V ' ... i - - . " " i- v "2 - ' , ' TEEIE opADTEirrisiNa. , One Dollae eqvtinfor the first wek and Twnty-jBTe CeateJr erary.week thereafter iztpearlmeai. or less will make, a,eqnare Deductions made ia ikvor of standing- mat ter as follows ;i - - l.j) EUGENE B. DRAKE SON, 3 kos. " C iros; : I tK ar. Editors and, Proprietors. "Oneqnarfe, .$3.50 . "$5.5H J STO TvJ sqnfurea,: : 7.00' T-ft 10.( , !4iX) Wlren "directldnf!1 noreive?nh,oW flln -8 .''.: t v' : " V - . $2 a Yearin Advance. Statesville, N: C, Fridays November;-186Q. , t6 Insert tin A3Vertrse"meT)t,J It wiU teputliisS- ewntil ordered oiif." i 1 .A. Familv ISTewsbaDer Devoted to Toiitir. A m-irnHnT laur''iLMt' -Tv-rffSr?Wr-xi n i Vol- l :c i- Statesvme, N: C. Friday NovmnberRBO - H; ) l! l-1 BUSINESS CAEDS. '1 s HAS'takn' "ReomB in the Simonton House wljc-re .TiM iU be pleased to wait on all who !lesire hif St-n ices. '( ii)rl0:15tf : ' Dr. rIlT KEIiLY " i Offer) his profi'ssioiial Pttrvices to the puMic. 'V (JMice on Ooltege Avenue, ofposite thf Methodis Church, Sfcrtcsville, N. C. R.TT WITH ERSPOON. - TTAVING Ideated mvelf in the Town of .11 Tuvlorsville, 1 oft'eriny Ptofaxlonul Ser fietif to the surrotunlinjr )tihlic. J , . t. J. wiTiKUsrooN, r. i. ".iauurtry 7, '(V) H:r Social ffitrcu To the "Social Circle." IIAYNE ii AVIS, A7TOT;XEV-Ar-LAW, . - STATJ:S ILLK, N. C," Will promptlyj and diligently attend to all lni.iiie.s entrusted U Itrcure. ; Ollice opiosite the Jail. Oct. 22, '". . M. C. LORD, attorn ci) at 1L a b) , New York, Oct. 31st, 18G0. lliyht Honorable Circle :- You niay want to know who we are being bashful, we blu&li! as we eter your midst, and we call upon "St. ijedger", to sustain us in our overwhelming predicament heni--wiio we are ? a being cf tfesh and Mood mourning over- departed ."Brains" awaiting t o b e considered .the "playthtfir" of the jojle Not fame, baipop yhtnij. Now friends we ak, will you extend the ."right. ha ml of fellowship", to a deserted 'Bachelor"; who has collapsed in conse quence of his outbursts before a public tribu nal? Don't all encore at once. But grant us a quiet entree, -in some shady corner, with a su-nny smile, beamingfrom a pair of bright j j blue eyes, as .a reward of our just merit which ly the way, no one has ever been able to discover ! ! .'Yes "St. Ledger," wc invst believe thai niany things, are hidden from the eyes; thy .(.presence by distance Jias been lost in obscuri- ty, while we are left to mourn, alas ! desolate, j Hut as Tom Moore says, "We could beliap- , pv with "eitlier-were Mother dear .charmer a-! iway"- "'MINUTES V , - v OP THE THirty-jSTirtli Session THE - . i- . -- : ., . OF r - i m m mm m r a i.ti: CONVENED AT ' . i WILKES COUNTY, N. . ' On Saturday before the 4th Lor.d's-Day in September, I860, ; - ' 1 n o m m 9. ,. . , . geat anxiety among thd -people: for- preaching,- and they 'pl-o- PatTffiiRomansjT'chaplerVpist Verse Being jastified ppse'at pneof thejpJnJtsMclr I;bcCupied t6:feaktraWyaiti fATe also observe hat fq for jne ii JCcould retarn." to-that Md . anotb ax. I re&ea SdlSpSik?2fa4tl consisting only an af historicai knowled, r.Donie8ticJMfib8,1 5?,' K' .--,t - 'f thtf sufferings oH orrst, and his .