lytthafc 4iips epeuUtiiroti 50trt , -dyO -as ialready. too grea't? .bui-.could beGlimlcrMlu reituceu wjtii . auvarr the, people a rcyyoaph a dirsc to fhariatioii ardWgrace; to fhp' patruiriml jbunflcr.4 pf tJie. Government and "morally l(we saiy'it'fn ive,'fwith'a firm corivictluii of its iMth',) a putrescent "steii h in the 'ostrils off Jclio- vah.- ; 'fi V j1' . , "Ve. believe the other counties, of ti4 Dis trict will make, a bold and liinanimus fcilly. If Iredell does likewise," an'dj weliave'"po.rea tbn to doutr-t that she wHl;'iT.'eft'c.h' Wljl most ccrfaTnly bc tmr rirAf ReiVekciitatn'e ijn Con gress. Pnt. mark ft! Ve AtfliiT cvtp rfl Whig voteirrlhecounty to be ensfjori'' Thursday the 4th driyof August next. : -'f "'And how- tfiecheeriiigcres)otdenctal Indcl to above-:" " ' . ; ' '-","'; '"'' w "N'ear Trooks'-owx, July'tC.' It has been publicly reported hat I hav turned oyer to be an ele jtion cerinocales 'man,SvhUh I denpuhce to be- a malicious' falsdhood. . ' .' '.. The democrats have s tarted tlais re port for i w-lUkhown pi.rpose ; 'fhink- ing thari'have' a little Influence with :'t ,:.'''.': ii' '''... .e -r;lriii: he ruinous extent to wtucU extiara-.! . ----- ,V-' -- -CV x " - ''" 1 iOUSIV iron' m. mW.M ketnl&cal nnrt tmd factiotiMHf t!Te"iVortn,'JiiTOse extracts, -wrtn a tbit he promised thus to.divide twoy ears ago, ed for answer that "not O'newaS tb be obtAinetl "isnot thetoase, atenot arnoi is lu&e ' w ana wowu was on ininu wneii ji.r. uuuimiiau r 4 hat the pamphlet iiaa been suppressed oy .advocate the propriety ol jeein suvsh ui.v came into powei:, but hml.let it slip, and then j fi,? members themselves who received it last " fpjtun aisff om "tlj pVUcri'b Thi r-a-; had voted away :$?t),O00,-O00 of. tlie-people'e j winter wheitlsissiied. But as luck' would 'pacits 'doinotadp money, and bcfcjrc lea Congress $20,-000;-,- vocates of 'iod'ifuaQ ! (XX) more, thu3 squandering .S)MtX).000 in;-a:?'fcc6nd'-h'afid boolc'liore,"' ih'Wasiiington Veive lhat shose same 'capacities "beitr .fit timeof peace, during which period not one toot , for which $25 was demanded, and which, to them for the.edvoeates of eeveiity housaiidf "Gtdinarv demand for moncv existed. All th wasted and squandercil, and Mr. Scalesf ting it away, besides the revenue arisinglrom no room io doubf that it is genuine-ana Ha- i." ; ''unfortunate' for the people that the the tantt ! Anf tins is the economical man m;n the conditions aniT price. Hundreds of .. to have no - user. morality, ainl -instead, o( tXlotli the . G uxernuiMit. aud il'P steal in g,4h.o;Jlrju"Ui, they pot themselveiffia Jeople4I'p0ft;this.loudly; reiterated r". i vi j. i :,,.!. - great -daipf Usuble Aoiippiesai apdiittle-4t bom .thd world.-.. . -l f-.0 andionjz-dra-wn out, hevojiLinto po"W3r.' IJsJie ji-eduoed ..xpnilitiireS: -hclgs- i our uesi kho ieui;e imu iieiici, uch. ijciw-ii iw;- conslituenis. wnose imeresic, io oe auengieu '8 ! nnid - We liaVe secn the le"tter from the a'zeht YS ti v'ah n j!lpf vo" ! to Gen. 'Leach post-mark aml "date, leaving RiriiViiate tact anlnTah'enncetermin that oUghtlo' b( .returned to'C'ongress to-" rprfnf"th'e District for-two Inore years, as Leach fully prSTed he had done the last two years. ' : j '-.