E. B. DR AKE. " EUGENE B. Editors and Proprietors. A- -Family NewspaperDe voted to J?oliti?s, A.grie.ult"ure Manuf'actures,Commerce, .and-fCiscellaneb-u IeaBiiig;;i2 TERMS' OF TIJE" TAPER, ; $2 a Year, in Advance. ; Statesville, N. . C, Friday, June 22, 186 . -- z" " jr 1 ' , " 1 :,j-: r--,.,' iT7rTr.T;, , 1 : ,: ; :. ,;,V- ; 1 .rr - -rrtrrr-hr. X . . I 4 he sucpeedsed mjgcftirig'the knife from ' present ?, The Constitution says the leave it out, because their resolution I Faded Flower. ' Gentle creatures J'-with'ring, drooping, Ere those fragile buds' are blown i; ; '. I had dreamed of fadeless beauty, But the mvstic spell in gone. . . . i '. Thope pure snowy sprays ot jijsmine . Wake a fantasy of thought' J -The bright silvery petals railing, . Seem with spirit-la ngnajrc fraught. , Kver these w 4 would Ic grasping Fancy's brightest, fairest fl'jwcra ; Fairy guihunirf ever tw.inii'.g : ' OJi ! ccmld .e but call ihi-ui oia.. Hut th..ie'6vveft.iutl-hopes aru tiding. (They would ne'er uiifol J. we knew,) . And u dark'niiigeluud is shailing - Scened'a inngufjioneil drew,' . Yet, tine HTght fHiie ihal Leaves ua hapvy "f before;- . Willing now to f3 c the real ; isStrcngthcned ; i'eady to naJtire, i'.ravely turn e?to the present ; ,I.e it'juy' or m;: it woe ; '. " Lit'u iti real, .life i.s i-arne.-tt " , Thwe is no, Arcadia iwa June J, 1 WO. ; E.-stellk. Sleatq, and then secured him. The ; poll tax must be the same on all per ... u. . unn juuvu Alio sun ci mvj wuoouu;vD VU lv.: V ilU 1. c aUO (CVb to'-it: egrpes between 12 arid .50 years of. age, and nvhite men between 21 and 45. If you tax negroes ac cording to value you .must , tax white He said ' .men too, "unless you alter the Cpnsti , f Jiewi3 jtntion. But is it idsirtb tax allneVroea count, Virginia, and that he had been alike between VI and 50 ? -1 liave a teachibg school m.aplaee called JvnQX-.jSjcKly ncsrro.woman within that age time of his arrest several other kniyes and a' revolver. : ' 'tin: u " : i . ,i c ' i.f -ire muruerer is ueiui uicu urea I ture, small in stature, broken backed, and about 28 years of ase.V.H he was a native of Weston, ville, .in Cherokee county, Texasl'The. reason given by him for comihitting the deied Was that they were parties leaves it out. The total amount of the State reven ue rajised the past year was 9633,432. 97. I One seventh of one per cent.s on five hundred millionsj. of .dollafswill lM f every; -, maii whohas a . knowledge of ouf": "Constitution as.'it ldow stands. knovfs that -the Legislature can now?. if it sawvproper, and without ariy al- raise! 0714,285.65 or $80,862.58 mbr'e horse, cow,-pig, and sheep than the revenue ot last year. , One hundred and eighty millions wortn of negroes, constitute.; a little morel than one-third "of fivciliundred riot jrbhh 100," and I may have a val-! millions. " I shall then add to the Dem- 1 " !.t ' AA. TS .1 ! lX.,f.l - At, - Ik liable mechanic worth $2,500. .. Both are taxed SO cents each. "Tax them , seem focare particularly about it i c. who wjere seeking his life altHi-uh according to value and according to it 1 f 1 -ill- TT . i . T 1 1 t t-ney ijau never met oeiore. xie ac- .calculations i uesigti to lay Deiore you knowledges the deed, but doesV not the sickly woman would be taxed a- I bout 14 cents, while the valuable-me- i 1 chanic would be taxed about $3.50. ! Would that be wrong -could it be pwong? That mechanic will hire, for i $250 yes, double - that every year, l dottor bills, clothing, taxes, everything , found. ' Eighty -cents is too high a tax lor the women, it is too low ior:the boy, ocratic list-oneithird more than .the Whig list calls for. How," then, will the matter stand i v Slate Tax. -"Whig. - " - Ad val. ;wth $100,000 A mn nrv it cy on l.luded ) From tin; Saliribury Watclimau. . Ad Valorem. " it In No. 1, 1 discussed "the imimortal leleverith" resolution of the Democra- ad valorem, and 1 -inciden'tly al to the resolution oh the same it should bear more equally. Just here let me' say a word or two ihcidently to the slaveholder. We have a hea vy. State debt over iis in - North Caro lina. .It was created for -the benefit (!iOrre$))oni)encc. La Prairie, III., -lui.e 5tli, Jr0. Editor: L . The prospeCt fur a crop ff sinall ..;raiii, hna !yard4 the burdens of the State been cmr.n entirely ,i.y tr.c .t.