V -$ '- ' t THE IHEDELL EXPRESS, rtiBUSJlED WEEKLY, , ; ! terms of a: vnrmiKO.l' "' J- -, ' '!.' - ' ,! One-Dollar a square for the first wek,- alil Twenty-flr Cents for fcvry week thereafter. I Sixteen lines, or, less iil make a square.- B. BR. Wife W r- DRAKE. Deductions made id iivor of 'standing mat-, ter ao fallows: - j . i j UUBENE B SHAKE & SON, -iftQ$ and Proprietors. . 3 Mok 6 osr. 1 YK-VR. . $8.00 -4.14.00 . 20.00 .A Family Newspaper Devoted to Politics, Agriculture, jVfanxifacttires, Commerce, and jSXiscellaiioous Jieadi- Our square. . Two square;,, fhroe square5. . 7.u . 10j.U) When -directions' aria not iven how often to insert an Advert isertiout, itU! bepuLHah- TERMS; OF THE rAFEIJ, Vol. II. Statesville, N. C, Friday, October 21, 1859. $2 a Year,; in Advance. eil until ordered out. ! ',. 1 ill I i i; The Diamond King. BT GKORUK KLUOTT. i.vttnies fair earth hath stolen roind : Her myitis lord, the glowing hub .1 .Pis tiiex Jiath blunhed, iti nw tximul, . Troiirb4njr warmlT ?7.1 upon ; I Six lime We've hailed thi morning, nwift,' j. finui ilawTK'il our first of weddoil year j A retrofit in which I thrift .-. "j A tnillfitti timi'i mure Htnlle-c thaai tears ! jTo Rive 111 Joy to day, I brine, My invcytluid embleiiiutic riut;. . j -'The c-ntral nem jKntiayii tlic lilit 'if. f l"v'' tiat,oVr it twclvi riniiith iiioii" ; f Tlif other llvo, fix pure snd bright, , '. That roiniil it fonn it Hparklini; stone, .': Are like tp rich efriiltf-noe ttlu-d ' j From joyw of encli iir c.tMiv(r yc;ir ; i Anil while jtltoxn b!ixful ymirs are - I Tlieif rli:irinin ljht yet liiiferH licre ! The elouilri jAinl n'c'er niirt K"!'h ij As thin it 1 I- hat gathered vaniKiieil (nou, lil)-d our honey mooiit! ? bitiid, that proii'lly )miU The- fp'fy with M'itttillutiui; U'iuiM, vinly i-ufoliU Thy graceful lily fitivr, A fitting eiibli'in. in It form. OfKiiowy pirtiiH that round me twine; Then, while my li) fc kittm-n wann, Dear. d:a:i nnl i;j !m- hi.li- mill Fay eneh iweurrin-; wed!in; d.iy . j Have all tha lii'ht whirh liiah' a 1 1 i ' (ray! The Brothers - s A TALK (IK bOVK. TR N't-"b.TEI FROJf TIlEl OANI .11. , It is a fresh, cool .summer morning, the binl appear to liav'e exhausted l tliemselvek with the sinking;" but the :Jrceze av;is not .exhausted, for, if. it seemed lu led for a moment under the (clustering leavjps of the frees, it was but "suddenly tp .shake them about, and 'mingle its sighs with tlieir rustling sound ; th?re Svaved to and fro the Jieads of the ears of corn in the fields, and the miore lowly clover scattered its fragrance around. On the summit of i yon green eminence, under the sway ing branches of those oaktrees, stands a young peasant, a robust, vigorous lyouth,.; Shading his eyes with his fhand, he h gazing across the field, I where thej public road winds along, j separated jfrom the luxuriant corn by I foAVS of ytiung trees and deep, narrow j ulltclics, whosp edges are Jbordcred by I; vrild.ilowo'i-s. j j j-; Yet it Mas but a short j time before, 1 that war rsavane and bloody war l had raged .fhej e; that the heavy tramp j ling of the,cavary had tqrn up that ground, now covered witlv tlie plenti ful gram ; that the thunder 01 cannon liad hushed every wild bird's song, and that those jflower-bordercd ditches had j been the death-beds of many a sinking jjj varrior. The traces of S such scenes jfn-re soon ef!iiced in nature?; it is only If in the minds1 of mankind that they re- main ana cjarmot ue Dioiteu out. It is this remembrance which calls ! an,cxpressiori of gloom to Johan's eyes, as he surveys the meadows, and casts : a shade over his. brow, as; he turns his .' head and loks mto the liuiet valley f beneath ? In it stands a pretty cot jt'tage, newly whitewashed and repaired, I uitli whitcscurtains adorning its low if "windows, and surrounded ! by a neat K little gardeti, gay Avith flowers of eve- .ry hue. There dwell his inother and inetrotheT; she wh is soocn to become fixed. preparations tor tnat event whicli have set the whole house .V 'astir ; it is ?i festival of the village, general holiday ; for this q ay they are preparing to receive the men who had left' their hcmes,inordcF to jdefend their native land. These had been long ab sent, had encountered many hardships and perils, ;nd many of them had been prisoners inj the enemy's country. Most among them had one true loving L heart at leasst awaiting his return with lole of the ; a festal why does not observe around him with animation. "You see, it stood so entirely alone, nobody ever came near it, and out before the door the purple heather grew so thickly ! When I lay there in the morning, it was so warm and still, and one never-heard a sound but