W: I TIIE IREDELL EXPRESS, j EEKMS OF ADVERTISING,' v Onte.DolIit quariefoi'the first wetk, and Twenty-fire Cent for fevery week thereafter Sixteen tlWs-oij ls will nuke a square-- ' Deductions made, in favor of standing mat ter aa fallows : ' & .;.. j ; T 1 3"xos. duos. ""I tiaii. One sqoarr, . .".S&S&V $5.50 ; i $8.00 Two pqnar??u i ;7.0t 10.00 'vH.00 Thw tmanWMfc) . 15.00 : . i20.00 rUBUSIIEl) WEEEIiT; fe. is- DKAKE ' ' T W. P. DRAKE. EUGENE B. DRAKE & SON, Editors and Proprietors. .TEipIS OF THE PAPER, '3Vhen dtrecti'Hv ar not given how often to insertfan Advertisement, it will be publish ed tintil ordoml out. ' Vol.111. Statesville, N. C, Friday, February 17, 1860. $2 a Yeari in Advance. - ; ' , .: ' " ' ; . . -A. Family sTewspaper Devoted to Politic, Agriculture, ISJIannfatot-ares, Commerce, and JisclIap.eoxi. JRe.aijagf foctri). . , X M W mt X " i. For tiie Iredell Eipma. We will Meet in the Morning." t.V.ObA; r ''We will meet in the morning," A ilyinr child said To the loved ones who gathered In grief round Ifer bed : "We will meet iridic morning,' Olt shed not a tear, TIi c night vill sooa vanish The day-star apftear." And the bine eves closed softlv. To 6icn no more, Till they opened in! gladnesa On ly leu tr blent shore: Lnd the teiirs of the weepers Were dried e'er they fell,- W ith the promise of meeting. Where all would he well. )li ! in momenta of parting How s.weet is thei balm, 'iiith ours o'er the bosom Its tumult to calijn, 'he hope ff a morning Whose cun. never sets, n a land never ehajdowed !'. .-.ihs or ivgreta. c Knimi tin- Mviiijiliii) Appeal. Fairies All the Time. iSoinf w Wh-e At Whe 1 "1 ask w here the fairies hide themselves ien winter's snowri re spreail. iv Miiiiuur Uowers uroop ami uie, id woodland'.- leaved are dead. i eryctal rills are till and hiit-hed, ie:ith their irv bp iwlft ; IFrom Waaliintrton Irving i 8kctcb-Book. i- The Wife. Ytie tretksures of the deep are not ao prccioun A are the concealed comfort of a uiaiT Locked np in woman'a lore. I went the air ' Of bleaeiupt, when J come but near ttie houw, Wliat a delicious breath marriage seudi forth The violet bed iiot Hweeter. Middlron. I havejoften had occasion to'remark the fortitude with which women sus tain the most overwhelming reverses of fortune. Those disasters which break down the spirit of a man, and pros trate him in the dust, seem to call forth all the energies of the softer sex, and give such intrepidity and eleva tion to the,.character, that at tjmes it approaches to sublimity. Nothing can be more touching than to behold a soft and tender female, who had been all weakness and dependence, and alive to every trivial roughness, while treading the prosperous paths of life, suddenly rising in mental force to be the com forter and support'of her husband un der misfortune, and abiding, with un shrinking firmness, the bitterest blasts of adversity. As the vine, which has long twined its graceful foliage aoout the oak, and has been lifted by it into sunshine, will, when the hardy plant is nttcd by the how, beats lightly. in that bosom, will be weighed down, like mine, by the cares and miseries of the world. At length he came to me one day, and related his whole situation in atone of the deepest despair. When I heard him through I inquired, 'Does your wife know all this ?' At the question he burst into an agony of teajrs. 'For God's sake !' cried he, 'if you: have any pity on me, don't mention m wife ; it is the thought of her. that drives meal most to madness !' The disclosure may be mortifying; but then it is a single misery, and soon ov er; whereas you otherwise suffer it, in anticipation, every hour in the day. It is not poverty as much as pretence, The Politician's Wife: Bt Lacka Lixcour. 'Well, "wife, our Representee to Congress is elected at last. Pretty ly deceived, anii Amelia perceiyedCfeat and, like his master, dressed in the her husband, wis fast yielding himself a very pink t)F fashion; So littU of Af- that harassesaruinedman-thestrngl ?nSh ork, though, we ve had during gle between a proudmind and an empty e cas- 1 always prophesied that purse-the keeping up a hollow show Henry Faulkner was destined to make that must soon conte to an end. Have Vs ma,rk in fheorld- ?oted h,m aown irom me nrst as a rising man. When the murmur ol' tlirir rippling voiee i Iri'lo.