RMS t? AWVtm&l NO. One Dollar a square for the firsj. week,ard sixteen lines or less will make a i DWucaoM inda iu jo.rteo4ii.W- EUGENE 1. DRAKE 4 SON, Editors and Proprietors. if aimiy JN ewspaper-ievotel to foiitics, Lgnjculture, Manufactures, Commerce, and Jl$sciaueous leading. Onesqnare, . $3.50" . Two Squares,, . "f.00 KfcOO r . 14 - Three sqo&nra; ."iOjflft ; i530&'. TERMS OF THE PAPER, $2 a Tear, in Advance. Wlien direction aft not tfrrew hew. oLIIl. StatesviUe, N. C, Friday, October 5, 1860. r,-Je ;:X. S-w' . No. to in sert an Ad vert ise i u ent , H will be publish- ordered out. jJ&t- i. f.00 W - to i BUSINESS CARDS. HAS taken Rooms in the Simonton" House where, he wfthhe pleased to wait on all who desire his Servi. uirlf:l5tf Dk. H. KELLY Oflers hitvprolessional services to the public. Office on College Avenue, opposite the Methodist Church, Statesyille, N. C. DR. T. J. WiTHERSPOON. HAVING located mysolf at the late evi dence of John Clank, near SherreH's Foril, and about ten miles Southw est of Mtates villc. I offer my Prffrxxloiml V rivets to the surrounding pulilic. f. J. W 1TH E R N I'CX X , M. D. Jaa.27 00 -Jfeiy HAYNE f)AVIS, ATroltXpY-AT-LA w, STATESVrLLE, N. C, Will promptly and diligently attend to all ItuSiiifrts entrusted to hi fare. Office opposite the Jail. - Oft. 22, '88. WM. C. LORD, H 1 1 o nu s at 2, a to , Salisbury, N. . WILL Practice and niake prompt collec tions in Rowan. Stanly, Jiedell and Cataw ba Comities. Office in the corner of (jtv :in's Building opposite the Book Store.. Jan 2, 20hf a in i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Paint, oils. siufis. KruMhcN, lVludo lii . Vuriiisli, &C, &.C., &.C., Salisbury, N. C. Jan. 1, 189 5-1 V J AS. W. DRAKE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. l.' St. Lot is Stuf.kt, 9IOBIL.F,, At i. Jan. 21, 18.-.9. 7-tf Mrs. J. A. Vannoy, FASHION AB LE DRESS Mil. EH, MatoayUte W. C. IJeceives monthly the FreiichKnjilish and Auu riean Fashions. ;;:'tjO: ly J. SHELLY, MANUFACTURER OF "3 i:-" 1 ct- 0aV & GAtTEHjS, THOMASVILLK, N. C. Which he sells at Wholesale Orders for Shoes by the quantity promptly attended to. ' "inrlo'(i(l:15:ly CHARLOTTE, N: C. WINDOW GLASS, AT WUOLESALK. See advert isement in another place. August 10; lCo. ly . HENDERSON ENNISS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 13 11 17 G 3 And Chemiealm, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, "Win dow Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &c, Lins&kl, Lump, and Machinery Oil, Kerosene Oil and Burning Flukl, Lamps of xt cy dcsctiptioHt Pojuinery and 2il4 Articles. i GARDEN SEEDS, CLOVER AND GRASS SKKDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUOR for Medicinal Puriioses, FINE SKi.A TOBACCO, &c, &c, gALISUl RY, M. . "iy CARRIAGE MAKING. J. W. WOODWARD TS still at his Old Stand, on Broad street, a 1 lew doors East f the Fubhe Sqoare, where he is prepared To Do All Alnds of Work formerly done at the , Establishment. All Repairing done on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. interest charred on Accounts after 1st .fanuorv Keb. 27. Uf The Subscriber having been of the; appointed gent MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Charlotte, Will receive and forward Applications for' insurance against Loss and Damag-C b.y Fire, on the principles oi tne tximpanv The Company is doiuga prosperous buene.se No call has ever yet been made for an in' siaiment on a premium note. E. B.DRAKE, Agent. rpOTHE PtTJIUIC.-J take this ,neth X. od of i n form ing all reauirim? Litprnrv &U that 1 will be pleased to revise MSS. and ore- pare it for publication, and will write Bssays, riee, poemt Ton , everv suUranlSS' 1 lie utmost spmppv mnininAH a ,i. WILLIE WAKE. Aug.31,l00.Mtf. Nkpofcl.yo.lrfs. oofclyn, 3?nr ! : - , For the ''Iredrll Expre8." Moonlight Musings. BY W ILLIE WARE. The moonlight iiiviTs ou the frawningkiiy Ou the kingly lives aud.tbe humble rill, On the tal a.o4 ewr waring tomH tree On thu tin v Hhrub bowing mocki; in the bimiv It shines m palate, cottago. hut. and hall, It -IhiN its beitnM of h.ve alike ou all.. It brigiitly kismtfl every ilanciug wave, An l jiuiii - it baptism uu the Bilent grave I, The Biovitlight liour for me ha many charms; - 'Tis Uicu I ret from thiii wyrld'H cold alarm '. TI.i then I low to Bitent sit, jintl mu.se ; Tht then the bonds of earth I fain would loose I then I strive to mrco tho midnight gloom. Aud look, into the Land beyoud the tnmb! Tis then I love to uatch the pale moonlxam Gfkt the elear sarfinv? of the rippling stream ! itit- Thct.1s mticli that fsftpaarirtitTn this fair world of ours ! Hie lofty hiH. the dales, tile fragrant flowers I The gorgeous Kunsets flashed from autumn gkica,. The briny stars with gentle angel ey-e The wide-spr.