-. resurrectioatfrom the dfcad? " I RespectfuHy submmrtted, ... ' 5V G, JJROWN. ,ojr yiua'a':itht Ghri6r?''human-'nattrre)'-and'htN' Ihereasurer.fai .for ng,secfices, and' Ve-V n1ai 'cultids, aie tof fecWe t66rforhl o6dTvorks,!t6? call signed. :Thek"A:ssociatibTi tendered Mm their thanks fot'Lre Set? iOod, to be patieniiii:nffefings, io love tiy gor toJe Vices - and on niojion, "appointed JA..Majtin, treasurer who trund diligent hijf awful rcajljag, .to e.ofietjient-io, Crpc('Ai . received, the balance of the Missionary fund, 72 cents. . Then t.p pautiouslv avoid pery evil-lust Such noble and truly good raised by subscription.S32 ; and re-elected WvGl, Brownj Mis- worts" cannot be do vithout the help of ChrisVs : he himself sioriarry to labor in the same field occupied by-him last year. says 'John,. J.5" chap 5-tbr verse J "Withotitrne '-yefcatr ?6 vi0-t .14 On' motion, considered the Queries frxun' Swan Greek r lliiog": -'Faith Ia,4liJi0rd 3 em. Chris'is 'also Jkhl proper ctf 1st. Is the 18th-of Matthew, applicable to. offenceseMrinyf ,ht Ans. r No. smner to Jesus, jis, t,h only dehyerer from ihe . wrathrta come ; so,' when the J ailorjfevinced a - concern for his Boul, by crvimtf called Public Offences for instances drunkenness ? . Adjourned to early candleligbting. M oauauut, .n- j- i., n1L. v.lii.-vortisi.cr.Ai1.il)!ii.? WILTM'ractice and make prompt collee- And we'll endorse the warble of the "Lin- jiette" by our own sentiments, all homely tho' it be. . ' - Tin' lnxiuirs uf I'rii'uil-iliip, what :Mi tlu'V ? livpit fill HIII'll'H of a frw ''. Ah ! no tli'-y arw K iiiii'lliini; "n-iitiT, I TiijV ilwx'll ill the R'hmI nn.l the true. . A I.' I'ddiu of tlmiseht ami (if U'L-ling, I I,s'ctiv f time :t nI ita i', Ah ! Wwm- urc tin- liixuiirrt uf Trii'inlMiip, ,, Which iv:ik in .111 lmncst faco. Yi n tu-i ious. uy or silent, ,1k the mooj what e'er it Like t!ie nun they are all the richer, 1 may. For ch:ihiiiilark cIimkU away Vho then wxhhl he iionin! Iv a Htand irl Ah ilei-ree.1 by the '-niii.ln ill hate. T.i talk nt a friend, in 11 tnrp-t Fur fear of the p.nVer-i of fHtp. Ah! Yes tlniv"K 11 luxury in fii"ii. It-hip W-liieh tile pnn-i an.1 tbn true ever lei l, A luxury that lie in revialinK T tions in'Kowan. Stanly. Iredell and Cataw ba Counties. Ortice in the corner of Cow an's Buihlinr oposite the Book Store. June 2 T.U. : H'.Mf I "H WiY ATT, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL Drugs, Medicines, lalii1s, Oils, Bye!Biufll's,nriis5ics, Window C;iassi, Varnish, Ah-C!, &.c9 Saliscuuv, N. C. .Tan'. 1, 18.V.) "-ly JAS. T. DHAKE, . . COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 13 St. L0V.JS. SrnF.F.T, Jan.'il, 1S.'I. T-tf Mrs. J.;A. Vannoy, Ah ' who thiin .iitd doubt for a moment That frienildhiii i-i only a name, To iir iuik' the weak iiml miwiiry ; j By her tinkling belU of fiuiie The luxuries of fi ieiiiUhiji arb jiumerom, A those who have f it them well know Tho' maiiy may still ak what are they? For want of n ti 11 fi li-ml to show. FASHION ABLE DllESS v ' MAKE: H, , 7 - Statesville, IV. C leceive monthly the, Kivneh, Knglirfli aiid Ainei'iean Fashions. ou:'t)!ly yarcwell we 'go -for want of time; Ti iiulite another line JHit 1i!Vr" w-' po we ct-nit g prf'tinar l'v) the Urothers and Sisters of onr Meeting A Hid all we ask is a " retreating.'' Yourd Truly, . -Faxcv Fuel. J . SHELL Y, MANUFACTUHKIt OF rill ' .hi -.it! ( (''1 tti' . r I ( ? CM' :) . s TiioM asyiliLe, n. c. Which he sell a Wholesale . . ( I nl e fnr Shoes by the quantity promptly atten'ded to. mrlf'fiO:l.r)-.l,v ' ex. ' CHARLOTTE, N. 0 iri If-' hH"PTif7e ? & C WLXDOW GLASS, at wiioliam:: i See advertisement in another place. 1 Angut lllrU'i. j- ; lv " MMnm EMISS, ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers m fEtscelhmeous Over-Dressing. j UNION, September 22xe1SG0. t 1. Met at the Arbor. Ii. H.Pauks preached the Intro ductory Sermon, from P&altn 8 : 4. ' Theme, Unman Depravi- ty- : .. ; "! ' ,; 7 .' - . 2." The Delegates from the Churches met in the House and were called to order by S. D. Swaim, Moderator of last year,' by si . ging and prayer. -. ' 3. The letters frpnv the Churches, called for by the Modera tor; letters from 20 Churches Avere received, read, and the names of the Delegates enrolled. 4. On v motion, proceeded to elect a -Moderator and Clerk-1 appointed W. G. Brown and J. II. Jo .ve?, Tellers : Elected S. D. Swaim, Moderator, arid James A. MAitTix,.(7eWr. 5. On motion,.' invited Corresponding Messengers to' seats with us : present, from Yadkin Association, Elders W. G. Brown, F. II Jones, E. Martin, and J. Davis ; from Jefjerson Association, Elders Jac Dlevins and J. B. Vah. Bro. Tames Elevens, being present, was invited and accepted a scat wjthus, as a transient L;iy-Brotlier. ' r ' ; " ' ' G. . On motion, invited transient Ministers to seats witlt us J. N. llayncs accepted. 7. On motion, appointed B. Windsor, B. F. Johnson, and J. P. Adams, a Committee on Finance, to report on Monday. 8. On motion, appointed W. .Garner, Vv' F. Adams, M. L. Stephenson, J. Bowles and W. Byrd, Avith the Moderator and (Jlerk, a Committee of Arrangement to report on Monday. Corresponding Messengers requested to sit with said Committee. 0.. On motion, appointed A. Smith, A- Parks and J. Temple- ton, with the Delegates of Union Church, a Committee on Re ligious Exercises; who appointed F. II. Jones,' J. B. Van and W, G. Bro.wn, to preach on Lord's-Day. 10. On motion, appointed W. II. Paidue, T. Foster, J. G. Sloan, T. Howell and R. II. Parks, a Committee on resolutions. ii. un motion, called tor the Lncular-Lietter, and reterreu the same to the Committee of Arrancement ; Adjourned tb Monday, 9 o'clock. Benediction by the Moderator. -.1. T. II. Jones, commenced the Services and preached fcom Exodus, 82: 20, Theme, Importance of Decision -of Character. Second, J. B. Van preached from 1st Timothy 1:11, Theme, The Glory of the( Gospel. . A complete success, o. . G. , Met according to-adjournment. ;- 2d. - What-then is tbeJaw.for bringing tivem befprb' the Church ?J AnS. "We advise the Chnrches composing this Association, to withdraw from every Brother that walketh disorderly,-and as authority for such 1 procedure, we-refer them to the following Scriptures -: Rom. 16 : it," 18; GaC5 :, 19,' 20, 21 ; 1 Con 5 11 ; 2 Thes: 8 ; 6 tol7 ; ;Titus 3 : 9, 10, 11. Which law, we chink I sufficieijtly explicit' for the safety and Ajell-being of the Churches of Christ. - , Query from Hock Creek : Is foot:jvashing a Scriptural' or dinance, to be connected with the Sacrament a9 practised by the Baptist? :Aris., No. Query, from New Prospect : .Is it rigtit for a Church to appoint a Moderator, and act and transact busi ness, without "any ordained authority in the pales of the Ghurch ? Ans., Yes. Query frorn Lewis Church : Is it contrary to' Scripture, or to good-sound reason, where therd is a dihlcalty in a Church, for them to call a' Council of members from other sis-ter-Churches of the same faith, and order-to investigate and set tle the matter ? ' Ans.,- Yes. ' - -Adjourned to Tuesday, 8' O'clock, ' . ' Met accordn (o adjournment.. Prayer by TL 'Martin. 15. Qn: motion, the Obituaries, were read, and. ordered to be attached .to the Minutes. - - - . -" 16. On motion, appointed the Clerk to superintend the print- inf the Minutes, and have 700 copies printedr and be allowgd ,5 for his services. . i . 17. On motion, called on the Comihittee on resolutions to re port. They reported the following resolutions which were u- nanimouly adopted : ' 1. jlt'sofm, Tliat we advise the Churches composing this Association, that, in receiving members from the Campbell-ite denomination, that they receive them by Exjierienee and Jiaptisni. ' 2. fiesoh-cil, That we return our sincere and heart-felt thanks, to our highly esteemed and much-loved Brother Eld. W. F. Adams, onr former Clerk for hi.sservic.es, as he lias voluntarily ideelinea to erve us. 3. Resolved, That we tender to the Citizen of this community, and the ent-holders, the heart-felt thanks of tins Association, for tlteir liberality lniMjiet'tl fiiiiinc nf the same, ; i On motion, adjourned to the Time, and Place, ot our next Association. Prayer bv W. II. Pardue. . ' S. P. 'SWAIM, Moderator. J, A: Mart ix, Clerk: ' "what shall 1 do'toSe. saved." the Arjostle immedlatelVrenBed Believe an the Lord -Uesus' Christ. tfnd thbii shaTt be saved TUe .care pf te soit mil inilaenc the whole conduct of a;,b Hover ; he cannot lives' nt large as other men do; the fear of thet Lord is in his soul, tn'love of God is shed abroad in -his" hirt the Commandments o God are. -written npon his mind ;' si'be--1 corhes hi- aversion, iiness. nis' delight ReVigiori his elemenfj. the people , of God his . conjpahion's, and . Heaven the prize ftt which he aims. ' '.." - T ...-f-.' . Fellow Christians, ""ve have" need tO'Prayt Turn away Imt eyes from beholding jvanity-U-Iooking- to Jesus will preserve your-iriward peace, and regulate vour butwdrd walk, and thus persevering to the en d, death, shall not. separate' you from JEIi Love. But you "shall '&ee Him. for yourselves, and dwell in Ilia, presence forever! In conclusion, 1 would say to you, Obey Christ and all His Commands; and when your work is ended iefe on earth, you win 'die under the smile df your kind Maker, and in the morning of the Resurrection, you will be raised .from the grave and be brought to the , Judgementcat of Christ, and hear' the welcome approbation of the Savior ; "Come in, ye Blessed "of my Father,! inherit the Kingdom prepared for yo from the foundation pf the world." .And where we will meet' with ali the Saints, to? praise God through , a never-ending Eter nity. Amen. TI10S. FOSTER.- o a TIia nvev.d I'i'Rsi n i- of A nioricnn la- i(lies in the s tresis? sit hotels, and in Brown preached ffrom. Hob. "11 : 24, 2.5, 26, Theme, the Excel- th'e churches, is a subject of general re- lence and Wisdom of the Christian's choice. i i i i. - mark among travelers iroin aornut as vvell us sensiblt! iieoi)lo at -home thoiiiili to little Diti po-e. it would seem. as at no ieriod has the love ot' UisUi been more coiieinu m our country. A ineiicaii women are slaves to dress it is the bane of their life, av, and of the male victims, too, whose lives are eonected with theirs. Travellingtrunks, almost as lavtce as :i small house, must i .. : i ..i ,,.;, 11 ,.f .w,,.,- . cmnmoi- i-mnt to vva tori mr- rCatl Uie lei K- nlaees. and for a winter visit touchy." o. On motion, called on Corresponding Messengers to re The lathct or husband vainly remon- nnrr . Y Jordan. Jj Bowies'. W. Garner, R. II. Parks, J. Jenn- strates; flounced dresses .and crinuline j an( j privette, stated thev attended the Yadkin Associa iM,it I .-i - -i n 1 1 vi I ci M 1 ii I t hri'P lli list O ' L -i - bo a varietv. too. in the custu.aes. tipn and were cordially redeived .''Heaven save the ladies how they A. Gilreath, J. Jenhings and P. II. Johnson, stated they atten- 9 And Chemicals, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, Wih dowGlass, Putty, Dye Staffs, &c., L'-iseed, Lump, and Mnehmerii Oil, Keroxetie d and llm-hhi'i Fl'iiJi' IsiMps )f every-' description, . Perfumery taal Todct A rticle GARDEN SEEDS, V rLOVKK AN f OTCASS SEEDS, - ' l'UUK WINES AND LIQUORS, for ; Metlieinal Purpose, - FINE S1XIAPS, TOBACCO, &c, ,lc., -! SiLISlH ItY, A'. C. -l "-b- , . " i . . . '- 3Iosatlay 31oi'niiisr O o'oclock. Met according to adjournment. . Prayer by W. G. Brown. 1. Delegates' names called by the Clerk. 2. Read the Minutes of Saturday. ; 3. On motion, the Committee of Arrangement reported:. Re port received, and the Committee discharged. 4. On motion, the Constitution and Rules of Decorum, f were lette ir.ore than in sinnltle dress ? H a On motion. arinomted Corrcsbondinsr leautitul there is noneeV Of ornament; T Y-adkin Association, R. H. Parks, . ii-. l I l VVi.-t-vr VV .1 t h:1 rensi n. v c j live kiiuvvii liuuuo wwu, " 1 i l t 1 . a w'onderiui renei 111 not uaving much to wear." J. W. WOODWARD ;il'.it !,! 'stiml mi Broad street, n few doors' East of the .Public Square. I ly three score and ten. whyre Ik- is prefiared To Do All Kind of Work , , formerlv done nt the Establishment .a- 9 l - t on Agcouut after 1st Januarv. Feb. 27. , 13-tf ,Thc Subscriber laving been aiiiiointed A sent - '?" ?of the.- f i .1 ; .Charlotte MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Charlotte, VV ill receive aHd forward Applications for Insurance against Loss and Damage by Fire, on .the' principles of the Company. ! ' f ! TlieCompanj is doiug a prosperous bueness. No call has ever yet been made tor an in stalment on a premium note. E. B. BRAKE, doss!" may we well exclaim. -Why Ii j tha t(.upca Association and were kindlv received, i The t . lVA HIV VVliVi' - -. KLtssna; ik 0. t. the Hobt. a beautv -admire a Kii""C lady in full tfi- tion, all failed, andjon motion, were excused. Messengers for next W. Garner, R. W ppcll, xi. 11.. A. raraue, j. vx. vrray, aim jj have travelled throuirh the continent Tharn : to Jefferson Association, to be held with Old Landmark ' . i -. . i . 1 J ' ' ot luirope with omy a-srnul t runic to r. . b -ji nofth of Jefferson commencing on Friday be- eontain their wardrobe, and they touna o, a...A : a tehi Q n Rw.,5m W aarn. 'too lore me on oauuaiy in auusi, k.. .... er, 11. II. Parks, T Howell, W. J Chappell, !. Jordan, S. b TT1. i a TT t T : I rtrTt il I i ft5TPr IV. II. I .1 111 lit?. 1 1J U XI. I. Iivviuu , m Xjlgnieen xears xmprisuumeuii. j - - - - A very affecting' scene occurred at ston Association,' .to beheld with Union. Church, Washington the Richmond, Va., Penitentiary last county, Tenrt. commencing, FrMay before the 2nd Sabbath in baturday, many ot the guaru ana otn- Au(TUSt -186111. II. Parks, J. K. Baldwin," W. Garner, It 41.. . . 1 , - . -v . w Ai'in rn t AO re ; . er oujccis uuing i-uhu .-u, u- w nr, an(i wit Channel.: T . 1 .1. ..I. ' wv..v.., - r r 11 Was OCCasiOllLH isy w.C a..- ... nj..' . ,,.! o,. A,mra;o00 nf Tmanfft to TPtlOrt n.,aj Ifmbnn who j now ftfrpH near- I . . Viwmouon, mhcu vuuic IU"'""' W thvr-o snoro and ten.- He was re- Thev -reported' hav!in received fronV the Chiirches 36 20 eehtly convicted of the murder of his which was paid over! to the Clerk, and the Committee discharg- slave ueiore tne utrcunioun oi luets.- i lenburg county, and sentenced to the o ; AnT,n:ntp(i thA nexf Association, to be held'with the Cool- w. i-t . . : full jirronnt. of his conviction and sen fonfi lias n.lreacl v heeii nublished. Jonesville, Wilkes county, N. C , 1 i ' Up6n his arrival at the main gate, he 0, Appointed S. D. Swann to preach the lntroductory-??er trembled like an aspen leat, and ex- Garner his Alternate claimed, 'Great God sustain and help circular Letter read, received, and ordered to be attach me in tins trying nour : as ne .pas- . i u iu hA hnV ed to the Minutes. and eiacuTated, 'Forewell vain world!' 11. Appointed B. f . Johnson, to write a Circular for net OhT that 1 was blessea witn lorget- year, and cnoose nis own suujecw - fulness! 'Lord be mercitul to rne a io Qn motion, dalled on Treasurer to report., tnere was 'in great sinner!' lA son left to himself hs humh of the ne fun'd of. last year, $28 98f,'" which was divided among th Corresponding Messengers of last year, ac. cording to the-number of days each one spent. - He farther re ported there was in his hands of the Missionary fund,43. 72. Adjourned 1 hour. ; . , - OBITUARY. -- James ..Porter, died, in Wilkes County, North Carolina, in the 55th year of lu9 age ; he died suddenly, of stomach -dropsy, on the 3d day of October, 1859. He had been threatened of that sad disease, for a Jotfg time. Bro ther Porter was ordained Deacon at Rock Creek Church, March 12, 1858. But God has called him frohi his office, and hisreeat below, to a resting place, at His rig-ht-hand. Brother Porter's-last days, were his most devoted davs to the cause of Christ. ' ; lie has left a wife and eight children to inourn their loss, but they should not mount as they that-have no hape ; for blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yeasaith. the spirit that they rest from their laborsVand their works do follow tluerev ' W-m. GARNER. Whereas, the Great Creator in His All-Wise Providence, has removed from among us our beloved Brother, James Sale, in the.SGth year of his ae who was a member of Union Church, and who for the last 39 years had been a consistent member of the Church of Christ, jand served it as Deacon in the administration. of all the duties of hi? office for the last 14- t t i J I '.. L ......... . . -, , . , I'', llm a .1 i-n i . nn Ml I i i e tlizj years, ills nouse ami nean, ncrccu-i k11 lul " Great Redeemer's .cause : ... :'; 1 Resolved, therefore, That we sympathise with the bereaved Widow and Children, in their loss- Resolved, That we present a true copy of the same to the Widow and Children.. - ' ' ' ; ? syrr'3 5 ' - S3 o?' 3" c .- i 'A re H o w ri v y- 7- 3- s.- J- r -r-r '"' 9 is;;. in 'Farewell, dear Friends on earth below, My body to the tomb must go : . And with tbeXord, Ihope to be ; . Prepare for death add follow me. All I. .... ... . r ' 1 L- A So I VfP'rVri trrlfXr " SDre Chb, bW the GnM,Ro northwest from 11-lf 4- Ai:ent. r 'VTlKI'UKHC.--rta1iethismeth-. nPMtt tV,,!, nfTnt Hesnair. fwwj ai I UO 11. 11 U vm. ud. i r JL oil of informingall recunirinrr Literary aid. that I will be pleased to revise M.SS. and pre pare h for publication, -and-will write Es?ave. Tales, Sketches, Lines for Albums, Obftua-- . 1 - . . brinrrinor-his Til other to shame !' He said Ina retrospection carried him back to the days of his boyhood,, when Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress was his constant companion, and when he ar rived tit the prison house and saw the grim sentinels with their huge - musk ets and side arms, lie could not sup- Met according to adjourn men t. 13. On motion, ealled on W. G. Brown, our Missionary, to The sun rises and sets ; the. moon waxes and wanes : stars and planets ries, poems on every subject, and Letters, i keep their constant motions; the air i3iarge. aU(i attentive congregations iiieutmost secrecv maintained. Address tossed bv the winds : the waters euD .VILk1,v,ARE- and flow, to their conservation BLANKS FOR SALE HERE. lwcHihould.eYer.be in action. ithm this field, entertaining Baptist sentiments . I . also find, Labored for the Association 43 day ; preached 24 Sermons to visited 57-familie3 was v;r,riw TorAived hv the neonle amon? whom I had labored. j ! A111U1J J I 1 3 anU - , , '.,! J .' 4.! 4. ... Tin.DnnD IOUnd a vast neia pi liesiliuiiuir, yev vueit; arc uiauj -jcisii" List of Ordained Ministers with their Tost Offices. Jt.-W. Wooton, Zimmerman, .N. C. J. Holler, - . A. Redman, , New Hope, V W. Garner, Hay Meadow, . " . It. H. Parka, Eagle Mills, Y. Jordan, New Hope, , " W-..TeJder, - Huntin JCfe6l " ; S. Swakn, Jonesville, N. C W.. F. Adams, . . Brier Creek, " T. Howell, " Jonesv ille, . " W. H. Purdue, .'Elkin, H.'Clieetr, ' Hav Meadow" W. J. diappell, AVilkesborr, " A. Gilreath, " : " V r-1 M in s c .5 1- 9 3 ? , J ." . .' ti . si'X'f ill pAI9V?l ja-i a. 3 u c?i -Ui 14 5' i si j ;-rs. "s 'I Aii wAi.u i:ii - - -.rfriaaiexi K-r3 m-o--" t4 1 - - - ! l.JlK.( uoi-)U-i!'llJV H ov? i ' - t C ..' . . t. 4- (i ' ' -I I ' 1 ' '1 ' .is-ciio-rj - .i - e. I NiMh4t3w'4tij'-"f4.'.--(t;i;1 UJJi Kills s?i.ijs s si-. 5 tc : i - i-M. ;--: i!iioiinmjit' 6 H ffl r H Q I M C W W ' Licentiates witJi tJwir Post Ojjiccs- 1. Windsor, W. McDowflU E. Keed, - T.Wnght, Jv. Blwin, llay .ueaaow, Zion, N. C. Union Grove, )' -Hunting Creek, " J. N. Uaypes, Hty Meadow ,lno. Hughe, Jonesville, W. 1I.. T. Pa?due. " E. Gray, New Cattle, J. P A'dams, JonesviHe, N.C Diptheria and its Cure. I same time moisten a flan The following extract ba3 already j.nel with) a solution of the appeared in our colkijans, some live or j same kind, mide as warm 6ix weeks ago, whes v ,thtj disease of j as the patient can bear which it treats wasnknownr in. our it, andi bind itaround community;' but. ad-npe ihyit -period, j hi throat, renewing, itj it has intruded itself .,; among m and ; as- ofteni as the' gargle is! claimed two or thri. victiiii-?,.we re-j administered, and in the publish 'the extractand invito the jt meanwhile sprinkling? particular atteution , our readers to fine salt between the it: E - flannel and the neck. 'This singular disease, which ha3f,'Bs?e inwardly some ton tjiu fiirJ8eeHic;i'l to:le tbe skill of., ic:0 stimulant, cither our 'best-.phylicfanisays he.-Cinc'iB- j separately, or if prostra rlati Prrss,) has becn s'V generally tion be jgreat, use Jbotb, prevalent and has( hep .so.generauy togethe. ,'lho treat fatal .that any suggestion iu regard to ment, as may be seen, , its cure will hardlyvpivive uninterest- w extremely Bimple.nd in. Its -caases oreot known, and j if used in Ibe earliest thertfore.all treatment has hither tor stages of the disease will foreseen merely " exjleriinenttrT; but! its pathognomic 'uiptom.s are so di-j versified anddisiirairaT' that in many ""TinstnTJes.'the throat' of the patient c'lo- J - - V , t i o. I i .: h'. e fleet a complete cure - ..v . 'I feel,' said art. old lady, 'that" I've got a- sesanihe. dies'befbt? his diseases bout through withlthU discovefed. ;gThe dfenotic: by;,vh1ch world. .1- shan't enjoy it is known fron $mt complaints of the throat is the formation of .a mein brane. w hich increases gradually nn- j til the patient is literally stranged to Dear Bjietiiren .: . . - According to appointment, I have written unto yovr this -Circular: I haye cnosen the subject of Fajtii'axd Oood Works: -First, Our ,v$rks cannot reconcile us io uou, auu - I rnoMrftrn fW t his lS'pffected alone tfiroaon rami: wnen vse .itj, Tt is sometttjes accompanied Ui;-''AitV rmstnrr. frrrriverf: fat Ohrist'sakeVwho i the only j bv ulcerationand extreme prostration .-, . .i -r.i tt ' u-f -i.r, r.f tlm pntirp svstftm-iianxl'in oihers bv Mediator who can reconcile we-.xaiuw. ..Aier uuiv, vv, I , . r i-iT V presumes to despises Christ a i -i - Gosnel. The doctrine of faith, is in many places, clearly ! wouci therefore seem equivalent to - 13 iJLr n ,f.K P-.nl AsnMuliv-in Enhesians. 2nd-i enriner the disease, and this, in most aim ewwanj u -- ? i , r - ; o -. . , chapter, and 8th verse r " By grac yare sareu, . .' ' . . . t " -A -4? . and that not of yourselves, it .is i toe gn vyu, , o :I,.;u,. ;Ws ac lest ehlV man should -boast, thate recieye grace, and are jus- c n ml i -b a60r4.aess and swelling tiffed before God, bylaitn m unnst, ana not uy wuns,;iui,wu: of. the throat, let too. patient use a sun science much more trouble An clitor recording the career of a mad dog Says"; 'We a re. grieved 'to say that the rabid animal, bclore a qouiu V H iV"u-f ....v.. therohhesemMyet in el- be killed, severely; bife cfiect this by works, and, by such to merit g ,To ar-fDr. Hart aifd Wtral rrst, and seeks his own way -to God, contrary to.the:. 0 this membrane ther dogS ' uid tnereiore seem equivalent - ino' the disease, awl this, in mostj . An experienced 'old - . i . t ' . i . . i j,. ; i,a t 4 1 aw o tr rnn ma k r dnnter and 8th terser" By grade Xrt sareti, turougn iaita ; instance?, wajuoiie hi - . ri'ir J la cnapter, anu oui er.e. sj j , 1 inVfrnhnpr IIfPtlr -early stages of: love to a. widow who has not oi woi.e.,i o - --.I, - r-TOk:--'.;,; " lw r ac-U danrrhtpr twehtv Veara onnnnt nnme to rest and peace through works, but by i Db solution of sakfand water, as a faith onjy,.that.ior- Christ's. ske, it bath a merciful God. As gargle, etery fifteeminutes. At the a daughter twenty eara, younger, than : herself, begin by declaring that you thought- they were sisters, . 'i j -t : i 1 4 : ; ! I i ' - hi i r.

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