u T r 6- 5- . T 1 THE' EXPRESS, I : . " :'"V. 1 n TJIRMS. OF jApVEETISINQ.; PUBLISHED WEEKLY "-J--;-.- ' Ortfr "Dbllaf A square for the first week, anl Tfe-fiveCent3 fbrevr we4k?. thereafter Sixfea lijfes W' less will Iftake a 8qaare?- J?edu6on8 ' made- in favor- of . standing mat ter as follow: v I E. . DBAKK. W. r. DRAKE. EUGENE B.: DRAKE SON, 3 afo . 6 nos. k 11 r. Editors aPrpprietors. ! k ' ... 'j, TERMS OF TUB PATER, 1 A, Family 3STewspxper Devoted to 3Politi.es, A-grictalture, anuf actrir&s, Commerce "Cticl.Mid Oaefiquarc, :. i. ; Wlienjltre4KrBS are , ubt giyen ixovfMto" to. insert an.Adrcitiseflisptr it hUl publiefe- Vol III. Statesville, N. C, Friday, November 2, I860, No. 4f3. $2 a Year, in Advance. nliLQrilere4 put. .m.-i Mw Hi . - i.;vS ..,.!,. .r;?:tt t.v.V ; M : ,.'... iv r -v r sr -v r i. r jm. s s. n. 1 eliaiieotis Tleadingil - t 1. ir i i 3 I BUSINESS CARDS: rj r . ' 1 z 1 HAS taken Rooms in life Sifhon'ton IIusc wJiere lie M iLt be pleased to-, wait on all who d-aire-hia Sfrvicea; . , . , ui rl6;16tf . t - Dr.' II. KELLY, For the Iredell Elpreu. .-r" 'Lights and Shadows . i !' . . " i , . . , ' .. WUcp qui way 1 atrk, aud wwy io. the lopely hour "of nigiit, . vc ;; ' 4n3 aMM8 our pathway drearygleami tjbe igbtiiiniV , : , flaihipg liglit, " ' . ."l"," ' ., Yt dotzles and btwildtrs Witb its gorgeim, Ufndlti grarf As it lireKks upon tb tchses lito a (tanbeam in 'midctoj! It betrays the id4 eprwul tandscape with a boltfj iionrtDg Offers llirirofetioDal Services tO the.pilMio. Dut, 'receding, WnViu tnhlnitht vulWy, stream, woeMll. Uiuce , on yoiiuge Arenue, opposite the v anduwer; " Methodist Oliureh, StatesvilleJ K. G. , ' Dnrkn- 'drearier bow tbn ever 4o w grapoalong cior wy,t " 1 i -1-1.4" ..-iJ. ' r Ijiat innlti.lT lnt and utni t ltd ; lonir we fif rutiirrjlnB' DR. T. J. WITHERSPOON. ; W - r r we ionitiiuci wander weary, misantbropic, sad and Vmc; '' ' ' ' All aruund us bright eyes fliishiiig, Dot a glance to seek ottr owu Tired oflife, auU fiuru witb sighing orer joyi pnee ours bnt fled, - '- .' ' . :- "' 1 . Jdang we for a friendly greetinir, or a once fiimtliar txend. Wiiile tke jtfwt, witb lyugtlieaed sbaduws, .thus is busy , witb our lieart, Sudden hope lights Up our pathway, some hew joy to being statu; Wooing us with soft carerjutf, charming us with guilosome . way, .. And we 1it with liuinan weiiknras words of iraise. Fteetint; hoars are bat as moments; wetts are shortened While We thus, eutrancud, bewiVdfred, bask lji,.)leaMuru Sutiuui r rays ; . Snhinier rayst Ah. yw! too' truly summer rays" 'tis rigbt- ' 1y named, . i'leasures ftit5ngas the vuutmer. supcunibs to cold, wiu- torscUitn, For, while wu trust, with sweet abandon, clijmls conio. i fto-.itrc irp our uri ; . -...-. Punw tiling uew attracts tiur 1 rharins, some new pleasure tottuwou: . , . , ...' . - 03 the lUAt ofelii'lled afr.--tioii, oh: tle. darkueus of .tluit. H'r . When Ibe hcitrt lies prone and bleeding like soe' toui I . desertud flower. . .!' ' P. C. CAHTONs ."T iTtsrrctE, X. C, Oct. 21, 1900.- - I : , . r f ; j-v we cry out : 0 life t thy name is vanity and sorrow, thy storms at noon are many, and thine evening is clouded with remorse, Js this lif&-r-is.this the portion of all ? Not of all ; but of hiin ho-spend his youth in idleness, dissipation Aad pleasure!; hia, man hood in , struggling after the? ricliea of the Lworld, and makes gold hb Qod, and at. last Lis .brougH-down to the, grave without cpnifort and' without hope- ; " " - -4 , TTAVIXO locateJ nivself in th Town of !TliUi, JLL Taylorsvillc,4 J-offcr my Profe-ssimal Vr-fices-tQ the siirroti ruling- public. . T. J. WiTHKU.l'OOK, M. I). . January ,27, 'GO 8:Iv ' -' ''.; ' ' ' ; J:Sj.:1 . . '..: IT A WCV Ti A VIS : ATmftXZY-AT-LAiy, .'s'TXTs'yi'LLir, C, ' t ill promptly and "flUjcfttly attenJ to all iiuslneMt entnwted i his cre. - - ... i Jlhocr oppoaiti the Jail. . Oct 22, f58. k & 1 1 o ttte j)' a t -.ILato , Salisbury, N. C. WILL 'I'ractice ami tuake pronipt" ol!ec: lions in Itowan. Jtatily, Iredell'' and .Oata'wv ha Counties. Office ?n th.e corner -of Cow . an'a Buildi'hw opposite' the-; Bookstore.' , J Juue2, m ; -2y:tf x cunitv iellnneous DUDLEY GRAHAM. BY ilOLME MYRTLE . My heart aches .for , thee, Robert Harwood; and yet4 who shall say that in that hour pure wings of unseen an gels did not hover over thee, . helping thee to bear thy great .grief . - i-'Ohi Robert, Robert how can I bear it v . . , ,The tdne was full ; of. -passionate ivretchednesa. Hobert HarwoodlaDked down pityingly in the face of Jeanette sMayburn,- - r . . ,..