-1! beneath thenaiidri :. Whe i ,'rntle b'reees hi the waves Above eych eoral cell, TIh'.v do whis.t-r. to ii.s here, i 'Til nt there's where fairien dwell. hev 11 N Sor ! Or do not dwell in wdodhuid wihlM, r in the tlowerv toils,1 the moon'- soft dancing beams, Id 'eiiehauted m ell. '-ii ius' lariii'l depths the courage to appear poor and you disarm poverty of its sharpest sting.' On this point I found Leslie perfectly prepared. He. had no false pride him- 'And why not ?' said I. 'She must self, and as to his wife, she was only know it sooner or later ; you cannot anxious to conform to their altered keep it long from her, and the intelli- fortunes. . - ;r ; .,f,i u L.. TT b,i j;0r:nj try and perseverance, tie is i?. ... i. c?j.. .ex. l: . ii fortable circumstances, and yoursen: ior uiu accents ui iuusu ne 01 msuwemuK-uouse, auuiaaeuasuiaii . , , Y eL- t ...... - of .Congress elect. love suiicii nic uaisucBi nviiiia. jju- cuuagt iu 111c cuuiin, u r r i. Ii i i- i r nu. is no oflace to which he may not as- inrnforta nt hpr fivmriflthv nmi not. in conrlinrr nut. f nrnit.lirp. I hp new PS- 10 J . . merely that, but also Endangering the tablishment required few articles, and Pj &r h tale,nts ae estiona. t. boo..?. r otVuof irirA a ii Ai ed. Doubtless Mrs. Faulkner thinks -an unreserved community of thought niture of his late residence had been that she has drawn a Jhigh prize m the .a 'r-.-i. qu' :ii -i i v wu matrimonial lottery. that SompthinT is Mcretlvwevinirutv- h snid. was too c.Wlv associated With I will go over and see Amelia this :.i ' .fu.-.iif. :Ai a -v -evening,' said Mrs. Ulover, 'and con brook reserve; it feels undervalued and little story of their loves ; for some of gtulate her upon her husband s sue- outraged, when even the sorrows of the sweetest moments of their court- , , j woo i .) I . - . v -V m HTM ITIIIlr'l II II .'Ml. l I 11 CTlHI' thunderbolt, cling around it witn itsjiuuse h ws aie cuuwucu uum n. amp- Cic iuooc nucn icauw . i . tit Faulkner instead 'Uh, but my-trienu ; to thinK wnat a over that instrument, and listened to r; , . . , . ; , , blow I am to give to all , her future the melting tones of her voice. I could of looking joyous and animated as she , t . . i . , . ..i. . r expected, wearing an anxious and soul to the earth, by telling her that tic gallantry in a doting husband. troubled expression """Pjy tor i i. , . i i i tt Pi. ii. i.i friend s warmly proiiered good wishes b.- b.icV..i,,l ic - tipirrrn.r ! tbnt. she is to Hp wnannw cminor nut tn thftnnttacc. r , tj xiuoi.v.iv ""-co & o " o' (. IOi egO ail lllc ciriintica u i uic on me n ucic ma inc uou uctu mi ucvjf oupci- slave to the. fatal habit of strong drink. Tearfully and earnest Ty ' did shfre monstrate withj ham. His only reply was . I ':- ' v 7--, 'Oh, pshaw, Amelia, you don't J6w any thipg about it. I am obligcgl .to treat the peoplp, in order to get neir votes. . Only wait until this election Hcan blood has he In his veins that he was regarded as a 'white ah'aV the hotel, and it;was only after his' arrest that the proprietor discoverec! that the individual on whom he had ' been lavishing such attentions for the past two weeks was neither more nor less than a slave. His master treated him Are thirie- to be found Ond dikzv'elt lis t oweri n aloof, )r leaverns under, groiind. We ttnd them in the piW'ry laugh, ! Soft floating on the air ; We And them in the munie voice find them everywhere. Wl Where ! As AV e t e woman Step is heard, soft as vesp-r sighis. ml tiiem, lu ignter man tne cyn, l'eileeting from her ejerf. Teim.'danuarv ilEMi-ui: Stipe l"me train Whe 'orii Sa Apple l)rie lliHUlli Ueesw (and! Adatnai j tine Cfotl'ee Rio Java f tWttot Oorn rentl ti.2X7A((i',O0u 2'2' (a J WO it i in (it 1 ro reacri 1800. ldU la i jo Sutra rs, X. Oil. 0 1ft (,,( 12i , Loaf 0 14 . (t.OI.V isbury Market l-"eb. U 1S.V.). caressing tendrils, and bind up its shattered boughs; so is it beautifully ordered by Frovidence, that woman, who is the mere dependent and orna ment of man in his happier hours, should be his stay and solace when smitten with sudden calamity; winding herself into the rugged recesses of his nature, tenderly supporting the droop ing head, and binding up the broken heart. I was once congratulating a friend, who had around him a blooming fami ly,, knit'togethcr in the strongest af fection. 