-;id ocean rocked to fickle sleep A thousand treasures hl iu Nature's keep ! lhit oh, J love the luonulight our blusged Father gave To shine, a glimpse of Ilea vou's joy, upou the. lowly gra e : For the Iredell Expresa. To Henry L. Abbey. With ffttinijf of Hivtre rnjurd thesr Uni t are dedirated. ut witLir. Wars. Dear frjeiid, to-night I wake my lyre, In softest tones for tline. Jp arttniration. fain I'd tiow i. i And humbly bend air knee. ! Oft, oft iu rapture have j bent j O'er written gems of thine, And every word from thy pure heart i,r la echoed back iu mlup. j Won Id that the mystic power were mine To wake a lay for.rhae, Full of beauty, full of thought, Soft a u.l gentle melody, Hut. alas, the.brrftiant thoughts That till this brain of mine, Refuse t onflow from my weak peu, That magic power it If it nc. riaooKl.rs-. X. ISfO. $otial (firtlc. To the V Sooial Circle." . Circumstances require that j Dear Chicle we snouia again mane our appearance among , you. But chide us not oh account of our fre- j qiiency f i 1 1 . 1 .1 ii.ougn ourvisus may not t.e the most congenial, nor welcomed bv the many, yet having the nest intentions. in view, we snail not necome itisneartened 111 the least, lut let a eonsrioutnes of'gbod be our most ex- cellent reward. And now while the dim twi- light shadows are creeping slowly over the earth and all is still and quiet, may I take my accustomed seat and rest and chat with yon awhile? As the weary traveler, after roaminjr over the san.lv desert all dav, at ere. seeks to find a fount of pure water to quench : hts l.urmng thirst, so the heart in Us moments you wil! aUend svnod at StatesviUe. as 1 e.x of solitude seeks, in pleasant retrospection or : wcA lo u there and should be more than de- sweet anticipation, to solace itself. tor" the ao- nted to meet von. wrice of those whose social interchange of To the lone Exile I send my kind sympa thought could dispel the gloom which the j tiiV AHi'hest wishes, hoping that we may ;son.bre-bue twilight is apt to imriose upon us. Soon, - And to you my dear friend, MiHniehaha'. "Silently one bv one. in the infinite mca- ; j .gj xyitksn kiss,' sincerely hoping you will dows of heaven, will hlossom the lovely stars. SuOU fulfill Uie promise made on that pleas the forget-me-nots of the angels." . 'And the ' ant aJjlth evening when last'J gazed upon pale moon will look sadly down npon--the' : muUhi face and said Farewell. And, wickedness in thia nngtit, ueautilijl vvoflu. And, perchance, lend her beams to the love sick vouth who goes forth for the fhst time to pour into the tciUinq car of his fair one the -tory Of his love ! The wind is sighing gently through the trees, and the bright green leaves, as though they were keeping time to its low whisperings, are dancing to and fro. The sweet Mowers all bathed with the twilight lew, seeni to be saying their evening prayers ere thr-y fold their tiny heads to rest. At such an hour as this, how often do we long for some fond heart to mingle its thoughts with our own ! Speaking of love and friendship how fre quently is friendship mistaken for love, or acted upon as if it were the same sentiment, by being made to form the basis. of a life-long union. A sad error, truly, men and women thus uniting destinies. Planping and execu ting marriage like any other business Of com mon daily life, how painfully frequent.- As if it were anything they had to do with ex cept patiently wait for Providence to point the wav to ! Alas, for such unfortunates, ifthey should afterwards find chords in the heart which another hand than that of the chosen life-compr , ra tha vius. And the comparison enda .not here, but extends, as wen, to tue constancy as in fervor of the two sentiments. Bardon.the presampHon, dear circle and readers, if we differ from the many wise -ones who hare , called friendship the mor&enduring flame- We cannot believe that thU theory was found ed otherwise tlian by mere observation. Ex nerience must contradict it. We know that f t,,e g"tle offices of rriend.shiP are lhe iight of the candle, perceptible toail. Unless. j niueeu, some msi oi unoiunune 6aic troys them altogether, even . as a passing , hreexe extinguishes the taper. ! But. sh.