EUBENE B. BBAXHj& SON, editors un 1'koirietors. STAlESY I LIE, Friday; August 19, 1859. fript, torrLihir-rii miMft-v t n.-t. I. ..lei .tnlhu-y. liu wait, flunilil IrfMitiiuklo th- WiKidc 4 itr Ih-H witli 'wiillng-wii or a twtli'f.' .-. l'itK:iK.t;,iii tak.ii su money. W. At Juraev, Esq., J.soiir duly author ised agent' .tor JreUt-n county, to receive phu-i-criptionfs for the Express fiisn receipts rn the names of (lie public herii. He will al- attend to making collcctioijd for our oilice renerallv Kew AdWrtisemenis. 'TiiEfLr.Mov" is the name cf a popular And well-conducted Hotel, in I'li-Jadclplila, located in A rch Unit,- alve Tliir!, Upton' .S. NewGOim-r, Proprietor. IV e may with propriety av in favor of tl: f Union," that ltd situation ou'jrht f.o ncoinnknil it to Kusi- ncaa in cl i, nf it "H in ii' vorvj nnlre of the business portion of the "y, on ie iinii-t bean- tiful tli-orouliliiro.-aiiil nppo -ilk' the " Friend.- Park," which "a.i'.rds an ui.iufle.rrupti:d venti lation. To the biiMmv.-1 -oiiiiniiiiit I his house is iieculiarlv aduHcd. Its Viluiitioii, its ar angem'uutA for comfort and coinx Ouience, and the modiralo cliurge .(l.rU jr day,) .ire in du'ccmc.ts rarely nipt with in la populous ci ty. Scelauv l-rtisfiiient. :Vc invite the particular attention of Dry (roods Merchants' to the advertisement ot Hopkins, Hull & Atkinson, Baltimore, Md Also, to that of Armstrong, Cator & Co., importer of and dealers in JiimnetS, Bonnet Si'ka, v.c., Baltimore. MdL Read 'A Card," with kits of si'naturW. It looks conclusive, Sec notice, of T. II. McRortic, Statesvflle, .who oilers at reduced price j a fargc and select ntock ofjNew Goods, Farin;rsaiid Millers are requested to read the oninion iriven of Monti'otiilwv'H Pan Mill by T. A Jflnit-p, Esq. r i r - -. o ---o' j . - Engle takes an admirable likeness, and is ;doing a driving husine.-s. .See tjard of this date. The Standard Puzzled. Tt is i ot "well known" it's not known at : all that in 1857 "hundreds of illrj'iral voter; came ovlerirom Virginia and iTenneseee and voted for, Scales.' 'Tl;-r ehana: is lalse. Jla- Ir'iitK Sslikiiihtrxl Like many other s.sdrtioys "which I the Stqtnard i.s in the'habit of making of raatiers the knowledge of which it 13 "know nothiriir," tlic above asscr- tjon is It is a kleciilcillj tool, and assuming! "well known fact, wc believe, that at the election liehl fr Congress men in the .bixth district an lo-7, ma ny vptt'i's crossed the linS .from Ten- arid Virginia and cast their suffraffc for Tslr. ScalesJ i numbering hundreds. At the late (election the Opposition were watchfu1 , and the re urc of illciral suit' hap proved the char iVlflTUf Sn 1 MfiT if Ki-oif iltnni li-n ii t in n- io be. "wrrcct, and tlfat at was done for Mr Scales. The Standard luts j t played thief" so much at the iramo " stop o screen the enormities of its o,wn party, that it well knows how to chnre ! itho1 rti4 lirifiTt (i icrs, without cause. .The accouri ptandart' appears puzzled to for thJlnrnc vo e which. was cast for Gen. Leach in Pavidson and Iredell! and calls upon, the editors of the Exhress to explain, iiot doubtin that all was done "accon Wc will endeavor to enlighten our in terlocuior upon the sut4i-;t' : It was the uprising of the poodle to rebuke, in no ambiguous terms, :the corrupti ons of th'd .Administration .and Ituno- xition party. More viters went to the polls, in 1850 than ih lSoT, to do a good! work for their country, be cause t licy perceived a heed for it. Hundreds of young men bad attained tncir n fajortty; within the two past yearSj-tcaviy all of win in ill Iredell, and Ave presume the saline is true of l)avidsn, are Whigs,, ahul cast their ; maiden fvni votes for Gen lien eh the-Standard bd satisfied with ! our c.j lanatiom 'i , A Disg-racod Senator. Duri 12 the late canvass in tho First ! district px-Governor, ti-iuttor Brag, j lowered the dicnitv of the last imvnoil i 1 - 1 1 1 station by making xtiimp eeeicsi for j II. M. Shaw! Was tlic lik of it bo- fore ever heard of! It wah reservel to Senator lira jj to disgrace the po sition f bis exalted station, in an elcetiOTjecnng campaign, in behalf of a man Jipon .whom the cople have so . .-111 L. 1 " ,i .if,. signaiiv ami justly plajeoa the seal ot Jheir cjondenuiatiun, ii 'hurling him from jofflice by an overv-hclniin n,a- luwtv. l.ei'olliev-hohh'is i'iiiir;i M v . takcjyrniug. ! the hopeful Future. ,lhe kleetion.w over jand ve present i inhln ,f t r , , , , tables ot the live districts where the o.j 'U: -; .. K K j I f I k T4 C 1 T i.m i,. 