-otu t nat Mas - C0W, That we recommend that prevailed in tliid conntrv vorv little ram , , i . , . c , bavin" fallen', here., witi.iu lie..nt tl.rec Contention of the people of the State iiiontbs. The fall-uheat wa a hrp:st entirely ! be called on the 1 ederal basis, as ear ileHtroycd hy, the hozen-wcather, that e.nnc , late hi.' the u-uiter I be farmers tlien, un williu't to lose a crop of wbi-sit coinineiiiteil, iuwing 6pring-wlie.it, and ahboiili., tlicir eot-t tiieni oO ier bushel they .sowed iarcdv: but the drouth .has dl -appointed the mii'tiitiit' bone of all. .efitisoiiuenilv there will be' but, a very jinlitlerent. erop of .small -grain . produced in tlie'seetintj feauntry embi-icing j ' Illinois. -IiHni i aitil Kaii.-ar. t ur iinuie ; iliatc heei.i"ri. ba l.ieen unlOlTTiiiate tor the la Hi tlirffvear-. during1 .wh'udi. time not a sin "OOtl croti ha.s rjeen raised: vet our fann er.-, true to their i.ine' bntsContiiuie i vocation.' do not re- to and pl 'ht knowing j bute its proportion towards the bur i hat. the rams -llLsiiraiii 'leseeti'I, aint plenty will XiU-t.r the land'.... .However, the proPpcet . tor a g od eorrn-rop its very fair, this seas n and more corn than u.-ual .was planted. It ' would do vou nood to i-e w hat a breadth of I subject passed at the late Whig Con-J of all, but you derive the most benefit iventiori. I now propose to address j from it. It was incurred for internal myself more particularly to the consid- j improvements, railroads, &c. You got- erattqn ot the latter, winch, witn tne ; increased Hire ior your, negroes wno preanjble; is as follows, viz : built these roadsj and you, as a gener- "Whereas, ureat inequality exists i al rule, make the produce which these in the present mode of taxation, and , roads carry off. Ibis debt must be ; it is 1 list and rmht that all property paid and everv Legislature tor years shouhl contribute, its -proportion to-1 to come, must increase the amount ot i . f . i r .. 11 - i If 1 . .1 taxes coiiectca irom ine people to ao it. - The common schools of the State have enlightened the poor people,' who own no slaves. They see their land assessed according to value higher and higher every five years., . They see your Legislators racking their brains and ransacking every nook and corner of the- State to, find subjects ot taxa tion. They see -150,000 negroes worth 90,000,000 taxed only 120,000 while 150000 -negroes worth another $90,000,000, pay no tax at all. . In other words thev see $180,000,000 worth of nepTO',.-.- according- to the ( ' 1 1 1 p u- o n v r c p t , p a y : a g o n 1 y 1 1 8 , 8.30,;wh'hi tnc land with its' . nni nu fitr.-valued at $y,uo,yoy! pays ly as jpracticable, for the purpose of so modiwing the Constitution that every species of property may be taxed ac cording to its value, with power to dis criminate only in favour of the native products of our btate and the industri al pursuits of its citizens.'.' First, then, is it true that "great in equal.jty exists in the present mode of taxation ?", and Second, should "all property coritri- These people are dis densf the State The following; table has been carer fully compiled from the present reven-; SlOl, 180.90. -These pc uo bil . "passed at the session of the ; satisfied. They say they give up al hind bin beenpl'i'ded with the ' taif of life' i Geneikl Assemblvu 1858-'59. and it their property to the State ; ' and ask in.i.pianurijr even nr uiwuhhv 'w.' " .;n oU,,,,.- tn t- f nnl tV iron tn rlo t nvsamc. Will YOU UO It ' does exist in our present mode of tax- ! Another thing for the last ten years j no suojeet has. consumea nan tne time S of political speeches or of popnlar at : it .1 - J :. i: ........ .1 ... i-i as ineliow an nsnes anu 111 uuc wmiuiuum toi-the plants, to gri)?.v rapidly, The quantity fenrn and number uf fat:lngH. that llliooie will ebibib,it " iie.f i'atl, barring aeeidents:. will avtonish the world. The (Jhieao iuivention an you kmw, homiiuiied Abe. Jmcolu for the rreHitleney, and some people presume U think that Abe will be elected ; but am not of the number. A delegation rtturnin;: from Chicago, thro' this place, being detained a few . minutes, took the liberty to abstract a few rails from a farmer's feijee and tied tlicm to. the. cars., in honor, of Lincoln, because, the. delegates .-aid he had at one period in Ins life been en-ira-iedj s'littin; rails. ' I sujipo.e he will be . called! the " fence-rail'' candidate. Lincpln Umee'kept a nrI.op why did the delegation uol lie a jug of ?;.'