-ill we believe in the existence of nothin hidden fro our eves?. Because we ' at times craze on the volcano and perceive tthe fire and lava pouring from its crater, we disbelieve that there are .concealed ithm its bosom the elements ot a grana ami mighty eruption.? Bo wr not know that these hidden fires are only silently preparing them selves to issn forth and startle the neigh bor ing conn try with a, terrific outburst ? . ..So, in the deep recesses of many a human j breastL outwardly calm, are feelings whose ! deni)n8tr,ltion it ie not always for the care less eve to eaze uoon. Could we lilt tlie veil 1 from manv a heart, we should no donger con Bider the love that there seeks concealment &erth. ove that t e is concealment Now, between love and friendship tbe com-i ... mn . - far h. nipptencc, unu ineir mu u. gv uwuu- , . ., T . . F. pons, are like angel viW, - few ami far be- fut y ,.8 to One of thejr gods the rison is very wide. In intnsity,: u hk - - Tt 5s a literary luxury, to he still, IU AAi.cr t. tho ' lahn of libn ' t of a candle to the burning 6rea of Ve&li-. , , of 'imiWioned feeling ir , tCWa,5. t.hft humr j lees constant than the openness of friendship or the unspoken language of the heart lees strong than Che words which friendship . prompts. j 1b it not -unwise and unsate for bo many to be walking life's path together, clasping wed ded hands, trusting to the waVering tain light of friendship, its dim tape permitting them to know and und perfectly each ottrerr Do they not need a light friendship never gives, a power to read each other's soul, a pertecfympathy ? ihcn enter not upon the matrimonial path- way by the simple light -of friendship. Be j 1 not impatient. A brighter, stronger oneshall burn to guide you. With my favorite peet, : 1 i . ,.., I . ... i .i ...i . I I wugicitow a inrL4.tri iiittu ffueui never ' ; strung peans , i ueiieve " No one is so accuried by fate, . j. Xu un so utterly desolate. Hut some heart, though unknown. Responds unto his own.-" Responds as if with unseen wings. Auauitel touclie its quivering strings; And whispers iu its song. Where hast thou stayed so long !" 'I Yes there U within your breast a apark which .some hand :an kindle; some breath ten into I such a flame that no earthly power can never ..extinguish it: by the light of which your j way in life shall, be illuminated with a con j slant brightness, your soul shall be warmed i till the ice of selfishness is all melted away and in the hapineps ofa dearer self, you tind that refined, elevated joy and purest earthly ; hapfiinew, which a true union of souls is de- signed to produce. l- Willie VVare, we welcome you into our So cial Circle and invite you to be seated. We would give you a seat beside onrself, but the one is- occupied and the other is promisee I j j But you will doubtless find some fair Voung damsel, who will gladlf give von a seat. And, Willie dear, we shall always be happv I to heiir from you and to read the rich nroduc- tions of vour fertile brain and graceful pen. j coucnea iji an tne oeauty or eruaue language, To Angus, T can only say that I am vcw 'Pt we reret (o observe that a ,nind so'effi mueh obliged to him for casting my horoJ ciont in lpt respects, comnvends'a resort to logiie. But what he means bv "being posted obdurate philosophy, as an effective antidote, in the usual way," X cannot imagine. Will : or lea as a source of quieting mind in he please explain ? 1 confess Ins question t T ., c . 1,4 . ..n.;.,, ' rather stumps me, I own up. .May be some I of Lite lady memhersof the Circleyan explain ; why "marrying a wife" prevented the gentle- suooraimuioi., ee u.ciaiesoi our uign ! man in question from attending the feast. j and better natures" ; 1 mean those of the Jt always was a stumbling block to St. Led- er. ProbaTHv if I were a married man and haJ tastej ..gweetS of conjugal bliss," I nld ha hlf. to o-iv.. Anm,a Mtiafiuiw !iSOintjon. But if the Rev. Mr. Gurtlirie. du . . ( could nor explain it T hon it will not it, 1 De Expected of me to do so. i 1 i - t - 1 Much obliged .rt VA 0rl;o ..n-i will tf r I t"0J loiv it. j I am very, very sorry Mary L. could not I give me a "kindly greeting. The length of j j.our letter wa9 but a poor excuse, would LM pare ),0w long a letter was I would give ; VOi, a WOrd 'of cheerand if Mr. Editor didn't .nw. u I wo,,ld not or firi I'd hv mv ' to'v(m anvhow. L am very much in hopes i.pr tVfm