11. " i vri.w, , v;m,ooates, m tins is sue; wikli the nanies of all the mem- hers eltct'from North C.iroHHa to the jnext Congress. Tjie result is a geai triumph of principle over corruption and hih official inUuchce, aiid Has all inspiring exliilcratton jtion the feel- mgs oi tne irienas o gor.a govern- 1 ment. in the Lct us resolve: to be steadfast cause of the Union, and contin- ue battling for Beform iirmly until the ;;ights bf the peple tr linnpli over the hctatifn of Presidenti and laws shall be pasted, untainted 1 p crruptioii in high p acrs, Doctors Disagreer An Klizabcth City corespondent of the Baltimore Clipper wrote that pa-. per on 'the 7tli inst. as follows i , " This ili-trict has yon: Smith, thfe Aaier u.iidate, six hundred ittajortty. ' The Ctartotte.Buli'filSp'eords'this statement Hto its columns, and com ments non it'vthus : ; -:' Ve publish the above sjniply to afford ourselves an opportunity to state that we be lieve the correspondent oftheClipjer has been misinformed, lor we have reason to believe that the people of North Carolina have long since been convinced that the organization known as the American party is unworthy the countenance of .Southern rnen. It i.s a V'ankee invention and designed (o serve as a trick upon the South' So, the Bulletin does not believe there is now any American party in North Carolina We inclino to the opinion that the Bulletin is right so far, at least, as the present existence of-such an organization is conecrncd, but do not endorse its impression that "the American paVty is unworthy the countenance of Southern men," or that it wa or uis a Yankee invention and designed to serve as a trick upon the South." .In 'the matter of the present exist ence of the American party, the Bul letin and the llaleigh'Standard widely differ in opinion.- Head what the lat ter journal says : " We do not doubt jt-T-axl fh'e fact jir6Vea, what we freouently intimated to our readers betbre tlte election, that the Know-Xothing partV still exists in an organized form in North Carolina. One of the main object of that organization is to deceive,', and this object hfis, in the present instance, been quite shrewdly carried out The words, the signs, the grij were no dohbt alliven and received, and ac hdvpoji in the late contest." Now7 for tfe sate, ct tu'e arguin'en't and for that only, we are willing to ad mit for a moment that the Standard is correct that the American party is still a political organization in North Carolina that, as the Standard has often substantially declared, it is worse than the Black Cockade Federalists,' worse than tlic otd-lin'e Whigs worse than the Freesoilers that it is com prised of Abolitionists in disguisein Short, that it is the. most corrupt par ty that could well be conceived of and what then? Why that; wicked and corrupt a's this nou exist hi g Ame rican party is, the people of North Carolina, as far as they had a fair op portunity of doing so, hafe voted to commit the legislation of the country to its hands instead of to those of that p'ary- the "hat tonal" Democracy to-which the Standard belongs, and of which it claims to be the head arid heart in this State ! . What must be the character and nature of the policy of -that pcirty to which the people pre fer a loathesome alliance with the "corrupt adherents of Sam" and the "dark lantern gentry of the culvert ?" If the Standard's statement is true, the fact, taken. in Connection Avith the result of the recent election, furnishes a humiliating comment upon the pop ularity and purity of "national " De mocratic policy generally. But the Standard very well know s that it is not true; but that the self-styled Democ racy, were beaten by an Opposition composed of patriotic Democrats and Whigs, who had become heartilv tired of, and disgusted with, thu abuses of the present Federal Administration and the everlasting cant about "Nor thern Black Republicanism " with its "Southern tail," which latter they knew to be sheer clap-trap designed to operate upon tire popular credulity. To make the most of it, the Stand ard's argument is a very uo fortunate one for the character of the s Stand ard's principles. The County tfourt for Iredell Was in session at Statesville this M. .1 . .. ........ i i i m-i iv. j m.'x ui v as usu i a verv :vrro colleefion of visitors and-citizens were iii attendance ; many of whom honor ed us with a call at the Express oilice, :tnd exchanged with the .tvpos friend- It etings up'on thb success of the elect iont wmch has tervninated so -rlo- t lluUsly n this State. AVe'M'ere pleas- vd to kirn lrom wr fr-K'iuls that the Fxn:i:.s is growing in popular favor in a wide extent of territory, and we received quite a -number of manifesta tions of the fact in the way of new subscribers, and payments from old ones. For all which we tender ac knowledgements. A Protest Against Running Wise for President. l'1'.e MHdison (Wisciinsin) Patriot isT ,! Mies the following protest against Gov. . w;o ., ,t..,..v : t.y,,,,.,. 