'I can wish you no better lot,' said he, with enthusiasm, 'than to have a wife and children. If you are pros- perous, they are to snare your pros perity; if otherwise, they are to com fort you.' And, indeed, I have ob served that p, married man falling into misfortune is more apt to retrieve his situation in the world than a single one; partly because he is more stimu lated to exertion by the necessities of the helpless and beloved beings who depend on him for subsistence ; but chiefly because his spirits are soothed and relieved by domestic endearments, and his self-respect kept alive'by find ins:, that though all abroad is darkness Hand humiliation, yet there is still alit '! tie world of love at home, of which he pleasuresof society to shrink with me intending its arrangement. My feel- ' A,u- TV ' i iT T I y . ..... .. . . -. . - . tore itw. I won (I orlfl.fi IV fiXfMianorfi into indigence and obscurity ! lo tell inrs had become strongly interested , 1 ... , - i ... .i t i... i .it, ,l crr, : i f i.:0r' places With you. the sphere in which she might have and, as it was a fine evening, I offered f Faulkner had said at thc same continued to move in constant bright- to accompany him. i- ness the light of every eve the ad- He was wearied with the fatigues of uu h- . . o . . v, . . . . . r - 'T nm sfrnul that. AmpllJl, IS OTOWinor miration ot every heart: llow can she the day, and, as .he walked out, tell , . . . . n f . . . I . y ' . 1 ccltich ,onl pa.nnr.lOllS. liar. TTlOrfi bear poverty r .she has been brought mto a fit of gloomy musing. ov v ,na- : l ... J - .. . .... . . . ., rfir a womfin dpsivp than she has : some, oted to 1 CI. . lb." 1 lb t , K st.s-r-k i v-k r n break my heart it will break my heart! anything happened to her? LAi;T;,ThP dpmand -nr-iti hPr hus- I saw his gnet was eloquent, and 1 'What, said he, darting an impa- r" v , j i.i.i.:L.f :n v. let it have its flow; for sorrow relieves tient glance, , 'is it nothing to be reduc- . , , , , itself by words. When his paroxysm ed to this paltry situation to be caged & " . - , a ' i ..i i i. i..i : V- m: some aacrmcc mi net wuun. o nau suusiueu, anu xie iwu iciuu .u- ia a mi&uittuiu uutiagc w rB n.lATfAr 1 11T,ori hprsplf to unknowing all the circumstances, and , Molasses, 0"0 (,i 100 Cuba O.'U fff0 4.") .0 1 U(f 0 1:2 A N . rl. 0 -Vr (d.O "'-r) i.0Jl-(; l)2 j" Museo. 04" (a;0.r)( s. NInilseut0(l.)I(V.0tiG Oats 040 (t.0 5Q 02:; ("O.'io oils, j Tam.emO.IO (-,0 00 0 12i(t14 Itiigs, It) 0 2 . 0 I7022i Slt.si-k.SUO (a,2 10 0 10 1 1 Smgar, ' 0 H 1 ( S." I'.rown . 0 OS (n.O 10 Crush 0 12 (.0ir (I'lar. 0"- McjtibO " (it Si I 0 (Vt :;." isccimncous mat to 1 i'he 1 ihent fane;,' ihort iilea the 1 latin than lnnd trend1 istories, poems .1 1 . . 1 to t u intt Ii tt- is the monarch. Whereas a single man is. apt to run to waste and self-neglect; to fancy himself lonely and abandoned, and his heart to fall to ruin like some deserted mansion, for want of an inhabitant. ' hose observations call to mind a little', domestic story, of which I was once a witness. My intimate friend, Leslie, had married a beautiful and ac complished girl, who had been brought up in the midst of fashionable life. She had, it is true, no fortune, but that of my friend was ample ; and he delighted in the anticipation of indulg ing her in every elegant pursuit, and administering to those delicate tastes and fancies that spread a kind of witch ery about the sex. ,'IIer life,' said he, 'shall.be like fairy tale.' The very difference in their charac ters produced an harmonious combina tion: he was of a romantic and some what serious cast; she was all life and dadness. I have often noticed the th whirdi ho would jraze Xothing was ever j n her in conl anv of. vhicli"lier entiy jahsura than the i rj.htly powers made her the delight; embodied in nearly all ! .i"!.' ;n the midst of applause, her jl 1) d (ien. Jiickson use cotton bales to ch'fend the Atnerican lines at the tattle of New Opleins ? This is an iiounced 3y the lela in giving ah ac count of an iticidcntl with which the name of the late CHn. Planche was' 4onnpcted, and which, having been) ir iiiu u'.i " "in. 01 lot; iiiyon ii ineiple errors that lias ever crept in- t . . . -i -ii 1 ... -.e itstorv, as a srriKing linisirauon 01 bear poverty r sue nas oeen orougnt mto a nt 01 gloomy musing Can a woman desire than she h. up in all the refinements of opulence. Toor Mary! at length broke, with T : , children, and a hand How can she bear neglect: she has a heavy sigh, from his lips. . . , J , , . Ar. 1 .i -i 1 e ali -n ,1 i i? ; r 9 1 it. ti talented husband, who is devot been the idol of society. Oh! it will 'And what of her asked I : 'has R ... ' , . , (TP C5" , ., f i.i 1. .ii'.'