-.' 'Oh, Dudley, Dudley ! how coultLI think you would ever be false tome ?' moanetl- thet girl, gazing down at the' paper that contained a notice of his i marriage. ! - ! - ' J ennie, my poor darling V were the ! words that came with such mournful trrt . ' i tenderness from the lips of Robert W hat a pretty Tr m , . : narwooa. ioo weu tie Knew me pain oJC loving juilovegty and he soothed her tenderly ,"ds a rnotheroothes a grieved child. . .. 4 - - i The sunset tinged wi th crimson, dyes the faces of tlie two that sit all uncon scious of its glery- each suffering -the 'pudley .Graham ! name:' The sneaker-was a young girl about fifteen years of.age. Very pret ty she. looked,, with the glittering fin gers of the 1 sunshine resting in . her curls j and the spring breezes kissing the crimson of her dimpled cheeks. , k 'I . . 1 1 . rtll VM,f li , V. ' i . 1 1 s I to the nnmeanine , i j ' ' .1 1 1 same pant? lovvtiq and being unloved to tne unmeaning continued, addressing a youth, who ! . n . -r y Af i 4 1 , ' . - ! j 'And yet Jennie Maybum- thou wer ?-v i i' - z. j i loved by one of -the most noble natures ;'ltQU.kuow Im not good at word , AVA nnt 4 WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL' ( '. DUALGR IW : ' Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Ollsy Dy Stuffs, llruslies, ' -. ;&c, &;, &c, Salisbury, JV C Jan. 1, 185U ,-ly ' " "?lrAAvTt)RAK: COMMISSION MERCHANT, , -Ko13 iSr. Loitls Street,, JlOltll.C, AI4. Jan. 21, 1809. 7-tf . .For the IredbU Express. Lines. -', " Mrs. J. A. Vannoy, FASHION ABLE DllluSS , Statesville, X. C. lli.wiv-ii moiitlilv Llio FiL-iioli. KnEliah and A nieriiVn Fashion."., j Sii'(i! IV J. SHELLY t MAN'UF.tCTURKU OF . ,0 . rr z ' T ' f rv -r 't JJK 'iy 1 '.A.'? , TiioM svilLe, n. a . ,!; . wt.LV.' i' !U 1. Wholesale Orders for Shoes by the quantity, pronipuy . w.,.i,.i to. J ;: mrW54 Our Country heeds no mora Uie motred line, PaV (leuiusj now, alas! alas ! iu vain, t-( Pours forth his eagle strain; . - Ven, now, tfie brilliant bard, of song divine, Is burled to Disappointment's shade.; -: ' Hi thtmshls, with grandeur all arrayed, . To benefit mankind, :, ,., To 'rouse the patriot mind, Are deemed' the genaof some wild, frenzied -brain, lili-uls, born in fancy's burning rcigu. . . f , Pire Party sways his potent, with'ring wand, And uuuu who boasts himself a deliii-god, Quails 'neath the scepter roil, . And "round his standard, cron-ds. In phalanx stand iVoc ujeagre Jierd 1 yout worthtesi doein, The patriot's burning thought, I ween, . Hir wait, there'll -'" lwr. Wheu jiu, will own their pow'r, Lihe traitor cow'r beneath their searchiHg Raw, And dazzled, jucauly shrink, from glory's i'laze. r Awake auce more, ye patriot heroes all; Ye of ti school of Wubster, and greid Clay, .t ltecho still their lay, , ; And rtse rh slaves of Party'rf hop- s, L pII: ' In true c jnsenratism arra-ed, . o T The sU-oflg aUrt bi'ae are, ne'er didiuayed; .. , An4 Uenius yet my bring, beneath h&J rtigle' wing, , Tho,floating aiUlions, ovanweent forms, That trvmbluAt Oie rightning aud the storm-. SHEtur, Oct.,13, 13C0. , . ... f atl F. SC&BR, -t . - CHARLOTTE, N. C. WINDOW GLASS, &C, AT;'W 1I.0LES A LE See advertisement hi anpiher plaee. , August 10, l'. , . i HENDERS3N i. ENNISS, -Wholesale and, Retail Dealer .in DRUGS we; WriUm for 4e Jredcil rxpve. ' Life Its t Changes and Realities. rtflfpIM,& j 5y;q Paints, Colors,1 Varnishes, Brushes, Win- dow Olassi Putty, Dye Stuifej &c. linseed. Lamp, tnd. Mciner4lO(l, Kewtenie - (Ml and lUintf'Hl F'Uapaofvcry dxicelptlun, :Vej'nur ,ml,..T)i.dct. ; ' GARDEN SEEDS, . a CLOVER ATsI GRASS SEEDS : ' T'lTRE WINE55 AND'LlQtrORS, for ' , v Medicinal Purposes, ' ' VI N KSKARS, TOBACCO, f . s iMsnuniriv. c: " Vhit islife? How often has tlie question been ake"d how often Ti'as It been answered: and yet we iuow'not what it Ls. Some poor luclaMcholy nuwtsvW tif ed of the ares of the world, atid who ooks .otdy on theshdy side of tilings, denounce, it .a a chitner.t,.ft tfect iog ehow, a Jelueive faaoyf and longfor the caUii repose o.f the gray,- But another poa whom fortune has -fclred her sweetest mUes-t- who has t'4i nothing but thtf joys; and. pleas ures of the ' ;orid, and. kJrinkmg dep 9f .itife iiwf thtnka not pf. thearesand paio,that aieio come, . proclaims, it -a paradise, A land of sunny joys, and bclieved;jjts pleasures will iast foToer. . Ala ,! lowteach aye.deludejl fTntye these two cluiractcrs pompose Ue huruan race,, .... ..-,': V" To day -wc behoULahiid boomirig.wh health and full of Jiappinefia; playing aaioh the aowcrsj raiabling througlr ihe groye4r eporimg beside the rippijug brookilappinj ia. hands with", dpjigh and; as..w.rsee hib merry face, we are constrained to say ; i) life " thy. name , is happiness and hope thy daye are bright and thy flowers are sweet. .. .Afew years roll away ad.,we befioU. Uiru .ayouUj, walking' xvitli her who rir&t; torched the ten.- der chords of love , in lua heart, and, as. He woos her beneath the pale rays Of a iidsunv portraits but 1 11 bring him up this evening,' returned the. youth,!, moving off.. " - rfil i 4Vill you, Robert ; -Oh ! you dear, good-boy !'. arid she entered a" little sate' that led to the p'fetty brown cot- tage where sne uvea. - iiqoert nar wood was nineteen 'years old, and surely goodness and intellect were nev er more united in one person than in turn. Jennie Alayburri tripped lightly to tne nouse wun-aer. young nyari iuji of Dudley' Graham 1 but, Robert Haf- wbod ihovedslovly down the maiti -sti eet of the little village and thought of Jennie, blue-eyed Jennie Maybum. 'I mlame, he,murmured. 4bhQ can never love tne, but Dudley Graham, with his handsome form and boundttig step, can win what all my life I've ens-ed tor. He will not prize the rich treasure, but I, oh,', and the boy ended the sentence with a mute prayer for strength. As only Such natures can 16ve, Robert loved Jeanette Maybum, and she saw. it not, prized it not. Ah: manv a sweet cuo of hanniness is held . . 1 to our hp?, and we cast it aside; as un worthy :while other draughts Vd quaff eg . eagerly, finding tog late the; bitter and gall at the bottom. Andnow 1 11 ii J e T...U-.n-i " was tall and graceful ; his eyes .were dark, 'splendor haunting,' eyes .that were shadowed by short jetty clusters of curls. He had a merry off-hand way tttatf Was- Vetv-fas'cinatmfri and--yet; there was nfttobility of heart or mind in his comnoruion brilliant, fascina ting, unprincipled, are the, three words that describe-him. - - - Robert liar wood saw with pain the growing intimacy " between Jeanette Mavburn and Dudly:. Graham"; , but whenever be-.attemptea io cueK. she'd say Pshaw 1 Robert, yon'.r4 jeal- 0h, my Father, 1 1 thank thee ! Oh, : ntrvy mercy ujffji meoancWean-J ettejTHarwodilnllhat nojuftre, re prpachfullyj -before- fcerihe f.Ufodong devotion of Robert, f her husband, and' she realizedlthatnefiffeitioTi for Dud ley Graham had -be?n- a passion a mad inflation and that she felt t Hit love for'horgleir tagj Rohert Har wood, ,t.-;'r v L. iZf Jennte-did not take jip the paper a gkfrr" until late in the evening. Then the first words she read itruck aTchill. of terror' toiler" heart, Explosion'of Ihe'steairier Show(&fdr' Roberl7Cqd written- i hat he would cvnie htrrheHn that boat. ;Yith a . stiighty effort she re"ad thjejisof ther,deaA was the na)n'e't4Np4 i!on?' loud slnek"pieedthe twilfgHt air, and Jeanette Harwood fell senseless to the floor. A Severe illness-followed. But pod .was inerciful. ? Slowly she came baek to5 life", arid hope5andhap- piness to find it a cruel mistake. Rob art liar wood .was living- to bediappy in her love. B nounced asAbpliiioniats rruheariiid ; It his temind fcyjEhati Comn;tee Khich ho li vCng hlan. hbwe ver fil'tile luay'tiaveoeenv nis mauce ani jn yu- who wa ne ver yet seyUueea.oj .qier.