imn soon and often. Miimie dear, you musttake care of tbe thous and and one thoughts that are wafted to your til on n tain home, even if they are not all in tended tor you, alone: "Hilda," I know would be obliged and so would I. But I very much fear me, that ' Hilda" has forgotten her promise to St. Ledger, or if she has not, she is very slow in fuinllhi2 it. Where art ' thowataying to long, oh ! most beautiful one ? And wherefore is not thy voice heard in the pleasant Social Circle? If you tarry much longer I shall believe tlrat you are like the majority of your sisters and only make pro mises to break them ; ami this 1 would not readily believe of yen. To anv and all who inav have any inclina- j ti(n8 to enter "Our Social Circle" we cordiab j v invite t0 jom U8 rjtn Pest wishes for ; " u An(i aii t rfmam Yours Ever. St. Ledger. Thb PIMM, Sept. 17, 18G0. To the "Social Circle." As one's moods generally reflect their sur rounSingsr we will donhTJess have fhe "spice of life," in our communications. We have tlfrtiglrtea tWaroma of genius, Ml from ..Tttem" we hayeread. from "The , an; intehsity of pteasure1; , tfee fiol of all . ' r . ,he Vg. lancuaffe that l(rWA rii ,. on the oaes of Ufand natnr,J which are imperceptible to less, etherealijed jj&ed serifteSi . - .- , : . . j . j The Pines," too, are full of prophecies and inspiration, their 'everlasting psalm,' 0(inep sou ikean old famijiar.etrain, , ftnd jn an itfabt winsome way, lure us f yghcr.' :eadmire,oiigiiaiity too, one who I dajalo select his owp way, in this stereo- i tvnkA. aae. deserves a meed of uraise nndue to 1 mnst men. And it is to be regretted thateo ' manY 0f our fellow mortals, imbued with as- pifajioris for something nobler, and have ' within, a solemn, high-enthroned assurance. thai theirs mignt oe aoesuny aoov.e meuio- erity. yet allow themselves to be trammelled - ; he oircu instances and event, which are in compatible "with "the dignity of our natures to be much influenced. I mean established cus- turns. &o Of Pilgrim," and his journeyings, j hope to hear oft'ne a grand soul speaks tiirougn nis writings, ana asuonmepr yuege - "to labor to benefit the great brotherhood man." Flower, when once strewn along roan." Flower when pnee strewn along our life' pathway, cause us instinctively to cry, encode! encore!! j And shall we not more frequently hear front that far gorgeous laud of "the Magnolias," of fragrant winds, gh'd orange ilooma, and deep myrue shades, Angus; the it soine of is"prop06itroa were adopted, doubtless the condkiotf ef the "Cir cle" woujd be ameliorated, while the interest in our eontnbutiooa- would be, decmedjy, much enhanced. .' I We do not quite endorse Angus' idea of Friendship, we deem it no "myth What is u; theme full worthy, angels lyre, The silv'ry chain that nations bind, Whilf gods, approving, blandly smile, At cliprds. so pui-e. and so refined. Elecrtic curr'nt, vibrating hearts, Giviufi the pulse a warmer heat, Mr Flashing a language. Tram the eye, Wheit genial hearts, then glances meet. A raiabow, arching, oer life's way. A.bencon's gleam, ifl starless night A halo, circling o'er our brow. Wheel Hope's fair visions take their flight. 'Tis niusic itrembling o'er our souls, Whert '-farewells"" crush their cordant tone, Responsive echo, while we roam ' - And mjuriirtly breathe, all, all alone. We prasume the ."Social Circle" will re- gard the harf, Willie Ware, an acquLsitioni i mi cordially welcome him to their number. We hoj'to bear from-him often. The clack striking a late hour reminds me it is tkuefto say, Bon Soir. Lix.nette. AtheriHe, $-jt. 8, ijSGO. 1'. S. tinee writing the above, the E;qtdes came to land, in which we observe cotumu- nications from Mary L. and Angus. .We cannot close without a remark with regard to Angus contrnmuon. mist we are picasau I with some ot li is sentiments, so elegantly nonrs oi trial ana uai Kness. Are mere nor; behests top, that demand tbeisance, bringing into our obedience and insignificance and "inspirea wmaigs. an individual may ne I eminently moral and have a prominent idea jt iiiii ,wiiini n iinr-o j.it.ic; j 1 1 iv iv vxzi r 13 not pervasive and efheient. The loftiest im pulse of wjhich 11 n regenerated nature is capa- i ble, 1 fallible. ' Social influences, and espe cially tht which results from recorded thought, is replete with issues of no small magnitude. Words are not nvere airv phan toms, ideiils, evanescent as a dream. They may exist while empires