the humming of the wild bees, and the whirring of the great flies' wings. In the autumn my mother and I used to cut off the long heather,! bind it in to bundles, and sell them yonder in the village. There was a well near our door, and when one looked jdown into it, oh ! it was so dark,' and deep, ond cold ! And when one was; draw ing up the bucket, it creaked as-; if it were a labor to come up; ,amU it ,it were let go again, one might wait and watch a long time before it got down "to where the Water was. In . w inter my mother sat in the house spinning j then the snow almost blocked up our ' little windows ; we dared not peep out ; of the door, for fear of the cold north wind getting in ; and if one ventured into the outhouse to get peatsfor the little stove, one s teeth chattered with the cold. On the long, pitch-dark j nights, when we went to bed early, to save candles, we used to lie awa)e and creep close to each other, listening to every sound. Oh ! how glad we' Were that we wrere too poor to fear robbers or bad'men. Do you think impossible tlrat there could be such a dear cot tage as ours anywhere ?" Johan pointed down towards the val- fltev and said "T) vnn son nnr lirmsp. vnndcr ? Is it not pretty V" The little girl shook her head, while she replied : "You think so, perhaps, for you are accustomed to it." "I should like very much to see your former house," said the other brother, George , who had been gazing upon the child with his large, expres sive eves. "Could you find the way to it r "Oh ! to be' sure I could," she re plied. "When I go with the sheep up to-the top . of the hills, can see it far away towards the east. T" Thev er one evening she preferred; her heart would have 'not anger him that she wept, for his tion for each other.; we will dd all we is sq still, that the gentle trftjjing of imocracy to addrcs any such appeals led her willingly to do so; but to make ; own heart was so overcharged with jean for our mutual happiness through the wafer in the little rivulet ear can J to their anoient opponerits, for, the the other brother unhappy! Had they misery that it seemed to weigh him 'life: alid when one has a good eon-i be heard at an unustfal distance. Thej Whigs cannot avpidthe, conviction that not both been so kind to the poor child down to the earth. At length he felt 1 science everything:oes well." (quiet moonbeams'shine on the fjndows 1 these expostulation lire tihe offspring wnom tney iouna unaer tne tree : 1 somewhat easier ; ne xneu to concen-! iier last words pierced Jonan to the ot tne cottage wnereireorge anfjcaien, Which, could she sav, had surpassed trate his thoughts upon Ellen, and he (very soul ; he felt perfectly wretched the newly-married couple, are jmd the the other in affection to her? Be-! had everything that could remind him j he became as pale as death -and a 1 roses which fluster round theifif exhale sides, neither of them had asked her of his brother removed from sight. ' confession which would have crushed their sweetest perfume'. sBt; what which she liked best. ' No neither of Yet, when in passing through the woods, his hearer's heart trembled on his lips; j wanderer is yon, who, with a ljapsack them had ventured to do that; but 'he came near some large tree, on which 'but he forced it back to the depths of on his back '-'sand a staff in hfi hand, both became more gloomy, both appa- his brother and himself, as children, his owis soul, and was silent. . After a stands beneath the oak' treeston- the rcntly more miserable, and the love of had cut their names together, painful few moments she seemed to be listen- hill? He s,t retches out -his fc'nis to both became more impetuou ". I I and dark remembrances would rush on 1 ing to something, and suddenly she wards that lowlv house a lask adieu, him; find it was still worse when his : exclaimed : , lor his path must uencelortn 1-ad else- mother wept, and spoke of George j "Hark ! the church bells are ring-; where. Why does he now kncp orithe of what he was as a little boy, and how ; ing ! They arc coming I must hast- j grassy height ? why does he pltt his good, and affectionate, and kind-heart-! en to our poor mother." ; hands to Heaven iii prayer? n it be ed he had always been. Wben in the After she had left him, Johan re-; possible that he thanks, God eeause heard at the clercrvnaan s house that : society of the neighborms peasants, ! mained war had broken out, and that the king ' he was silent, and. seemingly indiffer- j guish. had called upon all his faithful sub- ent to all amusement, and when he science, he ifr.t.R to assist him in it. For lhf first lipnrd tlipm remark "How Johan is ! it is true " . - . . . i i - - - - - .... .. . . . T.i. . . . . . i .... time, for the lust tune in niany;montlis chanfred since he wrent id the wars I irood conscience, how shall 1 become leave all he tas ever loved. tONbecome i ds the year it is known that tne the brothers looked franklv and unsus- 1 he felt himself comnelled to leave tliem. 