.i '1 i'AIB. U1UVCI toon. uuuu uiioi.11 vv to moody silence, I resumed the subject to toil almost in the. menial concerns . , . , . e ,q rv,ff;,.a n? J , ,,. . , 1 1 pi , 1 jv x o. ludjre of her inend s motives 01 action gently, and urged him to break his sit- of her wretched habitation : 1 n u n;,nm,tnnnfla om t . . .... . linL-nowinor nil thft eireumstances. anc nation at once to his Wiie. J e shook 41as she then repined at the change.' forgetti tothe divine preceptj Jud Ins head mournfully, bu positively. 'Repined ! she has been nothing but o n -iuC now are you to u t ,.uu. sweetness aim gouu x.uuiu . iuuu, j - Q - e pHvileged, look ner r it is necessary sne buuum miuw Sne seems in oeer Bpirii iu x uv and gee how near n, udijuu uiaj t--i cc "Cl " "V. nrrpt. t.K ladv's surmises were fA h a nlfAof im r t rrrviii m rr 1 1 m itnnr'PS loll 1 aitv onH f Aniarnnco tinn nm1nrt. I , - Yon must chan?o vour style ofliviner 'Admirable sirl!' exclaimed I. 'You -nay,' observing a pang to pass across call yourself poor, my friend; younev his countenance, 'don't let that afflict er were so rich you never knew the you. I am sure you have never placed boundless treasures of excellence you your happiness in outward show you possess in that woman. f . f x- X 1..,. n X ( ,1 r . hnvp vot. friends, warm menus, wno lt)h: but mv menu, n inis nrsi m. - v J ' I mf ' will hot think the worse of you for be- meeting at the cottage were over .. 0 is over, and I jwill be as sober find at all times as his'equal. They visit- steady as you t an wish.' rf ed the restaurants in company,' play- And with UiSs the poor wife ! was ing billiards together, and associated compelled to be satified, hoping that? at all times on terms of perfect equal- hev tears had exaerated the .danger, tty. . and that all would yet turn out;.relh The lady was by all odds' the ' most She looked forward with impatience interesting of the three Young and to the 'ides of March' -the first Mon- beautiful, she dressed nn' a style Tt day in August. And now sheligaw magnificence that rendered her an ob that her husbaind, onee launched fipon Meet f general attention on the streets, the ocean of I public life, woulft no and made her the cynosure of . every lonsrer consider himself" as", belonging eye. ' Her crinoline waS more expan- to his family, but to his country. ? - : sive, her cloak of a newer cut, and her The result transcended her wofst dress of richer material than the most fears. He was brought home that fashionable of our city .belles, . and night by some of his companions n . a j wherever she appeared she became the state oi complete mtoxicauon, ;;i isuDeci, oi-xne iuust uHuauueu puuv Year after year rolled on, arid -the 1 ration." She took her arrest very cool noble, high-minded Henry Faultier Iv, declaring, with a woman's devotion, had 'fallen from his high estate. ':$ot that she cared !not for herself in the in the public estimation, thoughd;for matter, but for him whoso happiness other offices of distinction had' Jeeh was the nearest and', dearest wsh of bestowed uoon him. and the newi;Pa- her : heart. Her name is given -as pers, far and jwide, rang with pres Catharine Cross, and it is, believed that nf liia cnnonAt- tnllent an! olnnnnnnp fthfi hails from the South. She. IS a The fatal stimulant had become hafeit- most intelligent and interesting wo ual to him. btit familiarity had. dead- man, and'it is a pity that her destinies ened its effect, and it was seldom, that should be linked with, those of a man he allowed himselt to be overcome., py cnargea wun me crimes lmputcu, w it. But the heart-broken wife at home, her protector. whose household geds had been' rudejy Notwithstanding the number of forg thrown down, she felt the chan?e fr&n eries attribrted to Cross, but very lit . . . . p- ., . - e x . .t ! " 1 the tender, chivalrous husband ot nM, tie money was io,una wun mm wneii to the cold, coarse, moody, tyrannical, arrested, and nothing that would tend mate of later years. .' If to implicate him in the offenses laid to . " . . . - it J . TT X ' X X . Offt - 1i. The above is no fiction, but he his charge, lie naa dui ?ju, aiio o'er true' story of a young man, gether, and part of that went to pay whose love of drink originated in the his bill at the hotel custom of political treating ; grew and Contrast Between the Celestials and became continued by it,' and endd Common Mortals. finally in the blighting of his. family-s Qne 0f the missionaries in China happiness, and the rum ot his ,,oyn , up the followi n2 'they V and t, u i j. cuiiiauii'i. . c - "When will $uch things have an erfd? Never, mx feair, till the rum of. dur country s liberties, to which they raj) idly tend, shall be accomplished I T,f id surely think I could then be comfortable.