-7f'tW cither. side of the lo comotive, labelled in proxr ' form. Ihu w e priime the delegates ;to have cotitained an aniple sujmly of ' mean liquor in their own i-tt'tiachsj esh;tU noiloubt haven warm time tins suinnier.in Illinois. frlXiuglas is nominated :it P.gltimore. Pain pleased to be able to mix that Hell and Everett hve s f friends in iliisscetion of the cotintAv. and if there id tout d a tieket be "tunned nKthe State, they .'wiirebiain.it cooilmahy ote.otli the o ther pnrties are con.-idered sectional, and 1?. iui.l K. :ue the only national men. I have ' M-t-n' nor .heard- one sentence of complaint lioin a iiewspapr or person, that jioes to dc tuict fiom tl'ie e.hanit ters of the ruioncandi Jhites, but all j'dmil them to ho. pure and hune-t. .democrats and. l.ppublicans are (har.ing eacliothvr, with aiding to bring out t'nion caudidates :ind cripple one or the 'other i.incohi, or the nomiueeat B.tltiinpre. niue. 3ii.remei a tion i $1000 wcti tli i.f l;m.l. at 2q r,-ntH p.-r ?100, pars :i Sjl-'t- t:i. .if fliWif) orii ri'-uio worth tliat oitm, pnvN a State ffttOO in bimiiry lnani-d ' rrtt on il JO of inter est) pn.VH u Srsite tax ol $10011 of UividiMidiind profits pav A Stdto tax of $1000 latjor or profit!'. .r BHlnrie and fees (1 pef ci'nt pays n State tiix of $1000 goids piircliiisi-il (' '2 of 1 per cent.) pays a State tux uf " -$1000 cl.thln? purchased CA of 1 percent.) pays a Ht.ite ux of StOOO liqjiiors bought out of tho State for Mle Hti pel' ceiii.) uays a State tax of JldOO lifjicis bought ill Stare for Kilo (S per -et.) pavH a State tax of l0t!0-iiero tiadihff on pnrches ('4 of 1 per Citijt.) pnyH a State tax of $1000 rit$ng v-ehiclei boujrht oiit of State (1 per cent.) pays a State tax of $1000 rt'iinjr veliiclcs in une in 8tit (1 per reft.) pays a State fcix uf JUKK) piinos (l..'j0 each valued at 00) pays a Ptltc tax of $1000 prpsi reoeiptn on toll bridges, gates. Ac, (S (percent.) payf a State ta of ilOOO tdbl receipt on ferries ' 1 per cent.) pays nutate tax of $1000 witclie?. K"ld and silver (1 per cent.) p:ys a stale lax 01 $2 00 50,000 6,000 1,000 100 will pT tl S5 -71 42 8 Vi 1 42 - 14 Ad val. ; $189 46 95 22 11 89 1 $9 18 Norjt1rroliriaf;lni-th& first pla.ee, - . 4. L i i - this, unless you alter tUe"?ontitio Mid Tor Bu8iQS5 The Whigs, then, propose to tax the rich man according to his riches and the poor man according to his poverty. Ihe Democrats propose to let one halt of th$ rich man'g negro go - scot free and to tax the other half as persons- ike and the same as white men-and ;o make up the deficiency by taxing every other class and interest "of pro perty which, of course, means all the poor jman has. But will not ad valor em bear v ery hard on the slaveholder? No ! j The slaveholder generally awns landi on which he now pays too much, besides his negroes on which he now pays1 too little. One thousand dollars of land now 1 ; repeat pay to the Statfe S2. A negro worth one thous and pays 80 cents tthesa together makjs 2.80. On the ad valorem prin cinld his land will, nay Sl.-lz and his negro the same, making $2.84. Thus the tax is reduced on the land oo cents, and increased on the poll 62 cents, making the property holder of 2,00Q worth of land and negroes pay 4 cents more than he does - now. In fact, he payjf nothing" more, for my calculation raises more revenue inan z necessary. But some people think this equal andijust taxation system will run the negj-oes out of the State. Where will they go ? In Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, andj Mississippi, the Legislatures are unrestricted on the subject of taxation. In Irssouri, all property is taxed ad valorem. In Florida, taxation is "uni form and equal" on all property. In Alabama, lands are taxed ad valorem, and! negroes at the pleasure of the Leg islature. In Louisiana, all property is taxed according. to value. In Texas and Arkansas the same. In Tennes- an? OTg jthe, jhe device ..pV' ? yl6rejn tojeasroposed J pfecient lUiSlIslandy-: iWiW. ' i andlhe.pemocracYiddb tofe '. l?e A- v V$PfJh & &mti busini must nithkuaioit- - 'i 5 -.-v- lucu jwxst ui i.uws--vitiu.