! . ' ' ' f? THE IREDELL EXPRESS, PUBLJTED WEEKLY, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One Dollar a square for the first week, and Twehty-flve Cents for every week thereafter Sixteen lines or leas will make & square. Deductions made in favor of eiandfng n:ai tet as follows: E. . DB-iKE. BIT W- T. CRAKE BPENE B. DRAKE & SON, Editors and Proprietor?. 3 C MOf. .,10.00 . 10.UO 1 $B,00 u.ea A Family Newspaper Devoted, to Politics, Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, and Miscellaneous Heading. One square, . Two squares.. . Three squares. .7.00 1M0 TERMS Of THE PAPER, $2 a Year, in Advance. When dir won s are not g ivn how often to.jnsert.aa Advert iaement, it will bepqbliak Vol. III. Statesville, N. C, Friday, June 1, 1860. No. 26. fed nnul ordi:d utrt. . - tlL ' The Snowdrops- Without the dry trees grunt :md rfiiver. The curtained sun lu hia cloud duth sleep, Ami through the chamber -cacttient ever Murmum the roll of the distant deep. By the maiden"! ide on thpcourh wtye Hlag, Blending their drllcate C.'U and white, Children ( inti-r, lmlfl'"t iwid 'lying. Mower thnt are born ei-- spring in in sight. lowly site .pake in a viw-enf sorrow "Auntie flowej-f. rJre yet tcvday, "Hut wh'-n J .hall have died to morrow, Droop ye, and wither, and fall away. "Yet a few hours, then dn"P and witlier! "Silently fode and fall wit me; 'ar rn the sun we will rest together, "Shut from the oond of the moaning flea.-1 Ah. po.-i imuiJ' to fiille.i uw Dtuthtl , Soothe th.) .'pm piAmn' . : Ouly my bWfulH ct.. hands .i a btotlw r. Oathtnd iUo.-e snowdrops ye stcidav Why wilt thuti take the heatt I cherished? . nightly. O Death, tliou art called unkind -Victims twain ty this trokn'h.we perishwl, Out In IjkI wid one. in mind P. S. WoaaUC The "Lilly of the Valley." BY 8TEPHBX C. MASSETT. j looped up with buds and blossoms ; but j A Kansas Divorce-Mrs. Gen. Gaine's ! gain with another gentleman who was after the first flush of excitement she j Daughter made Hngbandless. j desirous of purchasing one of his field .j rw UC1 CJf0 .wtT-a t a correspondent or the JSew York nanus. Trence Kan- 1116 Pursy planter made his way to of the pas-1 the barque, and demanded ot the cap Value of Credit. .Jlffect. of Natural Scenery in the Fpx w - mation of Character. (fifth' 3sS . r .i. TvT TnMa,l 3? t0 Heaven could she have heard Times, writing from Bawrem la the mouth of May ..MfMpgM them calling her away? Then she 1 sa3, gives the particulars of a very pleasant week at Geneva, bwit- made an eftort to raise , herself but sage of a law by the Kansas T 1 lerl.nd, tarryjng two days in one of the exertion was too much, and just "tUre divorcine Robert s Strother the little villages, near the banks of waving her little hand, she. '181X2 '"l lasfortunate enough to meet with 12 t'TSL & J" . W"hi!??. . ?' V ' .1 j c 1 ' rno ro Trior -.r trvri rn fiTixr nrne o i'r,n - ihe color never returned to her j the case, Strother simply layin be cheek again ; and thus this tender fore the Legislature letters from uonciu, m tuuvdjuutoiiLj -uaj .Messrs. Cnttenden, rowell, Tarrott , a tamiiy wno taiKeu goou om axon, j the head of which was the host of the ; pretty little village at which I rested. Here, as in other lands, the children keep up the May clay festival ; and, though I was not quite m time to wit tain to see the boy Black Matt. The officer pointed to Matthew Hobson, Day" glory, was transplanted into tHe ':and Corwin, asking relief for him as Few men in business uronerlv esfv " ? - mate the value of good credit." 0 Tia a beau Ufn Ivor id w wkieh we man thinks that so long as he can Jwell, with its changing phases aud tain property upon a promise of season, and recurnng gleam 8 of aun ture Davment. he need look after hi": 8hine sbatiow s, the freh green care for nothing more. If he can CkMf fiMs with their summer bloasoma, the m autumn iruit. aim last, trie wnite man- for him. He soon find out howev e of w,inter with Us brisk ami bracing much to his mortification ' that h A& kir i the dancinar, brook, the flowinc 'Are 3-0U Black Matt, my fine fel- j not ran quite a3 high iu market a river and broad blue sea. Yes, na v'i' asked the planter addressing ' some 0f nei hborg Qn reflectioni ture is beautiful, and her wflrka -are , 1 . .a. iashionec to please the creatures that who sat on the quarter deck, smoking v at wi,at u'..ns K-t im a cigar and superintending the- de- for H g0 fi J& 0 t h barkation of his slaves. rvinirdoTn ot Heaven ! n ntr, fovm- from thftm TU .1 . . 