- kis uP?.n iier.1,P3' A few hours previous to Mrs. Glo ver's visit, Henrv Faulkner had come home, and accosted his wife with : 'Well, Amelia, this tiresome can- i IT .1 vass is over at last and l am the suc cessful candidate. Are you not glad, my dear V and stooping he pressed a iihfjulty of .arresting a false state which happen to' interest the of mankind transparent iv which is e niol nJotnrps rp 1' " l lf New Orleans, I the assertion flat the mound be- which Jackson's armv was en-! I lied was composed of cotton bales. The pdta says the only basis of this h'tory was the at tern Jit of some young soldiers, in the rivalry which sprang up after they had occupied the line of Kodriguez canal, to increase the height jjind breadth of the parapet in front of t h e ml 4 1 1 . .1 X 1 -1-.i nau come uuu iu tativoviipi with flour, pork, and other sup and were lying on the levee. vol o of a lot which Major Plauche, 11 1 tT a. uui been sold uy turn to Vincent The speculativq efforts of the were a portior een consijined e y throwing in a few cotton bales. theirs, .too, were used to form the . i f . t rri i . emoi asures lor the guns, incsc oaies ad been thrown otitt of a flatboat, whic tnH plies They liad? and K"olt latter financier no doubt contributed o gik e form and cureiJcy to this sto ry, lie set up a preposterous claim or this cotton after thel war. and to uainiain it set on foot the story of the real; service it had rendered. Ye re pleased to see that in a recently lubliphed and highly spirited poetical description of the battle oi the 8th of January, by . Ihomas Dunn -bnglish this vulgar fiction is disposed ot : Is'o cut ton bales before lis Some fool that story told ; Before us was an '.earthwork, Built from the fewampy mold r riauche. bv the orders of Gen. Jackson, as soon as it was dis covered that a few bales of cotton had J)ecn jused in makingfthe parapet, and - that - they greatly endangered ' the "Itrenjgth of the works, and exposed the .ammunition to explosion by the flying parupies oi Durningimt, nad the Dales very effectually eye would still turn to him, as if there alone she sought tavor and acceptance. When leaning on his arm, her slender form contrasted finely with his tall, manly person. The ; fond, confiding air with which she looked up to him seemed to call forth a flush of triumph ant pride, and cherishing tenderness, as if he doted on his lovely burden for its very helplessness. Never did a couple . set forward on the flowery path J of early and well-suited marriage yith a fairer prospect of felicity. It was the misfortune of my friend, i ; i i i t i . I nowever, io nave uuiuaiKfu xhs p-iupci- ty in large speculations ; and he had not been married many months, when, by a sudden succession of disasters it was swept from him, and he found him self reduced almost to penury. For a time he kept his situation to himself, and went about with a haggard coun tenance, and a breaking heart. His life was but a protracted ajronv. and what rendered it more insupportable was the necessity of keeping up a smile in the presence of his wife; for he could not bring himself to overwhelm her with the news. She saw, however, with the quick eyes of anection, that all was not well with him. She marked his altered looks and stifled sighs, and was not to be deceived by his sickly and vapid attempts at cheerfulness. She tasked all her sprightly powers and tender blandishments to win him 1 1 T 11 1.1.1. ing less splendidly lougeu , aim su.eiy tninK i could men oe comior auie.- Am;lia made no reply, for her heart it does not require a palace to be hap- But this is her first day of real exper- fae fop In py wun xuary . lence; siie n neeuinm bu . beautiful hazle eye which encountered 'I could be happy with her, cried humble .dwelling- has been employ- . , he convulsive v. 'in a hovel I could ed an day in arranging us misei-auiu . ,a x ne, convuisiveo , u. i o c onil;ntnitafiu for tIip firet time, sion which she had learnedto dread go down t Miin iner , , u - of domestic e. This, with; the strong fumes of ardent dust: i couia.