-.wc-; i.:., i,:u. u, ii vi tpi. r i , and,eveTythghtly on tW ptoertr efh the. 4 4n - -i! the StateJ theit slayes 3tlet u.rinSV uZKSXti totheirreal egro(, saxthemigS,M i ajd then, ofWe.notfsa that Kuldeb the poor maiJs itlPcHnoatsg DJceil3i09flIreati6 . j . a ToiooAio-m " Tl should other-species of property in except negroes,! .according value, and that the - only thing that vaii alteration of the Constitution 'can or -will -effect, isl the .nec'rci. - Shcmkl T - , : CD , li. tne ijonstitujion De aiterea, it wui give the Legislature no more power to. tax ariyifepeciesLofproperty, than it has now, except the power" to .make neg roes pay their fair and equal portion ofthe taxesl . ? . Y Let the poor men of . the country, who pnly own a few horses arid cows, hogs land sheep,' with a little house hold furniture; and who live oh rented land," and who now pay no tax; con sider a few things. ' -,' It is well known that every succeed ing Legislature for the last ten years:" have jacked their brains in huptirig up Because the tV!JQ y, articles to tax, so as to raise a sut- How distressing is thejamenta&alfl nt;' I '?V! bft' which is exhibited by the IDemofcfttfcl . leaders and brcssC onlaccount qf .tlief j.im,r;t Sxh1 th paVitio heed to the spirit Aotr at all : but tuese arc attentibnv ' r import - rupture which took'place between the ?anc.e? ajia subpmniateiy to iue mam. antagonistic elements oi lire uanven-t? 77Zv. , ' . .., t -i-J tion; One unacquainteU with thktruefl "Mwdriarbmtnen. otaijoth facts would suppose the country! to rourown.' Let Jiim . in irretrievable ruin. And why, pray?ifl'sn;"rfnce with, him: : p0,oc0th ttv-A w5v at h TOmn''itepenmht.;, Wbon he asks your." racy have quarreled; at Charleston J6e ai3 retideit cheerfullyf Ullk U'J ll'Jft ,. IllVllUIVrt , . 6tq your ignorance cient revenue to, pay our largely in? Doforou8ly they bewail :the '(to the'P0 creased debt. In the first place, ev- only) 6, and they -Woulh1."0 wh - ' a ft ery article ,of luxury, and every amuse- fe the people uicui wmcu weiueu -u uavu .uiluui- countrV4 as Wclh as the at tendency, was seized upon nobody objected, but the tax on tMseL-ij ;!0i, "i-ii, u1II- j things have gone to the utmost de- conviction that the DeincrWl' - V gree, ior 11 iney are laxeu any mgner, dissolved, the same toust also he-W u War ?: prosperouai anu; . v it will amount to a rjrolnbition. and .u .1.. tt:- m -j l ?resnected. surpass mm in industry ana- .i. . ., . 5 l-ll:lUe.UIUUIl. 1 -. : - . f- -'. " 1 f '! '.... -L I. 1V tnus tne tax 110m tnis source,-ins.eaa .. , utmust a dissolution of the.UriionTrfV uflu . ' l. ,.lfe. s , . of being increased, will be entirely cut f PPIS8ar cnfiSeni neft ? iSlW hlm . down by artful ahd lymg'.ipr - ion. was tl i . . i. 1.1 ...!-.. i iffteala to sectional-remdice6r sectari- XX ll'U A r.rnH -tn vtta 1- . . A- . -- v. ! LA .-.nil-v-A.l .MkahwI 1 mw r? AIf n 1 l uu. xne ueAt unug -w-cu uFu, ot at au.. , Qffice-holders ;may. losea'1 vmu pnyuvuvc v . v the rft&rchant, the professional man,- theii: piaCeS0ffice-hunter beklisap-! f"1 ' - - ' ' : v and the day laborer ; for it was said pod ; .these, - and; the - hmgil !; ' ' ! that the farming interest must not be may lose tho rich" booty ithekhael8lTetob-- ' r f touched until the last resort. But the i 'fo1 nArtn Winati'flti.l tbrrhti that, be conservative, llespect the; - iy : -.it wv-. v f v.- .fe.-w-.r r- Tr-to"":-. 1 - l. l l.i i-r 4. . 1; "e, u S they had almost within., their grasp jS?1 U1 yout gHr. uu y,, . Well, ev- r xi ;- ,L!'jnd of your countrymen - at large.- 4 would a -. ' ti, ,r ,rL,o you would recent their.. dictatioi i, ,inc;r . .iKt h;Q wHl bofeour personal matters, v .i. . .r xi. A.i. ' '- :. v:- -Jk''?raoral. orHoliticaU4 be r no vttif 01 1 i u tiiuiiiiiu ii mm i 11 i h debts 'still increased, and s else had to be seized upon. ery conceivable article that bear tax. had already been laid hold of. What tlien, was to b e done r Theresas no help for it-the land had q its eff cts; Owing to this tbeWir?rcWtf ith ai C0Xlt6tafit fJtn.('yt?itriMtn one - . 1 -v -k T . f ol . fx: line IMi nc-ft m an 80 j say they own no slaves yet they con 3 40 ' stitute a majority of the people of the I State, lhey have no 5 equal interes 10 00 I in negro property either at the poll or ' . s 00 i the tax box, and' yet they politically 5 00 ! endure all this fnss'on the negro! ques 100 00 ! tion.? They ask you to bear your e- &0 00 ! qual "portion of tax that they may feel . r . ! that they have an interest in the prptec- : tion 01 nfigro property. J.et tne slave holder permit his property negroes included to be taxed equally with the other property of the State and slav ery never can be abolished in. North iooo' Carolina. -The man who owns no slaves 1(1 00 ! will then cheerfully shed his blood to -. 1 T , 1 "11 .1 "i. These are only a few of the many aeienu 11. :iii-uu.u.iuuuituuw, subjeks of taxation,, and the table ex-1 because he has a partial interest in it, biidti'rr.t itfnmlitv. Should this' but when his interest is in it, at the J.Lk'VhJ3 I N V ...v - , . between the ' ages of which it was formerly guarded, and we will pile the taxes up on it. And it was accordingly so done. But there is a limit to all things. You can't tax 10 00 10 00 i 7 50. 