- .j Freemen, renei)iber this remember your country's call o"n y(u, to rally to the polls to a man, and cast vonr votes for Gen Leach peOplehave seen -the pamphlet,' and there can lie no doubt about that, , '" '' " "' t ''. " "I Therefore, any assertion -fnade that .Gen. Leach has not Jj O AHeh's IfepOrt, and that te did not pay vo tor 11,- is aernonsiraDiy v,i ... ' . . -" i -i-" sc. Whp are ou lor, Farmers ? Leach or Scales? sLeach is'tbi reducing jthe pay pf members of Congress, and pledges himself to yote land speak and wof-k for it from $40 a'dasr hack to $8. scales, who has been, agaiust the interests of the Utstrict ia all his votes t nd speeches, i$ the 40aday Taan. T iy, v h'.hi ' ':4 a Leach is for briBging; down tlie) expenses of the. Government from $93,000,000, what t now ii,: (o $40,000,000, what it for merly was under -Whijl Presidenti Which art you for? -j;- -.- ; . u -; ; Scales 'voted to raise your postajge" on let ters frjoni 3 tQ 5 1 ind 10 cents. Leacjh declares himself ia favor of keeping postage dowu to - 3 ce&a. -Jy. . h 'tt p. ih i. i! : -. Scajea yoted against North Carolina t. getting $350,000 worth of thepubijc lands to educata the sone of ihe' farmer, wiile scores of Democrats from other States voted for it. Leach is in favof of that just'and righteous; Anotlier Jlcjndacijous Falselibdd. , We are requested and autlioriied byXjea,' Leach to say thati another corrupt, aod-base falsehood has been, i as h e is informed, putn lished i n the Winston ScMind pf, this ? weefc, that Uen. Leach ottered a majv'Otitqe Jiame of Brpdwayf, or ThouapsOnone.Qi li doU lars to vote for hiin.a,ud'Ithat one oi- naore! base wretches, will certify; to it. rli& , , Gn. Leach reciueeta us to aay, that the" re-; port aitd; th-$ charge ; s a. mean, low, juaiic ous faltekood! and .that ny prspflkim5 it is a LIAR ; .jSQ'qfr meness 4s f ontem)t ible, and the traducetf deserve a, coat pfittas and feaUejwithfireVr?;t. T uu looyisni nd the encourage fan offset td"Q mem Ol aspiring youiu. ncuvo c uuw iuii for several years past the mqst o.t.tne youths at thecpontry, upon arjivjnjg j at manhood law. j' i -.r r - . - , -: lAok Out Tor the Cravens! Hi' KT ! have such UeDresentatives at all, for-,.Jt M naturalvBit. they hould Wki more to per sonal aagraj dizment thin tot$e publb weal . Having failed in their private pursuits they look to olhceas the best nea-ns ot -giving ro tuiidily tot a depleted purse. And 'the Demo eracy: afe notorious' for elevating" , just 'stich ImTi visuals 'fb rticratl ve places! ' They call "it glexrep'ti'oiv o'r trwo; fore?b!ndow 4he i ': i j : . fii. . .1 i i .tU iii.s.soiuiiou oi t tie democracy a t v- iiarii- t U 11 111 I I1L (ICIIK U I ill ii I '.'Iia I JM, -.v fcio fliflicuft cbapiu;! uT'sUuStj reignly, as laid flown in tr PiM ter sovei rt-Mg Trf?h-trctions""of 'Mr non'ghi.f. l Xlio.two-thirus r,nie o; our (icnvoor tic national. convention, it-we areipj jnista7crjnapblieS onl y to tlleii h'uliil- i noes for t"ie I residency and Vice sidehcy. Tlie plaiform", as "we u-n(ti auontea ova niapnte r,...- l.: . .i. 1,.-... f.-w i. ,.r..