'fortunate and hannv x. Oh! if she a-: a nilurim in a foreign land ? Is-T-for Federal office-holders in the State of i T I L - - 1 . I'M I - . J . J .-. . I . . i- I .2 u . i. I i io soinuue. xjiit'ii was kiiiu iiureu uie 11 sue uuiu ue ever v imuir to me of what avail would that be to ?. Do I not feel that every endear- him, and transforms every sh into which had defeated the .Whigs, and ment is a crime every word of love gratitude an3 my. . - U some among us perhaps have not quite lorgottcn tne circumstances untwjr From the National inteiiipenwrr, fwhich -a distinsuisheSd funciionarv in Appeals to Old-Line Whi- the city of New YorJc lost iis head for ii .i -.- .i were all tnree sitting itogetn- tor tne young men s mother was now very feeble, aiid most ly confined to bed. At length, Johan spoke of the news he had that day of a simulated patriotism.! They .re member that in other days the Demo cracy had no such abhorrence pf 'coal itions' with. Frec$oilers,i anid. they therefore doubt thejgenuinencss, or. at least the disinter'cstblnessi, of the ad vice vhicTi is now so gratuitously prof fered. Where slept the Democratic thunders of denunciation when a Free soil Serfator of the jCmtcdj States was elected from the State of) Massachu setts by a combination of; Democrats i" -r I . " i ,t! V i' 'll and rreesouers against tne iauonai AYhigs? Why did I the Sentinels pi Democracy noslect; to cryi aloud and spare not when a similar "fusion" wis niciouslv at each other, and, holding i and flv to solitude. Ellen Avas kind out his hand George said : j and gentle to him ; but when, of an "Brother! shall we go to war?" 'evening he loitered near the window A hearty shake of the hand was Jo-' of her little chamber, he could not help ban's reply. ' I hearing how she sighed and sobbed. "For God's sake, do not leave me, j One afternoon, when he came slow my dear brothers!" cried Ellen. , y 10me from his work in the fields, Would it not be enough at least for one j he began to Commune with himself, and to she added, almost in a whis-; t;s soliloquy ended by his saying to per ; but she stopped suddenly, for the ! himself"! will be happy ; for, as countenances of both the 'young men j things are now, I might . as well be had darkened in a moment. In the where George is." And thus, resolv fierce look which they exchanged lay ; ie went straight to the window of more than words could have express- t" Ellen's room, at which she was stand- for a time in speechless an-' his beloved is liis brother's brijfe ? Can "When one has a good con-! it be possible that, with a heariunbro- repcated at length. "leSjken by gneff that with tcarjg wh.cln effected m crmont, in Connecticut, ! But I, who have not a 'are not of sorrow, in his eyesjhe can and elsewhere at the NortU? Aslato leave all he tas ever loved, tOvbecome as tne year ipo-i it is Known tnat tne a pilgrim m a ioreign lanu : x?eueri umtu-uwuta ui ifiv uit w. a conscience, released front lt hedvy Massachusetts wereiamong the most burden of guilt, supports anrbles.ses prominent supporters of the 'coalition' 1 1 Ci A1 i an onence to -him m nis grave : Un : ; if she knew all, she would spurn me ' pre- from her, order me cut of her sence, and heap curses on my head!! Our conservative and intellijhtcon- stubbornly refusing to recognise ''the But soon soon -she will not be able ' temporary, tie New Orleans! Bee, in Freesoil wing" of the Democracy . in , .1 . ii i .ttt i ii r .. j i r , . ! ,. . . ur i .? a uot wi,:1a to uoxnar. . esnaii oecome man anu rpmnrk-iner nm the fiisnrcr!ifi7:e enm i. ins anDoinimeins iu uuiue. iiuuiivuu wife aye, man and wife before God's his wife for the wedding day is But it is ndtthe preparations fo It was ajrrecd that the following Sunday they should all three go to see the wonderfully beautiful cottage the girl had described ;and after that ex cursion1' they became playfellows and fast friends. In proccssof time, when the girl grew stronger, the mother of the boys, at their earnest and repeat ed request, took her as an assistant in her household work, and Ellen became happier and prettier every day. Jo han carved Avooden shoes for her,jcar- ried Avatcr for her, and helped her at her Aveaving ; George AvhitcAvashed her little room, and planted floAA'ers out side her window ; and neither of the brothers ever Avent to the market-town Avithout bringing a little gift to