fall and nations pass away, and! cause the earth to bloom in Eden loveliness orwitheT by theirtouch. Life was given us for a noble pur-pose,. we are informed b-v an '"tuitive perception ! bv an intuitive perception, which Deity im Parts ' vl s ri?ht ior us to do ar,d no effort is too great, no amuiuon 10 aspiring, in an action, wliic'h is right for us to gift with the ajipropriailon f tiirid and talent, and to make . nL ...i . i - L.. i. . tei eci. Niio-e uiu a n we (iauve 11 is. m impart to iothera soniething of the grandeur that perviileshi-s (our) capacious soul, should auarti weal .his utterance, for the, slightest aberratiorf from correct principles, the frivo V ! . . , ., - . pr lind lous use oi terms, which have been appropr ated for serious purposes, may warp the m of ! 1 1 1 1 1 , i r i iiM 1 riiinoiiKlv. As marvellous things have been realized y the victims of others thought and utter - nee, ae the Kemus of Greek Trasedv asso- -.- ' ance. us tfi ciated with the Sphinx of (Ed i pus. It is duty to assert truth, and with the magnanimity and heroism, of true genius maintain it.. 3ly postscript lias gone tar into extreme ength, yet we hope - our friends of the 'S. C 1 will pardon any deviation codea. h ; . frofii established LlNKETTE. The Hammer. The hammer is-the aniversal emblem of mechanics. With it are ajikfed lorged the sworn of contention, and th plough share of peaceful agriculture,, the press of the free, and the shackle of the slave The elorjuence of the forum has moved the armies of Greece and Rome to a thousand battle fields, but thecloquenee of the hammer has covered .those fields with 'viotory or defeat. The inspira tion of song has kindled up high hopes and noble aspirations in the bosom of bravo knights and gentle dames, but the inspiration of the hammer . hja strewn tfce field with tattere'heim and shield", decided not onlv the. fate cf chivah-idcombat.bnUhefa crowns and Kingdoms. I he forging of thunder bolts was astiribed bv the was a powerful Weapon, bdependeirt of the blade wiiich it formed, Wnny stout scull was broken through tho cap fevJrfibw of Vulcan's weapon. Tue armies qf tho Crescent would have sub dued Rympa tn the -sway of Moham med, but oote plains of France their progrei was arrested, and the brav one simple warrior who sawed 0hristen- , I dOm from the swaj of the Mossnrman 'ty'as: named 'the hammer. Jlow sim ple, hovf aj)m,epr'a4te, how grand ;'the hammer.' f ho hammer is tho savior and bafwfil-1 of "Ohristervdem. The hammeetshetveaith of nation. By it are forgethtbe -ponderous engine twd the tiny needle. It ia an instiament oihe pavago ad the civilized; Itsmaer ry .clink points out the abode of indus try i tis a domestic iliUy, presiding over the grandoor of the most wealthy r- . .- I, ,"'t ' "it L-it-;. .-J ambitions, as wen aa ino numue snu imDOviEJrished.' Not a Stick is shaped, floats; rir Carriage rolls, a wheel spin, -rra. a nnxn or.A-.w viol sines, a spade delves, or a flag waves without a hnmmer. Without tbe ham we mer citihuatioa would he unknown, i: k. ni,nniT.n j and thet human species only nadefenee 1 tost orutcs, uuu mraimui of ted by wisaom, It is an lmsnumem ! power,of greatness: and true gkry. ! power,.ot reatness;anU true glory - where ambrosial vities hansr thair ametlrvs W '- m" , uncer- ( tine-clusters, a shield from a tropical sn.- , . au Wo rW- to of hh life amir the hhrdshins and Nri-' ther saw hef Dass the r never t Some inemt of the "Social Circle" wiU, trfim ZZuSr&vL 1 vations of th frontier". - ',M ant nrton th war4 erstand i we hope commence, a "war oCwords" with - a cirtri 5 &ZZa 'Jee-riisalem! can'n what on iwSthLee was -almost di . i U' . . t - T . 3B .1 II LSI III V .1 ill I U III. I II.SI..1III f-S 111 I' II IM1 II i " - - - - t . . I y w . . . v v . w ' IK 1 -. HlViVHV " v mtm-mv n ....... i r if t v A "Woman's Bravery. before or since. Nor. Was it ordered by an overuling Trovidence that man alrino oViriiilrl Toa" 1iTa nor! in the deeds -j a.nimmortalitv. Woman ntknt,a w ;ivl.i ii ithe graces that adorn her sex, .and keenlv sensitive of their charanters. were among those whose courage and devotion often turned aside an impen-1 ding blow, or. saved from threateped ruin. The horrors and almost impos- aihl nipltifxs that ww-p Ptmeiea liv: the Inrttann unon the linafFendirwr l whites, have filled volumes, and will f furnish matter for thousands yet to be written. In the small town in which was situ-1 All V11V U L1MI X U U 1 WiV11 T U I bU ated Fort Henry, in Ohio county, Vir-! gmia, there lived at the time of .which we write, a voung gkl, named Eliza- : bethZane. She was a centle crea-! ture, whose life had hitherto flowed on ., in rhfi unohnntrinrr murine of tWa r-nn- : ditinn irito Tvhich she was born Save the not unfrequent depredations of the Indian, there was little transpiring: to develope a mind that needed some- thing uncommon to quicken to b$l$c tion. At last, however. . Eluaheth loved. There had come to the Foi t, one in command of its forces, a young nfficpr ivhn b'nrl hotoinr. nttarlip.l to Miss Zane, from the first moment that ; 1P hpi(.