4l i - -""-"j i"i in inu union 1 ii x . should l.rotest a-ainst it t Avonhl bo " ' Jv ruin and destruction to the great body of tile country printers. A man tha't writes a letter tj a friend making twen ty-eight closely printed columns of newspaper matter; and is now scndiiv otit hiissives of this ponderous charac ter at the rate of iibout one a week, upon every conceivable subject, would be perfectly awful on a message: No printer of ordinary means could sus tain himself under such an inllictiou: If his ihessages should bear relative proportion to his letters, the tax of printing and of time in reading would be more than the whole expenses of government, iiikler ordinary circular stances. Sucli 6 message would c6st i)ie country inc're tlian the purchase 6f .i . i Uat)a,' a Kansas war, or tne suDjuga tion of the Mormonsj and the burdens of this enormous tax would fall more unequally than a protec'tive'ta'fifi the printers, who are the least able to bear additional burdens, would be the chief sufferers. For President give us a mil itary chieftain1 who w ill involve" the' country in war ; an abolitionist, who will dissolve the Union ; a blockhead, wWwill do nothing; but save, oh,save us i fr6m.a wordy man!" r Pen and Scissors; Tire Jlispatch, published at Washington, N. C. came to us last week rdtich enlarged ; we cannot say that it is improved either typo graphically or editorially, for it wad before the change in size, as it is now, one of the best edited and best printed papers in North Carolina. As a news and family journal it deserves, and no doubt receives, a hearty wel come at every fireside. We "wish it the most abundant success. Neutral in politics. Kit-hard . Parker, Esq., has become edi tor of the Wcldoii Patriot in place of Mr. T. L. K. f.irt'gory, who retires from the establishment- t he incoming editor-is. said to' be an "able champion of Whig doctrine." May the position which he now assumes for the second time, prove both pleasant and profitable to him. The Leisure Hour, published at Oxford, .in this' State, ha3 passed' out of the plossessibn of Mr! T. K. Strother into that of S. T. Wil liains, Es(j. Neutral in politics. Mr. E. L. Pearce has retired froio the Fay etteville Carolinian, and given place to A. T. Banks the firm now beingSinclair &. Eanks. Locofoco. The next North Carolina delegation in Con gress will stand as follows : '. 1st ti'ie?, w. n. n. siAi'th. wi'w. 2d , Thomas lluttin, Democrat. ' Warren Winslow, L. O'B. Branch, I " ' John A. Cilnier, Wljig. ' Jamea if. Leach, Vv hig: ' IJurton Craige, Democrat. ' . Z. B. Vance, Whig'. 3d 4th 5th Oth 7th Cth j . . , , , .In the" County Court of AlbemaTle coim'ty, Va., week before last, a negro girl, aged niiie years, was sentenced to be hang for attempt ing, and very nearly succeeding in the. mur der of her mistress, (whd was confined to her bed from protracted sickness and was very feeble, and entirely helplessby choking her, dragging her out of bed, and brutally beating her with the tongs, and burning her with coals of lire and hot embers. The consum mation of the crime was prevented only by the opiortuue arrival of the family physician, who found the poor victim of the young brute upon the floor in a state of insensibility. In view, however, of the extreme youth of the ncgress, the court recommended her to the clehiency of the executive. East of El Tmo 280 miles, on the road K-adliVg (o San Antonio, there exists a remark able spring. It is fully 150 feet in diameter, and has been sounded to the depth of 8000 feet without linding bottom. The surface is as smooth as that of a mountain lake. It breaks out, running about miles, when it disappears, and again six miles distant re ap pears, forming a stream lf or 20 feet deep in many places. It it. slightly impregnated with alkali aud salt, and contains five varieties of fish. It is called the Leon Hole. The election of Gilmer by probablv treble his former majoritv, remarks the Fayetteville Observer, calls for special remark and thank fulness. The dastardly means resorted to to destroy him have reacted upon his cnhife's. The sober people of North CnroTin'a ca'nrVo't be broughi to believe thath'e is ilnfaith'ful to his Slate'and his section whose every interest and feeling are identified with their own. They have rebuked the slander. They have endorsed 'his "integrity by trebling his majori ty, in a contest with his Old fippc'nent, and that opponent aided by One who has been prominent in the Whig ranks, and who still claims to belong there; whose every c'te it was hoped Would 1 a vote abstracted from the strength of dilnier, and whi3e bitter charges against Gilmer of a brea'ch 6f faith were expected to be fatal, to his success. Let us all rejoice, not only that a good man and a sound Whig and a distinguished Kcprescn tative has been re-elected, but that the loul charge of niiTaithfulness to' the South has been rebuked. That is the resort of the Democra tic leaders w henever hard run to put down better men than