-' m uui ii- i-:uv. in- Uedand, could.. K ''ably1TAV,uS1l!J f.cc 5li F - 11 ' '- - -1 . . .... .,..,. r,,in.i. ifv i r T-vr n;il x i . . . . . . - .1, mil t' i iiiiin h. in ui iui.'O'b. r-tm '4.1111 tlDkCI ItllltrllL mi.: . - ;i im especially Was' tfjii Ex-President J itrce and wife. .iave arriv-' 'edin Paris, and. were to have Jeft tor Londqn: nn ine -'Mri n . a is l iwre.i s nea uu aDiiears i-n.tApnd As il,,. i i i ro 1 "I rvrlr c fork! -- T- i - . - ; - - ' i l i-.''ri.- ,,,c4 an.V tl.A noonln ?.' .XfiT .ki L tin the ! 1'Tc-iuar mannc ?llllf ca,e at Ciltuat4. If, thei ef?e. .'iBeariw mind that .birTn'. (J4lfter"-arrd Zj iV-a rc csp. flpe rated; wiu.t h e,4Ua s k Re pub icatiB in defeatinii the Posloffica .aDprpprja- turn bill,' by whTch deleaf the people are now eirii deprived eff some orlhejr aeenstorned: mail xaciiiiies. If'mait rou e1 ere rfneu or discontinued by ihe Department, Vi il route; atpornon 01,1110 peopie oi ro. syui, tivey liopff tiy I'us lyin to ffaiii i 'few vptc?. i .TiCftch isiiiy man. ,- - I : jp,.'t,jjr"uiy 2o; '$fr.'-lZJ'ifsr : T un derkt and that !Mr. pro vie a' charge "a'gain,st infciie licacji; was upiKJjscu iw. 'pbnmof ITie Yadkin rr eranrl - iuoto4 .vui vui-: ir-: v:ri i - ''n v 1 , r i gt. 840.000,00,0, .peraununi y wt$lmWlttVm peioic.ieaivr e-ce wejot an. increase; lys wiole ,terru ot lour y,ear& Of .fifty per.cet.;durUkguPvS of l-pry mayc Scales useriny iiame! at East Bhd to -.-; .,' i 1 - . . Til i. wen, eavM, (he 6- vpr ot the mui-uaros standing asrjiney al-e ; 'arid on'lhese grqiinfla claimdcl jay vote ana support. ,...", . 4 " I pronounce'' 'the clvtrgcbasi!1 and groundless fiilsehoo'd. ptr. So ileSj's . niemofy eems fo be ry hortV fot,I told Smy at' B rook s (6 V n' I that, Oeinerl teach?,had. n'etcr. iadntioiictl milt-dam, to iney Bat 'itppcaijat waV fit, $caies'iastfre5or6' t make tlie ciia'rge arid usamv name wuhotit my consent, after sunngtlnc h'e 'si ould make no puhlidihare of it. ' j ' ' f 1 v " t f!hall "not phTy vote for Gcn.Xlqach, out ue ail jionoraoic means vo ecuru hfs clcction' hot as alleged,hutfcause inncipic ami CONRAD. ! have reohWectednemse irvsiih' "that partvi and, constantly loosing lorvranr to ineemoii ufnsnt orofficer-ftive atfopted poHiici 'as f tradeh tui tnrirfthe"ykvi:tdTafedq omce Hie nans 01 v.ousre arc Jjucu w iui ihem. What isf the result ? Noratlfiecl with the old VV;payAof$8 tiffi. they. -have 0160! thWwlveaTn'f tter.1 'And'nllt "lai1siiieo"' lifr'TOii'ormousiyVoss fnicTtoihl-pep AS House OI nepTeseuiauirca . tt.iu .-cuoicj , h e leara that 4 gang ol lAcotoco peUto-. " " ,u,uc ,uv''viVr J ging lickspittles, loaded wm. budge jox CnSr i ' ted falsehoods desJcned for circulation,, and 'se.ves -np tbjhelun enpy meat H thefee I HO who will harangue the people when theycan lordly nu" gorgeous appiiaucesj 10 pet hearers, have started out in'Forsvth. aud Ltotal neglect pfihe nnbndbusfnes ?-... t r. v-J - :-:, - -.'Vx. h-. .vt.K M4tS!9 IS UllO Ul Vr- IOfiH OuttReaa-.Tlink,( , ' -Tb Jlon. A. .! )3eales was a tnemberof the Legislaturs iwhen that most unust reve 13 ue bill was passed that taed thejpepple ia th TvEST so mjn'ch higher,, in probprtiqh.to uierr property,, than n the tAr. f What will th people of Alexaaeiv' nn) Ircdci, .and other counties say, when they . , Pproacil. ineir -mission is one 01 ougioua g. and pas ueen ueiayeaunui election. day is near at Jiand. to prevent, Tor want, of intervening time, .the nossibdity of refuting tiicir hlack.and dtalioUcal Imbutairdns. " 'X hod, aifd" the; ashidupiisprofesional raja "EcYtlk'e people.'ft.erefow ;beware ohhm fwith achin fciam ;a"oiJpjl. .1"? i Pf.'