50 00 tax box, is fair and equal and entire, he cannot be constrained, by any con ineoujality continue to exist ? Can anv . . - . v i mir mi'n n. (rnriil vpnson wriv liintli shoul f e. taxed by;the State $2 and deration, to see the institution injur ro boy of equal value be taxed j td. onlv R0 cents If A sees proper to carry tins paiauei uaccu in nc tlV OV Cl'lltS i It -x sua j-ui-i iw 1 - vest 1000 in land and B 1000 inUhe land and the polls a little further. .ries" is that any reason why A I The .people pay County and -.Corpora- . , . n . mi. . M 11 t-vo, nntl K on v ril) tion lllXCS, as eii US a kjlu-c ict.. xiif 1 .1 -i . i : -.,.f-ir tmiit oil I if rni'ipn nft the V o norrro to lie dOCTOrOU. ' ) " - ? fn,oi no s and the real estate, i.ei us state TV.- ..., l .. ...I, tt.i.t 1.; -11 t .rfl I1H I V . . -:' , b V . Fn,l onrl will no (lie f I mc, there i a strong prohahilty for is sick, it must be watered, fur- j a case and take the county ot llowan .f- Vool to he i h-cteil t iov (i nr ot t lie old 1 vr' rl (i t Y Till .i-4 1 1 t" 1T T1 i t.. be eloth-i as an example. v,,rfi, . suite. Lnd orden.,,. : t4.u,K-., ' j wtu (.0Ver. grass or grain, and per- The county of Rowan paid for the ''" np.lat.OMt-1iaee; s.: . ;m !" , i. . ;i: ' i i i ' 1 : , I voar ending 30th of Sept., lXb), a . .ivj, Mvni.lUwti 1- r n- "Ol. is lou tinn ani '-"j I r, -rt to cross- -1 iijit ; lie win i.e iosi ; cdout- iiu ii gui lies anu urooin-seugu, , on ih. tirst Thursday in j t'10 owmr stiH pays tax on it ac " ' , enrdJnrr to value.-while the owner of l.n -fVti.l Moniiot,-' i.:issei o ei, - ..: 0. l. u vlt l . n r-nte tbi jtheihjegro over fifty years old, pays no 1 very fa.uiveions loouing 1 tax5 on him. 1 own a quanuiy 01 wouu- .t.an.l Kut or. tans;. lhiharji lias, no dont.t 1 allj4 valuable bottom rWorth noth- . ini.ii.min-m a -dvi-r l-.tirope t eninr''e for liov. IvIIm in tin- iittenq Aiiifii-t. S.iini t wo th ' -i -ui- jraito.l. a I tah. thev welt 1 . i - Uool.'i-s tor tlif tPtinaise. too, ol .-treii''-: o thuviii!? himself aiTtiiust lTueit Sain. tiee that our HepresiMitativeK .T'. ,N. Morw. Ikih introduced into. Cpncress a resiolution uu- j state.. js onv valuable because I ex- thonsinp-the VreMtlent to send .omniis-ion- . , h W1 1 ud j -ay - v ... J L V ers and luiy out the Saints, and get HieiH to leave, peaceably-if they will, forcibly if nec etsaiy. It w ill be well for the country, if the Mormons can he transferred beyond the lim its jof the United States upon any terms P. . Terrible Tragedy. A man named 15. L. ISleath, a pas senger on, board the steamer Hodge on Hcd River, in a fit of derangement in"- Until it is cleared. I pay on that . . i . i , c I no- 'a higher tax than on any portion 01 mv -binds : it is in its youth, virgin " J 1 ' 7 - - . . ' pect sucli a high tax on tins unproductive land while my neighbor pays nothing on his young negroes, under 12 years of ae ? Are they worth nothing to himl Is a negro worth nothing from State tax of 15,509.59, and a couni tax of -6,228.85, making in all 21, 238.84 raised as follows : 20 conts on $100 worth of land for State, and 80 cents per poll. 15 " V.- " " County 50 " - " " Poor 20 , " 0 " " " Schools 15 ' " 13 penU total for all purpo; on land, and $155 on poll. . But the poll if a negro is worth 1000, and to equalize the real estate and the poll, the 33 cents on land must be increased ten times,' and- the rela tion will stand thus: i onlUUU worm or lanu ?- o On -SI 000 worth of negroes (or Doll) f 1 55 E.ea! e-state paving ' l - $2 75 6 to (12 years of age ? Is nothing to j more than- negro : property. Is that right Let us now show how the taxes can and should be equalized. Having shown, conclusively, in S former arti cle, that the Democrats propose to tax everv thing, "every interest and class see, negroes twelve and fifty are taxed according to value, and in Virginia, every class and species of property is taxed ac cording to value except negroes. -Just exactly what the Democrats propose to do in North Carolina. How is it in Virginia ? Why, they tax the chick ens there sure enough, and the mer chants threaten to leave the btate.