-uoa nina. fnr tiie-firet time, spirits, which she caught with his bless her 1 cried he, bursting into a & that u Faulk iranspon oi griei anu inmu... of every thingelegant-almostof every- er 'had been drinking.' At the time 'And believe me, my friend,' said I, thing conveniet; and may be sitting that Irs. Glover called, he was thrown stepping up, and grasping him warmly dovn, exhausted and spiritless, brood- hi bed sieeping off the effects of Dy tiie uanu, -ueneve uie, sue can uc nig over si prospect, oi iuiuic potations. His slumber was pro the same with you. Ay, more : it will Ihere was a degree ot prooam.iiy in f , , jft th tga bell be a source ot pride and triumpn to ner tins piuun o uuii i. wmiu nVv , gounded fa. tea -it will call forth all the latent 00 ,. . After he had partaken of that meal ,1C' iV1 7" if rVu forest trees as to give it a complete air Die, anq saui 10 nis wne ; she loves you for yourself. 1 here is in o sedusion . we Came in sight of the 'Amelia, I have been invited to at every true woman s4heart a spark ot cotta c It wag iiumbl0 enough in its tend a party to-night,' gotten up by neaveniy nre, vmitu u uuiuiauv appearance lor the pastoral poet ; anu the broad daylight of prosperity ; but yet jt had z pleasing rural look. A wild which kindles up, and beams and Diazes v)nc iiarl overrun . one end with a pro- in the dark hour of adversity. No man fusion of foliage; a few trees threw their knows what the wife of his bosom is branches gracefully over it : and 1 ob no mnn knows what a ministerins? an- served several pots of flowers tastefully "el she is until he has gone with her I disposed about the door, and on the (through the fiery trials of this world.' Igra-pmi u nuuu b u-,.. - There was something in the earnest ness of my manner, and the figurative style of my language, that caught the excited imagination ot JLeslie. l knew some n-entlemen iriends m honor o ray election.' 'Oh ! Henry, do not go,' exclaimed his wife. iou have been away so much of late stay with me to-night.' 'I would much prefer doing so, my dear.' returned her husband, 'but as we s . Tho jM. A-a V An Alleged Forger Captured A' Riv4l ot Jnonroe Edwards. r Chinese parents select the wives for their sons and decide whom their daughters shall marry. Their badge of mourning is white, and their funeral cards are written with blue ' Tboir vAtft tAT dpflfl hv TirOVV. . , si i , r t i r . " - - j r .I i A man known as colonel iross, &aja , BAnt nW- fov th dp. t0 ?.?n? ,t0, .he b,ruth,' W3 brought arted by the a-d of one wll0 make3 to i-tniadeipniaan Monday iromms- Wa;nrofess;on " We read hori- burg, on a bench warrant, to", answer ontal th perpendicularly. We one or more bills of indictmenU w rcad frum ht 0 rigbt . they.'Jrom winch .he is charged with forging "hjak right t0 ieft. We uJcoveP the head checks, ine ijeagerr says : rtmo.v nf ,.nc- ti, t,,t nn toir 'The accused is implicated m forg-1 Wo M,flUll o,,r hoota thav . .... J 1 " -e .1 . "i4.'- "v "JWvn.i- "v. wx.k,, ..-, cries perpetraea in most oi uie cuies itewagh theirs. We compress the iruumett vuuti, Waist : they the feet. We give the large sums we obtained from bank- lace of hJnor on the right; they on lugiust tuiiuii vTCuuiuCux.ca,arou4 the eft. we 8peak of North-West ; wnicn tne lorgenes were maae, ;were, th of West.North.- We say the it is .said , obtained, by purchasing, af- n of the compass" points N6rth ; Vuim "J B1Utl" KV. they to the South. We shake, the senting a fifty or a hundred dollar of a friend in salutation they bank note in payment, with, the remark ghake their own We locate the un. that it it was npi convenient io . gye dgrstanding in the brain ; they irTthe me euauge, wicck iu. uc Qnf officials designate their would do. seyea-ai ioreeu cuccks jpr Qr rank by a gtar onlbe breast iaigC ttiuouuto ncic ija.. -v.vw Qr epaulets on their shoulders ; Xhey 4- . . . ' I ' 1 . ,lmt Alli i n lion I c omAn rr - I . e ... ' liClo OI x uiitiuijuiai janck.0) ui them the Philadelphia, Farmers chanics , Consolidation, and Northefn gideg of thefe'af . they upon one. We lucriico. iiih:u.uuu place our foot-notes at the bottom this city reachcdl about ten thousand ltbe We the tit,ef of dollars, it is understood mac tne in , . . ' e: ST.: aictments againgi vross were by a button on the apex of their caps. lers ana w hooks at the. toni thev Mechanics', Manufacturers and Me- A Vn nrint on both t tne m- book on the back 0f the binding they 1 founded .i. r ii., ir ti 0 rr , .St Oil lUti lUilliriU OI H1C ICaii Xli UUI upon the disclosures made oy Adoipn hibrariea we set our volumes up they the auditor I had to deal with ; and, following up the impression I had made, I finished by persuading him to go home and unburden his sad heart tohis wife. I must confess, notwithstanding all I had said, I felt some little