themselves. Let them un derstand that it has been used till it has lost its potency. The Pittsburgh Post, the-leading democra tic, organ of Western Pifiisylvfiiia, hoists the Buchanan llag and abyoeates his re-e!eetMh It takes the; ground that he is the only can didate that can be nominated by the Charles ton convention to reconcile the differences which exist irf ilc 1 emoeratio- ranks. The New York Herald a short tifno since express ed" the same opinion, Tb Jnmtisf ration organs are coming out agalufit both Mr. Douglas and Mr. Wise, and the "PennsyL anian'' declares that "neither is entitled to any credit for sincerity in the ivws he professes with regard to slaverv in the' territories." It calls them "extremists" and "agitators." If this is the game, the Pennsylvania!! will be apt to find that Gov. Wise can "agitate" ' to some purpose and there will be a "shakingof dry bones." The Standard says the President has ten dered, to Hon. 1). M. Barrjnger, of Raleigh, the mission to Central America, which Mr: II. declines to accept. , " Every body will at once see .how silly it would be to express a doubt ds to the truth of the statement which fWw?: Uil th 2nd of August, Mrs. Timothy Bradley gave birth to eight children three boys-aiul five girls. They are all .living, h?ld are healthy, but quite small.1 Mr. B.'s family is increain fast. He vi a;' married six years ago to Eunice Mowery, who Weighed 273 poitnds oh the Jay of their marriage. She lias giveu birth to two iair of t wins; and now eight more, mak ing twelve children in pix years. It seems strange, bitl ik vertheiess is trae, Mrs B. wait & twin Of three, her mother and father both being twius and ifer graihiitlother the lrio'th er Of five pui of twins. So says a corresjion deut of the New York Tribune, w riting trdtri Ti-iimbull co., Ohio. ! Exiraordiiiary aa it may aptear, says an excliange, a piece of brown papec folded itnd placed between the upper lip and the gum, will stop bleeding of the nosv. Tn it! 's Readers have no idea, aaageneral thing of the comparative iizik of the different States of this Union and tf Uie several couotries dr Europe. Tims, IlliiiolsVould make forty Bitch' States as Rhode Island, and Mi unesoasikty, Missouri ie larger than a ji. New, England ; Ohio exceeds either Ireland, Scotland, or Portugal, ami equals Belgium and Switzer land together. Missouri is more than half as large as Italy, and larger' tlianltenmark, Hol land, Belgium and Switxerlaad' Missouri and Illinois are larger than England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. We tn, hence, have some ided of the riopulatibn this country is able to maintain. AT lot of negroes was sold some days ago at McDonough'; Ga. The following are the pri ces which some of them brought: One" boy, fie-i'd hand 18 years old, $1,C40 ; three boys, 14 years old one, $1,340; Oite, SI ,282, anoth er', SI ,207; teo boVs, 10 years old one, $902; th ottier $805; one 7 years cldj S726 ; one woman,,23 years old, with three boys one & years, one 3 years and one 8 months, $1,995; one wotftir, 23 years old, with two children a boy 3 years, a girl 18 months old, $2,305; seven girls sold at the following prices one 19 years old, $1,200; one 15 years, $1,023 ; one 16 years, $1,100; one 12 years, $400; one 7 years, $705; one 7 vears, $778; one 7 years, S719. t . The could' scarcely, be a plainer proof of the advance of liberty and good order in Utah than the fact that the Bev. Mr. Vox, Episco pal chaplain ot the army at. Fort Laramie, had preached in the famous Moruion Taber nacle, and Bishopj Kimball' a&l Brigham Young delivered addresses at t'&e close of the discourse. Every thing was pleasant and har monious. It was currently reported that not a few of the Mormons w' ere recovering from their delusion, and were fikely openly to ex press their awakened disbelief in the tenets, and their disapproval of the practices of Mor monism. The Portsmouth (N.'II.) Tribune savsthat a German, wlii'had been working at Wash ington Furnace, iiV that county, recently re t ui'ned to' hVs old1 home to settle up an estate in w hicfi'h'e w"as interested lie had lived in this couaiiy a' number of j ears, was natural f'zJd and ha'a his papers with him. Letters nave'' beeiV received by his brother at rorts mouth, containing information that he had beu Seized by the government officials, and forced into the army as a regular soldier, re gardless of his citizenship in this country. iUs naturalization papers were sent back. The Memphis Bulletin thinks Printers, as a class, are not generally supposed to be vi ciously inclined, but any one would think differently if they could hear how fkrvenfly they pray for correspondents v'hb vVritc' Oh both sides of the pajer. Mrs. Knowles, one of the'atehdants in the Lunatic Asylum at Stautit'A', Va., was killed on Friday last by one of