her. They Avere all three confirmed on the same day, though the; brothers Avere older than Ellen ; but from that day their peace was disturbed ; Lars, the son of the clerk of the church, took into his head to lfiakc up to Ellen, pre sented her Avith hOAvers and a silver ring, and, Avhat Avas Avorse, at a dance in the village, shortly after, he danced Avith her almostrthe Avhole evening. Why Avas it that the gloomy looks of the dissatisfied brothers sought not each other's sympathy? Why did not ed ; and Ellen felt, as if the idea had been conveyed to her in a flash of lightning, that they must both go. She seized a hand of each, pressed them to her beating heart, and told them, in a voice broken by suppressed sobs, that they must go; that theymust trust in God, and that she Avould pray for them both. That night, Avhen she had retired to her little chamber, she Avept bitter tears, and prayed to the Almighty that he Avatch over them both ; and if one must fall, that He would preserve him Avhose life would be' of the greatest utility. But her sighs Avere for G eorge, and her secret Avishes for his safety. The brothers joined the army. The li feu they led there, so new to both, seemed to call forth from their inmost souls long-dormant feelings, and they once more became intimate ; but of home they never dared to speak. They often Avished to write to that home, but something impossible seem ed always to preventthem, and neither of them Avould let that duty devolve upon the other. It was almost a re lief to them when they had to march tathe field of battle ; the lives of both would be exposed there- God Avould choose betAveen them. And they look ed earnestly one upqn the other, and wrung each other's hand. But Avhen they met after the battle, they did not shake hands, they nodded coldly to each other ; and, to a comrade from their native village, they said "When you write home, tell them that our Lord has spared us." Again they Avent forth to meet the enemy; again they participated in that fearful lottery for life or death ; and amidst the tumult of the fight, they chanced to stand side by side. At length, driven from the field, they took j refuge in a small building, but it was anxiety therefore the av little Village welcome far Johan lo('xk the promise as if , ho Ai was prepann them. But as it lie did of abundance ere not himself the most fortunate, ofi all ; the -villagers he avIio is about to celebrate a double vestival? Why docs hi? throw himself doAvn be- ilicatlr von tree, and hide his face with ! i.i ..Tit .i ,i thev open their lips in mutual com- speedily attacked Dy tne enemy ; tney plaints Avhv not tell each other that saw the bayonets glittering on the out thcy had never dreamed of any one f side, and heard the officer m command else dancing with their sister, giving j give orders to fire at it. - Immediate her presents, and speaking soft words1 V, Johan pressed the secret spring of bii I lis arms ;all that day Avhenihe and his A . ' 1 1 "tAvo strong, pctiye ooys iat this very 'place to look I girl who wasicry ing bitterly. Ah ! mcmbry has recalled to him brother -had stopped jat a little She Avas ' !? very poor clad, and the ' curiosity of J. tlic boys passing into sympathy, they ? inquired Avhy she was in itears ? It iWas a Jong time before she Avould im- part the cauc of her grief to them ; . . 11 but when they placed themselves by ' her on the grass;, patted her little chek, ;i and spoke wpvds of kindness to her, she confided to them that she had re , cently come jto their A-illage. On the I other side orithe hill stood thb small ,house in wbith her mother a but she Avas now dead,- and strangers t had brottght her oAer. to tle village, ji The overseer! of the poor hkd placed UC1 111 service witii a peasant woman ; put snc ten so lonely so forsaken ! She Avouhlfaan return to her cottage. which stood by itself on tie lreath ; hut she dared not leave hct .mistress to her ? AVas it not the if avIio had met her first, and had visited Avith her the cottage on the heath ! Then, avIio had been so attached to her! But there had hitherto been tAvo to love her Avhy had tAvo suddenly become one too many ? And Avhen Ellen, her-face ra diant, with joy,' came tripping .up -to George, seized, his hand, and said, "Will you not dance one little dance Avith me, George?" Avhy did Johan spring -forward with a Avrathful coun tenance, snatch, jvway her hand, and exclaim "No; T am tired of staying here, Ellen; Ave must go home!" Suddenly the-brothers turned upon each other as if thev Avere bitter cne mies. and thev Avould have come to bloAvs, had Ellen not burst into tears, and, separating them, accompanied them home. , ' From that day