solicitude for the result. Who can calculate on the fortitude of one whose life has been gate opened upon a foot path that wound this is done solely for my ben efit, it through some shrubbery to the door, would look strange, to say the least ot Just as we approached, we heard the it, for me to be absent. And, besides, sound of music Leslie grasped my I have promised to be there, and you arm; we paused and listened. It was would not have me break my word. Mary's voice singing, in a st3'le of the T -will lie homo early, so au revoir.' most touching simplicity, & littlq a?r off and"he took his hat and left the house. which her husband was peculiarly rond. I felt Leslie's hand tremble on my arm. He stepped forward to hear "more U19M1IUI! . Jin PliriJ mauc n uuito 'Mr.i . Jv.. if 1 ... m n. m 11 n ri uiwoi i 1 1 1 1 r vi I I i iu im h'l t - i f-r 1 1 it to bright beautiful "-" ' . , ' the frravel walk. A face glanced out at the window and vanished a light footstep was heard and Mary came tripping forth to oneet a round of pleasures? Her gay spirits j . sbo waa n a pretty rural dress cf might revolt at the dark, downward white r a few wild flowers were twist She sank into her scat, as the door Closed behind the form of her hus band, and burst into a passi on of tears. Bishop now under conviction here. The accused has the reputation of be ing one of the nwst skUlful penmen in the country, and pie checks he is charg ed with 1 that thei forging were so well executed eir character was not discover- aken o,ut and5 thrown into the river. 1 sorrow; and - the happy heart, which back to happiness; but she only drove the arrow deeper into his soul. The more he saw cause to love her, the more, torturing was the thought that he was soon to make her wretched. A little while, thought he, and the smile will vanish from that cheek the song will die away from those lips the lus- tre or those eves win De quencnea wun path of low humility suddenly pointed out betore her, and migtit cung totne sunny regions in which they had hith- erto revelled.!; Besides, ruin in fashion- able life is accompanied by so many galling mortifications, to which in other ranks it is a stranger. In short, I could not meet Leslie the next morning with out trepidation. He had made the dis closure. ; . . w 'And how did she bear it?' 'Like an angel! It seemed rather to be a relief to her mind, for she threw her arms round my neck and asked if this was all that had .lately made me unhappy. .But, poor girl,' added he, 'she cannot realize the change we must undergo. She has no .idea of poverty but in the abstract; she has only read of it in poetry, where it is allied to ed in her fine hair,; a fresh bloom .was on her cheek; her whole countenance beamed with smi'es I h;id never seen her look so lovely. k . "My dear George cried she, I ani so glad you are come! 1 have been watch ing and watching--for you ; and run ning down the lane and looking out for you. 1 ve set out a table under a beautiful tree behind the cottage and I've been gathering some of, the most delicious strawberries, for I knowyou are fond of them and wo have such excellent cream and everything is so sweet and still here-- Oh !" said she, putting her arm within hisand look ing tip brightly" in his face, "Oh," we shall be so happy!" v" ' ' 4 PoOrXieslicAvasorercomev He caught her to his bosomshe folded bia arms round Iter he kissed her again and a jrairr he could not speak, but tiie tears and proceeded to undress and putlier children to bed. Then kneeling be side their little cots, -she prayed long and fervently that this bitter cup might ed until the perpetrator had fled. The Pittsburg) Chronicle gives w following accouni of his carfeer in thit city : jj ''"; 'He left Philadelphia some' time ago, and learning on Saturday that he was stopped in this ciity, officers Wood.apd Schlemm were ordered hither with;a warrant for his arrest. Arriving in the city, they waiited on vthe mayof, and after informiing hhn of the nature of their business,! he promised them any assistance they might require, in the accomplishment of their object "v nf i 1-11 a. x Hi .' love. She feels as yet no privation; she ; gushed into hi eyesj and he has often suffers no loss of accustomed conven iencies nor elegancies. Whe.n we come practically to experience its sordid cares, its paltry t wants, its , petty hu miliationsthen will be the real trial.' 