the patien ts, who struck her with a heavy brush on the head, causing her death shortly after. The editorof the Warreiiton Whig, writing from the Red Sweet: (Va.) Springs, says: A few days ago, a: couple of Southern gentlemen here, rich planters from Red river, played seven games of old sledge for $5,000 a game, and the "winner took every game. &35,UO0 w as lost and the money jiaid, I hear, in a check on the Bank of Louisiana. I could aive the names, but forbear. Among the list of new jiost offices establish ed recently, by the Postmaster General is that of Grape Creek, Cherokee county, North Car olina, y Prentice says of an editor who says he 'smelt a rat,' that if he did and the rat smelt him, the poor rat had the worst of it. The British government appears to desire that the United States should take Mexrcoift hand and enforde 6rder there. The lirtc 6"f coast belonging to the United States is very extensive. According to the re port of the coast survey, there are 0,821 miles 6f Atlantic c6ast, 3,407 mi Ies of the Gulf coast, and 2,281 miles on the Pacific mak ing a total of 12,509 miles. It is stated that the wife of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, with the other members of the Bagioli famllv, are a'oo'ut to' fake up their rcs idence in Italy, and in the event of Mr. S. losing his seat in Congress, he will immedi ately join th'tln. , A man named Pridgen was U'dicd at Snotv II ill, Greene county, N. C. on the 28th uk., by another named Kennedy. The Jury of In quest returned a verdict of "justifiable homi cide" and Kennedy was discharged. The were fighting about a dog. Fridge n provoking the tjuarrel. vTh'e following aniiouucemViit appears -in the obituary record of a New York paper: -"Died in this city, suddenly, on Thursday morning, Jnly 14, at 8 o'clock, Leidai D. Lo'ckwood, for'tiierly of Chesapeake, Md., leaving jill lie'r. propertv (150,000) to her n'itCe, Miss SdMi E. Lekwixxl." The Secretafj' Of.the Interior has appoint ed 5fr. .'itfseph C. G. Kennedy to superintend the taking of the eighthcensus of the United States. A Miss Davis has com menced a suit against a dry goada dealer Troy, X. Y., for breach of promise. Damages $10,000. The Louisville 'Journal states that John Young Rrown, Esq., member of Congress elect from the Filth District of Kentucky, will not be qualified by age to take his scat at the first session of the present Congress. The Constitution prescribes that no person cai be a member of the Mouse of Representatives w ho is under twenty-five years of age. Mr. Brown was elected oxt-t si Ie Wo'cfatie, com Ietitor. "Bank," writing in tliS ew York Cour ier States thai this ctftfH Ity owes Europe, on various accounts, nbt than four hundred and forty millions of dollars! This is not a mere CtJtfjfetitfe b'f the writer, bnt'lie gives the figures, for the respective States and Rail road corporations; ami they have the marks ofUelriggeHttiheandaHthentic. MazzIHi, as tflight be expected, writes thro' his Italian brgan, "Pensiero El Azione," July 20, in bitter imprecations against the Peace. eisttr of Robert Fulton, the inventor of navigation by steam, is said to be in the poor hbuse of Monroe co, Ind. Thomas II. Clay, a brother of the late Con ressman. James B. Clay, and eon of Henry t?lay, elected to the Sute Senate from Fajr ette county,; Kentucky, ou the 0pdsitiori ticket. " - Every man ought toJiave something use ful to do, aud o U, Loafiugin front Of taveriw aud loitering upon itore-boxes is a bail busi ness, and won't pay. "Satan always finds ebnie wOrk For idle hands to do But it is neither of a prdfitablebr respectable kind. Western- Electictoa.. . The results are- noy? accurately ascertained.'- In KeiotufekH Biej Tmp&eidoniets have thS Gdveifnoand legislature. The Congres sional delegation ia" eVjually divided; a loco foco 4dss of three ciernbers, The seat of one of the five Impositjonists is to be contested. rri' Tennessee tEfe" Impositioniste have the State ticket by. a largely reduced majority, but 16se four Congressmen. The new dele gation is composed of seve Opposition and three. Imposition ; the last, seven Imposition arid three Oppostion. In Texas, there is scarcely a doubt that Houston, Independent, has beaten the Impo sition candidate for Governor, la 82 codUt tie? Houston had gained 8,000. Assault upon an Editor. Col. M. S. Sherwood, dne of, the editors 6f the Greensboro' Patriot, was violently assault ed last week by J. I. Scales, Esq.,ntllvrt6ck ed down with a cane for publishiiig gome ar ticle at whieh Mr. S. took offense, although the matter was truthfully etaeST. Since the result of the election hks become known, some people haye"grori' exceedingly pugna cious. Mr. Sia'es rflade his exit from Greens boro' in the night train, leaving a note to be sent to Mr. Long, the partner of Mr. Sher wood, stating that the