(i Ur .iizaoetn listcned to him with eager attention as he told of the dangers that had beset the first years of his career as a soldier, while he was but a boy, and as she hung with pity upon his words, she like Desdemona drank of. the deep wateas which iie hid thereafter in the heart One nft.eT4ir.rm when released from hisJ AnUr A,UlTT b inA ;n;nA a 1 rambled somewhat further than ordi - norir fun f ii ontirnlv nnf n-T cinrrif nf the I I U i V , UIILLl - II v i 1 V-l V UUU I OlgllK i V I v Fort. So wrapped were they in the pleasure attendant upon this secret j ' eommnnion of the heart., that, thev did I . J not observe either how fast the time was speeding, or how far they had wandered from their home.' The ac customed ear of Qaptain Lee, how evr, soon caught the sound of a steal - thy tread that fell guardedly amid tho underbrush through which they were passing. He drew her closer to his breast and whispered, 'List ! do you hear that footfall J' -The girl paused, and bent her ear to catch the sound, but without avail I hear nothing,' she answered, save the rustle of the leaves, and the mur - iner of the distant waterfall. If you think otherwise, let us return. i - v . Mlist . again that souml ! 1 cannot i be mistaken. There is a 'red-skin ' x.a 1:1 tr ,M.;et ifir us ' he renlied. 111,111 1.1 o IU. It il U. II J 111UOU MV 1 cautious, or wa may be surprised. ' How wrong of me to bring you thus ong 01 me to bring you thus r.r A-nm thu T7,vrr P,t win . 11.1 111 ... 1' 11 1 , . U . . LI L u t ' 1 1 1 V. ra;e 0ur steps and happily may es-' 1 , . f , jl e&Ve tne Otceot tne enemy, icnva, ; in 1 x l j til 111 v -L- u l -i u t n v 11 111 w scout, 1 warrant me, who has been ; sent by his people to examine our I tlr Ha will firnl r.bat. wa are fully prepared for them. If we can only reach the Fort We are safe.' . H. o,aonnor smnl ah nrl mm. ed to pass stealthily over the path they had come, still pressing tne agitate girl in his embrace, than a heavy dark body was precipitated against them with such a momentum as to throw them both to the ground. . Lee was the first to rise and grapple with their foA whn rrovAd tr, hA a tJl minlur e k rpu auu ui tuc iuca. iiucnowa-aiw-iTnij to be a deadly ene, they both saW that. roft wa a. mun-nf little frum and his agility alone made np for the-superior strength of his antagonist. With des peration they fought, neither having """ ' aft' opportunity to use a weaport, m - aaH TiAa ha! lAffc his awnird rd ami fire - lni -t thA hA: of -Km irttoiMW. -so i . aV,.,Vi . K uu to draw the tomahawk that wa rest ; hie b0if nf wartimim FIaaW raed the battle Unfil the brfmy whn- hd hut fimr rpfurned to-cr?h- sciousness.approaChedtftecoTribatantP, seized the hatchet of the Indian, and buried it in his head. One cotfyve . i inp timps shnrt v anrprinr to t i n'J uju bwjcu iuc eruti 'o:riun imi t. y v, jiiuihu shudder, a wild- shriek in the lasuor- '7 ""Zif" ..w'Ww' tal.acoary, and; he felt back to the the stoclcadea. Ibelmhans- R;?v- . earth a corpse As soorvas od'. VMr- xeeever k strength, they again eUr-! an W the TP ted for the Fort8 rr.e 'We must make' the best of -our'! UimA.' Ha HrirAd. 4pke we mav aain v .inrt u ai1 a 1 on a n ro r m,, Fort. Yon u.J wt J.rrrr. nAt wt a,, 1 mT, ht'A tn nrotent. J 7 as the savages shall M expended . ..p. . rr-f nnftfihi.iiB.leMit he, he exehwmed wih , pt you. So soon t discover the death ef one of their nura Ko i,a rr-,T wi fn revenge They will undoubtedly at 'How unfortunate that we should1 have wanderedso. Ir., vNofso. iiee interranted. as he hur- f uio au. 4ha ,,nWiCn t n.ti, artAr i.iof fhA wnnld nw uiu uiuicuyi i vuo yuwov haehen emucldened and attempted - ' y thev wdi now be forced to I -. " . Let them come on, we can maintain . .- .1.: j r onr garrison again v- -., , pi fm r 5 - I hey now reacneo. tfte Viuage,.anu found that the people were in a gfato of considerable' alapta, at tlieii 3':') tracteU abi-cee. Xht,v mere. stAHt'C: sed Wrc df wTfrsr settlors fn the place, a shirdy, bold prtnejrnrffn- tiev you ana tne gH n : ne ao- 'OTL103 are almost waxy about jm. ; irnataeain: ei 1 aian t ntmne j red-skins hed'tou sure ! Lixay:lcf a hean scart. what'a.bin themattefr Lee-brifly related the oecurrefifes 01 the past hour. e. . t i 'Brave gal!' Continued the pionef-r, . '?e jife :meetfv.r Jcr- JSr MftllL JI0'tf'--v ' '' Of coursie Lizzy b!u?hed. r 'I mor'n pected suthin had triiis- piretl. . . 'v AS drcw Lee aside and .said in hw-.- et l0e8 Jou Kn,ow WP nincn 01 Tie Jpizen Inguns to s'pose they'll rest pnt- witn.one aeatn. 1 ve been .on " - - ye-.WrH MM I tLe trail of 8ne of them varmintsi ttr j lue lilsl weeK an; . certain sr ap tneJ e ftgut- Lep .re 4 &uoft IS in7 impression; PM "an(1 consequently wc lia v.e "ut "ttJe tllllC lett tor .preparation. 1 inust return to the fori, and pi-Qnire I mJ command for the -impending tr$jg-1 ' Sle- Yon ha(1 blter inform theo-'f Ple ef their danger, and advise tirlm once t0 seek shelter in the to$t-: ade r "' $ i kFU do rt cap'n, arid raise all pvovender around the place. It'Mvhe a Beige of so me dnPution. T&r stl i j dth to my old-head if I don't dtgup to Lee and the brave girl. Affhifl 10 snqut some o waeso pizen surpirjs. I owe em a grudge tor stealing mare last fall. 'They jest pulled do , n the pickets whar she was browsin . tpted her off afore daylight- Xee accompanied his intend edfto - Tier father's house, when, after bid& them "-come to the fort without de' He repairea to DiS Charge, anTt ic&g before the last oerson from the vilUizc ' was wrthin the' walls, he was readTo meet the foe. U At en rl v. iT.n wn the nfivt rlat7 t! , J 7 arose upon the air a wild cry irotti a hundred tUXOatS, Which Startled irlrerl thrnnta "wriieh airtlerl Hll I .1 il.. 1. -VL-. Iuun ine garrison, nerving tne on ve ! and intimidating the wfe-rrhe s v- ages were upon them, Lee and jie pioneer stood at a point ' from wh,pli 1 thcy could observe tho motions of he enemy. They saw at once tnat cue Indians who were running' from hoifse in. . 1 ?i ' to house, with tomahawks in ujfl, were terribly disappointed in bej thus cheated of their prey. At I'.jst the voice of tlieir chief called thGn&d council, i JDut a. few momenta. pAsmlJ tlus when they again seperated. ! 1111 e a"er l"VIU ru!suT W 1 . . i i i . ..a n . . .yi-L i an(t Gery house a taint streaif ol?'np jr. I then a denser smoke, and - at i 1 i , n . ut ' . i ltiey have nrea every nonsem-: , tO'wn, insatiate WretChCS : CXCiaiR td I . . f "L. . . ; e , j 'larnal death - ' . ' 1 ' j V 7Ci I pioneer replied, 'ei tnatamtso. liO m 4 1 X . ' . ... i cabin is the only place safe ysx. seejhe chief himself is about to & , , ., Wl 1'v tuc mj numwic . : C-ome ord ritle ! once more to your au- ty. Death to the red skm. 1 ile rais tlie P4606 t0 1118 snouir, Ia skarP ehck' and a speeding bpfe I The incendiary threwthe brand WM i m the air and fell dead at the porf. .. " "w "f 7 -".i . - i as fle i. t: vt ui ii. jjviiuiincu xrj ilia uuciiib V" POn. - w irf. , - The4actics of the beeeigers wjre now changed. As soon as their ct-jef tell, a still wnaer snout renucae i air. They formed into file,. and i y - . , , , . I one UJ - Pff' the TOOst demoniac 0 j and brandishing tlieir weapons to w-ds the fort. 'Now then comes the work, t lo -i.. ! T iTiaWa. UUUi "vy "1B" 1 "a! Uil ' messenger carry death to some ... t 'aKh tad dew, wbw Horrw ; On thev came to the attiokbuth'- j m-. m - flw.;- u w - 1 ef fW "dvariowr were, ther refill- sea oy tne steaay arm wen uirec.-K ' g:l!tat hand within J; Thus pass the whole-of the day,t in-' til night sajna-aad -prevented Jk'fcfr action. All that could ho done ; by i Lee and his axy . Jaa ft TOgr --recommence. ' the sam;e'iatal effect. ia airecimrr ine men i . lu ulu LUtil' luc - rof, efl we are lot, our only.cpe - 1 ,a wf wan, vi.-..- -- r I She pioneef approached at the forcrot in mv haste a keff of VArri ."TO ... . i- -W munftton that is stored nnder.thefiiioT - ing of my cabin. That is the, ,;nly do. i house left standing. We musr. iiir w . i T r.'t mm. cg vi no ov- a t ' v, . t JNO i liee repuea. ion navejfpu , , -j-A -fnrt i.ti nmiit . r - rW ..v -.