1 1 i TT.l lri .i i 1. 0' xtro uttiit.-; vi uo uvt'i traiiuiius ami v.Donr,nrnrt o,ii j nouwiii. uai uu uu wain : ness their merry making, I was m time t wreaths of flowers dropped from slen- fhese letters were presented to the 1 I'H tell vou, Matt, what I want, to inhale the fragrance of the flowers ; der hands, and tears filled the eyes committee bavin" his bill under con-! I want you. You're a likely looking in time to tell you of the exquisite j that were still bright with smiles and ;,Wt;nr, nA tl.nf. wn oil vent 1 fellow, and will iust suit me.' 1 beauty, even though withered on the laughter suddenly suppressed. The the. statement f Mr. ...Strother.' He 'Look ye here, stranger,' said Matt, jstem of the " Lilly of the Valley." I joyous strains of music thitt had floa-' ,ad a.lM)ethv and very pitiful plea firing up, 'may be you don't know ine uay was ioeiy, aim looKing ted on the air died away. Ihe sob---: fov them in which lie n nreseiited that who you are. speaking to ' 1 low .11 1- tllG Sla.VC IQGrCllallt. Vi t mol-no im a irrA tkof VaarVi a nc kla': "Folks cah me so at hum, was the ! nr;v-tft f,harfttr is nnt. whiat ftRho I live and have their nourishment from from the window of my hotel, I watched bing of children and low whispers took jie was uinrried some fi I I I I Sensible Talk. the bright sunbeams as they danced nlaee. The little ones filled with prief and sparkled on the clear, blue waters j stood trembling under their garlands, of Lake Leman. The breeze was cris- j but the oid people murmured that it ping the waves, and gently tossedl wa3 a happy way to die before the about the tiny boats, -with milk-white young heart had grown familiar with sails, that glided'on its. surface. The L'the path of sin while the spring flow scene was too lovely for any thought 'ers, budded and bloomed on her very of resting in-doors ; so descending to j breast, while the shoutings of innocent the beach, I hired a compact little, voices greeted her it was well that craft, and ordering its master to skirt j ier spirit passed silently away, while the shore, gave rnyselt up to the ex-, her head Avas crowned ready quisite view ot the 'scene. Ihe white angels. This is the story tl sans nuttercu arzuy auove me. 111c me. That -night the tunerai ot the like was broken up with tiny. ripples, little 'May Queen' took place. Never and a delicious fragrance swept from before did I feel so strongly the im the shore with every breath of wind ; 1 pressiveness. nay the beaut v of Death, : 1 1 , c 1 1 4. . . ; " , " . tor a warm spring ram naci jusi ianen, ., 1 . 11- 111 and the vallies, hills, ana dales The cor- ! reply, 'but here my name is Matthew , be an(j that this 'feature' in his stand.2; her teeming breast ing is being talked of in business cirt There are national characteristics cles. He may be good, it is said, bu$ peculiar to localities, that can ba -ch-'touch him lightly, for in due time h served in a remarkable- degree, if we will fail. Anottfer man suddenly asks study carefully. Ue different traits of 'What is the matter V He discover' characte that are developed. Ua the a want of cordiality among his 'olf If rates, Tha iulutbitants of different friends.' 'Can it be,' he says, 'thai parts of the earth are aa dissimilar in allowing a note to go to protest undp their appearance, mode of iivmg, and peculiar circumstances has thus injure consequent development, as might be our years ago 'Yes I do, though- -you re my pro- to a Miss Rhoda Whitney, the daugh-1 Perty 5 I bought you of your master, ter of Mrs. Gaines, the New Orleans Samuel Hopkins, just now millionaire of law suit notoriety ; that I 'Vo bought me ! Hell and the devil, thev have lived together in New Or leans, Kentucky and Washington ; that Mrs. Gaines soon began to make difficulty between them, by prejudic ing his wife against him, therefore he blamf-d tdifi iriotVipr rnn?-rt than the : V011 . . ... 1, Tt - r . . sir 1 m a white man 1 said Aiatt. 'Come, come,, now,' calmly said the man, 'it won't do I know you you can't humbug me with your conceits I'll whip it out of you, sir, I'll teach If daughter. That his wife gradually Here Matt "rew back' and aimed a . 1 - . V " 1 1 . . 