blow was intended to have been dealt upon him, but for informa tion that Mr. L. was suffering from lung-disease and in feeble health. Mr. Long in an editorial, regrets that Mr. Scales was wrong fully informed, and says he will not be averse to seeing him at anv time. Foreign News. The Baltimore at Cape Race, Ausr. 12, brings some foreign items of public, interest, j At Liverpool, bredsttrrs were dull and quotations barely maintained, provisions de clining. The French army of the Rhine have Keen dissolving, The Harvest prospects were favorable. The American Minister at Rome had ob tained .400 coniensation for the Perkins family in the Peragia affair. A Falsehood Corrected, That pink of Locofocoi'sm' the' Wilming ton Journal devotes a half coluni'n in a late issue, t6 account for the adverse result of the election in this State. In the jumble of eor. phistiry is mingled falsctood, one. mite of Which deserves a passing notice. The Journ al says : " In the Sixth district, what .might be cal led a ' dead-set' was uiade on Mr. Scales bv the' revival of certain domestic difficulties of a delicate character, to which no gentleman of relined feelings could publicly allude, eveu for thcEpurpose of self-vrntifcatbiV," &c. Now this statement of the' Journal is false ! and the public well know it. No allusion whatever was made, in the Opposition prints or from the stump, to Mr. Scales domestic relations, in the canvass, and Mr1'. SV nrVseTf if called upon,' could but verify what we as sert. Mr, Scales was beaten up6w his party principles and upon:' io other ground. While the Imposition sheets spared not (Jen. Leach-, assailing him with all manner of fa leh cods', the Opposition studiously refrained from aiay and all allusion to Mr. Scales' moral charac ter and domestic affairs. , , Visitors to the Virginia Springs, in Rock bridge, Bath, Green brier, &c, report rthat there are fewer persons ,afj those watering pkie6s this season, than usual. .- The tide of travel seemsto have turnedagain to the North. Summer Sours. v ritysiological research has fully es ta'MLshed the fact that acids promote th'C separation erf the bile from the blood, which is then passed from the system, thus preventing fevers, the pre vailing diseases of summer. AH fevers are "bilious;" that is, the bile is in the bltfod. Whatever is antagonistic to f6vc'r is "'cooling." It is a common say ing that fruits are "cooling," and also' herrics "of every description ; it is be cause the acidity which they contain aids in ; separating the &ife' front the blood; hat is, aids' ill ptirifyihg the blood. Hence the great yearning for grecn3 and lettuce, and salads in the crafty spring, these being eaten with vinegar; hence also the taste for some thing sour, for lemonades, on an attack of fuver. But this being the case, it is easy to sce that we nullify the good effects1 of fruits and berries in. propor tion as we eat them with sugar, or even sweet milk or cream. If we cat them in their natural state, fresh, ripe, per fect, it is almost impossible to eat Wo many, to eat enough to hurt n's,- espe cially if we cat them alorie, ritft takiftg any liquid with themwha'tfc'ver'. Ile.ficc' also is buttermilk or even comriioff sour milk promotive of health in summer time. Sweet milk tends ttj hil?ottsties in sedentary people'- soltr tiiilk is an tagonistic. The Greeks afridl'urks arc passionately fond tff SOur milk. -The shepherds usp? rennet, and the milk dealers alum, to make it sour the soon er. Buttermilk acts like watermelons on the system. Hall's Journal of Health. Good Brandy. For the past four years, a cask has lain in the Union depot, in Indianap olis, uncalled for. A few days ago it was opened, and found to eontain the bodies f a pair of twin babies put to gether a la Siamese: But the liquor (alcohol) which had originally surroun ded these remains, as a fluid preserv ative, had all . been drawn offf The fast young men aWt the depot, had, from time to time; plied straws rigor ously in the gimlet-holes in tlie cask thus procuring an artiele with winch" they smacked their lips and pronoun ced "good brandy." The .color of brandy had been irnparted to the al cohol by the babies. Several railroad employees have abstained since the discovery. A man behind the age should be fed oh catch-up. Negro Wom & child rPHK SUBSCRIBED WILL SELL A JL likely Negro Womair, aged 35 years, and her male child, aged about 2 years, very li kel v. They are both very valuable neroe8. APPy to W. L. ALLEN, Near New Hope, Iiedell Cou, N. C August 19, 1859. 2w-37 STATE; EIJSCTIOtf. Fciib4-i857d 1859. FIRST DISTRICT. 1S59. s-- , Conatioa. ;, Currituck, i Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Gates, 4 ' Chowan," Hertford, NoTtiiniptoir; Halifax; ' Martin Bertie, Washington; Tyre-ff, Shaw. 611 106 356 282 .367 . 205 27iT. 6.72 479 298 145 5293 5255 .381 Smith. 