- ns to dispense with ' jrm. -'8oflMlM 7 i lie itiirst make the dange Who shall it be ! f me Mi Zam; wiored nnietly away, and ore-the leaders haddeeided upon the gate, and hnrry in front of them. stracted at the teme- nty ot His Oetrotued. -lie -etretenJMl out his arms towards her, and onW : ;tome dick i f or neaven s Base return ot you are lost. a-T Still the brave girl pressed on and reached the cabin. Just as she disap- peared within the low door, the sava ges caught the first sight of her figure. Lee in an almost frenzy rashed down from his post, and flew after her. -The pioneer -reCaining his Belf-comm&nd caileti to the soldiers-r j 'Up here -every one of yoa ! Ae them sarpmts approach the cabin let every man select his target and fire plum into his heart. One false shot and she. is Jost. . Steady men each cover an InjuB !' The wild crew were bow darting foxward- a simultaneous report rang from the muskets, every shot telling with fatal -precision . The enemy hal ted for a moment. By thi time Lee had. reached the cabin, and Heeting MissJSane at the door relieved her other harden. This sight again gave a mad energy, to the Indians. They pressed forward" and were .again, met - with the deadly bullets. One of their number, however, bad been slightly wtjunded, and erethe pionee or ,hia niurtv pereeived him, had drawn close weapon was -poised in the air for Us fatal mission, the quick eye of the old hunter marked him, and soon guided the leaden, death to his heart, but even aa he .fell the tomahawk flew from his i hand. Fortunately Lee had at that moment' interposed his person an.4 re ceived the weapon into his' shoulder, cutnng ana crusning inrougn nesn I and bone. ' So Imminent had bemthe 1 peril to Miss Zane, that some w her long tresses, .borne hack upon his arm by the breeze, were severed from her iTcad arid buried in his wound. - The ammunition thus secured ena bled the whites to drive back and en tirely defeat the Indians not, how ever,' until bjut a few of all their sav age host Were left alive, and to the bravery of this noble girl was doe the salvation of all within the fort'. That well a ve drawn nofarfcy sketch, the annals of her native State Will at test, ae will also many an honored des cendant of the brave Lee and his no ble wife, i "Pure Pleasure. Religion is rich trith glad irifluen- M for it-iaa prihciple infiniterf va- fiarv ir ni'iiciitoc nvor t iuv f miirpnr. tilii if kiimon lif . anil flanAiAfift ; and,hallows them all. Religion for bids folly, forbids excess, foifbids and empty, fHvolodfi living--and jjrfio wish es to live so ' Religro bidai us have a time for all things, and wisely live for a .higher and purer destiny than any of nils earth. It bids us not to be profane, or indolent, or licentious, or wasteful. Who wishes to be so ? But it does not, stop us from one true joy. It forbids not one innocent amusement. Look up at the sky. Is not an expression of cheerfulness and toy tfiere blended with purigf i Look upon the earth is nlt nature ,giad jf Has aet liod dimplea the vai- eyik lTiXo iles and" thrown sun light i over the water, and crowned the hills rT. . i . . o T. i iia. - lii. with rejoicing i it is true me nas many and grave duties different spheres in life hate different measures of duty and the true conscience must always consult circumstances--without and the great law within ; hut pleas ure, amusement-- Religion for bids them not it gives them a more genuine and delightful ministry than anything else "r.' . "" ... . cam. tint not only this, is sows witnm- us the seeds ot an undying $oy tlrai, fails not when outward means -ot xt1tnn:na9mr .faMhtm. .mmtl anhate g sbeddine abroad a boy serenity in 1 . .1 . !rj - . - l i trie neari, imparting a. cauu iu- rpe to the hrow. It is a principle,-eif -truth, and thereore h allows us aoth- - that is trea'cherfjw-Tand wrongs, ut an.that makes happy and grateful tajpi rotorior atfthundaTrt - measore.. - It. reveals ew-soarees ot l)appni3 Itoiales the spire, of rass and the sfarteutiful miniate.rs of de- Vl&L AndJaUink that'we must tociW5y c Re erf real source" &f enjoyment, every - , t Tir tileasaiit thina. it sanctions, and , onrivAa n rinlv of the evil and even "for this it tar more tnaa rejwnr- tne Destows enduring peace of nriiaV It i I T 1 1 . nnafiv 14 all llALCl uuv vr - - - - ! nt hack . .. f ili-Li. it. . ter clostenne deceits, dui u iiguw me . pale cold face with a smue m awn. et Nothing that is lawful now, will he of ' 1 r.7l irl.nn TTiMi lAin thu c.hurcti. - luuwniui uu , v iTffrt trnA nlA.asure will be less a pieas- r ;7Lm ho AnAr5 and more - me men, v "r- - - ' beneficial it