- I. v , . j y r . i -r v-. ' S T'k "of . tbuTse ; in : the juffujent M in? ekinrjage committee, nmst mas crofic.OYernoiQf that State.'J-AL Jipso,vfXeuckyj,v6u tediatc3, Lawler of Alabama. Jvlan- j iTgjaAeDcneTf9i atortr. va.wns& l raesentQxeinpr f.thpL'eratoryl Hew mexicdv aunointed.bVMrs JBuclv anan , with, the advice and . consent of a Democratic Senate, Jj&epperdr Stabr aet er x. 4:ennesseajiaterro, y nor woodl, oC Kentucky. Vslunfilon,.f occasiopai questions ot Qraer,. ine.r-fi51arYland. -wnite: ajid bherrodVut any raiseaa soon aiier i redtf oin duty oy tnq .Brniiefi orlcn of no wer. ii. a 'dodifec1 pjf 'veslpoh it . that ever existed, and thou did'st not prize that which would have made thy life a joy and .a perfection. . .. . 'Jennie, Jennie, you won't break your heart for Dudley Graham, will you ?' Robert Harwood leaned anxi ously forward for her answer, rr--, . 'Rreak ray heart for him ? I guess I won't V said -the girl, springing to her feet; and a flash of proud determina tion came out from her eyes and crim soned her check?, while her lips curved scornfully; yet they trembled, and tears glittered in her proud eyes.- She had a tvona'ns heart, and it ached with the burial of her great lovei A. moment she stood with the light of the autumn skies bathing her in purple glory- then she covered her faee with her hands and sobbed out all her pride i in tears. . - 'Jennie, Jennie, little darling, my heart aches for you.' The tones Were full of compassion ; and Jeanette Mayburrit must have felt it, for she, said, . wijlia voice full of sorrowful gratitude, . . 'My brother Robert.' Her companion winced and shrank farther from her. It was always, broth ery he thought, as if to remind him he silence of somc.inomentsnd thenliob ert Harwood said, in a low tone that seemed.as if every word was some por " . , -J.rWI. WOODWARD ? "T ftiU'rit-his Old Stand, -n Broad Street, 1 few doomilOast of Uc lbHc 4uai-e, where he w prepared -,lfci; ; , 5 , x To. Do All Kinds Work : foruverlv done at the; EaiablUhmen,t, .All Repairing done oii shot t '.Hotif e, and in a workmanlike maimer.' "' Interest cjargea in Accoutds after lit Januarr.1 e Feb. 27. ! ' ,. - '-13-tf ous : i ana men (i,piuuu) uomiui uucu woiild sween over tEevbrow oi tli boy, and his heart would give great cries of anguish, though his lips told no tale nf'hat as nassltiir within But there were" times when 'tlj vqiceles starliglit. heard:fhe fearntfi fe'nderness'pf .his tones, -as they spQkeane.waras.i miu; night dreams, 'Jenniedarling Jennie!' Robert; yonve alwaya balled me kittle sister,' haven't you V J j Thfi voun tr 'face was radiant with the - .7 O - . lio-ht of a erreat happiness. - Yes, tittle sister' -repeated Robert Harwood," smoothing her curls. ! 'Well, if I'm your sifter, I ought to tell you everything, oughtn't I T Jen nie1 MaVbarn asked, nestling closer to: still twisting her. cui'hi and thinking how very nappy ij; Jvonld make him if she'd onltell him one thing--that she lovet him' - . ' y 'Well, hide your eyes, Robert, till I tAll vnii.'