000 m 429 m229 ml51 m 45 m 9 ml8G 000 000 , 352 656 m216 iii275 iGTj 512! 532 mi 54: 1 S.I i-r. r7 91ft fi 4.57' 490 S3tS 334 sll 299 m 5255 3412 2895 -4 Shaw' s majy Sm th's ilij'y 517 Williams. Gilmer. 560 277 I Person, Caswell, Alamance, Chatham, Randolph; Guilford, 00(V (i00 000 694 796 1022. 635 460' 155 : 495 ! iota i 1067 i 1563 510 ; 013 5G9S 847 836- It83 675- TOT 5 o 47 000 I 23 1 852 427 &a3 408 $947 Moore; 474 559' f29 Montgomery, 204 179 p23 4845 000 0oo 000 GUme'rVmaj. S-4 SIXTH fclOTlUCO ' f si- Counties. Stokes, . .. Forsyth, Rockingham, Davidson, . Davie, . . Yadkin . Suiry. , .V-.' Iredell. ., Alexander, Ashe, . . : Alleghany, - at 7679 6950' 729 '4-12 SEVENTH" DISTKIC 1859. - 1 s r CabIao D... V . 768 453 417 ' 708 1042 877 . ft WA 1401 382 2 11117 7Gf Mf "t4X0 793 398 548- I "370 668 1 842- f2 6X7 933 530 1 920 393 1109 1 472 417 401 m 366 892 771 p 412 - m , 333 0950 ' hMg '." 7G54 734" . s Craige. Stuwe. Catawba, .894 .91 Gaston, 795 2ll Lincoln," G26 200' Mecklenlulfg, 1075 759 - Rowan, 957 584 Cabarrus, . 389 ' 030 Union, ' 770 .250 Anson, . 240 637 Stany, fOG 020 Cleaveland, 893 1 10 6745 4104 4104 Craige's maj. 2G41 - Wttlkup 1K1 96 192 411 756 517 280 765 771 (7 JS7 t8 9 5V35 4LT5 106 4075 EIGHTH A)ISTRlCrEp 1 I8.t. :ftlS59. Counties". Buncombe, IlayVood, Jackson, Yancey, Henderson, Rutherford, Polk, Burke, McDowell, Caldwell, Wilkes, Watauga, Cherokee, Macon, . Avery. 751 239 405 472 482 414 567 158 567 425 334 494 209 471 284 G272 Vatice. 1 913 384 : 321! 193: 500 853 762 188 538' 400 502 1191 . 431 715 414 OotSn. Vhiicu. -SK.-. 833 ' 384 307 245 tj,6 '54 .463 631 707 157 559 470 529 1190 321 07.V 8321 G272 209 G)l- iv'-'f 8026 G321 Vance's ma. The vestigia iJet are in m nature, but ihd ittiagt Dei only in ni. Deaty to All Vermi It U tt-Hijf iofiirfnl yitU what cei tain(jllats. T... li e'i, A'i'Je, $idii Ground Mice, Dc-d-bngs, Antd MU. M) qnitoes, Fleas, Inaccts on uUiinalu, in thprt mjury f itks uf vermin, are atterly destroyed by ' . g , . " Cottar's" Hit, Iioach, dr., Exrmuuitor, " Costar's ". Bed-Bag ExtrnmMt, " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Jgitcctsf dx, TUE ' i- ' only iuCitlible rciufiekiiuwji . J. C COVER, (Ed. u Hentid,") Lancaglcr, " i1fiff;lily ntsomineud W Exter. Morfe grain iftmfWionK sttv destroyed aniiwtlly lu Orant en Wirt y VtXttriia, than wottld pay for torn ot thin Rt Jihltr tnl--Vnnect Kxfcr, yet a hundredth part of tlic vaTiie tk miu-K .nfrty laid out in -uoHtarm" Ext: votm safi afl rroiL- Ios. W . CURTIS. (Drflfegirt.) Oal laml, 111. " ' Jd th-! box car litftkslejr, t)t. LtHibt it Kivn gna SiitUfactioii whwrer tried is a dtudgJtot ' mry ttni i uml no mia- OSnoiiTN PARSONS, 4blH, W. - y Rat. Roadh Kxter, U all wikU It giveo uuiwraul mttifc'tion." GEORO ROSE (JniggltJ Canlivgln. . I vo irn filing your Ext. for tlte laatViau-, himI li not iuown it to fitil iti a Dingle imtaDM." J -f . IL WRIGHT, rnggit.) JVoy, 0. J luW thlont all the Kat; Koach, tc, txt. The KatKifleriniuf J-ntdi-uiaua." fKftjtt- trM; tld ltfiwdway, Xel'rk. A- All WhoBs)Ife PrngRictn in New ViSre Agi-ntti: Jtit' WlioleMlw Apit in all tlif large cif " Drttidsta and ltealers ewerTwht-re mrf tlwnb Jtji 10,000 Boxea sold per w nek "in New fk uloiie. , tiT Beware!!! of apariou iDHtutioiia. f ;xHiuineenli Box," Bottle, or Flank, aud take nothing but Owtar'.'' 3 ' $IM Boxen can be sent by lftail,(iaTi; lit to destroy the Vemiin on unypreiuiaea.) i- j' Sample Pckapi(l doa.) by Kxr8 todeafcw. IS For Agrnciea, send for Circulan, JT'irja. tc. Wkuiemate AgaUsfar KnyMi, MarglumL, XL( Baltimore. Md., Wm. II. Brown A Bri). an'otherx : Nor folk, Va., KfngitToj-; W1liingtmC,'m:i!. Lipnitt , For aale by 8. J. R1CKCRT, Statvit, if. C. Au$;ut 5, 18j9. f , ' ; ' H 3 3o-3m Hurrah for Leaveb But in jour excUena-ttl (Irf riot tfgn (hnt anb-riber will fcv SfaWWIffe id U fe data, HW 1 aiiotosranMis "Tent;" i - i- . , .-. Peraoin uUing Iifi-likc and nafalin i Jurfti, will tW wU to aflCt UnlMaeHe of UjU rare opfwrtu jily t Ei tue MitMtaOce fade." . v f,f AugBMtW. jf. ENOLt hip" STOCRllOLDERS' MEIiTIXG. Office Westex N. C. Ut, Co., ) Statesville, Jv C, July 25,VIit50. J THE FIFTH AKNUAL METING OF the Stockholders of the Western North Caroliria Railroad Company will' tc held at Salisbury, N. on the lat ' ' f 1 'liurs'day , 25tA day $ Awjjkst next. Stockholders attending said niting, will be allowed to pass aud repass ov the road free of charge. i JL F. SIMOXTt iX, july20-34tm , Sec'y anyrctb'f. WaVbsaui and Bnoncc, 8alWnry, copy ' IF. .WANTED i . TTTAGOXIS AND TEAMS ffl IfAIlt VV Roeks, tor which the follfllit pficc will be paid : i 2 hone load, 50 eci 4 howe load, $1 to be delivered on Ihe&tt by.the Tan-Yard. -. A. CARtTt .,. , July 20-4t Trtft'r Bol Cottt. - PLAIW AND ORNAMffifTAl BOOK and JOB If ? Executed with, neataeu and f fefatcli, and on