forth they Avatched narrowly each other's Avord and look, and seemed to be ahvays in a state of miserable anxiety about each other. If they Avere going to market, they made a point of starting at the same time, for the one dared not leave the other a moment behind, for fear he should have an opportunity of saying a kind Avord privately to Ellen, or of Obtaining a kind look from' her, in which the other could not share. If they Avere sitting together in their humble parlor, they kept a sharp and had lived; 'jealous look-out upon every glance of hers ; and if she spoke a little longer, or whh a little more apparent interest to one, the room seemed to be too con fined for the other, and he. Avould rush out to breathe the pure air, but yet Avithout feeling the oppression remov ed from his heart. At length, eyen a tran-aoor wnicn leu io ine wouur and forced himself through it. George stooped over it and was about to fol Ioav his example," when an evil spirit entered into Johan's heart ; he thrust his brother back, dreAv doAvn the trap door, and rushed tOAvards the trees. Immediately he heard the sound of firing ; the smoke concealed his flight, he crept into the wood, trembling in every limb, and fainted aAvay upon the grass. On recovering from his swoon, all Avas still around him : but he soon fell in with some of his comrades, and join cd. his regiment. The troops Avere shortly after mustered,' and' the name of each individual was called. How intense ay ere his feelings Avhen his brother's Avas heard ? None answer ed to it ; and, conquering with a vio lent effort his emotion, he ventured to glance tOAvards the place that his bro ther used to occupy, and where he al most dreaded to see a pale and threat eningspectre. Heheardhis comrades talk of him but his heart appeared to hare become seared. He felt that he ought to write to Ellen, and eArening after evening he sat doAvn to the task; but he always abandoned it, for he fancied, that without any confession, she Avould discern that the hand which traced the letters on the paper to her had thrust his brother info the jaws of death. He gave up the idea of writ ing, but through another sent a mes sage of kindness from himself, and the tidings of George's death. When a cessation of hostilities for a time Avas agreed on, and Johan was to return home, he endeaAored and hoped to be able to shake off his deep gloom, lie was to see iiien again ing, and leaning againsjt the outside frame, he said "Listen to me, Ellen ! We have mourned Ions enough for George. I have been fond of you ever since you were d child will you be my, wife now : Ellen looked doAvn for a moment ; then raising her eves to Ms, she said : "Ah, Johan ! I saAv very Avell hoAv matters stood between you and George; but I Avill tell you frankly, that I Avould have preferred to have tajven poor George for my husband, and kept you as my brother. HoAvever, since it Avas God's Avill to remoA-e him from this Avorld, there is no one whom I would rather marry than you. Are you con tent Avith this acceptance t "I suppose I must be," replied Jo han ; but he became very pale, and he added, in aloAver and somewhat dis contented tone : "There was no need for your saying all this, Ellen ; you mu belieA' my assurance, that I am as'much attached toyou as ever George could have been." "Yes, Johan, yes!" said Ellen; "but it is needless to make comparisons noAV, nor ought you to be angry at what I have said. ; You arc dearest to me af ter him ; and, even if he stood herein your plade, I Avould not be happy, if you Avere dead and gone. "Hush, Ellen, hush!" cried Johan, as he glanced over his shoalder Avith uneasiness. ; "Let us speak about our Avcddinz:-dav ; for my, mother .cannot live long, and Ave could not reside to gether after her death, unless AveAvere married." After ,a littTe more conversation, El len shut the window, '. and withdrcAV, I and the subject Avas not again alluded to during the evening. When Johan Avent to bed, the thought occurred to him "It Avas very strange that I for orot to seal our en en cement Avith a sm- ei ----- - o c gle kiss. Am I never more to fee that I have a right to be happy ?" He could not sleep that night he could not help, reflectingijhow it would have been if it Avere George who was about to marry Ellen, anu lie Avho Avas lying in the grave. 'But George Avould then have caused my death, and pernaps tnmgs are peitcr as mev are TTe tried to escane from thought he . 