?! wron eu nfimbef .' auu ri almost ?';ti -si perlieps m other "portions of 'tiie stju:t,.yVe H" M, Spa warn the puonc against giving credence , 10 nnv ihinr thev mar 6av,calculated to be in- jurious tQ 'f?en;. jleacK intq hoseJinng pre be promise mae;any j5o?L tccommeQee sence the sneaking tatsiherswouia aarenot a lavorsne glories in aim feveT, uuo cum mous nay. He has made jSo efwit, nor iloes retrencjimeui ana reiorra,-py cmu-tg uuwu his own exorbitant, salary. AVhiTe the . far mer is followjpg .the .plow, the mechanic l"'i" f Va;.. V"F : raifeha already gone tip tQ $&t,UUU,WAp viu,(u.,u1wv,. y ie.,n 11c wan 01 my hOi the fault of Shaw, or Scales or A iosIqw P?'? v Jo Xv . ' " ' tion the Doucrla d vLsiou mav tceire l-itf- ' r f,iif. or ftoffittW CfSef o fncnor offhe'ad- Uhmhs ,moVe, than ffeS !f; -r1 raiitiatraiiH tiaiiof.' naraetaiid-i-Jrartcd-aiKl ktpape during- the:turst dtMl-yeiarriv'-1 P8WQCi oiT: 11 ;a eujar , uaj,iu ,41 , JUIIIS I, B- black Jleoublkaryi. - J-Mm i or.lv cmc-half of his termll-r ThL in-:! Party organization, r Ucuce,; peUiaffcH f ,M,n ;. ' , vR?? 19ri?. W-Ofe eroaso is t.tlio rate of aWit thirUrl tlie arbitrary game indicated in. retV' - ; ' . kkixcuam C IT.rr rS;:aTm tolS. Toflet.o.m ifPeorW: The Whi sJn, ."h Mr. Toombs and otkr dem- U tlmnenditures, it! aulittlo dver UUrJestonanu tae very active prtv; tm h Jn a large nS nnrufi an If a a ta I : i si U and ODiecieil IO MS l i 1 1 m va !i'xtv, iuly nl feadihg-i-siich objection being fatal to Ylre bitf; mtdef die Ilules: ' Tliey' objected, knowing thai they &uie Jested Uieoin,"afKi. intendiita'thus to;d,l!et ! !-S,'A .,Butv'hat makes the injustice of the ;au ffafif stirrttofe apfaVent is the fact rhaf "Mr! Gilmer i eottNl itf th e yea aid-'-rpa Ihe iit Officer A'pproptialkKi bi 11,; wbils'l Mr. alfi'isecorlfij qpwuit$.i;, have, .rjiQ4 co'pv of We"Jpurnals ot. l&e House, but ooei Wtio I as, nas C?mpnea cyrrauriacis mr ma alern rfeas.Mw-Jwnicn- we una, n io'iow ing ti.-...A -!H--s. i-'4-. i4 kdT 13. OflfcVftlfnasSId-. veas'io8,naysT04: -FeitfefimW.-' 't:- ''Aaainstiales, Cyhe "sklekof fiidv; est arjoiinoiusis ' 4 ; . ., -r 11113 IS vlllj ill lciriG"i.A. iw uiiiuvi m i tle; 1fwe tia:d fb 4Joornalf we might monty, are in -r L.1 1 iteate mstcaa ot ttreiis year, 9fi-f,- . pi gooa spinisj (nuu a .kmivh u Bi-,ciai uader minore ; or ia about .ono-tliird ame.jtm-ectton ia every oirnr Y' rmcrf who voted for Scdles at thq; last of he time ! ! This is the eaise Yteh-izv 'r - Hlection who will hot vte for him this Anan mho before he was Presiderit, j- upon 4hw transparent ; iHtmbng1 time, though hw'fnendS "and relations ard kv.anorgasni-.of tuixiety to become jpopular sovereignty 111 the; J ernron-j are,nakingovery. eflorjt to securejuis rid riinated the orr, not only that u find upon- the beautiful Northern .-.a(Vrkelccth)'n,VWgiTingifrce barbecues, UVliis julministrattoir- was rnuims? ttte r-ioutbon abstractions, tmemion?, -m-j. and circulating the last weeit a issue p & ,r -.v .,,v,-.,- 1 - - ; 1 : : ii !,... kJsi 1 'it i : .. xi.. 1 1 ' a i.iAt A. I. 1 . . T . A . . .no. w. I I II H tconut,jic..i:iiviiic1-- vv" tifid ottgh obe turned oik; declared 4hat fthe"uoremna 4a bed6tilddmiisterefl increasadahtages to- Ihe for fonsideraWys' smaller ri perhannnd that the SiandardihaaiioUilw manner, ajgised the. p9saione p Mr.V'aBCfl and tfieothe members naxned.-r-Jav- Qlz, , 5ressrss.tl)eem3 'and. Carter, was'ifef o-j tgressmg accounts would to . , - 7 i j . . . . . ... ;i!iA-.i;-.4,J.ii .f'Tt,.Ah.,a'n)Mi-l. Offie81'feKlenv--S aieinouiaK, nr uv -r. nuciiaiian o ftmiiinuiif lid eQCfuorar'1 whool hii-r Iowa cry; rioiates his own pledge j j h am m b Tisiiinv nun iTTiiiH mr: i HM i nn vr u-r-? nt i at 1 nn .niinnn 1 u 1 1 vi wini'ii Liir innt for itf bnt! scattered brotwlc:tt over the lanrtrf?i;; mail to this cduntv wai loaded, drec- ent ought i that landora S bo the Jansas-.- ted to tho. fcceret Uommittee ot ipree, nritu braska bill, w-"fc iinght now proiiqunf'ef vh'o were appointed in 31ay-jn Qvefy people, tncrflemoctacy as a national party tm; Captain s jVistrictn.jtue. couniyj ami .miti.! w ana Tiraeticauv aisoanuea, mi whose mjsincss. j. supnose, n is 1 cir- turev-iAml-yet-when he, himself be ' for the saving balance of power p$- . ' . . .... A 1 a it W. 1 . J f thosilridreQCftlOlBT,1 Fchoolhiiieslns 'tton: ; He, in' im ett!cTncnt. of tae edgeifj a nuv Kansas dipnre,Av$ui(t nave rc-Tinirji linAhft'sfiortTOace restored the" party to i aticiet M TedncrnK actually ad'ds more than '4trenth; bift for the -res tie'?.? and rcc- fifty jrrrent. to tne -oxpenaitures' is- -scncTnes oi u uniuiuuu .vajv. even compared to thi extravagance f Ther wohld rule or niiri his admiag- r i-i: , i,.a n.nwc a 1 -Miowfta tritifin nnn inevnarc ruineu me v last Hrrtil869,)'edn9iteed',l?3,-' ty almost neyona rpniea.-: it can Uoi Bachaii!is-first2 Tear1 consumed 1 lr be ?a ved' br a general rally itpfi k aai77 ft-HJji-rwl iin?id - wnri tb'p administration r and' if trie parsir ; it was supposea, noweveryi. f io -ear.uoo-tr. vu- ' ijsuccjcas. m wu.ug v'mr j i u u ''J.''1'4. '"t tkT tiJUc1w. M- KnebaiMin: lntTrm 'it-Anil DC tRTOUUll inc COUTlseUi, iC UlXIUI lU . , yiuac W-uor v; mc? u.x., '- ' . ' ,' t' f' -morro Thelca bfTteT. Mri tirTa-mbst frhnftg tbneP ot patriotic HrrHuenee ana saving nations pqi; CarteV isThat he is'oi tlearrtfior solicitude, gives the. propetaC'irarifitrg , Mr. Uuchar.an, as tne ixcogpizea,o",r -wPt4riri vSrlalili v afaTmfcof B'einoeracy, Fai WhenIaftm Van 'Buren' m thU Luc iwiuuiuuu . . i - to . -r, , . , i 4 i . .. , - mm I wieldingine sledge and.ariving me. piane, tfiejaborer - tothog under tpe weight oi; tne culate the mouth-piece of the Jookfng-glasspcracyt-L 9. tlie 1 rehHhel--and othenvisp electioneer fdrA. XT. Scale. Bo you'may 'know jllre . Democrats are trettins alarmed , wlaeb thicy riesort .to- f-uch , means ; but allitheir efforts seem to be in vain, as .. hear but littlo said abou the election- r-the ."Whigs ly ig low, but' still wheD you hear from Ifockinghamfihe will retain all her fonner, Whig voles, with sorne incriease. !; ; - A VOTER. RocKroBD, StKBy docxTV, July ti-. Hi ' r. 1 - :' -:- '; - T etate. what I know, when I say I dozen saw and talked "with Some half for moreDcmocrats tp-day, whd, are determined tp friippoilt Gen. ' f "', - 1 . . . 1 - r , --i 7 !