'But, said I, ., 'now , that you have A n exchangesays that ' in the absence got over the severest task, that of j ot both editors, the publisher had suc breakinff it to her, the sooner you! let Iceeded in securing the ..servjees of a ! the world into the secret the better.r gentleman to edit the paper that week,' assured me, that though the world has sinCe 'gone prosperously with hi ml and his lif has, indeed, been a happy ,one, yet never has he experienced a moment ui mure cauisiki lay their's down. "We keep our4 wives in the parlor ; they keep theirs jn the kitchen. 'We put our daughters to school ; they put theirs to service. -We propel our canal boats by horses and steam ; they pull theirs by men. We take our produce to "market by Railroad ; tliey take theirs on men s shoulders. We saw lumber, and grin d flour by steam arid water power ; they -do it by human muscle. Wfe turn a a thousand spindles and fly a hundred shuttles without a single hand to pro pel it; they employ a hand for each. Wc print by power-press and metal type; they on wood blocks, with a hand-brush. W e worship Goo: i they offer incense to the devil. . - ' - Tood for the Horse. A correspondent of the American Stock Journal says that qats and corn in equal parts,' ground, are considered the best food for horses in this poxin try. Rye, in proportion Of one-third, ground with oats and corn is econora- was leading a life of ease and luxury, ! ical. There is no gram known which Riddle, after learning all he cared to ! contains so much nutriment chemical know, hurried back to the office,, ami j y to sustain the animal frame, as the informing the detectives that, he nhswl ; three kinds above named. So far a discovered the whereabouts of their economy is concerned, much depends man, ii-was at once resolved to rriake !.on the relative value of the grains used; the arrest.' Visiting the hotel, they 1 but generally oats and corn hate an found the negro and the lady in teir intrinsic value over other grain of! from room, apparently ;the happiest couple; 20 to 25 per cent, equal weight. SCorn in the world. Both were placed Jun- meal and mill feed is fed to horse with d trip iTPntleman himself 1 good results, by keepers of stage and When he informed her that his par- i making his-appearance some time aiicr,:.-" very, uorses nnu-uny au y had honored -him by nomhiatbg ! he too was taken? into custody. .The fine, wet and well mixed beforeed pass from Iter, but if lie so ordained -j Officer Riddle was instructed1 to find that she its! bitter dregs should drain, iout where the fugitive stopped, and llis holy will, not her's be done. ! was not long in tracing him to one "of When Henry Faulkner,.then a poor, ' our principal hotels, where, with His but energetic young lawyer, had offer- mistress, and a negro, purchased some ed his hand and heart five years agone, I time ago, at an expense of $2,000, he she had joyfully accepted them, deem ing no poverty or privation hard, so that they were shared with him. in all tfiese years he had been a tender and Affectionate husband, and Amelia felt herself pxtremely blest. At times she" fancied, that she detected the smell of liquor In his breath, and .wondered at his fits, of sudden liveliness, which sometimes bordered upon the undig nified. . tv him as Representative to. . Congress, her heart foreboded evil, tor she knew howt pregnint with harm was the life otjk politician. For two months pre vious to the election, she had seen but little of him, and that little was by no means satisfactory, .Ifdrjdays- at a tWe lie would be absent canvassing the district, and when he returned, he would allege fatigue as an excuse for sleeping Jong and soundly;. But the keen, eye of affection, was not thus easi- . . . ri r l 1 .Afa fpff in parties, it would appear, came tot the! ng. oarrowaim citv on the: 2d of the present: month, ! moderate quantities are gooa, anu con and have been stepping here eince.V ; docf much to the health of horses that Cross,, the principal, is a heavy-huilt are worked every day. Bran should man, with huge black whisker's,, and never be fed to a horse except m the an appearance of nndonbted resneeta-! form of a mash, If given dry, te- t thai intpattno nnri bility. He dressed elegantly, and was, t comw iwFv, altoiether, as fine a specimen of o- forms a stoppage to the passage aTe id: lell-to!do gentleman as you eoiihil Jnge. tae. If a horse has been wiUitmt :r tiuio man " uauai i . a;iki-.WW iooaiora ivnsc TheWo. whofee name was Robert f between feeding, the vital powers; are ! Burnell alias Smith, was nearly wtfte, .exhausted, baring tigteu tne iooa in