4 tried to sleep, and at last sleep came but it brought no relief, for he found i himself again standing in that Avell-re membercd Avood, and saw again befor him the small house, Avith its dreadfu recollections. He felt himself strug orlin2 violently to keep the trap-doo shut, till the perspiration poured down his face : and then he awoke in his agitation, and anything was bette holy altar but Avill that ever be? hen 1 Avalk Avith her up the church s aisle Avheu;the bells are ringing, the church adorned Avith green, branches and flowers, and the rich tones of thej Such is the gahizei condi- his appointments to bflice. tion of parties iri LouisTana,'f 'pdidly memory of these transactions surTivps acknowledges! that for -once ijrf s puz- we incline to believe that Whigs .will zled and hardly knows Iioay t. define not be greatly moved by the fervent the principles and positions. oMhe ya-. "appeals" of our Democratic friends, nous candidates for office in tha State who suddenly manitest so mucii more the zeal for the political, virtue ot their e3n ancient adAersaries ly showed for their 6ayu. Higher. han they former- confusion that organ maKe tne neart SAven in one s democrats are anxiously nsiuiring breast can I be proud and happy ? j "where they ihall go" in thelcurious Can 1 help looking back to see if a medley of parties that has aisen on bloody shadoAV be not folloAving me the decline of! the ancient and impact t l i i i n i - . i i i . , i- , amongst my Kinureu anu my menus, organizations wnicn once aivitea -tner Higher is a word pf noble-meaning vuu me me unuai guests : ju ; uui-, people 01 ouisiaii in common wun tie inSpjration of all good deeds ror, norror: ,vnu wnen tne pastor , tne wnoic tnaon.. m this stafot at- tKe sympathetic chain that leads, link pronounces mat inusc wnom uou nas , lairs we neea not say tnat 'Ujfl-.Liine t i-- tn imrjsioned soul to the i noicuB s ll ;1 111 l TIT1 I . o H , omeu togetner no man snail put asun- vv nigs receive respecpiui attention Zenitb i of its glory land sti aer on : tne Diooa wall trecze in my ;trom all tne se"erai ciaimants.iron tne U,,:,- k;-0 oor,;r,r v p.. . 111 vm.r-l ItlllB U KTliED Dtaiiuiun A'eins. No living man but a shadow l .1. 1 . w rom tlie tomb a spectre a muraer-j est appeals fi,re addressed tjQ their TTirrher lU tKo.iinfajit 4hak daana. ed brother's revengeful ghost will j "comprehensive patriotism," efaecial- itsmother's kneoa. aid makes its feeble ;ppcar. .Oh ! George, George ! arise ly by the so-called "regular Docra- ofol.t t0 rise from the floors-it is the rom your grave, and let me change ; Cy." . 11 first-inspiration of childhood, to burst iee mm ou . jjor 1S tnls importunity peculiar to the narrow confinesiof the jcradle,-m Drops of agony are falling from his the Democracy of Louisiana. "Ap- Avhieh the sweetest mjoraentsihave pass- Drow, every joint seems rigid in ins peals to the Uid-Lane. Y uigsTi Mve -cd forever. ! 1 ' closely-clasped hands, and every limb i become a standing topic with ij ny of . - Higher ! laughs the proud pchool boy of the unhappy sinner is trembling. : our Democratic conteraporariesand it at his swing," or as lib climbs the' tail But Avhat angel from Heaven is yon? j was under this head that the (govern- est trees of the forest, - thalj he '- may XT 1 1 1 1 1 1 I- 1 . . l !. n- 1 .A.r .II i a . t it a I ue Kneeis Dy ms sine ne pusncs oacK i ment qournai a iew weeKs ago j jmars- look down on his lessmaventorous com- - the thick hair, and Avipes off the clam'- ed with satisfaction upon "the fifsposi- pinions, with a I fMh "of dxultation, from all the several claimants.non the mysterioui objeets sjtan popular suffrages, and the mo$ oarn- terin2 amonff tle gtiM. and gljt- ny dCAV ot mortal anguish trom ins i tion manifested in many quarters by and abroad over the fields, (and mea- brehead. Johan looks up. worthy and enlightened citizenJ Uere- doAv's, and his native jvillagci" lie never vu . is it a ftjjuetie Hum tne giuve, t toiore Known a.s Ki-uine vy itgSj 10 saAV so extcnaed a prospect: oeiore. J co-operate with the National D&oora- Higher ! earnestly breathes the Stu- cy," and deprecated any efforttore- dent of philosophy arid nature; he has construct- the organization of thfr. par- a host of rivals, out! he must 'eclipse ty." To a similar purportthe SftLouis them all. The midnight oil burns dim, Republican declares tha't, in he re- but he finds light and knowledge - in cent elections : held in the Stes of the lamps of heaved, and lis soul is iventucKy, v lrginia, anu xennseff, a never weary wnen tne last mem is majority of tlie people, "inciting a hid behind the curtim of morning.- or is it he ? George ! George ! No no ! he smiles it cannot be him self!" Johan stretched out his. feverish, rembling hands, afid grasped his bro ther's arm. "Is it you, George ? Merciful God, can it be yourself ?" "It is I Imyself! Replied George, j large portion of those heretofo& act-j And higher ! his voice thunders forth, itiijji uaeiiiiiji eiuaei lu ilis uiuluci. j lug Willi me inig, iijvvc, utxivi iiicii t niien me uignii, utj xiiiiiiiivvn iiu tu- ' And you are not dead r cried Jo-, preference for the Democratic Tiirty, vested his form, and the multitude is han. "AnsAvcr me, for God s sake .- Accordingly that lournalexprees the listening with delight to mi oracles, Have I not murdered you ?" (benevolent and unselfish horM that burning with eloquence, arid ringing "all honest AVhigs" will not be prawn like true steel in the cause of freedom into "such an egregious act otvoliy and the right. And when jtimo nas as to support any other than thiHDem- changed his locks to silver, njnd world- "liush I hush I said ueorge ; "you pushed me back from the trap-door, indeed, but I fell doAvn flat, and the guns did not injure me. The enemy I ocratic candidate for the nextPresi- wide is his renoAvn, iwhen tHe maiden took me prisoner, however, and have just come from captivity. Forg'ryeme, Johan, that I so long forgot avc were brothers so long, that you at last learned to forget it too." flnne-tr -s" irnthAinrr flrrwprs bv!thft road! Ridfi. ftnd ttVMv; . . . r(C' v e o J T i 7 For ourselves, we take leave vo say, the boy'm the field, bow m reverence in behalf of what seems to usth;f most as he passes, and peasants lopk to him primary principles of political nsis- with honor, can he breathe t)rth trom tency and propriety, that we Regard his heart the fond wish of thje past?- Johan stood for a few moments as if ; all such "appeals" as in' the Ighest Higheryet ! He halsreached the apex he had been turned into stone, t then : degree inopporfune, if not impermanent, of earthly honor, yejf his spirit burns raised his eyes, and cast one long, earn- I The Old-Line Whigs-, in ; conjQction warm as in youm, tnougn avicii a paiur est look towards Heaven ; but in that 1 with conservative citizens of&very and steadier light, and it would even rery look there Avas a world of gratitude name and denomination, m all prts of and delight." He then threw himself on ' the Union, ay ill'' be able to; interpret his brother's neck, and embraced him for themselves! at the proper tie, the warmly. j indications' Avlnch shall mark irt the "Go to your bride !" he cried, as he path of duty in the civil conjecture w ithdrew his arms, and pointed to the brought aboutBy the disturbiri -eleJ cottage in the A'ale. "I haA'e not killed j ments of Demdctatic misrule. If heth him !" he shouted; "I have not mur-cr the authors knd abettors, tili that misrule haAre a prior claim up--i the adhesion of Whigs would seem 'p be a question that admits of easy dycrmi- rz- ii'i , i '.i . unaicrTcr may De ju- jiy or. nation. than the horror of such -a vivid dream "Oh ! Avhv is it not all a dream !" h exclaimed, as he wrung his bands in agony of spirit. . And there he stood now upon the hill, hiding his face from tlis sweet ness of the morning, and the cheerful rays of the sun, as if he feared to pol lute the glorious gifts which God had bestOAved on creation, and felt that they were not intended for his enjoy ment. Suddenly he flung himself down and buried his face amid the early dew that stood upon the ground, mingling Avith it the hot tears that chased each other swiftly doAvn his cheeks. At that moment, a soft hand dered my brother ! he lives ! Oh ! thou God of goodness, I thank thee that thou hast saved my brother!" And he kissed the flowers, he embrac ed the trees, be rolled on the grass in ! unjustly said against the Replj)lican the wild delirium of his joy ; but he I organization of the North, thtiVhigs became calmer by degrees, his thoughts ! of the Union cannot forget that ft owes seemed to become more collected, and its ery existence and deirves i daily he raised his tearful eyes to the blue ' food from thetSGctional agitations pro Heavens above, while his lips murmur-1 yoked and fosjtered by the Demiratic ed his thanks and praise for the unex-; party. If, therefore, the Kcpijlican pected blessing vouchsafed to him. party Avcr'e as odious and dangeijju as Several days have passed since then; the Democratic press, particularly of the wedding day has come at last; the Nthe South, is, in the habit of repscnt bells ring; the church-is decorated with ing, it would ofily be so much tKmore fresh flowers and green boughs, and j a cogent and convincing argunjjnt a the pealing organ is heard outside in 'gainst' anyf affiEation with , a iparty the church -yard. See; here comes the which has lieen tiie primal cause pf the bridal party, gaily dressed, and adorn- movement in question. Thelifnubli ed Avith garlands of flowers. The bride cans very possibly have been ' av-i may advances between two young, men, slill be in dangler of cairying their each holding one of her hands. Tlie feelings of resentment to a ndless one brother gives her to the other. extreme in point! of defensive tactics, borrow wings and sbar up to heaven, leaving its tenement to mouldier among the laurels he ha3 wound around it, for tlie never endingjglory to pjc reach ed only in the presence of tlie Most High- ' , j A Fast $tory. An Englishman avs bragging of the speed on'Engljsh ralilroads tb a Yan kee, traveler in England. The engine bell was rung as thej train neared the station." . , "What's that noisje ?" inquired the Yankee. I "We arc approaching a toyiijsaid the Englishman, "picy havp jto com mence ringing about ten miks before they get to a station, or else the train would run by it hcfqre the bell could be heard! Wondejrfuf isn'Lit? .1 suppose they haven't invented bell3 in America yet i i , , .'.'Why, yess," rcpaied the fTankce; "we' vc got bells, buit oan't Use them on our railroad. Vfo run so; 'tarnal fast that the train Always l;ee)S ahead of the sound." j . "Indeed !" exclaimed the English man, "Fact," said the I ahkee, had to was gently laid upon his head, and a ; Long had they disputed in a friendly ! and in this line (of conduct thef can : give up bells, lher we tned, eteam miM vcl5iimed ' spirit which should be permitted to sa-! expect, as thev lask, no co-opCation i whittles but they wouldn't .answer, isk, no co-option I whittles but they wouldn't , answer, 1 Whims' but i are ! either. I was on a j locomotive when the Avbistle was triedi Ve saw a two- mild voice exclaimed spirit which should be permitted to sa-; expect, as they "But Johan ! why are you lying i crifice himself, and to yield Ellen; but from the Nationa 9 1ot hh ihn TrTfer with one of them had a crime to evnwite : at a-loss to understand hoAY S'ich a, the w uei t . l nut vuu kv "iv, iu-vv-. - ..j,, .. . - - - - . . v' , , t ' , n t a jomV the was most anxious to make repara- want of moderation on the part jf the j horse wagon crossing the track, about - A r.A- Via raieorl Vila VlM-d. an d!ti on for it. and he tritimnfied in tho former can be construed into 8valid s five miles ahead, and the engineer lot nuu n ncii lie i"." 7 ; i - f : - " ' . j, . , i .i . '. - fraternal struggle. See how his eyes ; claim to the character of conservatism , tne wmstie on, dub a wasu i f y uac. the little friendly attentions they used 'Johan took hier hand, looked eammt. 1 to nav to Ellen Avere given up, for but the thought of her no longer brought l!;Iy upon her, and asked what there was 1 iealousv taught both the brothers Avhat gladness to his soul. It was with slow ir. - i V o. . . . - w . so uncommon; about her mother's cot tager - j. - . jj "Ah ! there is no house like it here an your villagje," replied thejlittle girl, poison there might-lie in theni for each. : . Perhaps it Avould have been better if Ellen could have then declared which and heaAry steps that he approached the cottage in the valley ; and when Ellen came out to meet him, and hid her tearful face on his breast, it did Ellen saw his disturbed look, she sat down bv him. and put her arm affec-1 sparkle ! See Avith Avhat firm and elas- urgedin behalf ofthe Democracy .since tionately round him. i tic steps he advances . And, though they must none tiae-iess oeneiu riuui "Do you believe that we sliall be ! deeply agitated as he holds out his responsible for j the 'political pfhaos happy, Ellen?" he asked mournfully, j right 'hand to place the bride by his , which has been, precipitated ithe as he" laid his head on her shoulder. I brother's side at s the altar, how earn-! country. . i 1 "Tell me : do you really believe that ! estly he joins in prayer, and how dis-: -In the present aspect of affags-we we shall be happy ? j tinctly gratitude and peace are depict-; would, theretore, advise, agaiftt any in his countenance . coalition sucn as tnai into wniccsVia- The .next thing I kntw, I wasjpickmg myself out of a ponds by tlie roadside, amid the fragments of the locomotive, dead horses, broken wagbn and engi neer lying beside me, Just then the Avhistle came along, mixed up with some frightful oaths that I heard the "Whv not. dear Johan?" said El- - j len in a soothing manner. "We are both young; we -have a sincere affec- ed engineer u3e It is night in the valley; the wind is Line Whigs are so unctuously irfrited hojsca. , , - . ii i a. T Ar. uv, 4.UV.TTO.- fore Ins It UOC3 UUl UCtUUlC hushed, and not a leaf is stirring ; all to enter. wnen Poor fellowj voice got to e nrst saw tne he A?as dead bo urn. After that W. i

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