-the.nrettv pinL fingers were pressed, tight over lvis eyes, and Jen ' .. .. ' lino voofnfl orr'tmst. KlS nie s ci.llllJSUl1 ''p0 '"' t" ' . Mr. and whisDered -'I'm engaged Ro- nieV's. moon; widi gentle tale of the.deep u J)udley Graham. Xhe .pale passion jn' his breast, and as We see their death.: overspread' the face "lot eves beaming wun loveauu nitrii wo LpxkAPf 1 1 arwood. . . ana- teanus , uy hands down fiercely, fromdiis eyes, he gazed with a wild stare ot muteanguisn Into her blushing faee. Don't Robert. What ftils voa What makes youiooit at tneo?'Hnd alarm took the place of DEMOCRATIC MISREP RESENTATIONS. Early ni the cariipaign the Rational Executive Committee of the Constitu tional Union party isiiied o , the -peo-pte'bf the United States a full . and truthful record of Mr. Be's. course ip Congress upon the slavery question. It was prepared with perfect Tairpes, ahtt Tepresented the man, as he realj ly is, a cbrisistent, firm frien'4 oftlve South, under the Constitution, asking for heevery thing, which she was rlght-j tully entitled o claim under that con stitution, aud opposing- every project of agitation for the sake of agitation, even when presented in the guise of specious bribes to , the South. No statement in it has been or can be truthfully controverted ; for those who issued it felt that they had a right eous cause to maintain, which could only be supported by truth ; and that those who falsify in great matters of political history, would not hesitate to act falsely in tlie affairs of private life, under a sufScient prospect of Dcf sonal advantage. There was subsequently issued by the Executive Committee of thejbreck inridge wing of the. Democratic party, as a Breckinridge and Lane campaign document, a pamphlet, entitled "The Bell'and Edward Everett, purpbtr iner to civo. a history of Mr. Bali s course in Congress upon this exciting tion of. his heart being breathed out i question, and- which boLdly-cnarges -r .. -i- 1 1.1 J. . ' - .i s':?"i rJ-tJi A 'Jennie, u i were not ,iamev wum huu at one time witn Deisg uie uieim, vou love me. Would you be my wife.?' snnriorter. and can'JBda.teSbt:Abolition- J r 1 J Ul. . ri , -.1 --i-J'i. , :Jeanette Mayourn swirieu uaun, uu lSts an(1 again wun -nre-eauiig ieu; looked Avith mute surprise on the-pale dencies in his support of extreme Sot fae beside her. ioenstiereaiizep, now ttiern measures.- And- as n 10- gtve noble nature poured out its love tor countenance to these general charges,' her. we. find a detailed reference to a large 'Oh, Robert,' she murmured, 'I m number of votes castny Mr. Bell since' not worthy of vou "- 18S5. which are set forth, with rerer- 'Jennie, I know vou-cannot love me ence t0 pag;e and volume, as suDstan- as you have loved Dudley, uranam , t:ating these. accusations.;, i but he has proved himself unworthy of SUch . would bo made. was patn r. . -V 19 'ill 1 W - . . - , vou. You cannot link your lite .wun rally- to b a expected by-all .whoiiave his; 'and if you'll be my Wile, I 11 try noticed the method pursued tor., yejirs to'make you happy. . ...J pasUyitto,JJ The beautiful eyes ot Konert nar- clipg the rrpsidentiai contests..,! n wootl were ftiU of hopefub tenderness pty Ayhich had..denauDced ,Henry qo hA hont. nvnr toran answer. j.t was er the' iAeetinr of "the House.. A niember' such as:Mf. Bel has eyer beeP paving: -mipli-cify of business rpr'lv(i. Acoiiinls before- tpe pftt.iV"k -f fly occasiohaTly'jje absent without 1 fcur- ring such contemptible cepsuresM'. These. charges are so preposterous that a .reflectingorsweU-inQred would dismiss them without ithQiJit, tnd they could only deceive the irpor: ant or those who are blessed. wit' un bounded credulity., ; -,' examination dfyhia puDlicaS'on, prei)red with the most pfirfect'lpeli t with the records at hand ante.Vr ery reference- given, wjll remove the last excuse' oAhe; designing for aileQ'tc- ing t6 helieve these feckless anqMicu culous. assertions, .M - iv . . -The firstrjoiht of- censure, rnlhis Bf eclcinridge, and Lane pamplil, is Mr..Bers vote on the;,i8trDejm-ber,-1835,, against a motion.' to lat 9n the 'table,; without reading -or fer ence.'a petition s for'' the" abolitioi-i of slavery Irj . the Dtsfrlit of Cojhib '.The Speake)T(Ja;s."lC. PpIkjHec pe that under :thp 4qth Rule o l.fetse? the, petition should fie oVer one j jay, "Mr; Bell;' (Who nafbeerTtliii i-aTof Mr 'Folk for' the eakehip at that session J l 'tatejipprt fed of Speaker 4deisi6n,:anl ipoJgKl that- the petition had "better lie"mer orie day,' frahd on the nexToy ofnefi ing the House cbultt rejeol' jt or fyf it on thefablev' 'A'lOng deVate Djued iri which many Southcrp membrsliar ticipated. Am on x q thefts,' fttr. ?! ''an-. cia Thomal ' 6fv MarylSjfid; T1s a Democratic Governor,) said: Lam prepared to v6lerfor the reception of the petition and ot aiiotne-rs otafnm- Har charatter'ahd' am ready; tofote against laying therrf W the tabie&c. ( Coii g- G 1 obe ist Sess. , 24th ; Ci g. , firmative 95, negative 121. Of se voting in the affirmsttvei 72 werejlrom the forth: Uri Bell nd the fv itirr tirtuffaii Southerners votedioith liaras of Kentuckjir. Williams M K"orth Carolina and jirith .these the EiorwCaleb Cushipg. . fCong Gl?Ve asi; ocas. 1 tv vog. pr t K.Inie.day.;afteFt4Ws ,t,9 suspend' tVe7ruif8, idr. oixniMat tbn ofTyirginiaVi billed up :a notiop, previously made, by hjiflowcecojisider the, yobj".which;a" petition. &reJthe abolitionof.slavery In ttictDistrict sMts referred to the G'ommittee for the Diir triet-of Gelumlna, a'nd tr'speaking ito the matron told; Tharjhe roTe which hadust been takeii jigainst-.suspepd-ing the rnlefor the; irirpasa:of f fak ing up tlie. resolutions oftWed- byh gentleman ( rom J9ebrgrrMrv: OVcns mirst.havs convinced tlife' House',- and especially those lgentleme fro-tb eowthiwhohadToted for-' laying the former -petition on the tabby, f nconkttf " tentlf toith their rote tm'Frids,f iast upon Ae tame proposition,. of the-u-iUity,ofarty such tcheixe as had been pfopesed for- procuring a direct Tote of. the Hopse upon the principles m volved.in the petitions that had been offered,' and wonW contmue.to be-t . feretaying th'a abolition oi slavery in .tlia- District of Colombia. Those with whom-I felt fl.ndi-acte.d cm this question gave this apparent inconsis tent y6te nnder the ieliefthats there would be na.-difBculty in suspending the rujles tct take .p the- propSosttiooAC th gentlema'a : .f rom.rGeorgia. They so calculated an d' were deceived or Vthtak&ri.hlh$& flo-cennderice- ia sueh 2alculationamivWa8 not ftnistak ep :.ThattVote lia1 further deiwnatra ted that it is idle ta attempt' to .ayoid this j shbjeot by any; parliamentary, manoeuvre, and 'that the only wayo obtaining. a directarote upon the great and interesting questions - embraced, by them is, J5y rhaking a rpropositioa 4 pre&entpg Ithe "questiontgrowrngvout of the petitions in connection with the ti-'auonavaa caie of the tsixtip-fi.v$ ntlxiii trious Southerners wno-voteif onawa question with Mi-Bell, and Adams, Slade CGo., .: - - - ' . This .motion of .Mrj Patton to recoa V J n.Xorrx, ft- f3rt in- trveneftfaver -wder.was.maae.on mezjetoi Ashle Boaldin.i Buncnr J; CaihOrt berV 1835, and. was fellowed by a long Campberl, -Carter,' Chambers, ..lat debate. On the 23d the-roterwaa-ta irviffoft. .Alpa ; Corrrior.- Bwtim- ken onrthis eaeticn. a.ixi-it was earned ,nUr.. FkrPtPtv? U. Garlind. 1 hvrveaai 148 ; -.nays, 61. .Mr. VBeil GlaioclciOrahamVJrantiand,ri with-aaargerinaoMty ofthe bonthef a P&Atfc memheras -who. with . him? had uadeT- Carolina,- Arw Harrison, najsesv stooo: tnaamercaxsi w o,--HolseyJ Hbpkin Ji JacksbnOpn' sustained thJlt Trnw&TX)tf ler, Luke Lea, eyalLye1l.1d4ttlly several SonUiernimeniberanoiWUtt rM.v AtAn PViinia!Motaa5 them iboiiGalfdjlshioffreDfeied MrKaV f North Carolina,- Moim! the-CrrB of iraaa,-Wb-4 vrni;Wnii R cMirt hfrWimu r fotedl ainsirihe jaqlktt -Mat u - Auwn a Pt r on of Vi r in k. 3t&t AVT ton, rtb "S ec01lalder i Oong. Vtfeoe? Peareeof Maryland f PettigTaff i snef estpafiO -r-f filav. and WiafielC Scot.t, and .Zaqh some moments ere 'Jennie repHedj and arY,Tiiylor, and Millard .Eillmore .as taithiul to; tne, truin, ,wwuu alike un hardly , withhold . similar, slanders a-. ainst John Bell, thougu ne was Dora nd has always lived in the South dur- iiifr his' long life, , has been, honored 1 and4rusted by ner sons, ana aiuiougn the 'wora.viy his whole property isinvesteajngjaveif Jeanette May'; h'n3 land tilled . hv,slavewrabbr'' It is theri she Raid - 4I love you ony as a brother ; out spon are ffooa. ana true, anu uvuie. ... . T :n tll try to make you-nappy x win u Vour wite. rvooert narwouu j .... . . i- From fluiverinfr ups wentup, xnruugn the autumn tivihght, Fnthpri I thank thee burn heard them."Then she murmured; lieved that,' the people, V accustomed. in'trne-lfulhHity, - " 16 promulgation of suCJh nde-r. RnWf. Knhert. I'm not wortny oi AvLir-h arp tinilormlv witnarawn ixer: . t y-t , . . -i n : v ' r t '111 T. trw i you. rrav uoa to maKe me su. tpe canvass is. over, j ku ""i',1- despise and reject iaem, . . t , . . . , a North Cirolinaf Bailey 'Peytejf'of s&X refereneeio thyitt'lt- Sotitli - Carclina," 15anRol0nV pamphjet,'ieeaase tfenugUt bamiil Roet9fSeutirOadirfahrtoA erftdantongvliia ifideUty. totk Standefer; Steele rTaliafefre-of il otmaMaUg Ut iqu mmix tfm ghriav vP-fi TootBas- of fvl afyUhd , &en;gf i the wrtpjlerM H 1 Thvnaon of iSotitfi-Gatiolin'Wirliits" - QtaaWF th lB3SMJanM Washing ton,J Whftr,1aiid 4IenTl om Wise of Yirgitirai(P.7 Iff JtttioivWT T :trfafbiinhelbIeotheetit ling witb joys and future hopes then we say. O life! thy name; is love and beauty thy joys are f allf-thy- looka jucw 1 1 fair-thy feel ings "Mtre and holy. , : And again -ve behold .him a teian,sitttrg PRE I btiUK his desk, his booksand .Aioirteriyrn oargnietit otilKe i fa'ce.of Jeanette (.AtL u;m .Tf has settled iirjotit tfiS U ,- -' - ' " ' " ! r ' ".. uciuicikuii - . - - r. jjiayuurn. - - i cheeks', hia'herTes are shattered Ay toMMd , , X hoUowlaugh broke f labor; his mind i filled with thought Cfgai j J. of Robert Harwood, i r oltr it .lull nnrl lieai'V. - " . . , v ' 'ar--T 1' from the white as be -said: ATxr flfirlinrr tn-tf darlinf? I WaS fhe only answer that a heart full to over' i "r - ' - , V. t nowmg cuuiugivt5. The starlight ' filled the path where the' purple sunset lia:d trod, ere they parted one to dream of love, and joy and Jennie" Maybum the " other 'to moan, passionately, Dudley, Dudley; would I had died ere thi?." '" Ah T .Teaniette' Maybum, could. thf heart have grasped what it yearned fdf; then," indeed;' might despair TjjVe browned tht 'Soul with darkness. .Odd irn a rrrforl to lliee. Jennie, ' but thod flitsf. not. 'It was a''spnrtg niofnjng when the trpptt were full of song-birds,' anoM-he violets full of sunbeams. Jennie laY; K.tw wao .Tpnnifi Marwooa now, ana The Subficrihcr having been appointed Agent of th' " ' '' ' tiimiii luMinmnr rnmnlHs liiu I UALunourtAnbc bgiitrnn i . i , Of Charlotte, ; - W ill receive and ; forward Applicatrons for Insurance-; against jlqss' and Damage by Fire, on th prineiples iOf Abe Company ? . t..-i '?. The Company ia dug a proaperooa bua-ness. Ko call baa ever yet baen aa.adej,fbii aniu- i ui...' 7 . .hi. r i.-' i . , 1 1 rpoxilE PlJBLifi taketlnfh? X vod of informingaU requlrins Literary aid that 1 will be'rlentjed toj revise IS. and rre pare It for publication, afnf wilt write Essaya,' Tales,' Sketches, Lines fat 'AlbumsrObitua? rieal 'poenw 'ort eeryubject; a ad Letierk: The utmost secrecy maintained. Address - - :.. s WILLI E,W ARE, . . .; A'ug. 31, 18G0. 39:tf. . BrUytCY;. . BLANKS FOftSAL$BB&s ana .01 iiw".""1 - ---j -' 1 vLi6ok at yon so : jook. uj.w.j hie if n;me iOHmerKyufrigHteh ' - .1... Vm I - - ' Rut as the means of refuting them, rtU Is sh near at liand. and our friends. may desire to see the facts collated in an accessiDie loxm. we uevotoy v" AKrflf t.a nn.rt.ion of our Columns ., VKivr-t- r"J ' r Tii.i.i'ri:; The cbargea in. tceJLirecivuiuuge, pamphlet consist ; nrstvoi. censurtB 01 Mr Kp. tor votes saia lO.-uavt; uecu orivri h v him-unfriendly to the South; second, ot votes not, cnargea dpr.idedlv .obnoxious to. censure-m themselves, but ..worthy -91- .. t jnsp iriven in bad comDany-Tas Ad v--- 0 -----. , ,r , ams, Slade & Co.; and, tnira, cUj?ni4 nhspnnp. or aeelect to vote pn . various occasiops ,yhen,.the ..interests, 01 me South were involved himy as if trttth ifcar? anwrinessthyeoLiaarcd-rt .rTne girl nestled closer to th wtn'da are nnee'and- briaft S. bofc. n4 jiLin nf tlm tru buraiug; iqamewsiiuwwr' dn her mind, and she would-tain comr ofdeatdeaoWJ feeble anOIta gjj - .JS : ; haiis-whitend for th grav, tmiendea mv little sister, Robert an- hare pteireidF urroWa An his ef fr cldTmechariiCal tdnerbnt nw iqougHi .i .--j ' - , over his soul surgea Wild wavea.w, tcm Ai oecaip. Jj- -MttiOMbL ,nerhaDSfbei AHf-i,rirTi,rfc.ifvTl ;on throosh all "lilt I Vu'"' y -" - s- fi ViSW.PiHTft"fi(fhreftfin.-- 'Good the 'wio gs oT five years had swepUver her since we'last saw net.. 'V pnder itttoperi won v ue nyiuv vr day'?',she,8id,"as' she picked 'ip the morning paper. A moment her eyes wandered to' the spring-flowerets and ir mpniffl vision- TOse a face thatfn vears eotie bv was shrined m the most sacred chamber of her heart bv-sone davs of vOOth. hie life ih' rie1fJheAsee3 'ihl WMfl anmngeftOwAW lnduiirins in tar-iijML.i.H3"1TV7? ,.ArkWo,'.w:Wf?r 5rr;Ber;iui nine Sotithe Aerstirrf in tne TlZTwu, live ; B9uidi6f irgiwaBjme; of 7 Tennessee, ampbeU o.Sontn.fo- Ytof Una',. Jehn. ChainberiBf JCentky Johrt AdamsnmiVed- W lay;thi. Claiborne, Connoi, Dunlapet,a.;eirnes resolution xn nerya.vw wuicu w seerR. Garland of J.ouisian Oass- gatiVed-i-Mn;BelVvotmg4 with all thT 'cock of jGeorzi, Jrahainr. 'Graf son, SoutheTrvwabbit sixteeHj MAM Griffia of South: Carolina, JaiH. negativeAgaia-,-aftT a lengatseaav Uammotidlptitnvaroiinafpnir ton-rjxviii myCr. soaf Lojaisianawi oi AJftbr fatien"fthertabhbh' motie -tra Ufa,.- offjCffijjem iUntm, "8Ti,1n3:-5S MUUgaB, JjLrJ$;U ney, of South Carolnm .lleed PmperPettrgre,w,bf .U.iC reSelionjwrrurg-FarTi iraneisiAV. PickeiisURtbtef lnLr.Wis4 twfendtaenW there We have taken up, every w vote tlM triticised, UlliW that ;it .'fia't:rrtWri frin. -fX' eiiTl'6ok H- litarytYirgittiay bietds TenuetSeeanit ?4 en in the pamphlet, thit tneiTrff clas of Votes referred to were rer;.ywfes siich as 'became abuthern statesman, and sucK'al s'h1)sebent'e1cperiet6 shown were 'the wis egt under 'the clf defer, of Ieanes6eyy: son of Sonlb.Carolma-;White;): tuckv. iIenry,JW AVise-4ogeier with; the, ilpni; Caleb. Cufthiijg, the- re-. dent of 4 Jhe Breciftridge andlape: OACjiing AJonvento-. VW1 -a faP-thatven now caused a regretful' sfghthe face ,df -Dudl&y- knbSr Rober't JstieTie'st jriattitf :he worlds If I'cbuld only' lorehun is J cdmstances; tna.t on every, cwwwu A wt;;.ti Kp ha Kftefi eh'arked' with' ...t r.-7- ivrr-r-i : 'i? T:s-iniis vntinrr in 'Daa couiuau , aj 3 . . it. . ; .1 tond assocrate wiiu,n"jpvvfi Iffn rrnihea Southern slTatelmeri, who 'fe .tiUJhe'j.intawl'Ma''P tiontipoin , tbtiubjeeto select Com initteewitkin3trilctions to report ttjafc Congress-pos.ese jjoronstitatiotiaV w aulWitYiiteUtteryeDe, in any way. with tJihslittioVi fLalavfei7iajjay ef.lba -States pf.th(s-Co9federacTr'and finds hiaiseit. lying AthelplesDl worofcot JJV. jnlessl j lintel thin fit,: ib htt Ten 4rTreir itittot. Hovr,8oorrthe-a 7,cfcft.(.14LLi- vuutv - w-- r o travetwivxaax oon . Ttr I- leVe of Difdle Graham, trials and twablea Of the world? "H Trteh9 V Y J .u . Ii ,o c"rr' B.T TT. . .. ,rIV i. w.a.tbA Urao r f t. 1 t:L 1. -i''.-ii trjWfJXfifS.r Trprleaned heSvi j gniriies oeiween conrorvnu 1 -r- A, ' -'! T . T f 1 - A. A z 1 ri Kairo tnod. and maflT oi .wnom 511111 flnrf1iii1he ronl'orenc'etr their irU UQ, UV IUC oomyj her folio wing, -to resolution to, lay ter. r;Tha TBotwin; waa. wsrart ; if. crr,cl,;nr- uc utiu m 5 - o . - , H fl At- nP Iresenb .uoTiTtswu ent or decitnea .ia- nw.vi-ix.uw,;, "-rrv r JZ , .' . . - W lit filth jHkmi-40L..rt'- v thaU'r4tHe.-4wntonot-.,tiut uouse, The third V0U?m enable f him Ao5er . -' 'I r TTinftb on!tha table, trlthent itoppl.f (Uegerousto theIJmo irjbrig oual was an. aecojint, ov.a nravert-AS a?wue-iirarer anuu.r7iauo I vole on any JBparwnimeaaureju.y.-i"--------- ; The ctorecs'made agamst ir. ueii, U these action,, aHt'o- ! "i."f5.5ME WS Brecl.nrid.e n.mphl, U1?ef-- nliriT,l!iii!imeaoe3 not 01 ivenvuci.v, o'6?viL, -e--- t t .k.i:,u i.5t5An. lire thus :Mtrr3 ;W ilieT namea ol Hardin Kentucky,. Harlaa,wnn. crenco Jlr;7fii nttoru iSutlngSsl y ' V