- ejb. Democracy have its w;ay, and it will bring about the same state of things here. "'.'"; . North Caro-iBa and "'Virginia layor the negro m taxation by: restricting he Legislature in taxing; all (the ptn- er 'Southern States, show the negro no ayor, but tax, or can constitutionally ax him according to his true value ; and instead of the negroes leaving thpse States and coming into North Carolina, they are 'leaving- this btate and Virginia and going where (they are sufe to be taxeda .valorem If my . calculations are fight, then the merchant who buys 1.,000 worth of goods,, instead of paying as 'he now does 5, which he must stick im to his goods and make the buyer py, will be! taxed 1.42. The poor man can buy a bottle of wine for his sick iam- uv and pay oniy one-seveiuu ui ouc percent., instead of 100 pr cent, as the case now stands : and the man who now pays 1.25. cents ' on the carriage that conveys his family to church, il worm $izo, win pay uout 18 cents. And should it come to tax ing horses, the'plow horse worth 100 will be taxed 14 cents while Gov. Ellis' race horse worth 1,000 (if he has -one) will be taxed 1.42. And should it even get down to the chick-cns-'old granny must have one thous fid chickens before the Sheriff can get 14 cents out of ner.: 1 Surely nobody canbe frightened except at the monstrous proposition of Uemderacy to tax every inrngjequauy except 180,000,UUU, wQrttiojiaves: tfbv. Ellis and Mr. Pool both have esti- to bear the' burden. It is true, they 1 r-'-mn VKL n nrn ev;iSr'In said, that the land was already taxed f i ;V nk? u r 'VBftMiiid'your businessr! hyetr too high, and paid more than its fair Th coioniatelv known! as theif youkin and equal portionbut ree bultrage D - - t has ache(T ho bly,--and you.-wUI thus be air agent ia has thrown off all the restrictions with - i . t- Bn fa a"tbe di carrying out a portion of jlli, ;a l-- ei-benevolent Providdnce, CBUUUU ttUU UUIUUUeKWY Vl I VO, itausi 8i.t!.. t tft'lf i iV - P - - ' - . Il arn, maivHi; I a i i I tl I rrin t 1TY- hll Q1Tl are eonc&rned. The mask has , been W -."v". " - torn away, and they now stand ex-i "fervent m .pint. a 'A'.'Af.u "Mmdwur business i - But not . .1 tiuatju. in an lucu . cuui.it c uciuaiuuv i it v .... - the lnnid anv burlier, it won t bear it,K, v -i j: LA rj lib the. nelect-ot vour tamily. Jlae T mi CD II TH II 1 (Til. SI 111 lit 1 1 II LT H SMI I I, If N H. r! 1 tJUIITA . UUb iuv uc w to aiu otin iiiv vutJin" must have more revenue. Where is . . . r. a' . 1 . it to come irom : jvery tnmg 13 now Tf c u,r rt o.o taxed, except horses, hogs, sheep, cat- U jnstrumentaijtY by which the Union I USamiy-' j Moiiey 13 aii important,--" tie, and household turmture. JMust - . hft nTeaerve r . If It were, its doom Means-to tins ena yui tuicua w . 1 ' -1 1 . 1 V ' I ' I , nr, I I hlira r . - a jr whether social, assured they '; ;i.r & . . ----V . - - -- : J . . -1- X 1 1 . 1 .nla to be the merest pretension, WUt- My - --- --- this also be taxed ? to be found of doubt when in r - ' . . .1 . I. - 1 I - . wvy e t . r... ... aimeu. a... wueiiiui. vou ja iuw: H-ffy or not. r itememoer tins ; anu ai- i,J?. -1- ". : - i 1 . .1 --i.::. nttvmost, assiduously jo ine cuiuva,-. i-iph of your pwn spirit and , manners,.' Z Xle Af nnltr the TTninn hut.. iflf, The .1? PY CXampiC US ll- ilS,pia- 1 1 .1 iiL "w - -rrv 1 :-.:i...i;. u-' - -r proposed an aa valorem tax auuam nflmnCTacv -mav be shatteredias It Wll' - . ; 1 1 j JL 1 ' F ? taxed, unless something else is t sucn ben for montn3 if not as a suhstitute, there is no- son , ft b , been tierfec- Gov- Reid admitted .this, t y Jowerless to destroy or to, save, nis message 01 xou-i that the . only lair and jus. way to bids fajr tobe, into as many Wment3l w,n arining make the burdens pf Government bear as it had Vote's in tHq "last Prsiden; ;.table. -and -fireside; and ;wlien equally upon all, was to tax every tial eleoticm and yet it wiU be Afound ' : r.3 iten, ami your eyes man's estate according to value. The . . a jr-nn -; aivwuukhnoA-& tL., ..4.UiiZ l,U,;- Krvl-ia' rh.n IltVU. ill IUCUI ik. UlUOOllI il" 4.l.C-. kin tie. educated: virtuous, God-fear- ..?i ft':. demnernts tn their nlattorm. adopted -r . -xt l... iv. ' - r 1 x . 1 1-.1-IT-. Ttfll". 1,111" 1)1 1.1-I1II!S lllllilll IU2I1K HI V Lilt: 1 ..... . - ---- " t their W State Convention, admit , '' Ij - l:.-,.i.i iSiousands of geld and silvet . " V . : n ' piaoe-mcn auu euwtiHH, uu., nutuu ,,r 4 , . ,, , 1 CUUUtl y lv tiicuicci to, ui vnc Ji ouuic 4 . a. 1 household lurniture are gojn tQ take charge of their own rf vho lives on rented -a i . ip P;PI1 those it,m5? this, when they say that in traming a not know tll!lt- the party cveh wi3 in a revenue law, every species of proper- ilous crisis- ; v ,v clr.ill Via' en fn-von nenrlv its , . , tjr oiiuniv- -- .-- 'ihe JUemocrauc party, nor us lea- possible, to bear its equal burdenof derg 'neednot be apprehensive bf the the expenses ot the.liovernraent. Jiv- of the Ullion) the w-eifare of the erv snecies 01 DroDeruv, nioiuue- iuc horses, cattle, and of the poor man, a . - land, and now pays no tax.. -Kat, say book of lamentations will fie ta-flj'fir the Whigs, it is true, as you say, that , better care:of than they took ofUv our public deht is so large, inas w th0se they used or opposed. The Peo-U L I- .wr. -,-. f-v . . n OA toil Orifl m - ik-:Jki ,UOt oiiiv .uece-.-i, v "" rle are rrn nrr ta. a hftw these verv na-1? equal, that every species of property riotic m individuais and the packed f should nav n. tax but m Order tO dlS- n J. u.-.i. u j..': .ik i " e n ' " UOnvenuonHWiiieuuaveueeeiveu iutm, v criminate in favor of the native pro- that tl not only ready but fulhtiX .1 x- x o-.il n-H ho miinorrin . . .- . - i uucv-.ui vuc -" - a6e to save the Union themselves--toif. pursuits ot our citizens, anu to n -r-, ti1,toatl.,1t;nn the tax bear .as. light as possible, on b tbeir misehievous mismanagement IV the horse3, hogs, Cows, and other ar- fi;-liam--v1:n-'A TheA:t tides ot, property: ot tne poor seen wuo peopie aro;preparing to invest witlt"! live on.rented land we have founds r men of tried, integrity, of their own choosing, instea nated by interested alarrre portion of it. no tax at all. SS - " Mo 4"7 lltllU- 1K-1VX CNH"yvui - . . - t -i b a mftrATitiV with other preparations . 5tcm. . :Penianii ATr.n s. avi " T""" The -n- "ant tne pew aw iu . and they should have U. : . - , ' . All our llcmedieci are for sale by j - t ' S.j:nicHcrt,StAteiville. 'King, Jleg. : Jb Co. higton; D. B-Oalth, Newton. JXi wpoleeale by S" 6on& Co:. Charleston McLi . ton; M. A. U A. A. C5a ' Kieumona. eo -., v be expected-'of those under that age j But jt is objected that negroes are per- attempted to out the thrdat of Mr. F. i sons, bo say tuc voo.u,tj..i , a C. Jeringen, inllhiing several serious i thev are property. The Abolitionists wounds." . i isaytjioy are not. ou say negroes ;Tli,.-tvisenrf..v' Ivero ndnnn i are tiropertv and you treat them as ,were Vousod by the noise and excite'- chj you buy, sell, hire and exchange i 0 f .property in the State except ne ment in the cabin. Just at that time substitute, :a ilarge .and vaiuapie ana r n . t d f th desig-' h. most productive species ot property ; nated bv interested political gamblers, ibjsls. which now pays scarcely any tax, ana Tfa People can and will take cjiarge aiaige puiwuu i-, u -.. of. their own alfairs. We propose to tax negroes according Tbft , ifctertI,f therefore. ef the iDem- ilru; l. ir i eooJl Stable to valuer-do this, nd we can; then leaders and -res3 t0 excite the-Cl m wm (roAd Ostlers and plenty f tuch b lowerthe tax on land and should it f f , , n a.;ink U thetl'h-hft-mntrv a!fofdto.-fe.onilndB6pain l J 1 x.xx.x. u . uv K-J'" " www-.... r- ,rxr. 1 , - ... irxi-wi-Vf-k T ll.I-. anil Ely,, Statesville,; N, G. mHE. SUBSCRIBER .TAKES PLE A.H- Ihi public, that he has .-reciT-il a, hberal ehafe of patronage for the laet two yeare, and fetfu solicit f, V f ' He has frocurea nuunnoi v-x.. iTTtrT?a nx1 TRAVELKlw, 1 fttvi ras v..w, - - ' tne country, win ne loumi' auuune. vey pie know well eno; the'parties who are 1 how this Union is. mated the value of nroperty in the tate at $7)00,000,000 (seven hundred millions dollars.) a gentleman named Charles M. Fort coming out of his state-room into the cabin, was fatally stabbed by Sleath, and expired in a few moments. He resided in Springfield. Robertson coun ty, Tennessee. Another passenger, named J. Lyle, of Nashville, Ten nessee, being roused by the noise, 6- pence! his state-room door to look. out and wasimmediatelv stabbed hvSIe.itb. hyle only said, "I am stabbed,"-'and uiunediately expired without a groan, the bowie knife havingj penetrated through the heart. j - i -'At this juncture the Captain, who had been asleep in his room, was call ed, and coming at once into' the cabin. them! as other property ; antt now will gr0es, and having detnonstratea wun vou obiect to the State's treating thenVi eaual clearness, that the . Whigs in- as it does other property ? Where the cinde negroes and exempt no property poor iman brings all his "property and ; excepUhenrtiVe product- of the State lays it down ami tells the State to tax ' a)7j the industrial pursuit of hermit- it according to its Value, will you re- tze)is. t us value the property of fuse to lav down all your property .' lno v.la-ltJ and show how. ad yaiorem How fcan you? . Are you not" willing i w,h work under the Deniocratic.: rule to n-irv jm mimh taxx in proportion to -nd the Whig rule. " -- 7 its value, on vour property,- as your ! After considerable reflection and neighbor pays" on his ? If y6u are'not,: .calculation, I have concluded that the then ! everybody can one thing that is le tav in nronortion of ydur property than your "neighbor ; i valuing, the negro property at 1V A Trick of the Enemy The opponents of ad valorem or equal taxation, fully aware that they cknnot successfully meet the nierits of the question,- because its very equality and fairness commends it to every in telligent mind have resorted and are resorting to every conceivably trick, to humbug and deceive the people. One of the latest catches of these, de magogues, is an attempt to work upon the prejudices -of.--those - men who'are 45 years old,-and are consequently ex empt from - a' poll tax, and whose pro perty now consists of suck articles as pay" no tax-under our present revenue that no one. not even the poorest man will feel it :Do this, and a tax of 10 cents on i the 100 will raise a suffi cient amount of revenue.. And then, if horses and cows should be taxed, the tax on . a horse worth 100, will only be.10 cents, and on a horse worth 50, only five cents ; and on a cow worth 20, two cents ; on a cow worth 10, one cent ; on a hog worth 5, just half a cent while it would "take 1000 chickens to be worth enough to be taxed 10 cents. The Whigs say, lav more tax on the negroes, - and not pile it up on1 the poor man's horses, cows, hogs, sheep and poultry, a3 you The , people know well eno.ughj: that H'b- they are the'parties who are to. decide fy' : when and how this Union is. to oe ox$- -J . solved, and that it cannot, nor w til not 't be done' until they, are ready f or it- Democratic, party i or no JJemocriiciir; party, -The people made that parjy as well as iorrned .tlus union-rranu i . M pecially, when, as now, it threatens the destruction of the Jatter, ' Believ- f jJJ ing tne time w,.ae arrivuu, nucuiftt .t. A..-J. J xt x r xt-x L-..vi. .f?S tneir oira inxerest ana tuai-oi tue kvuu- E-and Vv'c 1 , i - fi j they can' and will .u-imakedhc fmcr when it'pleases them to doiso, aiid cs-fgf --. -ti T-oymirt)!f tonces. ffo4. A. M'LtAN, Proprietor, " "Statesville, March 13. lw0.-tf. v , VA1LX A 0WELLI5C HOUSE : A1?D LOT. INTATZSVILLE, fWLr? Ki, TitffELLIUG SOUSE and, LOT. io the town of in ot him. ler words you want to impose on But h6w does the matter 000.000. . In the calculation for 'the WhiLshall take this 180,000,000 - .ts- .- -. - . . t., t:.n ihr inthat tor trie- wemocravs try demand the dissolution, if nt thci ? ' destruction of the Democratic patty,. f -V: 4 ' m:ViV. ed on;.V - X V l"X. " mmmk. 1 . 1 .! : L ' 4r TiA ".lJ ''7 V . : inV7rnn8 on SX. - 4 lie l-Ol coruams ov. "-,!-- three 'etreetf . nd ja we'd encloeed. ' - TefiriS will bi made eacy. ' ; v- .l.. ,.,' bioiure C- the sim roriunncr ii.n.u..r ' -' .. - - t will be compelled to ao, unless you ai- th haye re doing it ; in-jW-.l ri ana -mane uib uts- rt nw;im,a e.risds" to-. anvr.' National Amer-iX-" J volvint? no " nenlous .crisis to excepting those who have fattenc the spoils of office. National A .Late foreign papers state that uiajrk- jrie t cd enae nf thA nlenro-nneumonia rnTi"- France were completely cured; ; Jast wj ter the Gonstitutio oroes "subject to an ad valorem; tax. j Bat the Democracy say ho you mast not touch the negroes. -If you go to taxing the.negroes, the rieh ' will get mad., '" '.''" "' Now, ; will our friends, the poor, men. iust look at these things. A certain amount of money has to be year in twelye days, with sulphite oLi-rms. raised every year oy wwwu w j iron-. ! ,v "f p ' : 1 rt WT 1 The .conductor of a country hews-J . i i , v i snoulu De taxeu so as tu iae iu -x- uuCl oio .c xxpvo w wy,.,...- ... T Now .these 18 oCGovernment bear -egwUy npon fcipatrlinfffriends A prosperous W " . r. and they will find themseltwad' -pff .V"UTB .Ar. . rKu-vk: I rAioAiw t: A .mistaken, .if they think thni taim- w?g.a .t. -W-Wt-Io ; tin,, di datiK'na n&reZ bor nose upon thr intelligent citiiens ot J?mT jJCJ i 7. Ti -wi -1- 'i K 'Ik -.IV- icriber Or the Editor ef the Ired :ill xpre. STATE- '.-ifojih lo, l'sfepMf Z-i" J I'Vt K ECE I V El ! 50 Sack Sal Fresh Clover Seed or,?:VtfoN-.m. Feb 1" ;OcL21. ; ll-.tf r 000 tb Beeswax. 10,000 tb Dried Fnut. T. II. McRori?, V 'S P E E D 5. A rX ,t r... ' - -s- I is

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