1 11 ! il ,1 i or the grew coid towards him, and finally re-; 10w a e ruaaj nose 01 cue planter, icy told re- sending freshed bv the showers, were up incense to heaven, borne of the trees were filled with blossoms some uivested as it seemed to me, 01 all its gloom and terror ! - There was no cof fin no pall no raven plumings none of the trappings, and sombre liveries of the grave ; but upon two 1 -1 1 1 1 .1 111 fused to sec or admit him to their house. ! sezea him by the throat and oei- That Mrs. Gaines would frequently ! lowed for the police. An officer hap- entice the daughter away from him, ! pened to be on the levee he at the when he knew nothing of their where-1 instance of the planter seizedthe slave abouts, and he would search weeks for and bore him to the calaboose, where them in vain. That, his wife and her he remained until evidence could be i ;,i mother Avent to ashmgton on one ot F'UV-U1U.' lu"'"v . these occasions, andhc followed them, and his Avife refused to see him. This 11 . . TT 1 occurred the present Avinter. unaer born white citizen of the United States ed me I Noav let us be a little more minute;' and illustrate this subject by introduce ing to our readers the following 'mei chants from the interior,' all of whon..;' of course, stop at the St. Nicholas c the Astor or at least smoke ciga.a on the steps of one of these hotel; They severally apply to our 'leading firms for credit. Here is theirj cord : . .. Mr. A--, reputed to be good, 'he drinks.' Look .out for him. Mr. B , worth 810,000, lives hig;i and rides fast horses. Be careful, ij Mr. C , doing a large businesj but is now and then lound at a gaaj Mi Sam,' in the mean time, got aboard bling hjm for ch. a ship that was just weighing anchor were just putting forth their leaves, j pces of cedar wood, bound tightly to- t)iese circumstances the Kansas Leg-1 fr an European port, and has never green and lo vely, as only spring can gether, with boughs'! of evergreen and I islature. has granted him a- divorce. been heard of since. Thus has the make itself. So tar as the eye could-l-mvrth. thp hndv wns nlaccd. dressed1 rascal had his revenge. Matt lost his n. 1 i . 1 ' 2 1 . . That never Tl do, young man ! No j use to stand on the sidewalk and whine I ()n n about hard luck, and stay that every thing goes against you. 1 ou arc not of half the consequence that your talk would lead us to believe. The world hasn't declared war against yon. You are like all the rest off us a. mere tUo mirth's snvfnce. Were you this moment to go down in livinsr tide, but a bubble-would .v. n mnma. nnnn the surfiicc, and ! I V' 1 4A II.VlllViiv "I'v" even that would vanish unnoticed. The heart is full of hope and ambition, lmr ; tint- missnd when it .ceases to j W'll ig Va. aa. - - f beat. One such as you would not 1 leave a rippic. You are a coAvard 1 i . A.ir r. i. : ; . - r. . I . -1 reacn it was a pairqraum 01 son smus, , m a o-arment ot snowy white, witn rippling waves, and beautiful verdure, single flower, 'the Lilly of the Valley, ine name it Avas i . 1 1 -il earing a iituo village, T 1 f a J iich 1 nave iorgotten, duc resting on its bosom T . it was From the Petersburg ( Va. ) Express. Black Matt; or, How a Slave Sold His Own Master. the linger of Kvhicli not very distant from Zurich, Avhose waters have been immortalized in a song and story. I observed an unus ual g'ayety and liveliness among the people, and Avas about remarking to my companion that it must be some j set the bier down ; then each of the fete day, when he informed me that children kissed those lips, so still noAV we had arrived just in time to see the ! aru s0 cold, and their hearts! seemed last of the Swiss, May Festival. breaking amid tears and sobs they To me children's sports are always called her 'Lilly ' and seemed to think interesting ; so I ordered the boat on ! that she could 1 - r -TY t 11 111 3 night but the moon shone Matthew Hobson. generally called full upon that lovely face giving it ', -'Jilack Matt, on account 01 the dark a gentle glow that did not look Tike ; ness of his complexion, was well known iw if -;hp among the inhabitants of the seaboard slave, and the 'green' fat his money. gentleman as were listening for the angels. Where ot V n'ginia, some years ago, as a slave- her throne of flowers had stood they Thrift and Health. By returns made to the Register General in Franco, it appears that persons who are 'well to do' live, on an average, eleven years longer than dealer, and an accomplished broker in j those who are dependent on daily la bad flesh. He once purchased a bright j bor. One reason lor this is the irealth mulatto by the name of Sam at a very giving influence of composure of mind; Ioav price, on account of his numerous j another, that forehandness removes bad qualities, such as thieving, lying, j the necessity tor hard exposures and drunkenness. Sam was intclli- -a coirard in shore throu! at 6nce : am aAsay h Innumerable grouping Ave Avent 1 of lads 1 icar them '. One said gent, with ho smilod. when thev called her, and and write, nmi-c beautiful than ever: which all and ns ap ,hich polished gentleman. faults could read the airs of a most de was so far the battle. There's no fight in you. fumfs of a thousand exotics, and sud You have surrendered without a Strug- f dehlv in the distance the well known (rb. and now whine because beaten. riiv l(ile was seen. But th You arc not yet worthy of a triumph, ,ha(i ceascd the little twinkling feet, for you have not yet earned 11. that so lately trampled doAvn the spring and lassies, bowers, and darkens, till was right, for she had gone to- God, the air seemed lauen amiii uie pe- and would be a queen among nis nine removed, too, from the pure African, that.he could scarcely be distinguished i angels. i a I . d. 1 1 rm... .1 . i., ..n, rrom the nure wnite man. u his ne- 1 lien 1 lie v sail" a iitiuii.inm - - - - r the distant hills made coming the property of the slave deal- he received several severe adnoni- irdrfet. hut. and dripping cellar, are hlosaoms. had disappeared but the 10,000 heroes who would put you to u jUy of the Valley'' was there, and shame'. They must toil or starve. jt.s fragrance was sweet, among the The strife is a desperate one with them, j kroken sisterhood of floAvers. A little for they Avrest e with want, while rag- j 5ie eye(j r 0f some seven summers, ged and despairing ones watch at the j had just rescued one of those blossoms lone hearth the fearful contest. Strong I f'm ti.e r,encral ruin. and p'acing it in her bosom, began to cry. 1 went to her and inquired the cause of her grief ! She said that her little sister, whom thftv used to call the " Lilly of the its echo, among dance ' mn tlmiL-. rif" elmreh VOliPS that were er, eVoetino- her in Heaven ; it was so dis- time, in order that he might have a . . .-. .11 fAtm-tft tlin om nDv Vl 1 J intistlir tinct so verv clear, that it starticn , "':i'"lcul '"rv. ' r me. men look death in the eye when their sinews are strung by the wail of hun gry childhood. Shame on you ! In the full vigor of health and manhood, no mouth but your own to fill, and no back but your OAvn to cover, and yet crouching under the first scourgings of adverse fortune. You know nothing of the storm, for you have seen but the summer. One cloud has frightened you, and you think you are hardly dealt by. Yoh no darker i Then I saw them turn away and secretly ne avoweu vengeance 101 im weep, for the 'Lilly of the Valley,' j striking proots ot Matt s allection, ana almrt limp an ftnnrtrt.iiTiitv offered to gratify that vengeance. Matt made up his gang, and ship ped them at Norfolk. The barque ar rived safely at New Orleans, and Avas brought to the wharf. In order that h:ifl nassed troin their sight torever .... r A Woman recovers $5,000 Dollars dam ages from Parties who sold Liquor to her Husband. A sinfiilar suit has iust been deei- 4, Tlie same important truth is shoAvn by the fact that the average life of those Aho belong to 'the Society of Friends, in England, is some frfteen years greater tnan of others in the same sphere of life, the Friends being, the Avorld over, models of thrift and quiet composure. As judicious economy promotes thrift, Ave propose it as a good medi cine a medicine safe and efficient, applicable to all climes, countries and classes. It is ''hard to take" to some, but steady persistence in its practice soon makes it a. habit, Avhen it is fa ther easier to be economical than to be extravagant Extravagance, waste and careless ness not only ruin those who practice ded in the Champagin (Ohio) court ot am raight bring a good price, he vyas them, but have a demoralizing effect common please. 1 he action was brought i togged oil in fine clothes calf-skin j on those avIio may bebenefitted there under the ' Act to provide against the boots, a silk hat, and kid gloves, by in a material point of view. .Per sons seldom thrive whose occupations there ty of this child, as well as her simpie frrief, interested me. I followed the ' - . mm some distance, but in or modes of obtaining a living depend on chance, are in a great measure for tuitous or uncertain such as gam- th will be luckv if you hud shadows across your path. The little ones that on my arrival Stand up, voung sir, pull your hands ; e -rr0Uned together in the very from vour pockets, throAV off your coat, LUt of glee and excitement as I fan . . , . i 1 - T o o . ... . i 1 evils trom tne saie oi mu).iLuiiug - jiatt thought . oy tins external snow Valley " had been taken from them, I qnors, passeu , -.y to-reaiize ai leasi 101 mv mu.a - and she was goin" to send this flower enth section of which gives to a wite, ; to as the body servant of some rich ...:.u u ti r 1,a -nltP,! child, parent, guardian, employer, oi Ranter. i tuitous or uncertain such as g Mll.ll iu "-" 'V J .1 nr moa,,, r.f C - A ' LI LJl- WA1, i l ,wit cm t t in H.'in. uuiei pei son, iiuu,ii., ...... . cam Aas couscttueniiv aiiuweu io uiers, stoctv-ui uneia, iuuuhd. nicia- suppoi i, uv .lu iuiu.vivu.wu jv-.u.., snore, m oriier 10 suon uiiustn vu. i uib, iiuuicio, luiiit-io, umvt-uumviij a right ot action against the poison je 13roCeeded to the Alhambra, and ; speculators in general. there strutted along among the best! Hence those parents are Avisestwho of them. Hearing a portly gentle- : bring up their children to the expec- 1 1 . littl c stranger ., i-ii i i . . .. e tnrong oi cnimreii soun mot who sold the liquor to the intoxicate Tho olantiil in the case Ava I ' ' - i Jane Brush, and the defendant Peter Lawson. Damages laid at $20,0UU. ! The plantift set forth m her petition iind ml-e fnvtunc bv the throat. - 10U may be thrown again and again, but hang on. Put away the nonsense that the world is against you. ' Taint u. Your destiny is in your own strong arm. Wield it like a man ! with an unbending will, and honor and truth for a guide, the day is your own. No capital, eh? " You have capital. God has given you perfect health. Trifltis an immense capital to start on. You have youth and strength all in vulnerable. Add a Avill to do, put your sinews in motion, and you win. V man in full health and strength should never whine or despair, be cause fortune does not pour a stream of rrold eagles into vour pockets. If r b ; . cied, were noAV speaking in tnnne while the neasahts loo tvuvj l IT) 1 and irlnnmv. With mournful looks j 15 rush man remark that he wished to pur chase a good body servant, he went up to him, and, Avith an independent SAvagger, said : "Mv dear sir, I have got 'iust the that said Reed Brush, was and hoy that will suit you." "Ha." reioined the planter, "I am rou say so, for for one for several days subdued that she was, on the 29th of April last, ked sadUnd now is, the wife of one Reel that I for a long time hitherto had been, in j.. r ..r.i o futo the habit ot getting mtoxicaiea aim hid to hear vou sav so, tor 1 haA'e v r i . nun ibv - L .i n ' J 7 ' i t 1 ' . 1 ..-11 -TA'n tn f in 1 T 1 been looking and depressed voices they told me it Avas a May . .i i. r i..i :....i OU WHICH X UilU 111UUUCU. J- iw' I .... , j n 1 i 1 1 .,, , " , - , . 0, ... , y- . .1 f..,l,- 'Phot ami fief en i ant. we 1 T1.., nd- C,,v V val was over, and the Queen, the 'inl- I " r i the -ith1 xt- u""" " , ' ,. ,a . ly of the Valley,' was going away from ! knowing the premises, did , on the 2Jth cNmc hundred dollars, replied bam, them, in an hour or tAvo, forever. j of April last, 1859, in violation of law 'and cheap as dirt at that. He has This Queen, alas, was the sister to sen aim T,T i A ftVfir quamy Buaic, , tation of making a living or of becom ing rich by some occupation which brings with it gains which are mode rate, uniform and steady. As a gen eral rule to voung men, the first poli- i r r. tical or salaried office, the first bet Avon, the first successful speculation, is at the same time the first step to Avards moral degradation, and towards a premature grave. Journal of Health. Mr. D , reputed wealthy, but - 5 engaged in all sorts of speculation He may succeed, and may not. Watfi him. gi Mr. E , a clever fellow, but car so little about business that his clerl have the principal management of affairs. He won t do. $ Mr. F , may be good, but doB?3t care a fig for his credit. Allows ljs bills to mature and his notes to goto protest unheeded. Stand from under. Mr. H , always finds his gofishj. damaged or 'short,' must allow all hut claims or he will quit you (leaA'ing be hind his wrath and profanity. ) Watc him with spectacles. Mr. I , appears to be prospering, but there is no truth in him ; he tl tell lies in order to get a 'bargain' when the truth would answer his pf poses a great deal better. Let h tn alone. - M Mr. K , reputed to be wo$i $16,000, but there is no moral sour ness in him from the crown of his to the sole of his foot. : Some day Wt Avill collapse like a puff ball. Tou) him not. J Now we might go through with . t ie alphabet several times, and not thffp present all these -'doubtful cases' 4p our readers. We have left off the cjjp alogue of those who do business W(t 'borrowed capital,' those whose penses are larger than their inconij.' and a host of others, many of whspa deserve a separate notice. Our sffe: cial object is to call the attentioajf business men to a very simple questi, viz : What constitutes he basis of!jl credit? Is it money exclusive!? Answer the question honestly, sfjl you desire success, answer it. Thie 'wise and otherwise can apply iti& subject to their 'peculiar circumstan ces and position. to prevent misapplication of the subject, we w11 say to the reader Ave mean you per sonally. Neio York Independetit. X illO WUtLll. UIUC. 1TU -ia&w ' j I'll 1 T V.4-1 i I'll ihe little girl I had just spoken with, of whiskey, which the said Brush then brush hoot anj 1S besides polished m k al. u unA rA;n0ri and there drank, and with which the his manners. I could have got fifteen Jj Ul llliec taio cm; mm iwtiiKu ; , i f her bloomin- court ; but the last win- said Reed Brush was made mtoxica- ( hundred dollars for him, but for one i..i h nW d ehilledlted and frenzied. lhat m conse- fault- said sale. Papering E.oom3. The Scientific American remarks i that many lives have been lost from ... . . n 1 the laziness or ignorance ot paper nan- A Lady Rescued from. the Savage 1 A letter from Tuscon, Arizona ritory, gives the following in format'' n respecting the rescue ot Mrs. f a recently carried oft by the Indians-.',: 'Mrs. Page is still alive, is no lon&jr with the Indians, and she has through actual trials, hardships ad difficulties during the last fortnight, exceeding in thrilling interests pje most highly wrought pages of ficti$. Last night a messenger arrived bele from the Santa Rita Pinery, with a the residents of another planet. Not only the climate but ihe effect of natural scenery seems to have , great influence in forming, or shaping, rather, the cbaraeter of tho people that are scattered upon the face of the earth ; although the unity of the races ia always preserved, their progress and development is much affected by the surroundings, that either tend to en ervate and stupify, or tQ exercise a vigorous and healthy organism with Its correlative mental expansion and intellectual advancement. The hardy mountaineer, who, like the lordly eagle, perches hia eyria up- the hill-top, and bounds like the cha mois over craig and precipice,' cannot brook the absolution of the tyrant, and nature speaks through their dar ing souls and makes a Wallace or a Tell. The march of civilization and strength of the oppressor, of course, is a material element in the ultimat e dis persal of the country or nation ; but the principle of freedom, typified m the huge mountain peaks which pierce the clouds, pointing to the world wher;e all must meet on the plane af equali ty, is still in the breast, and sooner or later breaks forth in a Garibaldi born in the shadow of the Appenines, or a Schamyl reared on the mountains of the Circassian frontier. The same sense of freedom is nourished on the broad green prairie and interminable forests of our. own country ; in., eyerjr place where Christianity is the gov erning force of a nation, there nature spreads her boldest and sharpest out lines, or expands into some broad and unlimited phase. The gay, smiling landscape of sun ny France, coquetting into green vine yards and flowery slopes ; her rivers running hither and thither, chasing .each -other through umadoa'S, dells, and little strips of trees, dotting the fields in their green freshness, is a ro mantic, fickle, and unreal life of tho Frenchman ! The dreamy, quiet land scape of Italy, Avhere the lights and shadows mingle, and the soft, delicious air, perfumed by eternal flowers that bloom in vernal beautv on her olains and'cainpagna, enervate the chpdof song and he sleeps aAvay in quiet in activity, a lite which in its longings has never reached beyond the glowing neldS ot his own poetio tancy. Thus the effect of natural scenery upon the character of a people is a fruitful subject for contemplation. The broad, majestic ocean, the louy mountain, lakes, rivers, forests, prai ries, all have their own appropriate sphere in the economy of nature ; in affecting the character, thence, th condition of mankind, and from the hill-tops, where God estatlishe his tabernacles, 'yea, from the mountains where I dwelf, saith the Lord, shall go forth the law for the cstablbhing of my kingilom. ' From the mountain, then, dawns the breath of freedom ; there cradled by the storms, and nourished by the pure air of heavenrblooms perpetual ly the untrammelled element of liber ty, the safeguard of religion and rirr tare, and from the fastnesses of her of and by means of and while, in a state Mm rren tie ehild till she prew slender i quence .,iv ..vwi ,,-h;te c the rripek said drunkeness, i i lj . nf intoxication, said -Brush did luri h Liv.l UI I Si ll.i It Lilt-TV lldU Il!1IA kj iv- u ' - j r- lier with the first floral croAvn that ever vou have no money, ivork and get it. j touched her forehead Industry, economy and integrity will There had been doubts if she would do wonders. From such beginnings be strong enough to mount her throne fortunes have been roared. 1 hev can be : ,.f rosps that May, but as the time again. Will you tryit i Or will you wait for the stream to run bv so that you can walk dry shod into tne El Do-1 buds. nnlv ei'e an axe. and without pro l i . v. - J i and He 'Ha!' ejaculated the planter, ' pray Avnat Taun is .mat i "'Whv. sir. a ridiculous one. 4 7 IT a -n-hit'e man ' - , . n. .,i iiiia "iiico aimiiit" ........ vocation upon the part ot plantitt, with , ,A hi excla.iraed the plant torce and violence cut noi ieit , er iaughing, 'that is a tunny conceit, whereby the plantitt is now crippiea. , , , j goon curo him The defendant alledged tnat tne maim- tWT'vfl hnA considerable rocks and caverns, in all ages, have the covenants airainst onnression and gers, who have laid one paper above from the Santa Rita Pmery, vith been formed, another, instead of tearing off the old letter from Mr. John Page, stag, then niav(ad nations of the There was a verv handsome house near one of before hanging the neAv. that his wne nau come in anye "W t0 the hm8 for your salvation ; enduring almost incredible trials. Mf. iU ,i,.f u0; Ill LIIC RfTaaTv UlUII'irm wa aii m- our best provincial towns, which could I Page immediately set out, aceomi- j e0he tM.n eie,nent of character never keep its tenants. A ready wit-1 mcHSy a physician and everythrfeg tj. fe th& fogter an tbeir je promised the owner to possiDie to De aone xor ner renei h :, mif 8ame ; the watch-word ted observer nf find out the j a cause. He traced the be done. It seems from what we ran tkfl haather-hills of Scotland, the she brightened, and hew , ing, &c.,of the plaintiff, was the result enoo n trainin and o ' . r 1 KwAimbf o Knur . drew near, life seemed to come with the opening managn experi- mischief to one room, and presently j learn, that Mrs. Page, probably jte ; t0wering Alpine -Height, and away a ! coniectured what was the maitter thet. i day following her seizure by the In i-! orntUi th nlains of Hindoatan. to th ! He let a alio of glass into the wall, ! ans. finding that her friends were $n 1 f th. mtr-MM)-(Mliirimavna, a ... ' ..Ji.. J:r"""" " .rw . rado of wealth ! r will you meet the waves defiantly, and be the archi tect of your oAvn fortune ? Try It is glorious to conquer ih the strife. The day, when it came, was bright and glorious. The sun shone pleasing ly ; a soft breeze whispered along the lake, and flowers had , never been so abundant. On a morning like that, mu. v,ii,.i i with thn sunshine so genial, and the X lie UlCaijuCU 1 1. iljlaih.t jl llii vim- " .v.. ... w - . grant party massacred at the Moun-1 air bland as the breath of an angel, tain Meadow in Utah, have been col-1 surely the Queen might leave her couch lected into a single grave, and a stone and reign over them once more. monument, conical in form, hityteet bo the vinageis eut . ' , t -l v ' - ' aAa4.aav- mm. - w-. - . -. ... ja nf n domestic auarrel brought aoout iV ri ' lie let a slip oi glass A . i it ill t;ii ui i;uiui . . .. wi . a, ' by her unchaste conduct, &c. Ihe tf , , . nnttnued Sam 'there is 1 and found it next day dimmed Avith ; the traU,retusea to go on, ana her savr is the same. court ruled that the immoral character ; but little doubt that he can be cured feftid, condemned vapor. He tar e ! age masters lanced her in several m. Look to the rnonntaws, th-n. tor nfnnvonc cannot reduce the rights , . T c,i cm,,,. ..Kh. down a strip of paper, and found abun- ces, and left her for dead. AR.jr, vmlr ofaafetv: far from thu hill J --- -. UlUUgll . UU lliUJ VtWUM.V- . ... j ... ."I": 7 . . . at first ' dant cause tor any amount oi lever, some ume sue reviveu iu una uersi t)p8 8,aj g0 turtli the word for the 'Weil sir you appear to be a gen- i For generations the walls had been j weak from Joss of blood, with wou$s j restoration of a world from despotism, tleman 'said the planter, who Avas papered afresh without the removal of still open, foot-sore from her kfWj tyrawry. (Woi. rather too anxious and confiding 'I anything underneath. And there was j 0us trials without food, and miles fr,4 will take him on your recomnfenda- j the putrid size and the. fermenting old jany habitation. What a position ; .Mr. William B. Astor wrtltat tion. Where is he now ?' j PaPer inches deep. A, thorough clear-, a young woman of eighteen a br. de j 26,000,000, and every cent of On board the barque yonder at the ance scraping ana clearing put an enu pi two moniua wuok iuc vrllke income, over ana aDove apena guarantied by law to mm. ine law makes Reed Brush the instrument of Peter Lawson, and the defendant can not claim anything more in this case than if he had in propria persona thrown the axe. The jury, after a a -a . " consultation, returned a verdict ior in height, now marks the spot where they rest. This is surmounted by a rrns nf rod rerlnr hvplvd fpt. Viifh. on which in earvod tl fnllnwinir in- i throne, and the shoutings of uAL:An . uVi...J.. : i ,,.;n ! t under voices freeted her. pvi i iiiauii . i viiKCUiKi in mine, a ni . v. w- . -. to her home, and brought her iy into her realm of flowers again smi el n.s thev nlaced ner ou " j r 1 -A ! n i m the plantitt, assessing ner oamages at v,arf vou can see him at any mo- i to U1C iever, auu rwwu tu amC , nau ueeu n DuUDc . ana enaritiea, is immcaisieiy uiiv,. , , . nf tlie h,n;p. rhe-sfl trials .Mrs. rage struggled R or .f- A ;c ati ha ft and heart v tender- vvv' ment, replied sam: ; ' , , , " i 3- ' . ,7 r . , v Z lenuei , i r lT -. . . - t weeks, and dragged her emawa-; inAvin mn wil nrobab v live to She i it -i i9' "Vxooa . exciaimeu me uiamw, a A horrid old uacuelor, speaking oi , - x! j a i 'i Jl-f . TTT , r ' 'Have you any travelling inkstands? ; mn with vour hone8tv , S '1L ' EE jLJ ted form i by degrees towards the h4e . bo M old a5 his father. Ue has an I - f 1 I I I il. I I . ' ... .-...w - - J . lilt"" l.lllir.l 1 UOIllVyilUa Ct f D HrUW V ' r 1 -A I A. I J .. w 1 a. I , lad ot a un stauoner. . . - j jirom wnicnsne nau oiaieiy oecu ruj-, affice where Qe works naraer man a ouu vuuuui, onu m .v . .1 . rnUI(l sTet OUt OI a CHlirCU a ITIcal ueal , , a . "KT. M. . ... , ; ly torn Dy mtniess savages, no we t a- a00iia clerk, mx or seven gen- as mut-u i Proces- repay. saith the Lord." On the base , sions were formed; and garland wreath- nf tho mmintain tun 1c n rwfnrt-a oloK i P(l bv little hands, were tossed into into which are cut the words 'Here j the air ; all eyes were turned towards No Ma'am, we have them with feet and legs but they are not old enough to travel yet.' here are nine hundred dollars : better, if there were not quite please give me a bill of sale Sam got the clerk to draw up a bill bustle at the door. - " mv. H, nVUla.ll tUU ' lllh.U 111 rlVlif I m-nV r massacred in cold blood, early in Sep- of pure white lillies that she loved to tember, 183T. They were from Ar-j wear, was placed upon the mrow , sne kansas ' 'looked lovely in her musiin oress, r? X. mm. laaa. y. aL. . . . A- 1 f ..f at fhaWScl. have a aayiag that if a of sale, eigned the name of Samuel I iZ as quick with ner ieet as xiopaius, pocKeieu mc muuej aim : a . i . . a l .1 a . 1. r I h era i 120 men. women and children were the throne of roses, while her crown , woman was as quic ue r : ' , iT 7i rmZtiJiZ There is manv a man whose tongue red men. How she was enabled ' . - - , . I'll- .Li .. 1 I aH -v ..... I . tAiiiTllft CIlO Wfin (1 I'M l LU1U tUC UlllULCl IU OOtt luv voywtiu iui ... . . rtawa aav,a aa ,- , ning enough to kindle the fire in the , Black Matt ; morning intelligence from her thought she w s , miles away amid the haunts of yo red men. How she was enabled . he would himself be on might govern multitudes, if he could ;8ulFer so much and reach home jt ko c oc u hod .lraoil a Kr. 1 onlv coveni his tongue. 1 length, is incomprehensible. . y.t UUU l DUUW LJ uv v1-- V - f O -' W suspected her presence in the mo m- tlemen act as book-keepers, but hp tain, and those who were looking --r , holds the thread of the oomphoated skein in his own hand. dr; ! Why is a pipe like a quack jaoedi- iiecause it is npthing uu 11 is cine i p ufled. r al.'Ul -.1 ,i -at . 'A