moderate term K ; f - AT TVS .. . A IREDELt EXPRESS OF? CE. 1 . In thifl county, ori the 11th inet h P W? the undersign certify lUi we hav been personally -acquainted witl M Trie EPII JAMES.of piLn, for 8eVrilearf and believe him toibe a man of vVrSbitv That we would believe anything would say or write, us readily, aa any mad' in our vicinity., 4 i Thi? certificate U;given in. contradiction to1 a publication, written by Mr. Jacob Fraleu and published in the Sentinel, jn which he" says that w four out JoT" Uie six eijgners to Mr Leach's certificate pnly," as to what took place at " F raley f were men of good char acter." Since whicJt he has said publicly that the remaining wo signers (io said certifi- cate, which he thought not resptable, wre dosepn jamea ana s oun Anarevi. M CamplielF, ,R M Johnnon, John N M'Lelland, MFFreeland, C A Carlton, J A lloebro, Mihis M Bailey, J F Long, Jos W Sfcxrkton Alfrwl A iharpei A F Gaither Milton Graham RHParks Henry Foote Wm R Feinister Calvin Bowles A Feimeter KFShart James A Iill Wm J Col vert A P Sharp Wm H-Havnes, R W A Feimsterj II u 2I1 Remolds, RTCatapbeJl, l Eugene 1 Drake, iSilaa KeafJon, G WChrpifian, W M CamplU A C Mcintosh Hugh A Hill W 1 Watts II L Gill W W AHea G W Clegg R B Joiner Win A Jurney W U.J0DO8 J M Albea R S Coh crt T N Nicholson 19. 1 Fall 1859.1 D R Y Q OODS f HOPKUfS, HTLL & ATZIMSON, I. A I.Tl TIORE, A SK THR AtTfexTIOX- OF BUYERS la. luinerr large anu elegant stock of which has liecn purfhasetl mo8t Carefully and on the lst ternmi To promii dealers w owr ootls low. Ve auk bttvers who have never examined our stock tfocall anddo so. believing that wje can make tt to their in terest to deal with ds ; and j tfQOIFR OLD FRIENSS & ClfSTQIIEES we shall offer increased ad vantages. fc5 OIXDEttsj sent to ua shall liave prompt and special attention. HOPKINS, HULL ATKINSON, iH Baltimore St, R;iIimore. August l'J, 4 R1BB0N& MILLINERY, I AND STRAW GOODS! I AUBISTHOKir, CAT0R & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Ribbons, 6llks & Sutlnn, VELjVETB, Huehc, Flowerk,- Feathers, Straw BOKXEfk FLA TS, fc. No. 237 and Lofts jt 230 Raltiinore Street, rFFER A STlM'iv ITX.SUltPA.SSED IX xj ilht United Slates in variety and cheaV uczs. ' - ) I Orders solicited and prompt atten tion given. j i B& lerilis six montlis, G ier cent, oil lor cash, par tuuls. August 10, ARCH STREET ABOVE THIRD, Philadelphia, "UPTON S. (NEWCOMER. J. chafed the interest ff hrj farmer partner (Evan EvatiH) in the ril e Hoel, would call the attehtkm of the ptftdu- to its convenience lir flrOSe fishing Thrfctophia,mher tor bu siness or pleasure. t Its situation leiiig lut a few term from the principal avenue ol'Hnide, olfcr iiulucement to those (m bnnmess j while to those in search of pfedsiire. the constantly ptimtng and re papsfiig railway can, ami thociiii close prox imity, all'ord a pleasant ride for the mere no minal sum of half-dime to all places of inter est u or a I out t he city. J he 1 roprietor gi ve assurance that "Tlie Unin " Isnall lc kei with such character! as will meet tnihlic ap- roba tion , h in 1 won Id ret-j ect fu I ly sol ici t X ort h " Cumliiiii taitroiul'Vp. 4 Cu. Terms !..() jper day. U1TOX S. XKWnjMER, Trop'r. August 10, 1.H50. j lv-37 VfEW CJOOI8.-MY PUJ-XKXT Suxk 4 ofSuntmer (Joojls I will at reduced prices for cash, to enable me to make a Fall purchase, on the most reasonable terms. Purchasers are invited to avail themselves of this opitortuiiitv to get good bargain". "j T. II. MeROUIE. Cuntrv Produce, lril Fruit, Tow, Cot ton, $nd Jdnscy Cloth, lieeswa. Talloir, 4'c, taken in exchange i at the hhest market price j Aug. 12 0o-3t A il PEitsoXs ijiEirm)'n me ry JTx. note or account nre reiitiet-l to iwty a part, at least, of what they owe, i as 1 am much in wain oi money. -T. H. McRORlE. S6-3w Aiigttm 12, 1859. ! Fan feLiiE, land & miiIe viwvjnm. I OFFER FOR 8LE 150! ACRES OF Good Eand,1 Flouring-, Corn, and Saw Klilll, n South Yadkin river. Tlie fall of water, i'rdm a solid rock, fa ten feet. The mill property u in tolerable reiair. The land is very fertile, noirte 50 acres ot which U cleared, with pwl dwelling-houe, out buildings, exeeBewt Water, ie. Thw iro- ierty. will be soW eepHralcly or as a wuoie, as desired It fa looted U iniles west ot StaU'BviHe and 8 miles eat oi Tyhrsvilh Pefsotts wish to burchase, will of course see the iminises. Trns east and accom- ?" . . .utr-l II Villi) mOtlatliig. ! 3AAi u a. r.tjij, Stonv Point, Alexander CO., X. V. August li, lj0. 4t0 ; AT JUHKIUS' C3HUEB. JUST RBCEIVEB 5IIUDS. I, MMLA.Srtr 2U Sack prime RIO CDFFEK Jail m ioobs, 1 0w-37 i f do Jaa'; 3 do Lagulm f 3 Hhds. New Orldaiw $Wf 10BbU.X,Viwhed8jigar -I lQ 5 Pbh; Cnwhed ahd Powdered Sugar 10 Bbla. A. R. aud p. iugar lOOSackaSalt 1 ! M ' For sale cheap for oauh rotjntrr gedne. ! J, F. MOOSE, Salisbury, Juue 24,1 10. j Cm 'tt: